The weekly bulletin. (Florin, Penn'a.) 1901-1912, March 02, 1910, Image 4

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OU’RE enough interested in your clothes, or ought
to be, to want to know what the correct styles are to be
this Spring.
Hart Schaffner & Marx
new Spring Style Book is announced to be ready about March 1; a Wash-
ington number, showing scenes at the National Capital; our illustration
above is taken from the beautiful poster announcement of the book.



It’s something every well-dressed man ought to have; and we hope every one of you
will appreciate what a useful book it is; an authority and guide in men’s correct styles.
This store is the home of Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes
Mount Joy Hall Building. MOUNT JOY, PENNA.

RHEEMS NEWTOWN. SPORTING HILL NEWS A horse may know a good bit with-
‘Ex-Postmaster J. W. Heisey is | Divine services will be held by the We have a mild taste of Spring. out a college education.
seriously ill at his home. | pastor on next Sunday at 2.30 p. m. Pearls are very rare and seldom tamssnan timation
Simon BE. Eshleman, of Mount, The Brethren in Christ held their | found, but we know of one found in
Joy, visited Levi L. Heisey on Sun- | regular meeting on Sunday morning | Mount Joy recently. One of the surest ways to lose a
day. . | in the church in this place. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Wicken-| friend is to lend him money.
Elmer Acker, who has been il, | Mr. Samuel C. Shenk and family| heiser spent Saturday and Sunday rise bons
is again able to perform his usual | of this place, visited the family of | with Mr. Phares Mohn, at Salunga. 4 .
duties. | Christian Nissley on Sunday. Clayton Stehman and family mo- Anti-fat remedies are seldom need-
i J p |
Mr. and Mrs. William Epply, of The little son of Jacob Geltmacher | ved to Lititz on Monday. This jd by the man Who {eans oh hope.
near Bainbridge, visited H. B. Brandt | who has been critically ill for some|makes a start for the great moving |
and family on Sunday. | time, is on a fair way to complete re- | time. It is quite useless to tell the®goat
Miss Mary F. L. Heisev, who spent | covery. | Amos Cooper, of Landisville,|not to butt in he will do it anyway.
- Several days visiting friends at Har-| Mr. Andrew Shellenberger and|bought the entire crop of tobacco i ll iis
3 risburg, returned home Monday. | Miss Annie Lewis of Kinderhook, | farmed with H. M. Cassel, on Mon-
How can we tell whether a resolu-


v ithan Greiner, signal repairman, | spent Sunday with the family of Mr. day, at ten cents for the best.
wv d into Isaac Grove’s house on | George Rigel. Mr. and Mrs. D. Dissinger and |tion is good or not till after we have
Monday. He formerly lived at Eliz-! Mr. John Myers and family of daughters, Emma and Fannie, spent |broken it?
bethtown, | Landisville, were the guests of their, Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harry] ————
Rev. H. E. Light, of Mountville, | parents Mr. and Mrs. Samuel E. My- | Etnier, at Manheim. |
visited friends here for several days. | ers on Sunday. : The spelling bee here on Saturday| ‘It was all over in 2 minute,”
‘He also conducted special services Master John Plott of Middletown |evening was a grand success. A | might refer to a railway accident or
in the church of the Brethren on| paid a visit to his grand parents Mr. | mixed quartette by teachers of Rapho | to a wedding.
Monday evening. and Mrs. John S. Rhoads on Satur- and a ladies’ quartet by Manheim | ree
Nathan Greiner left for Sterling, day and Sunday. | High School pupils were special feat- | y wo
, to attend the funeral of his| i Mees lures. | | ‘There are strg pgints of simi-
) . Mr. Greiner left on Tues-| | Sie | | larity between All rush and a

evening and he expects to spend | Speaking of home remedies, the |
in taking the trip. | “switch” of our grandfathers was a
gan | pretty good remedy for quite a long
p | list of juvenile disorders.

A sure way to save] money,—don’t
spend it.

not make a sum-
b in a black bot-

Yoffe’s big sale starts on Saturday.
“I Don’t miss it 3

Many a

. =
a. D. S. Malted Milk Helps Frail |
zou ae ring rou woo SPD ecial F or One
Week Only
with it, you can probably get the
{ehild to take A, D. 8S. Malted Milk,
retain it and thrive on it, as it is
carefully made preparation, in-|
tended especially for troublesome |!

