$15.00 For $14.00 For $11.00 For $ 8.50 For $ 1.00 For $ 5.50 For All Other (Getz Bros. Big ook at These Prices $20.00 Suits $18.00 Suits $15.00 Suits $12.50 Suits 0 $10.00 Suits $ 1.50 Suits Stock Re- duced Also £3 0 CHIGHESTER SPILLS ' yo & : BRAND pions (1 ES) ol Vim ) Re 0 Co. 40) 7 potigae™® > Suge? ay LADIES ¢ Gorp metallic hoxes, sealed with Blu Mount Joy Hall Bldg. 0 poallllllllRRelellellleleN GETZ DROS, MOUNT JOY, PENNA. GQ oO | | | [65th | week with her son Amos G family down In Chickies Valley cece 0 MILTON GROVE An exceptionally large yield of oats is anticipated this year in these re- glons celebrated his John K, Strickler birthday and In honor of the « } {vent was given a post-card shower, Mrs, Sarah Good and Jacob F. Frey, a progressive tiller of the soll in this locality, was the man here to market new wheat first Mrs, S daughter, Miss Louisa risburg, Steelton and Progress Daliimote, Md, For Tout : bard { AvOr Savs' “Jeffrie ailed | My lie was a misery to me. sutierec Our Mayor says: Jeffries Fadl d ; am from irregulari- {to win, but cheer up! Santa Claus | ES RR ties, terrible drag- | will come back, also cool weather; Mit ging ikewise Congress.’ extreme nervous. [Hake wi e ( ongre 88. he ts ableitn ne and that a | | Mrs. Benjamin Lehman is ab gone feeling in m [be down stairs again after a protract- |ed iliness She was greeted by many | friends who wish her a speedy perma- [ nent recovery. J. 8. Hoffman and 8S. G. Hoffman {with their traction engines and sepa- | rator machines are accommodating | the farmers in this community thresh- ling their cereals. George Fry an ardent weilder of the rod and a chronic disciple of Wal- daily enjoying whipping the Valley for cat- [ ter, is | streams in Chickies [ fish and suckers. Due to the bad renewal of condition of our sidewalks a the crusade for improvements are anticipated in a brief time, especially bordering the properties in the direction of the church and school buildings. Amos G. alias “Reddy” who is as s*anch physically as a stor- age tank, believing that the vance of the law ought to begin right Greiner obhser- under his own vine and fig tree, will not tolerate any fishing or hunting upon his premises. Preliminary arrangements are in sight by local capitalist to organize a company to investigate the coal stratum, presumed to underlie the surface of the Green Hill. In 1852 excavations were made with favor- able prospects, but owning to the sud- | Made His Wife Crawl to Church Because of a family quarrel, in which he insisted his wife was at fault, J. Anderson, of Waukegan, Ill., compelled her to do penance by crawl- ing on her knees several blocks to a church and confessing she had mar- red the domestic tranquility. C. S. MUSSER. THE BAKER Stora News at Yoffe's. Men’s 50c. Caps 29c¢. at Yoffe's Baking Soda, 2 lbs for 5 cents. | Washing Soda, 1c. a 1b. at Yoffe's. | Great reduction in all kind Knee| Pants at Yoffe's. Arrow Brand 15c. 10c. at Yoffe's. Great reductions Shoes at Yoffe’s. Linen Collar in all kind of den death of Mr. S. Smedly the prim- itive projector, further progress was abandoned. A neighboring demonstrated that a lives than one. She discovered a marander in her chick house, pro- ceeded to maul it with a crowbar, flung it against the building, and then jumped on it to crush the feline's life but it evanesced without displaying any damage to its locomotive powers. Whether the cat's appetite for spring chickens has been materially dimin- woman has again cat has more home from an enjoyable visit in Har- An your Druggist for CHI.CHRES-TER'S IAMOND BRAND PILLS in Rep aud Ribbon. TAXER NO OTHER. aad ask for CHI.CHES. TERS Drugsist DIAMOND BRAND PILLS, for twenty-five ars regarded as Best, Safest, Always