The weekly bulletin. (Florin, Penn'a.) 1901-1912, February 09, 1910, Image 2

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Values, Better
to what extent we meet
You may come with
realization that you will
All our Men's and
Men's $20.00 Suits and
Men’s $18.50 Suits aud
Men's $15.00 Suits
Men's $12.50 Suits and
You will find many
we cannot quote.
Hart Schaffner & Marz
Mount Joy Hall Building.
CocococoRRR leccecllaRRRR
It Means the Absolute Assurance
of Better Clothes,

When you bave such assurance you should
have no hesitancy in at least seeing for yourself
The greater they are the more pleasure in the
and Overcoats........ $11.50
Little Boys’ $4.00 Suits and Overcoats....$ 3.00
Lt le Foys' $3.00 Suits and Overcoats....§ 2.25
Come in and see them.

Selection, Better
your ideas.
the greatest expectations.
find here.
Boys' Clothing bear new
Overcoats........ $16.00
Overcoats........ $14.50
Overcoats........ $ 9.00
more bargains here which

George Hambright, of

The second symphony concert in Mrs.

Florin, emo dd :
| Mount Joy Women Are Finding Re-| township on
| a —
{ Those That Will be Called by Mr, |
Charles H. Zeller, Auctioneer | HAPPENINGS IN
git Florin Affairs
Our Hustling and Wide
Neighbor Village, Florin,
Mr. Ephraim Hershe)
|ing tobacco on Monday
spent Sunday in
spent Saturday and Sunday in
Mr. and Mrs. J. D.
| Sunday with friends at Elizabethtown
Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Lyda Sheaffer of
Clesta Carson of Lancaster,
Easton spent
| town,
| Mrs. Alice Morton and son Alpheus
| spent Sunday with friends at Middle-
| town,
Mrs. George Hambright spent sev-
. | eral days at Rheems as the guest of
Saturday, Feb. 12-—At the Wash-| 0 ds
ington House, Mount Joy, a lot of | oe
ground with improvements in the| Mr. Abram Butzer moved from the
West ward of Mount Joy Borough by | Schwanger property to the Harry S.
Charles F. Eckhardt, Trustee in Es-|gto1l property.
tate of Samuel H. Eckhardt, Decd. |

. Mrs. Gantz and son Clarence spent
Feb. 14-—On the premi-|jpyigay in town the Mrs
ses of Johu Resh jr.,, near Silver | iel Brand
Springs, a lot of ground with im-|YaRIe ranat.
provements and a large lot of house-|
hold goods by Lewis Resh and Peter |
Monday, guests of
spent Sunday in town as the guest
(of Miss Anna Wittle.
Wednesday, Feb. 16-—At Sporting| Mr. J. D. Easton spent
Hill, lot of horses, wagons, harness |;.cqay and Thursday at Lincoln as
and a lot of household goods by Ben- the st of his brother
jamin Shearer. | 2 ues Of nis brother.
- : Miss Annie Buohl of Moun
Thursday, February 17th—Near| ° lo @ ed A ne :
Stern’s meeting house, in Mount Joy | 2s the guest of her friend Miss Em-
township, live stock and implements | ma Dyer in this place on Sunday.
by Aaron G. and Allen G. Gipple, ad- George Forney and Mr.
ministrators of John G. Gipple, dec.
Saturday, Feb. 19—At his ware-|the guests of Mr. J. S. Carmany.
rooms on West Donegal street, Mount! The Florin hotel is wearing a fine
| §
Joy, Pa., large lot of wagons, imple-| pew coat of paint and was greatly
ments, etc, by G. Moyer. and remodeled thruout.
Howard Keeler is nursing a num-
Thursday, Feb. 24—O0n the prem- |
with improvements such as a large| pe says.
brick house, summer house, frame |
stable and outbuildings by the Peo-| :
ples Trust Co., of Lancaster, Trustee [attended lyceum at Maytown on last
of the Heirs of Anna Hertzler, Dec. Friday evening.
Feb. Misses Blanche Zeller
are spending several days with their
Quite a number of our young folks
25—Near Zeamer's| and Jennie

horse, cows,
bikin 3 y oming op Ju { many friends at Harrisburg and Mid-
| use 1 8 as y Jaco ‘ rignt.
| household goods by Jacob rig dietown.
| Saturday, Feb. 26—On the prem-{ ; 7 gnvder and his force of this
| ises near White Oak Station, in Penn | ace. Src ercotit a -1aby
the farm tenanted by |P!aC€, are erecting a spacious labra-