stomachs of both infants and adults,
It is one of the standard Folablel
American Druggists Syndicate prod-
luets, and its use is unhesitatingly Opens Wednesday, Mar. 2nd
|adviged by the entire 12,000 druge- |
{ists who are A. D., S. members, and | - AND -
know its true value There is notl “|
ling in it to prove harmful to the }
mos no ame or meses. 11 C1OSES Wednesday, Mar. 9th.
is merely a scientific made article ¢|
| to d which you can rely upon | Fhe following Goods will be sold at a reduction and it will pay yoa
People who have given A. D. 8.|to take advantage of this sale,
[ Malted Milk to their babies are great |
| believers ju its vir i Baking Soda, per Ib......... 8¢ , 1vory Soap, 10¢c Cake for...... Re
Insufficient nourishment, because |
[of milk that doesn't agree with the |Black Pepper, 2 Ibs. for 25¢ or Twenty-Mule-Team Borax, § 1b..7¢
. ner o — x A
[ baby, frequently brings grief to th | per 1b... 13¢ Fwenty-Mule-Team Borax, 2 lbs. 25¢
hearts of fond parents by the loss of |Cream Tartar, per 1b.........30¢ OF: per Tih... ih avn 13¢
their loved ones. Powdered Ceylon Cinnamon, per Twenty-Mule-Team Boraxo, 1° t |
Old aunt Cloe, a baby’s colored BUDE cen es ctv vied in 5¢ SRZE xy oii cv iy eae oe {
nurse,, known in many of the best pn ..0.04 Cloves, per 0z.,...... Be! Twenty-Mule-Team Boraxo, 25 cent
families of Indianapolis, recently was : ; size a H
: : Powdered Allspice; 2 ozs. for...Bg| F® rrr rrurararacinay ¢ §
engaged to take charge of a sickly, Old Dutech Cleanser. 100 size é
: Te ta . acka ge : eanser, » 812 A
peevish, run-down, half-starved in-|Junket Tablets, 10c Package...8¢ ;
fant, and the minute she saw the|Armure’s Beef Extract, 50c size 38¢ Bird Seed, 10c pack.......... 8¢ i
baby, she remarked: “You-all is|Big Box of Wooden Tooth Picks, 2 Bird Sand, De pack. sii 4¢
starvin dat chile; she’s hungry-—dats Boxes for 5c or per box.....3e Armure’s Sylvan Soap, 10 cent cakes i
all.” Ga SE REE
aL” 25¢ Bottle Witch Hazel... ... 20¢ -2le I
The doctor was called and he pre- All A. D. S. Goods, Six Articles for
Piso’s Tooth Powder, 26¢ size..10¢
scribed A. D. 8S. Malted Milk—and the price of Five.
sre ig 4 conv of a letter s baby's | Sani Toot >owder and Paste, me. 3 zi :
here is a copy of a letter the baby's | Sanitol Tooth I ler and Paste l'o introduce Rexall Kidney Pills and
father wrote two months later: Size ........iiiiiiiiinn, 20¢ Headache Tablets we will give 1
Dear Sirs—Here is a story which |Orange, Lemon, Vanilla Extract, 3 box of the Headache Pills with
| should not only interest you, but all Bottles for 25¢ or per bottle. JQ¢ each 25¢ box of Rexall Kidney
| fond parents. Our baby had been Ivory Soap, 5c Cake for ...... 4¢ Pills.
failing for weeks and lost weignt
steadily. One day an old colored
woman Aunt Cloe, suggested that a Souvenir China Plates
change of food might benefit the
baby, as it seemed to be insufficiently

shod 1 ; oot I have a lot of Souvenir China Plates made in Australia, with designs
urished, and acting upon our doct-| _ _, 3p s . : '
j Rom or 3 a ng 3 AD. 3 lof Kraybill’s Mennonite Church and the Presbyterian Church, Donegal; Mt
|or's advice we decided to try A. D. 3S. | . f § Whi :
DIS adyi us 2 | Jov School House and the Pike Bridge east of Mount Joy, which I will
| Malted Milk, insteac : 3 or’ . .
[Melted Milk, instead of the mophes “lsell at 25 per cent, off the regular selling price.
| :
| milk. As a result the baby com-|
| menced to gain at once—and at the
| |
tend of a month, when her SE —
| picture was taken she looked and |
| acted like a different baby. Cant , x —
[you beat it ? Yours sincerely. | emmy \/\/ C 3 Fe = Je RR
C. E. LAMBERTON. | Ser 0 ° J Ries’
| A

You can get A. D. S. Malted Milk |
lat Garber’ drug store. Brice) MOUNT JOY, PENNA,
15c., 38¢., 7Hc. and $3.
| 0000000060000 000000000000007000000000000000008
For the benefit of the many who paticipated in the
recent great Piano Contest, THE J. H. TROUP MU-
SIC HOUSE announce the names of the first four prize
winners and their reasons why
“ The J. H. TROUP MUSIC HOUSE" is the
Best Place to Buy a Piano
First Prize: $325 J. H. Troup Piano
Awarded to F. Wood, 304 E. Market St., Harrisburg, Pa.
000000000000 00000090000600000000000000000
First — Because it is an old established, reliable house, increasing its
business yearly, which means a safe place to trade, for it must have the con-
fidence of the public to grow.
Second — Because this house is liberal in its contracts, lives up to its
promises and stands back of every instrument it sells, therefore the buyer
takes no risk.
Third — Because this house handles only the best standard makes of
pianos and organs, and comparison shows that at all times its prices are the
lowest, its merchandise the highest.

Second Prize: $125 Piano Player
Awarded Mrs. Nellie ¥. Osmond, R.F.D. No. 4, Mechaniesburg
First — Because the unimpeachable worth and integrity of the TROUP
MUSIC HOUSE makes each customer feel that dependence may be placed
on all statements made by TROUP.
Second — Because of the superior quality, the great variety and the
excellence of all goods handled by the TROUP MUSIC HOUSE.
Third — Because of the most reasonable prices and easy terms given
Third Prize, 8100.00 Credit Certificate
Rwarded Philip S. Yeager, 311 South Front St., Harrisburg, Pa.
First — The Troup Music House is the best place at which to buy a
piano because of the large assortment, best makes and lowest prices.
Second— The Troup Music House is the best place to buy a piano
because they give the greatest value for the least money, and their terms are
cash or credit.
Third — The Troup Music House is the best place to buy a piano be-
cause of its known reliability and responsibility.
Fourth Prize, $75.00 Parlor Organ
Awarded to P. AH. Kennedy, 713 South 18th St,, Harrisburg, Pa.
First — Because the reputation acquired by your house is the best in-
cation of square dealing with your trade.
Second — Because you enjoy facilities for offering the largest stock of
superior pianos at the lowest prices. :
Third — Because your liberal payment plan affords an opportunity to
every one to own a piano without feeling it.

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BOYD M. OGLESBY. Cees es .The Telegraph
EDWARD F. BAHN. ....... ......The Star~Independent
ihaiie +. The
hel 3
HARRY LOWENGARD........... Cotirrig

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