The weekly bulletin. (Florin, Penn'a.) 1901-1912, December 29, 1909, Image 5

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J. BE. SOHROLL, Editor & Propr.
Six Months
Single Copies
Sample Copies

Entered at the posf office at Mount
Joy as second-class mall matter,
All corresponde}ts must have thelr
communications feach this office not
later than Mondfy, Telephone news
of importance/etween that time and
12 o'locck ngon Wednesday. Chan-
ges for agdfertisements must posi-
tively reagh this office not later than
Monday Aight. New advertisements
inserted jf copy reaches us Tuesday
night # Advertising rates on appli-
catiq hh.

Why do many women reach for
eir hair when they hear the casual
mark “itis false?”
* * % * 0
Philadelphia Councilmen want free
lley car rides. Doesn’t the city
ide free ambulances to the Block
* % * 20
brie Nation has been smashing
Washington, and the “in-
contemplating hiring
Uncle Joe Cannon.
® ®* % % %
ts’’ are
p¥.eopold has paid the debt
ture. What he will pay in the
ext world for the sins he committ-
ed in this he probably knows by this
4 P89
A Philadelphia dealer who was ar-
rested for selling “spotted” eggs
made the novel defence that ‘‘a spot-
ted egg is just like an apple with a
spot in it; you pick out the spot and
the rest is good.” Housewives
would like to see him perform that
extraordinary feat.
® % % % *
A dozen times a day during the
last ten days have we been telling
each other as we met on the streets
“that it was cold.” Wonder whether
we thought the other people didn’t
know it, or whether we didn’t have
anything else to say. Custom is a
funny thing, and causes us frequently
to say foolish things.
An Excellent Entertainment
On Thursday afternoon a Christ-
mas carnival was held by the pupils
of the Secondary grade. The pro-
gram was as follows: March and Cho-
rus, “Christmas Time is Come A-
gain” and “Ring the Bells of Christ-
mas: reading, Lloyd Nissley; scrip-
ture reading and response; recitation
Allen Morton; organ solo, George
Brown; reading, Harvey Rinehart;
chorus, “Long Ago in Bethlehem”,
and “Deck the Hall”; exercise, San-
ta Claus and the Christmas Dolls”;
solo, Blanche Eshleman; recitation,
Philip Dieter; duet, Clara Campbell
and Anna Shonk; recitation, John
Herchelroth; recitation, Sam’l Green-
leaf; solo, Anna Shonk; recitation,
Clarence Brubaker; chorus, ‘Star of
Bethlehem,” and “As a Child”; ex-
ercise, Signs of Christmas; reading,
William Cunningham; recitation,
Walter Bernhart; recitation, Charles
Stark; double quartette, “Hosanna to
the King’; exercise, “Alice in 'Won-
derland”; reciter, Maud Schroll;
recitation, Florence Brown; chorus,
“Santa Clause Song’, and ‘‘Beauti-
ful F, ers’’; reading, Ruth Hinkle;
“Do Lullaby Song’’; recitation,
Frank Gantz; solo, Mabel Kreiner;
dialogue, ‘“The Poor Orphan Girl”
Quite a few visitors enjoyed the pro-
gram with the pupils
No Wonder She's Cross
The woman who has a thousand
petty cares and annoyances while she
suffers with headache or sideache
must not be blamed if she cannot al-
ways be angelically amicable. What
she needs is thoughtfulness from her
family and such a simple and natural
remedy as Lane’s Family Medicine
the herb tea that makes the weak
women strong and well. Sold by
druggists and dealers, 25c.
For Sale Very Cheap
Having no further use for same
as I have installed steam heat, I will
—dispose of the following very reason-
able, all of which are in good condi-
tion !
One large size Peninsular Parlor
Heater Letter E., Chicago-Buffalo
make, with heater and stove pipe.
One Columbian Ulster Egg Stove,
No. 117, with pipe.
Apply at the Exchange Hotel, Mt
Joy, Pa.
ie cess
Christian €. Hoffman, of Salunga,
and Miss Margaret Piercel, of Altoo-
na, were married on Wednesday at
the parsonage of Enos K. Herr, near
Salunga, by Rev. Isaac H. Brubaker.
Talk Is Cheap
When you can get a telephone
ar house for $12.00 a year.
p the Columbia Telephone
any and they will tell you all
Thank You Friends
Zahn, one of the R. D. car-
m this place, wishes to thank
vho so kindly remembered
oF N Ie [FN oN ( Ro
Stop Buying
and the
The best don’tcost any more,
and in the end they are the
cheapest. You know the un-
disputed worth of the
Sold strictly on their merits.

