The weekly bulletin. (Florin, Penn'a.) 1901-1912, June 08, 1910, Image 1

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Our Schools [wn ncn ower: we’ Venn. Boro Council | Obituary Notes |Our Card Basket ~~ Florin Af
Charles G. Becker; McKinley, How- Hereafter We Will Publish A Weekly

na J - : Grove, Marie Vogel; Pleasant Place, : RIENDS THE PAST WEEK The proprietor of this paper is con « AGE WEST OF
Harriet Brubaker; Fairview, Nellie Proposed Ordinance Presented for 8. Sme Well Known People From Our | Who and Where They Have Visited—

tinually endeavoring to improve it
and has just arranged to publish a Local and Personal Briefs That

Borough and Township School



























: y "nm 3 k; Mi ay Mi ) ). Miller; . y A |
1 Boards Organize and Elect Teach- hpok; ~ Vu bY, Navel D Wil H Barbara Street—General Health Neighborhood Have Passed to the | Many Strangers Here Over Suns Kv lot
| ers—Those Who Will Have Charge | #1K¢ Elsie Hoffer; Hossler 8 Miyriie of the Borough Good=—New Cross. Great Beyond Since Our Last Issue day—Were You Among Them? weekly letter on grain, as we ave an Occurred Since Our Last
: of Our Borough Schools Are Wenger; Mastersonville, Minnie Ritt- ings Ordered——Bills Paid Ete { exceptionally large number of farmer Our Hustling and Wide A
: : A gers: ni 3 are 4 ‘ar * sid i X . 4 Si reg "rs To \ <Q ri oreatlv | y 3 ri
j Appended. gers; Union Square, Wm. Warfel; Mrs. Fannie Patterson, died at | Mr. H. M. Stokes, of Hanover, was q, ders... We hope this will greatly | Neighbor Village, Florin.
] Chiques, Emma George: Elm Tree, . i Columbia’ in srvsibelas inl Te i LE) % » WAS | interest them. It will appear week- | —
nn bal cl : : q When Mount Joy Borough Council olumbia from erysipelas. [calling on friends here yesterday Iv and. is tursished. direct ly ly :
They following School Boards met John SH aner; 1esinu TOVE, convened on Monday night bit four Noah Shenabrook died at his Col- Mr. and Mrs. Elias Risser of Lawn, | op + Fro om the Mr. Roy Nissley left on Sunday
: : 8 ‘aser, : -p ra A . fo, ” + | offic 'm. L ar & Co., Phils yw lines:
on Monday afternoon and evening for Amos 1567 members Messrs. J. G. Reist, Jonas umbia home aged 76 years, | were guests of Mr. John G. Snyder a ol of 2 4 In i 0 Phila | the west on a business trip, x
. o wei Alissa as . iid a : y he « MY | ) at $ y ‘eceived ¢ "WwW . re g
reorganization and election of teach- Risser, B. 8. Dillinger and George Joseph Reitzel, of Columbia, was | Harry W. Hoffman of Philadelphia hei a and . only rece ive d a few Mr. Fred Roland of Reading |
ers as follows: FEAST OF ROSES H. Brown answered the roll Bur- squeezed between two cars so badly | 1s visiting his mother Mrs. Alice ours elon Ne Irae ie jesuey | transacting busines in tal i
———— ts gess Hoffman and Clerk Fellenbaum that he died. [ Hoffman | Wei The Week in Grain Prayer-meting was held at the!
Mount Joy Borough Details of Arrangements for the also present Charles Mutz, of Reading, a brake-| My Samuel Brubaker. a student | Lap Sls for the Mount (home of Benjamin Herr last evens
i Por i nt y p " ¢ 4 o Jov 1 tin, \ y . ? ar & ' ey
The school directors of our bor- Affair Announced \ letter was read from Mr. Titzel man on the P. & R. railroad, fell be- » Drexel Institute, Philadelphia was | Pl # Fun a ih ! Retr r a [ee
Xel § ’ & a, as g , ‘ "ye i oo r vay | " p a
ough met on Monday evening and or- een of the Conestoga Traction Company neath a train at Columbia on Monday | home over Sunday ol a i A Branch office, Wool Fhe funeral of Mr. Ephraim Klin
zanized as follows: President, MT. Manheim will have a gala day on relative to conveying fire apparatuses and was so badly crushed that he ‘ a . oss | worth Building, Lancaster. in this place this forenoon was }
| : lied A. G. Hahn and Miss Hoffman of | Tne hysteria of liquidation that |atetnded
G. Moyer; Secretary, Mr. H. S. New- | Sunday June 12, when the annual obs to various points. Same was re- died. Elizabe i She av even ve . Wh al latetnded. ;
; ; Ts D: INOW i yore! S ann 0 0 ] fo Elizabethtown spent Monday evening | hag prevailed in all commercial chan- | Mr. Williz Davbill f Philad
comer; Treasurer, First National |servance of the Feast of Roses will ferred to the Burgess. i here with friends I dun j Mfr. illiam Daybill o
Bank. The other members of the |take place. Details in reference to Burgess Hoffman reported the re- Ephraim Kline Mrs. Amos B. Hostetter and daugh n 5. Bp the week, has affected | phia, is the new bar clerk at the host
Board are Messrs. H. G. Longeneck- [the events have been announced. The ceipt of the following resolution Mr. Ephraim Kline, formerly a res- {or Helen left on Monday to spend 1 grain list so slightly as to suggest | tel in this place.
