50 CENTS A YEAR VOL. IX. NO. 18 ~ | \ , h , ( , 4 ‘ ) I] (a ( 4 “ 4 AY! N | . R \ ‘ UN | (CO | Ol )S BRI (x | | | i 4d \ JAN \ . MEDIUM Barn B : = urned | 2st ANNUAL CONVENTION - — TE Our Ca fy rd Basket U. B. CONFERENCI | : Obituary Notes CAL Allentown Thursday pit pe ue Mut soe Florin Alfa) : airs \ { ’ A rn [he Lane : MEAN — Jancaster CO \ PAM ESHLEMAN MEETS Ry K. Union 1 WITH A HEAVY 1 FETS at Florin Tomorrow ‘ JOSS Tl : 1€¢ LWe 1 i Lightni ntv-first ar 1 - - Annual Sessi Aghtning Strikes A B of the Lanca annual convent THE A . ters A ancaster Cou conventiol HE THERE bur i o Hel Eust of Hive 4 Bn Chree Miles | Y ill be held on Thi ut ty (. K. Union - hi HEREABOUTS OF ( ry, First Week in ad al Sun " and T . 29tl1 hursday, Sej \ ‘RIENDS T : i UR LL id It Toge otally Destr th, in the U septem ’$ THE PAST gether Wi ‘ roys [at nited B Su } PAST WER hn ith All | at Florir irethren en VEER 1e¢ one hm HE R —No0 Li the Conte | " 1 church ic imndred and eley : ROAD WHIC y IW ther Wign 31 oe | Morin, wh of the East P oventh me CH WE Al ' Shrite, 1 Heavy lurned— Loss is | Sramme will br very interesting pr Who and Where TI ference, United Tau ylvania Con FRAVEL SOONER OR a Sr Longenecker, bai Re A | wi ye rendered B pro M: wy Have Visi will be hel rethren in Cl VOR Tava oa to the Allentow | BE any Sti h isited— | pis) eld at Sunbury, O Ist, | g Th SHilie to 1 3 — 3 During 9.45 ming Session da ’ ere Over S dishop W. M ’ ctober 5-9. | Pome Well ¢ Leip a Lala Harp * sw g a heavy ZI 9.45, Praise Ser 1 ay=—\Were r Sun. Ci ) Weekley 0 : Known Pe » Reading Was nade | oh PRUNING v T ] over none 3 ew torm that passed | HOUT: or. A Service; 10.00. Quiet You Among Them? ty Mo., will preside at Kansas Neighborhood H People From Our R Mu and Kutztowr Lebanon NGS IN THE BUSY VIL 4 an rivietd 0 man’ FORE 4 7 . » Quiet - ] session ’ ide at all o 4 ave Ps teading ot y turning EW : —- : "14 Sporting Hill 3 nan's church | yc of Welcom Pel 10.15. Ad Mr. Murrell 8 ference he territory of tl f the Great Beyond Si Passed to the l-ititz ; Adamstow: I " ol via AGE WEST OF HERE \ 1, a bolt of ligh esterday after-| oy oc Rese « ev. Claren ester Stoler arri e comprises { 1s con : Since Our hikd, SQYGFIOS 1 plirut ang a hay . ig eo Vf sponse, R rence erday arrived hon denon ; 2 all churches of ir Last Issue 1° 3 1 distance barn of Mr htning strucl shey: 10.3 po , Rev. Har A : home nination i of the ue Several TE Locs —— Mr. ra ; ok the v: 10.30, Rep : rv Her ir. Clare . phi1 n the countie Ew ed the t | hinges tha i ocal and Per ie CR bram 18 stivey the Stat 29, Reports: Pree tov: Bo City. 15 he nee Stoll of New Yor! pail Lebanon, Lancaster of Dau- | om Mary Bell Spera d road ie 1rist vere the t Impress Occuryed rsonal Briefs That Have large structure toge v destroyed the | perintendents: Jui )epartment Su Nr OT ia it ork | parks. N Northampton r, Lehigh 1 on Thursday aged died at Man- distal | _Reading 10 VA Since Uueil adjoining buildi gether with all the |“Pi Missi ns Junior, Good Citizen- | Persbu iristian Weidman Berks Northumberland Schuylkill ii Margaret aged 65 yeal ch tance of 36 mil Allentown, a Our Hustling and ast Issue im | togethe : e ip: Missionar or, or rs oT dan of © : imberland ‘ fi Then garet, wife y are } miles, witl .t a i ' tion ing by ding A hr tt eet ry: Offering: 11.00. ai Messrs P nt Sunday in ih ham- | i Land a church in ny, ad olum r : " as, died at Co ol George H. alt re Another was t) thout toll Neighbor Villag go? Wide Awake . An eye wit SC for next r Committees; Invitati “Pl Conra “rank Good ¢ B | 1e conference is ge pin ged 7 Yeu I ETNY ue igh county CE . the bar ness said a 1 R. R neeting: 11.15, S ations nrad spent Sund and William | ©5t in the is one of the larg : i dy ith “the 1 arn in the a bolt struck |.’ R. Butterwi .15, Sermon, Re Mrs. Si Sunday at Col am ie denominati arg — i owl nd green witl | int “Qhat - and in ver center on tl + {me rwick, D. D.; 1, Rev Sarah Rola olumbia membership ation and has : T rs Msg ur Mncen rar at Gorm, Fre on he STOOL nt © Adjourn- is sojourni land of Phil br 4 p of over 20,0( 1 ; I'he " ' ers Ww at mar ) ¢ men ‘ "' i8 the y T 2 rt order runing ¢ adelphis races ’ 20,000 . Pay odore ng Were vii n ace { it Getz B new roof vas ablaze er the satire Afternoon Sess Messrs. E among friends h Bia rages 8 pastoral charge Jt =n n Typhoid fever hall hay making a secon 3 rm Mr an 2 ros uit for action of Mr. Es 1e promp CO " Session Fisse a { Jaker ere B- zed churches 99 THD, or- 1weorode “ aused the de id erdp of S Tn 8 I's Sq . iE ny : Atternoor yours CO if zed 1928 or Fat Kra eath un \ “ Simon i by neighbors hleman's son assis Ptlary; Prayer erences; Junior; Missi Mr pent Sunday at McC 1 Samuel Christian Endeavor ministers, 104 FOU © Elme lt Me fies yout I Ty i” Jacob N. Horsh SE scene ] rs who hurried isted Qui raver Meeting; 1 } lission | Ir. William Rod McCall's Ferry 3,646 mem! wor societies with | Frid