i HAA Ts ea: § A ad HOW Cured of Malaria ‘I was for over five years troubled with Malarial Fever. It would almost always come on in the Spring and would bother me for the remain- der of the summer. I tried different medicines, but they did not seem to help me. I also had the doctor off and on for some time but the next year I would be troubled just the same and I would have to be at home for several weeks, I would bein bed onc day and have chills and a heavy fever, and the next day I would be up about the house, and this is the way I would be for several weeks each summer. “1 fins lly decided to try some good blood medicine, so I began taking Pinkham’s Blood Purifier, and found it did me lots of good. 1 began taking it early in the spring and continued taking it all through the sum- mer. I found, after taking .. few bottles, that my body was covered with pimples, and it seemed to drive all the humor out of my blood. After that I felt much better, and now I am just as healthy as ever I was, and L am never troubled with Malerial Fever.’ —Grorak P. STRONG, 85 Grove= land Street, Lynn, Mass. Thousands of people believe in Pinkham’s Blood Purifier Malaria is caused by a parasite which gets into the blood, and inless the blood is in a healthy condition and has normal resisting properties, they attack and destroy the red corpuscles, and so seriously impair the ge neral health. Chills and fever are the most marked symptoms of Malaria, which can be cured by purifying and enriching the blood. Mr. $*rong found that Pinkham’s Blood Purifier cured him after all other means had failed, and what it did for Mr. Strong it will do for other sufferers, ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT WHY DON'T YOU TRY IT? EF 17 VV | i | | shtana {un | PENNSYLVANIA DUTCH Bumblesock Has to This Week What Shwilkey Say Yaw, ich bin shunt gatzooga fer lus dich druf ich bin ower aw | froe Des ferdult gatzook glich ich now fer shure net un du kondsht dich Des gatzeek oll kumpt, druf ferlussa. about buttel aw usht recht, won is usht holver Won de S50 room se der loga, un wons tzite is fer essa, sell is de tzite es ich room henk ower | es onner soch es mere du mus om a well ich glichs net in der mus drawga un tzook Waer Mer dihenker duts glicha schlafa socher bis mer der du, tzant-—shwara uf socha wons witer ich shure drawga mindt 1 un tell yu don bin shpicher SO now fer on tzooka gept gronk. Ich bin letshta Fridawk gotztooga | un hop sheer ollas uf en shoop kar- ich——mitema en naeger in de lonna, un du konsht usht denka, we sell op gonga is. Ollas is recht shay gon- go un ich kon net glawva, ower seller | orem neager—ich hop ene fer shure 1ft mols gadowert Aer hut olly ga- but gagruckst we aer seller shoop { karrich ols uf ghova hut, ower de no is aer draw gonga we en gowl, Won ich witer tzook denk ich in- vite ich oll de lite im shtettle de no I newts net so long in TE) OO * 0 oh = . TRAMPS " » BOTH HIGH AND LOW HAVE JUST ARRIVED. = THE S. S. S. “TRAMP” SHOE FOR WOMEN IS DESIGNED =H | NOT ONLY TO CORRECT ALL EVIL EFFECT OF FORMERLY = . IMPROPERLY FITTED SHOES, BUT TO PREVENT ANY AND = ALL FOOT TROUBLES 2 = n a a = They Are Here - - . » a = " = = ® a = - 8 In the latest Spring and Summer models, in Mm ® Patent Colt, high button and blucher patterns | = @ and Patent Colt, Gun Metal Calf, Tan Russia o@ un and Black Vici Kid Blucher, low quartered Shoes | mn " High Shoes $3.50—Low Shoes $3.00. f= | a = THE “TRAMP” SHOE “FITS THE ARCH” = - Hm = WE INVITE vou a w TO CALL AND INSPECT OUR LARGE ASSORTMENTS or WN nu MEN'S, BOYS', AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING—HATS, CAPS, & ® AND FURNISHINGS—SHOES FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHIL- m| DREN, ALSO TRUNKS, TRAVELING BAGS AND SUIT CASES. = T= :S Scheid and Sweeton = ¢ Sayres, Scheid and Sweeton : a 28-30 East King Street, LANCASTER, PENNA. a 1 TE 1 10 1 1 al efesfosfurforfoofecfesfesforfoofeofesfesfosfosforfesfosfecfosfocfosfradecfesteciecfocfeaortosfocfunforfecfecacgosociocfacfocforfecfooforfosforecforer] o-Carts of worthy the name. The Heywood Are here in all the popular finishes and styles. That are COLLAPSIBLES, SLEEPERS, ROADSTERS, PERAMBULATORS. patterns. They are to please We want sure style vou to see these new vou in and price. Hoffmeier < Brothers LANCASTER, PA. Po eTeslesTootoeleotootestestoote ete sloeteetosTootostectes Toole oto ote ctorte ote Roche Berto ate ae ale uf. oF. 8. o8, 8. 