THE WEEKLY BULLETIN anes Bring Her With You! OMEN know better than men what is good qua- lity in Cloth. They know a pure wool fabric when they see it, and they have good taste too in the selection of fabric, design and color. That is why we like you to Bring Her With You when you want to buy a new suit or overcoat. Ask for the International genuine all wool line, and put the question of worth to her. Intemational quality can stand the severest test aye--the test even of a bargain-hunting lady. BRING HER WITH YOU. H. E. EBERSOLE West Main St., Mount Joy PPP P9090P0LPH990090 09000004 Horse Health Depends Upon the Animal’s Ability to Resist Disease > The food given your horse during the Winter is difficult to di- gest because the ‘Curing’ process has robbed it of the digestive ele- ments contained in the natural saps and juices. SRPPEPPLOPL 04 This taxes the animal's digestive organs to the utmost and makes necessary an increased expenditure of Vital energy. The digestive organs become overworked, the Vitality lowered, and the blood filled with poisonous wastes resulting from undigest- \ ed and fermenting food-stuff. She oed BOWERED VITALITY lessens your animal's ability to resist disease and the poisons slow- ly accumulating in the blood make DISEASE CERTAIN unless pro per precautions are taken. An extra cold night, a draft in the sta- ble or exposure to inclement weather, while the horse is in this condition (and 99 horses out of every 100 ARE at this season) and the animal has a “Cold,”’—which may develop into PNEU- MONIA or INFLAMMATION OF THE LUNGS and END IN DEATH Don’t wait until this occurs. Keep the Vital energy of your horse at top notch and insure him against all forms of disease by the regular use of FAIRFIELD’S BLOOD TONIC FOR HORSES ONLY the Scientific Condition powder that makes Winter foods digestible and nourishing by adding to them the chemical elements contained in their natural saps and juices. Fairfield's Blood Tonic for Horses Only cuts down feed bills by enabling your horse to secure ALL the nutriment from his food, in- stead of only a PART of it as he does at present. It prevents and cures disease and puts your horse in the Pink of condition for the Spring work. It’s Small Dose makes it exceedingly economical and it is sold under a written guarantee by dealers named in small advertisements on other pages, whe also carry Fairfield’'s Roup Remedy for Poultry Fairfield's Lice Killer and Disinfectant Fairfield’s Blood Tonic for Horses Only Fairfield’s Milk Producer for Cattle Only FRE SEND FOR OUR SCIER- FREE TIFIC POULTRY BOOK Fairfield Manufacturing Co. Philadelphia, Penna. : % 4 # * ® 4 3 $ : ® | * ® ® & 3 4 ® ® ® 4 4 ¢ 2 4 ® % 4 ® ® + ? ¢ ¢ 4 ¢ ® ¢ ¢ ® % ® * : $0000000000000000000000000000 ¢ i GOPPP0P0PP000000000000000000P0000006000000000F HHO E. S. MOORE Dealer in Coal, Feed, Hay, Straw, Slate, Salt, Cement Lumber, Grain, and Fertilizer A large stock of Feed constantly on hand. Highest cash price paid for grain. Estimates on Lumber and Mill Work a Specialty FLORIN, PENNA. | SALE REGISTER | Please remember if we print your bills we will insert a notice of your | gale in our register from now until {the day of sale, FREE. Our large | circulation will thoroughly advertise | your sale, so send us your date at jonce for insertion in this list | Saturday, February 12--At the | Washington House, M. A. Spickler, proprietor, Mount Joy, a tract of land | on the side of West Main | street, Mount Joy with frame doub- | le house, 1} story frame house, frame south | stable and outbuildings by Charles F. Eckhardt, Deceased Zeller, Monday, Feb. 14-—At the Florin Hotel stock yards, a carload of Frank lin county