VOL. VIII. N( ). 43 THE WEEKLY BULLETIN MOUNT JOY, PENNA. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27, 1910 Pe~COMPARE THE ADVERTISING COLUMNS THI OJ TWO MOUNT J 50 CENTS A YEAR OY PAPERS. THEY EXPOSE THE CIj {CULATION LIAR==w —— — — - —— Re .. oo Ee — — Fl . ff . MISS MANNING ENTERTAINS Obit N t f FINED $10.00, | ® COMMITED SUICIDI > orin Affairs iuary Notes ocal omgs ur car asket Members of the Jolly Cricket Club Juror Had Absented Himself With- Mr. John S. Martin, of Elizabethtown : ! i ewing Circle p } ST ‘ermission, % Found Dead in His Barn a HAPPENINGS IN THE BUSY VII. and Union Sewing Ciicle. THE ROAD WHICH WE ALL MUS Sue Permission MANY SHORT NEWS ITEMS OP TN THE WHEREABOUTS OF OUR AGE WEST 2 TR FRAVEL SOONER OR LATER NERAL TEREST ! FRIENDS THE PAST WwW TRK CE Wrst of HERE Last Saturday afternoon Miss May Mr. David Z. Witmer of Elizabe th- GENERAL INTEREST John S. Martin, a resident of El . PAST WEEK ; ing. ¢ » wr of y { \ . y town, who absented himself frox zabethtown, commited suicide Friday X Local and Personal Briefs That Have Manning, a member of the ; loc R Jolly Sme Well Known People From Our | at ith {1 ra bl ti Brief Loeal Happenings Gathered as morn N by sl un h : It in 4 Who and Where hey Have Vigite(e : ‘ricket Club, ‘ntertaine a the “i . hoa She ; nn | COU without leave 1iereby block- : : it norning b 100tins imsel n 10 i J Occurred Since Our Last Issue in Cricke! ub ) eat ; a Neighborhood Have Passed to the ing tl I li Wl ! ve hey Occur With the Whirl of the head He. ar ind went to his barn Many Strangers Here Over Sune Our Hustling and Wide Awake | Member [ the club here as well a Great Beyond Since Our Last Issue | a World for Quick Reading Within : " y day—Were You Among Them* Neighl Vill, . i [ the members of the Union Sewing trial, was haled before Judge Landis p hy ’ i» about seven o'clock. As he did not ’ 8 . Aghbor Village, Florin, » Pas » ays. . — : ot ze, Flor Circle, who reside at Rohrerstown . on Wednesday. the st Few Days return in a reasonable time, his son ITC wh ¢ : oa Paul H., Henry, n of Clayton 8 = ‘1 {it See . irville g or ¢ er ¢ > . Mr. Witmer was asked by the 1 went to the 1 n, and foun the dead I'r. an wy anie Ire . Mr. Roy Baker and child spent | Landisville, Lancaster and other pla Henry of Manheim, died on Thurs ! ) Yi A court Fhe underselling clothing store is 5 , Cr i : ' : Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Brandt and Sunday In town. | ces, in honor of Mrs. Roy Hoffman, day from dropsy aged 14 ¥ fo xplain hi n br m court on I'D. Beneman’ Of of hi ith t ; a 1ilet ) I laughter spent § aturday her with : also an active member of the local uesday afternoon His counsel in the left temple and the revolver friends Mr. E. L. Nissley has purchased a | #150 Mr. Abram.Boyer sold his bay pac : : : ey has purchased a club, who joined the matrimonial cir- \ i ‘over B. J. My stated that after court Ir. Abram .Bo) a old h "PAC with which ne committed the act by Messrs Harry B, Getz and Charles specially fine Overland Roadster ’ . ; liss Harriet Boyes iE, 4 A Hh ing horse to Mr. Ed. Ream on satur- ,. 