Imer Krall of tt By old 4 AY. a rihey Deighton 3 on assisted Ni Mayer Mi =: Lookoat: 2.20 phia cire ¢ todgers of Phi | smbers, 157 St » 1 day. He 1is place « m wo. Diller |} pent S ' : fershey ¢ seene, all who hurriet Qu Hour; Jesuing} [ook t; 2.30, |] ‘ire ninted int f Philadel- | with 2.882 teac Sunday schools of the . was the sec nm The lifele ound Dey it Sunday ¢ rs and family il. the & by Faris ob C : 1055 Sess] and Si : OWN OV . : 2 teachers a + ylg 1 epidemic cond victi SF feless hod gh ad M1 at Wild Cs 3 Safety, but gre 3 roved to ® place os RO ommittees; oss Session | dg: Sunday r Saturday |? total enrollment of nd officers and four other genie here ery in ) r. live stock ol of George K. Dil Whe J. D. Easton aaa ae | ¢ latter wd 10 8 place of Mou ation: Jaco au as lan} firace Eshleman 133 Jor all purpose an] 16: collect- ith the dis 1 ers of the family. i hi found dead hey of Blue B Jl Nr Lancaster on Tu i business ing buildi yv ran into tl 3.30 : ommittees; ee a3 . AY 10 Misses “or was the |. 2.70; parson: ast year, $204 eld « 3 rs The funer: : Toynsion t ha samy hel “at wo Vi n Nis BS they 2 ] Tarr 3.6, Sddress. Rev 3 8s: Offering gal on S Barclay | ti : arsonages, 49; tot: ’ nm Saturda : imeral was S wn Road abe : eld at lancaster Mrs. John N are 120 eral times mT Sunbur ss, Rev. E. M. G ’ Sunday. y at Done-|"°n of churcl . 9; total valua the Evi 2 ay, with servi a8 unday ev thout 5 o' aster spent N Nissley of dings . urn je oury: 4.00 M. Gearhart. | Mr. Ri ) 1" rp ch propert an i Jvangelical ¢ ervices ; ening » o'cloc] M Monday i ) barn w § on the far ig vy: 4.00, Addres art, . Ralph Eshl The seer i vy, $1,137,803 al church in since 8: where it 1 i r. J. K. Fr Ay in. 1ow) 20: sores ¢ WI rn oY 5 ss. Rev. Ge iy Day Ras \leman ¢ secretaries ' 9] ‘ 4 Saturday had lz a fi revmever . ol fhe b ; 20 ur r leo. D. | ay exercis attended R are R 8s of the ¢ Peas disc ¢ morning vin 2 fine d : yer purchi section, it bei gest in that i Rev. W : ior Rally; A Cli ercises in ended Ral- | tev. J. A. 1 onference | Be To > Won: , yeing 100x68 f at entire . m. K. He: Sree ddress, | wirch on 8 the Kinde burg. ter, D. D : : \ me red by George was lastor rse fron r, W section, ; t In th LT : n Sund: yderhook | PUES: and R : , of Harris- Irs. Jac 1an of Lewis 1 » Mr. W it hems hat re adelphia Mrs. F ay K | 1 tev, ( BE § Mrs. EB . Jacob Garbe . oganvill is, a young M m. the Tooxe: i kB ; : : nay : Ephrat: : pra . E. Boughte Mrs. Ell: ; Garber Henry ‘tz ille, in 1£ r. and g Xero S59 bushels of lestroy o which 7.00, Song ning Sess) ’ [day at Elizabe B . Gantz spent Mon of Aine hs v. D. D. Lowery eh of ber of ign of Mr. Jacob Gar Road Ss ler, near tN field of Spending a ws ® Alpheus Morton a already been thr gt hat had jof C« : ce: 7.15, I [of her s zabethtown as ! . Hi shurg, is the ¢ ery, 1. , | tern ; ace, died ve ri li : and not fa irownstown Pal Ney eek at Harri are alread: ls of wheat | a od Te 15, teports son Josepl as the guest perintende c ¢ conference su- ernoon at 2 esterday af Ine ar from tl aimyra arrisburg a granary, oats ¢ stored in |mentary: : Resolutions, S Fe npr, € ph B. Gant Bud nt and is al Su- | victi she being thi Ie trolley Cla Fad the grat eR threshed 30d n ry; RS ane s, Supple- | : harles Slo: antz. plete the a s about to co m of the t : 1g the third Decease | 3 arles Mens: 3 A Straw noar-i 20 A stration; Offeri [the Smoky Ci Sloat will 1 ; work of his s m- | preval vphoid feve : ( eased is spent S Menaugh of Mi Eshler s of seed whe: : , Address, Rev. E ering; | Smoky City 3 eave for|Yedr In g is seventeentl evalent here er epidemic | lose investigati years RA Senn § man had p eat that Mr. | Hagers ; ’ ev. B. BE. 8S he has s yv on Saturd: oT | that capacity ith | thirty-thi : She wi i 4 i Sa } g of Mates lps ot » f urchase Mr. | Hagerstown; 8.3 . 1. Stattor as secure irday, where | YOURS : pacity Sever rty-third ’ She was i "of foul m show 4 iis mother 1 as the g crop, twelve I ased, entire hay |C : 8.30, Consecrati nL, | Mi ed employ , where |° g men will | 0; Several | by; Year and In Jes UI May te a 1 ge ofr > acres of ver re hay | Copeland secration, Pres Misses Mazi yyment. confer je received i ANG and 5 iad eaves Some: Fr ra dren a co, nearly al : very fine . ’ es | Qhav Mazie Shelly erence and licens into the . id four childre § a luge SOinenis of i AnRivSis i 8 ge : ive / ® hay) pelaje, | Shay os relly i 1d license . de: as dren y " his . of ( a ge nu "ye p ing a a ue harness, some ras will be served at th | Hote 1 py re guests of 3 Tae Debeces — ised to preach. Jeuth as follows Po mourn her signs of poison stomach showed n Sire n attended the ii of school J ements and Less, Sole farm. | JRte cents Segall usual Mr Conevagy on Sunday ervin at 13 and a five weeks’ AL, James, w— ; Me Te sday ir at Lancas- . barn, hog sty ngs destroyed wire ay Cars Pd , 15 cents | do, Shales It Bernside, wife Menno Real Estate Sold | day Wg will be held hig I Nothing Doi : Yet two aang re £73, hog | y, tel Hott. oars : LTS ave Lancaster ev iS ) fladelvhia. and | yo ess bougl ays n at 1.30 ¢ m Fri- t doe g Doing Ye . aughters N , wife and A Hy, chic eS cirrisee ai I> mi aster every h | guests of fri adelphia, wer Young far ght the Joh N ical Chure .30 at the E S not see et Sunday i of Lancas co shed se, and a large tc oT nutes past th : our, riends her , were the g farm, of 78 acer John M. irch. I . Jvangel- many pers seem as th ay in tow) aster eyent riage 15 mi s ‘ or Ser ons od tere Hast w sonthwos H i acres. 