THE WEEKLY BULLETI N A. D. Use It For Chaps Rough Skin Chapped Lips Blackheads Pimples Red Skin Softening the Skin A. The Beauty of Purity matter how lovely a fair face may be, a white skin improves iit, Applied to the A.D S, of impurities and produces a rich whiteness that is difficult to secure by other D.'S. Cream will positively not grow iloves can be worn immediately after skin, Peroxide Cream clears the pores means. Being greasless, A. Peroxide hair. using. Price 25¢ and 50¢ a jar. PEROXIDE CREAM Original Greaseless Cream 12,000 DRUGGISTS PRESENT S. PEROXIDE CREAM Use It For Massage As a Skin Food As a Beautifier All Skin Irritations A Skin Cleanser After a Close Shave D. S. Twin to A.D. S. Peroxide Cream is PEROXIDE SOAP A valuable cleansing agent possessing antiseptic, germicidal and cleansing properties. It produce icately perfumed with a new and the skin, tic action prevents pimples clears up dull and mudd erup 25 cents a cake. East Main Street, arber’s Drug Store MOUNT JOY. PENNA. s a rich creamy lather and is del- very agreeable odor. It whitens y complexions, and by its antisep- tions and other blemishes. Price ZNLLER'S SALE will H. LIST That Charles Those be Called hy M Auctioneer Zeller, jamin Shearer. Thursday, February Stern's meeting house, township, by Aaron G. and Allen G. ministrators of John G. Gipple, dec. +0 = Bring Her With You! OMEN know better than men what is good qua- lity in Cloth. They know a pure wool fabric when they see it, and they have good taste too in the selection of fabric, design and color. That is why we like you to Bring Her With You when you want to buy a new suit or overcoat. Ask for the International genuine all wool line, and put the question of worth to her. International quality can stand the severest test-- aye--the test even of a bargain-hunting lady. BRING HER WITH YOU. ~~ H. BE. EBERSOLE West Main!St., Mount Joy E. S. MOORE Dealer in Coal, Feed, Hay, Straw, Slate, Salt, Cement and Fertilizer Lumber, Grain, \ . “8 A large stock of Feed constantly on hand. Highest cash price paid for grain. Estimates on Lumber and Mill Work a Specialty FLORIN, PENNA. Pr Eee a ———— 1 Dino heaffer’s Restaurant and Confectionery ee oO o—— ALL KINDS PIES AND SANDWICHES, BAKED BEANS, CORNBEEPF, CONFECTIONERY, TOBACCO & CIGARS, FINE OYSTERS IN ANY STYLE MEALS AT ALL HOURS BEST ICE CREAM IN ANY QUANTITY MANHEIM STREET Mount Joy CHICHESTER SPILLS 785 LADIES { Agk your Dragglst fo oT CHI-CHES-TER'S DIAMOND BRAN 1 GoLp meta! xe ed wit! oO Ribbon, TARE NO OT Buy of your I. CHES. TERS Drugsist and ask for ( DIAMOND BRAND PILLS, for twenty- five years regarded as Best, Safest, Always Reliable, (SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS TIME EVERYWHERE WORTE JEFFERSON L. BISHOP SHINNAHONAS FLORIN, PENNA. * % %x x * | I | | I will promptly remove all Dead | Animals on short Tele- | phone Moore’s Mill or Carmany’s | Store, Florin, Penna., or drop me la card. notice. Your patronage solicited. For a Neat and Clean Shave, Hair Cut or Shampoo, go to FOsOPN erasboy Fine Teounserial Parlor East Main Street, Mount Joy, Pa. PUBLIC SALE OF REAL ESTATE On Thursday, the 24th day of Keb- ruary, 1910, the undersigned will ex- pose to positive public sale the fol- lowing described real estate, situate on Front street in the village of Sa- lunga, Lancaster County, Pa., con- taining in front eighty feet, more or less, and extending in depth two hun- dred and eight feet, more or less, ad- joining lands of Henry Strickler and the Mary Erisman Estate. Consist- ing of Lots Nos. 4 and 5 in said vil- lage of Salunga. Improvements consist of a two- story brick dwelling with slate roof, | ten rooms and attic; two-story brick back building; one-story frame wash- house; frame stable with room for