wis apa wo i THE“BULLETIN \! 'UNT JOY, PA. J. EB. SOHROLL, Editor & Prop'r. _— m= TI ——C—— SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 50c A YEAR Six Months. .. .,,.25 Cents Single Copies. . . ... 2 Cen Sample Coples. ..... FREE Ou Wart & SHAND Warr & SHAND Women’s » Misses’ Joy as second-class mail matter. All correspondents must have their communications reach this office not later than Monday. Telephone news of importance between that time ar 12 o'locck noon Wednesday. Chan- ges for advertisements must posi- tively reach this office not later than Monday night. New advertisemen — = Separate COAT a Smart Coats for Women, Inserted if copy reaches us enday Misses and Juniors night, Advertising rates on appli- cation, CHAPTER VII Valuable Information Relative Road Making to In the last chapter was given proof our great stock. of the great mistake it is to place upon roadways stone of a size larger WE GIVE YOU THE BEST STYLE, FIT, MATERIAL, LINING AND |g 5 1GOOD TAILORING YOU CAN'T BEAT THAT, NOR THE PRICES, : than will pass through a 1} inch rin It was shown how the erroneous pra tice will allow water to penetrate tl foundation of the road to its injury and also how it is destructive of drainage. But there is another pa ticular in which large stones are Made of extra g Beautif Ta rae Yas ’ { xtra good double te ro Jeautiful Caracul Coat, f: harmful to the road. On a highway double texture ney Where large stones have been placed to hips, intid velvet collar, single. |dressy coat. the first team to pass over that road |preasted button through; compare Jeli en porra J will make a well defined wheel track. [it with the best $15 coat you can find SPECIAL DRESS VALUES dent, un so fot. N de po h mma ° The stone in the track will be more Our Price, $12.50 | We are showing an almost endle in so far common oll 1m I Bs even than those in any other place variety of street and party dre $ ed un haricha uf ame mon gs Tr Ul hehe road. What is the result? yANnSOME BROADCLOTH COAT, |in Silk, Serges, Batiste, Voile, Chiffon | 126 necksht datesht denk saw vile The next team that has occasion to | Lingerie, Velvet, ete, vas shot sel Vel es dut nix shotta use that road will move over it in $15 | von mer se net tzu lor n office lust pS — the same wheel track to get the bene- Made of an extra good quality | AT $10.95 ower von se amole tzu gute | V BR ~~ fit of the packing down caused bY|RBlack Broadcloth, lined throughout Princess Dress, made of invisible|'?'?: (¢ no gep ocht i A the wheels of the first team. Suc-|\ith guaranteed satin; regular and (Striped worsted; Waist trimmed with | COshter hut 3g rokl i \/ geeding teams will do the same thing|,qq sizes. |silk soutache, silk embroidered net|'°S ich denk fro ! \ or everybody is looking for the most yoke and collar to ma Tate, ler Grim, de \nton, un « nera | 4 . ) J yarrow 1 ) i i atch; Bisho ™ Cc . , comfortable place on the road to Special at $15.00 | sleeves, with embroidered cuffs Jig vr | kal Vel, hoy ich tzawt, ich date | f3y praying Them drive and do not care to be jolted . a . : } ent effect pleated skirt, with ik Bri kens fona tzu vit Irowa | tzit aif DO over loose, large stones. In time these BROADCLOTH COATS |ered folds and panel below: colors, |" In olaville iveral fol shai cha 1} A/ 14 h S$ q stones will become smaller and will Suitable for street or evening wear | black, navy, brown, green, ete. vaich se oll 1 VV ILI] Scalecide mass, becoming the only portion of in ahundance: er sail net vely tzu glawva the road fit to travel upon. Fre- : | MESSALINE DRESSES. = Neckshta Dinshdawl pts denk SO in | MESSALINE ISSES, $10.9: y ee ©) me quent use of it will make a rut, and $25.00 to $50.00 Made of that quality of Meossaline hpicht awgla De nole her 101 > the best that road ever will be under only used in hi iS ene. win | Republicans, Demograwt: ohibisl Wi HAVE OC CIDE On ; y ANT CS SASS Iv va | 3 se gh class ¢ 6 i ns, WW