\ g, and work it hard. tes Qs 2 bad feature. Get your oats PAGE THRER. ra THE THE BULLETIN |of the ground in the spring. Where | Ehes get a quick early start they will ry >» MOUNT JOY, PA. [get to a point of safety before the J. EB. SCHROLL, Editor & Prop'r.| excessive heat in July strikes them niet i liae— SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 50c A YEAR| The Tale of or Bell v “1 wouldnt take a thousand 34 arr Spangler, of Mariet \ 0 ’ Six Months. .. .... 25 Cents In 1849, Barr Spangler, of bor ope| dollars for 1 VINOL has { ) 'S 2 an, bought ” . Single Copies. ... .. 2 Cens ta, now the town 8 oldest ma bo g done me. Wi d that Cod Lives Sample Copies. ..... FREE a hell for $600 and presented it to Oil led for [the town Long out of use, it wa mv w wd poor Entered at the post office at Mc unt |£old some time ago by the town coun bloc { asy Joy as second-class mail matter. {cil to B. Frank Hiestand, who pre m told All correspondents must have their | onted it to the Zion Reformed con me | | communications reach this office not | : ey only 4% gregation. At a large public meeting tor DroD- later than Monday. Telephone news | ~ Prog of importance between that time and [held in the church on Sunday after erties ¢ hout the 12 o’locck noon Wednesday. Chan-|noon, all the ministers of the town grea nade \ & 1d y C e e \ rel ee ) Monday night. New advertisements : for n i lay ain inserted if copy reaches us Tuesday| Lodge Imstituted at Elizabethtown strong Sighs. Advertising rates on appli- On Thursday evening Elizabeth A }. 1 VDER, ca . on town Lodge, Loyal Order of Moose, sboro. N. C was instituted with 100 members. | F y ; ’ I M. J. Holland, State organiz and | We enuaineness of the darmers 0 umn J. B. Grissinger, deputy State or abo — ganizer, were in charge of the insti-| Ww O1 it] il Gla . . { e VOL. with the VALUABLE INFORMATION FOR tution | . 1 “gps 3 1 rR r BR e] PN T rstand BW § OUR SUBURBAN FRIENDS - | undersian that if it does Dam Halts the Shad not gi e the purchaser per- By . : wm Tne 3 i » fis adde | . The Profit in Oats—To Prevent Unable to find the fish ladder in fect satisfaction, we return Crows from Distributing Corn Seed the McCall's power dam, thousands | hi | . ‘ F ahs ave o halted heir nev Garden Seeder a Necessity— of shad have been halted on their| 11S MONE without que stion. Good Garden Implements—Other way up the Susquehanna river and | W il vou trv a bottle une Notes can be seen swimming at the foot of | et] taney Nees the structure, where they are being der these conditions one ; ; ts nino. |DR. E. W. GARBER, DRUGGISI Train the young tree in the or-|c¢aught with dip nets and seines._ | Mount Joy. Pa : p a_i | i JOY, a. chard right from the start. Low headed trees are best; therefore In Operation | MASTERSON VILL prune from the top down and not Elizabethtown now has a pretzel | Monroe Gibble bonzhi fis from the bottom up. bakery in full operation Andrew ast i; A 1 Ricker is the owner, and is baking| " : Apples will not be overproduced | ORT 15 tHE he qd 1s ung} E. 8. Shonk Vo : until every man, woman and child large quantities of the Original Steam) 1st weel an, ¢ ‘ Swat hich nee Aelin . 