ltl A — " - 0000 CLEAN SWEEP SA Reason: Going Out of Business VRE EO REE Wolt Yofte Will Leave Mount Joy This Fall A OOOO OOOO 11 — EEE EERE EEE ER I WILL POSITIVELY LEAVE MOUNT JOY THIS FALL, WHICH IS BUT SIX TO EIGHT WEEKS DISTANT, AND IN THAT TIME I MUST AND WILL SELL MY $20,000 STOCK OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE. PLEASE REMEMBER THIS IS NO OVER-STOCKED, OVER-LOAD- ED, BACKWARD SEASON OR MAKE BELIEVE SALE BUT A GENUINE CLEAN SWEEP GOING OUT OF BUSINESS SALE. NOW PLEASE TAKE INTO CONSIDERATION WHAT A SALE OF THIS KIND MEANS TO YOU. I WILL SELL MY ENTIRE STOCK BE- LOW THE WHOLESALE COST PRICE—NOW THINK OF THAT. BUT I WANT TO GET RID OF THE MERCHANDISE AND MUST MAKE PRICES LOW SO AS TO MAKE IT WORTH WHILE TO YOU. THIS 1S NO GUFF BUT STRAIGHT TALK. REASON: I AM MOVING TO BALTIMORE IN THE FALL AND SINCE I HAVE NOT BEEN ADDING TO STOCK 1 EVERY DAY I'M HERE. IN PLAIN TALK I HAVE DECIDED TO GET RID OF EVERYTHING AND ‘GET OUT. LY BE DONE REGARDLESS OF EVERYTHING SO HERE'S THE OPPORTUNITY OF A LIFETIME. I HAVE ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING SO YOU HAD BETTER COME AT ONCE. REMEMBER YOU CAN NOW BUY IN SMALL LOTS CHEAPER THAN I BOUGHT THESE GOODS WHOLESALE. THINK THAT OVER. EERE AM LOSING MONEY THIS WILL POSITIVE- IF) OOOO ho 2 O O O O Worth of Dry Goods, Groceries, No- tions, Boots, Shoes, Rubbers, Fur- nishings, Clothing, China and Glass- ware, Bedding, Carpets, Mattings, Linoleums, Table and Floor Oilcloth, Etc., Etc. IT'S A FACT A SALE LIKE THIS WAS NEVER HELD IN THIS COMMUNITY BE- FORE. DON'T MISS IT. Follow Me for Bargains I AM GOING TO WOLF YOFFE'S BIG CLEAN UP SALE AT MOUNT JOY—ARE YOU GOING ALONG? WATCH FOR IT ANOTHER CIRCULAR WITH AD- DITIONAL INFORMATION, PRI- CES, ETC., WILL APPEAR AGAIN IN TWO WEEKS. WATCH FOR IT 1 Dry Goods exceedingly large, We Don’t STORE WILL BE OPEN EVERY TUESDAY AND SATURDAY EVEN- INGOF EACH WEEK DURING THE lhl Bia ll. fa BIG CLOSING OUT SALE. 1 OOOO White Goods LININGS. In all colors, Mercerized and look | All just like silk, all good materials as! follows: E1101 Oo I) A SILKS SILKS silk in the store, and you know the large line I carry, reduced : one-third to one-half. That’s not 12%c. and 15c. Linings, a yd., 104c | near cost but here's where I lose and 18c. and 20c. Linings, a yd., 123c. | you profit. All colors in plain, | plaid and fancy. Everything is Staple and ‘Fancy, assortment is You haven’t an idea how large this stock really is until you call. carry a more complete line than any store outside the big cities. wait until lots are broken, sizes are missing, but come now. 30c Linings, a yd., 23c. EXTRA SPECIALS Cambric Linings, a yd., 43%c. WOOL DRESS GOODS I have two pieces of Dark Grey Consisting of Mohairs, Serges, and Brown Cloth, very fine, very ap- | Suitings, Cheviots, Cashmeres, Flan- 3 y £ . i RN as Bo nels in plain and fancies; all desir- propriate for making plain clothes. NNN 2 ie int able shades. Always got T75ec. a yard for it but YO | == PP E'S WHITE GOODS. Also a fine assortment of Black Sateens will be greatly reduced. O00 TT $1.00 Goods reduced to 69c. fas 10 ZO With the rest of my stock This is a Hie Une consisting of | CORSETS 75¢. Goods reduced to 49c a Suc, Law ns, India Linens, Swiss, Mull and | Best makes of good fitting corsets, § Chiffon in dotted and figured designs |long and short hips, good sense cor- 50c. Goods reduced to 35c. for white dresses and caps, 32 to 46 | ets at 45c.each 25¢. Goods reduced to 17c. : inches wide; formerly sold at from | 8c. to $1.00 a yard. Now 6c. to 65¢c Next grade with extra long hips [and high bust, well worth $1.50 at = | 85c¢. CRETONS An exceedingly fine line of Cretons for making draperies, cushions, couch cover and a hundred and one other things, plain, checked and fancy de- signs, all to be sold very cheap. _ Will Positively Sell The £1 $20,000 Stock Also% Building and Fixtures within the next six or eight weeks. GINGHAMS An endless variety of Dress Ging- hams comprising Bates, Torule De- Nord, Red Seal and Blue Ribbon; and fancy; sells elsewhere for 12ic and 15¢ a yard, now you get it at 103c. lot of Dress Gingham which is very desirable for school dresses, ladies’ shirt waists, suits, boys’ blouses, etc., only 8c. Still another lot of good fast color Dress Gingham for only 6c. MUSLIN UNDERWEAR. | Next high models, long One of the best and most relia- ble makes on the market and you ali #115. know the kind I handle. I have Ladies’ Reduce Corsets, very de- been selling this same line ever since |Sirable for stout figures, extra strong I've been in business. , The quality [long hips; always were $2.50; now is there. The lot consists of La- | $1.79. Soy Son 2% Long oe ne Say Misses’ and Ladies’ Farris Waists Otitieiss