CHAPTER 1 Valuable Information Relative to | WELCOME Worbps TO WOMEN | | Road Making Women who suffer with disorders peculiar to their sex should write to Dr, Picree and receive free the | advice of a physician of over 40 years’ experience Fhe problem of maintaining the ~a skilled and successful specialist in the diseases earth roads has been found so easy of women, Every letter of this sort hos the most {of solution by the King drag method | careful consideration and is regardec i sacredly that more attention should now be confidential, Many sensitively modert men write | glven to the ills which affect our fully to Dr. Pierce what they would «rink from | . : | macadam road especially if they telling to their local physician, he ptyrician | can be remedied by correcting mi is pretty sure to say tha e » anvthing OF THE CORRECT AUTUMN ‘TOGS” FOR MEN AND BOYS en tenance a hor | iho a sumo Lgl { no device can be found that will be less, and hat HO W a ; yf © oy should s:''mit to them. mpl ind eco ymical propor on | »: : | Dr. ero ert ' 1 tht {4 ¢ : 'a to make tone road i * : it ia the privacy of EVERYBODY IS INVITED TO COME AND SEE THE NEW SUITS, HATS, SHOES, HABER~ [ately as the drag your owa | : , seription® } ‘ hundreds of he t ' tae worst of es. DASHERY, ETC., WHETHER YOU COME TO BUY OR MERELY TO LOOK OF tho eaR ompadien a nuabor of | 1s the oul 0 \ rag embodie 1 number o is the only me t oduct of g dariv grad . the fundamental of road building physici in, The only o t ‘ s dare to pr Pi unted but Ww ith the tone on macadam ro vd greditut on its outside v 10 secrecy, It will bear examina [ each particular requisite must of tion, | o alcohol and no h * ound in it, Some unscrups- d by a separate ulous medicine dealers may o tiie Bon’t toke it. Don’t trifle SAYING THAT WE ARE SURE WE ARE : : tr ef Ea 0 » | hecessit be obtaine ( Bs with your health, Write to Wu's Dispeasucy Medi | ciation, Dr, R EE CANNOT RESIN WwW x1 | 1 procedure | NOW SHOWING THE FINEST LINES OF FINE APPAREL > % | Neglect to make repairs on a road V. Pierce, President, Buffalo, N. Y.,—take the advice rece.ved and be well . : , 27 | one a : at the first indication of wear i # | » 1. DAKET S STATEMENTS ARE MADE IN ALL SINCERITY AND WITHOUP ANY J x FEE 3 i ORE HE pi perience the need and value of good | roads One of their most valuable COAL, ATTEMPT TO EXAGGERATE IN THE SLIGHEST DEGREE. YOU vi { Eh i Ro” ) " i # ti ek experiences has been the discovery . LR that it is cheaper to maintain roads 1 > At | y R AND by repairing them at the first sign of IT TIT . AL INSPECTION OF THE GOODS WHICH ARE GOOD ENOUGH TO $ / \ a if jrouhle ald sh by the Solu they BR 1 { Le a r bette oads a © © el H of the things the traveler in Europe first notices is the frequency of small HEM J \\ 3 p21 piles of crushed stone along the high- MM. iY NPE Ph | ways, ready for use the moment it . is. seen fat Some Stentor is yes Sole agent for Congo Roofing. No. 1 Cedar Shingles always on hand. © 0 © road. SUropei vs 3 ~ . ‘ . . 