3 7 ; 3 . ys . . cles a few days previous. \ : . * . v' Alan hap | Witmer went to the Franklin House h de, Cassel were circulating at Columbia Mr. Henry Keener and his force ; : Miss Harriet Boyer died at her nd aft t l 1 1 day Ther I nown mot M The occasion: ras o be . x and after eatii l inne l i here 18 no knov notive for the n J ida we g. are raising Mr. J. K Frymeyer's | The occasion was one long to be home at Maytown on Friday, a ed : eh Mr. Adam Alberts was on the In ) or cay evenly stabl ” remembered by all the participants ixty-two veal ifter a long illn taken ill, went to bed and remained lisy ! list ld Fd the man mind was Miss Nellie Axer and Miss Maud ste € Ss ) ears, { er a 2 aispose Is severa aay as week 1 i mm . aq rOOF . nstr y « here 1 1 He d ii. n ) 110 a ecen ction ‘i e 4 a ic ‘i 0 ole Messrs. E. Moore and Jacob Her. There was vocal and instrumental The funeral services were held at the the! intil evenir He did not but is again on date i“ nbalanced, recent acti Fisher of Atlantic City, were guests . WN £ J4a€0 ! ii oo re. refresh is. ete. ‘a know that 1 V ante ‘ou lng : might ix He irmer by | of friend ere on Ss ds shey are purchasing tobacco which | MUSH galore, refreshments, ete. and house on Monday afternoon Inter- 39 Sb i a y ! " 4 in hp For Sale—Heater and small cook : , : 1 : n ; | Ps oh. Saturday : 3 Wala i we grand Gnal ras ¢ hotogrant 2 ' orry that he had t > Hie : ccupation, and side 1st High A Villi: C EB Ouis they intend packing |the grand finale was a Photograph ment was made in the Lutheran cem- ; : Wd pat td stove No. 7, just new for sale cheap a " 3 _ 4 br. William Kuhn of Bt, Louis, MT Irvin Fair and J pn | Of those present by photographer, S etery at Mavtown Cc 1 Ve 10 L. Foull M rat Jou 't treet, in that borough He was in | Mo., is here on a visit to his mother Mrs vi “amr and sc o ) ¢ AVL y Le r A es, Mount Joy. ’ , . : a. do Dh, H. Mille) ; » “ : . lassler said that the court > Lancaster on Thursday and borrowed and sister on West Main street, are spending several days with had Miss Boyer was some years ago a tt t I Remember the food sale on Sat- v small 1 of money 1 f 1 M \ Bl I . T mi Jewinse ‘ircle ad i3 14 . wa n ) ‘ inconvenience a smal um o oney from a freix . . )S 3 ) rger 1 friends at Mavtow n. ‘ The Union Sew Img Circel nad 1 resident of Elizabe thtown, and was - " i ; ' ( 1 : 1 g oy urday bY the Ladics of the Church a ( a ! j : ! : 1 1( ottenbe rgex from y miscells Wis S wr . e gues f : rn > n ¥ « witmer absenting 1mselt t 1e 1 at city vartin 1s survive hy lar: gr as isiting is Mr. Joseph Dietrich is the asaist-| miscellaneus shower for the guest of , sister of Mrs. B. F. Dohner, also of I ! ; h i ( of God in the Store of S. B. Barnhart , : i )) H rri ure W visitin hi Aunt, : { honor, Mrs. Hoffman and she was h 1 1 I. was taken ill he should have notified . his wife and two son It is believed Mrs. Harriet Blessing, a few days the ant night watchman at the P. R. R. | Jacob Henderson of Maytown. I ' and Co ; : in td ; { the recipient of many handsome and the court and he could have been ex It i ; It's L 1 that death was instantaneous. past week. crossing in this place a 'i : IS a pleasure to wa in 1. D Q . Mr. David Dubendorf. + if : { costly presents. I'he Jolly Cricket Daniel Mee: cused. the court cannot allow the Beneman’s Walk Over Sh : nd Ox SG sremrnscnee Mr. J. M. Fry, editor of the Ephra- l . é endort, Vife and anie cCuen : enems S alk ver Shoes and {~ > .| Club, a very prosperous local se: g Juror to go 1 for his ab- fran " 'e : ea ta Reporter, and Mr. Jacob B. Balt- daughter Evelyn, were the guests of | , W McCuen died on Sunday i ' fords, They are made for great Leopold Wickenheiser Tried A Mrs Ii - . | circle, also contributed many presents 5 Co sence and neglect to notify the court. somfort and \ TI i p y haser, also of Ephrata, were guests Mrs. Alice Morton on Sunday. Ie ; i : : . at his home at Silver Spring A fine of $10 and the costs attach. comtort and wear 1e case of the Commonwealth a- Brive iva ivi i : 1 ; v3 in {of which the recipient. .can wel] feel . . ‘a : : ne