two horses and four carriages; chick- en house and wood shed. There is ‘a cistern in the kitchen, an artesian well on the premises, cement pave- ment and the house is so located as to permit room for another house) on the lot. Woodwork is painted and the house is newly papered thru- out. Persons desiring to view the premises before day of sale call on J. S. Wise, second door west. Sale to be held on the premises on the 24th day of February, 1910, at 2.30 o'clock, p. m. when terms of sale will be made known by the un- dersigned. THE PEOPLES TRUST COMPANY, of Lancaster, Pa. Trusee of the Heirs of Anna Hertz- ler, Deceased. Coyle & Keller, Attorneys. Chas. H. Zeller, Auct. Charles Marks, bar clerk at the Central House, is about again after MOUNT JOY HALL Star Course * kx ¥ x Feb. 18th, 1910 Sidney Landon March 1st. Friday, Tuesday, 1910 Lyceum Ladies’ Quartette March, 14, 1910 Chicago Ladies’ Orchestra Monday, Stop Buying and the JUST HS GOOD AUTOMOBILES The best don’tcost any more, and in the end they are the cheapest. You know the un- disputed worth of the BUICK PEERLESS LOCOMOBILE WINTON SIX Sold strictly on their merits. We have some excellent second- hand cars that will be sold very reasonable. Lancaster Automobile Co. AGENTS FOR Buick, Peerless, Locomobile, Winton Six. 215 N. Prince St., Lancaster, Pa. The Only Strictly First-Class Garage and Repair Shop in Lancaster City or County being confined to the house on ac- count of injuries received by a fall] on the icy pavements last Sunday. PIMPLES, BLACKHE QUICKLY “It is astonishing,” remarked a well known authority on diseases of the skin, how such a large number of people especially ladies, are by attractively written advertisements, induced to purchase some one of the many so-called Beauty Creams now on the market, not knowing of course that they mostly contain oily or gre- asy substances that clog the pores of the skin and are, for that reason, the very worst thing that they could pos sibly use. My treatment of Black- heads, Pimples, Blotches and all e- ruptions of the skin, are as follows, and has invariably proved very suc- cessful; ‘Wash the face carefully ev- Do you know of a better newspa- per proposition than The BULLETIN jat less than a cent a week? ADN, ECZEMA Bie. CURED. ery night before retiring with warm water and a little oat meal tied up in a small cloth bag, then, after drying well, use the following inexpensive and perfectly harmless prescription: which can be filled at any drug store: Clearola } oz., Ether 1 oz., Alcohol 7 ounces. Use this mixture on the face as often as possible during the day, but use night and morning any- way, allowing it to remain on the face at least ten minutes, then the powdery film may be wiped off. Do not wash the face for some little time after using. By following this simple treatment you will soon have a clear Brilliant Complexion. | General Admission, .30 Reserved Seats,,,... .. 0s Chart at Garbers. ol 0) Omg) ils) loymile) Experiments ) | Henry Beshler. Saturday, Feb. 19—At his ware- rooms on West Donegal street, Mount Joy, Pa., a large lot of wagons, im- plements, etc., by G. Moyer. Thursday, Feb. 24-—O0n the prem- ises in Salunga, two lots of ground with improvements such as a large brick house, summer house, frame | stable and outbuildings by the Peo- | ples Trust Co., of Lancaster, Trustee of the Heirs of Anna Hertzler, Dee. Thursday, Feb. 24 ses in Salunga, a large lot of house- | hold Flacksmith tools, wag- H. B. Hertzler. On the premi- gods, ons, etc., by | | | Friday, Feb. { ! | Hotel Kinderhook, | w ns, farming | hou hom goods by Zeamer’s se, COWS, implements and Jacob F Albright. Saturday, Feb. 26 | ises near White Oak [township on the farm { Harry Rendler, horses, land farming implements