2 ; | made i nterment 3 nany persons her o there ¢ Sto 1. E The far he Elizabetl . Mr tb and Mrs. Char st week. iwest of this plac , 2 miles n the Henry E will be lcally i 3 here that are f are Stop, Look a i Cn i the Elizabethtown troll = a Tag sales Ricks acre s place, for $8( | ry Eberle Ce y inclined are foot bal- to get f and Listen v Eshlen as purchase ey. " arry Krall : icksecker . ) per | — emetery. NOt be . As ve al- get fresh gr ; —The place us nan only f ased by Mr Thursday , Aaron Rhy ' A ' —— Ws een a mur vet there has ¥Te¥ groceries : Je C. Fall fr y four vears ago : Billy’ sday at the ve, sper Amos Charles x » tear nurmur relati as vmeyer's Flori s is at J. K ron vears ago is y's se. NT e Alle ; Ee 1t hs arles, of Eas . x Mrs. Jac c am here taf relative g lorin, Ps sre ’ and the a Henry Da Sls This Hr Felt Good of Ri Misses Mae air. $owniship. has sold ast Ju mpfield Mrs. Jacob Rend Rendig gad doin sw fo jor ; up es! ws or \ ’ er was livi § Wg g Mr. Willis . nderhook ¥ ola Le ly acres wi : s farm of eigh- 9 1 ndig aged 85 teri ry as we hav et's be up Fpent Sunday in yer of MN years this - s living there ing came drivi lliam Sct sig ook, are effley s with impro : nonths and ; Es a Srial uy as "Addison B ; duigh . Swnor yas ree : Tin AoW Schol- | sister, Mrs y, guests Viel Sh p vements, to Ds ih and 16 days di years, and a good fi ity of ma- ter, Mrs ! own with h ars 1s } Spring. and in fr E wn Main stre Mrs. Irvin Bak 8 Of their Shuman. , an- home at El . ays died at her play good field or y a , Mrs. Addiso er daugh this past Sorin obt of 11. C street Mr. and aker this w The Mis ing Jim mill last S rer y. 1 which tc Mr. J dison Brenema ga 2 Ang: son Duwi A ching _C. Brunner’s tl D and Mrs. Cvr s week. \ Misses Anna E 1g at about 5 o’ st Sunday eve — ins ) . John Stoll & / an. I ‘ potatoes i ving ap- g tore and 2 s the | Donegal Springs, vrus Schr Garber, 1 e a B. and Katie EU abot § o'clock of re HT me Sunda is not ho gs in the south horse beg: tated of course his |as Springs, spe y roll of , lot of ground wi pale Ju ons incider k of complics y 3 gated, ar potatoes in | gape ait Bicking $ Lis | as guests ings, spent Sunday ments. 3 mi 1d with improv ceas 1t to old ag . ca- Fast Trai spending yme Sunday gone to Virgini present, he havi jumped out ¢ : Mr. Scholi Se sts of his br ay here 8, 3 miles north of prove- | ceased was age. The de-' Thur v rain Wreck Bin ode 8 A ger rginia on S aving | 1 out and the hors ing | Schroll yrother Jac sold to Rev. Si of Maytown was | Or was born abe oe yursday Ly recked] Miss 3 line of a brother of 1 Sunday round in fr horse turned : : Jacob M ev. Simon Gar - was | north of Eliz about two miles Wrec Lorne i oS largares RI oF Now : of Mr. H y. He is ront of the N d a- Mr. El . SS rarber for $2,( hs of Elizabethtow viles ck on the P g there wi is spendi Kline of N " s this ple Mr. Harry Eshle buildin e Mount Joy Hz DE por Brow p S. S. Brubaker has 2.000 | that vicinity n, and lived in Mer le P. R. R sis Spending 50 Sekt . I ee v Eshleman of g. a turns Joy fall | Philadelphi: vn left Monday of eighty as sold his farm ' Dé itv all her lif d in er and Bird-i . R., between Wi guest of some time her ’ Be The loss is immediately spr 1g he fell but las a s phia, where 1 day for |; ghty-three acres p s farm : past ten years 8 ° For the Pennsy “Ip-Hiund, | io 42 Yan hy % ss is very heavy y y sprang to his f las a student i ve has enr improvements acres of land, with ¢ years she was aliv hii sy flyer, No. 25, in which Mr. J. G K d Gussie B | derstand h v heavy and w went up tow § his feet and | ti it in the Phi rolled nents, in Rs ’ pjand not wi S intaly ul ope v Ln Ba No ones in’ o fn ¢ ste e carrie i we un- own. In turni and | tile School hiladelphia " near Eris , tapho township, | € ” withstanding ; jnd was hurt 25, Ssured vo Lomb i ened x all his far irried only $5,00 ner at Mr. Philli urning the cor ; ol. phia Tex- ‘risman’s chure ship, | condition 1g her sightless 2% W . but consi Xo ro ary : 2 coat iY led only | 5.000 0 at Mr. Phil a e cor- Miss everest I i s church, Y | a 1 she wo : ghtless a8€ was siderable d: for g the Flori e y the contents buildings and nothing on he again fell np ! pani s residence | Perry C Maggie Kline of N i ¥, at $200.80 per doar jon 5 | She was the It i never complain The ane lo railroad yi gag. riel Yrs: Mary Easton and bi fA Last ev oi : stable T . e then ran to tt hak ounty, is bei Newport, ; ¢ nas L. Minnich, : Wr | family 10 8s) Survivor of a large Preve )t action of operLy. 