The weekly bulletin. (Florin, Penn'a.) 1901-1912, August 10, 1910, Image 1

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    RTT ETT,

Monday sent to the State Treasurer
the State mercantile tax for 1910,
this including wholesale and retail
mercantile, pool, billiard, restaurant
and brokers’ licenses. The total a-
mount of the tax was $27,133.07, an
increase of over $1,000 over 1909
The latter year the exonerations were
$530.16, while in 1910 they were
but $296.52 The settlement with
the State Treasurer was in full, the
amount being the
exonerations, printing bills and com-
given Thursday evening, August 18,
lvangelical Church The lawn will
and little Japanese maidens
serve you with all kinds of good
things which are true American. A
special feature of the affair will be a
free treat for all the members of the
Kolp, a rural farmer, may be found
breed is new to residents in thase
ietta, or Vhe Am De Matter Witt
companied the Foresters’ exeursion
VOL. 1X. NO.

Florin Affairs

Loce’ and Personal Briefs That Have |
urred Since Our Last Issue
Our Hustling and Wide Awake
Neighbor Village, Florin.
Mr. Harvey Geyer pent Sunaayv
at Mt. Gretna
“#@® hen in need of Canvas Glove
call at J. D. Easton
Miss Gertrud Miller of Steelton
spent Sunday in town
Rev. Mease, wife and son are spend
ing several d t Mt. Gretna
Han Mumma of Mavtown «
on friend n thi lace on Sund
Mr. Ed. My f Salu in
vell for J. H. Halder n last we
Mi | stor f Lanca
pent nda tow th t i
I W leli ‘ it 1
of fi ho 1¢ 1 ister on Mon
Misse beth ind Gertru

Greenawalt of Mt. Jo pent Sund:
In town
Mr. Ed. Stoll and family of Pitts
burg are spending some time hers
with friends
Francis Arndt, wife and son and
John Heisey are spending the week
at Hillsdale Camp
Mr. George Shissler of Elizabeth
town started work for Mr. John Mas
terson on Monday
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Y. Kline and
Mr. and Mrs. George Dellinger spent
Saturday at Reading
Mr. and Mrs. John Hambright
left Tuesday for their home after
spending several weeks here.
Misses Anna Dyer, Bessie Kottler
and Stella Vogel left Tuesday for
Hillsdale camp where they will spend
ten days.
Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Shickley and
two children of Chicago, I1l., return-
ed home after spending some time
here with friends.
Misses Myrtle Wenger and Anna
Stauffer of Lancaster and Messrs.
Oliver Snyder and Kraybill Strickler
attended a picnic at Lititz last Wed-
Mr. Harry Mumma, Miss Bernice
Newton, Mr. Kraybill Strickler, Miss
Myrtle Wenger, Mr. Oliver Snyder
and Miss Anna Stauffer spent Sun-
day at Wild Cat.
I ——_—_— La
Mercantile Tax Paid
Dr. Dunlap, County Treasurer,

7,133.07, less the
eee eerste ro’
Japanese Lawn Social
A Japanese Lawn Social will be
the Mission Band of the Trinity
decorated in true Japanese style

Band, which the young peo-
will be sure to enjoy.
0. 1. C. Hogs
The advertisement of Mr. John M
another column Mr. Konlp raises
famous O. I. C. hogs. This


astic gathering
tion leading

parts, Mr. Kolp having received |ed to Brandt & Stehman’s
them from Michigan. Hog raisers also received 1,
should inquire of this breed before | oats Sam is a farmer,
vuyving other stock Mr. Kelp rais | —_———--——

them and thus far has been very
Heavy Trolley Travel days he gathered one
lhe Conestoga Traction Compan) venty-five bushels of
good day Sunday, travel| He used oil tc kill them
heavy on all of its lines The | he will drv the 2
ines was especially heavy. On

