PUBLIC SALE OF A VALUABLE BOROUGH RESIDENCE On Friday, November 25th, 1910 At 7.30 P., M,, at the Washington House, in the Borough of Mount Joy, Pa., the undersigned will sell by pub lie sale, all that certain lot or plece of ground, situated on the South side of Marietta Street, in the Borough of | Mount Joy, aforesald, containing in front on sald South side of Marietta street Forty-nine (49) feet, more or less, and extending in depth One Hun dred and Eighty-one (181) feet to the north side of a public alley, hav ing a frontage on sald alley of Ninety three (93)) feet. more or less, and | having thereon erected a Two-Story Frame Double Dwelling House, hav ing a double cemented cellar and a large attic, and containing nine (9) | rooms, together with bath and out kitchen, many large and spacious closets with hot and cold water thru out and gas connections for kitchen, | the said dwelling being in first-class condition in every respect, and also a large Frame Stable and Wagon Shed | with running water and electricity for lighting, chicken house and yard containing many mature fruit trees, ete. This is one of the very best residences in Mount Joy, and has been built and maintained in very best style. Sale to be held at 7.30 | P. M., on Friday, November 25th, | 1910, at the Washington House, Mt. Joy, Pa., when terms and conditions will be made k tnown by MARY S. GERBER | Chas. H. Zeller, Auct. . Chas. G. Baker, Atty. | PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE On Friday, November 25, 1910 By virtue of an order of the Or- phan’s Court of Lancaster County, Pa the undersigned agministrator of the | estate of Aaron Fike deceased, wil offer at public sale in the village of | Florin, Pa., the following described real estate to wit: A lot of ground situate on the south side of Wood street in the vil- lage aforesaid more fully described as follows to wit: Fronting 40 feet more or less on Wood street and ex- tending in depth 200 feet southward- ly to a public alley. Bounded on the north by Wood street, on the east by a public alley, on the west by prop- erty of Wm. McGarvey. The im- provements thereon erected consist of a 13 STORY FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, good Frame Stable and other neces- sary outbuildings. The Mount Joy and Elizabethtown trolley line passes the property. Sale to commence at 2 p. m. on Friday, Nov. 25, 1910, when terms and conditions will be made known by ALBERT FIKE Trustee to sell. C. S. Frank, auct. W. M. Hollowbush, att’y. | Pa. , the {Ing with large store room, fen and | puchase a REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Wednesday, November 23, 1010, Pursuant to the order of the last will and testament of William Dier- olf, deceased, late of the Borough | tof Mount Joy, Lancaster County, Pa | the undersigned executors, will ex- | pose to public sale, at Hotel McGin- nig, in the East Ward of Mt, Joy, following deseribed real es- tate to wit A lot of ground front- ing 38 feet (more or less) on the north side of East Main Street, In the borough of Mount Joy, Pa,, adjoin- | ing property of E. F. Baker on the | east and Eliza Myers on the west The buildings thereon erected con sisting of a large 3-story brick dwell also kitch attached to necessary water, hot FEES IEEE EEE EEE EEE ERENS summer house dwelling, and all other out-buildings Hydrant air furnace, bath and all convenienc- es in this property and it is situated |in the business part of the town It is a desirable dwelling and busi ness stand, close to the P. R. R. and Trolley Station. It had been oc- cupied by the late William Dierolf deceased, as a Shoe store, and at present is occupied by I. D. Bene- man, as a Clothing store, and the dwelling is now occupied by Dr. A. F. Snyder, as a Physician's office and dwelling. Any person desiring to property of this kind should not fail to attend this sale, as a