1 I Also Siding Flooring, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, Lath, Ete. roads are inspected as thoroughly for trouble as are railroads in this Agent for Alpha Portland Cement, Also Roofing Slate. TOMERS, NOT ONE TIME PURCHASERS, AND WE BELIEVE THAT uy = 3 3 . . it je . witha . . : aa 3% SONRLTY: of fu it Je a th Estimates Quickly and Cheerfully made on all kinds Building Material. BY GIVING MAXIMUM VALUE 7. == iP taught its lesson and America can Telephone No. 833. Opposite Old P. R. R. Depot well use the knowledge of road . AND SATISFACTION. WE ARE DETERMINED TO DO THIS AND WE maintenance learned by the older countries To do otherwise would be putting us back several hundred vears in road science. In road making as in medicine an I. D. Beneman's store will be closed from Monday night, Oct. 3 at 6 o'clock until Tuesday evening, Oct. 4 at 6 o'clock on account of a holiday. ounce of prevention is worth a pound y of cure. Some highways have not FOR MEN AND BOYS EVER SHOWN IN MOUNT JOY, WE DE 7 n PAY of the mistakes to which many of : ~h VO { | the road officials of America are LIKEWISE CONFIDENT THAT WE ARE OFFERING BETTER VAL. yfdV | Gi a7 CHR CEN | | Prone, Road construction and main Mie | on 8 ye Rs Ny tenance have reached a higher stage | UES FOR THE MONEY THAN YOU WILL SEE ELSEWHERE THESE 3 Sy ENR 3 of developems« nt in Europe than in | % 3 this country I'here they have learn La ed more thoroughly by longer ex- CAN SATISFY YOURSELF IN THIS REGARD BY MAKING A PERSON- BEAR OUT ANY STATEMENT WE HAVE MADE CONCERNING IT IS OUR AIM, FIRST OF ALL, TO CREATE PERMANENT CUS- WE CAN BEST ACCOMPLISH THAT Wi JL. ) TROT wo 1 STRIUSE.8 0008 EAST MAIN STREET, ’ been built properly in the beginning, E / Fi { W. but even these can be kept in satis- ng e S urni ure arervooms factory shape if work is done upon \ them constantly and intelligently. Mount Jov, Penna. “A stitch in time saves nine” is a familiar proverb particularly appli- ——D ee Poe Sem cable in the case of roads. On all : sides the general truth of it can be | 4 Good Homemade Furniture a Specialty seen. It costs more in the end to | EI THE STORE THAT SATISFIES repair a machine which has been al- Upholstering Done to Order lowed gradually to go to ruin. A > farm is better for constant attention. ’ Ra Your house losses value if it is not MYOUNT JOY. PPA. |seintedand it will cost more to make POPLAR LUMBER FOR SALE IN LOTS TO SUT THE PURCHASERS. ’ . repairs than it would have had to apply the paint. —r GP eee “Repairs should be made when a needed” says Maurice O. Eldridge, U d k d E b ] . of the U. S. Office of Public Roads, n erta ng an m a ming “and not once a year after crops are ‘laid by.’ One hundred days’ labor, A —-s t rv”rvior the year, will accomplish more and better work in the maintenance of an earth road than the same amount Our Weekly Grain Letter Compiled for the Mount Joy Bulle- tin, at Mount Joy, Pa., by Wm. L. Bear & Co., Pennsylvania Building, Philadelphia, Pa., by D. B. Lehman, of labor expended in six days, espe- cially if the six days are in August, September or October when the ground is hard and dry.” Exceptional Showings of Fall and Winter Merchandise, at HAGER’S : P li, Pa. by DB. enn Manager, woolworth bul'ding, Lan- It is a great mistake to put the THE FIRST TWO-THIRDS SECTION OF OUR NEW BUILDING IS NOW COMPLETED EX- ! caster, Penna. Pil Sent. 20 working of an earth road off until hila., Sept. 26. CEPT FOR INTERIOR WORK, AND FINISHING THE FRONT, AND WE ARE OCCUPYING THE August or September. The surface AMPLE; WE The week has afforded little activ- | ;. t g : vy is ; : g . 