The weekly bulletin. (Florin, Penn'a.) 1901-1912, August 03, 1910, Image 1

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Local Doirgs a Obituary Notes | vi som zoe: — Card Basket
The Regular Monthly Meeting Held Middletown visited in these parts lL

Florin Affairs
’ *AGE WEST OF HERE On Sunday a serious drivi
cident occurred at Mavtown H \ ! I Mount Jovy Borough Council was held
Thuile mY Brief Local Happenings Gathered as
Local and Personal Briefs That Have | Morton, wife and son, and Miss Anna oH a Pr a , on Monday evening at 8.15 with all M1 Harr) Brandt of Lancaster
Ore 1 w 0) Last: Issue io} aves “1 ol " to. Ma hey Occur With the Whirl of the | mbers present except Mr. Risser ted tl } $M Charl
eur EL: I nLy ur Jal 1 Myers of us b Ree LFOVE i World for Quick Readimaz Within | ; : ; Great Beyond Since Our Last Issue | ted at le home o i ries
Our Hustling and Wide Awake [town te attend Old Home eek he Wh I . b Fhe minutes of the last regular meet Eo offer on Sunday
' ai i - ' the Past Few ays, Bra NR i ow i
Neighbor Village, Florin. exercises In the afternoon they ing were read and approved Mrs. Mattie Stoner died on Mon
A communication was read from
He Scared at an Automoblle on Sun.
day Afternoon MANY SHORT NEWS I'TEMS OP On Monday Nigit THE ROAD WHICH WE ALL Must Wok
- ON VR TI EST TRAVEL SOONER OR LATER Mr. Horace Hornafius of Mt. Joy
GENERAL INTEREST The regular monthly meeting of " . was avisitor to friends in this place
on Sunday | p—
Some Well Known People From Our "
Who and Where They Have Visited
Many Strangers Here Over Suns
day—Were You Among Them?
Neighborhood Have Passed to the
Mr. John 8S. Rhoads went to Mid
: : ; Yoffe Vir. Churles F.. Reed relati to the day in Mountville from a complica Hetow on Saturday on a visit to his Herbert Tyndall is spending some
Mr. Wilbur Raub of Lancaste when their horse frightened at ve. Rice For onlv dc. a bh Sa aries i. ite elative Wu ; tion of diseases aged 71 year children Mr. and Mrs. George Plott [time with friends at Ann Je.
Mrs. Cle . " " 00 for $10.00 Suit at Getz Br it A hn an gh oe A Hae is oe Mis Mary Elizabeth Dugan, died : T Gospel Si ¢ Hing held for a Mr. M C Bowman was a visitor
' Mrs. Clayton Lefever is spending |dash down the street In th ¢ $15.00 Suits mow $11.00 at Getz proj Ci 4 rn 2 at her Marietta home on Thursda 10 time at Garber woods near [to the Capital City yesterday.
several days at New Holland ern end. of the town the tean We ii Lo : A rds red to notify the oWn-{ 4, uo of 11 years, suffering from 1ronville, came to a close on Sunday Miss Florence Brown of Philadel=
Irvin Gever of Lancaster, spent]a post and the wagon upset The $18.00 Suit ae at the horse to repair the fence bronchitis ening va, visiting friends in town,
covered the occupant who : : Fhe report of Burgess Hoffman A son of Simon Wissler residing i ! sh and wife of Bal- | ‘layton R. Myers, of Baltimore,
ents were hastily removed from the wreck Friendship Fire Company meets shoved collections amounting to $42 in Nebrask: who was formerly a mor Mr. John Resh“Sr. of Chest- | yj friends in town last week,
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Youny and | Mr. Morton had a few scratches on : Or row. evening , j the past month | resident of Mt. Jov township. wi nut Hill and Mr. Ezra Ney and fami- | M Breneman and wife are
Miss Lizzei Brubaker spent Sunday [his arm, his wife was bruised about \ akeleht to he'buitt in hel he $5,000 insu Rhee on he PUmMP- {ruck and killed by lightning ly of Mt. Joy were visitors on Sunday |gpending some time at Asbury Park.