HAVE SCALECIDE FOI this mode of construction or repair | WOMEN'S and MISSES’ CARAOUL not slip or pull; the flip] i) ans, Socialist Industrialists, Key-| : ia Si All h rutted secti f OATS vr trl WIth ile 2 20T- Istones, Lincolns, Workis Lea-| SALE IN ANY QUANITY OR WE w )e a much rutted section of a COATS ately trimedm with silk soutache : ye bad Yond. tl le i Large orders placed early enable braid and silk cord: embroider, girdle Bs UR dep Jife] vaest net vas oli Bl ILL, SPRAY YOUR FRUIT TREES DT cquenty made In con-lng to offer you Caracul Costs at|to match; newest flounce shict col- OW Soon niganuliled vest wa | WITH OUR WS ) T quent] you Car: ats at | atch; § i skirt; DY Soe : AS V1 R NEW SPRAYER | nection with the placing of stone up-|prices that are simply unmatchable |ors are black, brown, navy, King blue [Met feel defor “i eal RLS AYER Ir 4 on a highway is in not preparing the quality and tailoring considered. gray, green, etc : Siwga es kens fona recht { ler | Vii) REASONABLE PRICE. roadbed for the stone. All mistakes s0en umpt ve WIL GUARANTEE FAR eo in drainage should be rectified and MOH CARACUL COAT, $12.50 AT $15.00 Gut-im-Himel ower ich date glicha|* 4 “UARANTEE GOOD RE- very often it will be found that a Fine Black, Rich, Lustrous Caracul French Serge Dress, elaborately} SeVerner si Ich date de r Borry | SULTS. smaller amount of stone than at first| coat, with deep shawl collar, fancy [trimmed with soutache and silk pip appointa fer my shue blacka deemed necessary will be needed. The |huttons, good lining; Women’s and |ing: newest flounce skirt; special, [°F Grim date ich mocha my shofferp —_——— road official is very often required Misses’ sizes, at $12.50 $15.00. : si; der olt Jon Tens well ich was to repair places in the road where gawiss ich laep rech 1s ich dul 4 T Fa 0 0. holes have developed on long stretch- —————————————— kent mit eme « 1 ta date I" vi i, - reider a es of wide and deep rutting that fills licht date ich ene | dent fon selly | Aldo 24s WU 1 ULU UU. with water and resembles a minia ture canal after a rain The wrong way to repair such places is merely to dump stone into them. The bet- ter mode of repair is to prepare the road for the stone. First, clean the depression of the mud which has set- tled there. Then do a little grad- ing that will restore the road to fits proper contour,—higher in the mid- been done some fine stone can be dis- tributed evenly upon the road and in 1 a ‘short time travel will compact its into a good stretch of road. Had the |% road been repaired in the other man-|J% ner travel would have gotten out of |e one rut to settle into another. tl Br Different Views Altogether The twenty-fourth annual session of the Lancaster County School Di- rectors Association, was held at Mill- ergville last week. The subject, “What Advantage for Play and Ex- ercise Should the School Yard Offer?” was discussed by O. E. Martin of Pro- vidence. He emphasized the fact that places for the popular games of the day should be provided for by all School Boards. In our town the directors prohibit the playing of base ball, the most popular of all pre- sent day sports. rt en ‘“I.et me see some of your black kid gloves” said a lady to the clerk. “These are not the latest style, are they?” she asked, when the gloves were produced. ‘‘Yes, madam,” was the reply, ‘“we received them only two days ago.” “I didn’t think they were because the fashion paper says black kids have tan stitches and vice versa. I see the tan stitches, but not the vice versa.” The shopman explained that vice versa was French for seven buttons, and she bought four pairs. —eeetl- The ashman was ralsing a can of ashes above his head to dump the contents into his cart, when the bot- tom of the can came out. Mary saw re EITHER, FOR THEY ARE AS LOW AS GOOD COATS CAN BE SOLD FOR UP-TO-DATE MINUTE STYLES, SEE OUR LINE r- SMART SERGE COATS, $12.50 | AT $17.50 No question about it, our