fresh cows and springers bologna Also a extra fine shoats by E. Vogle, auct. few COWS, lot of M. Souder, Monday, Feb. 14-—0n the premises of John Resh jr., in West Hempfield township, near Silver Springs, a lot of ground with improvements and a large lot of household goods by Lewig Resh and Peter Resh. Zeller, auct. Saturday, Feb, 19—At his place of business in Mount Joy, a large lot of consisting of wagons, corn planters, cul- engines, harness, Zeller, auct. Thursday, February 24—On the premises in Salunga, 2 lots of ground with a two-story brick dwelling large brick wash house, a frame stable, chicken house etc. by The Peoples Trust Co., of Lancaster, Trustee of the Heirs of Anna Hertz- ler, deceased. Zeller, auct. Thursday, Feb. 24—O0On the prem- and a large agt. implements mowers, tivators, gasoline ete., by G. Moyer. binders, ete., ises in the village of Salunga, large lot of household and kitchen furni- ture consisting of wardrobe, side- stoves, chairs, carpets, by H. B. Hertzler. board, beds, mattings, ete. Zeller, auct. Saturday, Feb. 26—On the prem- ises of H. H. Randler, in Penn town- ship, near the White Oak Railroad Station, pair of mules, 20 horses, lot of cows, 3 bulls, 4 fat steers, lot of shoats and a large lot of farming im- plements by Ed. Ream. Zeller, auctioneer. Tuesday, March 1-—On the Philip Frank farm, two miles north of Mt Joy , horses, mules, cows, bulls, shoats, sows, boar, large lot of farm- ing implements and a lot of house- hold goods by Harry Derr. Also a lot of buggies, jennylinds, spring wagons, and a large lot of harness by M. B. Hiestand, Zeller, auct. Thursday, March 3—On the Mum- ma farm, in East Donegal township, near Doregal Springs, a large lot of Jive stock and farming implements by S. Smith and Bro. Pierce, auct. Friday, March 4th—On the premises at the western borough limits of Mount Joy, one good horse, 2 cows, a large lot of farming imple- ments and a lot of household goods by B. E. Hiestand. Minnich, auct. Saturday, March 5—On the road leading from Mount Joy to Masterson ville, at the mill formerly known as Geyer’s, lot of mules, horses, cows and farming implements By Charles Maderia. Zeller, auct. Monday, March 7-—On the Eman- uel Eby farm, Rapho township, two miles east of Mount Joy, near Strick- ler’s church, 3 horses, 8 cows, boar, lot of shoats, lot of chickens and a large lot of good as new farming implements by Abram G. Brubaker. Zeller, auct. Tuesday, March 8th—On the pre- mises of the undersigned near Stauf- fer’s Mill, in East Donegal township horses, cows, bull, lot of pigs, large lot of farming implements and house- hold goods by A N. Hostetter. o. H. Zeller, auct Wednesday, March 9—On the prem ises one-half mile west of Newtown, horse, 3 chickens, lot of farming implements and a large lot of household goods by Anna E. Grosh. Zeller, auct. Thursday, March 10—On the pre- mises of the undersigned in East Donegal township, on the road lead- ing from the Mount Joy and Mariet- ta turnpike to Stauffer’s Mill, mules, cows, bull, fat hogs, sow, lot of shoats, chickens and a large lot of farm implements by Jacob Hoffines. Zeller, auct. » cows, shoats, Wednesday, March 16—Qn__ the John Croll farm in West Donegal township, on the road leading from Maytown to Donegal Springs, 1-4 mile north of the former place, horses, cows, shoats, large lot of farming implements and household goods by Mr. Henry C. Beshler. Zeller, auc. Tuesday, March 22—On the prem ises of the undersigned near Donegal the Cameron farm, a large lot of household goods by J. H. Zeller, auct. Springs, on Corman. Ready For Your Posters If you want a good, neat, yet cheap and attractive poster for advertising vour