Ream. Monday, near Mount large lot Simon RH. On the prem- Station, tenanted by | cows, shoats by Bd | Feb. 28—O0n the Joy, mules, cows, farming im Snyder. premises Of MARCH Tuesday, March 1—On the Philip] rank farm, two miles north of Mt. | Joy, lot or horses, mules, cows, shotes | {and farming implements by Harry { Derr. March 3-—Near New-| Lancaster County, mules, hor- cows and implements by Rev. | | Bli M. Engle. [ | | Friday, March | Mill, in Mount Joy township, live istock and implements by Abraham | | Nornhold. | Thursday, | town, 4—Near Horst’s Saturday, March 5—On the road | leading from Mount Joy to Master- sonville, at the mill formerly known as Geyer’s, 4 fine mules, horses, cows, and farming implements by Charles | Maderia. Saturday, March 5—At the Cross Keys hotel in Marietta at 7.30 p. m. real estate for William Reed. Monday, March 7—Near Strick- ler’s Meeting House, on Emanuel Eby’s farm, live stock and implements by A. G. Brubaker. Tuesday, March 8—Near Stauffer’s Mill, in East Donegal township, live | stock and farming implements by Abraham N. Hostetter. Wednesday, March 9—Near the Oil Station, on the road to Columbia, horse, cows, farming implements and household goods by Mrs. Eli Grosh. Thursday, March 10—Midway be- tween Mount Joy and Marietta, live stock and implements by Jacob Hoff- ines. Friday, March 1 Near Hossler’s Church, in Rapho township, horse, cows, shoats, implements and house- hold goods by Amos Werner. Saturday, March 12—In Mount Joy Borough, a large lot of household goods by Mrs. D. U. Stoner. March 15—Near Done- gal Springs, on the Cameron farm, in East Donegal township, mules, horses, cows, shoats and farming im- plements by A. B. Lutz. March 16—On the Ja- in East Donegal town horses, cows, implements by Tuesday, Wednesday, cob Croll farm, ship, near Maytown, shoats and farming March 17—Adjoining on the Jacob horses, cows, implements by Thursday, Mount Joy borough, Zercher farm, mules, shoats and farming Andrew H. Zercher. Friday, March 18—On the Jonas Hoffman farm near Newtown, in Rapho township, horses, mules, Hol- stein cows, shoats and farming im- plements by A. S. Reed. Saturday, March 19—On the prem- ises in East Donegal township, known as the Jonas Hostetter farm, 1% miles southwest of Mount Joy, horses, mules, cows, shoats and farming im- plements by Eli L. Nissley. Tuesday, March 22—Near Done- gal Springs, on the Cameron farm, large lot of household goods and Kkit- chen furniture by J. H. Corman. Saturday, March 26—At his Liv- ery, Sale and Exchange Stables, Mt. Joy, a large lot of horses consisting of drivers, workers and general pus- pose horses by Ed. Ream. re Qf eee Accidents will happen, but the best regulated families keep Dr. Thomas’ Electric Oil for such emergencies, It subdues the pain and heals the hurts. Resh. Wednesday, Feb. 16-—At Sporting Hill, lot of horses, wagons, harness and a lot of household goods by Ben- 17th—Near in Mount Joy live stock and implements Fipple, ad- in Penn | roy a | lements by UNCLE SAM WILL HELP, He Will to Uplift the rr Money Making Weed Department ald the | Pennsylvania in | crease the vield of the of Ag tobac their efforts theh quality | The going to 0 raisers to In 1d thelr Griest fle ant [to improve of | duet Representative of tl district department to recently allot | Lancaster | duced the in a par | methods of expending this money ¢ and scientific tempting to develop new standards. promising the best practical efforts on in- creasing the productivity of the lands and improving standard of plants. In this the representa- tives of the growers coincided and it is along these lines the under the direction of the department experts will be prosecuted. instant that the undertaken any the of the Pennsylvania tobacco