THE BULLETIN PENNSYLVANIA DUTCH Watt & SHAND | Wart & SHAND SPORTING Mr, and Mrs, Wayne Stauffer spent HILL 3 | foefeoteoofeofoefesfoofortustorte doo op efosfootorfechfoofonfucteofosfonfooiootorioof- oofonfuniosdeolodfodeodoeforiorfooforfosforosdeoferdeded Now is the time to order Cemetery work for Spring at big reduct- Satisfaction guaranteed fons. Sure days at Elizabethtown, Wednesday and Saturdays OPPOSITE S. G. HERSHEY'S STORE, PARK STREET Ind. Phone 610D., Elizabethtown, or 723B., Maytown KEENER & NICHOLAS, Proprietors Elizabethtown and Maytown CHARLES W. COBLE Mgr., Elizabethtown. o - - \ » o +] » 9 » » * . * “ » + : o] » » » » » 2 TTT ITT TTTTITTITTTITTITITITTTIITTTTr HARRY BROOKS Dealer in GREEN GROGERIES ORANGES, LEMONS. &c. m0 Garden Vegetables in Season ALL KINDS FRESH FISH IN SEASON. PA MOUNT JOY, Market EEE EERE EERE EERE REE North Street, 4 : MOUNT JOY, PA. What Shwilkey Bumblesock Has to Saturday in Reading, : J. BE. SCHROLL, Editor & Prop'r. Say This Week Amos B, Wenger visited relatives |g | in Elizabethtown, over sunday 4 » — EERIE ’ | {| Mr. and Mrs. D. Dissinger spent] Y (Y vy * Rie i SUBSCRI I'TON ONLY Bik A YEAR | Sunday at Bismarl Lebanon count) Lh Six Months... 25 Cents | Miss Vivian Coolige, of Mt, Joy, | 4% Single Copies 2 Cen | : [vigiting her aunt, Mrs. B. L. Kauft- | . . of Sample Copies. FREE | . § this week |$ = ( MH. K. Dillinger and son, Monroe, |[¥ + Entered at the post office at Mount ———— made a Sunday trip to Mechanicsburg | % de Joy as second-class mail matter, | {in an automobile | of All correspondents must have thelr | . . | | Rev. Monroe Miller of Broc + comminiiaion rac wis ones ot Friday and Saturday pecials ockIvin ¢ late: than Monday Telephone news cached the sermon at the Brethre i of importance between that time and Th h t Th St ervices here on Sunday . 12 o'locck noon We inesday Cl an roug on e ore Mrs. Levi Fissel and son Joht vis . ges for advertisements must posi-| : . : lited Mr. and Mrs. John Raphensbel 3 tively reach this office not later than | WONDERFUL REDUCTIONS ON SEVERAL LOTS OF MERCHANRISE F iy ; : ge Monday night. New advertisements | FOIL FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SELLING. READ OVER | 8¢ " at lori, on Sunday 3 ted i \ODY 2g 3 3 T 31 v Mr. and 8 ohn L a mi inserted if copy reac hes us Tuesday | THE ITEMS BELOW 1 nn Mr John | Kauffman night Advertising rates on appli- land Miss Annie Metzler, took in the | n | . 3 cation MEN'S FURNISHINGS 1 quality Dress Ginghan 1 4¢ [ Mt Gretna camp on Sunday . ee ae Linen Collars, te. Each a yard Miss Mary Lichty, of Manheim |. EDITORIAL | Twenty-five dozer Men's Linen] Dress Gingham plair colors, [spent from Wednesday to Friday|g — | Collar ral st nd all size tri ind plaids; Special, Te. a yd. Ich hob shunt dri-um-fartzich mohl | with H. B. and William Giggl F It is sald that a goose drinks Wa-f;, 4), | They [ i but Extra good unbleached Muslin |obg’ shwora fun drinka-—sell wore Mrs. Hallie Stall, of Philadelphia, | HTL hundred times a day - xshii nd they a \S R00 rd wide, 5c. a yard olla ni-vohr sidder os ich dreisich | jg spending part of her vacation with |= Some geese don’t drink water at all i Frida nd Saturd Bleached Muslin, soft finish; Spe-|Yonr oldt wore Des ledsht ni-yohr|hep