Clizabethtown line i

orty minute
yeople were conveyed to
- a —
at present represents
Will Lecture at Marietta columns We want the
\1 x 16 2 .
V1 ening, Aug 6, Rey entire neighborhood
W. ( of l.ancaster, will lecC- t to assist 1s eather
in the Bethel M. E. church, Mar-

Many at Reading
About fifty people from here ac-

Carsonia Parlg at Reading on Sat-

the Adamstown and Coats-| the

Michael Donal
at Wilmington
Services Held
Sunday was
| Landisville campm
been the rule for
estoga Traction
vided special t MH
iP. R. Rt ns Ww
Fhe first service
with Rev, Mr. Gili
Arp Ie chile
1 1 0 oc } 1
ed | R ( |
10 of Re \
l.adies \
n t it
1 i
A canta \
fe wed th n
\ S Prof. M
conducted th 12
choir and the orche
| 10.30 a. m sermon
Jones, D. D., pastor
Street M. E. church
0 p. m. Sunday
by Rev. E. M. Rushton;
mon by Rev. 1. Moyer
caster; 6.15 p. m.,
meeting, in charge
ter; 7.30 p. m., sermon

H. Arpe
Camp closes this

Second Annual Gathering to be Held,
at Rheems,

The second annual
Heisey family

Sus exercises,
terial members of
officiate An open
all the guests will be
dinner, will be a delighttul
of the occasion
The afternoon progr:
historical. oth forenoon
ternoon will have a
old-fashioned hymns
committees are actively
ranging for the reception
tainment of all who
large representation

anticipated s they

[Lancaster, Dauphin,
reunion was held at
September 1st of
resulted in a very lI:

rt QR errr
Ten Dollars
Persons having
damaging property of
and Mount Joy Electric
pany will get themselves into trouble
they do not discontinue their
tice Notices have
fering a reward of
to the

tion of these rascals
Sam Can
Mr. Samuel H
East Donegal’s foremost
just finished nk
wheat that vielded
2,519 bushels of which
175 Bushels of

m to his chickens
a —
Correspondents Wanted
We can use a good

sspondent in all

eel EO

Blind Organist At
Adam Geibel, the
1ist. of Philadelphia,
of his beést music

Sour Grout Un Shpeck
A saur kraut lunch will be served
Villiam H. Gantz’s Farmer's
Advertise in théjBulletin. It pays | Hotel on Saturday evening.
ly was a resident
Local Doings
Local Happenings GatIaered ag
With the Whirl
tendance was very

Brown pitched
should let him know early.

The Pennsy Will Face a $23,000

Fianna B. Kauffman and he h
! N( Janiel G, Kauffman oi
rand, | y \ufiman, of Ea Some Well Known People From Our
empfiel townshi have entere ;
Hempfield ywnship RY A a Neighborhood Have Passed to the
it in the urt Comm ple X »
: tou ! fed Great Beyond Since Our Last Issue
zainst the Pennsylvania ud
company for 325,000 damages Mrs Jacob Shult of Columbia
acol ul 1
It is brought to recover from the
) ) 1V { Pern ent in) It
compa) 10) erma ! a M1 Catharh Becker of Man
ceived On Mar 6, Mrs. Kauff- yi died yesterday
man, her iter, Mr El th Eugene Norbeck, aged 54
i ott 1s killed and Ra 1
H tetter nd I \\ ngton, D. C. died at Columb
t VOT ( he |
tto 1 th 10 whe : had been visiting the pa
| fer to « he ne P x nt
burg y M Mattie, wif f I Hou
1 ron 1 the ¢
) t er of Manheim, died on Monday fro
1 t he 'o1 S vad |
I 1 1 age I'he ieral will 1 l
Cro ir t th ol M : v
£1 oth Hostetter killed
t | otter 1
1 Jacob Snyder
t i A
| 1 \ \ Jac 1c of 1 t Pet
? ror ' 0 ol i hi i 4
1 I |
t 1 He y-}
Pe t tet ea 1 W kt VI
[jured f H 1 1
[ onducted 1
| Othe 1 t ]
| t thirt-fiy CATS Pe 1
hu J. of R tt i | t1
4 . \ 1¢ er he Men nite
hh Hoste I
| te churcl He i ived by two
| —-— — 0 —— :
| children Jacob, Jr., of East Peters
Entertained His Employes | burg, and Mi Mary Harnish, who
M1 G. Moyer, t egal | Kept house for him I'he funeral
treet hardwa m coach | will be held on Friday morning at |
huile I entert 1ed ves at | 9.30 o'clock, with services in the Men
a grand banquet last evening to | nonite church at East Petersburg
: _ |
which all did ample justice Those | Interment will be in the ecemete ry
present were Mr. Benjamin Garber, | adjoining
Mr. Moyer's faithful head clerk, who
sat at the head of the table, Mr. El
wood Roberts, Mr. Hem Wittle
Mrs David Boyce
Mr. Frank Brian and Mr. F. B. N
[he menu cons
| her home gn Columbia avenue,
Mr. John Pennell, Mr, Frank Pennell { Tax Collector David Boyce, died very
isted of chipped

