THE WEBKLY BULLETIN a THE BULLETIN | MOUNT JOY, PA. J. B. SOHROLL, Bditor & Prop'r. RR EE SUBSORIPTION ONLY 50c A YEAR Six Months. .. ....25 Cents Entered at the post office at Mount Joy as second-class mall matter, All correspondents must have thelr communications reach this office not later than Monday. Telephone news of importance between that time and 12 o'locck noon Wednesday. Chan- ges for advertisements must posi- tively reach this office not later than Monday night. New advertisements inserted if copy reaches us Tuesday might. Advertising rates on appli cation. Ee ———— A Wreck at Landisville, About 6 o'clock last Tuesday morn- ing a wreck occurred at the Landis ville crossing of the Philadelphia & Reading Railroad. Two P. & R. cars and the caboose were derailed while shifting. The accident was due to a rope dropping down, which was fastened to the water tank and catching the guard rail and the main track. As a result the cars were lifted off the track. One car was nearly overturned, but was held up by being coupled to another car. No- body was injured, but the interlock- ing plant was damaged. The Co- lumbia wrecking crew cleared th: tracks and trafic was only delayed for a brief time. nent A — Tendered a Kitchen Shower. In honor of the recent marriage of their teacher, Mr. 'W. H. Pool, the pupils of the East Petersburg Gram- mar school on Friday evening ten- dered him a kitchen shower at his home. Mr. Pool was taken com- pletely by surprise and was almost at a loss for words to express his thanks to the pupils. The “shower” com- prised about everything for use in the culinary department of the house Mr. Pool is most appreciative of the kind regards of his pupils. ntl A Will Build a Fine Store. The firm of Hager & Brothers, at Lancaster, the West King street mer- chants, contemplate radical changes and improvements in their big store and it is understood that operations will begin in the spring, to erect a five-storied building. The work will be done in such a manner so as not to interfere with the business of the store. When completed it will pe one of the finest establishments in that city. eet From Far-Off Africa. Mount Joy friends have received a letter from Rev. John M. Sheetz, for- merly of Rapho township, who is now in South Africa, in the interest of the Prethren in Christ missionary work. He has been in Transvaal, the country made famous through the Boer War. Rev. Sheetz has been in the church in which Paul Kruger, the President of the Trans- vaal and leader of the Boer War, used to preach. eel ee Hoffer-Heisey. Mr. Arthur Enos Hoffer, son of Allen Hoffer, and Miss Sue Heisey, both of Rapho township, were mar- ried on Thursday evening at the home of the bride, by Rev. Henry Hoffer. On Sunday a reception was held at the home of the groom. tee tl A Cr Deer at Hershey. Two young deer were recently re- ceived by M. S. Hershey for the large park at Hershey. These deer are very beautiful and attract a great deal of attention. It is expected that several more will be received later. ere Ce. A Case From Bainbridge. Mr. John Shundike, arrested in Bainbridge by Constable Price on the charges of false pretense and de- frauding a boarding-house keeper, has been committed for a hearing be- fore Alderman Stauffer at Lancaster. eet ee Many medicinal elements so bene- ficial to one kind of animal cause serious injury to some other kind. That's why there is a separate Fair- fleld Blood Tonic for each kind of animal. Ask for free book. For sale by F. H. Baker, Mount Joy; H. C. Greider, Landisville, and D. B. Ebersole, Elizabethtown. rere A Qe Marriage Licenses. Frank G. Bostic and Carrie M. M. Meister, both of Marietta. N. S. Kendig of East Donegal, and Annie L. Walters of West Donegal. a, YY Talk Is Cheap When you ean get a telephone in your house for $12.00 a year. Call up the Columbia Telephone Company and they will tell you all sbout it. eee tl Geer. Many People Are Sick. Penn township has a measles epi- demic; Rapho has many cases of typhoid; measles and mumps are rag- ing in Manheim township. eet ne: Execution Issued. H. B. Gingrich and Brother of Lawn, have issued an execution for $140 against Mr. Joseph H. Detwiler of this place. react, weaken the chronic constipation. ts operate easily, tone eure constipation. ggist for them. Harsh Ho ~~ Cured of severe compound WARREN TOPPAN, Lynn, Mass. stopped the terrible cou surprises me most, at t it cured me of asevere stomach trouble that has bothered me for 20 years. cold and cough by ol “From Dec. 20, '08, to March 1, "09, 1 had three bad colds, one on top of the other. 