at Mavtown the body, while Miss Myers escaped roof. at. the County. Pritn ing station expires in September and at. the home of Mr. Emanuel Myers | Mr. Paul Murphy is spending sev-
Mr. Ed Steigerwald and family of [unhurt Mr. Morton's son was un Qicat. Reduction. in Oxfe Yds and S 2 Earl Meckley I'he annual picnic of the Sunday |epral day here as the guest of his
Paoli, spent several days in town the | conscious, His nose was broken Straw. Hats at D. Bensmen's Mr. Elmer Ebersole ask ; V Earl Meckley. azed five months, | > hool of this place will be held at | mother
guest of George A. Geyer and there was a severe cut on his Contesiille threw it mis New. Hol | ter connections ; at his residence died. Tast ‘Satardas thornine at. his Mumma woods near Mavtown on Mi Fanny Gantz is spending the
: : : [Same was left in the hands of the . ' next Saturday A selected orches- : LL
land good and hard on Saturday jo, : home in Florin after a week's illnes week with the family of her son Jos
of Philadelphia, are the guest of C. |Z. Heisey attended the injured pe: . tn | Water Committe death being due to convulsions The | ‘TR W ill furnish t music for the oc- at Blizabethtown
remains were interred at Millway asion and every body will be made Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Shreiner and
New Fall Gingbams and Outings I'he Street Committee reported
nacadamizing on Frank street part welcome of Harrisburg, spent Sunday in to
ol 5 us, Si i « a
— - were driving down st High
spent Sunday in town automobile ind started on
; .
Sunday in town the guest his par-| vehicle
| was ordered renewed
Mh Howard Shickler and family] head above the right eye Dr. W
S. Wachstetter and family son The wagon was a total wreck : . .
at reduced. price it 8. B. Bernhart
Henry Keener who had been em-|by coming in contact with the post ¢ Co’
Kus 113 ompleted and gave the grade to
Vy | a 2ave ari - a. — Tam ;
The Preshyterian Sunday -school | Mrs. Barbara Ruhl calling on friends
: {
held their picnic at Donegal Springs | Infirmities incident to advanced Staufter's Dairy
A it Jictnr 7 "mi p selor vig neo ras visite ment on New Haven street. . : -
Mio2ag Mrs Viet Dialdenan of [pecueniof fi aes Who War Wu {on Thursday. Mr. C. N. Mumma rted. the} YEH™ caused the death of Mrs. Bar- Mr. A. N. Stauffer, one of ‘our local | ter ar Mrs. John Kramer Sg
*hiladelphis are spending severalling i at secti : Mr. N12 a reportec e . lady 3 { } ’ .
Philadelphia, are spending several|ing in that section. | All special priced Goods are New bara Ruhl, near Ruiil's U. B. church, dairymen, has one of the finest herds | Monday at Maytown .
ploved at carpentering near Philadel- {The horse was captured one mile
phia, is home for several weeks. from Maytown by ™Mr. C. S. Longe- Martin Garber for laying his pave Mrs. C. 8. Longenecker and dai
days in town the guests of friends. The horse was owned by Mr. Wm. | [crossing on the west side of Manheim tessrs. Myer, Samuel and LJ
J | Stock, not shop worn goods S.B . : : ted
Miss E. W. Numbers of New |Easton and the surrey, which is 2 norhart & iy street at Hopewell, in bad condition
H : ernhart & Cop .. wink oviavad salad yi .
