PAGE 81Y £000000000000000 000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Second Annual Ten Day’s Sale In My Second Annual Ten Days’ Sale you will find goods been heard of in this town. never before as they speak for themselves. There's no use making a big noise figures that have about them either priced at such low Note the following carefully: CLOTHING DEPARTMENT You know I am discontinuing business and there's no reas the m why clothing you should put off buying your Winter Suits and Overcoats when we are selling t low figures. say murder—but we must go All wool Frisco clothy...cceeeu. Grey Mohair 36 inches wide, can’t hem at such Just read these prices and you "1 help it. They Wool plaids and stripes elegant goods for children’s and misse's dresses at 12 in bright colors. 32 brown, blues and reds for this special... We always have a beautiful line of dress goods on hand. BOY'S OVERCOATS 3 to 8 Years & D5. 5 now.. snsnanna now... now... now... now.. aow OVERCOAT now....... 4 (0) SS NOW cueennsen NOW ..secnnninnn now... 5h x oh w Seg $2.15 -$2.50 $2.25 $1.15 ~3ls 50 $1.29 9 to 19 Years DOW ..ceeanriarrnrn conennnssasnsane now now...... $1.25 4¢ run inch dark wool plaid goods such as REEFER COATS Size 1 to 8 Years 3.75 DOW.. -$1.88 MEN'S OVERCOATS oO now - now 5 BOW........... $ -50 RBOW....ceniuas $5.00 now Children’s Suits, former price will sell them at 3 price;....... Young Men's Suits, former pr will sell them at 3 price... ... Fprice...... aia Men's Suits, former price 3 price $4.25 -$4.75 34.715 -$3.75 $2 to $7; We $1.00 to $3.50 ice $4 to $2.00 to $7 $15; ol 50 to S10, 00 0; will 00 to $10. 00. In Shoes we have anything fraginuble for old and young, great ¢ prices to suit you all. Cotton and Wool Under 1 goods which surpass Call We have a line of these all other dealers in Qu lock them over; then you'll be co Rag and Ingrain Carpet Extra Quality of Ingrain Carpet, was Rag Carpet with a Wool A Fine Mount Joy's Reliable Merchant ality and price ind small in all (eathers and wear nvinced. Specials Strip at and >» . t 32¢. .42c¢. Dry Coods and Croceries [f you ean find better goods at lower prices anywhere than these, please let us know Mens’ Working 75C now.........49¢ Boys' Working Pants were 65¢ now 45¢ Black Flannel Shirts I have several dezen of these Shirts at a price thought was very cheap to hand over The Shirts are actual- ly worth this sale they are vours at Pants were 75 secured which 1 as a bargain, £1.00, but during only RUGS We have just received up to 7 by 9 feet, at all prices. This is RUGS a big line RUGS of Rugs in all and they are now going undoubtedly the largest selection of Rugs ever displayed by any store in Mount Joy and you'll say so yourself after see- ing them. We have them as low as 75c. Horse Blankets and Lap Robes We have a full assortment and prices are very reasonable, i"inc Pattern Plush Robes from$3.25 to $10.00 [Horse Blankets from 75¢ to $7.00 Bed Blankets and Comforts All wool, colors, white, gray, mixed and plaids Per Pail. svi vs ivrvsrinsirinns $2.00 to $7.00 Cotton Blankets, colors white and gray with blue and ping horders, per pair 58¢ to $3.00 Single and Double-Breasted Shawls—A full va- riety: colors grey, black and brown. Misses’ Union Suits, were 25c., now... Ladies’ Union Suits, were now. .. Ladies’ Union Suits, were 50c¢., now.... COATS! COATS! We sizes 19 Cts. 15 Cts. 29 Cts. have a lot of odds and ends in Ladies’ and Misses’ Coats that we are go- ing to sell at about a-third of their actual cost. Where could you get more seasonable goods at such prices. The coats are all well made and are for Winter wear. Look them over. Some of the much as $7 and $8 but we must 2h¢., e coats cost as get rid of them, Tea and Table Spoons W. B. Teaspoons, worth 50¢ per dozen, W. B. Table Spoons, worth $1 They are a good serviceable tain their