business property on Main St. is a rare opportunity. Persons wishing to view the premises prior] to day of sale will please call on | Chas. H. Zeller, Real Estate and In-| surance Agent, No. 53 East Main St., | Mount Joy, Pa. Sale to commence tat 7 o'clock, Wednesday, Nov. 23, 1910, when terms and conditions will be made known by CHARLES DIEROLF, EDWIN DIEROLF, Executors. Chas. H. Zeller, Aut. at ADMINISTR. ATRIX' 's NOTICE Letters of administration in the es tate of Amos B. Hostetter, late of Mount Joy Borough, deceased. Letters of administration on said estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted thereto are requested to make im- mediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the same will present them without delay for settlement to the undersigned, resid- ing Mt. Joy borough. FANNIE ZUG HOSTETTER Administratrix D. McMullen, Attorney oct 12-6t NOTARY PUBLIC. WwW. M. HOLT.OWBUSH ATTORNEY-AL-LAW, 48 West Main Street, Mount Joy, Penna, Days at Lancaster, Noh Doke Street The latest divorce case originated in a game of cards. Solitaire? Monday and Friday at No REE LL OOOO OER EL ERE RL mn they can possibly secure elsewhere. traordinary value-giving. P43 Boys’ Extra Fine 3 Suits 3 $1.50, $2.00, $2.50, $3.00, $3.50, i $1.00, $4.50, $5.00, $5.50, $6.00, £6.50, $7.00 and $7.50. To-Date Ov $3.00, $1.00, £6.00, $6.50, $7.00, low what other stores ask for equal qualities. $10.00 - $12.00 - how perfectly they fit. Wear one and you'll know what exce not begin to tell the true worth of the garments. 1. EAST MAIN STREET, nl Cro ge dQ 1 LE 1 OO 10 J) OOOO debbie sfeodorferfoofosferosfocfordefocferforoctocfecfufe forte shorfortesfeoferfecfecfecfede Boys’ Extra Good and Up- $4.50, $7.50 and $8.00 Unusual Values in New Suits and Overcoats For Men and Boys. J ercoats $5.00, $5.50, $2.50, $2.75, sheferleoieedeclodeofodecdefordecdecioded $15.00 - llent fabrics they are made of. According to the health depariment COURT PROCLAMATION the fly wants to give the human race Whereas, the Hon. Charles I. Lan- several bites that it will remember dis, President and Hon. Aaron B. Has- before succumbing to the frost. sler, Associate, Judges of the Court of Common Pleas in and for the Coun SPECIAL OFFERING OF The well Lakeside fine with heavy known wool nap finish; rect from the mills; gray, whit borders, also plaids. Some of th 59¢. a Pair Regularly 75c¢.; 56 by 72 incl $1.98 a Pair tadbaaiaiadbaataaad aad oaaddiadi ea diadiadindiniayl Regularly $2.50; 72 by 84 inc 79¢. a Pair Regularly $1; 60 by 74 inches $3.69 a Pair Regularly $4.50; 66 by 80 inc WOOL BLANKETS $3.98 Regularly $4.50; mak cotton yarn; double spun, wearing, heavy blanket. 72 by LAMBSWOOL COMFORT Really worth $3.50; English ticularly recommended by physicia 25-31 West King ee HACER & BRO. ONEY-SAVING OPPORTUNITIES IN BED W Dinner Sets and Linens a special purchase di- fine wool filler on hard twisted ['S, $2.98 filled with clean, sanitary lambswool, which is par- warmth-giving. 72 by 84 inches. HAGER & BRO. Lancaster, Penna. AMAA ty of Lancaster, and Assistant Justi- ATTY TT TY EY PE TET IEE IT PLP P IRIE PO IIIT OM OPI OPI PIY PAPI IIIOOOILS cos of the Courts of Over and Term LANCASTER, PA. for the County of Lancaster, have is- sued their precept, to me directed, requiring me, among other things, to make public proclamation thru- out my bailiwick, that a Court of Oy- er and Terminer and a General Jail Delivery, also a Court of the General Quarter Sessions of the Peace and Jail Delivery, will commence in the Court House in the City of Lancas- ter, in the Commonwealth of Penn- A |sylvania, BLANKETS STRONG SAVINGS ON DINNER SETS |ON THE zueb Noxpay IN NOV. . on . : £ . The 21st), o » cotton blankets With Thanksgiving and Christmas holiday needs | In TRL of which precept Pub- in view, these pric e and tan, with || interest. e prices: have re-ordered. 