| seventy-seven years, five months and

will be »e
on Thursday, August
ficers of the association
dent, A. G. Heisey;
P. Engle; Secreta
Treasurer, D. W. Heisey;
Frank G. Heisey
The afternoon will
held at Rheems |

Man Who Never
ing to persons Wha Nr

r known to smile,
{ and Furnishers. Their big sale is
died at his home in Chester last Wed -
, Lebanon.
a number of years was in hare of el.
the reservoir cleaned on Sunday
actor did his utmost and had the | 2@Mount of mud, there was nott
the entire audience found exc
who did not char

rT 0 |
Saturday might until late Sunday ar-|
——- Ee

J. 0. V. Wise, a farmer
mont, Colorado, declares that

isshoppers and feed


| who shoulders h

————D OE

Night Watchman
at Pula
meeting last Friday
etl Mii smi
A thin pocket will
much as you can
£0- so kind» helped 22s in our bereave- And ’tis then that we
beef sandwiches, cabbage slaw, gher- Jus wenty-four days Beside her hus-
kins, bananas, ice cream, cakes and |band she is survived by four daugh-
coffee. ters, as follows: Mrs. Sabina Krin-
' a — of Philadelphia; Anna, wife of J.
. : 2 Holmay of Chester Springs; Miss-
Getz’s Big Sale By I id a 3
: : Hannah and Ida, at home. The
Last week we printed a lot of cir- t . . } Tol
: : . decease was a daughter of John
culars, &a reproduction of which may : 18 :
[hand who was a native of Scotland
be found on the second page of this
issie, advertising the first arn]
mid summer clearance sale of Getz
The funeral was held on Monday af-
ternoon at two o'clock from her late
residence, with services by Rev. G
W. Getz, pastor of the Church of God
Interment was made in the Mt. Joy
Brothers, our enterprising Clothiers
readily convince you that they have
Mrs. David B. Landis
Mrs. Nora K., wife of David B
{ Landis, the East Chestnut street |
[printer at Lancaster, died yesterday
now on and a glance at their ad ve
| real bargains galore in Men's Joys
and Children's Clothing. They wit
cheerfullyy show goods if you will |
give therm the thie copay,

