PAG FIVE, Ds... IP AAATT HOW I WAS CURED OF SCROFULA “I was in a very bad condition with scrofulous swellings round my neck. Itstarted with a bunch on the side of my neck and it kept growing until the whole side of my face was swollen. “I had tried everything in the shape of medicines for five years. I had gone under an operation in one of the hospitals in Boston and had them cut out, I had thirty little tubular glands taken from back of my ear down my shoulder. After the cuts healed over they started to come again and worse than before. “After suffering somuch I thought I would try Pinkham’s Blood Puri- fier and before 1 had taken two bottles there was a great change in th: swellings. I continued its use and to-day I am a well woman Every word of this is true. “I cannot speak too highly in praise of Pinkham's Blood Purifier.”’ --Mgrs. W, H. Ha , 38 Adams Avenue, Everett, Mass. The tendend overcome, it m NI erofula lie dormant for years, and then break out anew to = seems to be hereditary and it is hard to ~B from time to time. ( The only known r¢ fula is to keep the blood pure and 3: I : : Rat 1 . 1 | bo t : rich b he use of rifier. It may require long treat- Y ™N ment, but Mrs. Pink! ’s Blood Purifier cured w her of this dr Pinkham ymanati ig # { { “ | } § : v a H g fil =~ ofofesfosgectort ole JoofeoferJostiaenforfocfosdosfusfoctesfonfuefooioefeofesfootonfuofosfs fe cfosfosfesforfsofoceste 2 Je de 5 — oe » é N € w 5 oy t 5 ” 0 : o-Carts Ld ¥ That are worthy of the name. —d Ed oh i The Heywood oe i Are here in all the popular finishes and styles. 3 $1 COLLAPSIBLES, f i SLEEPERS, t + ROADSTERS, i 1 PERAMBULATORS. i We want you to see these new patterns. They are sure to please 2 oP vou in style and price. i * | i Broth i Hoffmeier < Brothers 3 : 40-42 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PA. ofeofooferforfooforteofocforocforfonrofofeofecfosforforfostecfestesfocfecfocfiofecfocfocfeoferocfocfuofenfesfecfocfuofusfosfooforfocfeofesocforfocecterte THE GRAIN HOUSE OF THE EAST { ESTABLISHEI 1897 ~ WILLIAM L. BEAR & CO. (Members Chicago Board of Trade) Sp , f La BPBROERE ERS PENNSYLVANIA BUILDING, Chestnut and 15th Sts., PHILADELPHIA STOCHS— BONDS INVESTMENTS 30 SECONDS 2 MINUTES To Chicago Board of Trade. To any Grain Market in America Lancaster Branch 220-226 Woolworth Bldg. ; seus On and After Ten Celebrated With Every 66 » APRIL 1st, 1911 J! “A. Dollar's Worth @® You Will Get TradingStamps Coal Purchased COAL and Also Siding, Flooring, Sash, Door , Blinds, Moulding, Lath Agents for Alpha Portland Cement. Si mates Quickly and Cheerfu ate 833. ti ephone No. psite Old P, ‘ R. Depot F 3 § oe pS F. H. Baker's LUMBER YARDS Mount Joy, Penna, Sole agent for Congo Roofing. No. 1 Cedar Shingles always on hand \ ding Material. 5 og og oh oF of og oo 5 og go | og oo ; & caster, EERE NEESER E RENEE EARNER LAREN ERR RENNER EE DOERR ENE REE E ORNS ARERR RENNES Our Weekly Grain Letter | Compiled for the Mount Joy Bulle- tin, at Mount Joy, Pa.,, by Wm. L. Bear & Co., Pennsylvania Building, Philadelphia, Pa., by D. B. Lehman, | Manager, Woolworth Building, Lan- Penna. i Phila., April 11, 1911 The week past has been one of | pronounced activity in the grain list, | with a broadening of trade and in- crease in public participation easily the feature. An upward movement of some consequence has been the net result, with closing prices not only substantially above those which have recently prevailed, but with sentiment much improved, and con- ditions in the trade much more healthful An advance in foreign markets a week ago, came while most western arket were closed for municipal elections. The upturn created some thin of a emand for export, and 0 eratures in Europe Ivan 1 1aving en due to ld wave) lower prices resulted there Va continued ac Yaak ) 1 ) . the De hm: | Mfg. Co tf ARERR ERNE ROR R RRR RORRRRRNE la UNE E Thousand = Dollars : Worth : Horse £ Blankets Lap Robes Storm Blankets and Stable Blankets At cost dward Krecke LANCASTER, PA. Jou- R- IST Trunks at Half Price. Great Bar- gains. On The Square. | UT TE TTT LLL HL TELE TEE LETTE Warm Weather Is Here and you are out of doors again with your Kodak. Those of you who are not familiar with Kodakery will find the making of Pictures much more simple than you imagine; so simple that the novice often gets the credit | of being an expert. And who couldn't own a Kodak when