sister, Mrs. Amos E. Wenge |. hud [ 1c. each, or 10c, a dozen, cial, 7c. a yard hov ich en ni blawd gadraid un hob | Misses Alice and Katie Miller, Net- | #8 Mime was not far back i real Duck Suiting, dark colors ] [net ol hwora Ich hob awver ml |tje Kauffman and Emma L. Wenger |g boodler was called a states ol MEN'S AND BOYS' TIES, 1 inches wide; Special, 5c. a yard mind uff g'mauched widder besses tsu| were at Landisville Camp on Sunday. |g g ywree. a shre 1 politician 1 Y y " | \ are ‘uch: x | at wi a shrewd politician It A big lot of Men's and Boy# Ties Good Quality Percale, dark colors|d0 NY nix farshprucha.| Mr. and Mrs. Amos Sumpman and » y ivantag is coun " y 1 : rare . 3 3 | to the great advantage of th pu 4 Boy l'ecl et ight and dark gtrip ind figures, 7c. a yard {Deer oldt ar obshwara 0S 08|gon, Paul, spent Sunday with Aaron w kno 1 hi 3 | A ob N | try that he is now known by hi pure silk; former prices 123 . \ ” ym " 1, [mer girogt far drinka hut!jyyrst and family, at Rohrerstown |. . I Apron Gingham, 27 inche wide, | : : : right name. idav and Saturday they {shunt 1 ledsht: ni-yvohr nimmy We hi soaking tai tol ds a | “We A LAL a LT good quality, Se. a yard | . . | ve I Jy aking rain M . go at 1 |g'shott 1 n Hullerheck Es hen|ang Wednesda) ve had another. |m Next to the wife beater 1 lshunt ti feel ful ina customers | T} 2 § . "tage } 1 : va ipa » ANT ‘Oy }2 > 11 I 1 1 mn § 1is is growing weather for fi ind horse beater and it is to be regretted | 50c. AND 75c. MADRAS SHIRTS 25¢ BASEMENT NEWS FOR FRIDAY} zoe uff ene greeked, un are isla cro; . : . : 8 1 (ed, u are 18 |; rops. 0 we have one or two in this col Men's White Madras Shirt MORNING AND SATURDAY ror fonsy fiu en oldter hawna far mit] Misses Faunle and Harriet Br uni hors i 18 INOS yhle ] 1 rot detachable ( 1 y i § a tell war Ro r-&N 3 % munity A horse is the most nol ? in 1 i a 4 1 SELLING | | ong is wara Fer-spre- | baker, i l.ancaster, were sunday i i . an th in izes ) j ( or ¥ i" « 1 . 1 | : : | and faithful of animals and the man 16, 16} and 17; For Friday and 1G. Panty Step Ladders, 23c|cha ma cht shulda—un der leeb Gud | guests with their grandmother, Mrs. | wu who would abuse his horse has some- | Saturday, 25¢. each | wase os ich shunt ollaweil g'nunk fun | Maria Horst i] thing lacking in his manhood | ? sella hob i rps 2 Wart i dauehicrs ¢ | . aa “ . TE y= ‘ y p ptille . hI 8. A. ¢ in a aughters x» x» [WOMEN'S SLEEVELESS RIBBED 15¢. Sewing Baskets, 10¢. each. | a WET ja | Ir A Martin and da hters, | @ VE 30c. Mason: Jar C: | Ich hob mich fardinga wella der| Lenore and Mildred, of Norristown, gy This is just the right size town to | ESTS 20c. Mason Jar Caps, 16¢. a GOZ.| + immer far my shulda batzaw-|spent from Thursday to Saturday ettle down and er Sy life Every- 10¢. Quality, 6ic., 4 for 25¢ )0¢. Mason Jar Gums, 14e. a doz. | ted ; v, 5 : . : |= Bt ar : pepe g v3 Ww ' Ribbed Vest leevel A - Tabl Tumbler 15¢ 2 doz la, bin tsu'm oldta Sammy | with relatives here and at the Junc- 2 nm Pep . on . eo nen's ibbec ests, sleeveless of ab nbiers, oC, el | | thing for comfort of life can be] oY ih : a lite: thre : : ior ‘ Setoiel Sendapetzer der onner dawg un hob |tion.. 12 y bya 1d $1 i , S + short sleeves, 123c. quality; ee Amit one dozen to a customer. | ] tiny ‘ bought here and $10 will go as far [ys 10 ! ju a . 