Coats are Correct. You will do yourself an injustice/.. i. if you purchase a Coat without seeing |i: iv ai ili kin, Howse conta “oe Wie “on "the carer | ‘ ore ited ate oid The m 3 lin d ; Sore YOR. Nt ' a2 Fwill Serge, guaranteed satin lining |ing, shawl collar, full length: a rich orl i I or Cl emer en jeneral rl N Y k St der Anton d e lob deny fer on WOUNT JOY, PENNA. sich sent geva der kenta $ so fe ew or Org TAT MCGINNIS | PENNSYLVANIA DUTCH P ® | What Shwilkey Bumblesock Has to ublic Sale Say This Week - \ old at Public Sale, at Ho M 1 » Mount Joy, Pa.. the fol escribed real estate to wit Building Lots in Mt, Joy. onting 50 feet on Delta 8t., extend in depth 170 ft. on Columbia | Ave On rear of lot facing Colum bia Ave 18 erected a Two S'orv Frame BUILDING x23 ft, with annex 12x15 ft es de: leckshun. hal here is water and gas in the build oll for avenini an. The building could be con- political. denk ich [ toll & t iol ve h! d X te : dwelling and a double en Poli ian en politic \nel le to commence at 7.30 p. m., 15 0 Him ( { nal ) } uter politician n 1 Will be made known by minersale net alaenich dro Ty 1 i ~- ie et. grant ow Ralph H. Sheaffer tala, nay Gut nay ower mensh wu se drowt, dat i" me | ( I eller, Auct igena, now mindt I tell vu Politic] is eva ! per mus der Ii im Konshtruckshun Kump: nocha ur fa, ferlicht SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 12. 1910. One of the Most Desirable Corner CONCRETE BUILDINGS, PAVEME AND ORNAMENTAL WORK thoroughly my small cost ol ‘tion and keep in repair convince product ah wma NTS The lesson of growth teaches us that the world is coming to recognize Concrete Building Block as best bullding mater lal today, The U, 8. and Canada, and all the foreign countries as well as the lead- Ing engineers recoms mend it The great railroads have adopts ed it The bestbuild- erg advise its use in preference to any oth er material for its great strength, A house will look bet= ter and last longer better than any other warmer in winter and cooler in summer, over Proof, I want every person who contemplates building here or el communicate with me. I am prepared to furnish complete all styles of buildings If 1 can’t Durability and Econ- and you haven't spent a cent. JACOB Y. KLINE Contractor & Builder. “LORIN, PA. are may Sectional FERRE EEe REESE IOP) We also carry a large line of other make from $12.00 up. Mahogany, Golden-Oak, whether you want to buy one or not, (both phones), your carpets lifted and cleaned, we ers in the city, and are also in a position short notice, as we have a large force of expert layers. WESTENBERGER *MALEY & MYERS, 2 LANCASTER, PA rT rr > us, 01 AND 127 BEAST KING ¢ LO. DESKS AND BOOK-CASES | = agents for » celebrated Cutler Globe-Wernicke The Cutler Desk standard Office Desk, either in flat or roll top, want, Desks in to $25.00, Beautify your Library with one of Book-Cases, from $2.75 the Unite * be built made to fit in any cor- almost any place inside and see them, when you are ready to have the largest clean- your relaying at 11 and the Famous country over ag the from $22.50 to line of Ladies’ Walnut, from $6.50 = . any style or size fa - " Globe-Wernicke or Weathered The Educator Shoe TEREST TO OUR PATRONS THAN WILL INTERFERE. CONTRACTED FOR SIX MONTHS AGO; WE TO TAKE CARE OF YOUR FALL FOOT WANTS. WINDOWS WILL SHOE, FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY. BOOTS, SHO North Queen Street, i et — SHAUB & UBBERS and OUR SHOE BUSINESS WILL BE CONDUCTED WITH BETTER IN- SALE OF THE OUR FALL SHOES WERE ALL NOW IN POSITION 1 GLANCE AT OUR THE EDUCATOR CO. IERY LANCASTER, PENNA, E. 8. MOORE A large stock ot Feed constantly on hand. Estimates on Lumber and Mill Dealer in Coal, Lumber, Grain, Feed, Hay, Straw, Slate, Salt, Cement and Fertilizer uf de vatsi ut ler 1 Jon Corner Square & E. King St., Lancaster Shayten, date raw i De poli mns den ) nde: d having remodel- dle than at the ends. After this has | ss — office sin, fershprecha era freindt feel! .q aac Hay Jomo k un so gshwindt elect sin look-up r of room ath Se JosgeosTeodeofoslocte ode ote ode ods oZe ole ole ote slo ode olor Teele sloate Loads ale at Pe o%. 