or 310 and the c« of attach x . Nad Fora > : vei risa 3; of Rev. R. C. Rengier on Sunday. Mr. John Weidman and his force | of pneumonia His surviving chil- _ ; need An OO te a fe Every Friday at R. V. Fezley gainst Leopold Wickenheiser, ‘indict- : : Fits : , { proud . ment were placed on Witmer, he was Wine A : Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Baker and chil- are painting the properties of Harry | : dren are: Webster and Anna at home : X ,_ Jewelry Store, East Main street ed on a charge of larceny by Dbailee, pra : t ¥ Those in attendance were: : > " discharged from any further attend- Vii Sie . a 5 dren of Dillsburg, York County, are Hossler and Mrs. Myers : . . sMrs. Abram Kauffman, of Silver BRE As : eye testing If you neve, was attached Friday. The prosecutor : Se Misses Anna and Mary Reist, Miss ; ance as a juror this week and the : in ’ . . : spending a week here and at Florin Mr. and Mrs. Horace Cox spent Barl F Mi Ruth Stoll. Mi Spring; Mrs. Harvey Nissley of « n heriff directed t tak ins : faction with your glasses gi us a was Peter McGarvey, who alleged od Tl ivf 1 3 e | Barbara Frey, Miss Ruth Stoll, Miss . S 1 directed to take charge o is a ~ 3 . | with friends. 1e family formerly Junday at Rheems as the guests of | Geta Bender, Miss Ohh be | Tevilie and Prank, of Iravville. O06 yen ot fie Bo and costs are trial that Wickeaheiser obtained a set of led here but have lived in Dill , eta ender, Miss u( 1 bentzel, r unti he 1N¢ 11 OSts are resided here b ave rec 8- ; Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Ranck. } is Eu . . ; iste Mrs. John Stewart, Lancaste Y, 3 — harness, horse and buggy, the proper- | : . h Mr. Paul Wiser holding the | Miss Beulah Detwiler, Miss Martha I i ; paid. tv of the 5 io tho. 1 i burg for the past six years where Mt. M aul ser is olding e ] : : survives Decease was seventy-five : Vo 1e prosecutor, 10 re 1}, ! : : : { Breneman, Misses Maggie and Eliza- : s or : -— ~~ W. ( U. Institute. x i ow Baker has taken to a new vocation— reins over a fine colt raised and pre- | ne ’ o » ; ears old. The funeral will held 7 I : Florin I'he offense vas al to {1 1d tl in : t1 : . . | beth offer, Miss May Manning, Miss Me . . i 1e followin 1 vill be pre : at of wielding 1 willow in 1e sented to him by his father. [252 2 ¢ ae V : an on. Thi lay it 9:30 o'clock Fire Company for Salunga ibaa ial ! Ie have occurred on Januar 26 last heat vos i ME Moor h { 1 | Elizabeth Vilson, M Mina Murray, : ; tag $iv held on Monda ¢ d the t f Church _ , n Wi aha 161 school room 4 . “. ». Moore as secured ne . i At | noun ay « b t the 8 Allee) W \ Kenheiser f nro I : { Mi Roy Hoffman of this place: Miss oi in ‘oover’s husi Hs 1 Se rda - - contract to furnish the lumber for | 0, Milt ve 5 As S Dri church interment 1 nin W am Cooper "sl sori t ind appropriated them to his « ad Rebuen Nissley’s new building. Miss Mall t ceme P y M 1 Defendant claimed t McGa MAYTOWN HIGH SCHOOL Mr. B. 8 r extensive ; y tor o ng a fi v, t : vas ind to 1 nd t : Fr. J S ou nsi veh; Monatvill oi . ; M ( tie 1 local h d ; 8: : fir or. Mi Talal H irs uel Good 3 . : Sa ; e R I, : 17 ; 1 Closing Exerci Opened Last Even he letown on Tuesday li i \ Tn 1 Good died on : Tat ! \ 10 ! to t ing in Band Hall, 1 1 ] a a ne i 3 Ip t ) Mc ( 1 1 Wil \ ay t iaen ( 1 i H ertery ] load 1 t Pl ) . x ¢ ) nd f ai of the \ 4 t \ 0 i ' [1 : thi ft M ? : ' ( of tl Maytown high i A 1nd ; I I de Ch ( M ¢ Henry | I 1 1 J 1 1 lo } i juipn : \ t \ ! ) ! nu I 1 W held la evening in the | 1 I I ( 1 1 \ 1 € A 1 in o a being repaint- | _ M - ios) R n.d Mo I Viay te Band rl