aah aii 5 ie shape ia GND r REY avs i 1 fe ily | | v8 - «A i do
the Presbyterian Memorial chapel js spending several days in the family Hef at Last | Harry Rendler, horses, cows, shoats|tory at the Alexander Vaccine Farms
last eveing was a pronounced success of H. B. Brandt. a op land farming implements by Ed | at Marietta.
i OrY i " y 5 It does seem that women have more : | :
in every particular The chapel | G. W. Baker, a steam shovel en- as a Ream. f Miss Margie Longenecker and
a « " 2S | be - i luda
was filled to its utmost capacity and gineer, spent Monday and Tuesday than : al are of ihe hes ad Monday, Feb. 28—On the premi-| Miss Peters of Middletown spent
; ig ; > concert. ' i rachi ‘ pains that afflict humanity; they mus y i : ,
all were delighted with the concert, in Washington, D. C. re a : : . | ses, near Mount Joy, mules, cows, [Sunday in town as the guest of Miss
the Presbyterian Sunday school or Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Shenk attended | keep up," must attend to duties n 1 1 lot of farming imple-| Bertha El
Shy é sunday - Mr. & \ Ji ONenK @ : i. : . and a large lot o arming 1 -|{ Bertha Eby.
hes all of artists wi vat p . hie He .r. David | SPite of constantly aching backs, or : ee : 2 ! } .
chestra and all of the artists who as-| the funeral of his brother, avic ments by Simon R. Snyder. | Mrs. J. S. Carmany and William

sisted them acquitting themselves
most admirably.
The following officers of
Wiliam H. Child Post, No.
A. R., were elected and installed for
the year 1910: Post Commander,
Wiliam H. Sweigart; senior vice
commander, Ira C. Knoll; junior
vice commander, Harry Pickel; chap-
lin, Stephen Maloney, quartermaster,
G. G. Lindsay; adjutant, Daniel Heil- Isaac Grove's property
man; sergeant major, John G. Engle; Enterline's property on
surgeon, John Thuma; officer of the on Tuesday.
day, Frederick Roberson; inner Operator A.
guard, William Filby; guard, home with a
Martin Eisenberger. ! Treichler, of
The river was frozen over for the tending him.
third time Sunday night, when the
226, G. in, spent Sunday in the
Postmaster and
The Rheems school
ride on Thursday, visiting
Mrs. Amelia Shearer flitted
into John G
Main street
outer severe
mercury was flirting with the zero son Jacob, of Bainbridge, took a 3
mark. In some localities two above sleigh ride, visiting Mr. and Mrs. and added to this were headaches
zero is the coldest while David E. Henry on Wednesday.
in others the mark was three below. Wesley Shenk, who
‘The river is considerably higher now a position in Riest, Nissley
than when it was frozen over before, creamery. at Mt. Joy,
but the start comes too late in the of his new duties on Wednesday.
winter to eause any apprehension on Miss Anna Wolgemuth left on
the part of those who live close to Wednesday for Vogansville, Md.,
its banks. | where she expects to spend some
0: time as the guest of her brother,
: Harry Wolgemuth.
A Sleighing Party i
On Wednesday evening a very pome of Cyrus Evans,
participated in a sleighing party.| gp
Jacob Strickler’s mule team conveyed |
the merry-makers to the Five Points
Hotel, Columbia where several hours gverheated stove pipe.
were spent and at a seasonable time The funeral of Phares M. Charles-
refreshments were served at Wolf's | (on was largely attended on Tuesday
restaurant, where all did ample jus-| Among those who attended from a
tice. Those who filled the sled| distance were Iur. and Mrs. A. J.
were: Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Strick-| powell, of Indiana; Harry Charleston
ler, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Strickler, |and family, of Emigsville, and John
Mr. and MTs. Isaac Eshleman, of
Maytown; Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Sau-
der, of Marietta; Mr. and Mrs. Dan-
iel Derr, of this place; Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Zeiger, of Rheems; Mr. Ed-
ward Mutzer, was the teamster.
A Wonderful Discovery for Pimples
It is surprising how quickly and
easily pimples and black-heads can
be cured with the following pres-
eription, which was made known to
‘the public a short time ago by a cel-
-ebrated specialist on skin diseases,
now retired, who used it in a long
and successful practice with wonder-
ful results. To use his own words:
“There is nothing yet discovered
Thursday morning.
and a suit of clothes and overcoats
were burned. The cause was an
Charleston, and family, of Columbia.