: ’ i a) £ g \ actie . p » week ro . ‘ h
er, E. W. Bentzel, John S. Eby and | services will begin at 9 a. m. when which was read: ident of Florin, died at Steelton on |a week at Mt. Gretna tat the drastic turn of the week pre- Mrs. Jacob Snyder and son Oliver, 3
Dr. E. W. Newcomer. Mr. John | prominent visitors will address the Whereas: Adeline C. Strickler, Sunday afternoon. The remains Miss Freda Amway of Lancaster ceding had placed these commodities | Mrs. Bonham, Miss Guthrie enjoyed
: : ; . MIs a /{ ) : as ’ as sti is . oting "Ronis aie . . .
Jreenawalt was elected janitor. The [large Sunday school of Zion Lutheran late of the Borough of Mount Joy, were brought to Florin and interred spent part of the week as the guest spon 2 substantial ting. Toward fan automobile trip to Ephrata om
; : Ti : ] has by her last will and testament, '; Maori : ia : ) veek as the guest] the week end and early in the pre-| Saturda
school term was made nine months | church, Manheim. This will be fol- given from her bounty to the Burgess in the Florin cemetery this forenoon. of Mrs. F. C." Amway { 1 i 1 tr } ats Ry.
A i i 5 ; ; ; ; : hy ceas ras i is 7 Gay at ye sent calender week the tone has Mr. and Mrs. H Rhoads oi
for the high school and eight months | lowed by the morning memorial ser- and Council of the Borough of Mt, Deceased was in his 74th year. He Mrs. Alice Hoffm: MT. and Mrs, Harpy 0ads 017
y ‘ f Mt. ) Mrs. / » man and daughter, | ; seisive i OVO ent ip 3
for » graded sc Ss The tax |vice, at whic lev ®. Fischer, Joy in the following language to wit: Was a member of Cove Lodge No. 301 . ae x or . shown decisive improvement and fair Harrisburg, spent yesterday in town
for the graded schools. ice, at ich Rev. A. H.-F. Fischer, ) g gua g Mrs. Jacob Stauffer spent several 1 : : h
: . . : iy Ves oe br : : “I give and bequeath to the Bur- K f P.. : ces)ia ‘ i , : : advances have been rather easily re-| as guests of her sister, Miss Annie
rate was fixed at 6 mills for school | D. D., of Easton, will preach the ser- 5 g et K. 0 ., and of Aurelia Council, No. ave i Shilada : J as g § BY 8 ’ n
: . g and : iit sinking fond 17 * preg gess and Council of the Borough of 62. 0. U. A. M He leaves a son days at Philadelphia. gistered. Shank.
purposes and one mill sinking fund, | mon. Mt. Joy, Pa., the sum of Two Thous- ! : oaRe Ole Ye 4.» Mr. David L. Stoner of Pittsburg, The weather has not been at all . y 7
which total is same as last year. The memorial service proper will and Dollars, in trust, the interest or ahd one daughter, is here on a visit to his aunt, Mrs : a er 338 Nol heen al a Mr. Walter Nissley and Charles
Schools will open September 5. The | begin at 1.30 o’clock. J. H. Sieling, income from the same to be applied Sere mn Mary Brunner, on West Main Street good for propitious growth. Over all | Nissley have returned to State Cols
och ace fF CO Poy , ” p a5 . ' pie. > >t. ‘ti Ss f 2 C ry it is » woo afte 5
salaries are as follows: Principal, ) M. D., of York, the founder of the 10 the ig of coal for je use of John Breneman Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Spade and RorHons of Be country it is much too | lege after spending some time here:
| & i . a p 3 : 1€¢ worthy poor o e sai( orough . Fw % SE ALM . SL © ( st i y . rest ¢ sri rg 7
’ $125 per month; assistant High, $65 | Feast of Roses, will deliver the mem- of Mount rx » x 5% 1 John Breneman, of York, died on children, Miss White and Miss ind in the northwest a period of | with their parents.