3 | ness li ¢ in the land has had all the apples PEctinls Wh h are delicious and the Pires. Flovsh I olan. ‘wa est yet. he or she can use, and gets them at Y in town last w el Crees a moderate price. D1 Alexander is kept 1 He Got His Price 1 Before starting in fruit culture for 3 ‘ a A ttending to the sicl als ) County Commissioner L.. R. Reist : x market visit the progressive, prac-| id his tobac 2 tow das t Elmer Witmer pul SO S )ACCO ew days ago a 1 tical fruit culturist and study de- 123 cents. Raving Lold it Gil i t horses at Manheim 23 cents, having hel¢ he go % : tails; also learn the cost of bushes, i xi Be John Fraelich is able to ¥ 0 the price he wanted His neighbor ) e 3 £ ed Ss gnbors 1 1 method of culture and the returns. : 2 again and we ar ad to see hi . sold theirs at ten cents some months 1 Diseased wood on a tree can never at Mosses Hollinger, of hite Oak ago. = = be made new again. Cut it off and visited his father, Jacob 111 le : allow another shoot to grow. Every Littl Miss Leah Fasnacht spent a V : aA e drops of water, itl 1 . Mp ‘ day that such wood remains on a Falli I the : days with her sister, Mi Jame 3 112 : falling on le sand, > tree adds to the liability of losing A Bahney. Make the farmers angry : . it. Qur supervisor, I. Host , pu i Who till our retty 1: . D1 It is an excellent plan to white- till our pretty land chased a new road scraper for th wash the trees, filling the cracks of township. the bark with lime, so as to fill up THE FAVORITE FLOWER Christian Endeavor is held every the hiding places of fruit pests, as Sunday evening the ( rook well as to destroy many which are church. hiding. Rev. Sternat preached his fare : : £ y 1 . Hints for the spring: A few drops =N), [v cll sermon at the Colebrook church of gasoline applied with a medicine f ae > “ Sunday morning at 10 o’clock dropper to the heart of each dande- Sg, 1 \% ——-tw : : : D \ i om lion plant will, it is claimed by sev- 7 NN Midnight in The Ozarks eral who have tried it, kill the weed NF And yet sleepless Hiram Scranton quickly. oY of Clay City, Ill., coughed and cough Good garden implements are es- 3 ed. He was in the mountains on the sential for successful gardening. 4 advice of five doctors, who said h Much of the benefit and pleasure de- J / | had consumption, but foul no he rived from work in the garden is {/ |in the climate, and start missed by having poor tools. Spend | Hearing of Dr. King's New Di part of your leisure in getting the [he began to use it. ‘I believe i tools in shape. for the season is the Lily,—the em-| saved my life,”” he rites ‘for t The question of the proper amount blem of purity and all that is fair./| made a new man of me, so th of seed te sow is never settled. Two Business does not have flowers for its | can now do good work again,” Io and one-half bushels of average oats, emblems, yet the utmost fairne ss | all lung diseases, coughs, la sown broadcast, not too much on |characterizes our methods of doing | asthma, croup, whooping cough, hay average land and average season, business. We believe in giving real |fever, hemorrhages, hoarseness or | and one-half bushel less when drilled values and we know that our patrons |quinsy, its the best known remedy in, is looked upon as about right by |realize that they get the best value| Price 50c. and $1.00. Trial bottle most oat growers. for their money, with uniform court-|free. Guaranteed by S. B. Bernhart : I8y § £ imes. C} Joy, Ps: The garden seeder is a cheap and esy at all times & Co., Mt. Joy, Pa. a a v ———— practical farm tool. Once one has I''ME WILL GO : x jase 3: 44 a isc racing used it he will not be apt to return |quickly between now and Easter, and | 1ase Ball Prospects Discouraging to former methods nor to regret the [if you contemplate purchasing lhe Lancaster Intelligencer says: small outlay of its first cost. The WI ’ It looks very much now as If ; ; twat] JEWELRY there will be no Lancaster Count) most practical kinds have cultivating. . : : ¢ 1 «ancas / ; : for the occasion, we would suggest|j.aoue. It appears to be impossible attachments that make the ordinary Ta : ; . “|league. Ii appears € 1mpossib an early selection. We have many Sono y thi TE