2 : f Pout shakers. Se.| 20° © frogt wos are mere gevve daid] I. Musser Cassel has the nicest = or rd 3 “ Rega eit 2 10¢. Salt and epper Shakers, oc. : , { as $25 will in a large city When | for Bie: slo. Ribbed Vests, 1 tein ' : 8 for uff sinera bow eri shoffa. Are | znd best crop of tobacco that can be |= ’ ’e wave the far \ e | nlc 181¢ ibbes ests, lace trim- | each. ' > | You want do leave the atin, com if 1: S 1 White Wash 1 1 nd Pitel {hut mich g’frogt wos Ich shoffa kent | found between here and the Susque-|m . y 3 ‘ ice © p - 1ed; * seial, 25¢ YN 11t¢ ash Bowls and chn- . . | our town and build a nice comfort & ! a " ! : : a vil : y x=1 {Ich hob eme g’sawt sheer aenich eb-|hanna river for a large field The | h y "i sa o » best | 20C Ribbed rawers, lace "IM- ers, 79¢C. | > able home and be among the best | gh ar. 18 S140 nbrella Sind. 9 bes: blooga (mit ma sulky blook),|crop was planted early and by hand. ) y , WOT med; Special, 15c. $1.42 Umbrella Stands, 92c. . : : | : people In the world. | i in hov-recha, der gowl rida far welsh| Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Wicken- | * * % * 8% 15¢ Thermometers (tested), 10c¢.| slont tela. hott biter [bel 1 Mi - | F l | To) CORWEAR. Se - . : blontza, bigela, house butza. |heiser and Misses Ianny and mma | An exchange gives an incident] LADIES’ NECKWEAR, 5 25c. Salad Bowls, 14¢ | Picci Hw i | 4 RUG dh me 123¢. and 15c. Jabots, Dutch Col- : Ht : to1 in sheer aenich ebbes os en|Dissinger were Sunday guests with wu g 3 strates 5} ssibility g Be EN y viet ny ow .Aimit, two to a customer | ' <3 | that illustrates the impossibility of (1: and Stock Collars; Friday and ; o weips menech do kop, except dut-| Mr. and Mrs. Phares Mohn at Salun- | telling where the trouble resulting| 2rS ai Block vo! ars, By 60c. Cups and Saucers, 33c a doz.| = olla ins mowl nemma Int . ie ps - |Z wesh shpellés Ss 3 al ge 2 evening ley { | Saturday. your choice for 5c. $3 50 Oil or Gas Stove Ovens ot : I a 2182 n the evening they took in the |g y ivver em un on der sama izeit der |camp meeting will end. Am an | from a mortgage mortgaging his farm to buy his wife | The wife took | interest on the a pair of ear-rings 5 82.95 ( | i t 25¢. Jabots, Reduced to 15c. $2.95 ’ nuchbor’s fraw de recheri fum Bar- That's a beautiful | $1.50 Savory Roasters, $1.00 | 51 Sa I) 0a 5 : : 3 . ‘ 15¢. Gingham Aprons, 9c. Limit t rick fartzaela ivver de hinner fense.|vour store, said the man acqu aint- | Amit, one to a customer . . . : Der oldt Sammy hut arlawbt Ich mist|ance, I've seen her in the window se v |B | girl you have in UN J WO OO TNO GOTO TOG W MWA MMM WOE WNC GU] Creat Mid-Summer Sale NA-WARE AND THE DE- CARPETS, CURTAINS, CHIN URNISHINGS REAL BARGAINS IN ALL PARTME OUR LARGE STORE. Furniture Department Our Special E ight-Piece Bed-Room Suits at $28.75 bave no equal. also have a lot of odd Parlor Chairs we are selling below cost. FURNITURE, RUGS, HOUSE 1 NTS OF We Go-Carts at half-Price. Hundreds of odd pieces of Furniture will be sold regardless of cost to make room for our new Fall line, Carpet Department The sale in this department has no equal as to quality and prices Axminster Rugs, in Floral and Conventional Design, gxi2 