and the remainder the same as here- | orial address. This will be followed Therefore, Be it Resolved, by the Sunday at the home of Henry S. Gar- Charleston of Elizabethtown spent col Wry weather has served to may Mr. Victor Haldeman, son of
tofore. This is a handsome increase | by addresses by Governor Edwin S. Burgess and Town Council of the ber, his brother-in-law, on Marietta | Monday in town erially check the proper germination |J. H. Haldeman of this place, a
: $nnd : 4 X y. Ps ¢ y gtree re ne : ye : To. : and early grow of spring ‘heat. ics P IRS g
for the principal. Stuart, Rev. A. H. F. Fischer, D. D. Botengh of Mount doy Yo ipo indy street. Deceased was eighty-four Mr. J. B. Martin, of Middletown, | ' : a th ! spring wheat. | Miss Phoebe Risser, of Campbe
The following teachers were elect- | of Easton, and Rev. A. O. Bartholo- behalf po the said ee eo in years of age, He came here ona member of the Journal force, and h the corn belt it has been cold, but town, a former fesident of tilt
tans Even ; : : : : mh oy Hehe X Le hv 5 as y y wet, and replanting has bee ces- | were ite i
ed: Principal Ira R. Kraybill; | mew, president of the Manheim Min- cil;and that the Borough Treasurer Saturday on a visit, when he was|a brother-in-law of Mr. D. I. Gable, | sapv : y Bi esl neces yore. united in the holy B
First Assistant, Miss Margafet Herr; | isterial Association. Charles W.! be and is hereby authorized to receive taken sick. The deceased is survi- spent several days in this vicinity [sary over wide areas, iu some in-| matrimony at Lawd on Ea
r Second Assistant, Miss Mabel Dona- | Eaby, esq., of Lancaster, will pay the fhe said fund of Two Thousand Dol- ved by one son, Daniel Breneman, of Councilman C. N Mumma chat Siances the present planting been for, ternoon, They will ight
: #7 r Y ; : > ars from the Executor of the last vv .1. . : y “ {dVe oA a, chat- ) ir ime. This has agnifie o y § ilade
ven; Grammar, Miss Anna Kraybill; | legal debt of “one red rose” for the wij] and testament of the said Ade- York, and the following daughters: | feur Abram Boyer, typo Dan’l Schroll Be Sip ne 1 This has Rag iey ture home in Philadelphia y
i y . ; b ler a oe $ Sg gers Neg gs of pv ‘ ya ¥ the early difficulty of securing g oy is ,
Intermediate, Vacant; Secondary, [tenure of ground, whereupon the line C. Strickler, deceased, and upon Mrs. Rogers Neghbors,of Maryland; | and the editor, made an automobile |. 5 / ; : . B, soot groom Is employed. They
Miss Margaret McCarthey; Fourth |church stands. An heir of Baron! the payment of the same to him to Mrs. George Longenecker, of York: trip to Glen Rock on Friday evening Sead, 24d His crop goes ints summer | best wishes of Ehelf many fri
BS : Xe 3 liver 3 ai 3 re gy T3113 - x73 Sod “a. ‘ve >. Ss or very favorable ¢ i- | ac i . Oo on
Primary, Miss Lou Kuhns; Third | Henry William Stiegel, who donated genus and de Ver to a r Sold exec- Mrs. William Keller, of Virginia: Messrs. L. Earhart, Walter Eshle months under very favorable condi-|acquaintances here.
. y 3 . . . . : itor a proper release for the same. . fe tibe Th «HATA, WE us - | tions.
Primary, Miss Laura Burtz; Second [the plot of ground in consideration | Ang. Be it Further Resolved: That M'S- H. B. Picking, of York; Mrs. man, H. M. Stauffer, and Prof. I D In this stalo th took I Hon ree
3 : i 5 ; s i : 3 : 2 NE A i 3 14 a or Varks TY ! yey * Ss state » outlook for whet
Primary, Miss Ruth Stoll; First Pri- [of this unique rental, will receive the the said fund of Two Thousand Dol- Clinton Remsburg, of York: Mrs. E.|Scott enjoyed an automobile trip to]; I bett : tl = ’ : LOCAL DOINGS
* ~T ai : are he cot anart i sete a nl Yrnve 3 Fase rye = of a 1S excellent, better 1¢ n any rT >|
mary, Mrs. M. G. Miller. : rose. Mayor McClain, of Lancaster, | lars be set apart and invested and E. Grove, of Maytown; and Mrs. Har- Gettysburg last Thursday and wit-| .,. ; Yoel ’ an ! H Other :
} A special meeting of the Board [has also promised to attend. The known oe the Aoeiine e Strickler ry Gochnauer, of Lancaster. The re- | nessed the game of ball at York in State In ne Union, with tre/possinle Miss Anna Holwager is ser
: E : : . § 4 ‘ : oor Coa “und”, and the incomes A i ie od € ¢ excepti EF Californiz A Tow a “Hie = ¢
will be held on Monday evening for |choir of the church will render sev- i ayisine therefrom be applied as the mains were prepared for burial and | the afternoon on their way home. Iz : Pp! on of California. A few com-1 ll at her Home, 7 ot
} the purpose of electing a teacher for | eral select anthems, and there will same may arise for the purposes for Shipped to York on Monday by Un- On Monday evening Mr Charles p "ints of black rust have reached us, A merry-go-round is being
the Intermediate school. also be congregational singing. The | which the said fund was created hy dertaker H. C. Brunner. The fun-| pH. Zeller and Miss Lydia Carpenter but from the character of the advises at Chickies Park.