Ala snd hoeing of the garden a much less |i’ "tie br Jovelry and Silver to secure more than four clubs and fl & le Jewelry and w»llver- . : “IM ¢ ‘ 1 y ‘or laborious task. There is no tool in| : that is too small a number to form ware that will add much to the beau-|, -304 league. It was hoped that the up to date form that pays al... 4" iiractiveness of an Easter. iis dik Ws me 5 . f y i sy fnvesto 2 § ¥ activeness of an Kaster Elizabethtown and Mt. Joy would larger annual return in the invest- | setnume. ete ment Yeh iid 4 come in, but things look very unfav- ¢ 3 § 108e \ S he cl ) Thorough tarring of corn will to a orable in those towns, I'he clubs o great extent prevent pulling by crows the county seem inclined to play in- : shehde c ‘ o lease y and blackbirds, but perhaps gophers R V I Fi rl BY dependent ball and the league proj . iti 3 a aay sasible and ground squirrels would only 0 ° J osition does not appear feasible. 3 : ree tl) Cee laugh at it. Moisten the seed with | East Main Street, MT. JOY, PA. warm water, then stir in coal tar R100 WALD, $3100 at the rate of a teaspoonful to the oars Jaden of hi Dopey will foash or peck, being sure to stir until every Si dia dadanaessas draads d disease that pas, be z i 5 able to cure in a $ 8, and 1at n kernel is black. Dry with ashes, land We are Always Prepared to serve fat irr} Iall’s Cat: A h ( ure is the on- o 3 a ft positive cure now Known ) 1e medal- plaster or slaked lime. > cal fraternity Catarrh being a consti- n i i i x 1 1 rr tutional disease, requires constitution- Much interest is shown in the se- © al treatment, Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, ac ting di tly upon the lection of seed wheat and corn; but, ag for oats, people generally seem to think that anything that is called oats will do for the seed. The oats have become so delibitated and weak by constant reseeding year after year that it requires almost perfect condi- tions from the time they are in the ground until harvest to segure a fair yield. The constitution of the plant has been seriously weakened, with the result that any unusual climate conditions reduce the promise of the crop. During the past two seasons oats that started under favorable con ditions and looked promising have fallen away wonderfully and failed te maintain the early promise in the face of weather conditions that were unfavorable, sush as a little too much rain followed by excessive heat, which has produced in many instan- ces rust and in other instances where there were no signs of rust they have been injured by excessive heat. It seems that if the seed had been prop- erly selected the plant would have withstood these troubles. Last seas- on the best oats were raised in Mich- igan. For years farmers have been careless and failed to give proper at- tention to the selection of the seed and then to the proper preparation of the soil. The careless sowing of oats on corn stubble is expensive. Where possible the corn stubble should be removed by fall plowing. No effort should be spared toward getting the soil in good condition. If obliged to use seed raised on the farm the small light weight oats and wild seeds should be blown or clean- ed out. Get the fanning mill work- Late plant- Spring Water ICE: IN ANY QUANTITY at Very Moderate Charges. Don’t fail to see us before plac- ing your order this year. J. N. Stauffer & Bro. Mount Joy, Penna. 