MOUNT JOY, PA. . Clerking of sales of personal prop- ! Fine Tousorial Parlor erty and real estate promptly at- Wanted, Lost, Found, For East Main St.. Mount Joy, Pa. | tended to. | Joseph Eershey | For Sale—Lot of good 1 {Call on Daniel Derr, Mount Joy. o TITTIES PMH ML Tri HEHEHE HHH HHH HHH HH 5-5-0004 & 4 CT a EE TET ERT RR RRR RRR Rh hhh hhh hhh hh hi ih Shhh hhh hb hhh ehhh didi : $ PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD § i i o* 3 o-oo ode h + oh . 1 3 wh . - & Te oe ojo $ Personally-Conducted Excursions 3 1% 8 A F Nn 1 nN h 1 t 1% + oe ogo ode oo 3 oo 31 tt ¥ i Gr 3 13 1% . + IR up| +4 desde $ ¥ ii ) : 1% 3 1d : 8 deopr ob i Emerg Ht ; i % nN : cn © 7 ECE “on " ooh iE TTT SRS A or : Fi ; : 1% 3 DAY oh .: ER hs 3 +: Is the only true bargain store in Mount Joy. Remember we save you 30 cents on the dollar on Suits, Shoes 3 +> yr wp wal y = J q bo A v ‘ . . . ; I A Drea ad Sabin Se Ee ! +h and Hats, Our line is the largest and best in town, Here is a few of our ent prices in Men's and Young 3 Ho Bl ald dW PE Be ’ TE Yo Ret ] Ft NE ee ae, CY. ] % Men's Suits. ; 4 oy OB JE is — = » r : TE ml a , 5’ q I = Stam Fee = } it $22 Suits F 15.40 I i { NIAGARA FALLS 1 is ror... $186. $14 Suits For $9.80 the Mi iv = < | oe ole oe 13 , # July 13, 27, August 10, 24, September 7, 21, October 2 1910 % ok 20) 14.00 6 6 ; pe BRR Br i a a ty ett uh eas A pe lt Rn MO a RN a ; # Round~Trip d JR 12 $ 4 40 i $f see 99.30 From Mount Joy Pa. # it 8 $4 o $ 12.60 : J ¥ seeciaL TRAIN of Pullman Cars, Dining Car, and Day Coaches = hk. vuEmer wag Varn rn " 3 + running by the i i 16 13 6b $ | | 20 10 66 ot : 1 ; t Picturesque Susquehanna Valley Route 3 > bl mard BETS wink crass vee ly TEN mip niRGL ok " x % Tickets good going on Special Train and connecting trains, and good «| e $2" . . . . : + $ returning on regular trains within FIFTEEN DAYS. Stop-off limit % Ek These Suits are in nobby designs and made by the most skillful tailors. Don’t let’this great oppurnity go by. 3 + allowed at Buffalo returning. og | i: & Se z Illustrated Booklet and full information may be obtained from | oe ofe of of & Ticket Agents. | hoe % y J. R. WOOD GEO. W. BOYD | 3: 1 ) 3b + Passenger Traffic Manager General Passenger Agent. 3 of oe j A N d® siedeodvdrobedededividnlodedeodediodddeodeduieoddniededoiodfede denied dedsioodioofofodefoded IE » 4 » i 1 \/ \ Id i +h a - oe T h n i i For a Neat and Clean Bell Phone No 47-2. R. F. D. No. 1 ogo ode eu derselling Merehant ¢ Shave, Hair Cut or Shampoo ABRAM H. MARTIN, | Seg EAST NE I N STR BE ET. MOUNT JOY, PENNSYLVA NIA. Go %0 SALE CLERK. | Hb fooderfuafoofoofoofosfedesfoofoofoofaetuafoofoofoorfosfook foofoobooforferfecfod feopedek cord wood 7-6-2t Lock Box 36, N IN THE Piano Contest CHESTS OF SILVER MR. G. EUGENE GISE, NO. 544 S. QUEEN ST., LANCASTER. MR. SYLVESTER EVANS, KINZERS, PA. MR. C. W. NEWCOMER, NO. 612 WwW. CASTER. MR. JAMES B. HAAG, LITITZ, PA. MR. ISAAC M. LUTZ, NO. 113 S. QUEEN ST., LANCASTER. COLD WATCHES MR. J. H. STAUFFER, LITITZ, R. F. D. NO. 5. MRS. EMMA WINTERS, NEW PROVIDENCE, R. F. D. NO, 1. WALNUT ST., LAN- 111 Here's the shoe V1 es : COLD CUFF BUTTONS MR. HARRY B. MOWERY, NEW HOLLAND, R. F. D. NO. 