Sooo eececee? o : HRISTMA io) fg 0 0 £2 © 0 Co rright Hart Schaffner & Marx Wil J HH OU may prefer gray, or brown, {¢ or blue for your suit; you may © 3] like a stripe better than a plaid or a club check: or better than a plain col- RQ) or. lt all the same to us. Here are 5 The Best Makes and Patterns For Clothes in all the new colors and weaves; something to suit every taste; and the styles are QQ smart, snappy and full of “go.” Q - ® Special Models For Young Men. o Suits $750 fo $20. Overcoats $6.50 to SIS. Q 8 GETZ BROS. ® Mt. Joy, Hall Biz. Mount Joy. palllllldeellllen on ago, dropped in a fit Boston not long ‘and was taken to a hospital. Upon | removing his coat there was found | pinned to his waistcoat a slip of paper on which was written: | “This is to inform the house-sur- reon that this is just a case of plain i not appendicitis. My appendix | i | i epileptic Independent 800 Bell 8-2 ,, An evi i; has already been removed twice.” reel They took him to the sanitorium moaning feebly: “Thirty-nine, thirty- nine, thirty-nine.” ! “what does he mean by that?” the attendant inquired. “It’s the number of buttons on the | back of his wife's new frock,” the | family doctor explained. That's Us and any old time you| BY have a news item, need a good job | CORDELIA of printing, about advertising that) John F. Gable of near here, shot prings results, or want a Newsy pa-{ 2g rabbits and a pheasant at Mec k, call! (4711's Ferry while on a gunning trip are at| a ess than a cent a wes per for 1 y phone. We us on either i at Cattle Feed TROLLEY SCHEDULE | Lancaster, Rohrerstown, Landisville, | Salunga, Mt. Joy and Elizabeth- town Street Railway Co. | Last year all farmers who used { BOYETA Cow Feed found that this | feed produced more milk and more | beef for a dollar than any other | kind of feed that could be found, WESTWARD - 4.3 leave Lancaste {15 15, 9.15, 2.15, 3.15, 4.15, 5.15 11.15 1s 7.35, 2.35, L 1.57. 2.67, Le: 9.00, 4.00, L 8.15, » . . . i 8.15, is a particular kind of mixture of cotton Am, 7.45 sed meal and hulls—not just 51 iX- B bethtown—A m, 6.45, 7.45, seed meal and hull t 1 plain mix a 20.5, 11.45. Ss a 55 25 ture, such as has been sold ntry 3 415, 5.5, 6.8, 18 BR Bl for many years. The co kind 12.2, : EASTWARD 745 | separate, and the rich meal d off gi 0s Rizal Pm, 12.45, 1.45. 2.465. gets away. 8.45 4.45, 5.95, 6.45, 7.45, 8.45, 9.45, 10.5, Am BOVETA contains 17 per cent Protein. 12.30. 5.3 ~ 15 815, This is much richer than the best wheat , ov—A m, 5.30x, 7.15. 8.15, ys is much richer than th 1 aes ND IB m, 1215 1.15, 2.15, 3.15, bran. Protein is the thing that tells. £15. 5.15, 6.15, 7.15, 8.15, 9.15, 10.15, 1.15.1 Protein makes the milk and makes the beef. a : 3 : A ave. Salunga—A ms S55 ce’ 1 5g ; BOVETA has something besides Pre tein- 9.30, 10.30, 11.30. _ Hd 30. 10.30, 11.30 it has a cud in it. No cow can be satisfied 4 30, 530 6.30, 7.30, 8.30, 9.30, 10% “RR without a good cud. Nothing like Boveta AR * Landisville—A m, i 133. for this. 8.33. 5 03. Sn $.33, 9.33, 10.33, 11.33. | BOVETA is always the same. Every car- 8.33 105 : ee | load is officially sampled and analyzed and e Rohrerstown—A Mm, Mp) = | certified before it leaves the factory. Thus 55, bom. 1% = PD 0.55. 10.55. 11.55. | we are always certain that . 55, 6.55, 7.99, 5.99, v.99, iy i m, 1.25. ; ter—A m, 6.30x, 815.| «The Feed in the Bag is the same rive at Lan 12.15, 115, 215, 3.15. 2 4 15 , 10.15. 615. 