We have some excellent second-
hand cars that will be sold very
Lancaster Automobile Co.
Buick, Peerless, Locomobile, Oldsmobile.
215 N. Prince St.,, Lancaster, Pa,
The Only Strictly First-Class Garage
and Repair Shop in Lancaster
City or County

High Time
To relay your walks with concrete, which
makes the best and most serviceble walk
and the cost is but a trifle. Lasts a life-
time. For A No. 1 stone for concrete work
you should buy them of me. I have just
reset and rebuilt my crusher Plant, enlarg-
ing its capacity and can furnish stone in
anyi quantity on short notice.
Stone in all grades. Also Lime. .
Parties in need of stone in quantities
should get my prices before buying else-
where. A trial order solicted Steam Drill-
ng a specialty, Bell Phone.
. EI. Ziercher
Mount Joy, Fa.

I will promptly remove all Dead
Animals on short notice. Tele-
hone Moore’s Mill or Carmany’s
Store, Florin, Penna., or drop me
a card. Your patronage solicited.

0.2%. Wiley
Justice of the Peace
and, Scrivener
Spectral Attention Given to the
Collection of Rents
Your Patronage Solicitea
Main Street, Florin, Penna.
Fee kil lke kako
food Clear oe
Thirty Gents Hundred
I am now manufacturing
good, clear, crystal ice on an
extensive scale and am selling
it ten cents a hundred cheap-
er than other local dealers.
This is worth your considera-
tion as it will save you dollars
in a season.

Delivery wagon through town
daily. Call or phone and your
order will receive prompt at-
Joseph H. Detwiler
Mount Joy, Penna.

Mrs. A. H. Shickley’s Cafe
Opposite Lutheran Church
W. Main Street, Mount Joy, Pa.
Oysters in Every Style
Ice Cream,
Coffee, Ete., Ete.