1. MR. E. P. BROCK, NO. 363 S. QUEEN ST., LANCASTER, PA. BABY PINS MRS. W. A. SCHINDLE, 208 8S. TER, PA. MRS. G. A. FULK, NO. 121 CORAL ST., LANCASTER, PA. FOUNTAIN PENS MISS HILDA GAUL, QUARRYVILLE, PA. MR. EARL W. MYERS, MOUNT JOY, R. F. D. NO. 1. MUSIC FOLIOS a MISS KATIE RUTH BECKER, MANHEIM, PA. MISS EMMA Z. HORST, BLUE BALL, PA. patterns. WEST END AVE., LANCAS- style and finish. feature of our: f “Marathon” last. n 00 00000 this Spring. Our Piano Warerooms Will Be Open Every Evening From [VO Street Lancaster, Pa. Street, INTION GIVEN TO THE REBUILDING AND S AND PIANOS. H. B. MANBY IN CHARGE ARTMENT. x: J¢welry store every } E} Main St., i WANTED—A girl or woman $ | | general housework in a small family m | No washing or ironing. . siding in town preferred. Answer at once. young man—sa new Cros- sett model that’s extreme- ly popular this season and the most stylish of all fancy The fine," silky “Cadet Calf” takes and retains a high polish, the glove top sets snug to the heel, the dash of embossing | imparts an extra effect of | the fashionable high toe a . = 3 uly 6th Until July 20th £ How About Your yes? $7 : = Your eyes may be the fault a FOR OUR = E of all your ailments. eo "= I'bat dull headache, dizziness GC S 1 = s and blurred vision are sure Great Summer Sale IE. 00 ” a HE When it is the eyes, there OF = s is noi Ing as sure of relief as = 4a palr of glasses accurately fit- Bn E ted and adjusted to each eve m= We have been doing this for ] = many vears therefore we ar = s sure of what we say. £ If you have the slighest eye =|= troubl consult us which is uc free If we can’t give you BIE satifaction we don’t want ur = = m oul ar € mls class work als ur y examined nd I= glasses fitted from $1 up B= Examination in the 1 as well as in day time. H. N. FEGLEY Doctér of Optics of 52 North Prince R/V.FECLEY’S Tuesday. = Mount Joy, Pa. 1 | Tin SRRRRRNRRR RENEE RRR R RRR RR ERLE R RRL for Person re- fount Joy. for the It has amous To know how much solid comfort can be crowded into a shoe get Crossett $4 to $6 everywhere. Lewis A. Crossett, Inc, Maker, North Abington, Mass. For Sale by J. 6. KEENER Mount Jov, Pa. | , at + Sale, Etc. One of the greatest proofs of me- Affection, like spring flowers, I'here are envious men who can A Dutchman being called upon for breaks through the most frozen hear no person praised without in-|a toast, said: ‘Here ish to de he- diocrity is not to be able to recog. ground at last, and the heart which terposing a doubting “but.” They | roes who fit, pled and died at de |D1%€ superiority where it really ex- asks but for another heart to make | throw their cold water “buts” at |pattle of Punker Hill—of who I ish | ists. it happy, will never seek in vain. one of y K é one of dem. Advertise in.the Bulletin. everybody. It pays How Many Times Does the Name “Troup” Appear in the Illustration Below ? To the person sending a correct count, accompanied by what may be decided by competent judges to be the best answer to the question “Why I Waat a Piano,” (using only 45 words or less) we will award ABSOLUTELY FREE A $325 J. H TROUP UPRIGHT PIANO CONTEST CLOSES JULY 20, 9 P. M. Directions and : Rules - IROUP