1 got so weak I could hardly get around. Nothing seemed to help me until 1 began to take Vinol. The change was magic. Three bottles com= pletely fixed that compound cold and h—and what e same time Vinol is certainly a wonderful medicine.” Mr. Toppan is one of Lynn’s most prominent and highly respected merchants, whose word is as good as his bond. The reason Vinol is so successful in such cases is because it contains the two most world-famed tonics—the medicinal, strength- ening, body-building elements of Cod Liver Oil and Tonic Iron. Your Money Back If You Are Not Satisfied. E. W. GARBER, Druggist, Mt. Joy. Wart & SHAND Wart & SHAND New Spring Styles Misses’ Suits: Skirts Women’s We invite SPRING MODELS in Tailored Suits and Skirts. The many favorable comments heard on every side by customers who have have—as usual—struck the keynote of success. styles Arrange to see this successful collection. buy. New Man Tailored Suits $13.75— Very Pretty Spring Suits of Tan and Gray Striped Coat is long; three-quarter fitted. Deep Silk moire facing Guaranteed satin full pleated skirt: elegantly tailored; Spec- Worsteds. roll collar. to match. lining. New,, ial, $13.75. $15.00—Striped Suit, of very fine two-tone worsted, in navy and black; coat is long, lined with guaranteed lining. collar: pretty pleated skirt; the later for less than $20; Special, $15.00. $22.50—Misses’ very fine ‘Wale or plain Serge, black and tan, Ask to Suit cannot be At in navy and AND 34 36 inches | we say they are elegant values gun metal | you can depend on it they are. Mannish $2.95 Stylish Skirts, of sold strictly man-tailored. this model, try see workmanship; nary. $25.00—Adozen styles this price, in Navy, Black, Gray Tan, Electric, Mode, etc.; coats 39 to 36 inches; all lined with inspection seen them convinced us that our Spring inches Suit, examine it on and notice the collar and style, that is so different from the ordi- the to this week's showing of NEW No urging to the finest Messalines, Taffetas or Silk Serge; Skirts are made in the new cluster pleat or tun- ic effect. Many of these styles will cost more in season; Special, $25.00. New Skirts We put on sale to-day a big lot of stylish, new Spring mod- els in Women’s and Misses’ Skirts. These garments are made by one of the foremost makers in New York, and when Shepherd’s Plaid; pleated effect with narrow folds of black at foot; also, pretty Panama Skirts, in new plaited effects at same price. of of 29 32 Skirts, checks, $3.75—Misses’ Black and White -yo pojeard ‘3uol soyosul |¢ OF ects, with five narrow bands of self material at bottom. At $5.50—Your choice of a dozen styles, in Panama, Wor- steds, Sicilian Serge, Voliles, ete.; all the newest pleated or tunic styles; Special, $5.50. at New York Store Corner Square & E. King Sf., Lancaster GOODFU DN is the only kind I sell—Furniture that is Furniture Rockers Mirrors Picture Frames Extension & Other Tables, Davenports Ladies’ Desks China Closets, Kitchen Cabinets In fact anything 1n the Furniture Line Undertaking and Embaiming MOUNT JOX, PENNA Now for Choice Fruit For some time past I have given the public the benefit of cheap fruit as I was over stocked. While I still have fru't galore, it is not of the “penny-apiece’”’ kind. If you want something nice I have it. Don’t forget I have fresh Fish such as Trout, Catfish, Steak-fish ev @ Hall Racks H.C. BRUNNER Farmers’ Column SOME USEFUL INFORMATION FOR FARMERS—READ IT The Acidity of Soils and How to Cure Winter Work for Horses—Lice and Mite in the Poultry House—— Cow and Hog on the Dairy Farm. In a territory like the west, where dairy Interests are increasing rapidly, it would seem that there is an oppor- tunity to raise a large number of hogs in connection with the dairies. If there are any two animals which are particularly fitted to go together on one farm they are the dairy cows and the pigs. In cases where dalr- jes are run for city purposes and all the milk sold direct there may be some excuse for the proprietor not raising any hogs, but on farms where only cream is sold and the skim- milk kept at home, the absence of a good herd of pigs shows bad man- agement, There is probably no one article of diet that is cheaper or more capable of producing quick growth in pigs than fresh skimmilk, and the pig-pen is the one market where ev- ery dairyman can dispose of the sur- plus skimmilk with the greatest pro- fit. The poultry house absolutely free of lice and mites is the happy excep- tion and not the general rule. One must be ever vigilant and constant- ly aggressive in the warfare against these pests in order to even keep them in subjection says the writer in an exchange. When a breeder tells me that not a louse or mite can be found in his poultry domain I cannot help thinking that a thorough investi gation of the houses would discover some of these torments hidden away under perches or in some dark cor- ner. Why