8. 8. 5. 8. 40-42 EAST KING STREET, sedoreofosdosioolorferiovierforieoferfeoforforforiesfenferionforiosfosieioforiesd deference shied deseo do fool o Oh sferocie sfonforfortesfesfosfeofontoctsfosfecfacfacfectostontectontororfaciocfifosfonofacfocforforforereriecferfoctosococfocosorfeeforfeciosfonies] THE GRAIN HOUSE OF THE ESTABLISHE] WILLIAM L. BEAR & CO. (Members Chicago Board of Trade) BROERE ERS VSYLVANIA BUILDING, Chestnut and 15th Sts., PHILADELPHIA STOCHKS-BONDS—- INVESTMENTS 30 SECONDS 2 MINUTES To Chicago Board of Trade. To any Grain Market in America Lancaster Branch 220-226 Woolworth Bldg. EAST 1897 On and After Ten Celebrated With Every APRIL Ist, 1911 IHN Doilar’s Worth You Will Get Trading stamps "02! Purchased F. H. Baker's COAL and LUMBER YARDS pO p= ATRIA Mount Joy, Penng. Sole agent for Congo Roofing. No. 1 Cedar Shingles always on hand Also Siding, Flooring, Sash, Door , Blinds, Mouldings, Lath, Etc. Agents for Alpha Portland Cement. Also Roofing Slate Estimates Quickly and Cheerfully made on all kinds Building Material. miata mal lem emesis To Be Read Twice Two friends, a weaver, and a tail- so much un HE WEEKLY BULLETIN MOUNT JOY, PENNA. MY DAUGHTER "WAS CURED ‘By Lydia E. Pinkham’'s Vegetable Compound Baltimore, Md.—*I send you here. | | with the picture of my fifteen year ol | | or, became in time enemies, so that the tailor spoke much evil {of the weaver behind his back, tho the weaver always spoke well of the tailor. Upon a lady asking the weav- er why he always spoke so well of the tailor, who spoke so ill of him, he replied: ‘“Madame, we are both { liars.” eR A Mann Anxious to Know ‘Tell me,” said the society woman who had consented to meet the well- known actress ‘how you manage about your photographs.” “Do you mean how I manage to supply the demand for them?” “No. How do you manage to have them show the face you had twenty vears ago and the hair and costume of the present day?” memset Gess— Firemen Attention! The stated meeting of Friendship Fire Company No. 1, will be held on Telephone No. 833. Opposite Old P. R. R. Depot | Lancaster, | | | ] { | Thursday evening, May 4. 1391). Members will without further notice. Attest: —C. B. please attend IERSHEY, Secretary TROLLEY SCHEDULE Rohrerste™, Landisville, Salunga, Mt. Joy and KElizabeth- town Street Railway Co. WESTWARD Leave Lancaster—a m. 4.30, 9.15, 10.15, 11.15; p. m. 4.15, 5.15, 6.16, 7.15, 8.15, 11.15. Leave Robreryjown: a m, 4.50, 5.35, 5 = ws 35 n, Ts 57, ot “ » Od, Of . Le: ve 'S Jlunga ge m, 5.15, 6.00, 7 .00, 1 9.00, 10.00, 11.00, 12.00. P m, 1.00, 2 | 4.00, 5.00, 6.00, 7.00, 8.00, 9.00, 10.00, 12.00. IL.eave Mount Joy—A m, 5.30. 6.15. 7.15 § 10.15, 11.15. P m, 12.15. 1.15, 2.15, 5. 5.15, 6.15, 1.15, 2.15, 9.15, 10.15, ot Elizabethtown—A m, 6.46, 7.46, i .456. 11.45. Pm, 12.45. 1.45, 2.456 .45, 6.45, 7.45, 8.45, 9.45, 10.45, A m EASTWARD Elizabethtown—A m, , 10.45, 11.45. P m, 12.45, 1.46, 6.45. 7 Z 2. 5, 5.45, 6.45, 7.45, 8.45, 9.45, 10.45, A m 8. Mount Jov—A m, Fo0% 11.15. Pm 1215 .15. 2. 6.15, 7.15, 8.15, 915 10.15, 1 Salunga—A m, 6b. 5%, 11.30. P m, 12.30. 1.30 6.30, 7.30, 8.30, 9.30, 9.20, 10.20, 1130, 5.30 . 1.00 Leave I: indisville—A m, 5. 3.33, 9.33, 10,33, 11.33. P. m, 2.22, 3.33, 4.33, 5.33, 6.33, 7.33, 8.33, >» 1.03. I.eave Rohrerstown—A m, 6. 8.66, 9.56, 10.56. 11.56. P m, 12.55, 3.55, 4.56, 5.55, 6.55, 7.56, 8.55, 9.55, 10.55. 1 A m, 1.25. 6.30%. Arrive 9.15, 10.15, 2.15, 3.15, 4.15, LA 10.15, 11.15, A. m On at Lancaster—A m, 115. Pm, 1215, L15, 6.16, 7.15, 8.15, 9.15, 5. 1.45. Saturdays a car will leave Lancas- ter at 10.15 p m; Leave Elizabethtown 11.46 p m. On Saturdays and special oceasions cars will be run betwwen Lancaster and Mt. Joy every half hour Porm 6.15 a. m. to 8.15 first car leaves I.ancaster at 6.156 a. m. Leave Elizabethtown at 7.46 a.m; Car marked (x) connects with News Express at Lancaster. p.m. Sundays, Instead of Liquid Antiseptics or Peroxide simple than many people are now using Paxtine Toilet Antiseptic The new toilet germicide powder to be dissolved in water as needed. For all toilet and hygienic uses it is better and more economical. , To cleanse and whiten the E== teeth, remove tartar and Eo prevent decay. 