07 Gabe .ast evening Mr : he harness we the ; tertained i ing pleasa : »1 for the hei 1, auctioneer, 8 My y. She never had a large vented loss ; the engi Messrs. C Bh sv. Béhlenian’s a bet Mr. So r ss was badly tor Bar in the family santly en- e heirs of Mrs. E , sold | but adopted & 3 ad any childre ss of life gineer gq ssrs. Charles C h ill from ov an’s son . Scholing esct v torn | Barclay amily of Mr. G a farn ¢ Mrs. E. A. Stehme adopted a girl wk , ren s—— . Sheaffer 7 § Carson ing the fire t over exertion dur _Belloing sscaped whinjure at Donegal. Mr. Geo. | oi bt of 110 acres in Ea Stehman | married the lz irl who afterwards ay oe and H.C. A > but wv i) dur- ed. Mr. al. fielc ina s in East y Y . e late Eli Gei i Rras A . al Gator 4 eign Ie hn nm over exertion du Mr i i tw fle | township, known as Hemp- | she resided and di Geib with whom Tt t Our Public Institut : or spent Sunday and H. C. yhettor, _L_"~"" 1- A Prohibition Meeti th Iaddonfiold NJ jamin Bossert Gingrich RATIN (0 A as iho John é died recently jail 1ere are in the I nstitutions jong Wild Cat ay at Accomac - Mr. Madiso on Yee ing e Preshvt er are visitors 1 8200.85 Sw ¢ Amos Cope, f - ks Ji now 67 i .Aancaster c Mr. J a : Protihition Mee! an am sitors at { per acre , for ¥ } »7 prisoners, i Ir county ; JD. Bas : Prospects Getti tion c ive "Lar kin, Prohibi and Mrs anse, guests > . . fenry C. Gride 1ouse 9 i soners, i y Y his I ry aston is y sendi Sips Ropes Getting Better on, Onudiinte for arin, Peony Mrs rs, Jon Bossert lests of Mr. ar ’ Joseph Connelly estate 1 Henry C yo ne r 169, in 108 inmates, in 3 the alms- dry Iaundey to the Mo nl ow sending : + last issue Aaron S. Watkins, candi tion |. re Susn W . § tract of soventy-elght ate has | dairym: 3 wa wellknown. Insti e insane asy e hospital dleto ancaster, ins atten lam of IRON £ 2 sue no new cas preside 4 s, candidate for vi spent S olf of land ; ; seventv-eight acer yman, died . known Instituti e asylum 262 al dletow ster, instead «aun oo ever hav ases sident in 1908 $ or vice- Sunday her f Maytow and, with improveme ght acres of | home m Saturday ¢ i itions at coun 202, at Su own Laundry. 24 of Hedge tunis ple ave develc . | speaker : 908, and her sis y here as tl : n, : ; provements, i | e along the Li ay at his the ehi county e state | Mr aundry. id oid hav y ose os le ) Sr ister. Md oe s the guest of township, or s, in Penn |etta pik e Lancaster : 3 e children’s y expense 20, Mr. and wis . a piace. rere leveloped in a rs wil adress nd ether able her Jjnis Mrs. Samuel A guest of nun on ti Mont Hope SH sue Wise about two miles nq Man children ons Lone in oma Rock 203, Mrs John Breneman of re us atients are qui ahoaster 1e Court | Mr. ¢ gal street. € $110 ¢ John 8. Heagy, for if Spring. His f Sil- 27; tot: varded at public : 70, the g spent Sunday i g spects for : juite | - aster, on M ’ fouse, . and Mrs. H . per acre, i agy, for | from a str s death res : al 625 ic expens guests of ‘ Ry SE vaty oti 'r their recovery 5th Sp Monday eveni two ds s. Henry Hack ing , and a tract ¢ : i a stroke with whi esulted se | Addis the former’s In . } couraging. T ery . Citizens of vening, Oct d aughters. Edith ackman : 1g three acres & ' contain- ited 3 1 which he was vis- | Em dison Bre ner’s brother are very S Jor Ua I 5 i & of oT BOLIC Milloreut rs. Edith : na and |, 2€ acres and 105 7 d on Sunday e was vis- lis | eneman other ‘ sulted thus far Be deaths | &T€ cordially invi itical parties | ¢ ersville, spe . and Miria ‘land, with cos 5 perches of while i ey three weeks : ke Sti | Landisville i authorities in wiki! far, I'he boro their wives an vie to come, bring family of Mr. gh nt Sunday an of | Hope, to Ti qumps, ete., at Mt | Tae delivering milk over gs hen, The ig ii Coptinnes Landisville a A = 1% Bond of Tiealth Ritneiion with the janty ne hear a great A estion Mr. and. My larry Greenawalt in| per acre Andrew Hummer, at $184 na Toute He was Whi Colum at Mr ns Sota out of heer of Mt. Joy and Mrs. Chas 5 of cauti IN Bre using every pre a ? son Mr Mrs. Abram Nagle Jere. v attention, after whic > medical . Wolf Yoffe’s is sti siness sale | a1 . Joy, visited . ga ML | Soles he to Ay pre > tlD-- Gilneas 0 Howard and 9 Bogle and re Y ustee in the estate of Cl | ed to his home Yhien he was remov- nd ; will continue hi ig going on | 4. Ww ife on Tuesday J. S. Carmany ’ ¢ yO , : any : ™ , Spe ? W of : « N. Gerber £ £ > Iris ‘ ‘i 1e. 1€ ec c stock is s 11 } ] | Ar]8se V ors a i Soreading f the disease you, ay o Hliore: ‘Arc. Othis BRoCTe OF So nt Suhdar in 2 mg on 8. Jere has sold the following Aha sixty-six years 8 dee sed was stock = sold. All fall 1s entire | shade ww varhers and Paul Es made a ci ectors were here len