Reliable. years SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS ann EVERYWHERE 73% Buy of your Fresh through town daily Funerals, Weddings and Suppers given prompt attention Store & Bakery, Mount Joy, Pa. Branch Store at E. Ream’s. Get Ready For School If your umbrellas need repairing send them or notify Mr. Albert Her- shey who does good work at moder- ate prices. CONCRETE BUILDINGS, PAVEMENTS AND ORNAMENTAL WORK teaches us that world is recognize Building best building ial today. and Canada, as well as the mend it. ed it. great house will ter and last at a small cost of construction and keep in repair better than any other structure ever built. They are warmer in winter and cooler in summer. Tt is Fire Proof, Water Proof, and Frost proof. look who contemplates building here or elsewhere, to communicate with me. | I am prepared to furnish complete all styles of buildings. If 1 can’t thoroughly convince you as to the Practicability, Durability .and Econ- omy of my product there is no harm done and you haven't spent a cent. Yours for business, JACOB Y. KLINE Contractor & Builder. FLORIN, PA. RE EE REE EERE ERR REE REE. RRY BROOKS Dealer in GREEN GROGERIES ORANGES, LEMONS. &c. Garden Vegetables in Season ALI; KINDS FRESH FISH IN SEASON. ef, MOUNT JOY, PA. EEE. 101 Bread and Oakes Delivered Fresh Doughnuts, Crullers and Dewey Buns every Wednesday & Thursday. West Main Street I want every person! The lesson of growth | the | coming to Concrete | Block as] mater- | The U. S.! and all | the foreign countries lead-! ing engineers recoms- | The great railroads have adopt-| The bestbuild-| ers advise its use in| preference to any oth; er material for its] strength. Al bet-! longer | | | | { 0 1 Ii lH} = = E GREAT JULY SALE a a Make your Porch or Balcony a real place for rest. - Get one of our New Hammo-Ports, a real swinging bed; 6 feet long; springs underneath; a good thing to sleep on hot nights; only $9.75. =m We can take care of you during the long Summer days. Awnings gg made to order, Porch Screens, Bamboo or Vudor; Porch Swings of all kinds, Crex Grass Matting for Porch Rugs. We have unusual bargains in Porch = : { Rockers during thi months- | | = Great Go=Cart Sale al We are closing out our entire stock of about forty styles of Reed Go- Carts way below cost; almost half price; you will never get an opportunity = like this again if you need a Go-Cart. ml Special prices all over the store on the largest selection of Furniture, | Rugs and Carpets in the city.. Don’t miss this July Sale. Come and in- a vestigate. { E un = = MWesTENBERGER *MALEY & MyERs, = i 1] 125 AND 127 BEAST KING ST. LANCASTER, PA. - J. G. KEENER: Get them at Yoffe’s; What? Why ished or not does not appear. Bargains, you chump. ED, Sumpman’s best make Brooms 30¢| CATARRH CANNOT BE CURED and 35¢. at Yoffe's. with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they ’ cannot reach the seat of the disease. 10c. Men’s Hose Catarrh is a blood or constitutional di- brown 7}c. at Yoffe's. sease, and in order to cure it you must , 5 | take internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Men’s good working half Hose 6|Cure is taken internally, and acts direct- ox. y 'g |ly on the blood and mucous surfaces. pr. for 3c, at Yoffe 5 . | Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medi- Yoffe is practically giving things | cine. It was prescribed by one of the hi - 3 best physicians in this country for years away. Go and get some. and is a regular prescription. = It is com- Bet you never heard of anyone] posed of one of the best tonics known, . y combined with the best blood purifiers, selling as cheap as Wolf Yoffe is at|acting directly on the | The perfect combination of the two in- in