Holland, is spending several days in| total wreck, was the property of Mr. ' Same was ordered relaid with Bolen
ySixry You can save a great deal of mon- ok
town the guest of Henry P. Bear and |J. W. Eshleman. . : block.
rE . ey by buying your Suits, Shoes and
wife, I'he unfortunate persons were :
’ sa . . | Hats now at I. D. Beneman's
Mr. Wm. Winters wife and daugh- | brought home by Dr. Thome in his
Rapho township on Monday Death! of cattle which produce his supply
parts. | Gaff njoved a spin to Mariettal
1 | Maytown on Sunday. to
Mrs. R R. A. Worman of A-
town is visiting her sister, Mrs.
was hastened by a stroke ‘of patalysis. | of milk to be seen in these
She was eighty-one years old and tor | They were just recently examii
The water mains were laid on Dav. | B1211Y Years a member of Ruhl's U. B.|by a State Veterniarian and
id and Lumber street, A report
Mr. Harry Peobles moved From was made that the reservoir feed pipe
church. The following children sur- | nounced in a healthy condition. M
: vive: Hiram Ruhl, residing at Sport- Stauffer just recently installed a |lg2e, at the Evangelical parsg
ter of New York, Is the guest of the (automobile. West Donegal street to the Gantz . bert ing Hill; Mary, wife of Jeremiah Sny- | Root Perfection Bottler. All bottles | ‘ry Shellenberger, of PY
formers paprents, Mr. and Mrs. Amos Te property on East Main street. Yas clogged on Sanday morjins. der, Philadelphia; Fanny, wife of are washed with a Lansdown power | phia, is spending his vacati
Winters. Two Pastors to Go to Northfield Thirty dozen shirts valued at $5 itis Tater Was lets I the hands of : ge- |town, with his father, John
Mrs. Elizabeth Eicherly, daughter A % i , : the Water Committee to remedy
" Aad Rev. Frank G. Bossert pastor of |a dozen, were stolen from the Roths-
Mary and granddaughter Miss Myr- the Presbyterian church left for |ville shirt factory Monday night.
tle Beatty spent last week in York |x. .thfield, Mass. last Monday. He Brandt & Stehman's flouring mill
and Dover. will be joined by Rev. R. C. Rengier | is now running day and night, since
Jonas Eby, Speedwell, Elizabeth town washer The famous Delaval
ship; Lizzie, wife of Nathan Kopp, | parator is used and all told Mr. Stauf berger.
Mastersonville; Harriet, wife of Dan’l (fer has one of the most sanitary Mr. Myer Gaffin of New “¥
Walborn; Jacob, John and Benjamin | dairies in this section of the state. |!S here on a visit to his ec
yaad Ruhl, all residing near Ruhl's church. | He runs two wagons thru here and |Messrs. .Samuel and Lewis Gaffi
1 \ . family dliza- | . er paid. ~~ ] oe N 3 . 3 a FeAl wll
Mr. Leo Cobb and family of Eliza of the Lutheran church next Mon-|the new wheat is being received. be pei : ted Fhe funeral was held Friday morn-| Florin daily. and Mrs. Wolf Yoffe.
bethtown, spent Sunday in town the » ig Wh The Property Comimttee reported |. , od Miss. Greider: of op
: ’ day. Do not fail to visit S. B. Berm hart ing at the house and at 10 o'clock at ere tl Geen Mis: ireider of Harrisburg, is
guest of Mrs. Cobbs parents Mr. and Northfield spending some time here as the guest
(of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
M. L. Greider on Marietta street.
Mr. Charles H. Cassell and three
sons of Christianburg, Va., spent yes-
terday here as guests in the family of
his brother, W. W. Cassell on West
Donegal street.
Miss Lillian Strickler, of Lancas-
ter and Miss Mary E. Hite, of Royal-
ton were entertained a few days the
past week in the home of J. W. Mur-
ray and family.
Mr. Henry Groff, a popular young
pharmacist of Philadelphia, circulat-
ed among friends here last week
Mr. Tyndall’ reported the approval
of a number of bills which were lat-
J : : Hi . the springs on the doors at the post Rubs U. B. ch : ti |
is one of the schools |& Co. during their Rebuilding Sale. sfice toostronz and that they shoula unl’ U. B. churen, with interment At. Rernhart's Stove.