WANTED—A second-hand surrey.
Apply at this office.

it also destroys the germ that causes
the disease and makes the cure per-
manent.” Following is the pre-
scription, which can be prepared at
any relaible drug store at
ther one ounce, Alcohol, seven oun-
the parts affected night and morning
letting it remain on the face for ten
that can compare with it for prompt- or fifteen minutes then it can be
ly removing pimples, eczema, black- wiped off. Do not use any soap,
heads, blotches, red face and noses, use a little oat mezl tied up in a
and in fact any disease of the skin: cheese cloth bag.

Sheaffer's Restaurant
and Confectionery
ere SOS omen

Mount Joy

Shank, near Running Pump, on Tues-
Martin Eshleman and wife of Flor-
family of
Mrs. P. N. Kraybill.
took a sleigh
schools in Mt. Joy and East Donegal
H. Eppler is ill at his
cold. Dr.
Elizabethtown, is at-
Mr. and Mrs. Harry K. Floyd and
has accepted
& Co.
took charge
A small fire which occurred at the reliable remedy and gladly recom-
b was exting-
pleasant time was had by all who|yished with a few buckets of water
A chair | Now York, sole agents for the Unit-
a small |
Clearola, one half ounce, E-|
Mix, shake well and apply to
| headaches, dizzy spells, bearing-down
pains: they must stoop over, when to
stoop means torture. They must
walk and bend and work with racking
pains and many aches from kidney
ills. Kidneys cause more suffering
than any other organ of the body.
Keep the kidneys well and health is
easily maintained. Read of a reme-
dy for kidneys only that helps and
cures the kidneys and is endorsed
by people you know.
Mrs. L. P. Heilig, Main street, Mt.
Joy Pa., says: “I was troubld with
kidney complaint for a long time and
in spite of the many remedies I used
was unable to find relief. I often
suffered so severely from a weak back
that I was unable to get up or down
and dizzy spells, during which spots
floated before my eyes. I had near-
ly all the symptoms which accompany
kidney trouble and was feeling mis-
erable. I finally saw Doan’s Kid-
ny Pills advertised and procured a
box. They helped me from the first
The pains became less severe and I
was soon better in every way. I
| consider Doan’s Kidney Pills to be a
mend them to others.”
For sale by all dealers. Price 50
cents. Foster-Milburn & Co., Buffalo
ed States.
{ Remember the
jand take no other.

| On Wednesday Lincoln school was
‘out with C. Emerson Rohrer, teacher.
| Mrs. H. H. Rohrer entertained a
i number of her friends at a carpet rag
[ party on Tuesday evening.
| The United Zion Children held ser-
'vices in the Union church on Sunday
| morning.
| David Eshleman’s of near Eliza-
| bethtown horse, was not stolen as re-
{ ported last week. The supposed
thief was chased by one of the farm
| hands and traced to his home, but
| there it ended. He had taken noth-
ing to conviet him.
, P. B. Gibble had his school out on
| Tuesday afternoon. The first stop
was made at the Union school along
the Marietta pike. From there
| they went to the schools at Donegal
Springs. They were out. Then
Tuesday, March 1—On the Philip | Dierolf spent Saturday at Elizabeth-
! Frank farm, two miles north of Mt. | town as guests of friends and rela-
(Joy, lot or horses, mules, cows, shotes | {;vqq
and farming implements by Harry 7 ; :
Dore | Mr. Michael Myers’ horse fright-
Thursday, Marsh © 3-- Near. New | ened, tore loose and ran away the
sday, Marc 3—Near New-| : irk :
town, Lancaster County, mules, hor- | other day. The only damage was a
ses, cows and implements by Rev. |broken sleigh.
xi n |
Eli M. Engle. | Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Engle and their
Saturday, March 5—On the road| Whi . i
: = 1ile Harry Hers S ace
leading from Mount Joy to Master-| Arr § sh of this place,
sonville, at the mill formerly known | W as returning home from work in a
as Geyer’s, 4 fine mules, horses, cows, | sleigh, he was so unfortunate as to
and farming implements by Charles | ypset. The horse ran away but we
Maderia. ; !
¥ are pleased to say that the driver es-
: Saturday, March 5—At the Cross caped with only slight bruises.
Keys hotel in Marietta at 7.30 p. m.