een Children’s Day services by the Sun- | the donor. : : eral will be held in that city to-day. |left for the west They will visit ® are inclined yo believe this growth Mr. Oliver Spickier is
. > i On motion of Mr. Reist, seconded y he ey WHI VISIt | js nothing more serious than a varie- from a severe attack of typ}
East Donegal day school will be held at 6 p. m. I by Mr. Dillinger the toreToine vaso: rrm—— thruout Kansas, stopping off at in-|,. .p ® : AY Yr y a severe attack ol typ
| The East Donegal: School | Board — rt ——— |b 3 r. Dillinger the foregoing reso-| Mrs. Sarah Bertram termediate points Ti ev ohich ty of smut. Mr. and Mrs. John Lawl
s : Ris | lution was adopted. i Mrs. 8 3 : tout ¥ I me ley expect to With the present status of the |nounce the birth of a son
met in the high school building at 2 e : ( Mrs. Sarah Bertram died on Friday be gone about a month 5 . :
: What Won't They Do? The Burgess the president of coun- Lt : . £ £ . growing crops, the promise is for a|day {
p. m. Monday for the purpose of or-| : : y : i] 2 in ; Tih evening, at the residence of her son-| Mr. and Mrs. Eli Garber and]. : . eg
A ses : The gasoline engine has again been | ¢il and chairman of the Street com- . . ! Yoor r Cot. rE thie X vield rather less than normal over Mr. George Drabens
ganizing, appointing teachers, laying 3 : § a : . ; in-law, Rev. George W. Getz, of this| daughters, Erle, Gertrude, and Mary 3 1
> Tax. ot : made to do the work of one or a pair | mittee were instructed to look for an |), 0.04 seventy-seven vears. Her | of Litit : 1 M ’ “ * Mary, | the < untry at large. The recent | signed as organist oly “
ax, ete. : : i i teva prise and ay Oh . y=* years. Tio Atitz, and Mr. anc rs. Samuel ; ; : :
[| Ses 0 farms wes Plorin | investment for said fund. ; wave i : ¢ speculi * | ¢chure
The following is the result: of horses on two farms we Se of Florin | Burecss Hoffman reported havin husband, an extensive contractor of Oberholtzer and Miss Annie Forrey * I o Hay pon ie > : i tive Jenureh, &
SRE Sit. SN nie Ireess : snorte : o ie 3 ye : ¥ {attack ales. has placed prices t oo HA naan
Pres, Mr. M. R. Hoffman; Sec., My | Messrs. J. G. Reist and Rev. Daniel| Burgess Ho Dermits to My. Jug PRTTIshurs, died fifteen years agofall of Rothsville, were entertained | cr oro ues, N28 placed prices at; Mrs. B §. Dillinsen
Amos F. Eby: Treas, Mr, E. H. Lin Eshleman each have an engine with | 8ranted building permits to Mr. Jno... oo. 0 she made her home |by Mr. and M fac 8 a level low enough to attract conser- | quite ill since Decoratig
* )S KM. > as., Mr. H. . Lan- . | 3 \ Gn ® £ € yy My, a Mrs. Jacob Snvder J Y .
i . which to do chopping, threshing, etc. | Beamesderfer and Mr. Abner Hershey 0 0 0 : : seu . { ! cob Snyder on N.[yative investors, and we believe that proving.
demuth; Mr. Abram Grove, Mr. Ed- pd : | for new houses and collected 316.87 with her daughter. She is survived | Barbara street, on Sunday Darel ; t : tovel :
é rece / se ngines ere > 10USes ¢ > cled 10. y ry . EY y ofr purchases of grair £ going levels rer cos
} ward Noonan, Mr. George Endslow. and rec nily these engines were | - : by two sons, Simon C. Bertram, of i gram ‘a ( i eve It never costs. more
School term 7 months, at $55, per equipped with clutch pulleys and | the past month. Harrisburg, and Clayton Bertram, of will be profitable. iB to see good moving pict.