9000060060060 0000 9009900090008 00898¢ POPPPPIPVVOOPD BE =o aly HE We Will be Located At King Street WHERE YOU ARE INVITED TO INSPECT THE ONLY STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS GARAGE AND RE- PAIR SHOP IN LANCASTER CITY OR COUNTY. Lancaster Automobile Agents for BUICK, PACKAR LOCOMOBILE e ground early. Oats should be 1 as, soon as the frost is out’ Tele Rfter April Ist] 230-238 West 0. | f the - foundation blood and mucous tem, thereby de stroying g ore of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the mstitution and assisting nature in doin its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hun dred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address: F. J. CHENEY & CO., Tol. O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. — GE Advertising Pulls Says John Wanamaker: “If there is any enterprise in the world that a ’quitter’ should leave severely alone it is advertising. Advertising does not jerk, it pulls. It begins very gently at first, but the pull is steady. It increases day by day, year by year | until it exerts an irrestible power.” Annual Meeting The Annual Meeting of the Men- nonite Children Home Association will be held in Lancaster, at the Mennonite Mission on East Vine St., at one o'clock p. m. on Monday, May first. RE E— No More Camps There The Brownstown campmeeting grove and all the campmeeting para- phernalia have been sold. —C We Need An Apprentice A boy that is desirous of learning printing can secure a good job by ap- plying at this office at once. en oaldrrrlLLDAP S]Pb .]L o L bkaiS.d»R1 | Largest Living Bird The largest living bird in the {world is the ostrich. The average | ostrich stands eight feet high and 300 pounds. ———— Eee weighs Men and Women, hose. 70 per cent. profit. daily. Full or part time. sell guaranteed Make $10 Beginnegs WEEKLY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, Wednesday, PENNA fr ALLER RLL EEL LLL LU LEE LH TTT TT PIRRERRRRRRERRRRRIRERN t CERT ERR RRR HH ARERR RRA FERRIER RRR RRR RRR [ THE MSCORMICK OF THE WORLD, | BEMIS TOBACCO PLANTERS IS THE CHOICE AND HAS BEEN | cag en a ns MeCORMICK SELF-DUMPING | GASOLINE ENGINES OF THE FARMERS FOR 73 YEARS PERRY SPRING TOOTH HAY RAKES | HARROWS IMBODEN IMPROVED LAND COLUMEUS WAGONS ROLLER WITH SPRING | HARROW ATTACH- [{] STAR STEEL HAY CARRIERS MENT WITH TRACK AND ALl vi ( : ILE ROW AN | FIXTURES ron DOUBLE ROW AND | CAMPBELL SINGLE ROW NITW HORSE LIFT CULTIVAT- CORN PLANTERS | OR WI'TH TOBACCO HO- | ONTARIO GRAIN ALS ING ATTACHMENT RIO GRAIN DRILLS ® -. NEW PULVERIZING OWS OHIO PIVOTAXLECULTIVATOR , V PULVERIZING HARROWS RL specially adapted for prepar- ES SL) - |B ng tobacco or ARMOUR TORACCO PERTHAZER The vast majority of farmers choose the McCORMICK BINDER | & ug tobacco ground for because it does splendid work in the field no matter whether the planting. CARARRA PAIN conditions are favorable or unfavorable. The McCormick has a record extending over a period of seventy-three years, which en- ables the farmer to reach a fairly accurate conclusion as to the merits of the machine. Read about the excellent points of the McCormick in the attractive book entitled ‘It Takes the Palm,” supplied free. nn CRRERRRIRENRERRER RRNA RNRRRONREERY ee ENEERRER RARER NER R NARA ARENA RRRREN IRRRRARERN IEEE NER R RRR RRR RNR RRR RRRRANNR NRE PRRRRERER RENEE ARERR ARRAN ERRRNRRERR) En LN CREAR R RRR RR RENNER RENAE ARORA RRNA FOR FIFTEEN DAYS WE WILL MAKE SPECIAL PRICES ON McCORMICK COMBINATION HARROWS AND 1-HORSE CULTIVATORS. Wi E Al \GENCY FOR SULPHATE OF POTASH, RECEIVING IT DIRECT FROM THE MINES, THAT EVERY TO- BACCO AND POTATO GROWER SHOULD MAKE INQUIRY ABOUT. 