black and mucous surfaces. present. | gredients is what produces such wonder- You can buy clothing at Wolf | ful results in curing Catarrh. Send for . ni y BF | testimonials free. Yoffe’s at whatever you offer for Fi CHENBY & CO., Props., Toledo, O. Sold by ruggists, price Te. them. Go and see for yourself. |Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa- mit LH] OT1, | State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas Co. { Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he | As senior partner of the firm of F. J. Che- ney & Co.,doing business in the City of | Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and {that said firm will pay the sum of ONE | HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and | every case of Catarrh that cannot be { cured by the use of.Hall's Catarrh Cure. | FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in | my presence, this 6th day of December, Style No. 161 | A. D. 1836. A. W. GLEASON, | (Seal) Not Public Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken | and acts directly on the bloo | cous surfaces of the system. testimonials free. | F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggists, 8c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa- tion. nl Can Be Fined A person can now be fined $200 if Crt ossett he the postoffice mail which has been put into his box by and return it at SMAKES LIFE’'S WALK EASY" takes from mistake, does not once, letters. The that you found in your box and that it was the fault of the employe of the postoffice will well as The law applies to papers as excuse Ld "an Here’s the shoe for the young man—a new Cros- sett model that’s extreme- ly popular this season and the most stylish of all fancy patterns. The fine, silky : : . “Cadet Calf” takes and Rae Church retains a high polish, the ine at 10 2 not relieve you of the responsibility. rent Ee IN OUR CHURCHES “5 FOURYEARS OF MISERY | | | | l.. Gingrich and her grand- Cured by Lydia E. Pink= Gingrich are ' ham’s Vegetable Compound ever when I began to ham's Vegetable Compound. Then | I felt as though | given me, and I am recommending it | to all my friends.””—Mrs. W. 8. FORD, | 2207 W. Franklin St., Baltimore, Md. | The most successful remedy in this | country for the cure of all forms of | female complaints is Lydia E. Pink. | ham’s Vegetable Compound. It has | stood the test of years and to-day is | more widely and successfully used than anyother female remedy. It has cured | thousands of women who have been troubled with displacements, inflam- | mation, ulceration, fibroid tumors, ir- regularities, periodic pains, backache, that bearing-down feeling, flatulency, | indigestion, and nervous prostration, | after all other means had failed. If you are suffering from any of these | ailments, don’t give up hope until you | have given Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vege- | table Compound a trial. | If you would like special advice | write to Mrs. Pinkham, L Mass, for it. She has guided | thousands to health, free of | charge, [ NEWTOWN Mr. Harry Myers, son of Samuel] E. Myers, returned to week. Mrs. John Wittle, who has been in poor health for some time, is slightly improving. Mr. Morris Wittle and children of Columbia were visitors at the home of Peter Risser. Mrs. William Witmer and family of Harrisburg visited relatives in these parts last week. Mrs. Mary Hogentogler of Colum- bia was the guest of her sister .Ars. Amanda Wittle on Sunday. Mr. Harry Fogie and family also Mrs. Thompson returned last week to their home at Braddock after spending some time at the home of Priscilla Fogie. No divine services were held last Sunday evening in the church in this place on account of a meeting