7 To disinfect the mouth, de- stroy disease germs, and purify the breath. To keep artificial teeth and bridgework clean, odorless To remove nicotine from the teeth and purify the breath after smoking. To eradicate perspiration and body odors by sponge bathing. The best antiseptic wash known. Relieves and strengthens tired, weak, inflamedeyes. Heals sorethroat, wounds and cuts. 25 and 50 cts. a box, druggists or by mail postpaid. Sample Free, THE PAXTON TOILET CO,,BosTton, Mass. daughter Alice, who | was restored to | “thealth by Lydia E. .|Pinkham's Vegeta- {ble Compound. She was pale, with dark circles under her eyes, weak and irri- table. Two different doctors treated her and called it Green Sickness, but she grew worse all the time. Lydia E.Pink- kup ous ema bummelly sch-|ham’s Ve getable Compound was rec- ommended, and after taking three bot- tles she has regained her health, thanks to your medicine. I can re commend it for all female troubles.”’—Mrs, L. A. CORKRAN, 1103 Rutland Street, Balti- more, Md. Iundreds of such letters from moth. ers expressing their gratitude for what Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com- yound has accomplished for them have Pon n received by the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Company, Lynn, Mass. Young Girls, Heed This Advice. Girls who are troubled with painful or irregular periods, backache, head. ache, dragging-down sensations, faint. | ing spells or indigestion, should take | immediate action and be restored to | health by Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vege. table Compound. Thousands have been restored to health by its use. Write to Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, | Mass., for advice, free, | An Manager- change and Artist The Can make | quick parts? The the scene where the fighting, yon double in a few Actor-—Can? Say you know] “Love and lobsters” and in hero villian are and d all other the friend rushes in Well, 1 rht ill, and a ‘em? three parts one nig separates playe when the two fellows were i -C—— Many Lancaster persons from town wer atl | Saturday-—Circus Day ir spite of the inclement About Your Lawn? er wae Are you not contemplating enclos- ing it with shrubbery of some kind, for instance California Privet, in- stead of that old, eye sore fence? The cost will not be much and think of how much better it will be in ap- pearance. It should and will im- prove the value of your property {fifty per cent. The time for plant- | | | | i | | ing is not far distant. possi- Hedging, nice Think address | If you don't want bly you can mental or Fruit Trees? over and if in need call Orna- this use some or eee BY ie W. S. Krady [Bell Phone. MOUNT JOY. PA HARRY W. GARBER | Local Agent | West Main St., Mount Joy, Pa. Warm Weather Is Here and you are out of doors again with your Kodak. Those of you who are not familiar with Kodakery will find the making of Pictures much more you imagine; so simple that the novice often gets the credit of being an expert. And who couldn't own a Kodak when they can be bought for $2.00 up? Remeber, Eastman Kodaks Only W.B.BENDER PA. MOUNT JOY, | Quartette, MAYTOWN Charles C. Hicks is visiting at caster the visiting at l.u- New Rev. G. Arthur, pastor of theran church i Holland A number from this sec this of people tion were in Lancaster week, at tending court, Hiram Jacobs, the Professor former | | superintendent Institute of for the Blind at Pittsburg, is a brother | of Mr. Jacobs | Memorial services will be held | here to commemorate the death of | the child of Prof. A. 8. Longenecker | | at some future period The child | died of menigitis, and was ill only | la short time { Reports are current that acreage of tobacco in this and adjoining townships this year will far exceed that of the previous years, due to the excellent crop of the past season and the favorable Mr. and Mrs. the oldest celebrated a prices paid. John 1. residents triple Mr on Tuesday the day resided in {all their Philadelphia, Marietta, Jacobs, two of of Maytown, event at their Jacobs was T4 and Mrs. Jacobs before. Both county home here. years | of age was 73 have Lancaster nearly Their idjdren Bridgeton, N helping them | brate this week's events. In addition their fiftieth Mr. Jacobs is (a well-known real estate man. | ei uee— lives. from and cele- are to {they are celebrating | wedding aniversary. 