7.15, 8.15, 9.15, 10.15, 1115, as the Claim on the Tag Boveta is made by The Southern Cotton Oil Co. Charlotte, N. C. 415, 5.15. AT j215 S5. ar will leave T.ancas- Sor i01 a nr Leave Elizabethtown 11.46 m. ] urdays and special occasions cars a Saturdays and ® Lancaster and Mt.. bo Joy half hour form 6.15 a. m. to 8.15. Sold Pe first car leaves caster at! LEANDER GANTZ 3 09 Lan . H t t 7.45 No. 3. . ™ Leave Ey connoe ath R. F. D. No. 3 Mt. Joy, Pa ¥ ler. Zeller, auct. Friday, Nov. 25—At the Washing- ton House, Mt. Joy, Pa., a very de- sirable property, on Marietta street, in good condition, with all conven- iences, to be sold by Mrs. Mary Gar- ber. Zeller, Auct. Tuesday, Nov. 29—On the premis- es at Kinderhook, a lot of ground with 2-story frame dwelling and outbuildings and a lot of personal | property by Mr. Jacob F. Albright - | Zeller, Auect —— meet Ge ere re CURE YOUR KIDNEYS. Do Not Endanger Life When a Mt, Joy Citizen Shows You the Cure Why will people continue to suffer kidney complaint, disorders, lame- why allow chronic indi is offer- the of backache aAgonies urinary languor, ness, headaches, themselves to become valids, when a certain cure ed them? Pills is the remedy to the kidneys Kidney to use, because it gives the help they need to perform their Doan's work If you gymptoms of the cure have any, even one of kidney before diseases, diabetes, drop- Read yourself now, gy or Bright's disease sets in. this Mount Joy testimony: Mrs. H. N. Nissley, Mount Joy St., Monnt Joy, Pa., says: “I take pleas- ure in again recommending Doan’s Kidney Pills, Since I publicly en- dorsed them in 1907, I have had no recurrence of kidney complaint. My back was very weak and I was annoy- ed by other symptoms of disordered kidneys. There was a dull pain thru loins and I had chills and dizzy Doan’'s Kidney Pills recommended that 1 finally began using them. The first helped me and continued use affected a cure. I am pleased to tell of my experience in view of the benefit I received.’ For sale by all dealers. Price 50 Foster-Milburn & Co., Buffalo sole agents for the Unit- my spells. were so highly few doses cents New York, ed States Remember and the name Doan’s no other a NEWTOWN Mr. Maurice take children with Mr. Wittle and Sunday pent West in this Balti- in and wife of iends and relatives ntwig and Moore sojourned on Sun- lav as guests of Mr. Walter Metzger. Mr. John S. Rhoads, after spending y few day on a visit to in unty, returned on kler Florin his son ( home on Monday i Je and her pleasant on a rtha Waltmeyer friend took a Sunday to Petersburg visit to his relatives. Misses Annie trip on Tyson of Mount Joy and Lowanna Cook, of Columbia, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Witmer. Mr. William Hoffman and wife of Landisville: Mrs. Parr, of Columbia; and Mr. John Mahloney of Downing- town, were the visitors at the ‘home of Frederick Kemmerely on Sunday. After a weeks’ vacation, caused by the convening of the Teachers’ In- stitute at Lancaster, last week, the wheels of education in the public schools are again in the usual motion and reading, writing and arithmetic sung to the tune of a hickory stick, will be the order of the day. Revival services in this place, con- ducted by the pastor in charge, are still in progress and will be con- tinued for this week. Rev. Dixon at present the genial teacher of the secondary department of the public school in this place, will preach on Wednesday and Friday evening on the subjects of Service and Love. Every body is cordially invited to at- tend these services. ——— OE SALE REGITER Thursday, Nov. 17—On the prem- jses in Bainbridge, a fine 3-story brick hotel property, known as the Hotel, stable, shedding, etec., by Annie C. Birch, administratrix of the estate of Henry Birch. Zeller, auct. Hollowbush, att’y. Thursday, Nov. 24—On the prem- ises in West Hempfield township, on the road leading from the Brick Tavern to Kinderhook, near the lat- ter place, a large lot of household goods, and a few farm implements by Reuben Neiss. Frank, auct. Friday. Nov. 25—On the premises Central in the village of Florin, real estate of Aaron Fike, deceased by Mr. Al- bert Fike, Trustee to sell. Frank, Auct. See ad. Friday, Nov. 25—O0On the premis- es in Newtown, a large lot of house- hold goods and a complete set of blacksmith tools by Mr. John G. Mil- Kramer—Marks day evening