size. $16.50 worth $22.00 to $30.00. $18.75 and $20.75; WESTENBERGER, MALEY & MYERS, L.ANCASTER, PA. 125 AND 127 EAST KING ST. in washing to pay the mortgage, and the first day lost one | SPECI AL VALUES IN THE DO- $18.50 100-piece English Porce-j __ _.. orn wd: sven ep ATE ua 1 basxad de ian’t an of the diamonds in the suds, and MESTIC DEPARTMENT lain Dinner Set, $10.50 Te a A rl oh ah I wh en, ian alee at aig ive sets & is ice i = > &" € I ye, : mill answered ar- Il an . Ten and twenizanrd leagihe of Guly Se sels 21 Mie prX “Un de kushi?” hov Ich g’sawt. ily, she's a woman trying to decide — —- but the rope broke and she fell on a | «Of cause” + he = ev enw. Draakinz its Pack EE ———— f course. on a hat. 5 $150 Jersey cow breaking its back | “Well,” hov Ich g’sawt, ‘‘sell is en While working around hay Mr. H ! HOES ! *® x ; : The farmer who owns a farm is ordlich grose ding by mere. Ich bin |B. Gibble found a timothy head elev- > armer NC 8.8 ar $ : YTOCHT N rom CD CRTATEST S x 7 Rate YN ‘ SERIF oy th . arti Nr erson who is fixed en grosser esses. Ich bin hungerich [en inches long. May easily be beat- RIGHT NOW THE GREATEST SOE VALUES IN THIS CITY ARE a articuls )erso ; s fixed. : : RRR We dre ~ . SE wt lo 2 ar ET ol iy m tail a factories close gabora, un hob mich net sot gessa in|en, but Amos E. Wenger took up OFFERED BY US. THIS MAY SEEM BOASTFUL, IT ISN'T. SEE anks may fa & ‘ ries close, ; : vis : at ! : SEEM BO WP : b . Ba ike Say eu BD sivva yohr. Won Ich’s hob ess finf | potatoes and they certainly run large THEM IN OUR WINDOW DISPLAY, BETTER STILL, COME INSIDE, rorkmen strike @ s suspend, : : —_ : TESNE Th i merchants fail and town burn, times & E Ki St Lan 1 ter mohl der dawg, mit kase un brote|one stalk had seven and weighed four WE'LL SHOW THEM TO YOU daa may Pe Rl : and even crops ney Corner Square : bh. RING ' cas {g’shwisha drin.” pounds. The smallest weighed sev- a na I y ner S———— — EES “Dunner uns gnoll eisy,” swagt|en ounces. ALL LEATHERS PUMPS AND $2.45 PATENT COLT OX-~- Mr. and Mrs. Benj. Zug, of Master- | OXFORDS. FORDS WERE $4 be short—but the farmer who ownes |der Sammy. “Wos daidsht nemma his acres will get along. He will ) 2s ote sZostosle sfostosfonte sfoogesgerofesfengs onfesforfurfosiesjecfect googe:oojecte JoojorJosfesfortostasfusfosfectonfosforfecfecis : is 8 ! g ng x L JGR RE bid is . ey #% (un de gonz tzeit fressa?” sonville; Mrs. Peter Arnold and son, live in comfort and quiet, with plen- 3 THE *» 11 d ot t hol Poter: moth Gravhill: M H : Se ich grawd ¢ cer | Peter; mother Graybill; Mrs. Henry ty to eat, drink and wear. He = + Sell hut mich grawd about holver Fre : > oon) the most independent man on earth. | . o | fartzarndt. Are hut, denk, nix der- Bre leman anc da 1g ter, Annie; Mrs Yet there are lots of them who do | I AIR L IE | D Bloo onics i by gamained awver es hut wiesht g'| Emma Myers, of Manheim. and Mr. not appreciate their situation 5 #% (lowed, un Ich hob usht my mind uff and Mrs. Frank Kolp and son, spent < C = © | | | | e'maunche , ‘ ‘mer sich | Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Gib- «ss x x | % A 3 ; i e'mauched won an ormer mon sich 3 iG | NTIFIC CONDITION POWDERS ; : : : : Of course if you are contemplating + THE SCIE 2 3 nimmy sot essa darf