PAGE THRER SEE OUR HATS, CAPS and GLOVES Of Every FOR MEN Wingert 'SEASONABLE GOODS North Queen Street, LANCASTER, PENNA. LINE OF Description, AND BOYS. & Haas fu. B. Martin & Go. sPicture D t this season? We have unusual facilities for Black Frames, 15¢. up. Fine, richly carved and inlaid Ovals, Squares, etc. \New Mirrors, oval and square. \ New Carpets, Rugs and Wall Paper b for S ¥ Paper hangers must be kept bu prices of paper and work such as to tempt you. Worth your while to look into. uary. We Clean and Re-Lay Carpets time. We have large, dry house to storm or leaks. 4 Corner of West King & Prince Streets. wns ThE RPeople’s,en. le and Granite Works J JOKN H. KEENER, Owner and Proprietor. Marl , Penna. & OMAS, Mer. Mavtow BFACTION Have you received one of the pretty Many of them are worth framing. | New Pictures and Frames at Greatly Reduced Prices, 1 Special Wall Paper Sale Next Week. oth vlaces. prises Everything Known to the Trade epartment Calendars that we’'e putting this work. Neat brown, gold, Oak frames, 45c¢. to $1.00. pring The only way to do is to make This we do every Jan- sy. any day. No need to engage special dry them, if they get wet through Elizabethtown, Pa. CHAS. W. COBLE, Mgr. Ind. Phone 610 D Best Work at Lowest Prices GUARANTEED CRE BA B94 HY 1o'sH Furniture Warerooms HB A Mount Jo Underta —D eG Pee Homemade Furniture a Specially ’ Upholstering Done to Order a POPLAR LUMBER FOR SALE IN LOTS TO SUIT THE PURCHASERS. rie Pom serene king and Embalming v, Penna. a) STORE Wrcat January Combined oles ! ‘e will \ We consolidate these sales to set . we will speak explicitly, facts 1.gread the shadow—the subs s to grasp. he annual mercantile event yrtunities to buy below o little to do with prices king way for the new hek of these sales, for oparatigng in the sto on your sho nth of Janu- Undermuslins epresented. NELET- DISPLAY t 59¢ and any styles tra wide, at 50c.; and $1. 00 and es at 50 ue. HE BOSTON THE BOSTON Wednesday, January 12th, 1910 start our January Clearance Sales, Combined With Our Annual White Sale—A Double Event. ular 75¢ value. 39¢ each. STORE on foot a month of wonderful selling. will be detailed, but as a whole you tance must be left for the eyes to see for which so many people wait, pre- the regular prices of last season. and profits will not be thought of. goods. Our whole reputation and which we 7re making some of the re’s history. pping list for the coming Wednesday ary—the extent of these sales. will prove a price example of the WARM UNDERWEAR FOR WIN- TRY WEATHER. Women’s Fleece Lined Pants at 19¢ each. Heavy Fleeced Vests and Pants at 25¢ a garment. ‘Women’s Union Suits at 69¢c; reg- Childrer’s Heavy Union Suits at 19¢c each. Men’s Heavy Fleeced Underwear, “High Rock” at 50c¢ each. Another style, almost as heavy, at Warm Sweater Coats, for men and boys at 50¢ each. 35 and 37 THE STATE'S AID, What the Authorities Are Doing for Tuburcalar Victims, That the State ald extended to tuberculous sufferers through the Department of Health dispensaries Is reaching the really needy is evi- denced by careful statistics that our Health Commissioner Dixon has Just compiled, These statistics which are based upon a total of 9,363 patients ex- amined at the dispensaries, of whom 6,728 were found to have tubureculos- Is, during a period of seventeen months ending December 31, 1908 shows that the average family in- come in the homes from which these patients