Mr. Walter | 0 5 place and Miss Stella a » of Mr. and Mrs. C. f this borough were the Lutheran marriage at Parsonage at Manheim, by Rev. A. E. oopel f the ceremony they turned te and at once went | to housekece a dwelling recent- ly erect room Mr. Kram- r is wed as a driver at the Bube by ¢ A Creditable Publication I'l ial number of Progress, a { month iblication by the Lancas- {ter P ng Co., is on our desk, being by Dr. F. L. Rich- ards, p nt, of place. It is a very I » of printing and | contain ( f valuable informa- rion | ———— -———————— \ Steady Employe Mr. John B. Myers, now station | acent at Manheim, who has been in | the employ of the Reading Railway | Company since 1874, has never miss- ed a day's work since that time thru sickness or otherwise. nee tl A Are A Big Card Moving pictures of the Johnson- Jeffries fight were shown at Manheim last Friday evening and the manage- ment was compelled to give an extra show. | | eel A ee. WANTED—An expperienced sales- man in our Domestic Department. Apply in person to General Manager, Foster & Cochran, Lancaster, Pa. The chill felt in the air is due 0 | | YOU have to keep puffing a cigar to get the good of it. Same with a business. An effective way to Puff Your Business just now is to SEND BEAUTIFUL CHRISTMAS CARDS to | acquired and desired customers. See us about the printing of them | KILLED BY A TRAIN | “Old Mosey,” as He Was Familiarly Known, is the Victim —- — | While on his way from his home | at Lancaster to this place on Monday, | morning at 4.39, Mr. Michael Tort, better known as “Old Mosey,” was struck and instantly killed by a pas- senger train at the railroad on the Harrisburg and Mount Joy turnpike, | Great Amusement Device This week's scientifiic American prints the following regarding the miniature railway at Heershey Park “We are accustomed to seeing miniature railway at Hershey Park, ment resorts, but now for the first time we are informed of a miniature electric railway, which has been in- stalled at Hershey Park, Hershey, a mile long Pa. The line is about and of 22-inch guage. The train that runs over this line consists of a locomotive and four flat cars, each provided with seating capacity of a- bout twenty people. The locomotive contains two 10- horse-power motors, and drives the train at a speed of 20 miles per hour. The locomotive is placed at the cen- ter of the train, so that the train may be operated in either direction with- out making it necessary to turn the train around. The line has proved such a success, that it is planned to extend it next year to about four miles.” —— ee Riddles Why is a pig's tail like the letter K?—Because it is the end of pork. When is a person obliged to keep his word ?—When no one will take it What is the riddle of riddles?— Life, because we must all give it up. If a barrel weighs 10 pounds, what can you fill it with to make it weigh 7 pounds?-—Holes. Why is a crow a brave bird?— Be- cause he never shows the white feath- er. Why is an elephant like an oyster? Because neither can climb a tree. Why is my sweetheart like a ten- ecuinea hat?—Because she is very dear. Why is a nobleman like a book ?— Because he has a title and several pages. Why is an orange like a church steeple?—Because we have a good peel from it. Who may marry many a wife and vet live single all his life ?—A clergy- man. Why is the letter Y like a young spendthrift?—Because it makes pa pay. Why can we send no more dispatch to Washington?—Because he is dead. Why is an umbrella like a pan- cake?—Because it is seldom seen af- ter T.ent. Where was Adam going when he es was in his thirty-ninth year?—Into his fortieth. Why is a schoolmistress like the letter C?