don is es tzeit | ble. £ ) < Rind -} 3 Sa%s - . going to school this fall vou aroii that restore to Hay, Grain and Fodder the nutritive elements & los ere sich hengt—Mer muss any- nT ae thinking and planning for it now, > driven from them in the drying process. : how ferkiveled hard shoffa far des Yabaness Tawwn Social and that is right. It is none too | ¥ A SEPARATE PREPARATION FOR EACH KIND OF ANIMAL i wenich laeva. : : : A Jugciose Lawn. Social: will be soon to begin to make arrangements | : i Won Ich ken blotz grick bis free- Hoes Thirty croring: Anonst 18 and to cast about for a desirable 3 Blood Tonic for Horses Only & |yohr far uff en bowerl gae don mauch bv the Misst : Band r Ht CT : ito fg 3 ‘ d je Fin ives Abs we 4 ; h he Mission band O 1€ rinitcy place. We gladly refer you to our 3 Milk Producer for Cattle On! y % Ich fart on mina patent rights. Ich Evie T Cluisel The fave wits school No town in the state has 2 | Onl 5 hob widder en imbroofment uft my, . .ioq in t I ee ria . 2 BL as a | fa oy : . ye decorated 11 rue Japanese style] higher moral tone and fewer objec 43 Egg Produce: for Poul try Unly & singletrack, self-bal#necing reigel-wa littl I ; : oe i siti 1 ‘ » * ’ 2 ogo . ty ay iy 11 1€ Japanese maldens tionable features. Our school offers : Blood Tonic for Hogs Only & | ke g'moched. Ich hob now arrang-| _ ¥ soral theilitios for ‘a Br va % od far es wasser kocha far der shteem unusual facilities for a proper cul- i Each Tonic is specially prepared for the kind of animal | Re eb Teh | ture of the mind at a very moderate | for which it is intended and contains the medicinal and Pi for es ding shprengs ob loh 8 ii feature of the affair expense, and you are very cordially i herbs that act most beneficially upon that kind of animal's op [ID boiler do. Ich bin aw oner y treat for nbers of the| 3 oH penn TT io e Org ism % burs . invent: it a Pee 2 aM aD I tht invited to investigate before deciding |% peculiar digestive OI ganism : % | burglar-] inventa—aen O08]... on Ban : inv 3 Tonics purify the blood by pert 1 and 1 ton '. hisskots ni shparra kon | Missi Band, oung peo to go elsewhere. 3 ; : rete and Tne en: bhiss-kotz - hl Sharia ALE. ple will be su oo neutra the poisons in the system. and 3 h derfv der rawver os long iner: | Ple will be sure 23x 5 cure disease, make feed go further and increase vitality and & [Ich derfy der rawver os long inera Pull together, brethren. We = production. 3 safe room shtart won en biss-ketzel | DS We m— all here for the same purpose Then i c : sich drin eebed Ich hob olles fard- | Subseril r tl Bull scribe for the Bulletin live and let live The best way to | : : % ich now except es biss ketzel tzu fon- | xk p o& Sold under written guarantee Dy + ; : : : a build up a town is for each and ever) Be 1 4 [ga uns nunner nemma in Washing- | man to pull together and not strive |e F. H. BAKER. Mount 3 ton far en patent druff greega 60 YEARS’ to rend and tear down. All the resi 3 H. C. GREIDER, Landisville 5 ————- ——————— EXBERIENCE nts of ¢ town are partners not | 2 1 v "RIV 3 { | ; genis, of 8 = pay * D. B. EBERSOLE, El * lhe MILLERSVILLE NORMAL| opponents. In all likelihood the |e 3 SCHOOL will open for the F Term) i 1 n : r infinld’c Jiwy 1 | 4 V pen fc » F erm more business