were \ ¢ , . i \ A t ir n { i hi : " | Mari a M 8 XN nd 7 200d tati he vat uccessfully ndered The [os M I \ \ ia- { { \ I Danel ; ool I ill¢ li \ I ) : “of ; follow Music, y y 1 I I 1 1 th 12 tl V " M om terso? il : - \ 1 it} ! > Ty t \ ( I 7 1 fo) ? : 1 : 4 bras 3 — i \ 1 ' Fy 4 are busy ecting the cellar wall d t Royal Road ti UCCESS are bu erectii tl 1 f | 1 ain ( 5 1 LLandisville n 1 ] A Martin Garber’s new house at Mount | Announcement, y . . ’ \ Cy I 1tati ‘Bovs nd iki jewelry store of Mr. R. V. Fegley | gveoek at th nited | tl ! « Mrs. J. Sheaff Miss Tillie | Gq Is’ ‘Boat R Hertzler, on East Main Street i thi 1 > : 11 To1 IAS ht tHolmes), wa n ¢ hl Re¢ S. Do ici ) 01 1 dical Fem) Co R Oklaho 1 t I Ts ; : : 8. Carma having a | Dr. Feglev is perm inently located 1 I'h 1 er dropped in to Daugherty, Elizabethtos G.I { in 1th. of a maar preses ¥.1on org Spacious eoncrete pump house erect |at 52 North Prince Street, Lancast n \ddres MV A? 1a I 'i ; Vella G 1k Katharine a : 3 ’ OY ; tress, Mi amand: andi of wa na on ( l t eck 1 L.love Grove a Chester Mew ed on his farm west of ‘this place. and will be at R. V. Fes Jew Miss Ann died irsdasy 1 feel isked the pul Millersville it the home of r Brot y I ; L { ve, B % aester Mc r s13 {a Fag rants Nias . ’ ris : x > i : 1n recitation, “Nell” chan- Mr. J. Y. Kline is doing the work. Store every Friday of e: week, us-! afternoon del n West li Music, Nissley, Guthrie, Oklah » R.A & Mildred > S| : | : ii . N cod >» as finished 2 ve A i A “i ! 3 ' , ’ Mildred . s ad: oratio Mr. Ephraim Hershey has finished f ing the most modern, sc lentific and | Main street. 1 lingering illness. All looks bright before me 18p- Question Box, conducted by Mrs. Lande » of Wichita Lnsa R¢ American Scenery’ oe the > packing his season’s buy of tobacco. practical examination of the human aged fifty-five ve She is survived ed the dying man Cora Seberry. H. W. Lewis stor of the W Side | 14, B tt os I : a t > a 4 3 : : v > . : y 3 . y : ' yg I eter; Str £ al 1 3 a) His entire force has gone to Rheems eye, Glasses only prescribed when by two sisters, Isabella, wife of John “I thought so” replied the editor. Benediction Rey E. J. Wacker- Methodist church | ] I Da Suet, L to work for Messrs. Garber and Bro. absolutely necessary. All work pos- pp Kauffman and Miss Sybilla Boyce. “You'll see the blaze in thout ten pgaple. ( ; ) iy ra M on , onlay ) m nls it y Fess : v y . . . : | | 0 . lec Mz: , ¢ 8 The old wagon works opposite the itively guaranteed to be s: sfactory Miss Boyce carried on the millinery minutes T:30 P.M | is Poo 1I€h ( vy fam Y. Florin Hotel was torn away by Mr. Prices as low as possible At the i : vo ARAR: 5 Svier 0c har, 1 Dons : g Hoffman-Hoffer | Mildred - sload, Della G. Shank; 3 . business for more than a quarter of Anthem, “I will | raise the Name of A | declamation, “Th American R pub TT 'Shvdor’s Faria « in its stead | o es Far . 3 | 3 : ay ; Miss Mab Boy dans Sw | declami ’ e J 3 le - J. T. Snyder’s force and in its ste ad ¢ store from S a. m. to 8 D. m. a century in this place, and only re- Ordered by the Court the Lord,” Church of God Choir. 4 Mabel Hoffer, laughter of | lic,” (Phillips), Harrv Mavers Mr. E. 8. Weaver will erect a very ——— ired from it with her late illness : * : Scripture Reading. Rev . : Rural Mail Carrier Abraham B. Hof- | 1% ilihps), Harry Mayers. : ; j tired from it w ler J ! 