being held at Garber’s woods near Ironville, where a great many of the people went to hear the Rev. Rinshaw the noted Evangelist. AU Ar Pittsburg last SPORTING HILL The tobacco is looking hearty and growing fast. Ralph M. Burns, of Mechanicsburg, visited here on Sunday and Monday. The United Zion Children held ser- vices in the Union church on Sunday morning. Amos Musselman offers his proper- ty for sale, For particulars call on Squire Stauffer. Why is it that the night shades are falling fast? Because they are pull- ed down by some person on the in- side. Some farmers are busy threshing wheat. The crop was good this sea- son and some has already been turn- ed into solid cash. tl Preached at East Petersburg The Rev. George Welsh, of Spring Grove, York county, who is spending his vacation among his friends at Manheim and East Petersburg for a few weeks, preached on Sunday morn ing in the Trinity Reformed church in East Petersburg. ramet if -sceciepucmeempane $20.00 Suits now $15.00 at Getz Bros. $11.00 for $15.00 Suit at Getz) Bros. $12.50 Suits now sold at $8.50. | Getz Bros. | $10.00 Suits during our sale at] $7.00. Getz Bros. | glove top sets snug to the inc ct heel, the dash of embossing on Mt imparts an extra effect of ' style and finish, It has the fashionable high toe . feature of our famous —_ “ Marathon” last. A nice sof To know how much solid *" '""° comfort can be crowded ..; into a shoe get Crossett this Spring. $4 to $6 everywhere, Lewis A. Crossett, Inc, Maker, North Abington, Mass. EY EERE For Sale by The fence of ————— Lead Pencils from Fence Rails old-fashioned red Middle Ten: cedar rail > now fur- to information re- from big pencil Mount Jov. Pa. rs who have mi lls in the Tenn- v Sorrel Horse Hotel essee cedar district. STOP AT THE Pieces | Virginia, but Blown to Was the Ex Mayor of that should not keep you away from | ! | NES ING! ST. ANCASTE } 3 % i WEST KiNG ST. LANCASTER bargains to offer in | | | { us, as we have The annex now chmplete with the SORREL | the Clothing line. Getz Bros. HORSE, ntage of 49, 52, 53 and ama sini sone i 5 West King t. Dinner 25 cents. Best | ¥ latinrnzlin # . : 3 | accommodationsjin every respect. A share of | gpecial bargain in umbrellas | | our patronage kolicited | . : | | which are guarantged Rain Proof. I. | . B. ADAMS. Prop, Beneman. | Exchange Hotel J.M.Backenstoe, Prop American Plan Rates Moderate [A Wiley Mount Joy, Pa. * ® Xx ¥ % Has just been remodeled thruout. Collection of Rents Has all oder: ynveniences suc y . Ha : 1 m ( 79 niences such Your Patronage Solicitea as Baths, Hot and Cold Water, Steam | En X | Heat, Electric Light, Etc. a Ofece: + : Main Street, Florin, Penna. | Table is Supplied With the Best| £m | | the Market Affords. | * % x x =» | Also Liunch Counter | Where Tripe, Oysters in Every Style Soups, sandwiches, Cheese, | Etc., Etc., are served BAR IS STOCKED WITH THE BEST BRANDS OF BEER, WINES, LIQUORS & CIGARS Good Stabling Accomodation TEAMS TO HIRE | | | | | | Local and Long Distance Telephones take Lydia E. Pink- | 4 new life had been | | That Nice Hedging For Ar- ound Your Yard, Very Cheap. — | Bell Phone. 'Shire’s Weat Market | FLORIN - Men and Women Wanted r . « I'he Government Pays Railway Mail Clerks $800 to $1,200, and Other Uncle Sam will hold examinations throughout the country for Rallway Mail Custom House Clerks, Stenographers, Bookkeepers, Depart- mental Clerks and other Government | Positions. Thousands of appoint. | ments will be made. Any man or | woman over 18, in City or Country | can get instruction and free informa- | tion by writing at once to the Bureau {of Instruction, 622 Hamlin Building, Clerks, sensations, | Rochester, N, Y, a — Do you know of a better newspa- stomach. I