; : : ‘ now are used to unload hay from the | Mr. Frank Kieffer, superintendent =~. two daughters, Permi Accident a Mystery BSE Joy Hall.
month for No. 1 mark in teaching Y | 37 z : ona, also two daughters, Permil- : x :
Assi $42.50 Higl school | ¥a8on to the mow $ of the Manheim and Mount Joy Elec- la, wife of William Grubb, of Harri Early Sunday morning a mon was Will Talk Thursday Night Mrs. Christian Ging
Assistant, $42.50. igh Schoo : * # 3 Yrs: : ww ; a, ¢ i s arris-\ . Ho : i ; “sda o . 4] § §
form. £ months Principal's “olars One man works the hay hook and | tric Light Company, complained a- burg, and Hannah, wife of Georze Ww. | fOUNd lying in the “cut” along the Elder Jacob N. Engle. of Abilene.]en to the hospital at
er al's Sale | p : : ‘5 < an, I 8 s yu Jé 1 ingle, 4 1 1€,
y Wd y ; ans of a rope fr : zine | DOt » number f electric ‘light be : P. R. R. tracks near » Mark S > Rl srati
$140 per month, Assistant $60. by means of a rope from the engine ! i i ie nu i 0 ; : 3 2 Getz. The funeral was held yester- Ee RB R oh, ks near the M irket 8. Konsas. who by request of his|an operation.
y » wag rates y , g as at e Ing broken o e . 7 3) ‘idee. ras ONSC =: P % 3 y 3 rs Cv
Tax rate 23mills. No change inte the wagon, operates the clutch, | 8I0D¢ : X : x! x 0) 1: day from the residence of her daugh-|" 8 '¢ Way unconselons and Jechurch. people in the interest of for- If you want to say
the Books thus doing the work of an extra boy | streets yy boys playing ba 2h é ter on Marietta street, by Rev. Geo. was immediately cared for by Drs. o Mission work: has visited 2 nom hat line and neckw
Tl f lowi teacl or man and one or two horses. This |ed for permission to post printed no-' po pastor of the Elizabeth-|¥ 1* Richards and J. P. Ziegler. Up-{ 10. of mission stations « f different |. D. Beneman’s
1€e ollowing eachers were | | : is 4 : . 3 ye ‘a4 5 . v , pas e Klizabeth- ir Sis : ¢ mission stations o 1f e : i .
elected: is quite a help and many other farm- | tices on the company’s poles in th town Church. of God Interment was 1 o8 ° xamination they found that hel ,. nominations, in South Africa. In- Governor Staurt
ec : | . y T \ MIT COESS aq 3p : bat: ne ‘ ion . sniico & ‘ RL he Aor iy 4 + . E
Maytown—Prin Mr John §.|€rs are following this example. $ horough, The Burgess was order made in the Baldwin cemetery of | ¥& badly cut and bruised about thef 41, (ping and Japan, will give a talk | {0 De the guest of hi
an : ’ : Gi — tl le ed to sanction this privilege. Stedltol head and body but just how he ob-|.. Menz ; 1 hi \i 1. of Roses at Manheir
S ns: Assist.. Miss Ella GI: ter: | : : : ; Steelton : lhe in the Mennonite Church,in this place
Simons: Assist, Mis! : Yon io | (Mr. Beist of the Street committeo ls tained his injuries is as yet a mystery! ,,) Thursday evening, June 9th. at Mr. Sylvester De®
Gram, Miss Sumuiy Decl) Interime: A Peculiar Accident. reported Poplar street graded and li. : The supposition is that he was tres-| - : bi phi "di. | place, has been mad
diate, Mr. Aierstick; Sec >rim., Miss Mr. Hirs Risser. wi i% ‘ : $ ie Mrs. Elizabeth Hiestand 7.20 p. m etting forth the condi-|]!} , has ¢
a - 1 Mr. Hiram Risser, who lives on the | ready for macadamizing, started grad vk Thine : : . 1 passing along the tracks. when Straek | ion sud naad af 3 ; estate of Elizabetl
Anna May Hoover; First Prim., Miss | Cuvier Spangler f: near 3 hi 4 Mrs. Elizabeth Hiestand, widow of 2 tion and need of the foreign mission B 417806
eno ? n uvier Spangler farm, near Maytown | ing Frank street, removed all the the “late” Christian Hiestand. died) 089 possibly have fallen from af ork as 1 fonhid. it mn Mi Columbia
ie S tes : : : 3 € ate tian esta ed V as h foun his nine a.