Mrs. George Geyer 1 : x : tivns
. : AE B 7 ig +s} J ery | Y ot save y y ing y : . in burial grounds adjoining. ‘ "(1 :
Hon. G. H. Moyer and wife, Martin founded by Dwight L.. Moody. Every You can Save money by buying mow. |, Lajjeved. Same was ordered al grounds adj g S. B. Bernhart & Co. are again
a. ’ year Christian workers from all over Beauty is only skin deep, The aking many i ‘ements at their
Weltmer and sister Lizzie of Pal- : SY ii a : : : aioli making many Improvements a I
the world gather there and are ad- {chicken can’t sing like the nightin stiaalz Mrs. Christian Drace OTe « the bettering of conditions
myra spent Sunday in town the special store for the bettering of conditions
ind He Burgess Hoffman of the Mrs Christi ’ i :
guest of J. 8. Carmany and wife dressed by prominent ministers and gale, but it’s a heap better eating. committee reported having secured Mrs. ristian Drace, widow of and comforts of their many custom-
le Sh 3 : laymen. Among those who will; Horse dealer Ed Ream found a| _ . os he Str John Drace, died at the home of her |.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Winters and : an investment for the Adaline Strick. oe : “' | ers.
: ! ji take part this year are Rev. G.|lady’s purse which the owner an , : > : vio | daughter, Mrs.. Lizzie Groff, in this Th Ae aw died ve. AES
two sons of Manheim, spent Sunday ’ “|ler coal fund in Philadelphia City : : ! They are building a large addition
) Campbell Morgan of London, Rev. G.! have by calling on him and identi- : : ia is | place, on Saturday morning in her sae Af ohare . a shae de
in town the guest of the formers o bends. His action was approved by |" : J to the rear of the store for a shoe de-
s ® | Stuart Holden, of London, Rev. L.|fying same. y : eighty-first year, death resulting " has 4
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Amos Winters. ~ ” y 0 . . Council. E d : ohh = | par tment which will be opened to
G. Broughton of Atlanta, Ga., and Don’t wait until the last minute| pW po.q of Health reported the from a complication of diseases.|(po public as soon as same is com-
Joseph McGarvey of Fort Grebel, ; > 3 . . i na Yr oi Tho : tino shildve vive:
R. 1. 14 Company 606, and William Rev. G. Glenn Atkins of Detroit. but get your Suit now as | am posi- general health of the borough good The following children Survive: pleted which will be about Sept. 1st.
. John B., of Salunga; Barbara, wife They also have made many im-
ie oY nj « Y - p o : :
Eichler of Fort Adams, R. I. Com of George Derr, of Landisville; Mrs. Yaron. § BSOTHE : TO:
pany 117, 606 are spending some ¥ provements in Basement and Ware
ne ’ > : Lizzie Groff, of Mount Joy; Samuel :
House Rooms.
The sonterence is undenemination- tively closing out all my Clothing. and that the streams are very low.
al in Slergete: and is probably the |I. D Beneman. : The treasurer’s report showed a
rreatest in this co ry. Deveney 4 'S ave issue an ; ’ : y .
time in town with their parents. great Is yer) sen y Brothers a e issued balance of $1,311.10 in the Water| ° us :
———- execution for $200 against the Auto] . 2 163.43 i he Bor B., of Maytown; Mary, wife of Benja- rer lilies
Mr. and Mrs. Ammon Frye and son is account and $2,463.43 in the on . Kas
{ Palnoe " Y Moe Bvhyet Gone 10 Pog Heaven Knitting mills, of Elizabethtown, J.|\ pn account min Haldeman, of West Donegal op a] gids :
0 almyra, Mr. and rs.phraim “Dike” th : : os _|1. Saul, treasurer. tire aol 3 dt 910 i township: Daniel B., of Landisville; Vaccination Notice while on a visit to his mother at
Morton, son and daughter, Mrs. Sam- Duke,” the valuable pointer dog ; Meeting adjourned at 9. p. m. ve TV Aire vi Notice is hereby giyen to parents Elizabethtown
te . : hat had bee aking his . The base ball team will leave at cit lilo ——— Amanda, wife of Edward Wilhelm, y 3 .