—Because she forms lasses into classes. eet Rag Town Echoes Some men can mind their business about as successfully as can refrain from giving advice. There are men so lazy that devil is taxed to his utmost to work for their idle hands to do. You cannot pray for yourself leave the people you don’t like No man ever really prays for thing that he is not willing to for. Religion take home use. Many men tie their horses careful- lv, but their tongues run loose. The first mile on the road to hell though it led straight to own they the find and out. any- die is not something you can and keep for your own looks Heaven. The man who lives to please him- . self will find that he has a hard mas- ter. as is life will mean more when we realize that it is the pathway to the next. place in the world. Employ no one to do what you can easily do vourself. than to live elsewhere. more they will appreciate kindness. ————- E———————— court. tics only 80 persons have ever died from snake bite in this country. partly to the advanced season, and partly to the inevitable autumn coal bills snake-bite-cure industry to languish. at the western city limits, | There is a watchman at this cross ing from 6 to 6 each day, but this was before he had gone on duty Mr Tort evidently did not see or hear | the train and the first the engineer knew he struck any one was when he reached Lancaster and found a wheel, ‘the wagon seat, a man’s body and several bage hanging on his en- gine. The man was carried a mile | and strange as it may seem the horse escaped uninjured Tort was 73 vears old and dealt in junk and hides and bought largely | in this community *where he is very widely known. eres malllE Al RAILWAY AT HERSHEY Scientific American Writes Up a A true man never frets about his | Better to die at the post of duty The more people need friends the You have a pretty tough looking lot of customers to dispose of this morning haven't you?’ remarked the friend of the magistrate, at the police “Huh!” rejoined the dispenser or justice,” you are looking at the wrong bunch. Those are the law- vers. a io—h, According to the available statis- | But these figures will not compel the RHEEMS | Simon HH. Landis returned home from a week's trip to Hanover Mrs. Jacob 8, Shank visited among friends and relatives at Running Pump W. L. Helsey spent several days in New York state visiting his son, Arhtur Mrs. Fannie Hambright, of Florin spent several days with the family of Lancaster Junction, visited in the family of H. B. Brandt on Sunday. Samuel Kesselring, an employe of Landis Bros., who had cut his foot while cutting wood, has resumed his duties Miss Ruth Shiffer, of Elizabeth- | town arrived at this place on Tues- | where she expects to spend the | | day, winter | David KE. Henry, wife and son, | Paul, visited Mrs. Henry's mother, | Mrs. John Bricker at Elizabethtown | on Sunday | Mrs. Jacob Geyer and daughters, | Annie and Mabel, of Elizabethtown, | visited her daughter, Mrs William | B. Hamilton, several days | Abraham Stauffer, who was spen 1- | ing the past year at Lancaster re- | turned home to his farm on Thurs- | day to spend the winter with his | family. Howard, the voungest son of Mr. | {and Mrs. B. Frank Shank, is seri-| ously ill with pneumonia Dr. 8 Ulrich, of Elizabethtown, is the at- { tending physician Miller M. Weaver, with several of the voung mechanics, tos k a trip to { Hershey on Sunday The t made in Mr. Weaver's aut ind enjoved by all Miss Laura Brandt, d of H. B. Brandt, returned home on Wel nesday from the General Ho vital where she underwent operation i for throat trouble Mr. and Mrs. Wm ay! { among those who attend dedi | cation services of the new home for {the aged and infirm of the Church | of the Irethren at Neffsville on | | Thursday | Elder D. L. Miller, of Mt 111.. was greeted by a large both Saturday and Sunday morning at this place in the Church of the Brethren meeting hous He gave a Bible talk on Palestine which was admired by every one present. A surprise party was given to, Theodore Roosevelt Weaver by his | classmates on Monday evening in | honor of his sixth birthday. Among | those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Miiler Weaver, Roland Weaver, Mrs. | A. H. Eppler, Jerald Eppler, Mrs. E. | Mr. and Mrs. John E. dow. The corn husking business has reached its climax around here and nothing remains but the fodder to be hauled in and placed in its proper position. Cool invigorating weather in the shape of a low grade Dakota blizzard is giving the residents around this hill a full benefit at this present writing. Occasionally a stray shot is over- heard around here notifying us that still lingering a- some rabbits are round and the lone hunter is still on the trail. Samuel Gish is busily employed hauling fertilizer (barnyard variety) on his fields. That’s right put on the necessary article and will be produced. The water famine is to show its hand around here. vey Hostetter is hauling water from the old well on his farm that is only called into service in time of need. Last Sunday down at Frank Reap- some’s we got other old-fashioned Perry county din ner that reminded us of the good old | shaking last week putting the finish- ing touches on for the year 1910. The Lord only knows what will hans, pen in 1911, if Tener was buncoed into the Gubernatorial chair. Dr. Blough of Elizabethtown, been attending the sick wants Mrs. Jeremiah Neideigh at the fort these last few days. She was the recipient of a nice lot of birthday cards last week, having reached the 1 63rd mile post. has and Thursday at the Church of the 3rethren down at Rheems was the largest witnessed for many a day. It's large corps of ministers officiated and good order prevailed showing the respect that was manifested to- ward those good people. We enioved the hospitality of our | friend Billy Rhea and family down | near Florin last Saturday and par- | took of a bountiful repast that his ! kind hostess so amply provided us with. He is like all other Perry Co. boys that shied their castor into the T ancaster county ring, progressing fine and dandy. ——————————— Photographs Enlarged Mr. W. B. Bender, our east end tonsorial artist and dealer in nhoto supplies, has made arrangements by which he can have photos enlargede, in the most satisfactory manner, at reasonable prices. If you need work of this kind, it is not necessary to go out of town to place your or- der. Marriage Licenses The following marriage have been issued. W. J. Kramer and Stella M. Marks both of this place. Horace H. Good. Ranho, and Ella H. Henne, East Hempfield. Walter R. Ishler. of Elizahethtown and Elizabeth Miller, of Florin. licenses Maid—*“There’s a man at the door with a wooden leg, mum.” Mistress want any.” ' | rectly opposite J. S. | - stesforfeesfuneefecfefocfesiosfoeirafociofeisnfe fecfecferfortedrofocde S. Souders, Kesselring, Master Keffer Kessel-| 3 : a ring, Lloyd Shuff, Raymond Souders. x HARRY WILLIAMS + The evening was spent with games Ed i ete., after which a sumptuous meal 3 was served when all partook of the i BARBER refreshments. 3 a I Shaving Massaging 3 PLEASANT HILL * Hair Cutting Razors Honed ; A bob white partridge is as rare a 3 Shampooing Toilet Waters & thing around this locality as a white | & Singe shavi § elephant. i Singeing Shaving Soaps Harvey Hostetter was deliverying | %% 3 hay at Marietta last week to Christ- i Agency For Elkhorn Laundry jan Stulty the veteran butcher. i Opp. First National Bank J. BE. Wiliams au E. R. Heiden * MOUNT JOY, PENNSYLVANIA were visiting illiam S. Neideigh last week over at his Campbellstown | geefesdodododesdodeodeededodeofoodeobbiedebodedododedeor farm. wm They had better soon appoint a| postmaster for Elizabethtown for the | oeleolodibobob ide iedb bb bb ddd next thing you know a Democrat |e 3 5 will be looking out the delivery | Come and Make Your Selec- the goods | commencing | Har- | on the outside of an- | happy times that have gone by Lo-| rena. We got another dose of carpet of | The lovefeast held last