1% Ls LT. ¥. 5. 1 fe p gore ni 00] 1 ! ( tert or: ; Prd bbb idl bbb dbl ob de od bbb doo gg | Of TCI 50D sore mi oon fom | pond rpaod lo shtersain fran ! v 1 i 1 1¢1 ana i ular guests. a 2 |slyn tzoppa ovet Int ich grawt THE $i sawn se. ti 1 na RESTAURANT ki i © Ca in onnection with hotel where he + FAIRFIELD Blood I Onics 3 MASTERSONVILLE i) serve In season, + Our farmers are hu husking cori OYSTERS and CLAMS in any style Our new store keep doing un SOUP. Ite \ + THE SCIENTIFIC CONDITION POWDERS Elwell Br rater { TURTLE SOUP: Die, Nie, i - fe bo & 4 Sh Tad his auch Private dining room for la lies. > that restore to Hay, Grain and Fodder the nutritive elements ; ma oy n ER Rtumine ugh r—— + driven from them in the drying process. ’ Aaron Gepfer is spending three | dF. ocGrinnis e : les 1% hilndelnhin 7 a AT rar i ot $¥ ASEPARATE PREPARATION FOR EACH KIND OF ANIMAL a In Prfiadelpnia as 8 Jurors. PRIETOR EY Iphraim 8S. We er ha p oO 3 ' 3 | row: here he i mployved doing | SEE ——— 1 Blood Tonic for Horses Only I farm work. May mood luek be with | EPs ees - ao. sae oe . o at 2 is a i f ~ 1 Milk Producer for Cattle Only RIOD De Yibble and Eimer Bi Wi N SO R H 01 E I 2 » id ess 5 ) a x1bhl ind 2 % 4 4 Egg Producer for Poultry Only % | Kupp, will go to the Hershey cho ' . ofe Bl d T ‘ f ; late factory will be er i W. T. BRUBAKER, Manager. * 00 onic ior Hogs Only o ployed running he Hershe) European, $1.00 per day and up 4 Each Tonic is specially prepared for the kind of animal * mi a Mrs in Kup nt American, 92.50 per duy and up 5 for which it is intended and contains the medicinal roots and I [tained the following guests on Sun-| Fes 5 herbs that act most beneficially upon that kind of animal's % |dayv: Misses Katie F. K ind Ber 3 peculiar digestive organism. = lt» Renkler and Mrs i 3 These Tonics purify the blood by perfecting digestion and % of near Mt Hone: ( op neutralizing the poisons in the system. They prevent and % I L.ux, Henry R. Gepfer and John £1 3 cure disease, make feed go further and increase vitality and ® lder ' all ‘of near Mastersonville Bal da 7 -* production. x ew : 5 oe ole » ge Not Sorry for Blunder wh > Sold under written guarantee by > “If my friends hadn’t blundered i ; 3 & | thinking T wa doomed victim 1 F. H. BAKER. Mount Joy % | consumption, IT might not be alive Midway between Broad Street n # : . 2 lnow,” write D. T. Sander, : ut Pr ae Ag + H.C. GREIDER, Landisville % Urodenure, Ir. “hut for: year Station and Reading Terminal $ D. B. EBERSOLE, Elizabethtown % [saw every attempt to cure on Filbert Street. x : : racking cough fail At last The only moderate priced hotel of 3 FREE—Fairfild's “Stock Book,” Fairfield's “Poultry Book"—FREE & [Dr Kins New Discovery. 5 hd bd Ary os ieee In %* feet was wonde rful It ) re LJ | R FPDP PPPS bbb bbb bdo bodes bobo doetoo ped the congh and T am now in better Rn i ANRIGITIO TTR vis ieviavisnesieviesiesac: health than I have had for meen | This wonderful life-saver rivaled remedy for « h 1d it and ran in and told her mother. “TI hope you didn’t listen to what he said” her mother remarked. ‘““He didin’t say a word to me,” re- plied little Mary; ‘“he just walked off by the side of his wagon, talking to God.” etl) eee Will Promote Beauty Women desiring beauty get won- derful help from Bucklen’s Arnica Salve. It banishes pimples, skin eruptions, sores and boils. It makes the skin soft and velvety. It glori- fies the face. Cures sore eyes, cold sores, cracked lips, chapped hands. Best for burns, scalds, fever sores, cuts, bruises and piles. 