came was $24.63 per month, The average number of persons in the family was 4.38 and the average per capita income $5.60. “These facts are particularly grat- ifying” sald Dr. Dixon today. “With the thousands of tuburculous patients who we are asked to help it is quite possible that occasionally the state's charity is imposed upon. We are fully justified, by the tabulated rec- ords, in drawing the conclusion that the really needy poor among Pennsyl vania’s unfortunate victims of tubur- culosis are the ones that are being helped, just as the law making the appropriation contemplated.” An interesting study of the possi- ble source of infection can be made from the dispensary statistics. In 2,404 cases, there was reason to bhe- lieve that the diseases were contract- ed in the home from another mem- ber of the family. This shows how important is the work which the vis- iting nurses of the dispensaries are doing in teaching the members of the household how to guard against be- ing infected by one of the family who has the- disease. In 474 cases the possible source of infection was a fellow employe. Fully alive to the danger from this source the State Department of Health has communicated direct with all the large employers of labor thru out the state, urging the necessity of frequent medical inspection and calling attention to the State’s dis- pensaries where suspected cases a- mong the poor will be examined at any time free. 10 erm— Corn, Dairy, Apple and Live Stock Show. At the College of Veterinary Medi- cine, University of Pennsylvania, in Philadelphia, on February 2, 3 snd 4th, the joint meetings of the Penn- sylvania Live Stock Breeders’ Asso- ciation and the Pennsylvania Dairy Union will be held. Sixty-two cash prizes are offered for eorn. The ap- cured. The Pennsylvania Agricul- ticultural Association has been se- cured. The ePnnsylvania Agricul- tural College will make a display and demonstration. There will be a big butter, cheese and milk show. A notable show of horses, both stal- lions and geldings, will be held. Me Laughlin Brothers of Columbus, Ohio, will furnish a select lot of fine Percheron and French Coach stal- lions, and Belgians, Clydesdales, Shires Suffolks, Arabians and Mor- gans will be shown. Cattle of lead- ing beef and dairy breeds will be on hand. Cattle, sheep and swine will be used in demonstrations on foot and on the block, conducted by ex- perts. Everything is free to the public. For corn entry blanks ap- ply to E. S. Bayard, Secretary, 203 Shady Avenue, E. E., Pittsburg, Pa. MEN and —— Kidney trouble prays upon the mind, discou- rages and lessens ambi tion; beauty, vigor and WOMEN cheerfulness soon dis- appear when the kidneys are out of order or diseased. For good results use Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy. At druggists. Sample bottle by mail free, also pam- phlet. Address, Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bing- hamton, N. Y. rien li en ms Trolley Stock Sold. At a public sale of stock at Lan- caster on Monday, the following stock was sold: Twenty shares of Lancaster and Mount Joy trolley stock to B. B. Barr at $60.50 per share. Five shares of Lancaster and Mt. Joy Railway stock to B. B. Barr at $60.75 per share. Fifteen shares of Lancaster and Mount Joy Railway stock to Landis R. Heller for $60.25 per share. 