ATT g » . n {0 ; E % " Lo i = nes WD oF = nt WIN Le | Eo) S UI = y . E ¢ 9 ot i E ¢ N = “ 1 z . THE MSCORMICK OF THE WORLD, | = ~ A E i = BEMIS TOBACCO PLANTERS IS THE CHOICE ND HAS BEEN z {| OF THE FARMERS FOR 73 YEARS E GASOLINE ENGINES ; = | R = PERRY SPRING TOOTH 1 E HARROWS & g 1 = COLUMBUS WAGONS ok 8 STAR STEEL HAY CARRIERS ik WITH TRACK AND ALL oF 4 FIXTURES © od NEW HORSE LIFT CULTIVAT- 2k OR WITH TOBACCO HOK- 2 ING ATTACHMENT ; ~~ j J 2 IHIO PIVOT AXLE CULTIVATOR J {© SN oF ; " OTA A Er Lh SENOURTOBSOCORFRITIIZND The vast majority of farmers choose the McCORMICK BINDER 2 CARARRA PAINT because it does splendid work in the field no matter whether the 2 si al conditions are favorable or unfavorable. The McCormick has a supplied free. Li TIT enna ny p——— = THER HE | i | —- | X AY | We carry almost any kind of Modern and Improved Machinery usedby farmers. Call and sce us. a= he ’ nn M i G i P ud o Kudo reiaer 0. ount Jo Y a. ti 9 ’ ol EEE EERE RRO R ERRNO OREN E RRR RERRENN] FEET ERE OREO FREE NEARER RENNER ANA] ice i ap —,,,,——,,—_—e,—,—,———————— i 3 | On. l o | | he, | Kea he ulletin | | || ——— cr ——————————— = m— : ONE glance shows | 7 _— - | ~~ the snappy, dis I B : 25 i : tinctive Crossett style. i eautiful Summer Dress Cottons at C |! , | . But the Crossett com- | . I | | el fort— that's something I a Yard Hundreds of Beautiful Styles i | 1H oe known only to those | Feit =f ‘3 > 156 tor Sarisior Press 1 _- , ~ i: i enty-five cents the yard is a popular price for Summer Dress I i who WEAR the Cros- [1 Materials—and we've made special efforts to show you the very I sett Shoe. | handsomest gathering you've ever seen. We feel confident we have I | succeeded, and ask your judgment on the result of our efforts HE! The new Crossett model : : ; [il . . | | - pictured here is made on | MERCERIZED BOMBAY | PLAIN COLOR 2 4 our high toe “Marathon” PONGEE | SOIESETTE {) / last, which has taken the | es Tih “i Bivory desirable shade amon. ell food oe Pte | Handsome lustrous °f{ wvery desirable shade among i well dressed public by f vht blue, pink, lavender [| a new shipment just receive. fl storm, and has proved to grey, rose, Copenhagen, I \ well known fabric, service It be the most popular last of HN or Mp this I Ie ap oak i ccent years. The leath- i 1 25¢ i er is shiny Rus Colt il EDEN FIGURE ( Il A Lin ve i Y Sh il > il, C ‘ i | \DERSON’S SCOT( { ¥ ’ heal it POPLIN I 4 1 high hec il ZEPHYRS » get 1t1n dr CX it \ 1 I 1 on || 1 colors. if} Po I DIS So y This and many other new il : ne Crossett models now i Si Se £ fully 00 1 1 $ v € y 0 ready for you. See them. ll By 52 Hi i CEYLON CLOTH | — i SUITING ZED fit | 1 | { POPLIN 1 | | mercerized; poplin 0 il | | with ec ed stripes: Ric lky finish; made to H >» with lavender stripe, blue imitate all wool fabrics that [ wi h white stripe; brown with sell at a much higher price; all i |; White stripe; numerous wanted colors, in about twenty- | {ji others; 27 inches wide 23c. five shade launders well; 27 an | inches wide; 25c. 30 AM sa ais : | STRIPED HINDU b " A S LIFE’S » | : in FIGURED 15 ) 4 INE. « ; - SUITING 15 ¥ TRADE MARK Eo PONGEE Highly mercerized and of e- $4 to $6 everywhere. WM rich, handsome color; Seon Several olan: neat firures . beautifully. No wonder it has ON Soll Xoiored rounds; )8 Lewis A.Crossett, Inc., Maker, sprung into such great fave. Or VOI a coy: for misses NORTH ABINGTON, MASS. All the new and staple shades: and children’s dresses; 1 27 inehes wide, 25¢ ; Copenhagen and natural; . inches wide, 25c. FOR SALE BY \ |] n : \ \ { { 32-38 East King Streer, record extending over a period of seventy-three years, which en- ables the farmer to reach a fairly accurate conclusion as to the merits of the machine. Read about the excellent