this doubt of my brother or sister breeder’s assertion, do you ask? Well, the time was when I made like assertions, and thought truthfully, but I had a rude awaken- ing from my dream of louseless and miteless houses and fowls. Just as soon as I became aware of the pres- ence of lice, a general cleaning was the order of the day, but never since have I declared as emphatically as in the times before 1 discovered the un- welcome residents that there were neither lice or mites in my poultry house. Whether you know that there are lice or mites present or not it will do no harm to treat the houses as if you were sure the unwelcome insects were there. Spray the per- ches often with some one of the good lice killers on the marketand occasion ally dust the fowls well with a good insect powder. After the ground freezes in the fall a large majority of the farmers do not have enough work for their horses to give them a sufficient a- mount of exercise. When horses are first confined after having had plenty of outdoor exercise all summer they have trouble with swelled legs, and other derangements. The best way to prevent these troubles is to adjust the food to the changed con- ditions of the horses. Those of the horses that do very little work dur- ing the winter do not need much grain if they are getting all the hay they can eat. Horses can be kept in excellent condition when fed oats straw that has been stowed in the mow and a very little grain. Bran makes an excellent feed for the great er part of the winter grain ration; it keeps the digestive system in good healthy condition. An occasional mess of boiled oats is greatly relish- ed by the horse; a feed of this kind should be given at least once a week. Carrots make an excellent feed dur- nig the winter and most horses are very fond of them. Horses should always have warm and well bedded quarters. Give them water the first thing in the morning and last thing in the evening. Have a lump of rock salt in each stall that they can go to daily. Acid soils are readily detected by the reaction which they give with sensitive litmus paper. In making the test the moistened soil is pressed against the blue litmus paper, which changes to red in the presence of free acids. Acid soils are made produc- tive by using lime and other alkaline material to neutralize the humic ac- id before applying farm and other manures. Acid soils are not suita- ble for the production of clover le- gumes. Experiments by {Wheeler at the Rhode Island Experiment Sta- tion indicates that there are large areas of acid soils in the Eastern States which were much improved when treated with airslacked lime. There is great difference in the pow- er of plants to live in acid soils. Some agricultural crops as legumes are particularly sensitive, while many weeds have such strong power of en- durance that they thrive in the pres- ence of acids. Weeds frequently reflect that character of the soil as to acidity, in the same way that an al- kaline soil is indicated by the plants produced. The acid and alkaline compounds of the soils greatly in- fluence the bacterial flora. In the presence of strong acids or alkalis, many of the bacterial changes neces- sary for the elaboration of plant food fail to take place. sm Gsm Pyrographic Work. I take this means of informing ery week. Telephone your order and the public that I am prepared to do you will be served promptly. EDarmakanp's Green Crocery East Main St., Mount Jov. all kinds of pyrographic work. Drop me a card and it will receive prompt attention. Yours for business, it RALPH ESHLEMAN. ll A Advertise in the Bulletin. It pays Cattle Feed BOVETA is a mixed feed reg- istered in the State of Pennsyl- vania, and guaranteed to pass inspection. 17 PER CENT. PROTEIN Agricultural departments and States which have made feeding trials are unanimous in report- ing cotton seed meal and hulls as an excellent cattle feed when properly mixed. BOVETA is the registered name of a sclentific mixture of cotton seed meal and hulls. WEIGHED BY MACHINERY MIXED BY MACHINERY No chance for an error in the ingredients because, after each ingredient is weighed by machinery. Every Carload is Analyzed Be- fore Shipment Hence we can be absolutely cer- tain in every .case that The Feed in the Bag is the same as the Claim on the Tag BOVETA cannot contain weed seeds. It is sterelized. BOVETA should not be con- founded with cheap feeds made by adulterating cotton seed meal with ground particles of hulls. BOVETA is made by the Southern Cotton Oil Co., Char- lotte, N. O., and sold by Leander Gantz, Mount Joy, Penna. Cypher’s Incubator “The Standard Hateher of the World.” ALSO BROODERS Poultry Supplies Sprecher & Ganss 31 E. King St. LANCASTER, PA. FRR IRI HAIR HIN K 