uel Seifret and two sons of Columbia, | tha nal been making his home to see that children are properly vac- Benjamin Hoffman, residing near
: the park at 3.30 Thursday afternoon of Conewago, and Amos B., of Eliza-
oi; : Jarry S smaker of | around the Bulletin office for the past y < ae hina s " COPS i i : :
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Shoemaker of ! for Columbia. They will make the|Summer Services at Presbyterian | ,.thtown The funeral will be held
y Mr Shelly, Mr. . seven years, and who during that ‘hurc ; p HA e
ova, i pH 1 heli Me jo time ably assisted the scribe in tramp- trip in Sumpman’s bus. Church from the home of Mrs. Lizzie Groff,
Wp oo er und Mr Jon: ing the hills and fields in this and James Webb, the tinner cut his The pastor Rev. Frank G. Bosser! at Mount Joy, on Tuesday afternoon
og : A: a » Sunda at other conntite in quest of Zila had right hand very badly on Wednesday | left for Northfield on the 1st of Aug, with services at Green Tree Meeting | = ; ; : :
0 hone Of Mr. /2nd Mis. Almisu a death se at nee paced Pon nim while putting on a tin roof at Salun- | Services will be held as usual at this| gouge at two o’cllock, and interment | Plied with. We hope parents will | wiler.
ga on a Pensylvania Railroad build- [Place and Donegal. |in the adjoining burying ground. take due notice of this 9 there will Deputy Coroner B. S. Dillinger
Aug. T7—Rev. S. R. Manifold, of aaa he no misunderstanding in the mat- | spent from Friday to Sunday in the
ter on the opening day of school.. City of Brotherly Love
Bertie KE. Hulsinger \ khan i ’ 0 herly Love. Ben was
By Order of the Mt. Joy Borough a member of the election board of
Miss Bertie E. Hulsinger one of o
§-3-4t | the Grand Lodge Knights of Pythias
cinated before opening of schools. | Stackstown, who is eighty-three years
All children not properly vaccinated | old, but hale and hearty, spent last
as prescribed by law, cannot be ad-|Sunday in town with the family of
mitted to school until the law is com- | Christian N. Mumma and W. B. Det-

Mr. and Mrs. John Shoemaker on | last Wednesday. The execution was
private and was quite successful, the
having pronounced life ex-
Miss Edith Bentzel has given wap
her position at Lancaster as she ex-
5 ects to accompany Mr. and Mrs. B. |€Vening. , bes : ; aw 3 :
vey Raymond. The following were) sprung. I is ) accomj Ap) Y ne E yg LLiRer. TT. MoReen Polke the best known young women of
F. Gerber on their trip to the Pacific Ak. * Maytown, died at her home in that
present: Mr. and Mrs. Dr. O. E. ys Coast in a few weeks. at this place morning and evening.
Snodgrass of Philadelphia, Miss Edna Japanese Lawn Social -—- g Aug.
Strickhouser of York, Mr. and Mrs. A Japanese Lawn Social will be this place in the morning and Done- oizhth year of - her nge and was ajat 2 sacrifice)
Ed Steigerwald and two children of | ojyen Thursday evening, August 18, Jumped From a Trolley Car gal in the evening. danzhter of dary ated the late Sard A lot of 50c.*Neckwear, now 25¢
>aoli, Rev. Frank G. Bossart and|py the Mission Band of the Trinity On Sunday afternoon two trolley Sabbath School every Sunday at Hh FeTastor She hod Hoon n tailing Wash Ties that were 25c¢. now 2]|4ays in town as the guestsfof Mr.