done by your rival t i FREE —Fairfield’s Stak Book,” Fairfield’s Poultry Book" —FREE % | TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 6th, more you will d Every mercha ge ole 1 ISDAY, MBER 6th, 3 5 TN TE 1910 Comfortable rooms in either who treats his cust s honestly | Sedugeiegededegegeiguinuinluiuuedesdunielu en TT rrr ? ail} 5 . on the I or Gentleman's Building TRADE MARKS and fairly will get his share and the — co ———— ———— m—| ov be engaged by writing to the DESIGNS more business that can be secured by EA ; : : ; COPYRIGHTS &c. ffort, the better i ill be fc Principal. Among the improve- Anyone sending a sket enory, ne e e 111 De )1 mT | 1 prs ) )! ments for the Fall Term are: elec- Gi Se or able. munieca- DBOOK on Patents united . ® % = = way to study h you are driving as good a About man nature is when on the public road If a man is willing to observe the laws and the courtesies of the road, he will duly give his share of it when meeting another, and shows he is willing to, do the gentlemanly thing But when you meet one who takes every advantage of those he meets, and holds the road for his own self- jsh self, often to the great discomfort of those he meets, or not allow about it. |, wi think of “pork in connection with such drivers of teams. 2 9 99 We owe it to the which we live to do everything we can in every way possible that will be to its advantage. Our neighbor’s | prosperity means a great deal more] to us than someone’s who lives else- | where. We should bear this in| mind in buying eur goods. We can | afford to pay our home man a firm] price for his wares rather than send | our money away, knowing as we do | that every dollar our own citizen makes will help in sustaining our schools, churches and public institu- tions. It pays richly to patronize home industry. ee—— Pere Talk Is Cheap ‘When you can get a telephone in ou house for $12.00 a year. Call olumbia Telephone Company ] tell you all about it. h > We Repair Watches and Jewelry bid Has i Sa a po Ee rs aes ee o IP ADOBE & Simmons community in| Next Door to Shaub & Co’s.Shoe Store 11 the students’ rooms, | est and most approved kind in both | nd guarantee entire satis sfaction. You will find our prices as rea- ble as is consistent with ood. honest work buildings, with plenty of bathing fa- | sonab as S £ WH ihe cilities (hot and cold water), stone . - walks connectimg all the building i We Do Engraving steam heat, etc | The “final” examination was held| yn articles of every kind If bought here there is no charge. If bought |Dby the State Board of Examiners ol Wednesday, Thursday and Friday .1sewhere, very moderate prices for expert work. 1 e day, Lb ’ ne June 22, 23 and 24. The record of| more than twenty years in this] 1001 was not broken at this exam- | ination All of the students in| every course passed the examination, State Board. This is a re-| held by no other school, and the | JEWELER AND OPTICIANS | co | Millersville State Normal School has| 20 N. QUEEN ST., LANCASTER | 3 just reason to be proud of it. ——— —————— Here's a Lame One fi I Il Wrightsville shut out Columbia \ \ \ last Tuesday evening 6 © 0. It hy. == went down so hard that one of that borough's dailies said “A picked ind I sell—Furniture that 1s Furniture is the only ki