8 Mr. Norman Henry of this place, beripture Reading, Rev. J, S. Brin- | : . . is| The commencement exercises will handsome brick mansion. | Anna and Sybilla had lived together : & ser fer, and Roy Hoffman, both of this | * hide The Toastmaster | Anna and Sybilla hac ¢ 5 was heard before Alderman Stauffer Ser. place, were united in marr] 1 | be held this evening at 8 o'clock in ————— pda ies ir TiRet . as i ee . | pl: , were e arriage rs- 8 y'el The Toastmaster, the show that Practically all their lifetime and last at Lancaster last week on a charge Invocation, Rev. S. B. Landis. : ine Bi thet bay tu | the same place ? ? $ Sh sir alain 4 ay : . % i | 50. COTio van te aay evening in their new y-furnishe oe f * Corner-Stone Laying Postponed made such a hit at Lancaster last | Week their sister, Mrs. Kauffman, ¢ gegertion by his wife, when he| Music, Congregation. home on the Hoffman farm, adioini | Tse al i i op she e Tr an- ; : \ tecitati iss Ethe £ iv € > é arm, adjoining Ps On account of the very inclement week, will be presented for the ap- | With her husband, moved from Lan gave bail for his appearance at Court. | Recitation, Miss Ethel Daugherty, the borough Rev. Goors Get AGE awe Er ian fiz qn VATE Av? FET re | 3 gh. tev. George . Getz, : : weather Sunday, the Corner-stone proval of the general public in Mount ; €aster to her place. On Thursday he was heard on a ; Musie, “Will It Pay,” ( hildren. | pastor of the Church of Gog Base Ball Meeting. laying service of the Lutheran con-|Joy Hall tomorrow evening, Thurs-| The funeral was held on Saturday charge of failing to provide for his| Reading, Miss Amanda Landis, of formed the ceremony T) I } meeting for the purpose of nam- wrx > : i Ww sneier jciatine ips : : illersville 4d the ceremony, 1¢ newly |. : gregation at Landisville was post- day, April 28. The Toastmaster is a With Rev. R. C. Rengier officiating. wife since their marriage a year ago. Millersville, | married cowl Have 2 NOT of fries ' Ing directors for a base ball team t £ Ae Lincs . Jo > . y 2 ye 5 . Phare \ { « > 1PIe ne 3 § S ) riends re ‘ed 3 oned two weeks, until May Sth. [jaughable comedy of college life in Interment was made in the Mount Fhe husband claimed that he did sup-| Solo, Mr. Tillman Eb rsole. V = ie i . | Was advertised to be held in the hall i $ g ) g i i ! ] 1 | Address, Mrs. Cor & vv Nate | WhO Wish them much Joy and happi- m : The service will then be carried out | three acts by N. L. Swartout and is | Joy cemetery. port his wife. The court ordered the ures is, Corg Seherry, Nag, | ness last Thursday "evening but the at- A in ell. rain or shine. In the event being presented by the Gap and Bells eee east Geeee deferrdent to pay his wife per | Organizer, Brooklyn, N. Y. tendance was so small that the meet- i 4 : : . Aap 3 Re : Jat : : Offering. TT ine ras 3 i av El of rain, the general part of the ser-{ Dramatic Club of Yeates school, Lan-| New Industry for Elizabethtown week. ’ | or g : ci i Ng was postponed until Monday 1 vice will be held in a barn close at caster. Admission 25 cents, reserv- | Arrangements have been complet- i, : Quartette, Misses Anna Kline, Vi- Hershey-Smith. evening, A number of fans were § or 5 2 S : X |ola Wither, Messrs 7 { c Mr. S: y Hershey, formerlv ‘ese and yf wing Jecti I hand. ed seats 35 cents. The chart is now | ed by the Board of Trade of Eliza- Commissions Arrive 2 wv ; r, Messrs. Wm. Kulp and Mr. Samuel M. Hershey, formerly | present and the following election , ; ; i : FL. ampler, J is place, g iss le ‘a8 vd: — rere open at Garber’s Drug Store. Doors bethtown for the location in that 1p. following commissions of al-| i > this place, and Miss Helen M. | resulted: = ~ . ey - A ~ 3 Jere TO - ov S 1 i Jowa rls Y » 0 roai \ Xan X Rolutorrod: Hore open at 7.15. Curtain at 7.45, borough of the plant of the Samuel dermen and justices of the oRCe, i Bp: ATICe Doxology. mith, both of Newark, N. J.. were President—Vacant. v -Interre re \ : Epi ; é § § é nedictio Wd TO hei ited i a es Je 7 Prasidont.. als ; ; J Last W : lay Mr. H. C. Brun-| Everybody is requested to come and Morris company, of Newark, N. J., have been received at the recorder’s enediction, Rev. G. R. Hoverter. | united in the hold bonds of wedlock V. President—M'r. M. A. Rollman. 