Mr. Jor Doser of Mount Joy, Mr. | gvangelical Church. The lawn will | cars were running rather close to [9.15 and Prayer Meeting every Wed- eh oats ith was ls Bed for 25c. and ‘Mrs. John Kramer. %
and Mrs. George A. Geyer, § > oTatod. 4 RR le | eae Sd ‘he > > in 1 «dav evening at 7.3 f Re D 5 : on A ia eri Ta
2 en fore * fever 1 a br decorated Ih ne ks S¢ Sk ol h oujet ang Won the on in thet nesday ¢ yorins at 7. . fast for the past two weeks. She | Soft Collar Shirts at prices !
§ \ % and little Japanese maidens will [stopped the one following ran within 0 -—-- was a member of St. John's Lutheran | cannot escape your notice. $1.00
id By Jay hler and jerve yon with all Binds of good 2 few Igot of it hevare being ttle 10 Will Picnic at Wild Cat church, Maytown. No one looked | Shire now 79c¢., h0¢. Shirts now 39e¢ LE a ne he ;
gs which are true American. A [Stop. Mr. R. G. Heilig, who was The Mt. Joy High School Alumnl|forward to Old Home Week celebra- | Getz Bros., Mount Joy. J ym opens again. on October
-—,- special feature of the affair will be a | standing on the rear platform of the | yc i-tjon will hold its second an-|tion with a keener interest than she ———- 0 — Ist. He expects to visit some schools
yon 5 ie free tre: fOr 4 N > rs of y p ar y re w > & i 3 fi v x : of like character during his vacati
Hard Luck, Bysshe. free treat for all the members of the | front car thought there would be a! picnic at Wild Cat Falls, on|and it is safe to say that no one Considerably Strengthened : eter during his vacation,
: ably | 2 tll A
Strasburg will preach at Donegal in
the morning and this place in the
Saturday gave a birthday dinner at
their home west of town in honor of | “Doctor
Mrs. Shoemaker’s father, Hon. J. H.| tinct six minutes after the “trap was
School Board.
rl re of Pennsylvania.
Mrs. John Vogle of Marietta, and
son Edward, of Newport, R. I., who
is at present stationed at the tr g
school at that place, spent everal
lalbraitt t place at 1.30 o'clock Saturday morn- Bargains at Getz Bros.
21—Dr. J. M. Galbraith at}, = ppe geceased was in the thirty | Boys’ Wash Suits, ages 3 to 9 yrs.

that ' E. H. Bentzel who is instructor in
mechanical drawing in the Hampton
Institute is home on his vacation un-

Mr. I. Percy Bysshe Heilig left | Mission Band, which the young peo- | collision and jumped off. He | Thursday, August 25, for which oc-| would have enjoyed it more than she A report in the Lancaster papers
wi sur iov sprained his ankle ¢ is ¢ ine 2 Voie : : ‘ Si aE LIE apt! x
en, Be light] i ad r Sing casion grand preparations are beingor have written a more glowing ac- | from Columbia‘says Columbia's team Death Resulted ¥ © Se n
eee tll) eres was slightly orn. >» acclde *- apo 3 : . . ’ |
> 4h le accident oc made and the affair promises to be|count of the proceedings. Besides | wil] he considerably strengthened for ! A very pitiful a 8 .