Rockers Mirrors Hall Racks! Columbia Club, etc.” Manager Mc ; {Cracken told us Wrightsville has a Picture Frames Ladies’ Desks ood eam. I arn’t soon getting tired of Extension & Other Tables, Davenports China Closets, Kitchen Cabinets | exénses about the team’s defeats. rec tl Ae Not Ann; The Falls To the question, “How old are the | Niagara Falls?” geologists have re- In fact anything 10 the Furniture Line [turned replies varying by tems of - a > in thousands of years. At first it was Undertaking and Embal m 8 estimated that the Niagara river [came into existence through changes lia the level of the land around the Lakes about 55,000 years ago. —— GE widhitodlls oh JOY. PENNA. Subscribe for the Bulletin. Save Your {team, on which there were four of the tions strictly confider . HANL sent free. Oldest agency 10, )T Securing patents. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive special notice, without charge, in th entific American, Largest cir- Terms, $3a | ear; four months. $l. Sold by all newsdealers. | MUNN & Co,3s15ra0var. New York Branch Office, 625 F 8t., Washington, D. A handsomely illustrated weekly. culation of any scientific journal. Fruit Trees By Spraying Them With Scalecide We have scalecide for sale Wonder whether Co- in any quantity or we will |g spray all your fruit trees with our new Sprayer at a| very reasonable price. Will guarantee good results. M. L. Greider &Co. MOUNT JOY, PENNA. 95¢ WERE $2 AND $2.50 $1.95 WERE $3, 18 North Queen Street, $2. 65 WERE $3.50 WE Sy 85 WERE $4 $3.50 & $4 SHAUB & CO. BOOTS, SHOES, RUBBERS and HOSIERY LANCASTER, PENNA. | BLOODED HORSES /BLOODED CATTLE ' BLOODED HOGS ' BLOODED SHEEP BLOODED POULTRY tion—cnter the State THE EVER CREATER and will rare you with all Kinds of good | | { air wi e a | GREATER, GRANDER and BETTER THAN EVER AUG. 23, 24, 25, 26 Purses $4800 Premiums $8000 FASTEST AND BEST RACES EVERY DAY AND PLENTY OF THEM SEE THE FUNNY MULE RACE. SEE THE HERD OF RACING OSTRICHES DISPLAY, in charge of Lebanaon Poultry New Special attractions for old and young. FREE ON TUESDAY ROLLMAN, Secretary, Leb- Associa~- and improved Farm Implements, See POULTRY poultry. College display. CHILDREN information write to J. A. BEST your For further anon, Pa. | 4 J 1) | ii wo Summer Low Shoes AT THE. S. S. S. STORE ARE SELLING AT THE MAKERS’ COST PRICE 3 We can’t describe them here but you will have a thousand pairs to select from and more than 50 styles—only mention prices Men's Women's Women’s Girls’ $4.00 Kind, | $3.50. Oxfords| $2.00 Kinds $1.50 Kinds $3.48 $2.85 $1.69 $1.19 Men's Women's Women’s Girls’ $3.50 Kind $3.50 Pumps| $1.50 Kinds $1.15 Kinds $2.95 $2.65 $1.29 83c. Men's Women's Women’s Children’s $3.00 Kind $3.00 Oxfords| $1.50 Juliets $1.00 Kinds $2.49 $2.45 $1.19 79¢ Men's Women’s Boys’ Children’s $2.65 Kind $3.00 Pumps $2.00 Kinds $1.00 Kinds $2.19 $2.29 $1.70 69c. Men's Women's Boys’ Children’s $1.98 Kind 2.50 Kinds $1.75 Kinds 85¢. Kinds $1.78 $2.05 $1.39 59¢ FREE GIVEN AWAY A shoe polisher worth ten cents, with every cent box of shoe polish—they are worth having QAYRES SQCHEID QWEETON Twenty Years With Williamsons 28 & 30 HE. King St, Lancaster. . m FREE ten or twenty-five OO \ = RR el ar fu “ th ly he an Sol 5 BR Pant 1 a EO TB Tv ove eerie nye x