sale this We use good ink. good pap- er, white or colored, have an excell- ent biil equipment,. aa" hun- dreds of illustrations with which to} do them Our mechanical ability is | only equalled by the best. Last | but not least we have a paper with abig circulation in which to advertise | If you want a good sale, good printing for advertising. | Too many people are ever ready to judge the sale by the appearance of | the advertising matter. Think this this Spring, get it at | office. sale your sale. use over and let us hear from you. ..Off- | ice rear of Mount Joy Hall : —:0: : Bvery dollar} shirt at I. D. Bene- man’s can be I bjught now at 75 cents. i / MOUNT JOY HALL | | StarCourse EEE Friday, Feb. 18th, 1910 Sidney Landon Tuesday, March 1st. 1910 Lyceum Ladies’ Quartette Monday, March, 14, 1910 Chicago Ladies’ Orchestra General Admission, . : .30 8 Reserved Seats, ... sees 8 Chart at Garbers, Storr Buying Experiments | and the JUST AS GOOD | AUTOMOBILES The best don’t cost any more, and in the end they are the cheapest. You know the un- disputed worth of the BUICK PEERLESS LOCOMOBILE WINTON SIX Sold strictly on their merits. We have some excellent second- hand cars that will be sold very reasonable. Lancaster Automobile Co. AGENTS FOR Buick, Peerless, Locomobile, Winton Six. 215 N, Prince St., The Only Strictly First-Class Garage and Repair Shop in Lancaster City or County Ship SEE SR For a Neat and Clean Shave, Hair Cut or Shampoo, go to Joseph Hershey Fine Tonserial Parlor Fast Main Street, Mount Jov, Pa. Lancaster, Pa ORPHANS’ COURT SALE ———o0f' VALUABLE REAL ESTATE On Saturday, Feb. 12, 1910 at 2 p. m. In pursuance of an order of the Orphans’ Court of Lancaster County will be sold by the undersigned Trus- tee in the Estate of Samuel H. Eck- hardt, deceased, the following des- cribed real estate, to wit: All that certain tract of land, sit- uate in the borough of Mount Joy. Lancaster County, Pa., upon which are erected a double two-story and attic frame dwelling house, one and one-half story frame dwelling house, large two-story frame stable and other necessary outbuildings, bound- ed and described as follows: Be- ginning at the southwest corner of W. Main and Lumber streets, thence extending eastward along the south side of West Main street 100.4 ft.; thence southward 220 ft. 6 in. to Jacob street, thence westward along the north side of Jacob street 100 ft. to Lumber street, thence north- ward along the east side of Lumber street 227 ft. 6 in. to the place of be- ginning. Sale to be held at the Washington House, Mount Joy, Pa., at 2 o'clock p. m., Saturday, Feb. 12, 1910, when terms and conditions will be made »lkenown by . CHARLES F. ECKHARDT, Trustee in the Estate of Samuel H. Eckhardt, Decd. Chas. H. Zeller, auct. B. F. Davis, Attorney. CHICHESTER SPILLS DIAMOND { <= BRAND ot® 2 ~ = xq Ber, potlue® 15) TY Suppl ay © utes, x of ge \& LADIES Ack your Druzztat for CTII-CHES-TER'S DIAMOND bihaND PILLS in RED and Gorp metallic boxes, sealed with Blue & Ribbon, Buy of your 8 ES.TER S fi i as Best, Safest, / ALL DR 3 UGGISTS ne EVERYWHERE WORTH TESTE JEFFERSON L. BISHOP SHINNAHONAS FLORIN, PENNA. se « % * = I will promptly remove all Dead Animals on short notice. Tele- phone Moore’s Mill or Carmany’s Store, Florin, Penna., or drop me a card. Your patronage solicited. Advertise in the Bulletin. It pays ata In every section of the county, show Foster & Cochran's have been sharing largely in this homes are being busily prepared outfitting Carpet & Furniture forNew Homes for their future more than ever, occupants as our records With so many people depending on the reliable qualities and advantageous prices at Foster & Coch rans, (for many articles are reduced) it would be strange indeed If among your neighbors and frends there were not some who have | wrofited by these helpful savings at Foster & Cochran's. hose of you who are planning their new houses will do well to investigate these savings. New Velvet Carpets at 75¢c. Yd. A remarkable low price for t hese half dozen patterns that just arrived for these carpets will compare to their advantage with many 90¢ and $1.00 a yd. rapidly, so it would be well to lined, laid.) 95¢ Carpets. patterns you will like. ed, lined and laid.) instead of $1.15 and $1.26 for Axminster Part rolls of several (Sew- OVER HALF A HUNDRED SATURDAY SPECIALS Will be advertised in the Thurs day and Friday daily papers of Lancaster, Columbia and Coatesville. Be sure to see them and come for your share Saturday Only. Yellow Cards point them out. So strong a value should sell come promptly (Sewed, 56¢ 76¢ Brussels. A nice range of patterns awaits your choosing; suitable for any room in the house, including hall and stairs. is taking this 70¢ and 40¢ INGRAINS, Three patterns select from. 20¢. are here to RAG CARPETS. A large range of patterns at $12 KASHMIRE RUGS, $9.98 25¢, 32¢, up to 65c. Four Good Patterns. You Never Needed Furniture At a Better Time For during February you can save on articles for every room in the house, $13.50 Kitchen Cabinet $12.50 $12.50 Wardrobe ....$10.00 $12.50 Iron Bed ...... 8 7.50 35.00 Brass Bed ...... $26.50 $ 5.00 Parlor Table ..8 3.00 $16.50 Library Table . .$12.50 $12.90 Dining Room Chalrg. ..o.vvniivvnr $10.90 $ 6.90 and $7.50 Rock- QAI8 Carer ries $ 5.00 $26.50 $12.50 Sideboard Dining N Needed House Furnishings, Carefully Provided In the Basement you will find all the House Furnishing Articles you will need, showing careful se- lection so that you may have good dependable articles at low prices. needs are anticipated. Carpet Sweepers $1.98 to $5.00 Wringers, $1.75 to $3.75. Clothes Racks, 50¢ to 98c. Step Ladders, 75¢, 95¢, to $2.50 Wash Boards, 25¢, 35¢ and 39¢ Cedar Tubs, 98¢c, $1.20, $1.40. Pine Tubs, 63c¢, 98c, $1.20. Butter Moulds, 25c. Table Oil Cloth (1% yd.) 20ec. Table Oil Cloth (1% yd.) 25c. Shelf Oil Cloth at 3¢ a yd. Stair Oil Cloth at 8¢ a yd. Linoleum at 90¢ to $1.35 per Nine Good Kinds of Washing Machines The Uneeda at $4.00. Majestic at $5.50. National, Peerless, Banner at $6.00. Boss at $7.00. Rex at $8.00. Sanitary at $8.50. Enamelware, 10¢ to $1.50. Aluminum, 25¢ to $5.50. Veribest & Baskets, Tableware, Pie Boards, Wash Boilers, and scores of other articles useful square yard. 32-38 East King S te, avery day. FOSTER) 2» GOCHRAN Come and see how well your Dinner Sets to Buy Because now you can select from a good number of patterns and save $2.00 to $6.50 on each. $12.90 to $15.00 Sets at $10.00 Blue and gold, rose and eold, and many other patterns. $16.50 Sets at $12.50. Floral decorations, 100 pieces. $21.50 to $25.00 Sets at $18.50. Handsome decorations in Ro- man gold, red and gold, etc $2.98 Toilet Sets at$2.39 Neat decorations, 9 pieces. Others, $1.98 to $7.50. LANCASTER, PENNA. ce 820.00 Table ..$10.0¢ And scores of others to see | | \S 0000000000000 00000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000 000000 000000000006 00000000 Notice to the Public I. D. BENEMAN’S Winter Clearing Sale will con‘inue the whole month of February. Every Suit, Overcoats, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Underwear, Gloves, Ladies’ Coats, Skirts, Waists, in fac’ his entire stock must be sold to make room for his Spring and Summer stoc k. Everything is being sold regardless of cost. Don’t miss this great money-saving opportunity. See one of our bills