Wednesday | “Oh, tell him we don’t | FREE For Your Home School or Society A $350 Piano H. B. Brandt Paul H. Brandt left on Monday for Sterling, Ill, where he expects to spend the winter KE. R. Dougherty attended a meet ing of road" viewers which was held THE PLAN ited in the family of C. N Hershey made at Our Store a certificate for near this place on Sunday : the amount of the purchase. These Miller Weaver spent Friday at Kis- certificates are transferable Fhe ool Ti where nested S. H. Lan. | Peron, chureh, school or lodge se- dis In repairing an engine curing the greatest value in these Mr and Mrs. Samuel Shepp, of cash certificates by 8 p. m.,, Decem-| ber 24, 1910, Will be presented with This Elegant Piano Absolutely Free on Xmas. Sprecher & Ganss 31 LK. King St. LANCASTER, PA PROPERTY FOR SALE The undersigned offers at private sale, a lot of ground situated in Flor- in. Pa., fronting on the Lancaster | and Harrisburg turnpike. The im- provements are a handsome Three- story Brick House with Summer House attached, frame stable, hog | sty and other outbuildings There is a good garden and an abundance of fruit. The property is in excel- lent repair and has a good location being a corner dwelling and is di- Carmany’s store viewing the Any person desirous of ame will call on the undersigned. Terms and price reasonable. H. S. STOLL, WANTED ! The Highest Cash prices paid for | all kinds of raw furs such as skunk muskrat, opossum, mink, fox, ete. | It will be to your interest to ces before selling. H. H. HEISER Garber’s Mill P. O. Salunga, Pa. get pri- tion before They are All Picked Out. 2 & * | 4 | 3 a 3H 5 + # | of + + 4 + | * | i | ofe o- | & fe 5 3 + | 3 | ode 2 + MT, JOY MARBLE WORKS i EJ GQlatfelter, Propr. ¥ '% W. Main St, MT. JOY, PA. ¥ oe oe * pt oJosgorforfosforfesfosfectorferfesfoofontecfertecfertesfecforororts The Oldest "Trunk and Bag House In the State OFFERS Lied -50c to $15.00 {Suit Cases... $1.00 to $18.00 $2.00 to $25.00 | Bags from... { Trunks from__.... “WE ARE LEATHER WORKERS” Large Steck Harness! LOWEST PRICES BE Kreckel Harness Maker Lancaster, Pa. 30 Penn Square, Krall Meat Market | i I always have on hand anything in the line of Smoked Meats, Ham | Bologna, Dried Beef, Lard, Ete. Also Fresh Beef, Veal, Pork anc Mutton. Prices always right. H. H. KRALL West Main Street, Opp. Bank, teed Satisfactory. | | KE. Main St., | | — A. B. BOYE T sak T AUTOMOBILE LIVERY Maretta Street, Mt. Joy, Pa. PASSENGERS & BAGRAGE TRANSFERRED 30 H. P, Buick in Charge . of Skilled Chauffeur Patronage Solicited, Rates Reasonable. Also All Kinds Repair Work Appointments by Phone | sfesjocgonfosfocfocforfeoferfecfocforteafocioaforiostectecfecierfecfesfecfe Photographs Enlarged Guaran- of and All Reasonable Prices At Kinds Photo Supplies fur W.B. BENDER Dealer in -worris| All Kinds Raw Furs | PHOTO SUPPLIES and BARBER Agent for Standard Steam Laundry. Did You Say Trees? WHY YES; THE BEST PLACE TO BUY TREES IS AT THE Mt. Joy Nurseries re (5 wean ALL KINDS OF TREES California Privet THAT NICE HEDGING FOR A- ROUND YOUR YARD, VERY CHEAP. mn (2) eee W. S. Krady Bell Phone. MOUNT JOY. PA. Shire’s Vieat Viarket FLORIN, PENNA. Proprietor. W. W. SHIRE, ro Gealer in Fresh & Smoked Meats, Tallow Lard, &e. HOTEL McGINNIS The undersigned having remodel- ed the old Mooney Hotel, adding a number of sleeping rooms, bath, etc., is now prepared to entertain trans- ient and regular guests. RESTAURANT in connection with hotel where he will serve in season. OYSTERS and CLAMS in any style TURTLE SOUP, Ete. Ete. Private dining room for ladies. FJ. WW. McGinnis, PROPRIETOR WINDSOR HOTEL W. T. BRUBAKER, Manager. European, $1.00 per day and up American, $2.50 per day and up d Street Terminal bed hotel of jjuence 10 Midway between Station and Read: on Filbert Street. The only moderate pri] reputation and consed { MOUNT JOY, P’A | Bell Telephone. 9 PHILADELPHIA ET TE ETN TS TE TEN