points of the McCormick in the attractive book entitled ‘It Takes the Palm,” BACCO AND POTATO GROWER SHOULD MAKE INQUIRY ABOUT. - = Hone? Se er fue] — — Sm Se — = = Sa Je. a — — — >= J -— — -— - — = Re — - — Te] — —-— pet -— ee — Se Sr el — — — Se Sm -— —-— — — [ed To St Sem Ee] Sr = - - -— 1 fon] - 1 -— — - - -— a -— = — - - -— nem -— so we — fend - —- J Soe feel = Se oe - — —-— — — See See —- -— —- -— —-— -— — -— = — Joe me front Sen - ——- — —-— ARE TWO OF THE MOST USEFUL PIECES OF FARM MACHINERY ON THE MARKET TODAY. INE THESE MACHINES BEFORE BUYING ELSEWHERE. ENERO REN CERNE nn ENROL RNR E REN EERRRRRRRNRR ENTION FARMERS OUR SPECIAL OFFER FOR FIFTEEN DAYS WE WILL MAKE SPECIAL PRICES ON McCORMICK COMBINATION HARROWS AND 1-HORSE CULTIVATORS. WE HAVE ALSO TAKEN THE AGENCY FOR SULPHATE OF POTASH, RECEIVING IT DIRECT FROM THE MINES, THAT EVERY TO- Vulcan Plows and Universal Cultivators With Tobacco Hoeing Attachments DON'T FAIL TO COME AND EXAM- McCORMICK SELF-DUMPING HAY RAKES IMBODEN IMPROVED LAND ROLLER WITH SPRING HARROW ATTACH- MENT VICTOR DOUBLE ROW AND CAMPBELL SINGLE ROW CORN PLANTERS ONTARIO GRAIN DRILLS NEW PULVERIZING HARROWS specially adapted for prepar- ing tobacco ground for planting. FERRE EER SCHOOL REPORT hose That Have Attended Every Day the Past Mouth Joy Report of the Mount Borough school for the month ending April 28th 1910 No, enrolled during term to date, male 209, female 206 total 415 Total No. enrolled dur ing month, male 176, female 180 I total 3566 No. who have attended very day 198, Per cent, of attend ance for month, male 93, female 93 total average 93 Per cent, of at tendance during term, to date, male 93, female 93, total average 93 No | of pupils attending, over 15 years old | 42 No GN of visits during the month Those marked with a * had perfect | attendance for the year The others | had perfect attendance for the last | month, Primary School, Mrs. M. G. | First | | Miller, Teacher. Martha Hemsley, Lottie Eshleman | Maud Dillinger Dorothy Longe- necker, Harold Funk, Pearl Murray Elsie Wertz, Isaac Ressler, Dorothy [ Egge, Ruth Conrad, Alice Way, Roy | Arndt *Alta Gingrich, *George Sill- | ers James Rapp, Herbert Tyndall | Ksaben Brandt, John Evans, Henry [ Witmer, Abner Sprout, Jay Linde- | muth, Christine Gillums, Wayne Brosey, Alvin Pennell, Russell Rine- hart, Morris Cunningham. Second Primary School, Miss Ruth N. Stoll, Teacher Pearl Sheaffer, Hilda Schneider, Lillian Barto, Erma Hertzog, Mabel Brown, Emma Kramer, Laura Panne- Ida Greenawalt, Virginia Greenawalt, Catharine Ellis, Herbert Stark, Russell Shatz, John Germer, Roy Ellis, Earl Garber. becker, Third Primary School, Miss Eliza- beth Brubaker, Teacher Murenna Brown,* Miriam Mum- mert, Ruth Murray, Emily Newcomer, Apna Nissley, Pauline Sheaffer, Chas. Pelong,* Paul Ebersole, Carl Krall, John Greiner, Reese Evans,* Edith Hilt,* Clinton Eby, Jno Gochenauer, Paul Alexander, Charles Eshleman,* Paul Hinkle, Hans Kuhn, Ella Cun- ningham,* Anna Brubaker, Elizabeth Glatfelter, May Hinkle,* Amos Wertz Primary School, Miss Lou Kuhns, Teacher. Warren Bentzel, Charles Egge,* William Hendrix, Walter Nissley, Fourth | | | | | | | Interest mond L and thre Prof. teen ye mencem Roy Tyndall, George Weber,* Harry | Brown, Everett Delong, Preston De- | Long, Edgar Dyer,* Charles Derr. ; Elwood Gillums, Mark Mumma, Har- ry Way, Mabel Zerphy, Ruth Yellets, Grace Deitz, Christine Moyer, * Mary Irene Ebersole, Beatrice Schatz. * Rapp, Secondary School, Miss Edna A. ple, Teacher Walter Bernhart, Clarence FLORIN, PENNA. | Nae: | Esther | Mary | The { Jennie | Mi mei | Gree | Messrs. LANCASTER, PENN 4 eerie EL Gip- Bru- baker, Frank Gantz, Musser Stauffer Carl Dyer, Bennie Eby, Ross Eshle- | man, Dewey Hornafius, Lester Rob- erts, Charles