25c. at 8S. B. Bernhart & Co’s. —— QI ees Farmer (whose son has been at college): ‘“What was all that howl- in’ you was doin’ out in th’ grove?” Cultured Son: “I was merely show- ing Miss Brighteyes what a college yell is like!” Farmer: “Well, college is some good after all. I'm goin’ into town to sell some truck tomorrow. You kin go along an’ do th’ callin,.” —-0-E—————— “Who can mention one leading fact about the Epistles?” asked the Sun- day School teacher. Jimmy’s hand went up. “Well, Jimmy?” “They were the wives of the Apos- tles.” RE A Swede entered the postoffice and inquired: ‘““Bane any letters for me today?” “What name, please?” “Ay tank the name is on de let- ter.” ll A Ams Lady (giving tramp a dinner) “I am not giving you this because you begged, but for my own pleasure.” Unredeemed Guns Save money, and buy your gun now. It is not too early if you think of buying one. Don’t wait until the season opens. Single-barrel guns as low as $3.00. We also have on sale a big stock of Hammerless guns; best makes; from $15.00 up. JEWELER AND OPTICIANS Next Door to Shaub & Co’s. Shoe Store 20 N. QUEEN ST.. LANCASTEH Pirosh ¢ Simmons | G00 id 3 is the only kind I sell—Furniture that is Furniture Rockers Mirrors Picture Frames Ladies’ Desks Extension & Other Tables, Davenports China Closets, Kitchen Cabinets In fact anything 1n the Furniture Line Undertaking and Embalming “Oh, ma’am make it a quarter and thoroughly enjoy yourself.” - - A Gr A good rule for every farmer is the MOUNT JOY. PENNA. two-foot rule. ; : Hall Racks lagrippe, asthma, croup, hemorrhages the knowledge that her husband’s whooping cough or weak lung : $1.00. Trial bottle free. Guaran- teed by S. B. Bernhart & Co. re re QQ errr L Arrest Undertaker on Charge of Big- if you amy 3 John G. Long, an undertaker of fit li : ih Elizabethtown, formerly of Reading. Al was arrested today on a charge of I | : bigamy. A month ag “il i ried to Miss Emma Bait ll a prominent family of New Hq v4 your Recently a woman claiming (#4 il ; his first wife instituted an investig Y 7 ii tion upon learning of the second cere | mony and the arrest follow Long | was committed to prison in default v1 ( of bail pending a hearing. | 2 A warrant as also rved upon fie lil rot his second wife charging her with 174 v having entered into mar with 3 7 wo J | first wife was living. (IW : —etl BPR — i? Ar Wihor a FASET XR A Famous Health Builder catalogue (which we will be glad to sen ric A medicine that will cleanse the! values in other lines of merchan bowels and put them in condit to! isissuedr y si \ do their proper work unaided will do more than anything else to preserve health and strength. Such a medi- cine is the temic laxative herb tea, Lane’s Family Medicine Get package today at any druggists or dealers. No matter what you have tried before, try this famous herb tea. ———- Eee Where Do They Get To? In spite of the fact that the Phila- delphia mint coined 146,000,000 pen- nies last year, and many other mil- lions in years before, the mystery of |solved, and director of the mint. Geo. > seems i { where the little coppers go is still un- E. Roberts estimates the big plant {will make another 100,000,000 this 1 ot} M vear t the s nearest yon, 19th and ¢ TU Ch now ng to you ISITion mea inferesting the fact tl Are S are nee bay all H iat would is exactly ns to you, and we are very VOL Ive us an 0) Highest each price paid ork a Specialty Q 0 XX 3 Powdered | (Ieing) 4 Sugar, Lot A 33}6. 1e grocerics you costs vou to live meray Lala 35¢ C8 for 2 regu \\ x 3X lar 2c pkgs. 4 Gold Dust Washing Powder. Lot A 669} = { abl Pure Baking Soda. Lot A 430 IndeaBrand i IGUNPOWDER feature 69¢c Jor 2-1bs. finest qual- ity Impe- | 2 LBS, | 1 IMPERIAL powder Tea Lot A 34. [he [S| be ¥i Elastic Starch cause it b 15¢ for 2 regular 10¢ packages > from time 10 time olo Property For Sale Ee The undersigned offers at private A on sale, on David St., a two story frame VES DE dwelling house, lot and stable by ULE 4t. W. D. EASTON, Mt. Joy, Pa 113 gomery Ward & Co. Chicago and Kansas City =, > regular 5c bar, Prof. |