curred ear the De as p J . 3 % |
red near the Dell east of town. a grand success. One of the feat-|her aged father she is survived by a | Thursday's game Eckenrode of jon Saturday at the e=———
vesterday morning enroute for Enola
on his bicycle and while crossing the
trolley tracks at Elizabethtown, his A Re-Building Sale
: 2 Se
bike skidded and he was thrown to Last Friday S. B. Bernhart & Co. ures of the day will be a chicken and | phrother, Horace Hulsinger, of Bos | Georgetown University, will catch | Mrs. Henry Miller] “are the Man-
waffle supper. ton Mass., and a sister, Jeanette.|,nq Cover of Elizabethtown, will heim road, ne: Elizabethtown. The
the ground. His left arm was badly | the down town merchants, started a
EE wife of John LL. Mathias, of Maytown. | {wirl. They say Mt. Joy and Col- | little d: r who was just begin-
bruised and he was attended by Dr. big re-building sale which will con-
Ulrich He returned home conclud- | ¢inye thru this entire month. This
Buried at Maytown
The funeral of Howard Houseal,
: : : 5 of Philadelphia, took place Monday Store News at Yofte's.
ing to make the trip to Enola later.{firm is remodeling their store in or-|.nq interment was made in the May- Buy now and save money at
——— Tol y
The funeral took place Monday |, mhia are playing five games for the | ning to walk fell against the corner
morning with interment in the Union | championship of the county. That | of an iron pump trough and fractur-

der to install additional stock among | town Reformed cemetery Dorcas cemetery, Maytown sounds good | ed its skull Dr. A. C. Treichler was
SCORED rim seal Ullmer t called immediately t was unable
.. > ils ar . * 3 :
Mrs. Philip L. Bard | to render any asistance and the child
Yoffe's. ; 3
Great bargain 1 hosiery at Mrs. Philip I. Bard, one of the best Unclaimed Letters
Tre argaing ir sier) :
Sorry to Hear It, Warren which will be a fine line of shoes.|eq was a son of Henry Housel. a The big sale is now going on at
The many friends of Rev. and Mrs. | We printed a big lot of circulars giv-|¢ormer resident of Mawtown, and
7 E. Deacon will be grieved to learn [ing prices of goods for the next! jeath followed an operation died shortly af ie doctor arrived.
: : : v lis laimec
of the illness of their oldest son, [thirty days which should interest —— ed - —- | Yoffe's, list of unclaimed
| known ladies of Ironville was found The funeral was eld n Tuesday
3 \ it he l y Te wadav after-|! 3 remain uncalled for at the PARTI EL x ie
Men's dress shirts at very low dead at | 0TH Wednesday after ) . tat morning in tl Mennonite church in
noon | t ! hh 1s, August 1s Elizabethtown, with interment in Mt
The d body was found on the 191 !

Warren, who visiting at Pulaski, | ou
Va He is suffering form an attack
of tvphoid fever at the home of his The Biggest Sale
grandparents where he is spending|y, town is now going on here. Let
ll ie Be on the Look Out prices at Yoffe’s
For our large circular. It will have Creel
many bargains on it that will inter- porch of esidence by Mary Young

Boys Apparel | The body was yet warm, showing that |
We are now offering .our large line | jeath had overtaken The woman but IS Kaly
F. Satchell
: : est you. Our entire stock reduce
his vacation. us show vou how to save money and eT ! t k fuced m
. : ie . | Prices do not count, we must get rid 1's Tan Hose,
get at the same time a Suit that’s . i ; : No . | 5
of our immense stock of Clothing and | ©f Boys’ Suits at wonderfully 10W | a short time before.