2 : is then baked hard and dry. It is 1 IFW T TTC Rar 1 NAVE PURE FLAX, GERMAN GRASS OR SILVER = = = Cs , >: ntfenti rey y AVE IN HATTER'S PLUSH, IMITATION BEAVER, || ni EACH, TRISH FULL BLEACH OR OLD FASH- worth the attention of all Who Dave |, Giners’ of the great healing|system 'ELVET AND OTHER ACCEPTED MATERIALS es Te Aha a Did) WASH chestnut trees or timber. A strong . > » : : VELVET Al ) 'R PTED MATERIALS. || [ONED BARNSLEY DAMASK; 72 INCHES WIDE; att e ee effort should be made to arrest the |SPrings of Europe. While A. D. S. Hepatic Salts is not For feeding either beef cattle or | appears This is not specially dif- . : = . ' . E t E “pbiars, 8 Is specially dif-| and a teaspoonful of A. D. S. Hepatic reaching in its re ative rer ™v 25-31 West Kine Street, milk cows, a proper mixture of | ficult; and now, before the leaves fall, | oo = Suid I os : gins Testorative powers and I- ; cotton-seed meal and hulls is rec- |1S the time to do it. When a tree | Salts you can prepare at home a can be taken successfully for more Ta QI =5 a: 8 5:15 lis attacked : 50 ss infecte , | fresh mineral water like tha f these ai nts than any ar Drepavrati _ °9 LANCASTER, PA. ommended by the United States a ke 2% Becomes re d ioe] selebr: yi sik ary : oye imenis than any other preparation. ) gus rapidly spreads in the bark | ce ebrated resorts and derive very In short, it might be called a “system . . : : —, ‘ great benefit from it. adjuster’ as we tn svela . AUGARAR CUUAAOIAAAAALLIIE LAA UA AMAA MASA MBAS | 201 the State Experiment Stations | branches, Tt progresses so fast thal Pee" ssNeD £58 arith loan that have tried it. these parts in larger or smaller patch fe : : But there is some difficulty in es are soon disorganized, killed and reaching in its action. It is essen- It is perfectly safe an# harmless ies his ne / somewhat shrunken. The leaves | tially a system cleanser and it works and one of the very few remedi getting this proper mixture. which depend upon these parts, princinaiiv 3 : ° cdles | principally upon the stomach, liver which can freely be given to infants vania with the greatest success, because it | er and shrivel, but do not fall. These | . : is correctly and uniformly weighed into the | twigs or branches with their attached | when it arises form a torpid liver. the taste—unlike all other saltg— mixer by infallible machinery and then uni- | dead leaves are very plainly seen in | It overcomes constipation and induec- and its action very pronounced single particle of hull is coated with just mark the presence of this particular the right amount of meal. Every bag is disease. Of course, branches may! 4 exactly like every other bag, and always die from other causes, particularly | portion of the functions of these liver causes you trouble go to a good ‘“The Feed in the Bag is the same |chanica]l breakage, but the difference | is *v Benoloinl In nae gy : : as the Claim on the Tag’ lis not difficult to detect. |18 very beneficial in all cases of kid- try this remedy and note how quick- If during the next six weeks GUARANTEED NOT TO | is now for heavier yields than a year | chestnut tree has appeared It CAUSE THEY WERE MADE UP IN THE DULL || pApg IN SUN OR WASHING. MADE IN THE POLARIZED SHANTUNG. 29¢. A YARD. world wide shortage is rather pro- | and Northern New Jersey it has prov-| BEAUTIFUL MILLINERY rots Hod, | { ni A A — ee In Pennsylvania it is quite abund- SHOWING IN THE CITY. HE REFINED STOCKS IN THIS DEPARTMENT HAVE ea I he Ce hase «¢ ¥e : S ste | is sti 1 3 3 1 : s : : x tions of the state it is still either | A. D.S. Hepatic Salts, which is one tion is extermely reliable and brings ING HATS AT $5 00 in the heart of the season. Getz | js not likely that it will thrive in all CHARM T . PH ly a remarkable remedy, and con-|It is adapted for many forms of ner- School Shoes for the boy and girl may have already nearly reached the rOGUER: GE. SMAT DIUM SHAPES || GRADE SOLD AND UNIVERSALLY