1e8S. rose with hes es; green scroll w with floral spray hes A PAIR ing an excellent || bleach, and 84 inches. texture, wide. $1 Silkatine covers; Regularly ns for purity and || On dozen napkins Irish linen, in Street, e-reductions should be of special Attractive sets, $8.95 RE American semi-porcelain set of gold edg $13.90 REDUCED FROM $18 Johnson Bros. E $29.85 REDUCED FROM $50 Haviland & Co., and gold. OUR EXCEPT Really $1.25 quality; rect from large importers; sturdy pure linen; a yard. DAMASK SETS SPECIAL AT $3.39 worth attractive lic Notice is hereby given to the May- or and Alderman of the City of Lan- caster, in the said county, and all the Justices of the Peace, the Coroner and Constables of said City and Coun- ty of Lancaster, that they be then and there in their own proper per- sons with their rolls, records and ex- aminations, and inquisitions, and their other rememberances, to do those things which to their offices appertain in their behalf to be done, and also those who will prosecute against the prisoners who are or then shall be, in the jail of the said county of Lancaster, are to be then and there to prosecute against them as shall be just. Dated at Lancaster, the of Oct. 1910. AARON B. LANDIS, Sheriff, but patterns which we DUCED FROM $11.85 100 pieces; pink e and handles. nglish Semi-porcelain; 107 piec- ith pink rose and gold. border 26th day Limoges China; green IONAL $1 TABLE DAMASK secured at special price di- TROLLEY SCHEDULE fine Scotch or Irish full German silver bleach; heavy Salunga, Mt. Joy and Elizabeth- | town Street Railway Co. | WESTWARD Lancaster—a m. 4.30, 5.15, 6.15, 4 ten good designs, all 72 inches 9.15, 10.15, 11.15; p. m. 12.15, 1.15, 15, 5.15, 6.15, 7.15, 8.15, 9.15, 11.16. ve Rohrerstown—a m, 4.50, 5.35, 6.35, 35, 9.35, 10.35, 11.35, P m, 12.35, 1.35, 3.35, 4.35, 5.35, 6.35, 7.35, 8.35, 9.35,11.35. $4.75. with to match; excellent quality pure 23-yard cloth, Siok patterns; good weight. a , 8.67, 9.57, 10.57, 11.57. P m. 12.57, 1.67, , 3.67, 4.57. 5.57, 6.57, 1.67, 8.57, 9.57, 11.67. ave Salunga—A m, 5.15, 6.00, 7.00, 8.00, 10.00, 11.00, 12.00. P m, 1.00, 2.00, 3.00, 5.00, 6.00, 7.00, 8.00, 9.00, 10.00, 12.00. ve Mount Joy—A m, 6.30, 6.15, 7.15, 15, 10.15, 11.15. P m, 12.15, 1.15, 2.15, 16 5.15, 6.15, 7.15, 8.15, 9.15, 10.15, om om DION § : Te BH >= » ® 2a V , 9.1 woo eo gg = >. 55 3° 4. 12.15. 45, Ss ne 11.45. Pm, 12.45, 145, 2.45, 5 , 6.45, 7.45, 8.45, 9.45, 10.45, A m EASTWARD eave Elizabethtown—A m, 35 10.45, 11.45. P m, 12.45, 45, 6.46, 7.45, 8.46, 9.45, 10.45, A m 5. Mount jors m, 5.30x, 7.15, Si 5, 11.16. m, 1215 1.15, 2.15, 3.15, 7.1, 815, 9.15, 10.15, 11.15, 6.45, 7.45, | 145, 2.45, = 50 wHEH wo r=e900 po Sa » | EA A A i i m, 5.456%, 7.30, 3 Pp m, 12,30, 1.30, 2.30, 8.30, 9.30, 10.30, i 30 ' Landisville—A a 5. = 7.33, 3, 10.33, 11 3. P. 1.33, 2.33, 33. oy wo SO no 1S We . 3° os wr 28 a =) 8¢ Lon -— PON Ph Hn 88 [2 on to 83 a 82 ! = 85 ©, ge a! Rea Gr By 2 Rohrerstown—A m, 6.10x, Commonwealth Brand efedeodoedoudoafortodoodoodedecdeodoodoodoofontvdoosdoodorfundoodedoedooderiodeedododndode Pennsylvania Special 7.55, , 10.55, 11.65. P m, 12.565, 1.55, 2.55, , 5.55, 6.55, 7.55, 8.55, 9.55, 10.55, 11.55. 5 00 6. 0% 10. 5s 5 18 ‘at Lancaster—A m, Pm, 12.15 1.15 7.15, 815, 9.15, baw . m, “1: 15, 1.45. On Saturdays a car will leave Lancas- ter at 10.15 p m; Leave Elizabethtown 11.46 p m. On Saturdays and special occasions cars| will be run betwwen Lancaster and Mt. p.m. | 5 a. m, Leave Elizabethtown a. m Car marked (x) connects with | News Express at Lancaster. Bo oe oT0 0% ole 020 000 sT0 Zeer To oe elo To Be Ls LF. 0. 