Rock, a York ery walt Mr. and Mrs. Harry G as | cated i : Alarm of 144 ac Yer any years dealt i age and for Here’ an now be boug and winter in t w New. Holland Sh f | nspec | eek | | i re Others : : : ATTY Qrecne. ated in. Wes ; | acres. lo-| the last fif ‘ in cattle ¢ i ere's a g ught we own as gue spent S d MAGS nears! inspection sand 200 people. has so nty town of Mtv. Char ¥ na- | and know 0 t Hemepfield township | I last fifteen years h e and for. fail t 1 golden opporti wv down. ! grandps onests of the fi unday ys and residences in thi of typhoid fever noe forty cases |bhia si 1arles Murray, of Pt to AL wn as the Dr. Gerber 1ip | milk route Me. Ged Be operated a 0 grasp it tunity so don’t pF iparents, H. P. Bea former's hoof ty ; ome fon ges hia spent TA ay, iladel pheus 1 Mow r. e arm, | by h . Mr. Grider is survi ii “or Sale CO Jear and wif as tod by a single case his wi aturdav and S ¢ 7 omg .. Mowrer, for $175 is second wife ¢ irvived el hi ’ heap—I ife. vy the physici wife and son d Sunday : acre; a trac yr $175 per ; four wife and six chi Pan iammerles I Jouble p ysicians | : and § HE ay an act of w : ; per : four by fi six chi . ens 8 hare Sle ease | Wook at the ] son are spending 474 rawnahiy act o Jreodiyns in Rapho | by th y the first marriage chijaren, The R A Good Show { mer gun au, double barrel mv] i J o the ship, 181s a rf ] e se : ¢ an ¢ ha ws é a sing am- oF Bis eens I {and fifty-four Si + of fifteen acres |by the yond union. The childr Y ed in th maway Banker wi mer gun all 12 g single barrel ham {204 St-feng J ches, en i | rst marriage are: Yharen and we 1e hall on Thm eh present- | apply to J guages for sale cheap ? per acre; « y | OF Dr . y ares as a pr Vr evel ! » P i > es a tract of | wife of Eds FON township: Anni served a 1 very good show i ening se ton, Florin, Pa — Jdward Myers, of Brvt Ana, Was much better attend and de 0 — , own as 1 attendan rp : va; more 4 excellent prod Heh It LITTLE OF EVERY’ Han Teaey eagstion nd VERY THING 10s€ present sees State and C - : ( : ounty News Boiled Down t- | cora, Wife i of Richard Hildebrand They als ins - S a( e € S ——nm v also inspected tl t y { 1€e wa i ‘ til 3 ¢ i he state inspector go wi Ti se 1e and Mrs ¢ AW ] 1 Irs. John N for Quick Reading n I yurray. | { woodland ir dland in We Hempfield, con WW A, ne ic adi ; place. |! tor works, ta Be ii by race. creek and sev : the sma strea . $ ever- | had i $ ams at f ad bee semi Little Chickies f1 s that feed the | fev Jo n terming the dises AE | our water su rom which we get er” and the ‘‘new ye bilious | Mr Jol : pplY . ge ee , Yisease” . : for analysis a : Sank s of water 5 are reported Msi Re Here | clerking in 1 pi! ndt, who has 1 se At e taken f y ast as they and quarantine : [. D. Beneman’ as been |; servoir, subside and cr rom the re- . they develop. tined | & number of ves ) nemans store for! ing of three acres ¢ = port of said creeks and a re - -— { Millingto vears left Mond Or ito C. CO. K acres and 150 perches . ov thes pau analysis will api “1 i a remain on, Md., where 1} Monday for my : Kreider, for for ches, | of West Hempfield ese columns a ear 1n That Ir | nain for se e he expect | The sales wer dob. (0 per acre | is i DIC, and Cla) 1S as Ss ; : § npr Tei I sever: ts t : $ el 11 : |is in the lay 1 here. oon as it reaches Mr. Elmer T Proves Things Mr. HIATT ion ¥3] months, OH. Zi Boo of a1 all d bv Mr. Chas. chil } he United Stat Ei ion, who ; The ins a biz 3 eisey has just fini land so elman of MN : i : S place { children of the sec ove The | Top Note ! spectors w i ig job fo u inished | n Mr, f Manheim, | - gu Henry : cond marriage otch Price impressed witl Sore ron favora’ Eckhart in th o concreting for Mis are spendin Albert of New Jer dig ( : — ra ind Viola, at hom tage arn A few days ag rice for Calves 9 1th he cles AL 5 16 west e ‘ I' MISS | oq ng a o v_.Jersey, attle Sale xs | sistel also 3 e ( £0 produce 1 1 of our ronal and Lo) in condition side irom walls : nd of town. A- guests of the f { w days here a on ke : Sale on Friday ohn 15 urvive, Barbara ) ay Dra 1 fealor. D field dition in which tl ie excellent con- which are now ¥3 about the houses | Henry Grosh or Omer i M Rosenthal aay sep! 30, Mr. Sol ! The d Stauffer, and Harriet Grid andis of W : th Fhe John M. 1] the wa hey found things : s 1141 in cours eo M1 h on West 1 iy thal will offer an e» Mr. »0 he deceased Ww arriet Grider i if t Do hn M. Brandt est: vater works things at | he 1aid over 100 feet se of erection | ga ur and Mrs. | treet fine lot of catt er an exceptionall) Mennonite ch 1s a mémber of th ch rl Jo! ti } t estate is erect- : REA > pavement in fre of fine concrete Jdomghen Kath ¥. Koon and iil or hn e at public sale at! Was ry church The tot : foheat wkahle 3 y 10 US * --0-@—————— ynt of her pr et Myvlir : athryn 1 Florin Hotel stocl iad de eld on Tuesd funera P Ce ts Rally oT on Lumbe street 1er prope Fie | Toms and Mics 2g Mrs. Carrie | €° ; ie 0 vards They | the silver Si Tuesday mo nine tron l : Day in the Pres . 