Smith i é 11 In Boys School
; a : up-to-date and fits you to perfection : z
Amos Sheaffer's Accident #4 tz Brother I are going to give you the benefit. | 3
eZ I ( € S
: - Getz Bros f
vagon with a load of baled j re eee tll Qe serve one Suit from this sale and can | She was apparently in good health at |
yrices as we must have more roon 1vsicla were summoned
vr. Amos Sheaffer of Florin slip- or our fall stock We do not re-|M ard 1s past all human
ped off a be. quality for
straw that was being hauled to Mi Was Scared to Death Se y ; 1 save you from $1.50 to $2.00 per jnoon and her sudden death was
E. S. Weaver's stables vesterday af- little Miss Bertha Hess, Fable Dy, light and dark Getz Bros | resul eart trouble from
a qt. at Yoffe's i, ; :
ne a = -9-ws.——-...—— i she had suffered for some time
he was badly bruised on his left]at Ephrata, where she had gone Silk in different shades for | 1 Bard a about
tooth draw 59 1 vard at Yoffe’s | Will Clean The Basin | ] ;
ll ne — a yx ind insertion On Saturday night a 1.50 the | : Bes pron Gingl 1 for i« i ¥ Ss 1 nnual Mid Sum-
| Busi : tH i 1 IOWINg 11d 1 » ’ 1 rar 1
a yi : | water will be shut off f le pul ‘ R t Yolle's : 2 ale Vv on This
Hearty igh Female Help Wanted. Teer Ae ‘orsets ri | pose of cleaning the reservo In Riek EH " SN . en 2 5¢ wdies’ bla le l iSe. | ¢ 10 3 tle like others have
1eral house-w ie nly 4¢ at ¢ ase of rain ar muddy ater i . ; ; » Ofte cd 1 you see the
good wages | Aas i : Q , 01 2 ille; Mrs. Jo Har wi v1 191 1 merchandise the pr 5
. | be cleaned the follo Saturd: : White ( 2 Le) : ¢ ¢ : We can
>= ni=ht : 5 : - 2 Yoff | ot put rything on er, so com:
ternoon No bones were broken but | manville, died in a dentist’s
\ppetite wa Good cook and
etl lier RIT 8 Bed li S g - {1 ¢ at we have to offer y
The * )it fence het ¢ t pr umbi sd { 3 3 bar in 1 pF i :
| ‘ : 3 : : |° ! ne 7 line.
1 Yofte’ perty occupied bj Snvder and the | Getting Very Shaky i 1 ma Only a Few Left . >
where a € i'n offe’'s at ‘ Sie 3 y EE
er t at ffe ; The Columbia papers 1 From | Mountville
nt : Sourbeer nw ty since it passed |
F'runks and spit cas t ¥ 5 4 : ) thowel : 1 af Yay ; x \ i Yappas
1 1 ves. | present indica tions it looks as though | lumbia i -third off e regula ¢ oO | - © largest and best line
¢ le good se and attend into other fd tik COIN ot
1 y fr reduced prices at Yoffe’s. ? | :
the bargains sale at Yoffe educed prices at Yoffe terda Ring the Inter-County League would dis- vou Mt. Joy which we are
g 5 ——-a——— ‘ 3
Good assortment ot cottonade . — - band st Saturday only two have only t v | § ft ets ns t gardless of cost 1
ris 3 . i £4 air of The Just ight Best Calico Hic 5} 5 x
pant goods in dark colors J: to teams met to play : : | Bros., Mount Joy, Pa
Silkdown 18x18 fo at Yoffe’s |
Children, Ladies 1d Men Rapho Man Killed | et itl Win mie taal A
16c. at Yoffe's os
nhart & Co’s Mr. Henry Waltz, son of the lat |
eee Ce
Silkdown 20x20 fo:
50¢ Wool Dress good W, 35c. 2 Prices Knocked at | Evangelical Charch
Yoffe's. Made to measur 1 for: $ There will be no services in 2
Linen Napkins for 42¢. a &oz 1t | that sold formerly for $ ) z{nited Evangelical Church g+
Yoffe's. | Bros. Mt. Joy, Pa first and second ‘Sunda
Seep etl) come meee Henry Waltz of Rapho township | Marriage Lisenses
Get Measured On account of Landisville Camp |where he was brought up, was! Harry L. Beamenderfer, of Eliza-
trolley cars were run every half hour | “bounced” from a hotel at L.ebanon, bethtown and Lizzie K Sherk, of Mt.
now $15.00 at Getz Bros. {on Sunday. his skull fractured and he died. Joy.

For a Suit and save money $25.00