20° m——— For Sale Very Cheap Having no further use for same as I have installed steam heat, I will dispose of the following very reason- Mle, all of which are in good condi- von One large size Peninsular Parlor Heater Letter E., Chicago-Buffalo make, with heater and stove pipe. Apply at the Exchange Hotel, Mt. Joy, Pa. ——— is Surveyed the Roads. In compliance with the new State law the supervisors of West Hemp- field township have had their roads surveyed. There are 1 and 48-100 miles of public road and 14 and 37- 100 miles of turnpike roads in the township. This will give the town- ship an increase of about $400 in their State appropriation for public roads. Make your hens lay their eggs while you can get good prices. Fair field’s Egg-Producer makes the hen keep up her summer average in the winter by supplying egg-making ma- terial and stimulating the egg-pro- ducing organs. For sale by F. H. Baker, Mount THE WEEKLY BULLETIN CHICHESTER SPILLS DIAMOND BRAND ot — Re, po¥tio ~~ Supe a oe LADIES t Goro metallic boxes, sealed with Blu Ribbon, Taxk®m NO OTHER. Bu of Jour ied and sak for ONL.ONEAT LR 8 DIAMOND BRAND PILLS, for twenty. five years regarded as Best, Safest, Always Relfable, SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS Zu EVERYWHERE 2% TRIRD TEST Trolley Schedule Lancaster, Rohrerstown, Landisville, Salun~ ga, Mount Joy and Elizabethtown Street Railway Company WESTWARD Leave Lancaster—us m, 4 30,516, 6 15,7 16, 8 15 015,10 16 1115; PP. m, 1216, 1156, 215, 315, 4 16, B15, 5 45, 6 15, 7 15, 8 15, 0 16, 11 15, Leave Rohrerstown—u m, 4 50, 585, 685, 736 835,935 1085, 1135, Pm, 1235 135 235 336 4 35, 5 85, 6 05, 6 35,7 85, 835, 9 85, 11 35, Leave Landisvillo—A m, 612, 557, 657, 7567 887, 957,10057, 1167. Pm, 12 57, 167, 257, 3067 4 07, 5 57,6 27,6 67, 7 57, 867, 967, 11 57 Leave Salunga—A m, 5 15, 6 00, 700, 8 00, 10 00, 11 00,12 00. FP m, 1 00, 2 00, 3 60, 400, 6.00, 6 30, 7 00, 5 00, H 00, 10 00, 1200, Leave Mount Joy—A m, 530, 615, 715, 915,10 15, 11 16. Pm, 1215, 115, 2 15, 3 15, 615, 6 15, 6 45, 7 16, 8 15, 9 16,10 15 A m, 12 15, your Druggtat for CHI.CHES.-TER'S IAMOND BKAND PILLS in Rrp EO 1) 00 Hw 815 410 Arrive at Elizabethtown—A m, 645, 745, 8456 045,1045, 11 46, Pm, 1245, 145, 245, 345, 4 46 545,6 456,745,845, 945,1045. Am, 12 39, EASTWARD Leave Elizabethtown- A m, 6 45, 7 45, 8 45, 945 1045, 11 45. Pm, 1245, 1 45, 245, 3456, 4 45, 5H 46 645,7 45,845,945, 1046. A m, 12 30, Leave Mount Joy—A m, 630x, 716, 81£, 916 1015, 11 15. P m, 12 16,115, 2 I6, 315, 4 15, 6 15 825: 645,715,815,915,1015,11 16. Am 45. Leave Salunga— A m, 6 45x, 730, 8 30, 9 30 10 80, 11 80. Pm, 12 80, 1 30, 2 30, 8 30, 4 30 5 80, 6 30, 780, 7 39, 830, 930, 10 30, 1130 Am, 100, Leave Landisville—A m, 5 48x, 733, 8 33, 9 33 1033,1133. Pm, 1233,133, 233,833, 433, 6533 633, 703, 733,873, 933,1033, 1133, Am, 108 Leave Rohrerstown—A m, 610x, 755, 855, 9 55,10 55,11 65. Pm, 12 55, 1 65, 2 55, 3 55 4 55, 5 65, 6565, 726, 765. 855, 055, 1055 1166. Am 125, Arrive at Lancaster—A m, 30x, 815, 915 1015, 1115. Pm, 12 15,1 15,2 15,3 15, 415 615,618, 715, 7 45, 815, 9 15, 10 15, 11 1¢ Am,12 15, 1 45. On Saturdays a car will leave Lancaster at 10 156 p m; Leave Elizabethtown 11 45 p. m. On Saturdays an 1 special occasions ears will be run between Lancaster and Mount Joy every half hour from 6 15 a m to 8 16 p m. Sundays, first car leaves Lancaster at ¢ 15 a m Leave Elizabethtown at 7 45a m. Car marked (x) connects with News Express at Lancaster, Yes—I am selling Trees, Shrubbery, Hedging, Grape Vines, in