Bessie Johnston. Is minus a good horse in a peculiar | scrapings from the streets, filled the vesterday 1 i t ti vi : f fain He was taken to a Lancaster] many tot 1 The clothing
ine ys tac: (nna KR raASIS : i ‘esterday morning at the me nonths toul vO offering will be
: Lincoln—Gram., Miss Clara Kraus manner. Mr. Risser was working | mud-holes on several streets v hol \ Hi : 10 ji | Hospital Sunday forenoon and upon kod & Yanco, at Eliz
rim iss ‘ ve wok : 38is : . Yd yg x = ner son .. Mos iestand, at ‘lot S ¥ {E ! & al y & “
Prim. Miss Laura A. Beck; Assist, [in a field with a pair of horses when | cinder. cre rs that were : ; ) in it ) ernrainetion tt was tanosdhloita ton aval AL
Miss Ruth Grove : ' in, with whom she had been living |} — ~~ A 1ey of $400 wo
Miss tu 1 Grove. he threw a small stone at one of the | have been laid and gave grad Jonth Tesniting tram ind re } Who he wa om the examil on night last week
Washington Gram., Mr. Andrew {animals in order to urge him on. | several navement Sib Sulung Irom. infienfies | Shortiv arter He was Sonnd it wast Factory Inspector Was Here J a :
2 : 5 ¢ ¢ el { ide 1d age Sh as in hep Lo Hull Vis i ! te a number
Martin; Prim., Miss Ada Nissley. The s yp d ‘nh Sndaatd 4 . cident to old ag She was in her | St ain Mr. Elmer K. Savior. of Lancaster i)
Wi a a Phe stone ruptured a blood vessel H recommended these crossii th veal Dace: 3 Was Aiaeinl { dent that he man w toxicat : br. I J . i L town attended the ¢
nion iram., Mr. E. Ear a and the horse had to be killed Relay t one across Marietta stree 2 the Mot 03 sik ; : | when the accident 1 H | Dep Fact Ins nected i Thursday
on: ssis 8 ‘argare lay- sro’s '" € Mennonite denomination She s +1 OY 1 2 oy La 50a)
ton; Assist., Miss Margaret Ray Here's a good lesson for persons on the east side of Comfort : ih 8 h Tn a coliieal canatt | the Mount Jo Tall 1g j r Chorals
1 1 survived by VO on n 071 | 3 . . A ! ¢ ;
mond whe have that ‘“‘habit.” ith Bolen block: lay a new erossi : Yok AP M 0 : e | el i Hall yesterd f ol He
I i rin. Sava 3. Keger- —— ; : 1Zhter 1 lover of Ann i | inov. a Hotl eos oF
y Dosey Gi ul om > ” ross Mariett treet: ron \ Amos M. Hi 1 of Florin ar 1 | Cattie Make a Good Gain ; y 30 ia : ! 1 east side of t
‘iss; Assist., Miss Fann) 1t¢ ion My ATIoS Bonder i re I na | : { noun 1 2 Te
Franklin Gram Vacant \ssigt Another Large Dandelion dni or A i I M fohn M. Hiestand of Lancaste M1 Gel e En YC POSH - OP a— ro t md will n
Miss Catharine Zook Fhe race for the champion dande-|' °°" : A : Junction Fhe fur il will ke farm D | ie vacates the Seitz
Miss Cathari Zook . ! oy with Bolen block “the ossh 1 : . Is oo Bad, Marie
Rock Point— Miss Bertha Miller. $1100 1s still not ended. A few days| = “0 > I Caarqy Diace from the he of her son at |Camero; i i onegal, | : : ok ; ee 0-8
Mt Pleasant Miss Clotilda {220 2 stalk was found on the farm South Side of Main strect across torin on kiid ( 0 it nine | bought t I VI \ be A q
Mt. as MLSE S Market Ty new crossing on Ne St : | Sed tN ind Irs I ¥ Wf Bast reste .
of Abraham Hernly, in Rapho town Market; ey rousing of Of nd. ser in 1 Menno-3 J. B. Kelle | Vi 1 M $ i f Bi F ested for
i 01 h west de o Jarhbi | i] g t } lent o1 Constable Frailev
w—-Miss Barbara W. Mus- ShiD,near Manheim, tenanted by Har- °? ™ : L : nite hurch here at 9.3¢ Inter- | cember ) on on railey,
W Miss & are \ £ 3 3 ; ITY dation Nob orde 4 | 2 Qatiurda « 1 tl] rones | can 1ere on ‘
rv Fahnestock, which measured forty © hecominenay » wer I t will be made in the Mount Joy | pounds ( | nl : the prong me here on Monday
set. 2 s hd George Banu an asked that : | of tahle f¢ #1 lox 1 yO ested 1¢ r¢ Te str}
: Lo two and a half inches from tip to tip hi r ge Baughman aske cemetery | Enslow sc I t I 1 I finger I George Darren}
p ide is . lew street he eraded Referred Lia, . nflictine 3 ! v nd charged with stealj
West Hempfield Township of leaves. This is the larg us v redler " : : co —-o-a time, less t ! hi to Rutt : Eo : 4
PY AEs ' the Street committee M1 | 9 — - oO nutter rotney
The West Hempfield Township [ar reported. 5 ; ; ; 3 fed 491 Ibs f well TOL
: ae so recommended filling in the As Others See Us I 1516 11 | ] ; Fall CI siness is in th
S 3oard reorganize av a ; : ,016 Ibs S (quite all Clover ‘
School Board reorganized on Monday on both sides of Main street from S. From the Columbia Daily News: a > i | ah : house, - Lancadte
at Salunga in Maple Grove school i : : TS | Jacob K. Shenk, of West Donegal ;
at S: 8¢ ML y } A Ten Weeks Trip B. Bernhart’s store to Barbara street “With this week's issue the Mount | Y 1: n ie hie sler held him fo
house and elected the following offi- Rev. Daniel Eshleman a promi Also at th sidence of ID J I. Joy Weekly Bulletin enters its t nth | Another Book Contract | ay Two ol A used, op hus This is the cha
ers: reside / srshey: Se og 5 rat Fo SY HG Rove : : y Re ot mend | farm, each of which measured fort a
cers: . President, A. B. Hershey; Sec| nont minister of the River Brethern Newpher or anywhere else that the year. The Bulletin has shown pro-| The second edition of a cook book Gd : oe as to steal a pai
retary, # C. Shellenberger; Treasur-| qe hati ; ; : : : a Tawi : ora : hod hv tt hiireh at ie length l is the tallest} .