4 as ednesday Mr. . CG. . : . : bly : ’ TTT —ee——— at 7.30 last Wednesday evening : Secretary—Mr. Paul E. Get; 4 have a good laugh | manufacturers of electric light and 5 Yeise. liz mn: : 30a NRE at recretary—Mr. Paul EB. Getz, . . n ‘takers & Shi & aC k 8 office: H. LL. Geise, Elizabethtown: oy oe 2 ner, one of our local undertakers, LE) light poles for municipal purpos- ar Res ve} a iss ai the Hatsey street M. E. Church, A [reasurer—Mr. B. W. Brown. went to Mt. Pleasant, West Moreland fs oy vy Tor Wunieinal DUIIOS (niertes 0. Ricks, Hast Donegal; Goo IN OUR CHURCHES reception followed the wedding at| Directors— A... Hai Mt. 288 , >St J | i : , y ay ec je > wedding a ‘ectors—Messrs. : aines : | es 8 Ss of gas 1C lectric " y in: icker 2 4 -” Ss, County, where he had the remains of Teachers for a Life Time. } uy al Binds o Sos at - wired F. Lutz, Columbia; S. A. Ricker, Mt. sia a Lenox Hall after which the couple | George Ebersole and John W. Mec- John Webster removed from that That but a few people who pe. HXtures. . prv,oy 1 Joy borough; John E. Schroll, Mt. Reformed Mennonite Church. left on an estensive wedding trip. | Ginnis lace. They were brought here and [come teachers stick to the work so: 107 108 estohiishment “of the - new Joy borough; Abraham K. Stoner,| The, Reformed Mennonites will | py, ill be at their i New Ther rer i ber > Th : oy tery. life is. shown hv ; 4 plant $7,000 has already been sub- Conoy; C. A. Wiley, Mt. Joy town-|hold their regular preaching services| \ >. 4 be at 10 Lote In News There were quite a number of interred in the Mount Joy cemetery. (life is shown by the fact that only scribed and work has already bee Ta ror . > : Bo : 5! >| ark, after May fifteenth. The groom | others nominated for the various of- : ih os A renty-three | RELAY io oq S¢ribed and work has already been ship. in the church in this place on Sun-|;. : ee woh . They had been buried twenty-thre about forty-five of the six hundred begun on the new plant, which will 1 : is a brother of Mr. Joseph B. Hersh- | fices but all whose names do not ap- : Sc ryr 7 : : 3 J ant, > —————— day evening at seven o'clock. 3 : : . ‘ : years. and seven that gathered in the court be 50 by 200 feet with a storage room nT IL ey, the East Main street barber, pear in the foregoing list have de- —_——e————— house at Lancaster on November 12, : Au i Rapho, You're All Right La ili A ii clined. SO i % 50 by 40 feet. The company will be J 3 . Methodist Church : : he Truth 1883, when Superintendent Brecht el : i When the accounts of the Rapho . ' It is quite likely that a meeting Tol ihe Tru opened his first institute, are yet in capitalized at $10,000 ‘and will ene i lited Ar a Sunday School at § A. M Preach- Five Doll R 1 ill 1 : 5 y inister , J y xp I'ViSOors were ¢ ited a year ago | , ? SiS han e ar ward. / e he i 1e very ar ff re A well known minister who had ape , ploy between twenty-five and fifty Fo rvisor 4 pt ig ( : ih Ba ing at 10.30 A. M. ang 7.30 P. M ost five o as k wa 4 will b req hs the very near future, : rerd ser > Té S. 3 : there was found to be a balance o he : wh * . «08t since Apri th, a black and {| vacancies