Stark, William Way, Rose Albright, Clara Campbell, Lucy Cunningham, Blanche Eshleman, | | Ruth Hinkle, Maud Schroll, Anna | Shonk, Florence Barto, Florence | Jrown, Dorothy Myers, Clarence | Brubaker,* Ross Eshleman,* Lucy | | Cunningham. * Intermediate School, Miss Mabel F. Donaven, Teacher. | [Leon Ellis, Warren Harold Harmon, Calvin Kramer, Jay | | Klugh, John Brubaker, | | | | { Eshleman, Reist, Ruth Evelyn Butts, Virginia Frank, Fannie | Gingrich, Helen Krall, Dora Wagner, Elva Hilt, Catharine Witmer, Ethel | Yoffe. Grammar School, Miss Charlotte Basehoar, Teacher | | { K. | { i Nissley, Catherine | Susan Brene- | Viola | Weber, # May Grace Ream, Lottie Royer,* | Matilda Mumma, Eshleman, Glad- , man, Gillums,* Flowers, Pennypacker,* Walters Florence Helen Witmer, Way, VS Frances Shellenberg- Muriel 1s 1a er, Heilig, Green- DeLong Min- Edgar Evans, Marie awalt, Marian Deiter, Nissley, Frank,* Raymond He alt, Fran nie rbert Owen k Funk, Samuel | Reuben Shellenberger,* | Sumpman. wl, Miss Marguerite Herr Linaeus B. achers High Sch hart, Kar ind Seniors—Misses Shei John Varren Dea- Clyde Fenstermacher, Arthur Hoffer, James Newph- | con, Bysshe Heilig, er. Jmniors Esther Anna Witmer. Misses bersole, Beatrice Brown Bertha Stauffer, | Messrs. Ray Keller, | Wm. Roberts, Alvin Shonk. i IRA D. SCOTT, Principal. | —————teettlD Gem | Yesterday's Storm There was a hail and rain storm) passed over this section yesterday afternoon when considerable rain and hail fell, the latter about the size of ordinary cherries but not sufficient | to do much damage in this me ate vicinity. ‘vertise in the Bulletin. It pays | MENNONITE HOME ASSOCIATION stay through life. BEER J. B. RITTGERS, Trustees and Auditors Elected and J. W. ESHLEMAN, Other Business Transacted C. G. SHERK. SE - i lll earns me The annual meeting of the Menno- A Piano Recital nite Children’s Home Association vy The p of Miss Geta F. Bender, { held Monday afternoon in the t of th oave successful Chestnut street church at Lancaste piano rec at ( on East Jenjamin Weaver, New Holl 1. Main st t evening v n the presided and there was an atte Wing pro 1 W in | of about 100 persons. SS: most pleasi 1 1 bill, Mount Joy, was secretary of the Overture Ro 1 1iubert, meeting. \ ren Meacon s de The following tr t r 1 1 nd Nine 1 10~- | three years wer 1 : Sai 1 S 0, 0 g, Miss PD. Martin 100d ville « i Dearbeck; S ; NO. berger Annville I o1 < Air ) S Ki bi V yi Der I num ( oth . te H SS Ki: n . C ) i n~ Deeds 1 ded Dee 1 ived f - : hai d a S : John M. Bricker to S. H. Nissley, 4 $ ! De ne ¢ and 82 per of land in yeay 3 X on i Mo Joy township, $1,200. Report was made that abhout$6,000| eS 3 ; a hod : boda suberibed for ihe Elzabe thtown and Florin Street home at Millersville and that a lot of Railway k ombany Io Mary M. Hilde hu als had het rehased. To- | brant, lot in Mount Joy borough, day ground ‘oken for the $50. completion ¢ of the home. Last evening trustees organ- Boys’ Suits That Wear ized by electing John Mellinger, pres- We have about thirty boys’ suits ident; A. B. Lutz, vice president; S.|that we are closing out at cost. If : weil, segetary; A K. Mann. | your boy needs a cheap suit of eloth- e ing it will pay you and save you e im money to look these over. : the Met the dire schools; members of the The audience age fron ling eyes, all spelled appreciation. The The class artistically arranged from wall | Crusader, were to wall in beautiful streamers, meet-|it has pleased ing at the center of the large room. | Providence to remove from The clas Into Life and in t made pennant, The class flower, |the will of our Heavenly, Father, the pink tea rose, was present in pro | knowing that what He does is well fusion, and feasted eye and ear. | done. Prof. McGinness spoke on “What| Resolved, that, in this death the We Have a Right to Expect of Our|“Crusaders’ as well as the church High School Graduates.” | loves a noble christian character, The honors were held by J. Russell | and a true and faithful member. Young, salutatorian, and Miss Gert-! Be it further, resolved, that our rude R. Kraybill, valedictorian. Mr. | heartfelt sympathy is hereby extend- Young spoke on “The Measure of!