fact anything you can mention in this line. The best from one of the best nurseries in the land and at rea- sonable prices with a liberal guaran- tee. Better drop me a card before buying. This is a good time to se- lect. Landscape gardening a spe- cialty. AMOS B. ROOT Magazine Specialist MOUNT JOY, PENNA. NOTARY PUBLIC. WwW. M. HOLT.OWBUSH ATTORNEY-AL-LAW, 48 West Main Street, Mount Joy, Penna, Monday and Friday at No Duke Street Days at Lancaster, 52 North STOP AT THE Sorrel Horse Hotel West KING ST., LANCASTER The annex now complete with the SORREL HORSE, makes a frontage of 49, 52, 58 and 5 West King Street. Dinner 25 cents. Best accommodations in every respect. A share of your patronage solicited, A. B. ADAMS. Pro A cure guaranteed if you use uoy's [LES resi: Suppository D. Matt. Thompson, Sup't Graded Schools, Statesville, N. C., writes: * I can say they do all you elaim for them.” Dr, 8B. M, Devore, #8 Raven Rock, W. Va., writes; “ They give universal satis. faction.” Dr. H. D. MoGlll, Clarksburg, Tenn., writes: “In a practice of 23 years, I have found no remedy to equal yours.” Puics, 60 Bold », Cxnra, Bamples Free. © MARTIN RUDY, LANCASTER, PA, Sold In Mt. Joy by E. W. Garber CALL FOR FREE SAMPIE ‘We are Always Prepared to serve Pure Spring Water ICE IN ANY QUANTITY at Very Moderate Charges. Don’t fail to see us before plac- ing your order this year. d. N. Stauffer & Bro. Mount Joy, Penna. WHY... work for $10 per week When you can double your Salary through a course with the Harrisburg Automobile School. For Terms and Prospects write ® % % 2 = HARRISBURG AUTO. SCHOOL ard and Hamilton Streets. Windsor Hotel W. T. BRUBAKER, Manager. Midway between Broad Street Sta- tion and Reading Terminal on Fil- bert Streer. European, $1.00 per day and up. American, $2.50 per day and up. The only mederate priced hotel of reputation and consequence in PHILADELPHIA. “Had dyspepsia or indigestion for years. No appetite and what I did eat distressed me terribly. Burdock Joy; B.C. Greider, Landisville, and D. B. fbersole, Elizabethtown. Blood Bitters cured me.”—J. H. Walk er, Sunbury, Ohio. SPRING SALES A Most Complete List of the Entire Neighborhood, Following Is one of the most com- plete lists of Spring sales ever pub- lished in this section to be called by the numerous auctioneers in these parts: JANUARY 19 Ed Ober, Manheim. 20 C. H, Zeller, stks & bds, Mt. Joy FEBRUARY Grant Buffgton, Unlon Deposit. Milton “Gingrich, nr. Lyonsville, Val Hoerner, nr. Sand Beach, H. Resh, Lancaster. Grant Buffgton, nr. Union Deposit Lingle & Henry, nr, Palmyra. Willis Ober, nr. White Oak. H. Resh, Lancaster. Henry Keller, nr. Shellsville. Jac. M. Hoffman, Barnes School. M. W. Stoner, E. Hempfield. Dan. H. Landis, nr. Petersburg. Michael Kohr, Lower Swatara. W. I. Landis, nr. Vian, A. M. Gingrich, nr. Palmyra. John G. Gipple, dec. nr. Stern's Cyrus Walker, Green Tree Hotel KE. Shuey, Grantville, Geo. Druckenrod, Penn twp. C. G. Brandt, Gainsburg. G. Moyer, Mount Joy. Jos. Shissler, West Donegal. SHNWLWW TOTS ate X= =a=~1= Lx 19 21 J. Walters in Hummelstown. 21 Simon Kinsey, Mt. Joy twp. 22 Eli Ginder, Hossler’s Church. 22 Hettie Eberle, nr. Halfville, 22 Moses Lingle, nr. Grantville. 