they can be bought for $2.00 Remeber, up? Eastman Kodaks Only w.B.BENDER MOUNT JOY, PA. THE WEEKLY BULLETIN HANGE = MAN'S LIFE Made Safe by Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. araniteville, Vt. — “1 was passing through the Change of Life and suffered r Govan from nervousness and other annoying symptoms, and 1 can truly say that Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com- pound has proved jvorin mountains of 4 — ’ Co ei \=/ gold to n as i IN { 3 resto 1 my v A . t i 1ettl I W 1 Me i i eva ne 1 ( de middle-fens I sex foos long, hob en tzaw-lool vaer shunt wullich um der ba room; hob en glaener brown oot gawora os gooked we en drechter un my husa hen uff sex tzoll net|' nunner on my shoe ga-longt Mer sin nuff der Hawsa Barrick | iriggel wake, fn we de train rei| kooma is hut se g'blosa os ich uff de | knee g’'folla bin, so huts mich farsh | rucka. De kars wora full leit; Lots fun shaena maid un dee hen sheer oll nuch mere galocht. Ich hob bul- ly g'feeld. We der conductor kooma is hut der Dad eme en ticket gevva far mich, un in druff nei g'yaked oes g’'doonert hut. We mere ins shtettle kooma sin hov ich room mere grawd g'frogt woo de court is. Uff ame eck fun der shtrose hov ich en lot leit saena shtae un dishbadawda. Ich bin onna for se froga woo de court ware, awvere hen so arnsht- lich g’schwetzed os ich ken wardt nei greega hob kenna. Ich hob en dicker, fetter mon, os der bo h sheer uff em budda shlaft, g'frogt ware seller aent karl ware woo so en fuss mocha daid. Are hut g'sawt are ware en politicianer. “Un wos is en politicianer?’” hov ich g’'frogt. ‘En peliticianer is aener en kondadawt gevva will.” “Un wos is en kondadawt?” “En kondadawt is en mon os room gait hands shaka un licker kawfa far de leit so os se eme en office gevva.”’ “Un ‘wos is en office?” “En office is en blotz woo mer goot batzawlt waerdt far nix do.” “Oh!” hov ich g'sawt un bin ivver de shtrose g’luffa woo de leit in en house nei sin. Ich bin noach un glei bin ich in en grosse shtoop kooma woo en lot leit g’hucked hen. Im feddera end fun der shtoop wore eb- bes os ga gooked hut we en Kkelver fense. Es wara tzwae dish inside fun dara kelver fense un do wora en lot leit droom g’hucked un in bicher g’'laesa. Glei is en dinner, longer mon mit ma schwartza bawrd uff en hoacher shtool ga groddled un hut a pawr mohl g’sawt, ““O yea, O yea,” grawd we de grose-mommy ols sawgt wons era farlaid is. Deno hut are nuch en lot onery socha g’- os boll sawt in English os ich fershtonna hob. Derno is en shaener, uff g’- schmutzder yunger gentlemon nei komma un sich uff en grosser shtool g’hucked on der firehaerd, un woo usht ivver dem is widder seller fet mon ich uff der shtrose aw gadruffa hob nei kooma un sich naevich mich g'nucked. 1 i Ware is seiler mon os dart om \ { RK | jo MOUNT JOY, PENNA. | better firehaerd hucked" hov “ich ene g'- frogt. \ “Sell is ken fire-haerd,” hut are g'sawt, “Sell is der baer un der mon ider Judge, “Doot der baer bisa?" hov ich g'- frogt, Der fet mon hut awfonga locha os si bouch g'shiddled hut, un ivver dem sin noch tswae mon nei comma un sich uff yader side fum Judge g'sitzed. “Ware sin selly karls?” hov ich g'frogt. “Sell sin aw Judges,” hut are g'sawt. | “Wos doona se?” | ‘Se neesa won der Judge sehnoops | der kup nembt, nooka ‘yaw sawgt.’”’ un won are | kel- hob | fun Ivver dem hen de leit in der ich daid ver pen awfonga fechta, un farhof tich ga-glawbed es gevva, “Ware sin selly karls woo in young fowls in a few days kill hould be housed by The sniffy nosed | the fed heavily them. sepearated from well, | themselves, on rich foods, with arsenite of antimony | or quinine in drinking water and | mash. The head should occasionally | be dipped in kerosene—half water, | half kerosene. Two applications have been known to stop the nostril Get one-thousandth of a grain in strength and place twelve of these in one pint of water. If you give quinine give two grains to the fowl per day. This disease is decidedly dangerous among the young fowls, so many die with in- flammation of the lungs, which seems to follow the catarrh. The above di- sease is likely hold of the young in the fall, tending to the older fowls in winter. discharge. arsenite tablets one to take cool days of ex- There is one winter disease of fowls | a year old or over that known among the young—Iliver con-| gestion. It is probably due