real estate for William Reed. 0
Monday, March 7—Near Strick- 5 : an iy xe
ler’'s Meeting House, on Emanuel NORTH WEST RAPHO ECHOES
Miss Rena Geib is on the sick list.
Nearly all of the drifted roads are
now open again.
Miss Emma George, teacher, and
the pupils of Chiques Hill school
were out visiting schools Wednesday.
John B. Bradley, wife and daugh- |
ters, Mabel and Edna, were welcome
visitors in the family of U. Z. Geib, |
Well, the ground hog saw his shad-
ow, and even threw the same on the
south side of the sun in the form of |
a rainbow in the morning.
On Sunday afternoon a number of
converts were baptized by trine im-
mersion by the members of the church !
of the Brethren, in the stream on the |
farm of Herman Geib.
S. S. Shelley and Henry Ulrich de-
livered their tobacco to Elizabeth-
town, last Friday, at 113% and 3. Jno.
Longenecker sold his crop at 9 and
3, and John Witmer his at 113 and 3.
Ulrich and Son, packers, at Eliza-
bethtown, were the purchasers. |
Eby’s farm, live stock and implements
by A. G. Brubaker.
Tuesday, March 8—Near Stauffer’s
Mill, in East Donegal township, live
stock and farming implements by
Abraham N. Hostetter.
Wednesday, March 9—Near the
Oil Station, on the road to Columbia,
horse, cows, farming implements and
household goods by Mrs. Eli Grosh.
Thursday, March 10—Midway be-
tween Mount Joy and Marietta, live
stock and implements by Jacob Hoff-
Friday, March 11-—Near Hossler’s
Church, in Rapho township, horse,
cows, shoats, implements and house-
hold goods by Amos Werner.
Saturday, March 12—In Mount
Joy Borough, a large lot of household
goods by Mrs. D. U. Stoner.
March 15—Near Done-
gal Springs, on the Cameron farm,
in East Donegal township, mules,
horses, cows, shoats and farming im-
plements by A. B. Lutz.
Wednesday, March 16—On the Ja-
cob Croll farm, in East Donegal town
ship, near Maytown, horses, cows,
shoats and farming implements by
Henry Beshler.
Thursday, March
Mount Joy borough, on the Jacob
Zercher farm, mules, horses, cows,
shoats and farming implements by
Andrew H. Zercher.
Friday, March 18—On the Jonas
Hoffman farm near Newtown, in Aes .
Rapho township, horses, mules, Hol-|McFail’s Ferry stood like the rock of
stein cows, shoats and farming im-|Gibraltar in the recent flood, and as
plements by A. S. Reed. the waters subsided, showed little, |
Tuesday, March 22—Near Done-|if any, damage from the fierce on-
gal Springs, on the Cameron farm, |gjaueht which further down the riv
Im, | slaught, riv
large lot of household goods and Kkit- | La i er
houses from their fastnesses,

Big Dam Withstood Flood.
With millions of tons of ice being
battered against them by a twenty-
foot flood that would appear irresist- |
ible, the towering cement walls of
the great dam almost completed at

to Rheems. They were out also, so
| was Joint school north of Florin. At]
Florin Mr. Hoffer was busy at work. |
Joint school arrived there about the |
| same time. Mr. Hoffer is an ex- |
perienced and very jolly teacher.
{ All were well entertained.
| Gibble and Cyrus H. Good delivered |
short and interesting speeches at both,
| stops. The weather was fine aug)
i sleighing very good and all seemed
| well pleased with the trip.
Messrs. |
ses {eee
| Poultry diseases are caused by the]
[lack of proper care or wrong combi-
nations of food. Fairfield’'s Egg
| Producer makes the regular ration
a properly balanced one, increases
egg production apd fortifies the sys-
tem against all f@ ms of disease.
For sale by FY H. Baker, Mount
Joy: H. C. Greid4r, Landisville, and
D., B. Ebersole, Eljzabethtown.