wearing quality for miss this bargain as I will not offer at such prices. Wood Fibre Pails, 15c¢; 10 qt. Galvanized Buckets, were 25¢ nized Buckets were 20¢, now Red Man, All Red, Big Mit, Pipe and Polar Bear Scrap Tobacco, atise doz a doz at 30¢ doz spoon and will re- years. Do not them again Tin Buckets, 10ec. now 18¢; Galva- only 12%c Honest Scrap, Bag 6 Pks 25c¢. Griceries now. . _Griceries Griceries Fresh Cream Chocolates, 15¢ Mecklen's Caustic Flowers’ Sulphur, seedless Raisins, Large 25¢ Bottle Irning Wax Washing Soda Baking Scda, per pound Juaker Corn Flake, per pack Dr. Stuart's Buttermilk Complex. Soap, cake 6c. Evaporated Milk, unadulterated & sterel.,can 4c. Holland Rusks, per pa Kc Kings, per pack Nine Cakes of fine Toilet Soap for........2 Table Syrup, extra fine quality, per quart, ...$ 10c Pack of Smith’s Noodles, now........8¢. 5¢ Pack of Smith’s Noodles, now .10¢ 1b. Soda three per 1D, Poti for... per pound WOLF YOFFE 5%", ~~ | MN YOU ARE PROUD OF YOUR WIFE AND CHILD- REN. WHY DON’T YOU BRING THEM TO US TO BE PHOTOGRAPHED ? WE WILL GIVE YOU A PICTURE THAT WILL MAKE YOU PROUDER STILL YOU NEED NOT WAIT FOR A CLEAR DAY. WE CAN TAKE JUST AS GOOD PHOTOS ON A CLOUDY DAY. Ricker Photo Gallery W. Main St., Mt. Joy. Photographs Finished for Amateurs. n — 5! 3 FTA AIRE A HHO HRN PLACE YOUR ORDER + EARLY « I have about SO Tombstones, Monuments and Markers in stock from which to select at low prices tor good ma- terial. J. GLATFELTER Mount Joy ve : : : : | : ju A cure guaranteed if you use BS Re. Sipposioy cause time, : R. V. FECLEY TEWEILER E. Main St., all other [———— A LITTLE WATCH TALK g | Did you ever stop to think that the balance wheel in your watch makes about 300 moves a minute, 1,800 per hour, or 43,200 from the "time you wind it till you wind it again. machinery A watch that is taken care of will last a man a life time but should be oiled and cleaned yearly. perience at your serv ice can and Swiss Watches will cost you nothing to let me examine your watch or any thing in that line of work. All work guaranteed. Prices reasonable. don’t keep good Mount Joy, Pa. Circulation Count The wise advertiser money turns. The paper that lies appeal to advertisers. It’s per and bettering its publication giving people the news for publicity. honest effort and is not share its success with Circulation counts. the ——— er eer You Both Phones J. W. KOONS jeweler he- My ex- on Ameri- MOUNT JOY PENNA, Terms Reasonable spends if where he is assured full re- about | how many subscribers it has, does not the pa- that’ spends money by improving and , thereby gett- ing many new subscribers, that inter- ests the man who has money to spend There is no fake or bluff about the paper that makes an afraid to public. Subscribe for the Bulletin; 50¢ yr. oil your wind mill, your wagon and . J Eg almost daily, still you let your watch run in old rancid oil and accumulated dust year after year or until it Stops, until it is worn and then blame the your watch Exchange Hotel AUCTIONEER Give Me a Call -.WHY.. ® % k k ¥ When you can double your Photo I have always on staple Photo Supplies that can be had D. Plates, Seeds’ De- ‘such as Seeds’ velopers, Set; Tray Developing Films, Brownie Films, Trays, Tripods, Toning Solutions, Intensifiers, Liquid Developer, Cleaning and HardeningSolution, Ko- dak Tank Developers, Binding, Flash Powders, Frames, Stereographic Views, Thermometers. W.B.BENDER Shaving Hair Cutting Shampooing E. Main St., Agency for Standard Steam Laundry Supplies hand the Papers, Emerald Mount Joy Salary through a course with the Harrisburg Automobile School. For Terms and most Prospects write * % % Xx % HARRISBURG AUTO. 3rd and Hamilton Streets. Kodak Velox Acid, Passe-Partout Printing 50c a Did You Say Trees? buy trees is at the All Kinds of Trees CHICHESTER SPILLS ‘> PL LS, for twenty-five al