and note the low prices. I. Leading Clothier ° D. E. Main BENENMAN St., MOUNT JOY 0000000000000 000000000000000000000 0000000000 4 || 0000000000000 000000000000000000000¢ ways Reliable. | gu "1 During this ! the utmost quantity of beyond our greateset New Year's Sale THE S. S. S. STORE New Year's Sale of ours, there has been no thought in our minds, other than to give merchandise, for the least amount of outlay on your part—We've succeeded hopes, in this sale and proud on that account, to think that we are doing just a little better than the other merchants in Lancaster City and County, in value giving, else this sale could not be so great a success. For The Best Merchandise and Lowest Prices Give The S. S. S. Store a Chance SETOERES For Women Ladies’ $3.65 Tan Willow and Russia Calf, hand sewed Shoes, $2.89. Ladies’ $3.50 Patent Colt But- ton and Blucher, hand sewed Shoes, $2.89. Ladies’ $3 ‘SUCCESS’ Shoes, hand sewed (8 kinds), $2.49. Ladies’ 3.50 Black Russia, Button and Blucher, hand sewed Shoes, $2.69. Ladies’ $3 Vici Kid Shoes, calf tops, hand sewed, $2.15. Ladies’ $2.75 Vici Kid; and Blucher, hand sewed $1.98. Ladies’ $2.75 Vici Kid, lace and button Shoes, $1.89. Ladies’ $1.60 Vici Kid, lace and button shoes, $1.29. Button Shees, ladies’ 9%¢c. Crochet Slippers, 69c. Ladies’ 63c. Crochet Slippers, t9c. For Men Men's $4.00 and $4.50 Winter Tan Shoes, $2.95. Men's $4.00 “RALSTON’S” heavy weights, $3.45. Men's $3.00 “SUCCESS” heavy weight Shoes, $2.49. Boys’ $3.00 high cut Lotus Tan Calf Shpes, double soles, $1.89. Boys’ $2.25 Vici Blucher Shoes, $1.49. Youths’ $1.75 Box Calf Blucher Shoes, $1.24. Little Gents’ $2.00 high cut lL.ot us Tan Calf Shoes, $1.39. CILOTEEING CHILDREN’S DOUBLE-BREASTED SUIT 3 $7.50 Suits $6.00 Suits $5.00 Suits $4.00 Suits $3.50 Suits 3 Suits $3.00 BOYS’ SUITS Worsteds, Cassimeres andCheviots Newest Colorings and Patterns Goat $18.00 Suits... ....... $14.50 $16.00 Suits... ......... $12.50 $15.00 Suits ............ $11.50 314.00 Suits... ....... $10.50 $12.00 Suits... ....:..... $9.50 $10.00 Suits. .......... $7.75 $ 3.50-Swits ........... $6.75 $7.50 Suits -............. 5.75 $6.00: Suits ............. $175 MEN'S LIGHT-WEIGHT OVERCO IS Our $18.00 Oevrcoats....$! 100 Our $16.00 Overcoats....$14.00 Our $14.00 Overcoats....$10.50 Our $12.00 Overcoats....$.9.50 Our $10.00 Overcoats....$.8.00 MEN'S SUITS About everything you could ask for in colors and patterns—cassi- meres and. worsteds. $18.00 Suits ........... $14.50 $16.00 Suites ......... $12.50 $15.00 Suits -............, $11.50 $14.00 Suits ..........; $10 $312.00 Suits. ........... $.9 $10.00 Suits... i) $. MEN'S AND BOYS’ GLOVES dc kind-..... ..%.. .. 2. 42¢ $1.50. kinds... [2 $1.19 31.00 Kinds... ...... .... S9c $2.00 kinds ............ $1.49 $2.50 kinds...) i. $1.87 UNDERWEAR Strictly first grade of under- wear for men; all sizes. Regular 50c garments 42ec. 3 Lots of Wool Underwear— Regular $1.00 kinds at 75¢ a gar- ment. Not all sizes. Boys’ 25¢. fleece lined garments also the ribbed ones 19c¢. each. 50¢. fleece lined ones to go at 42c. SHIRTS Men’s 50c¢ Outing Shirts, at 42c. Men's 50c and T75c. Negligee Shirts, 42c. Men's $1.00 Negligee and Pleat- ed Bosom Shirts 79c. Men's $1.50 Negligee and Pleat- ed Bosom Shirts $1.19. ayres Twenty 28 & 30 cheid & Years with E. King St. weeton Villiamson’s ancaster, Pa. Co 56 Be Sn Ca Sh H. Cle Sm Ral Ral rn vice on | m. he offic Bi lard M Ol meet Ww © com] Of Dn Bent Tr 8. B Qu Mrs. Mi Ad Be An publi Mr short the « ceptic press 250,0 The ¢ a poi large Stand ler ha numb presel An currec and t fourte Schoo school outbre Mowe specto Sui Eli Comm Southe cover the pl to his ship. Don saving own ¢