2 r hay LANCE 155 ey TE Ad ine fresl AT V Sm y g Irom choo S= The local W. ( v, Moots. —-0-A- family r and Mr. | P. | tendis, of heifers and big purl cows, Holstein ment made in : 1 and inter : DV had od ie . T : o—— j family o g Jowi 1 5 1 ; LE yurham he 7 | ? ” e adjace ¢ t a n new fall ular session at . U. met in reg H on | Qiol I 1 ) mn and | tter will 1 1eifers. All| . jacent cemete St Getz B a fall neck § Y , : eg- ow > \ Stehn fed l il e aa) | raat net ~ ore : ( ) : k- Siohnianh 22 1h home of Mrs. I. D Vo They Collect Taxes | man at isited 1 \ nter 2 I h the coming \ . \ Will Close 1 2 to 50¢ 3 ti st evening ny ike +1, ‘ \ et ——— Sunda 1 1 One th . . 3 V ff ¢ bhi vy \ Te was opened pi The aot and hao Sl olumbia Aorowahil OL une. l¢ ) Jo oieved af Le finest | 5 Nother Pick and Shovel Da $i ffe's stor n 1 4 ing shoes reading ir 2 1 singing « : | proceedi authorities i : >i 3 ind farme red J y lon time easel vith the su ay day, Oct 3rd ¢ losed nA Beneman's ling in concer : g and edings t rl institute i Y 1 houl Y nd Si : ne Cee oO Dinl iil ( at 10 4 ) 1 1 : ( I ' 1an's the Lord's nee the {st Psalm with against nes to golloc Liang B1 IH N OUR CHURCHES ale \ A not mi this | | a Shovel Day rol eos | £ Picl anon a 10 o'cl ) of 10. is the ad- 3 § aver. aan : irty-five filed | of 1 yf six mu ; ancaste + tap hill, the ! rq l t tl ne E Sh 4 read the proceedin M1 2 Thome then linquent taxes ¢ TJLone ties tor de | eeoR a h iven Sale at y onths will | the. inst r Automobile Club 1 tl I 3 in an 6 oO ; . : IE. Kendig. Conve 3 . gs of the C hav De total . Ny : | He a 1 stance of Dt : : 1 at ¢ n : : Th l he t line Conv ntion. stating that our ounty 3 ¢ bee n started for I of 192 suits | BABA, Methodist OE and neine th persons livin Aon holi Vi rs ne of is in a very flourishi at our County es during the pa similar purpos- | Pre: av school. ¢ . Ofecis1. 0. 0. F ong ang by tarnoike between Hi : 20 to it now has 929 shing condition, as shal past two weeks : Preaching at 10.20 at: 9.30 im At thet Von F., 1910-1911 ey and Hone hier Bed in ‘ ‘ i Mi = 1 9 members. : cee fff niaensmcscemeepe | m. pworth I a. m. and 7.30 el ise HE aX xl meeting. Tu ia £ miliar d on ti GS ; obser \} Success, : fo ut vour a 3 . .andis, of the S Yio y | Public i b> .eague « Sy x. ni Sent: 27, 1 Sr esday | a Octol ! n Tue Vi I I 4 her IY it yu b lersrville, was a 5 S. at Mil- By Do You Want a Home? | Public invited to ea 6.20 p. 'm, | IPS nam 1 offi 7, 1910, the follow- | vitati : xan, 11 hen a Fues- a student 4 ech I : at J. G. 4 3 che -electe( 1 oo By an : Ivars * el | atl 1080 1 eh 2 Ce Were Vik on will 1 g 1 1 1 t Eli 0 1 hee Vi § erintende dg ounty Sup- So: vdvertiseme i a meetin N. ( r iil ) ¢ ( ; 3 i otht iin ent, : Landisville and M p- | this issue it may ment elsewhere in | : g x x Dr. F. L. Rict | the community to tur n residents of nro d a Xt ywn ( p oF : ced of i tlh on privileged to hd Of i gun! Jacob H. She may be seen that Vie. | a : Evangelical Ch ; | Gr Mr. Geo. B. Zell upon the road j rn out and work dible Th 0 I I / apd the gate to represent 5 1e dele- oy is nk offers ie ¥ mr. Sunday Sc nd urch Rec. S¢ 4 p : € n ct § : ren Del y] ( 1 vilie slicing > A ; § these : rable pr rs his very i vy School at | Sel Mr. M following day 5 yf rain th 1 n Christ i ) M1 1 8 state conventi se unions a ; property ; ry de- 108 hv ey at 9 a.'n | Bir Sop’ ir. M. A [ ng day will be 1 1 the qa, it | fal Bretl V } Ne QRv: Rion at Scranton, Oc Y ht street. at public on. West Donegal | 2 Plie minister, Rey > Preach- Fn Soc'y—Mr. 8. Dot By 4 ve observed \ Ia 7 M Sh Mrs. K asi sete Ly - ate anf » sale Rite or : a.m. - v. W. A rea eo . | 0a . 1 to this . Zabhethtown Bol president of the Eli- ake of fine home Sate This will | lie will n and 7 p. m. ast pi C. L. Dierolf. Forct me a la rom LE i Ss is: 1 ple: : | Stee wh ian: F di Dougherty anion. was present. Mrs —— 9 some one time of the ev note the ch: R. to G1 : Vs o. H. Brown oa =-Hnylot On His \ 8 had heen seti " vy Supt ; oo wl vening servi : dd L-—Mr.H 1.8 : Bes : ay evening Rev. W. H Mr s Vacati > meetings, s . pt. of Mothers’ Ww : to 4 o'e g service . 7 . 1... Stager gge united lev. W. H Mr. John ; ation € spoke very w S orking g Lier yelock ‘e from 20 i Wer sel nited in the holy 1 vii 1m Zahn . 1 : ers’ work. I pn ii well on moth- Mr. John Uti Lancaster The Quictionth Morning Sh ot Marri BR | wedlock at the Evan hol y yonds of cal rier. with hi > ocal rural mail ofs wit] : g ‘ she said: e , . Evans, w | BEveni g of \ ubject: | arriage Lice iss © lvangelical parson: ifteer 1 his wife is enj 11 1 1¢ nd: Get te 1 ers T ask you most She Said «Moth. | cently conducted as, who. until re- | Evening theme: of the Dry Bones.” Horr 0 ge Licenses yssied Ms Bmmz Foreman. of PATSONAZE fonile. da NL] aaa) wid Gents’ FF te | sider this Raport earnestly to con- and at present li 1e Red Lion Hotel paign.”’ oh : The Gospel Ca ay G Snavely and Barbara M | ana Mr. Harry K in, of this place 111s Mr ee he? tion Nis aor } n mat 1i1 3 € Arle = OS 3] | vi Lvery : n- y y ara M. | ¢ Y 1 c Qis 2h : ran I ¥ isd it and work for it ant work, pray for cepted a positi ives there, has ac vited to atten 4 body is heartily m- | oy, both of Rapho. {and Mrs. Amos Sk r, on of Mr. istant. is going He 1¢ ' a VI \rthu : multitude of child and help to save a the Aldine TH aon as bar clerk a tend ilies services. Ine Foret a B Kavlor and Emma BE j well known here i = % Both are | ee FP! rout ais new my el moved into tudo of SHS oa ren, from a multi ine Hotel at Lancaster at a ISman both of Mt. Joy. ‘ S| friends who join 2 1( have a host of y — [aver oy we ne on New ries and a ho 2 multitude of wor es | Miss Po Nonogenarian | Kati Jam r. Nauman, of Rapho, and | much joy and b 1s in wishing them | MrT oung Man Drowned the Bopp y : d y vacating perhaps a Alta of expense and mn oe Horses Will St {along th 4 rn Gochnauer. wh : “Ha BB. SNaVe lv, of Penn yf ! reside in this plac oss They will, Cer oo tussel] ith of io ; 1oubl ‘ Vest Main St 1 si yungry bear and deser A 1e county rac Start | g the Harrisburg » Who lives gq farry Simpson " Lie oe ace where the groo ids was di : onestos ! i ise of Miss Eliza home and a lost soul.” $ deserted | Fair on ouny rice at the Lancaster {two miles A rg turnpike, about Smith, both of mn 5 Catharine | Her Ips as a pressman gro in Perry: an Sond 0 1 at McCall’ ( at C Main sire Eiioar of this place : M Mr. C. N. Mumma 2 Hempfield o> Landisville, in | Morris M o legal. | } rinting Office. the on the dam and He was workin it $4 001 s 1 thd. vag Ned . Mord ace, Mr. Frank Shs a | attainec ownshi 4 ». M141 a onestoga, ¢ | ——— of wate n and fell int ; DRE hdraw: Th Engine Was Accepted lorin and Mr. Ste Frank Phillips of | still n } the age of a Who nas | AH H. Brub : Hen and .- vater. He Was 20 yoars old. 2% priv being offer a e arge : 1ave e : - »tehma FQ hale ¢ 1ety- A : mins smphie a¥aslp { —— . 20 y } | ) purchase ig new chemical engine e entered their Panay of Salunga, | small 2 and hearty gh e, is} re pasld-| Dov’ Sale Tomorrow Night Tse — old { . yy the Salunga Fire C { toh: roperty on whic 1e has a \er is Widder Stzric K Fo t forget that Joh A Hz: Gi ee Dany was received las f ire Com- | tobacco of whict vhich she raises | 1ck denk dder Stzric Kooma | will sell his desi in H. Zerphey X : at to Suit You | pants sented on gat week and was LD Store Will Be Closed | cently cut and ’ she tended and re fren so 1 oi dei leit en kawonert woo st Main stre ostrable property on you want No att | V NEWTOWN i hat ray . . . > y . , C ol3 es Str or - 2.» in g Ww . r 1 y ~~: fa Ls ¢ aris y, ¢ 15 Vv 1 ia £ vh ( 1 r before a large on Shinpdas evening | ed from ofienign Ss store oe | [Really retire H Hig on laths. Men trip mit daer a Well Ich hop en Fi National Les opposite the you ant a hat on what | relatiy I Vi oi ’, extinguished a bi of people. ttle o Monday nig e clos- | life long bef om active busi [ bi i aer Teddy knomm: ; tomorrow al Bank at public sal ; Wo have 3 hat be- y n Maytow £ a big ay : ; 6 o'clock ya 1ight, Oc iin i 3 g before ir yusiness bin Ich « iy ny ma Yets evening ¢ 11¢ A ¢ 3 1a Ve oT: | V1 n nm Su ly and was Behe Qhlck-T eh 1% BE until Tuesday ¢ 2 :, 3rd at | While this ae they Teach this Bogs LL hig un tow will Teh gae en Washington Hi i at % A. Spickler's | Getz Bi stvle $1.00 fn: t your | yer . Benj win Rhoad he . . le 1 ( CK : of } o’c 1s Lod wening Oc i aay s is activ Ss ase, A ‘ a fon der Get: , : use. Fv ay )I'OS Oo $3.0 i Ol } o nd child- that witnessed the work K. by all | holiday clock on account get | — SE tive | wor erick gaple: 10L% Breeder. tech} BI home 1 5 + f you want a eas . I Mr. P y visited her on) d tains two large 35 I'K It con- Ys it of a — {rs rick gap sed mit my | - your chance pap— R na father eel o large 35-gall -— Public S | Tom Katunz) ny onera. | —————— Je , easy ) ] ind other relat will certainly aid gallon tanks and etl ————— Or hic Sale of Colts ant { — \re You As Spr | Vit S Ir relatives os in {hat Aly considerably at fir- Ponald K Ss n Friday, Oct. 7 and Cattle fom’ Ratunzy : Rakied anda Hail On hi 96th bil a ry as This? 2 1 I md: 2 There Ww abe. Mr. Donald K kramer 11 yore.» ll sell a carl 1 B. Keller &) rE — zy. Yester afternoor dled phd re veeks a cdi el o jere was a big parade fr ter : . {ramer. hace colt tiie FR ad of ‘Erie C storm | : noon quite ain | Walked 1 tt t 1 y Le 1u Londisvilie parad: from Sa- . r at the P. R. R. st: bagg: m 3 ging from 3% mo Erie Co.