ubscribe for the Bulletin; 50c yr.
’ swept
chen furniture by J. H. Corman. (yep : S
thousands from their homes
fand piled up damages that will reach
FY 2 . |drove
Saturday, March 26—At his Liv-
ery, Sale and Exchange Stables, Mt. | ehh
Joy, a large lot of horses consisting [Over a million dollars. The scene
of drivers, workers and general pus-| at McCall's which was the
pose horses by Ed. Ream. mecca for sight-seers, when the flood
and jam was at its height, is almost
The huge blocks of
ice were forced to the height of the
as Fasnacht, was observed yesterday. |immense cement walls, blocked the |
The day marked the close of the time [large openings for a time, but grad-
for festivals, dances, etc. Strict | ually were ground to pieces and the
observers of Lent, which begins to-|Seething and angry waters permitted
day, will seclude themselves from !to pass down to create a havoe un-
worldly pleasure until Easter. To- | surpassed in the lower Susquehanna.
day is Ash Wednesday.
er ere


Beginning of Lent | indescribible.
Shrove Tuesday, commonly known


titties & oi | Your horses will be in better con-
Notice is hereby given to the man | gition for Spring work if you feed
and woman that if they detain the|them Fairfield’s Blood Tonic for Hor- :
sleighing party again they will be|ses Only. It cleans the digestive
dealt with according to law. | tract, purifies the blood, expels
i ov BR | worms and increases vitality. Re-
| sults are guaranteed when directions
Felt boots, rubber boots and shoes are carefully followed. |
at I. D. Beneman’s are sold cheaper
than elseMhere.
| For sale by F. H. Baker, Mount
Joy; H.LC. Greider, Landisville, and
|D. B. Effrsole. Elizabethtown.
began pack-
Mr. James Shellenberger of York, |
last Wed-
Joy, |
Groff of |
{ Lancaster spent Sunday in town as!
ises in Salunga, two lots of ground | ber of ulcers that are good company
| went to his home in sleighs.
i ments
| hour after which all
| druggists in fifty cent and dollar sizes
| lowing described real estate, situate
| joining lands of Henry Strickler and
| ing of Lots Nos. 4 and 5 in said vil-
| story brick dwelling with slate roof,
| ten rooms and attic; two-story brick
| on the 24th day of February, 1910,
Local and Personal Briefs That Have
Occurred Since Our Last Issue in
Awake |
Mount Joy
spent |
in the borough of Elizabeth- |
If you had positive proo
| female ills had made many
not feel like trying it?
f that a certain remedy for
remarkable cures, would you
If during the last thirty years we have not succeeded in
convincing every fair-minded woman that Lydia E. P#k-
ham’s Vegetable Compound has cured thousands and thou
sands of women of the ills peculiar to their sex, then we
to be genuine and truthful.
long for an opportunity to do so by direct correspondence.
Meanwhile read the following letters which we guarantee
Hudson, Ohio.—*T suffered for a long time from a weakness,
inflammation, dreadful pains each month and suppression. E
had been doctoring and receiving only temporary relief, when a
friend advised me to take Lydia E. Pinkham’s
I did so, and wrote to you for advice.
egetable Coms«
I have faithfully
followed your directions and now, after taking only five bottles
| of the Vegetable Compound, I h
St. Regis Fal
55 had that] ha
imedicine and
letter for the

the roots and
female diseases.
ave every reason to believe I am
| awell woman. I give you full permission to use my testimonial.”
— Mrs. Lena Carmeoecino, Hudson, Ohio.
R. F.D. No. 7.
1s, N. Y.—“Two years ago I was
d to talie to my bed every month,
and it would last from two to three weeks.
wrote to you for advice and took Lydia E.Pink-
ham’s Vegetable Compound in dry form.
happy to say that I am cured, thanks to your
good advice. You may use oy
good of others,” — Mrs. J. H.
Breyere, St. ilegis Falls, N.Y.
There is absolutely no doubt about the
ability of this grand old remedy, made from
herbs of our fields, to cure
We possess volumes of proof of this fact,
enough to convince the most skeptical.
For 30 years Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable
Compound has been the standard remedy for
female ills. No sick woman does justice to
herself who will not try this famous medicine.
from roots and herbs, and
has thousands of cures to its credit.
Mrs. Pinkham invites all sick women
to write her for advice.
guided thousands to health free of charge.
Address Mrs, Pinkham, Lynn, Mass.
Made exciusivel