Those That Will be Called by Mr,
Charles H. Zeller, Auctioneer
Tuesday, Jan. 11-—At Hotel Me-
¥nnis, Mount Joy, Pa. at 7.30 p.
m. for the estate of Maria Hoffman,
deceased, the homestead in Mount
Joy Borough by Clayton Hoffman
and Ei H. Engle, executors.
Saturday, Jan, 156—At his livery,
sale and exchange stables, Mount
Joy, Pa., entire livery stock and out-
fit. Also a carload of horses by Ed
Thursday, February 17th--Near
Stern's meeting house, in Mount Joy
township, live stock and implements
by Aaron G. and Allen G. Gipple, ad-
ministrators of John G. Gipple, dec.
Friday, Feb, 26——Near Zeamer's
Hotel, Kinderhook, 1 horse, cows,
wagons, farming implements and
household goods by Jacob F Albright.
Saturday, Feb. 26—On the prem-
ises near White Oak Station, in Penn
township on the farm tenanted by
Harry Rendler, horses, cows, shoats
and farming implements by Ed
Tuesday, Macrh 1-—On the Jacob
Habecker farm, near formerly Ris-
ser's Mill, on the road leading from
Stauffer’s Mill to Columbia, horses,
cows, shoats, farming implements,
etc. by Herman Frank.
Thursday, March 3-—Near New-
town, Lancaster County, mules, hor-
ses, cows and implements by Rev.
Eli M. Engle.
Friday, March 4—Near Horst's
Mill, in Mount Joy township, live
stock and implements by Abraham
Saturday, March 5—On the road
leading from Mount Joy to Master-
sonville, at the mill formerly known
as Geyer’s, 4 fine mules, horses, cows,
and farming implements by Charles
Monday, March 7—Near Strick-
ler’'s Meeting House, on Emanuel
Eby’s farm, live stock and implements
by A. G. Brubaker.
Tuesday, March 8—Near Stauffer’s
Mill, in Bast Donegal township, live
stock and farming implements by
Abraham N. Hostetter.
Wednesday, March 9—Near the
0il Station, on the road to Columbia,
horse, cows, farming implements and
household goods by Mrs. Eli Grosh.
Thursday, March 10—Midway be-
tween Mount Joy and Marietta, live
stock and implements by Jacob Hoff-
Friday, March 11—Near Hossler’s
Church, in Rapho township, horse,
cows, shoats, implements and house-
hold goods by Amos Werner.
Saturday, March 12—In Mount
Joy Borough, a large lot of household
Tuesday, March 15—Near Done-
gal Springs, on the Cameron farm,
in East Donegal township, mules,
horses, cows, shoats and farming im-
plements by A. B. Lutz.
Wednesday, March 16—On the Ja-
cob Croll farm, in East Donegal town
ship, near Maytown, horses, cows,
shoats and farming implements by
Henry Beshler.
Thursday, March
Mount Joy borough, on the Jacob
Zercher farm, mules, horses, cows,
shoats and farming implements by
Andrew H. Zercher. >
Friday, March 18—On the Jonas
Hoffman farm near Newtown, in
Rapho township, horses, mules, Hol-
stein cows, shoats and farming im-
plements by A. S. Reed.
Kidney Diseases Are Too Dangerous
for Mt. Joy People to Neglect
The great danger of kidney troub-
les is that they get a firm hold before
the sufferer recognizes them. Health
is gradually undermined. Backache,
headache, nervousness, lameness,
soreness, lumbago, diabetes, and
Bright's disease follow in merciless
succession. Don’t neglect your kid-
neys. Cure kidneys with the certain
and safe remedy, Doan’s Kidney Pills
which has cured people right here
in Mount Joy.
Mrs. Frank Conrad David Street,
Mount Joy, Pa., says: “It would be
hard to describe how I suffered from
kidney complaint and I really think
I had nearly all the symptoms that
attend this disease. There was a
continual pain across the small of my
back, which made me tired most of
the time and I could not attend to
my housework. I also had chills
and dizzy spells and was subject to a
constant feeling of languor. I was
rapidly growing worse when I was
told to try Doan’s Kidney Pills and
procured a box, I had taken but a
few doses when I felt a great deal
better. Thus encouraged, I contin-
ued their use and my health is now
greatly improved. I am glad to rec-
ommend Doan’s Kidney Pills.
Send in Your Dates
The Bulletin has begun the inser-
tion of notices of Spring public sales
in the usual register. These notices
are inserted free of charge for every
person who has his sale posters print-
ed at this office. As there will be a
large number of sales in this section
it will be to the advantage of all to
have their dates booked early, so
that if chosen dates conflict with oth-
er sales in the immediate community
they can be changed to the benefit
of all concerned. This office turns
out the finest sale posters in this
section of the county, and the cost
is only a trifle. Give us your order
for posters and a brief list of what
you wish to sell and we’ll guarantee
to send you a big crowd on your sale
The Up-To-DateVeterinarian pre-
scribes the Fairfield Blood Tonics be-
cause there is a separate preparation
for each kind of animal. Results
are guaranteed when you use the
Fairfield Blood Tonics according to
plain directions. Ask for Fairfield’s
Free Book on Stock.
For sale by F. H. Baker, Mount
Joy; H. C. Greider, Landisville, and
D. B. Ebersole, Elizabethtown.
“Had dyspepsia or indigestion for
years. No appetite and what I did
eat distressed me terribly. Burdock
Blood Bitters cured me.”—J. H. Walk
er, Sunbury, Ohio.