to a rich ration, like corn and lack of sufficient grit. If one takes sufficient bran with seldom is | corn, as bran is a laxative, the dan- | ger may be averted, though the grit | be missing. Quite often one will not | guess this trouble until the fatter hens begin dying. The reme- dy is varied food, grit and exercise. rrr Qe older, | | Saved His Mother's Life | “Four doctors had given me up,” | writes Mrs. Laura Gaines, of Avoca, La., “and my children and all my] friends were looking for me to die, | when my son insisted that I use| Electric’ Bitters. I did so, and they | have done me a world of good. I will always praise them.” Electric | Bitters is a priceless blessing to wo- | men troubled with fainting and diz- | zy spells, backache, headache, weak-| ness, debility, constipation or kidney | disorders. Use them and gain new | health, strength and vigor. They're | guaranteed to satisfy or money re-| funded. Only 50c¢. at S. B. Bernhart & Co’s., Mt. Joy, Pa. ———— GE Wouldn't You Enjoy Having a good organ in your home? Send us your name and address and we will mail complete list of greatest bargains you've ever heard of. Write to-day. J. H. Troupe Music House, Harrisburg. : met Qe —— Read the Bulletin. { Subscribe for the Bulletin. i 4 { } | { Wednesday, April 12, WeLcome Worbs To \/oMEN Women who suffer with disorders peculiar to their sex should write to Dr, Picroe and receive free the advice of a physician of over 40 years’ ~a skilled and successful specialist in the diseases Every letter of this sort hes the most of women, careful consideration and is regardod confidential, telling to their local physician. The loc without “‘an exami these distaste’.l © 1 less, and that no v Dr. Piss your «¢ hundreds ations C 3 It is the only : physician. The only « ingredient on its outside © tion. No alcohol and no | ulous medicine dealers may « with your health. Write to . V. Pierce, Presider Buffalo, N. Y.,~—t Many sensitively modest women write fully to Dr, Pierce what they wou'd s'wink from al physician is pretty sure to say that he carvot do anything Dr. licree holds that ore fandrally need ake the advice received an experience as sacredly hI rare cases, should submit to them. “racy of von right 14 the ! ‘ ' hen enred Wwription'’ | tof a wegulaviy gradunted s dare to print its every coy, It will bear examina« $ Scme unserups ( on't trifle rv M tion, Dr. R. d be well, found pensa of « Fa COE Jt L Simmons D OPTICI ret all tee ef? in st promem, EE — EE rR * ap yuld 20 N. QUEEN ST.. LANCASTER ——,, LA — feet Me on the Bridge and We'll - Have a Plate of the Best Iee Cream in Town | ART ZELLER'S All Flavors at. All Special Prices to Parties, Festivals, Suppers, Ete. Mrs. CG. H. Zeller Marietta Street MOUNT Times. JOY. American Plan Rates ‘Moderate Exchange Hotel Mount Joy, Pa. J.M.Backenstoe, Prop | LE BE Has just been remodeled thruout. | Has all modern conveniences such | as Baths, Hot and Cold Water, Steam | Heat, Electric Light, Etec. | Table is Supplied With the Best the Market Affords. HAlso iuneh Counter Where Soups, Sandwiches, Checse, Tripe, OySters in Every Style Etec., Etc., are served BAR IS STOCKED WITH THE BEST BRANDS OF BEER, WINES, LIQUORS & CIGARS se sae Good Stabling Accomodation Local and Long Distance Telephone« Albert Strickler W. Donegal St.,, Mount Joy. Flo Also Pigeon and Chick Feed Beefscrap and Charcoal ¢‘/y ain Always in the Market for Nume | ber One Hay. Advertise in the Mt. Joy Bulletin. \ ~ | ( in the ur, Grain & Feed i : i i have on line of Smoked Meats, Ham, Bologna, Dried Beef, Lard, Etc. Also Fresh Beef, Veal, Pork and Mutton. Prices always vight, H. H. KRALL West Main Street, Opp. Bank, MOUNT JOY, hand anything 1 always PA dell HOTEL McGINNIS Telephon The undersigned having remodel- ed the old Mooney Hotel, adding a number of sleeping rooms, bath, ete., is now prepared to entertain trans- ient and regular guests RESTAURANT in connection ith hotel where he will serve in season. OYSTERS and CLAMS in any style TURTLE SOUP, Etc. Ete. Private dining room for ladies. J. WW. MoecG-innis, PROPRIETOR I. W, KENTUCKY WHISKEY for Gentlemen who cherish Quality. For Sale By §. DEARBECK MOUNT JOY, PENNA. TEE RE HARRY WILLIAMS BARBER bs Shaving Massaging Hair Cutting Razors Honed Shampooing = Toilet Waters & Singeing Shaving Soaps Agency For Elkhorn Laundry Opp. First National Bank MOUNT JOY, PENNSYLVAN »