after undergoing an operation at St
Obituary Notes

Mi Eva Conover of Freehold, N.
trated lectures and music Prof. | J., is the guest of Mi Reed
nes Lis teed,
¥ we wil he | har ( A :
( N. Mc Hq ill in cl ( of | Mr Amos Miller of Philadelphia,
| ) I t
1 | J i. H pster of | visitin her 1ster Mrs. Dowhowezr
I I 1t | { | ‘ © ) | : 2
1 ri ol | Miss Mame Burtz and Miss Dollie
I V p ) | |B one n have gone to Norwood, N.
fro t i NAarv vie oint Dr. i3 ( veel
I. E. Whittel wi lo th anf pp Minnie Breneman left on
O ( 1 1 te i h 1 | M nm 1 irthfield, Mas where
1 on the 1} Joh I Fretz, | ghe nd I {
| * ( 18) { 1
f J 1 | \ J leisey of York, a form-
4 nt \ allin friends
f On Modern } turday nd inday
uti bo. Gerbe | Mes Henry G. Shelly and Christ- 3
{ i y 1 Mt re | I
tl | 1 Flory left Saturday on a week's
ie t ¢ { )
I ¢ i it te suffalo, N. Y ind Niagara
\ n 10WIng | qq)
Bibl the o] Mi \. K. Manning and daughter
ening theme of his teacher trainii |
Ing, trom 7.30 to 8.15, as prelimi-lmrs, M. J. Bieber vo
ar he hon is ne Nie
pary to th om Issions night Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ney and Mrs
Fhe stereoptican views exhibited on Ezra Ney, with her two daughters :
| the sereen will show, 1 government
[ photographs ta
| the great Northwest, from the Dako
| tas to the coast, is being ‘ransformed
by the new science ot irmgation Wolf Yoffe
The pictures will occupy the evening
' ie until 9 o'clock, ai urmg the re- .
Mrs. Catharine Ann Boyce, wife of | ™" : oe i” 4 qurm he Mn
| maining hour before the train leaves New
esa i | for Lebanon, Mrs. Scott, the stess
unexpectedly on Friday morning, at] 9 Hl ho
of the Chautauqua Inn, will tender to
the faculty and students an informa Mr. William

<iorning, and continuins every day
the programme will begin at SK.
and be completed by the dinner hour. Hoffer.
The summer school will be in charge
witnessed some classy games here Messrs. Miles Backenstoe, Harry
this season by teams representing the | Getz, Simon R Snyder and Abram
many towns in this and adjoining] Boyer made an automobile trip to
counties. Harrisburg on Frida
The attraction on Saturday will be |nessed a game of ball Messrs
the strong P. Ra R. team of Altoona, | “Fisher’ Hoffman aua “Washy” Car-
conceded to be one of the fastest |penter were alse there :
teams in Western Pennsylvania. Al- The following persons were at .
toona is a prominent railroad centre | Lititz last Sunday where they heard :

Cleaned the Reservoir Joseph's Hospital Deceased was
The Water Committee, of which |ageq 51 years and 12 days and was |
Ir. B. 8. Dillinger is chairman, had
Her brother Jacob Baker, of Landis-
Aside from a few fish and the usual ville, died July 25 Another broth

Ful in East Hempfield township

ept ordina gather

[is ill, survives Also her husband

he water Was shut off from
jone son and one daughter .at home. | a
John K. and Abram L. Baker of
€rnoon Landisville, are brothers and Mrs


——— |
. Tr — Mary Gochnauer of Mavtown is al
{ half-sist I funeral will he
Right Pages This Week half-sister tiie, toners
Thi k tt Te tall held at Lancaster tomorrow afte |
118 wee K 1€ Bulietin col In |
ight pages This enlarged size was | P00 |
= & i
cessitgted by the demand for ad- | |
dovie IDLE {
ve rtising space This is good evi- | . J Jrsten k A. Hip :
| dence that this is the best advertis-| YTIERAS In "3 yous 9 rege {
’ 1A. } le we oclzeq i |
ing medium in these parts Ther : cl
“1 d tele 1 nnoun 118 | a
again look t the vast amount of | ; A Ph Lg |
leat t Overbrook hila \ t1
Ee WS our readers enjoy t less thar : ; 1 &
cent a week t oclock esda Nol [he |
| a cased \ il nat Of te
—-D-Gw | |
hitt had removed to Philadelphi =
bout ten vears ago With his brother |
Mr. John son , Charle Hippl I was engaged in |
Mr. Geo w St the leaf tobacco business The |
ad Ama Raj on West n St has a warehouse in Marietta and only |