Reality of Dustless Roads Is One of
Our Modern Needs
Karly in the nineteenth century,
that small pleces of broken stone
placed in a layer are by the action of
water and travel transformed into a
more or less homogenous road sur-
face Two or three generations af-
terward, the road covering effect of
crude oll became known,
It is now generally recognized by
highway engineers that the macadam
road 1s, for modern conditions ob-
solete, and that from now on first
class roads must by the admixture
of proper ingred'ents, have a mastic
property by virtue of which dustless
roads will become a reality and un-
tion of the road be avoided.
There is under way a movement
going to the foundation of things in
the gnod roads matter. To many
good roads are an uninteresting and
hackneyed subject. But of their
vital necessity and of the advisabil-
ity of constantly urging their con-
struction there should be no debate.
No other improvement will pay to
the people such dividends as modern
highways. A nation’s reputation
for enterprise, progress and all that
goes to make it is worth living in, is
determined very largely by the char-
acter of its roads, the great arteries
through which flow the business and
pleasure of the people
me pe —
Prosperous Young Men
A current issue of the Lancaster
Inquirer contained the following:
Clayton C. Witmer teacher of the
East Drumore high school since its
organization, a member of the Mill-
ersville class of 1¥07; Elmer R.
Kraybill, teacher of the Drumore
high school, successor in that posi-
tion of his brother, Ira R., and also
a Millersville man, class of 1908;
Henry F. Garber, teacher of the Mt.
Joy township high school and a class-
mate at Millersville of the first-named
of this trio, in other words a 1907 er;
these young men are half of the half
dozen graduates of the East Donegal
(Maytown) high school who are at
present township high school teach-
ers in Lancaster county. They
have been acquaintances since boy-
hood, were all born in the same nei-
ghhorhood, began teaching at nearly
the same time and in the same sec-
tion; and are doing credit to the high
school of which they are graduates,
the school that pays the highest
monthly salary ($140) to its prin-
cipal of all the schools of this county
and has turned out the largest num-
ber of teachers, as The Inquirer
stated several weeks ago. Youth,
health and ambition, three of life's
best blessings, are theirs. May they
continue long to honor, by good work
and good repute, the school in which
they got their start in higher edu-
Big Mummers’ Parade
For the first time in its history,
Lancaster City will have a New
Year's or in other words, a Mum-
mer’s parade and there is every as-
surance that it will be a great success
inasmuch as over five thousand men
of the city and county will contest
for prizes, the total value of which
nears two thousand dollars. The
general committee in charge of the
movement has been working hard
and arrangements are now completed
for the initial event of this kind in
the city. To a large extent the suc-
cess of the movement will be due to
the efforts of Chief Marshall Fred F.
Groff, who has been laboring unceas-
ingly. A great number of local
clubs and societies and many county
organizations have signified their in-
tention of entering the parade and
nearly every band in the county has
been pressed into service as escorts.
There will be special trolley accomo-
dations for bringing the people of the
outlaying districts into the city for
that night, which is expected to be
the biggest of its kind in the history
of the city.
———— —
Lawyer Horsewhipped
Isaac R. Herr, of Elizabethtown,
one of the most prominent lawyers
in this part of Lancaster county,
was severely horsewhipped by
an irate woman, who claims that the
lawyer made improper remarks about
her husband in a recent court trial.
The whipping took place in the pub-
lic square of the town, in the pres-
ence of quite a large number of
people. Mr. Herr fled quickly and
took refuge in the office of Justice of
the Peace John H. Epler.
Births Exceed Deaths in State
The number of births in Peuusyl-
vania continues to run far ahead of
the number of deaths. The report
of the Bureau of Vital Statistics of
the State Department of Health for
September last, just completed, shows
16,5667 births thruout the state, as
compared with 8632 deaths.
eee (een.
Eggs multiply as though by magic
when Fairfield’s Egg Proudcer for
Poultry Only is fed. The magic in
this case consists in supplying the
hen with the elements needed for egg
production and no others. This can
only be done by having a compound
prepared especially for poultry. Sold
under written guarantee by
For sale by F. H. Baker, Mount
Joy; H. C. Greider, Landisville, and
D. B. Ebersole, Elizabethtown.
On Christmas Day David 8 Kobb,
son of Henry Kobb, of Rapho town-
ship, was married to Miss Bessie May
Floyd, daughter of Peter Floyd, of
Sporting Hill. The ceremony was
performed by Rev. A. E. Cooper.

Cattle Feed
BOVETA is a mixed feed reg-
istered in the State of Pennsyl-
vania, and guaranteed to pass
Agricultural departments and
States which have made feeding
trials are unanimous in report-
ing cotton seed meal and hulls
as an excellent cattle feed
when properly mixed.
BOVETA 1s the registered
name of a scientific mixture of
cotton seed meal and hulls.
No chance for an error in
the ingredients because, after
each ingredient is weighed by
Every Carload is Analyzed Be-
fore Shipment
Hence we can be absolutely cer-
tain in every case that
The Feed in the Bag is the same
as the Claim on the Tag
BOVETA cannot contain weed
seeds. It is sterelized.
BOVETA should not be con-
founded with cheap feeds made
by adulterating cotton seed
meal with ground particles of
BOVETA is made by the
Southern Cotton Oil Co., Char-
lotte, N. O., and sold by
Leander Gantz,
Mount Joy, Penna.