23 Jno Bowers, near Shoop’s Church Clayton Koser, nr Kreider’s. Joseph 8S. Gibble, Palmyra. Christ Good, Sunnyside school. David Eshleman, nr. Marietta. H. B. Gingrich, Union Spuare. Wm. Wagner, north of Hershey. Jac. Albright, nr. Kinderhook. Jac. Heincke, nr. Fairland. Frank Flowers, nr Hummelstown Harry Bechtel, nr. Elizabethtown David Gorden, nr. Hershey. Ed Ream, nr White Oak. L. W. Mumma, Grandview school, Will H. Erb, nr Palmyra. Michael Geyer, nr. Geyers Church Dan. M. Kulp, nr. Rheems D. B. Wolgemuth, Union Square. Near Mt. Joy by S. R. Snyder. wo poe ADDI NNTIe ia B IO OO CE DO BS DO it VION oS pon 0 oe wo : 28 [4 re MARCH Harry Derr, near Mount Joy. Aaron Becker, Back Run. H. S. Newcomer, Mount Joy. John S. Myers, Petersburg. Samuel Nye, Hershey’s church. B. F. Brandt, nr Royalton. B. Bradley, Rapho twp. Jacob S. Heisey, nr. Lawn, Elizabeth Hemperly, Grantville. Jacob Ebersole, nr. Elizabethtown Wm. Neidig, in Campbellstown, Eli M. Engle, nr Newtown. Wm. E. Nye, Chamber Hill. Amos Caslow & Bro., Donegal Sps A. H. Winters, Aberdeen. Allen K. Miller, Ruhl’s church. A. S. Earhart, nr. Manheim. Abram Nornholt, Horst’'s Mill. David Yingst, nr. Lawn. Ames Caslow, nr. Rheems. Ben Musser, nr. Maytown. Charles Maderia, Geyer’s Mill. Isaac L. Ebersole, Hanoverdale. S. W. Peters, Hershey. Wm. Shakespeare, Sand Beach. John Bruaw, nr Hillsdale. A. G. Brubaker, Stricklers church C. M. Althouse, Erbdale. Samuel Eby, nr. Bainbridge. Irvin Heisey, nr. Conoy church. Eman. Shelly, nr. Manheim. John G. Brandt, nr. Bellaire. Amos Lehman, nr. Hockersville. A. N. Hostetter, Stauffers Mill. Mrs: Eli Grosh, Florinel. Philip Habig, nr. Middletown. Ben Westenberger, Mt. Joy twp. J. A. G. Balmer, Petersburg. Ben. Snyder, Mastersonville. H. B. Gingrich, Union Square. Rev. Joseph Nissley, Stoverdale. Elmer B. Lehman, Lawn. Jac. Hoffines, Book’s Mill. Amos Werner, Hossler’s church. 1 G K. Burger, Est. Shelleys Island A. W. Mumma, Horst’s Mill. Amos Werner, Hossler’s church. John Shenk, nr. Maytown. C. H. Zeller, Mount Joy. John Kleinfelter, nr. Palmyra. Daniel Engle, Hummelstown. Harvey Curry, nr Union Deposit J. R. Shenk, Sunnyside School. Eman. Saylor, Ruhl’s church. Henry N. Becker, Mt. Joy twp. Clayton Hoffman, nr Conewago. A. B. Lutz, Donegal Springs. Henry Beshler, nr. Maytown. Jacob Reigle, Shellsville. Solomon Hoover, Donegal Sps. Kreider & Ginder, nr. Lawn. Wm. Etnoyer, nr. Highspire. H. Cassel, nr. Sand Beach. John Ebersole Hanoverdale. A. H. Zercher, near Mount Joy. A. N. Hostetter, Stauffer’s Mill. Wesley Shenk, White Oak. S. J. Beard, near White Oak. A. S. Reed, nr. Newtown. Amos Herr, nr. Elizabethtown. Samuel Stoner, nr. Elizabethtown Benj. Stoner, Mastersonville. J. H. Corman, Donegal Springs. Charles Reed, Lawn. S. G. Graybill, Conewago. B. W. Stoner, Rapho twp. J. B. Keller, Mount Joy. Keller & Co., Elizabethtown. 20: Bell Phone No 47-2. R. F. D. No. 1 ABRAM H. MARTIN, SALE CLERK. MOUNT JOY, PA. Clerking of sales of personal prop- erty and real estate promptly at- tended to. pt pd pk pd fd CIM maw ogo D or LOX PRLW=TI=~I=T=-31 CVn oi oi Be DO DO BO pb dk fd fd fd pd ed fd fd ped fk pd fk pd aaron 2 Don’t Cough, But Live Long If every cough were cured before it got a strong hold, human life would be lengthened by many years. If every coughing sufferer knew that Kemp’s Balsam would stop the cough in a few minutes, he would be glad to escape the serious consequences. If any medicine will cure a cough, Kemp's Balsam will do it. At drug- gists and dealers, 25 cents. Deeds Recorded. The following deeds have been re- corded since our last issue. Sarah E. Nissley to the trustees of the Masonic Home, 3 acres of land