AT $1.25. Joy, Pa. sever, ‘that may be, it is we : i : VOGUE; LARGE, SMALL AND MEDIUM SHAPES ! > $ However, that may be, it is well | pad, Pulina, Marienbad, Weisbaden quantity in the brain and nervous LOOK LIKE MUCH HIGHER PRICED HATS. HANDSOME PATTERNS. progress of the disease so soon as it With a glass of clear cold water a “cure-all” it is indeed very far Department of Agriculture, and by [and growing wood of twigs and A. D. S. Hepatic Salts is very far ser. BOVETA has been fed all over Pennsyl- | for their water and food supply with- | rs us : ) | and bowels. It corrects indigestion as well as adults. It is pleasing to formly mixe« ; “hinery, so every |C ras i » natural es ¢ . : > = formly mixed by machinery, so that every (contrast with the natural on id | og 3 healthy action of the bowels. It When you are ill, all tired out run |attacks of boring insects, and me- {organs to the skin and howels—hence physician, but if this is impossible | a [ney tr | seas examination is made for this It is exceptionally efficient George W. Pavn of Providence . Payne, ‘idence, | | | 1 Te 6% 6% 636 0% 6% 6% o%e oe Te Ze Te oT. TAS TEI TEN OL EE LE vi ie vie vie eof ney trouble. ly you will be benefited. sense. pavilenlariv. we 3 Tho Sune. : Ai oY disease, particularly west of the Sus-| most a specific for gravel. As a the Rhode Island member of the Na quehanna, and in sections not yet gentle laxative in cases ag re : 3 known to be infected, it is probable | 2°" azatlve In cases of tubercu- tional Formula Committee, says: “A that it ean be arrested or even en-|108is, scrofula and wasting diseases D. S. Hepatic Salts have filled a Tons | tirely prevented. | A. D. S. Hepatic Salts supplies the felt want in the world . ici g Affected limbs should be cut off | normal constituents of the body, Althougl Word. or medicine, well below the dead wood and burn- | > a voay Although | ed. Any trees, the trunks of which ’ z t are diseased should be cut down and malady and greatly Improve s the ap-| who have tried this remedy, and they the bark and branches burned. The petite and general health. all say it is the best relief of : wood could be used for any purpose| Ag a remedy for gout, rheumatism 'thev he Sa St relief of the kind desired; it will not spread the dis Pb Lv alii acy have ever found. m : on the market only a short which have been decreased by the time I have several customers who is registered in the State of Pennsylvania and guaranteed to pass inspection. Every single carload of BOVETA is offi- cially sampled, analyzed and certified before | and uric acid poisoning this pr , : ( , ) . ig i : e 1 id pois ng this prepara- Price, 20c¢ & 5 it leaves the factory. No other feed-mill | While the State Forestry Depart- propar: ’ ¢ and 40ec.’a Bottle, 2 { In the world even claims to do this. | ment is personally directing work of this kind it behooves every individual A Cent in Each Package. Quality Cuaranteed. BOVE Take to exert himself immediately, and The Southern Cotton Oil Co. co-operate for the common good. M. S. BOWMAN, Mount Joy. Charlotte, N. C. Within the sections named complete Le oTeoTeole oo ole sles TerPaotes Toate ole o% abe cle Pe iT LBs LO. L, ATES CS St rae vie vie vie vje sje nSe neces eel Commonwealth Brand Pennsylvania Special EE IE ARES E. W. GARBER East Main Street. MOUNT JOY, Pa. a a a a a a And Sold by contrel or destruction of this chest- LEANDER GANTZ nut disease seem assured if proper effort is made. i R. F. D. No. 3. Mt. Joy, Pa. ——— :, 2 Le otesde - EE § y