rg } hn Sterli Jr denomination, who resides near Street committee thinks it necessary. gress during its existence, having will be published the chureh at| °° = rd of in this vicinitv this 1ant, T. D. Benex
er, D. H. Brame; Jan Sterline, Jr., | Rheems, left yesterday for the west Mr. Dillinger of the Water commit grown from a four page six column | Neffsville and the Mount Joy Bulle- n 7" |light recently.
Nlias J J oar n a Ss ns . ’ . : : | seaso ’
Ras I : No > Te ungart. : Lh He will visit in the states of Ohio, tee, reported having purchased he heet to a six page seven column pap- | tin was given the contract for print- | a= a ree
fo wins eache ; Bt Ie 8 ooted Indiana and Illinois in the interest of private main of Mr. George Baugh- er Printed now in an up-to-date! ing the san { :
Mapl Grove, vacant, Airy yas “arlf the church and expects to be gone man on New street, posted notices office the paper is clean and bright| We are well prepared for this sti Purchased a Property 5 imi
Ww aris: Masser 5 J Harold SWAarIT; | ten weeks. about trespassing, removing sod, etc., reflecting credit on its editor, John of work and persons in need should Squire Charles H. Zeller, on Mon; I . 1 : oy ¢
Iropvilie Secondary, Margie 11. Me TT and the pipes and plugs ordered have E. Schroll, whose endeavor to give always get our prices before placing | day purchased the Gable property at|’ sf t will hold
Carthy: “Ironville Prmary, Amel Movi Pp not yet arrived. The subside basin the people of Mount Joy all the news ' a contract The first edition was |th corner of Marietta and Delta |"? Sot hs baseme
cers; Norwood, . y Smith; Moving Pictures i > Hz i y ¥ : . ; 3 3 2 : } Streets. ¢ ivnia terme Fe yn Saturday 1
Shookers; Norwood s Jenny Soo oF Ving : ures in the Hall, was ordered cleaned but the reservoir has made his paper one of the best printed at the Lancaster Intelligencer | Streets on private terms from John ; urday the 11%
Fairview arthe A. by; Silver Saturday -evening ¢ ri i 4 : ” Ce IN rick Es ATCA REAT J le are cor
Yajviow, Mrs 4 So pictures Al i ne good MOVINE il} not be cleaned until later. in the field of weeklies in Lancaster office. | N- Hetrick Esq. of Lancaster. to . All are cord
Spring Secondary, vacant; Silver : S y »e shown in the hall : : : : y 3 : : ———— c nd.