growers. Dr. and Dr. further Itations for | of working | prosecuting the undertaking. etl Mier was to concentrate the present experiments in many national is the first it authorities have This vears, is said, ex- perimental work for assistance Powell will have the plans Freer ) consu purpose out practical for Does This Mean You? Indigestion, consti- and Do you stomach, headache feeling. sour | pation—-then backache, a general miserable know that the pleasant herb tea, Lan- Family Medicine, will remove all troubles almost immediately? get a package 's fore se | If you do not know it, at and you will be dealers, told today druggists (25¢) | you. any or glad we eel Highest Price Since 1883 Pork on the hoof reached the hig- st price 1882, when hogs sold $9.20 a hundred pounds, an ad- 10 cents the prices a week ago. The packers made since ' for vance of above of |a determined effort to hold the prices down, but 10,000 head proved inadequate to supply the de- mand, and buyers for ship- ments began bidding at cents a- bove quotations the price jumped rapidly. Present 15 cents under the prices of 1882, but they are more than $2.30 a hundred weight higher than prices a year ago. Packers and men who studied the market said there was little likeli- hood of prices receding greatly in the near future, as there was not indica- tion of heavy shipments. —- receipts of when b prices are Your horses will be in better con- dition for Spring work if you feed them Fairfield’s Blood Tonic for Hor- ses Only. [t cleans the digestive tract, purifies the blood, expels worms and increases vitality. Re- sults are guaranteed when directions are carefully followed. For sale by F. H. Baker, Mount Joy; H. C. Greider, Landisville, and D. B. Eberscle. Elizabethtown. A Gee Will Meet at Paradise. On Saturday evening the Paradise branch of the Lancaster County Far- mers’ Association will meet in the I. O. 0. F. hall at Paradise. The meeting will be public and talks will be given on alfalfa and why farmers should have an association. rere SWAMP Is not recommended for everything; but if ROOT you have kidney, liver or bladder trouble it will be found just the remedy you need. At druggists in fifty cent and dollar sizes. You may have a sam- ple bottle of this wonderful new dis- covery by mail free, also pamphlet telling all about it. Address, Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bing- hamton, N. Y. ——— Eee. A Bank’s History. The Farmers’ Trust Company of Lancaster, has issued a very hand- some volume descriptive of the his- tory of the bank which recently cel- ebrated its one hundredth anniver- sary. eel) een. Science has made it possible to in- crease egg production in Winter by adding to the hen’s ration the mater- ials contained in her Summer diet. Fairfield’s Egg Producer contains these elements, combined with ele- ments that perfect digestion and pur- ify the blood. For sale by F. H. Baker, Mount Joy; H. C. Greider, Landisville, and D. B. Ebersole, Elizabethtown. eel eee Directors Close School. The Linville Hill school in Para- dise township, has been closed by the directors owing to the prevalence of diphtheria among the scholars. tl Ae EGGS WANTED DeLong pays more for eggs the year round than any one else. Devote Same of His Funds riculture is of pro . OPERATION |of the fund at its command for mak- ing experiments in tobacco growing to the state of Pennsylvania; anc for the purpose of discussing the bes of tobacco plants, of how to improve the present standard by more careful cultivation without at- It was the opinion of the depart- ment experts that the wisest course, results FROM AN ByLydiaE.Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound | de legation representing the Lancas De F t Wi m eri a : e Forest, Wis. ter County Tobaceo Growers, Assoc)- “After an oper | ation went to Washington on Thurs- Ation four years ago [day and had a conference with offi- I had pains down- | cers of the department, {ward in both sides, { The delezati wonsisted of Jol backache, and a | 1¢ delegation consisted 0 Jonn weakness. The doc. F. and John 8S. Weaver, John Hibsh- tor wanted me to man and H. C. Reinhold. They have another 0 RL ! : fed by y. Hiliam Ation. 0 | FEBRUARY M aa py ed Pain Finkham's Vegeta. | Saturday, Feb. 12-—At the Wash-| a ros ABT ble Compound and | ington House, Mount Joy, a lot of | ral College. Their conference was Iam entirely cured ground with improvements in the | with Dr. G. H. Powell, of the Bureau Vv of ny HouDien | West ward of Mount Joy Borough by |of Plant Industry, and Dr. W. W. Mrs Aves ESPERMANN, or- | Charles I Eckhardt, Trustee tu Se Garner, tobacco expert of the Agri- Another Operation Avoided. © 3 » 3 . Lue arc cd. . Fen cultural Department. New Orleans, La, Ror years] suf. { Monday, Feb. 14-—On the premi- The discussion ranged over the | fered from severe female troubles | ses of John Resh jr.,, near Silver question of efforts to increase the Finally I was confined to my bed and Springs, a lot of ground with im-|", ° iy il the doctor said an operation was neces- provements and a large lot of house- | Yield per acre of Pennsylvania tobac- sary: 1 gave Lydia E. Pinkham’s Veg- hold goods by Lewis Resh and Peter |co lands, to develop new standards | etable mpound a trial first, and ration.” — Mrs. (erlerec St., New was saved from an o LiLy PEYROUX, 1111 Orleans, La. Thirty years of unparalleled success confirms the power of Lydia E. Pink- ham’s Vegetable Compound to cure female diseases. The great volume of unsolicited testimony constantly pour- ing in proves conclusively that Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound is a remarkable remedy for those dis- tressing feminine ills from which so many women suffer. If vou want special advice about your case write to Mrs. Pinkham, at Lynn, Mass. Her advice is and always helpful, Quarantine Removed. The diphtheria quarantine was re- moved from the residence of Mrs. C. N. Gerber, on Marietta sireet, today after a two weeks’ siege. This is is the first example of the new law as heretofore the quarantine was ob- served Tor a much longer period. rrr eA Mr me Fairfield's Egg Producer contains the elements of which eggs are for- med. These are so combined with elements that tone up the digestion that they are immediately assimi- lated and carried to the egg sac of the hen, where they develop the em- bryotic eggs. For sale by F. H. Baker, Mount Joy; H. C. Greider, Landisville, and D. B. Ebersole, Elizabethtown. The Oldest Trunk and Bag House In the State OFFERS Bags from.............. -50c to $15.00 $1.00 to $18.00 $2.00 to $25.00 Suit Cases “WE ARE LEATHER WORKERS " Large Steck Harness § Lowest Prices, ret seemr— Rreclzel Harness Maker 30 Penn Square, &uas. ™ ZELLER Real Estate and Insurance Office E. MAIN STREET, MOUNT JOY Lancaster, Pa Calling and Cierking of Pubic Sates Settlement ofestates, collection of rents, surveylngand couveyancing, Moving Pictures LINE Mount Joy Hall & % * ¥ ¥ On Saturday, Evening Good Ventilation Very Comfortable Plain Pictures Best Music Ample Room Good Order * % x x 3» Come when you please and stay as long as you like. Admission, 5cts pt oi F. THEEL. 535 North St Phi By Pa. “Ein Deutscher ® Art Joly German Bpeelal The GERMAN TREATMENT the only Sat, re for Specifie Blood Polson others ean’t sare. AN Private | hed E Abu Wi Pebility, Lost Ma: “ood, Bras Loe arco & iricury (mo niticg) Kid v& Bladder. Small Shrunken Srgam. 2 tor B et —— poring 7 & Coun an or Boo STpmiap. er tracde. Seoreet. naranceed. treatment. or write