TROUPTROUP YROUP YAOUP THOUS HO FE TT ATI Tr rtp x ? Ee LAH Z Lp fll2 T2207) AA LR 7572 RID TS us. oun TOUR TROUP TROUP TROUE TROUP TROUS TROUP TROUP J 3 UE. TROUP yaoup TROUP TROUP TROUP TROUP TROUP _ TROUP TRAQUP TRQUP oC rodeo Whoug Rove TROUP TROUP TROUP TROUP * TROVP & TROUP ' TROUP TROUP YRQUP TROUP TROUP TROUP _TROUP _TROUP TROUPTROUP TROUP a. a — PITROUP TROUP _TROUP TROUP _ TROU! 0p TROUP TROUP TROUP TROU ge SIT a HEHE Eee = I EC Ses =. == 5 ZS SS % [] SSS SSeS Ee ITT LITT LLLLL LILES ROUP Up 3 TROUP TROUP T PTR $ TROUP TROUP TROUP TROUT Cop oT — od U ~TRQMWF 3 paras TRO Up TROUP TEOUE STROUP MPeshien tion he sane pies FOE T TRO ROUP : TRO! oT= SIP P TROUP P fl family. All may enter except em- ployes of this house and those en- Tour TT ROu® Le gaged in the piano business. For convenience sake use printed below, snd write your wer on plain white paper, Send your answer to-day. The Judges will be competent ard disinter- ested parties whose decision will be fir:al. The Piano will be awarded Free to the ” n : 1e game yy ya party sending a correct count and best answer to € name Troup on illustra. q estion, using only 45 words or less tion ; . 1 g V 45 Wi or less. | ----times, and have given my Purchasing Certificates will be is ued to ail who ¢ wplyv with he rules and directions, as a best answer he 1 1 swer 'o the question, agrecing to abide by reward for their eflorts t e decision of judges judges. . A TE A CT. Et AE SNA ETP RE 4 ARNT i Dear Sirs. — t [iy ; 1 have ceunted i ' ! ¥ f ; ! i Nii i lvaue Bddress Rll Bnswers to The rm i Town ~ { St. . J. H. TROUP MUSIC HOUSE | | . « 44% Ud oi U SE i RFD No County 5 J Contest Department { Have you a Piano?.... 15 S. Market. Sq. Harrisburg, Pa. . THOUR, IR v ROP $3 3 Ip TROT ov coven’ ao, a” OE (20% 00% gov, aov’ ov? wove” |] Fess FETE TASyE TROUPJROUP TROUPTROUP TROUP TROUP TROUP 's 3333 o Ls £5% TROUP TROUP TROUP TROUPTROUP TROUP TROUPTROUP ¢ 3 Sif 0 853 £54 IR0UP JROUP TROUP TROUP TROUP TROUPTROUP TROUP£ :$ . Simply count the number of times 2gE4F% TROUP TROUP TROUP TROURTROUP TROUPTROUP TROUP 5 333% F349 JROUP TROUP" TROUP. TROUPTRQUP TROUP TROUP TROUP & 43883 CTROTIPY "a E3% TROUP TROUP TROUP TROUP TROUB TROUB TROUP TROUP J $5 E the name “TROUP” appears in the £33+ 2.5TROUP TROUP TROUP TROUPT OYETRRYP TROUP "TROUPS {4 a, BREET Aor TRON RO our TROUBTROUP TROUP 53333 opposite illustration and give your «+31 $C TROUP TROUP. TROUP TROUPTROUE, TROUP.IROUEIRONEE *5 FF os 3202 gTROUP AOUP TROUP™ TROUP TROUP \ Jest answer to the questi BE EE Tr a er Ties YE os _TROUP YAOUP _TROUP TROUP___YAOUP 1 ion Why | Want a = S—— < ; PTT LLLLEIIIL] UPTROUP_ TROUP TROVE IF hou. dn : 99 Hl aoe I Ghous afoul anos. Jou 3%oe. Piano ii emacs iy anal GR AT TROUPTROUPTROUPTRIML Jofeect- raeireTROUPE | 2 Cen only 43 words or les. Yous RU TROP Reve Troe Trous TRoue Trou TROL wna must reach us before July 20, TROVA : Not more than one answer will be or coupon ans- b 4 - 000000000000000000000000000000000000 SLIGO PPP000000009000000000 004 + * 3 : + : & * ® ¢ 4 ® & ® ® ® * * ® + ® ® ¢ ® 4 ® + ® ® ® + * 4 * * ® ® ¢ * * 4 * $ * * * * * ¢ * % * * ¢ * ® * * * * ® * ® * * ® $ ® 4 $ 4 * <* PY. aah el ap ON ~~