: ¥ p ser » Or ance com- ty. We wish > ) SL h jr arror
Spring Primary, Pearle McCleary: | When the following reels will be ar Risser x the On ror He Ys ¢ sh him cotinued | i . o MENU
2 : - oe hei So ee, presented a propose - success. : ew Organist Electe hi
Sylvian Retreat, Catharyne Collins; [Shown: ‘Never Again,” a roaring po... ¢ py th Barbara street which ™ -—- | A Hummer on Saturday \ : rgouis. cle 3 Chicken Corn Soup,
Kehler’s, Elizabeth H. Hoover; Ster-| comedy, and ‘Rose of the Philip- oD ce oh sh i Eo FA | | The Dest game thus far thisiseasol Ct : Wane. 3 the lutheran Lettuce Sandwiches, Potat
s : : i ”» ip appears another co 1. | . g 4 N . 1urch ouncil at the pastor’s s y 7
line’s. Esther Binkley; Kinderhook, | Pines,” a beautiful drama. Admis- Mr. H. Gillums, of the Board of | Des Gept Booter is booked for Saturday when Mid- | Monday fas Mi X ow i Stas Strawberries and Crea
res oh oi yrs Mr. H. S, > é : : 2 | Monday eve > Miss Alice Di Zer 6
Loretta Minnich. sion only five cents. | Health RBOT d the general health! Solomon Rosenthal, the cattle dletown will be the attraction. That a tected E jst Tos 3 Inge: Strawberry Short Cal
: Sir te , gener: y : . ; g as elected organist and Miss Lydi ]
rr eres Sh ; . dealer, of Columbia, on Saturday team has lost but one game this sea-| ot RY iss Lydia |yce Cream, Cakes an
: : | of the borough good. one case of : : : 1 i Carpenter assistant. Be
Rapho Township v ni i $v : , alanis m¥rning sold thirty head of cows to son and the locals none, so look out. : —— Ee
: The First Hay Crop | typhoid fever and the measles and 2 y : Sr 5 : — a
The Rapho township sehool board Mr. John G Reist, f thi 1 mumps epidemic about over L. L. Charles, of this place, to be Either Newashe, the Carlisle Indian, Gi a
: : . . St, s ac é . . : : ra 3 cs CATO KT
met at Sporting Hill on Monday and | 0 poco large far > 0 Bee, | Mr. John S. Nisslev and Mr. Albert Placed on his farm at Conewago. late of Harrisburg Ttr-State, or Et- Rutt—Hess The ‘Festi A $70.00
oh as a larg 'm near | . .- Nissley ¢ Mr. >T % + ; 3 ; x . : estive i
effected the following organization: | : gems, i g ; " I They were all fine stock and will be ter, who defeated Reading on Satur- Mr. Jacob B. Root of Landisville al In Moun
David Et ident; Amos Musser west of here, made hay last week. Strickler were before Council in the : . : iH otveidl 1d Miss Cather HB Saturday evening under th
av by, president; Amos Musser, ’ A : : fresh i > fall. ay 1: . will twirl. and Miss Catherin . ss of New : =
A wh y J K. Brubaker, treasur He cut 34 acres of alfalfa that was interest of opening or rather extend- frost’ In she rell ey 1340 - : Danvill ® wner 1 ew lof the Ladies Auxiliary of
. 'Y; A. . (er, koe . SEY 7 . ee ——— Eee c le. were \arrie av Al )
Se — Henry FE Yoserh 28 inches high. Mr. Reist makes In8 West Donegal street from the on ill id gg " i gd a EO Hospital was a gran
er; Levi KDbYy, You so gs i . . 3 SS dears . : a | rote p anks ras extended . ey Will reside a .ancaster. a 2s . S
R. Shearer The salary’ was fixed three crops annually off of this field. | 'esidence of Mr. John Miller west, A vote of thanks was e Bie ‘ Reformed Mennonite Church — i The receipts were $100.5
3 earer. e salary : seem tl MB ecmiommmnias , parallel with the trolley tracks. Messrs. H. and Clarence Schock Regular preaching services will be net profit $70
at $55 per month and the school : : : 5 of their aut biles on ZU al pre BB 3 About 100,000,000 :
: { The matter was referred to the Street for the use of their automobiles held in the Reformed Mennonite - te. OF :
term at seven months. The foll- New Rector For St. Luke's ! committee to investigat d + Memorial Day ; . : That is Census Director Durand’s
rt ; i i of ‘teach- The Rev.” Herbert : : 8¢ 10 estigate and report Memorial Day. .. church on West Main Street, in this | .ctimate of tI os es 3 :
owing is the appointment o - Herbert B. Pulsifer, of at the next meeting of Council. The bond of tax collector David pla ob Bandar foreiioon. at tend estimate of the present population Good Price Fo
: ia s : a ; ¥ : . : . ace = ay ) é 4 fF Uncle S 'q 1ini : :
ers: Sporting Hill primary, Ruth | Philadelphia, has accepted a call to| The treasurer's report showed a Boyce for collecting the 1910 taxes lock of Uncle Sam's Dominions. L. R. Reist sold his f
rti ill s vy, Wm. 2 rshi § ’ i : . lock. —_———— 90
Young, Sporting Hill Senter) Na She Het hi of St. Paul's Episco- | balance of $2,300 in the Water ac- was presented and accepted. : j : : 1909 tobacco grown on
Banks, Newtown rimary, lice | pa c urch at Manheig and St. count and $1,700 in the Borough A number of bills were paid and Mr. Michael Detwiler is spending |township farms to a Lar
Strickler; Newtown secondary, Wm. | Luke’s in this place. account. Council adjourned. Subscribe for the Bulletin. two weeks with friends at Palmyra. |er for 13, 83 and 3 cen