Rela, Privet ® ® * * =% W. S. Kra A dy work for $10 per week SCHOOL Why yes; the best place to Mt. Joy Nurseries California That Nice Hedging For Ar- ound Your Yard, Very Cheap. THE WEEKLY BULLETIN THE SCHOOL REPORT Honor Roll for the Second Month of of the Term Borough | Octo enrol- Mount Joy month ending Present No, female 194, total enrolled during the 198, female 193, attended every Report of the Schools for the {ber 22nd, 1909, | led, male 199, | Total number | month, male 1391. No, who have | day, 233. Per cent, of attendance for month, male 95, female 95, total | average 95, Per cent, of attendance | during term to date, male 96, , total average 96, No. of | during month, 27. Respectfully sub mitted, Ira D. Scott, Principal. | The following is a list of the pu- | pils having a perfect attendance for the month: School, Mrs. M. G. Teacher. Dorothy Heilig, Hel Funk, Dorothy First Primary Miller, Gecrge Sillers, en Hostetter, Harold l.ongenecker, lottie Eshleman, Dor- othy Egge, Hilda Frank, Joseph Gantz, Herbert Tyndall, Pearl Schroll Jokn Evans, Pearl Murray, Mary Shank, Henry Witmer, Alvin Pennell, Christine Gillums, James Rapp, Mar- tha Felker, John Gorther, Bennie Stark, Russell Barnhart, Roy Arndt, Myrtle Hendrix, Reuben Brandt, Mor- ris Cunningham, Abnet Sprout, Al- len Shatz, Alta Gingrich. School, Miss Ruth N. Stoll, Teacher Sheldon Madeira, Christ Hershey, Peter Zerphy, Harry Aston, Paul Stark, John Rahm, Herbert Stark, Charles Henry, Samuel Miller, Rus- { sel Shatz, Robert Eshleman, John Germer, Roy Ellis, Abram Brubaker, Elwood Garber, Ear! Garber, Pearl Sheaffer, Mary Easton Hilda Sch- neider, Della Wagner, Lillian Barto, Erma Herzog, Velma Hoffer, Mabel | Brown, Mildred Krall, Lillian Roth, Laura Pannebecker, Barbara Heilig, | Lillian Mumma, Mary Gibbons, Liz- zie Good, Catharine Ellis Second Primary Third Primary School, Miss Eliza- beth Brubaker, Teacher Murenna Brown, Miriam Mummert Mildred Fellenbaum, Ruth Murray, Emily Newcomer, Anna Nissley, Paul- ine Sheaffer, Anna Gartner, Edith Hilt, Ella Cunningham, Anna Bru- baker, May Hinkle, Charles, John Greiner, Reese Evans, Jacob Zel ler, John Gochnauer, Charles Eshle- man, Paul Hinkle, John Nissley, Jas. Garber, Amos Wertz. School, Miss Lou Kuhns, Teacher. Jennett, Warren Bentzel, William Hendrix, Os- Walters, George Everett De- Omer Eshle- Gillums, Fourth Primary Thomas Charles E > car Hendrix, Edwin Weber, Harry Brown, Long, Preston, man, Carl Garber, Elwood Mark Mumma, Martin Secvears, Har- ry Way, Mabel Kramer, Christine Moyer, Mary Rapp, Beatrice Shatz, Lizzie Zeager, Mabel Zerphy, Beat- rice Pannebecker. Secondary School, Miss Edna A. Gip- nle, Teacher Vivian Colidge, Lucy Cunningham, Blanche Eshleman, Ruth Hinkle, El- sie Krall, Anna Shonk, Florence Bar- to, Florence Siller, George Brown, Clarence Brubaker, William Cunning- ham, Hiester Madeira, Musser Stauf- fer, Carl Dyer, Ross Eshleman, Dew- ey Hornafius, Lester Roberts, Charles Stark, William Way, Florence Brown Intermediate School, Miss Mabel F. Donaven, Teacher. Barto, Elsie Brown, Ruth Clarence Campbell, John Dyer, Helen Egge, Warren Eshleman, Austin Fellenbaum, Virginia Frank, Mabel Geistwite, Fannie Gingrich, El- va Hilt, Harold Harmon, Jay Klugh, Helen Krall, Calvin Kramer, Mazie Metzler, Arthur Moyer, Beatrice Mur- ray, Ellsworth Shrite, Dora Wagner, Arthur Nixdorf, Ethel Yoffe George Brubaker, School, Miss Charlotte K. Basehoar, Teacher Thomas Coolidge, Howard Haines, Reuben Shellenberger, Samuel Kel- ler, Frank Funk, Oliver Easton, War- ren Greenawalt, Harvey Sumpman, Herbert Frank, Edgar Missemer, Raymond Nissley, Susan Nissley,Cath arine Breneman, Viola Ream, Lottie Royer, Esther Weber, Mary Gillums, Gladys Flowers. High School, and Linaeus B. Teachers SENIORS—Miss Esther E£helley, Messrs. John Bowman, Warren Dea- con, Clyde Fenstermacher, Bysshe