fille and a manager elect- been preaching a begging sermon, 0 oI are ss, Skilled mechanics. | : : ax | EDWOrth League at 6.30 p. M. Sub- ! : - Ber. concluded it as follows: “I don’t want Among the number are C. E,. Goss, over $800 on hand and the road tax R dar . BE any to contribute who have not paid their subscription to the home paper, for country papers need money a great deal more than do the heath- § en.” That minister knew what he : talking about. et res Meeting of Physicians ' The monthly meeting of the Col- lege of Physicians and Surgeons was ] if 31d on Wednesday evening at Fritz’s Hotel, Strasburg, and it was largely attended. A fine banquet was served M and it was decided to hold the next H meeting in this place on the evening 3 of May 18. ell eee Erecting Oil Tanks. Mr. Clarence Schock has broken ground for the erection of a number of oil tanks on the lots recently pur- chased by Mr. Joseph Strickler, in the west end of town. Work on the graction of same was begun yes- terg Nr -re— A Birthday Dinner. Mrs. Martin A. Spickler gave a ~ rthday dinner at her home on Sun- ay in honor of her daughter, Miss ada Willer’s birthday. Quite a nber of Miss Willer's young ds were present and enjoyed. the Conoy; D. H. Singer, Mt. Joy town- | ship, then in West Donegal; A. E. Jacoby, Elizabethtown, then in Mt. ! Gantz's Bazaar Sale. On Saturday, April 30th, Mr. Wm. H. Gantz, will hold his next big pub- lic sale at the Farmers’ Inn, in this place, when he will sell a lot of good horses, cows, shoats, dogs, chickens, | light and heavy wagons, harness, potatoes, farm implements, and a lot of household goods. He will also sell goods for other persons. G. 8S. Vogle will call the sale. —_—a—— t e Will Graduate in Conoy The Conoy graduating class has 1OW Drices and see what we are doing of Brooklyn, N. Y., made his annual ten members; their commencement IP the clothing line—shoes, oxfords, inspection call at this office today will be held tomorrow evening. Nats and shirts. We will make it in- and pronounced our machine in AI Gertrude Kraybill and J. Russel teresting for you. We are going to condition. Young are respectively valedictorian SaVe You money. I. D. Beneman. | —_———— and salutatorian. Prof. L. B. Mec- Ginnes of Steelton will address the class. —— Cree. ti Pest House Must Go Condemned by several grand jur- ies, the pest house on the almshouse grounds will be torn down. ing suitable for people afflicted with contagious diseases will be built on the grounds. A build- Joy township. , in the near future move their station at Elizabethtown, from "site to a point a short distance south of the freight depot. tion will be reached by a handsome ' late of this place, has been adjudicat- Rapho, amounted to $3,620.66. on for $3,500 against Winfield L. fman, of Mount Joy, in the estate of Heisey, of Rheems, West Donegal Henry G. Hoffman. township. | —— ———et A) eee { ecution for $120 against Frank B. Eshleman of Salunga. t to 33 mills. This year there was a balance of $4,619.44 and the tax was again lowered to 23 mills. was reduced from 5 R. R. Station Will Be Moved The Penna. Railroad Company will its present —_——-—— Rebuilding the Elm Tree School. The School Board of Rapho town- The new sta- ship, is rebuilding the Elm Tree horoughfare. i . : : school, two miles northeast of this GA place. Work on razing the old Estates Adjudicated. building has already started, the idea The estate of Hannah Eckhardt, being to have the new building com- pleted before the fall begins. school term d and amounts to $818.88. The estate of Hiram Mowrer, of ttl ers rsigisnssie Thank