had | per proposition than The BULLETIN given up hope of | at less than a cent a week? being well | A. B. BOYER FT suk T AUTOMOBILE RTT TT TTT TIT ITITIrITrTTTe” Beslelealeiteale steele leletede de dl. 2.0 2 8 5 0 0 8 : LIVERY % Marietta Street, $ Mt. Joy, Pa. } $ PASSENGERS & BAGGAGE $f TRANSFERRED 3 i 40 H.P. Buick in Charge 3 % of Skilled Chauffeur : % Patronage Solicited, Rates % i Reasonable. i % Also All Kinds Repair Work ¥ i Appointments by Phone 3 sforfecfocforfocfecfeciscfociecfocfecfecfoctecfeofocfocfeciocfecfocfecfocfocts Photo Supplies I have always on hand the most staple Photo Supplies that can be had such as Seeds’ D. Plates, Seeds’ De- velopers, Developing Papers, Kodak Films, Brownie Films, Trays, Tripods, Toning Solutions, Intensifiers, Velox Liquid Developer, Emerald Acid, Cleaning and HardeningSolution, Ko- dak Tank Developers, Passe-Partout Binding, Flash Powders, Printing Frames, Stereographic Views, 50c a Set; Tray Thermometers. W.B.BENDER Shaving Hair Cutting Shampooing E. Main St., Mount Joy Agency for Standard Steam Laundry Did You Say Trees? —)——— Why yes; the best place to buy trees is at the Mt. Joy Nurseries All Kinds of Trees California Privet , E58 88 W. S. Krady MOUNT JOY, PA. Justice of the Peace Conveyancer and Scrivener to the Fiven Employes up to $2,500 Annually, | HOTEL McGINNIS | The undersigned having remodeled the old Mooney Hotel, adding a number of sleeping rooms, bath, eto, is now prepared to entertain transient and regular guests. Restaurant in connection with hotel where he will serve in season, Oysters and Clams in every style, Turtle Soup, Et Private dining room for ladies, J. WW. MoG-innis, FPROPRIEBETOR. WHY. work for $10 per week When you can double your Salary through a course with the Harrisburg Automobile School For Terms and Prospects write HARRISBURG AUTO. SCHOOL 3rd and Hamilton Streets €uas. Bl. ZELLER REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE E. Main St, Mount Joy | Calling and Clerking of Public Sales Settlement of Estates. Collection of Rents. Surveying and Conveyancing. Come and Make Your Selec- tion before They are All Picked Out. MT. JOY MARBLE WORKS J. Glatfelter, Propr. f W. Main St, MT. JOY, PA. Bi i i J ah a ob a ob ot a a fa J a a SeclecloodsoBoohs slo ole Boots sdocle sBecle ele cle alecteate Boul Bb BB. 8.2 2.5 3 8 3.8 plsoleeloclocdocdocBocteetoote ected Beatle clade $e Beil. oR. iS. oD. The Oldest Trunk and Bag House In the State OFFERS Bags from.......cw. -50¢ to $15.00 Suit Cases.............. $1.00to $8.00 Trunks from... $2.00 to $25.00 “WE ARE LEATHER WORKERS * Large Stock Harness? Lowest Prices, Rreckel Harness Maker 30 Penn Square; Lancaster, Pa Krall Meat Marke: I always have on hand anything in the line of Smoked Meats, Ham, Bologna, Dried Beef, Lard, Etc. Also Fresh Beef, Veal, Pork and Mutton. Prices always right. H. H. KRALL West Main Street, Opp. Bank, N MOUNT JOY, PA. Bell Telephone. NOTARY PUBLIC. W. M. HOLLOW BUSH ATTORNEY-AL-LAW, 48 West Main Street, Mount Joy, Penna, Special Attention HAAN ANAM HANI HNN Rear of Nissley's Tobacco Warehouse PENINA. W. W. SHIRE, Propr. EA En, 3 AG 2 | {ia Tia Dealer in Fresh & Smoked Meats, Tallow Lard, &e. | Days at Lancaster, 52 North Monday and Friday at No Dnke Street WINDSOR HOTEL W. T. BRUBAKER, Manager. European, $1.00 per day and up American, $2.50 per day and up Midway between Broad Street Station and Reading Terminal on Filbert Street. The only moderate priced hotel of reputation and consequence in PHILADELPHIA no Cas fall 00( gai of con ] the We was mal clul nen for the T acc Ric] Det Ebe nec G. 1 nec] H. ] er, E Proy dam evel dam at t for big miss Mee €enoul of v thou G Bar T redu U. the H pant i6ec. Yo ute that’ $2 chan week nN