|ed to the wife and sons of our de- Life,” and Miss Kraybill on “Endur-| ceased brother in their irretrieve- ing Moments.” able loss, and may He who said that ou a Last year there were eight boys and seven girls. graduates The procession to the chureh was headed by Rev. S. E. Lutheran church, and Rev. Iways get your Mon $ worth | if you go to the movingj pic 28 In} Nor i even- | Mount Joy Hall everr Sat Ask the patrons Madam! You'll Never Cut Your Hand Cleaning an ATLAS E-Z Seal Jar (Lightning Trivun —for the edge at top is smooth not jag= ged and rough as comnion jars often are. Atlas E-Z Seal jars are machine made— that means well m no thin spots nor weak places vour dealer to show you the “‘Atlas E-Z Seal’’—note its wide mouth for large fruit—its instant and perfect sealing device. Here is one illustrated below, filled with big peaches —you can have just such handsome jars yourself if you use the “Atlas E-Z Seal.” adc A cle HSK HAZEL-ATLAS GLASS C0., Wheeling, W. Va. N WERE GRADUATED | se —— ing Commencement Exercis-) es at Bainbridge . Goss and Ruth M., Hoffman. | Doan’ This year seven girls|JOY Peoj e boys. H. S. Brinser has been prin- eipal of the school for the past thir-|Mt. Joy, Pa., says: Prior to his coming | tation in recommending Doa ars. not a single graduate was sent out.|ney Pills to any person This, the sixth year of holding com-|from disordered kidneys. fifty-one | €dy brought excellent results that the shows left ents, have 3 institution, | case. Herring, of the gents. Smith, of ed State hodist church, followed by ctors, Prof. I. E. McGinness the principal, and the other | faculty. ideal, and the] vening The wireless mess- | was ders” Cl 1 illumined faces, the spark-| church » large. | decorations were colors, Yale blue and gold, |to the f: “Out of School Life | was nicely arched S motto, Eli Mena that we 1 y's School,” he rostrum recess was a well | he woul: and fath Your Money's Worth : if this is not | Florin. { J ALL OUT OF SORTS Has Any Mount Here's Mrs. B. L. Garber, Mt. Jd For sale by all dealers. Foster-Milburn & Co., Buf w York, sole agents for the U Remember |and take no other. ——— Eee Resolutions of Respect At a recent meeting of the “Crusa- , it was ordered that the fol- lowing resolutions be superb. { our town papers and a copy be us, by death, our Getz Brothers, y cunt Joy. FOR RENT—One side of a dg house suitable for a sm “Ahly to Mr | Mount Joy, Jeo I" rson Never Th a 2 Jol ) Felt The sixth annual commencement| Feel all out of srt of the Conoy township high school| Tired, Blue, Irritable, Nervous? was held in the Lutheran church,| Back feel lame and achy? The graduates were as follows: Ger-| That's the story of sick kidneys— trude Graybill, Russell Young, Elsie] Bad blood circulatisg about M. Stump, Doretta M. Orendorf, Mary| Uric acid poisoning the body. E. Boyer, Miriam M. Smith, Anna Just one way to feel \right again, M. Bachman, Jacob M. Stoner, Ray-| Cure the sluggish kidneys; Do it with Doan’s Kidney Pillg s have cured many le. one case, “I have 8 Th Price 8S. the name—Doan’s ass of the United Brethern in sent published amily of our late brother Eli Menaugh. Whereas Almighty God in His among beloved brother, ugh, therefore, be it resolved ow in humble submission to 1 be a husband to the widow er to the fatherless, ‘be their | fam 0. ow