re united ina the holy bonds of wed- | a few weeks aco they finished pa


Ix by Rev R. C. Rengier, pastor |ing tobacco ther the deceased super
t he Lutheran chure at his study | intending the work and then being |
Saturday The contracting par- | apparently in the best of health
are well KR own here and have | The deceased was forty-nine years |
best wish e their 1 friends | of age Besides his wife and little |
— 0a = | son he is survived by his father, Au
| gustus Hipple, of Philadelphia ind |
Flected Sar pervising Principal a brother Charlés and two sisters |
Prof. Linnae Jarhart, who last
| Emily ind Carrie Hipple, of Over- |

ar Wwasone oO High School brook Interment was made at :
ners, has been elected supervis Philadelphia
principal of the schools in Smyr- | rt A
IDelavare, a town of three thous- |
ind I rrhabitants it a salary of $1,000 Im Memory of Mrs. Catharine Boyce
the term | By H. Boyce ;
ll Ss :
So twas low Angelic voices
Marriec at Maytown f Singing in the break of d:
Johan A. Moore and Miss Clara D. | Who has taken with our feelir
oF Tin Delaware couniv. | Our most cherished friend
rne ved to ayvtown to be married! 1
n to M own ® | Now that seat of life is vaca
Old Hon Week by Re Geo
And we eknow twas death

ezer, uncle of the bride and
R F i Ii 1 Who can sever from 1 i
ato f the Reformed Church :
t a ! All those memoric d t m (
———e ED ©
ough tt no 1 )
« “ounterfeiters in Mt. Joy.
Five eunicrie 1 this In reply ¢ 10¢
io galore 1 the m ¢
bil wo : : And we think H } P
buv ing theiy oods che these tut He 1
ple Buy at We f ( ng Out
Busi ness Sale For behind He left
——————— | Whien H :
Which must live and us iq
; i 1 dle
Warren Is Better Nee 3 : :
= While we live this 1y
Word was
ths And each da will bri
To the time when Q
Here's Through on earth and gent] en
| Far across Eternal seh 7
Many Thanks Friends For that life for th vil
We extend our thanks to all who Where the night is t [ y