Maclts Sider tas oral be sold at way down prices because Satis Waitte on ar, | they must g0. These have extra fikiis | long hip and are a new model. A fine line of Infants’ Long and | Short Long and Short | Coats, grade corsets, latest hips and high bust at Jl 1 SILKATINES assortment of Plain practically Another : Also a big and Fancy Silkatines at your own figure because they must be sold. A Golden Opportunity (» Buy Cheap Dresses, Ete. LAWNS My line of Figured Lawns cannot be beaten anywhere. Think of sell- WRAPPERS : : Come in Gray, black and brown {ing them for less than they cost. *AUZE UNDERWE bes : g GAUZE UNDERWEAR. all neat figures, best makes, extra For ladies and children, all sizes | wide and well sewed to go at the and qualities as follows: measley low figure of 79e¢. each. Here are some: i iz NAM lll | Bi i NN wa ig Sale Is Now On|. 12%c. Lawns, per yard 8c. pil WE j . 5 12%c. Underwear 9c. . .Special—A lot of fine Wrappers; lif 1 1 Underwear 11c. | former prices $1.50, now $1.15. Underwear 19c. White Lawn Wr ors. for lv . 4 rappers, formerly Use a Little Cood Sense Ladies’ Gauze Union Suits 23c. [sold at from $1 to $1.50 at 69. Attend This Sale I Must and Will Sell. Will no longer APRON GINGHAM (Good variety of Lancaster Apron many shades and de- to go at Te. replemish store stock. Gingham in signs. All Lawns, per yard Sc. BEST PERCALES | Light and Dark, one yard wide, all our regular 15c¢. quality; yours for | 10ic. 25¢. Lawns, per yard 15c. 25¢ 20c. Figured Madras, a yd., Long Sleeve Gauze Vests 20c. These exceptional Wrapper Ladies’ Gauze Pants 20c. Bargains. 25c. Figured Madras, a yd., are A GIGANTIC SALE AT MOUNT JOY ET OT OUR BIG SALE IS NOW GOING ON MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS Best makes and all Monarch brand BEST CALICOS Simpson's and American Print, | none better; I may as well give them away as take S53c. good TABLE LINENS Table Linens HOISERY Ladies’ Hoisery in black, tan, grey | All are greatly lace. | Teéduced so come and take advantage. our values | | $1.00 kind at 73c. 36¢. Work a very 1 and white, all sizes, plain and 12%c. and 15c. 50c. kind at | 11c. | Grocery Department too. . rocery bepa is as complete as any one could wish and this 2 ly li 1 i i i 1 lov 50c. 1 keep renewing until other stock is sold. Nev- Hose, now i9c. Shirts left that small sum left Also a few will be yours TOWELS All ready made towels to be sacri- grey 38c. | ficed as low as 8c. a pair. SHIRTINGS Since this lot is broken I'll make it worth your while. All fast colors striped and checked, good shades, won't show dirt so easily: still a big jot from which to select at 7ic., 83c. for Boys’ Hose, now black, 25¢ Just a few Shirts brown and 55c. The toweling by the yard will prac- brown | {ss : [tically be given away. 75¢. black, and $1 black, Silk Hose 79c. youl | 8¢ grey stores other » selling groceries cheaper than : Come and yceries for the week and then while t some. STRAW GOODS samc Tiere a vor a 1 EL and 10c. COTTONADE PANT GOODS Good assortment in dark colors, yery serviceable for pants and will wear like leather. You'll never a- gain get, an opportunity like Always sold and sell yet in stores at from 12%c. to 25c. a yard. While they last here at 93c. to 16c. this other CLOTHING 1 don’t have much clothing but ‘what I have will certainly be yours if you make me an offer. Must get rid of it. Gentlemen your price my price so come a running. Goods for dress and dg YX Y Nice lot land every day. of Straw Come et some of these in mid-season ‘ou can {have them at your price Also a nice assortment of Soft and Stiff Hats. FOOTWEAR aware that I carry ¢ shoes than any these parts so here’s You are er line of exclu shoe house in chance. Shoes duced and Oxfords How’s that? your greatly de- almost given a- way. Many styles, colors, lasts for Sun- day er every day. Shoes for the |infant to the old man. Must be iseen to be appreciated. 1 I 1 figures know vou’ll buy at the present is come to my store. You'll Opp. Post Office, MOUNT JOY, PA. EL mr 111 11 EE SCARFS, DOILIES, ETC. Doilies, Covers, Children’s Pillow Shams Tahl ard 5 ? ‘ Hoisery in black, tan| 2° ready made and by the and Childen’s 4 s Sry ia yard at gi ‘ices and white, plain ribbed; per : gil prices. LACES AND EMBROIDERIES priced have such a big lot of and Embroideries that I will Laces accept anything for them jus sold. BABY SAC D) Y A Pres INFANTS! > BY SACQUES AND CAPS A big assortment of Knit and Flan Infants Wool and Cotton in tan, | pe] black and white at only 1le. 50c. Sacques, each $8c¢ 37c. each 18ec. Silk and Embroidery Caps 25c. Caps, now 18ec. colored and obec. Caps, now and 12¢. 1ic. infants’ Socks with fancy tops at 103c. Red Ribbed Hose, 25¢. Sacques, Swiss, Long J] | 0 E11 1 1