1 Resolution of Respect It has seemed best to the all wise [Ruler of the universe to transfer from earth to heaven our beloved sister, Mrs. W. B. Bender, and altho |we are saddened and grieved beyond | expression, yet we bow in humble submission to the divine will, know ing whether jovous or grievous, our i Lord doeth all things well In the dispensation of Providence, our organization has lost a faithful member and the committee, a wise counselor and a willing worker One by one our beloved workers cease from their labors and familar faces fade away from our sight, yet death is only the door between the daylight here and the unfading light beyond It is only a little way a cross, and when sunset came to our departed friend and co-worker, there wi golden path all the way to the Cele tial Countr We commend to the grace of Ge her beloved husband and dear daugh , that amid their tears and mourn they may be enabled to look to that healeth sorrow Mrs. J. E. Longenecker Edith M. Bentzel M1 Rinehart, Mrs. H. N. Nissly, Mrs. J. S. Eby. A DG ern The Great N. A. One ol the latest crimes to be treated in the North American’s series of “Pennsylvania’s Greatest Cmimnal Mysteries" is the murder of Chris- tian Ranck, of Paradise township Lancaster county. Rank was shot by some person hiding in the cellar of his home Some small tracks, which might have been those of a woman, were found in the snow the nextemorning Many arrests weret made, but no evidence could be iound ainst those persons who were taken into custody, and all of them, they being mostly tramps, were released. One romantic feature of this crime is that the murder w and that all mystery, as com- mitted on Christmas eve 1 the surroundings of a happy holiday scene accompanied the frightful trag- edy. The North American is printing one of these Pennsylvania mysteries every Sunday All of them appear to be interesting to general readers as well as crimnal lawyers, and are certainly worthy of preservation as chapters of crimnal history of the state This story will appear in the Sun day North American, April 30, 1911 smears tA) Reseemmemne Coming Concert at Lancaster Mrs Parker, Philadelphia, is the Philadelphia Lillian soprano of most val one of the valued ued members of Operatic Society, alike for her and her charming per- beautiful voice sonality. She will appear for the] first time at Martin Auditorium, Y. iM. C. A. Lancaster, Tuesday evening, | May 2, assisted by the Orpheus Male] Miss Helen M Ammerman, Club; Little Gunhild Jette, Cassel, Schreck Reader of Lucile | Child | Jaritone. | Pianist, H. E. F. and M. Glee Rohn, Violinist; This splendid program arranged with | so much variety is under the person- | vocalist; Chas. al direction of Mrs. Mahlon O. Rohn | Tickets are 50c¢, general oe 35¢. The box office Y. M. C. . will} open for reserved seats, Sat. So 29. Tt is hoped the music lovers of | Mt. Joy will take advantage of this | concert. mee Uli cmseeenes Said Yes; Then No T. Roberts Appel, attorney for Mary A. Miller, has entered a suit in Court against A. B. Cohen to re- cover $5,500, alleged to be due as the purchase price of a property in Elizabethtown, that the defendant agreed to buy, but later refused to accept. rr tll Qe IN OUR CHURCHES Church of God On Sunday morning the pastor ev. G. W. Getz, will preach on The Resurrection, to be followed by bap- tism. In the evening coynmunion will be held. 3 Lan ¥ | | | {EAST MAIN STREET, | as Baths, Hot and Cold Water, ee Wednest gy, Strong . J Healthy Wornen an is strong and healthy in 4 womanly way, mothe ans to her but lite subiering, The troubie lies ct that the many women suier from weakness and of the distinctly feminine organism and are unfitted * for motherhood, This can be remedied. » 3 s oy. » » Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription Cures the weaknesses and disorders of women. It acts directly on the delicate and important organs concerned in motherhood, making them healthy, strong, vigorous, virile and elastio. in the disease “‘Favorite Prescription’’ banishes the indispositions of the period of expectancy and makes baby’s advent easy and almost painless. It quickens and vitalizes the feminine organs, and insures a healthy and robust baby. Thousands testified to its marvelous merits, It Makes Weak Women