Deeds Recorded
George B. Wilson to the trustees
of the title to the Masonic Temple
and other real estate of the grand
lodge, 2 tracts of land in West Don-
egal, $1,800.
Simon A. Rutt to same grantee,
property in West Donegal, $8,200.
Joseph G. Heisey to same grantee,
property in West Donegal, $7,601.
Jacob @G. Olweiler to same grantee,
112 acres in West Donegal, $16,785.
Lancaster Stores Closed
At a meeting of the Retail Mercha
ants Association of Lancaster yes-
terday morning they recommended
the closing of all the stores on Fri-
day evening at 6 o’clock on account
of the Mummer’s Parade. Saturday
being New Year’s Day the Lancaster
stores will follow the usual custom of
remaining closed the entire day.
Is a deceptive disease
—thousands have it
) 1 don’t k Bo ET
TROUBLE ow ok, oy results
you can make no mistake by using
Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root, the great
kidney remedy. At druggists in fif-
ty cent and dollar sizes. Sample
bottle by ‘mail free; Also pamphlet
telling you how to find out if you
have kidney trouble.
Address, Dr. Kilmer &
hamton, N. Y.
Co., Bing-
Received New Instruments
H. K. Way, manager of the Sal-
unga Band, recently received a set
of new instruments, and the band
is now one of the best equipped in
this part of the county.
Constipation causes headache, nau-
sea, dizziness, languor, heart palpi-
tation. Drastic physics, gripe, sick-
en, weakens the bowels and don’t
cure. Doan’s Regulets act gently and
cure constipation; 25 cents. Ask
your druggist.

The New
All Kinds Fruit &
Always in Stock.
Delivered anywhere upon request.
Tobacco and Cigars
re (eee
Also Fresh Fish
Charles H. Dillinger
East Main Street, Mount Joy.

Phtoo Supplies
I have always on hand the most
staple Photo Supplies that can be had
such as Seeds’ D. Plates, Seeds’ De-
velopers, Developing Papers, Kodak
Films, Brownie Films, Trays, Tripods,
Toning Solutions, Intensifiers, Velox
Liquid Developer, Emerald Acid,
Cleaning and HardeningSolution, Ko-
dak Tank Developers, Passe-Partout
Binding, Flash Powders, Printing
Frames, Stereographic Views, 50c a
Set; Tray Thermometers.
Hair Cutting
E. Main St., | ount Joy

Agency for Standard® Steam Tasadgy Nes oor to Shan Got .SPoe Store
According to the reports of the United States Govern-
ment experts on pure food, we make \& perfect baking pow-
der. We guarantee that it does not edntain any particle of
tartaric acid, alum or any other impurities and we challenge
any other baking powder firm to proye that their powder
contains as much cream of tartar as thf White Mountain.
re? 1
suas a,
| .
We give you a full pound for 50c and then give you
your choice of any of the following anticles as a premium.
5~Quart Dresden White Lined Rreserve Kettles
{4~Quart Titan Grey Rinsing Pan\
Motteled Enamelware and many ler articles
which will be in a little later.
A Happy New Year
is the wish of this
Busy Furniture Store

Hoffmeier Brothes:
40 & 42 Bast King St., Lancaster
Appear that you are an up to date business man if you use out
date Stationery and Printing. Whatever is done at this printsha
is well done and right up to the minute.
and it may be Very Soon
You'll be wandering around feeling generally ‘‘Soga’
feet are wet and cold.
When this time comes re
you something about the good Storm Shoes we sg
and comfortable they feel, and how well they’d 1
We don’t sell all the good shoes in the
to sell any other kind. Shaub & Co. on al
you pay $3.00, $4.00, $5.00, $6.00 or $7.00.
18 North Queen Street,
Jewelry For New
The very finest your money can buy, a
in Lancaster.
Full set “1847” Rogers Bros. Knives
Ladies’ Guaranteed Watches, open fa
Gentlemen’s Guaranteed Watches, fitt
tham movements, guaranteed for 20 year
Special thin model Watches, sizes 12
Our Diamond Ring Special—A 1-4-k
moupting you want
We also carry Rings, Brooches, Pend
thousands of things that are all appropri
shi¢ S

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