men are employed in the shops and |Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Bookma Mr.
offices controlled by the Pennsylvania | and Mrs. Charles Recksecl , Mr.
Railroad. and Mrs. Simon Menaugl M ind » =
The base ball team representing | Mrs. Amos Kaylor, son and da 1-
them is composed of .the fastest play- | ter; Mi Harry Kaylos id Miss
that are emplpoyed in the entire | Emma Foreman
er, David Baker of Landisville, who, town under the supervisions of the Lid
ailroad company They have mad CORDELIA
enviable record this season, being Peter Mumma of Lancaster spent
five aay Bd oF } c ny ‘ x
first team to defeat the strong |g. .q.. with Frank Stauffer.
Bellefonte Academy aggregation an The Normal Bible el will meet
me here highly recommended as al ;, the church on Wedne \ nin
n the rch Ve 'sday evening,
st class attraction being in the cla M nd Mr J. G. Eshlemar 1
nd : Jshleman ¢
teams as Huntingdon, Reedsville and te pent Sund ith Mi
anc I De Sunday with Mrs
c yn, Pitcairn, Tyrone and Pitt Ila Hopt
I .
Collegian Miss T Mumm: nd Christian
Ih hould ¢ ficient tc I an} Y City )
\ f 1 ( 3 /
ttra lar cl 1 > 1raa to spend veel p
tit is ed that 1 e attend- |
t is he I that a la a- 1 n and rl Bi f I t Pet /
11 ty ont 1 f M (
Ce 11 turn 1 vit | I ha 1 1 ome after {
| dir eek w \ n Mum
The isit ire an | nn
tion t 11¢ 1 ) \1 y D a 1 +h
cited i ord t ¢ f Mic t
M 1 I Bernthe
Th t 0 1 10. 3 1
| 1zel .
' i a ! ! M nd
t n te 1 I thi 1s | i} in Mumma A Mrs
A J 1 ar
first t : jH. BE. 7 fmar ( wel
hod \ J bvi n Sund
: 1a)
1 | 1 { ™
I 1 l t Ihe 1 1 t
I Imis
m d I ac games o Jat i ting tl} ~
n ] | Colu Leopards nd the Co
~ ————— { lumi lige 8 to \ Rettew
Big Auto Struck if td two ha and Mill had
rt i 4 bile of the | three Ze hicl 1 have
is | stret
¢ Monda vith a load | .
: ; I en tl [
| ne ix Wreck s
: 1 rut the |
mA A ( I st i new %
} lin E. Longe Unio \ ( a1 1i1 1
; fa J f ( \ N this ] Py Q ] weel !
Q t vith | Y
( t af n Ind ¢ reck
1 s to I he |
i 0g 1€ | They v S( i d that 5
ft} y 1 yl 1 the 5 1 ( the car ) 1
load it }- 1
| - ——_-—
i ) vad we |
ion torn | 'wo Counterfe rs Caught
te ol | At © e
. | \t H: q re vesterd f thev
1 ha bougt
I'he Sheriff Will Sell ut heir doll
iff 1 i notice I Ho ¢ ind
\ il ti
f t
Ih i
q Jat V A lh Ga
| . :
= a | More Infantile Paraly Sis,
) J Ym I Mastersonville
Lutheran Church S til
. nomMntiie
g the 2nd and } X leveloped in
1 1 11} OD 3 EN
ithe 2apl o Dr. J. L. Mow
1 ut v he S ,
4 . COul V € 3 ns ClOY
l S( ed 0
s——— ———
a etl i
Major Gaynor Better
for I. D. Beneman’s Greatest | Come to Wolf Yoffe going out of
of all Starts Thursday, Aug. | business sale if he
ntl Messin
Rabbits for Sale,
Silkduvwn 20x20 for 32¢. at Yoffe's A lot of full
UR S Linen Napkins for 42c. a dozen at]bits for sale
ment Davil Bowvce and family. When God too, calls us i Yoffe's.


Our Card Basket
Gretna . meme


Being Held By Lutherans at Meunt

Commencing Monday the Luther

Ln SUmIme chool at Mt, Gretna will

be conducted every day Monday

Who and Where The y Have Visited
Many Strangers Here Over Sune
day-—=Were You Among Them?

as the people di

t arrive much 1

tore that time Excepting that day ry

the chool will occu

Py the morning
My Abram Boyer made an auto
trip to Reading Saturday ;

urs, leaving the afternoon for re

creation and the evenings for illus-

cise did not begin until noon

Mis Mae leave t«

y tor Ottawa,
an. to visit the former’s daughter

ited 1n the even- | (
and son, called at the home of J. Ww,
{en on the spot, how Murray on Saturday
Miss Cecela Gaffin of N York
City, is visiting in the family of Mr.

and also her cousins
Samuel and Louis Gaffin
Samuel Hershey and wife of
Jersey and Miss Anna Hershey
-ancaster are spending a few days
in town with relatievs and friends.
Pennock and family
of Christiana, spent Sunday and Mon-
day in town visiting the families of
Mr. John Evans and Mr. F. B.
of 1
reption. Beginning to-morrow
The Misses Lillian and Ethel Ken- .
dig of Mowersville, Cumberland
county, have been visiting Miss El-
The Game on Saturday sie Hoffer on Frank street since last
Local base ball enthusiasts have | Friday
Rev. Charles L. Fry, as dean.
ee DA eee
lay where thew wit
Pennsylvania and several hundred | Dr. Torey the celebrated Eva gelist.



wants bargains in

I1 be sold refard- | everything.
of cost, so wait and save dollars

grown Angora
cheap. Apply at