Strong. It Makes Sick Women Well. Honest druggists do not offer substitutes, and urge them upon you as ** just as good.”” Accept no secret nostrum in place of this wom-secret remedy, It contains not a drop of alcohol and not a grain of habit- forming or injurious drugs. Is a pure glyoeric extract of healing A na rants, of women have CONCRETE CONCRETE The world has been crying for a better fire and water proof building material: and cool in Summer and at the same time inexpensive. What material will answer this purpose better than Concrete? The United States as well as all the foreign countries are establishing concrete as a standard for all kinds of construction work as it has all these qualifications and last but not least durability. 1 would suggest that if any one is in doubt as to the material, manner of construction, ete., that they call at my place of business and see what I have to offer. I will guarantee a satis- factory job and my best evidence is to have vou ¢éall on people for whom I and more durable, is warm in Winter stronger something that have erected entire buildings and hear what they have to say. Permit me to give you a demonstration of the advantage of buying from me. If a man went into a store for a hat, he would be quite dis- gusted if his only selection would be a black stiff hat or a black felt hat wherein his intention was the purchase of a gray, brown, red or blue hat. Suppose a man is interested in building a home or some other building. I can show him many different designs or combinations of building blocks in almost any color desired. 1 can’t help but have something that will please you. I invite you to call and see what T have to show you in this line. Get my prices and make comparisons with others Am equipped to do all kinds of Concrete Work, Best Quality of Cement for sale, will guarantee all concrete and building blocks waterproof. What more could you desire? I can save you from 35 to 50 per cent.. Having had 27 years experience in building, I will give you the benefit of my vast experience and it will cost you nothing so if interested, call and see me. g— Svswnas FI.ORIN, . PENN A. We Use Scientific Instruments y determine the needs of vour eye There is no guess-work about our examinations. They are just as accurate as trained skill and ex- perience can make them They cost you nothing, so you certainly ought to have the benefit of them, if you have any sight trouble at all. They mean the right glasses, the only kind vou can afford to wear. Pirosh {& Simmons JEWELER AND OPTICIANS Next Door to Shaub & Co’s. Shoe Store 20 N. QUEEN ST.. LANCASTER Trimmed Hats For Ladies, Misses And Children We have added this new line to our stock and it is to your advantage to call and examine these splendid offerings before buying your Spring Hat. All the latest Styles, Shapes and Colors. Prices range from 8b6c¢ for Children’s to $1.00 for Ladies GOODS | CHILDREN'S MUSLIN DRAWERS [a pair, 135c¢. WHITE at attractive prices LADIES’ GAUZE VESTS MISSES' MUSLIN DRAWERS. a Lace Yoke plain; Regular and ex pair, 20¢ tra sizes, 10c. PILLOW CASES. unexcelled SF LADIES’ WHITE SKIRTS ” i es 0) je - 0 Excellent quality, deep lace andi” HtvEx pol wail, oF . and 35c. embroidery ruffle with separate dust BOLSTER CASES. each 35c. rufile, 50c. and $1.00 MUSLIN SHEETS, ndid value CORSET COVERS, deep and 90 In. 300. embroidery voke, big values for the TOBACCO MUSLIN, per 35¢., and yard, 4c. price, 23c., aa } . j S=—— | American Plan Rates Moderate Exchange Hotel Mount Joy, Pa. J.M. Backenstoe, Prop | KENTUCKY WHISKEY for Gentlemen who cherish Quatity: been remodeled thruout. | Has just conveniences such | | Has all modern Electric Light, Ete. Heat, For Sale By S. DEARBECK Table is Supplied W ith the Best | ‘MOUNT JOY, PIN A the Market Affords. | - dooforfecfoofoofefoutroorfosfoofocfrfoalonforipeitorte dsp Toot Ek HARRY WILLIAuS § BARBER Massaging Razors Honed Toilet Waters & Shaving Soaps ae 0 0 Hlso Lunch Counter Where Soups, Sandwiches, Checse, Tripe, Oysters in Every Style Etc., Etc., are served BAR IS STOCKED WITH THE BEST BRANDS | OF BEER, WINES, LIQUORS & CIGARS | Good Stabling Accomodation Local and Long Distance Telephone-' Hair Cutting Shampooing | | | Shaving | Singeing Agency For Elkhorn Laundry Opp. First National Bank MOUNT JOY, PENNSYLVANIA moze