in West Donegal, $1,100. James A. Lynch’s heirs to Marga- ret A. and Agnes T. Lynch, 8 acres and 111 perches of land in West Donegal, $1.00. Margaret A. and Agnes T. Lynch, to the trustees of the Masonic Home, 5 acres of land in West Donegal, for $600. ——}: Roup is prevented and cured by the regular use of Fairfield’s Roup Remedy in the fowls drinking water. It purifies and cleanses the parts aff- ected and destroys the germ. Four oz. bottle, 25 cents. For sale by F. H. Baker, Mount Joy; H. C. Greider, Landisville, and D. B. Ebersole. Elizabethtown. Wednesday, January 19th, 1910, BUCHANAN & YOUNG Buy Wash Goods Now In The Big Sale And save 26g to $100 on Every dollar purchase you make Good, Desirable styles and qualities, Suitable for early spring wear. DRESS GINGHAMS, 7c. Good styles in Dress Ging- hams, plaids, checks and stripes tast colors, worth 10¢. | SATINES, 7ic. vress Satines in dark grounds with neat figures, worth 124¢ SEERSUOKFRS, 9c. Bates’ best Seersuckers, in stripes, plaids and checks: a eo worth 123c. FLANEL PLUSHE, 11c. Large bold bright styles and colors for Kimonos and dress- ing sacques; worth 16ec. SHEPHERD CHKOKS, Bic WOKS, Black and white Merc? ized Shepnerd Checks, three sige checks; worth 8. MADRAS, 11c. Yard-wide Shirting in stripes, neat worth 19c. Madras, figures and checks; WHITE GGODS, 7-. Neat white check Nainsook, and figured Madras; worth 156 cents, OUTINGS, Sc. Best styles in light colored Outing Fla 21 p p. uting Flannels worth 10c¢ WHITE MADRAS, 17c. Five patterns in fine White WHITE CAMBRIC, Sc. Madras Waistings; worth 25e, Yard wide fine white cambrie worth 10c. PETTICOATS, $1.25 Black Heatherbloom Petti- coats, made full, with deep ruf- fle flounce; all lengths; worth $2.50. GINGHAMS, 5c. Dress iinghams in neat checks and stripes mostly blue and pink worth Se. SPECIAL, $2.19. Waist patterns neatly boxed PERCALES, 9c. handsome pure white and co! Pcst yard wide Percales in ored embroidered fronts, worth light and dark colors; worth $3.60. 23 rents. “a 115-117 N. Queen St, hancaster. PIOGLPPOPP00000000000000000004 Before you leave the store, ask to see COMMUNITY SILVER. Plated ware equal to sterling Every piece of in style and durability. Community Silver WE HAVE A SPECIAL HOLIDAY ASSORTMENT, ing : : INCLUDING MANY : 3 eavier CHARMING STYLES YOU than triple ~ HAVE NOT YET SEEN. and will wear S. H. MILLER a lifetime. Jeweler and Optician PENNA. ee p— FH. Balers Bit AND | | LUMBER YARDS MOUNT JOY, PA. Sole agent for Congo Roofing. No. 1 Cedar Shingles always on hand. Also Siding Flooring, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, Lath, Ete. Agent for Alpha Portland Cement, Also Roofing Slate. Estimates Quickly and Cheerfully mada on all kinds Building Material. Telephone No. 833. Opposite Old P. R. R. Depot. SLEICHS! SLEICHS! MOUNT JOY, \ = \ of \ a SN NN According to Hicks, we will have many snows this winter which Now, how's your should give us plenty of the old time sport-—sleighing. sleigh? If you don’t own one, come in and let us show you some of the “peaches” we have. High backs, easy riding—well they're the real thing. Get one now and be prepared for the nex HLORIN Y OUNG BROS, PENNA ! Sheaffer’s Restaurant I Dine at and Confectionery Sheaffer's ALL KINDS PIES AND SAND IV/CHES, BAKED BEANS, CORNB 7, CONFECTIONERY, TOBACCO |& CIGARS, FINE OYSTERS IN ANY XTVLE MEALS AT ALL HOU BEST ICE CREAM IN ANY — NTITY MANHEIM STREET Mo) oy