You Lewis. Mr. Lewis Geisert, general inspec- tor of the Mergenthaler Linotype Co. ———— te Come to our store ahd note our —_— a Winfield’s Difficulties Samuel .F. Frey has issued execu- Letters Granted. Register Seldomridge has granted letters of administration to Alice Hof white setter dog with full black head a small white stripe down in center of head to nose, large black spot Testimony led by Mr. William Scholing, on the right side and shoulder, one large black spot on the back close to tail f ject Empowering for | by | Evangelical Church, Sunday School at 9A. M. Preach- | and a number of small spots on the ing by the minister, Rev, W. H. Egge | left side of the body. Legs white at 10 A. M. and 7.30 P. M. The | and tail all white, with long hair. public will please note the change of | Has a new black leather collar with time of the evening service from 7 | brass ring and buckle on. The to 7.30. Morning subject: The As- cension of Christ. The theme of the evening reward will be paid by returning to A. C. Welchans, Elevator Works discourse will be: Serving | 202 W. James St. Lancaster Pa. 1t. the Age in which we live. After TT the evening sermon the note, which was paid last week, will be burned. We Hope Its true, Everybody is heartily invited to at- The Lancaster Intelligencer on tend these services. TT t-a——— Saturday evening contained the fol- lowing article: “J. T. Saul, propri- etor of the Auto Knitting Mills at Elizabethtown, desires to locate a knitting mill in Mt. Joy and will do so if he gets the assurance of fifty hands. Mr. Saul not only conducts a knitting mill at Elizabethtown, but he also has one in his home city of | ¢ Pottsville, and*one at Harrisburg”, EE — Too Good to Throw Away At a female party given at Wells Tannery, Fulton county, one evening Planting Locust Trees. Mr. W. 8. Krady, proprietor of the Mount Joy Nurseries east of here, has the contract and is now engaged planting 600 locust trees from 3 to { feet in height, on lang owned by Mr. Andrew M. Martin, of this place, near Chickies Rock. -_— ea Will Enetertain Officers Mrs. H. C. Schock will entertain Young men if You want to be dressed for a small amount go to I. D. Beneman, he will dress with a good suit, hat, shoes and shirt to your taste. Execution for $120 George K. Diller has issued an ex- the officers of the Ladies Aid Society of the Trinity Lutheran church and a few invited guests at her home on Friday evening. TTT Eee This paper only costs 50c a year. recently, all the ladies who were in- i vited were supposed to bring some ® thing that was of no use to them, bij'sh too good to throw away. bands. 4) : Abou Erm twenty of the ladies took their hus. ™™™*" ed. ———-a The Local Patrons The following persons from this place and vicinity of the Lancaster Choral many of which attended musical held last week. Mrs. J. W. Bausman, Mr. Thomas F. Bausman, Miss Elsie Battye, Mr. A. B. Cling, Mrs. A. B. Cling, John Eby, Mr. H. E. Ebersole, J. J. Evans, Mrs. E. W. Fannie Mumma Miss Esther all of this place: Mr. Calvin M. Kendig, Mr. D. K. Kendig, Mr. J. M. Kendig, Mrs. H. S. Kirkland, Miss Mary S. Kepler, Mr. A. B. Kreider, and Mr. J. S. Weiss. all of Salunga. ————— are patrons Society, the grand Mrs. Mrs. Garber, Miss and Reist, Landisville's Fire Company The citizens of Landisville and vi- cinity have recently organized a fire ompany for the protection of their community,and will call the same the Volunteer Fire Company, of Landis- ville, Pa. to draft the Constitution and By-laws have co abou The committee appointed leted their work, and are y for their charter for . i oy *