| yyhi] In Monkey Land | ih m passed over the ast rail Si hou Columbia | S. 1 f Mr. and Mrs Salunga Band, th gand return. The d to the house on tation is confin 3 0 head of nihs to 3; 4 Whils John S. Keller, of 1 hon of this community i He mae > LT h gr } Mrs Jon > > e Fire C QQ x ace - ford C a Irie . d eonl er, Jen Ve ec if 5 nity. ere vel Q 3 S 11 a apparatus NG Company and ness Mr. Frank oun of sick- | er ( 1 Co. Holstein s Eri and LIS cour xr) A De ny : 1 1 if any rain fell bt Her er ( = 1 1 1 home : S, 1 F : < 1 ari 3 1 | ers nd n Cows a . ut hetl ~ but a 1 AE VI rides fs n vber of horseback titute. ti Stark is his sul nd a few bulls : and heif- the woods south of y | bethtown consideral t Eliza ris : - ng i 1 nd many citizens w ack = sub- | at Gant yulls at public lo | @ monkey ao, The 1 iderable rain and XA United States J | Middle 1 family of ine In the . y were in ——— a Pe tock Nb 1 ( t V He € atter NO £ Ay AF Heiser JUTrOY $ od ' of is e evening the Fir 0 dk _— ows 13 § hb ards, M . coat OY % Ve oe size . sey, yf ou | f nde : pany hel . the Fire ( - 1 Mt. Jo over it 1 vy che i 0 1 Elizabet | y ted tri any held a festival A om- Arrived Thi ind ieifers and bull . nt it 1 Yas e as a petit abetht elat uip AE : § al which net Tt 1 ( This We ic l olt er 1 bulls n¢ 101 heen een —— nited St $ etl 1T¢ . y thes n t sum for the treas wetted a 1e large nex fi eek t I i ; : . i ? I OB —— 1 Sta Aire 1 ese asury this = 1eW ire alar 5 a g0( Pa nonkeyv can gi I ( 1est8 2 aii 1is week a alarm arrived 1 xt 19 15 t ) ¢ om Dhile x of I and will | 1 arrive : 1% wher: Jame fron gs ye Another M: ! lelpl : hy : tion a il1 be placed i > Sn Ian Killed a on Oct : 1S OO » mm at the ono} placed 1 , > | {4 tobe De ne Good Turn Deserves A : todas h neine hous np . 2 William R n Va ; i . Indav Three trail Another ay. e someti Assist I Ne I irietta olde ) Will Build | 1aY. : rained He E tant® Fire Chie | Ww ire a emi k uild Big Sunday County Hospit : from the —— At . hiet | ) Jol FD 01 t Sal Big Warehou N aay Los ticve °% ia) are assisting in fami O Fire C6 ¢ Fr : 2 a wa he 1 y 1 last Oy i ih typhoid fever Our vor oy Home Markets Si C1 . . ; uit nited nd le) sen Sp : : I local stores pi: E : : ] of the hospital jere thru kindness for butter. 24 ores pay 35¢ created and Cl} our t y isting / : Le f iti = 24c. ¢ 1 h 1 t 4 A 4 excellent work uth: ities The | 2 pound fo 5 Ia 1 dozen for eg 14 poi 1 Mr. 1 , ( — the { asiliory Is he ) f the local Ladies’ for potatoes ard and 50ec. to that : 1 * Tarsh Jc iY - " > ecial for thi v is quite likely responsible a cepted th p an Preacher Goes to J veral § § ps ) ( - vice ai ? DE — _—_—_,._o. ah>.:; | are to as = - by - oa “Rpitz” is Movi | latter’s ho St the 1; in Tmportan : S 3 i Andy is Comi Mr. Irvin Bake Ss Moving | trol S absence ha } the J 1 ant Decision tl 3: C y 1 | a " : < ing ager, » he trol « ch or 1 lo Wa 3 Mr. Andrew ony Back ing from the ul barber is mov- | yf the company. 1- | ; hington Co ir 4 : A Ww : constable here , man, a former Bopp property property into the | ——-O- = | Te hina 1 tregpass law Oct ; ) nti 1 y M town, will retur who lives at New- sorial parlors. next door to his 21 gee : 1830 He ruled that | y= tend : ue SOON. © irn to our midst very ALON ei s ton-| The lo A Hot Shot. 1 ( ctiv haoi : é > OO any 2 Somewhat Sinvel LL ey one . contemplates movi v Ty ; | cas 1 ocal corresponden - | m fo sesine with molest | \ 110 : cular | ¢ iecided of Mr. W. B. Detwil loving into . Ladies aster Inte tHzericer ndent of the Lan |N8 2 ® rrant out secur- | \m t the County Fair big t ey : g i : : riday, A NSW ars houses. Wear the Rade es Only poon into the "dit r threw the ha | ran : mong se oXhibitor il oe at - vet h He P DDOT= ade \ ng 5 ) + of He etl OE | ty Fair APIUS 4 10 ( gher than De 3 ‘ the. Tecot Li cliff Shoes. They | rary for his “ itor of our contemp { — 3 Fair this week ai ( % 2 an it was . | f.an Count . rgnized- st hey are | pres is “wild cat s mtempo- Wed Greider and ¢ are Messrs. M. I SHES 1908 2 wy world. Dive standard of | present water Cs story” of tt : ( Oct. 19 + . | and H. S. Newco1 1. 1} : in — For sale by J. G of the! artiel ater conditions her yf the | ington M. A At the Wash place Newcomer of t Yhev Liv rien y. J. - i le ¢ ER ns ere The ( s'M. tinted as . m1 Live : . : . Keener, ! about appeared last evening an The |etor, a lot of ar . Spickler, Mdaid er sHzabeth 1 e Manheim a For Sale! the general e ing and is, with a 23 eround in Mo Hy Tm, Yi: Hen 11 19: Toh no. Son © Sale! al census of Sid y with a = 1_atorv fre unt Joy | : nry Arnd Tor Kran ‘ ” opinion 's = yry frame house HR One W ldest foll nat, Jv re Mant ymart for aut, Cabb stable. and outbuildir ons frame | If y : Vord to All lest folks. Manheim’s | Call s for sale in anj > by Mr. Jos-'i H you want Shoes and Rubi - —- e on Jacob IL. Braine 1y qua uct s-'it will pay ¥ Shoes and Rubbers ra —— 21 unner, Mout ict. y vou well t y A fir : Mount J I. D. Beneman’s to get them at A hpe lot Men's : 1 — - x mans : “ Joys’ Fall le. auc prices a La ihe lars +3 a s’ and ction o Keener's 3 Ra © Ss for the Bulleti - ~ [7 Subscribe n. AN J Mt. Joy. ere 1 ers ‘ here. eph Ebersole Z 4 eller, »