9, a a NE RR RR Pe ve eo 0id State Capito! REAL ESTATE AND & ' A Cent In Each Package. .S. BOWMAN, Mount Joy. Quality Guaranteed. INSURANCE E. Main St., Calling and Clerking of Public Sales | Settlement of Estates. Collection of Rents. Surveying and Convevancing. i | Quarter Sessions of the Peace in and | ve Landisville—A m, 5.12, 6.67, 857. | Arrive at Elizabethtown—A m, 6.45, 7.45, Joy every half hour form 6.15 a. m. to 8.15; | Sundays, first car leaves IL.ancaster at| 15 at 7.45 | Mount Joy | i CLOTHING FOR TIHIANKSGIVING Any One Might Write An Advertisement Like This BUT NO ONE ELSE WOULD OFFER SUCH VALUES AS THESE Because of our unparalleled buying facilities—because we keep our expenses down to the Jowest limit and are satisfied with small profits—we can, and do offer our customers far greater values than Here arc listed several items which show our great power for ex— The goods themselves offer emphatic proof of all that we claim. Shoes For Men, Boys, Lad- ies, Misses and Children $1.00, $1.25, $3.00, $4.50 and $5.00, fosfoorforforgoofoeiisfosfosforiosfooeeedonfonioofoofoofedocoodoofocforduoore erieobeedenfecdondenioeieodeciodedddoodosdoodreiedooiooioodeofodedendeds cislesdeobeoieodeodedeedeodeoieoirefededdeeedodeofoofeedeednto Here, at this store, you get the best and most reliable goods on earth, at prices considerably be— Don’t take our word for it, but come and see the goods with your own eyes and convince yourself that NO WHERE ELSE CAN YOU GET SO MUCH ACTUAL VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY AS HERE. You'll Surely Like Them $20.00 See these elegant garments and you'll realize their uncommon attractiveness. Try them on and you'll see The prices we ask do D. BENEMAN po 1 pr pe 8 nw OT A FO OR ETT me 11 OO 100 TOO I IHS WEEK--A SPECIAL SALE OF ORGANS , $1.75, $2.00, Snes OO / xs BREE EE $14.00, STROUSE BRO'S MAKE 1 MOUNT JOY, PENNA. § ESTEY, WEAVER, MASON & HAMLIN, WILCOX & WHITE, Etc. $15.00 TO $65.00 Kirk Johnson & Co. 24 West King Street. LANCASTER, PENNA. Mount Joy's Has added a few he had last Xmas, Lancaster, Rohvorstos erstown, Landisville, Leadi 1 n g J ewel er more show cases | and has three times the stock that so you know you will have a fine selection to pick from and do all engraving free of charge. So don’t forget to look my line over before buying somewhere else. have Watches of all kinds from $1.50 to $25.00 I and Clocks of all kinds and Jewelry. Will cost you nothing to come in and look at my line of Jewelry. I guarantee all my Watches and Jew- elry. Buy { will buy again. | ee R. V. FEGLEY’S Jewelry Store | E. Main St., i W. Donegal St., Mount Joy. Dealer In #|Flour, Grain & Feed | f ber One Hay. For a Neat and Clean Shave, Hair Cut or Shampoo [ Go to Joseph ershey | Men’s and i bore Rubber Boots. : ir =. Hl. ZELLER gene Tonsorial Parlier . East Main St.. Mount Joy, Pa. Prof, G. F. , THEEL. 535 North Philadelphia, Pa. “Ein Deutscher fs * Only German Specialist. MENT the only guaranteed Blood Poison others can’t cure All Private Diseases, 5, Abuses. Weaknesses, Nervous Debility, Lost Manhood, Drains, Losses, Varicocele & Stricture, (no entting) Kidney & Bladder, Small "Shrunken Organs. years practical & 6 years hospital experience in Sear. Bend for Book, tells all, exposing City & Country adve tising frauds. Secrecy gusranceed, Mail treatment. Callor cure for Sp Mount Joy, Pa. Biber: Strickler {IT am Always in the Market for Num- once from me and you | | | | | | | I | 3 | H H ETHIE TINT Engle’s Furmture Warerooms Good Homemade Furniture a Specialty Undertaking and Embalming aE Mount ov, Penna. te Poo De Upholstering Done to Order —= Rm POPLAR LUMBER FOR SALE IN LOTS TO SOIT THE PURCHASERS. DB ee FALL HATS ALL THE NEW SHAPES AND SHADES IN FALL HATS AND CAPS, i FOR MEN, YOUTHS AND BOYS, ARE HERE. ho § OOME, LOOK THEM OVER. \ Wingert & Haas £44 North Queen Street, LANCASTER, PENNA. | We Are Headquarters For RUBBER FOOTWEAR 5 kinds to choose from. E. Sager, E. Mait oy ‘ALL KINDS OF AND IT PAYS TO BUY AT HEADQUARTERS Arctics for Men, Boys, Women and Rubbers for all the family. Felt Boots for Men. Quality goods made to wear. Prices. right When in need give us a call.