revival services are still in|
Silver Spring with four;
conversions thus far.
Mr. John Myers, of Landisvil.e,
with his family, were the guests of |
of their parents Mr. and Mrs. Sam-|
uel Myers ov
Divine services were held here on|
Ser |
progress at
n hy the pastor.
. |
Sunday |
Sunday afternce
vices will be tcid again on
Friday, March 4—Near Horst’s| children and Mr. and Mrs. Frank | afternoon, Fe). 20, when baptism |
: JS , hi ivel Car : thi . . " y : : :
Mill, in Mount Joy township, live| Carson and children of Mount Joy! and communion will be held.
stock and implements by Abraham |__ _ leasantly . 4 : ;
Nornhold. | were pleasantly entertained by Mr. | Mrs. Efie Mumma received thirty
{and Mrs. Simon Gish on Sunday | eight handkerchiefs and several
fancy postal cards last week at the
anniversary of her thirty-fifth birth- |
day from her many friends.
A very pleasant surprise party was
held last week at the residence of
Carl Frank, residing near Maytown,
when a number of. his relatives and
friends from this place and Marietta
evening was pleasantly spent in vo-
cal music and social chat and refresh-
served at a seasonable
returned to
ness { en ntce—
Women as well as men
are made miserable hy
Kidney and Bladder
To troubl Dr. Kil
y rouble. I. ilmer’s
BLAME Swamp-Root, the great
kidney remedy promptly relieves. At
You may have sample bottle by mail
free,also pamphlet telling all about it
Address, Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bing-
hamton, N. Y.
iC mmimss—an
DeLong pays more for eggs the
year round than any one else.
This paper only costs 50c a year.


On Thursday, the 24th day of Feb-
ruary, 1910, the undersigned will ex-
pose to positive public sale the fol-
on Front street in the village of Sa-
lunga, Lancaster County, Pa., con-
taining in front eighty feet, more or
less, and extending in depth two hun-
dred and eight feet, more or less, ad-
the Mary Erisman Estate. Consist-
lage of Salunga.
Improvements consist of a two-
back building; one-story frame wash-
house; frame stable with room for
two horses and four carriages; chick-
en house and wood shed. There is
a cistern in the kitchen, an artesian
well on the premises, cement pave-
ment and the house is so located as
to permit room for another house
on the lot. Woodwork is painted
and the house is newly papered thru-
out. Persons desiring to view the
premises before day of sale call on
J. S. Wise, second door west.
Sale to be held on the premises
at 2.30 o'clock, p. m. when terms of
sale will be made known by the un-
of Lancaster, Pa.
Trusee of the Heirs of Anna Hertz-
ler, Deceased. #
Coyle & Keller, Attorneys.
Chas. H. Zeller, Auct.
Poo, 6: Fo THEEL, S35 Hotth
BE Fi var St
eure for Syecitie Jiloud Poisans others sadd sun
She has

Enumerators of the County
Yesterday morning Census Super-
At the meeting of the Mount Joy
authorities that his
division of his district
The plan will
Lancaster city thirty-eight
enumerating districts and to
Lancaster county one hundred and
ten (110) districts.
This will require one hundred and
forty-eight (148) enumerators for
Lancaster county.
tional census
had been accepted.
work of
give to
€uxs. ZELLER
Real Estate and
Insurance Office
Calling and Crerking
of Pubic Sates
Settlement ofestates, collection of rents, surveyingand
The Oldest
Trunk and Bag
In the State

Bags from_.._._____B50gto $15.00
Suit Cases... $1.00 to $18.00
Trunks from.......... $2.00 to $25.00

Large Steck Harness!
Lowest Prices,
Harness Maker
30 Penn Square,

Lancaster, Pa
Moving Pictures
Mount Joy Hall
* k x x 3
On Saturday, Evening
Good Ventilation
Very Comfortable
Plain Pictures
Best Music
Ample Room
Good Order
. 28 We
Come when you please and stay
as long as you like.

All Private Diseases, Excesses, Abuses. Wi Nervous
Debility, Lost Manhood, D Lowes, Varicocele & Stricture,
(no eutting) Kidney & ladder, J
practical 86 years hospital Therienes in any.
ity ad .
Bend tor Book, tells all, exposing {ity & Country adverbuing
Admission, Scts