7,3] =) 1 Vulcan Plows and U niversal Cultivators With Tobacco Hoeing Attachments \RE TWO OF THE MOST USEFUL PIECES OF FARM MACHINERY ON THE MARKET TODAY. DON'T FAIL TO COME AND EXAM- INE THESE MACHINES BEFORE BUYING ELSEWHERE Wheeli eeling Corrugated — | - mn ei a Se —— A Eas nt tet Mt Ci | NSD ee 3 | yd Ba Ear) : a aE Ea - | FAT Ning a ee dB % ee ——, | reer : : & ak Te fe alae) ye wt Fw pus = FR 0 WLR NW ay Fu Z Pett oi ROOLKLING We carry almost any kind of Modern and Improved Machinery used by farmers. Call and see us. 7 g 1 id Bb Sok ® ® LC dn 9 9 ® - J. B. MARTIN © : . O. NEW PICTURES OPEN CARP Bis is the only kind I sell—Furniture that 1s Furniture YESTERDAY Anything you want, from the . 10c. for your choice; over 1,000 cheapest up to the Best Rugs and 1 YH A ‘ ar of them. Some 16x20. Mattings. R ocke IS 11 rors Hall Racks Gold and Hard-wood Frames. ; pre ————— . ; $9 Xi mn rrc——. Picture k ramces Ladies Desks - _ ; OIL CLOTHS AND LINOREUMS i : NEW DINNERWARE Factory Remnants at reduced Extension & Other Tables, Davenports YEW TOILET SUIS prices. | NEW CUT GLASS All the new patterns of Inlaid - NL 1 pe Zs 5 v. . . | : Aiiirie os 6 sod ip [.inoleums, put down by ex : China Closets, Kitche n Cabinets fan mo Sore nt now inoour| = aay perts and Bar Ware, a Specialty. ———— - wo a ————C— furniture Line nvestigate. uf St., Philadelphia, Pa. jun-1-§1 a Wear Proof, 3038 Chegt: { In fact anything in the PARQUETRY FLOORS AND LANA u nde rta ki in £ and Embalming WALL PAPERS and JORDERS a ——— | DECORATIONS Estimates free. Handsome new foreign and domes- New Patterns in =. . BR J. tic Wall Papers. Cut out Friczes; dainty colorings VITROPHANE OTN JOY . PENNA "on het rooms. The stained glass substitute. Expert Paper Hangers. Grills and Window Shades PH bbe B. MARTIN 8 i: THE PEOPLE'S MARBLE ; : 5 3 Corner Wedd King and Prince Streets, LANGA {STER, P | oe Ie 8. i & GRANITE WORKS : : . mm le | % % SHOES OR OXFORDS; I, BLACK, CALF OR PATENT LEATHERS | & z a : ¥ FIRB of Now is the time to order Cemetery work for Spring at big reduct- STORE N EWS OF IN TEREST 4 ions. Satisfaction guaranteed. * There is no newspaper page quite larg ; I Sure days at Elizabethtown, Wednesday and Saturdays. ; ER Tay page quite large enough to contain the entire 2 + «& story of this great shoe stock we've prepared and are now showing in our = s' 2 z % handsome display windows. Just come here-—we'll show you shoe thi 1 OPPOSITE 8S. G. HERSHEY'S STORE, PARK STREET hat ave mating is lies id ’ , (yous lings go that are jmaking this the liveliest place in town—SHAUB'S ogo Ind. Phone 610D., Elizabethtown, or 723B., Maytown. + 4 R % z : % HOW DO YOU JUDGE A SHOE STORE? THERE IS NO DOUBT A tt KEENER & NICHOLAS, Proprietors 3 MAJORITY OF MEN WHO KNOW AND THINK ABOUT THE 8 a * MATTER INTELLIGENTY JUDGE IT BY QUALY * Elizabethtown and Maytown et : a QUALITY 3 - : A The reason is that QUALITY is the one thing that most men and 5 CHARLES W. COBLE Mgr., Elizabethtown. 3 women can’t forget—it’s the one thing that won't wear out —it's the oe nfo tof fof of fonts chefoofoofofoeeofodeofeognd todooeofosfefoofefenfeefnfefeofocfefodosfrfodued built into the shoes satisfaction so rapidly. It keeps our old custo r coming year after yaer, and their freinds, and their friends’ friends, LS —————— {ter them. But you'll have to come here to realize it all: t} ye ISSN hE Nth é he new st C. S. MUSSER. THE BAKER | the greater variety, the better qualities; above all the seasonable Se 3 VOIV Pre > es > 5 s seed if you use Fresh Bread and Cakes Delivered He yory great values we price at $2.50, $3.00, $1.00, $3.00, $6.00 uppasitory through town daily and $7.00. : on, Sep Fresh Doughnuts, Crullers and Dewey . B Buns every Wednesday & Thursday p Funerals, Weddings and Suppers . given prompt attention : ; h Store & Bakery, West Main Street BOOTS, SHOES, RUBBERS and HOSIERY Sold in Mt. Joy by E. W. Garbe: Mount Joy, Pa. > Wi Ev i CALL FOR FREE SAMPIE | Branch Store at W, Ream’s. i8 North Queen Strest, LAF ASTER,