0. A. Wiley Justice of the Peace Conveyancer and Scrivener Special Attention Given to the Collection of Rents Your Patronage Solicitea Office: Main Street, Florin, Penna. FRANCE HAAN AANA AINA Krall Meat Market I always have on hand anything in the line of Smoked Meats, Ham, Bologna, Dried Beef, Lard, Etc. Also Fresh Beef, Veal, Pork and Mutton. Prices always right. H, H. KRALL West Main Street, Opp. Bank, MOUNT JOY, PA. Bell Telephone. Phtoo Supplies I have always on hand the most staple Photo Supplies that can be had such as Seeds’ D. Plates, Seeds’ De- velopers, Developing Papers, Kodak Films, Brownie Films, Trays, Tripods, Toning Solutions, Intensifiers, Velox Liquid Developer, Emerald Acid, Cleaning and HardeningSolution, Ko- dak Tank Developers, Passe-Partout Binding, Flash Powders, Printing Frames, Stereographic Views, b0c a Set; Tray Thermometers. W.B.BENDER Shaving Hair Cutting Shampooing E. Main St.,, Mount Joy Agency for Standard Steam Laundry NOTICE. Estate of Kate H. Stauffer, late of Mount Joy Borough, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that all per- sons indebted to said estate are re- quested to make immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the same will present them without delay for settlement to the undersigned, Mount Joy, Pa., Route No. 2. M. N. STAUFFER, S. N. STAUFFER, jan 27-6t. Attorneys for the Heirs ad a koa ded dedetetetatetetotetatete tote to fotetelugute dug td DOES YOUR Piano or Organ NEED 0 a 2000 Tuning or Repairing? We have one of the most complete factories in the state, We do anything in Repair Work and Tuning. Our factory is in charge of men with years of experience, ALL WORK GUARANTEED. © A SB) RO 0G © a Na ) . Kirk Johnson & Company Piano and Organ EXouso 24 West King Street, LANCASTER, PENNA. SERGE RNNTTUNCTVDVLOD rt H. B. MANBY in charge of our Repair Department. SULTS BGG OV BIST HHS OTS LCST VLSOSVTLDSVESS TOVV020 SH2Q0H0 SLB SOSA VSEOBBHOOBQOGCGGRGOGRRS We Have Decided to Continue Our Special Sale Until March 1st : For the next fifteen days you will have an opportuuity to buy HOFFMIER BROS.” FURNITURE at the sume sharp cut as It has been sold during the last fifteen days, There is a Cut-Price Throughout the Entire Stock with still a very good showing of SPECIAL, COLOR TAGS Green, Yellow and Pink which means a Cut of 40, 30 and 20 Per Cent discount from the regular prices. If vou have a Furniture Want you certainly would do yourself an lujustice should you fail to compare These Special Values with other Sale Prices, Hoffmeier Brothers 40 & 42 Bast King St., Lancaster SOME DAY You'll be wandering around feeling generally ‘sore’ because your When this time you something about the good Storm Shoes we sell. feet are wet and cold. comes remember that we told How warm, dry and comfortable they feel, and how well they'd look on your feet. We don’t sell all the good shoes in the world, but we don’t intend to sell any other kind. Shaub & Co. on a shoe means good, whether you pay $3.00, $4.00, $5.00, $6.00 or $7.00. SHAUEB & CO. BOOTS, SHOES, RUBBERS and HOSIERY 18 North Queen Street, LANCASTER, PENNA. RETR us Our Creat January Sale Is now at its height. You ought to see the bargains we are show- ing all through our store. Special Sale of Rugs and Carpets We are showing about three hundred styles of large Rugs, at such low prices you cannot get away from them. 75¢c Brussels Carpet for 59c¢c. Sewed, lined and laid. 80c Brussels Carpet for 69c. Sewed, lined and laid. 85c¢. Brussels Carpet for 73c¢. Sewed, lined and laid. Axminster Carpet for 98c¢c and $1.10, worth $1.25 and $1.35. Makt your selections of Spring Furniture now while the prices are down, you know we will hold it for you until you want it if you pay a small deposit on it. We have already laid back a lot of outfits, why not yours? WESTENBERGER MALEY & MyERs, LANCASTER, PA. . 125 AND 127 BAST KING ST. Special Wateh Sale" Our Special Prices on Watches have brought to us the largest Watch business in the city. Every Watch we sell means a customer added to our long list, as we sell only watches which we can fully guarantee. We want everybody in Lancaster City and County to take advantage of this sale, and benefit by these Bargains. 15 Men’s Gold-Filled Watches—20-year movements; worth from $15 to $18. Special for $9.00 10 Open Face Gold Filled Watches, latest Thin Models, in 12 and 16 ba sizes, Elgin or Waltham movements; the best $15 Watches to be had any- where. Our SpEtIGL Price. «icv s sts vi en vrvinnses es inssnens $10.50 $15 Gold Filled Watches, 16 12 size and also O size, for Ladies, handsomely hand-engraved, or plain, Elgin movements, guarantced for 20 years. Now $10.76 cases, Elgin Pirosh L Simmons Next Door to Shaub & Co’s. Shoe Store CASTER bo