Heilig, Arthur Hoffer, James New- pher. JUNIORS-—Misses Viola Beatrice Brown, Esther Esther Frank, Ruth Nissley, Bertha Stauffer, Anna Witmer, Messrs. Ray Keller, William Roberts, Alvin Shonk A CLASS—Misses Frances Bailer, Margaret Dearbeck, Edna Evans, Mary Eshleman, May Flowers, Paul- ine Germer, Esther Hagenberger, Lucy Gibbons, Edna Hershey, Viola Siller, Dora Wintermeyer, Messrs. Howard Arnts, Elmer Brown, Whit- man Deacon, Carson Engle, Harry Greiner, Simon Hertzler, Omer Kra- mer, Russell Myers, Clarence New- comer, Roy Pennell, Samuel Royer. B CLASS—Misses Tekla Bube, Wilma Frank, Miriam Guhl, Rebecca Helman, Marie Klugh, Sara Kramer, Hsther Reist, Evelyn Shrite, Lizzie Wagner, Messrs. Charles Bennett, Harold Brown, Ben Hoffer, Charles Madeira, Eckert Sheaffer, Charles Shickley. Grammar Miss Marguerite Herr Earhart, Baker, Ebersole, een SALE REGISTER Please remember if we print your bills we will insert a notice of your sale in our register from now until the day of sale, FREE. Our large circulation will thoroughly advertise your sale, so send us your date at once for insertion in this list. Saturday, October 30—At the res- idence of the undersigned on Frank street, Mount Joy, Pa., a large lot of household goods such as beds, bedd- ing, carpets, chairs, dishes, stoves, etc., by Mrs. Catharine Zink. CC. H; Zeller, auct. Monday, November 1—At the Flor- in Hotel Stock yards, Florin, Pa., a lot of fine Holstein, Jersey and Dur- ham cows, and 200 head of shoats weighing from 100 to 250 pounds by E. M. Souder, agt. Vogle, auct. Friday, November 26—At the Was hington House, Mount Joy, Pa., a lot of ground on West Main street, Mount Joy, with a store property and dwelling combined. Also a lot of ground on East Main street with a large 2%-story frame house large enough to accommodate three fami- lies. = Sale at 7 p. m. by John G. Keener, administrator of Annie Dier- Bell Phone. MOUNT JOY, PA. olf, deseased. Cc. H. Zeller, auct. 303. | total | female | visits | [Red Faces and Red Noses Ne the embarrassment an extremely Do you suffer of carrying around or are you tortured with pimply to stand it nose’? blotehy or face? If so long, it is you | are foolish the world to get rid of, | simples No matter what the fol- inexpensive all embarrassment in might have been the cause, harmless and will positively lowing treatment traces ot remove your from two to four weeks. Get this prescription filled at any (Clearola, one half ounce, Alcohol seven oun drug store: Ether, ces. Mix and apply ten as one ounce, to the parts as of- possible, but and allowing it to remain possible, never the longer the bet- wipe off the pow- on the skin. put up at morning night anyway, long as than ten minutes, ter, then dery film deposited You can drug store. For any equal. on as less you can get this any skin trouble this has no Lost, Found, Wanted, For Sale, Ete. A middle aged woman an up stairs girl. Wagner House, 10-20-2t WANTED as cook and also Apply at once at Columbia. the WANTED—Early hatched Plymouth Address Rheems, Pa. pullets, Leghorn or Rock varieties card to 10-20-3t preferred. postal Nathan Martin, earn for Any intellingent person may a good - income corresponding newspapers: experience unnecs particulars. Em- Middleport, 10-20-3t. Send stamp for full Press Syndicate, York. pire New WANTED — 8S Magazine wants an energetic and responsible man or n in Mount Joy to col- lect for renewals and solicit new sub- scriptions during full or spare time. JXperience unnecessary. Any one tart among friends and acquaint s and build up a paying and per- manent business without capital. A complete outfit and instructions free. Address, “VON” Success Magazine, Room 103, Success Magazine Build- ing, New York City, N. Y. uccess woma Markets! Following are Lancaster City’s markets of this morning : Wheat per bushel Bran per ton......... i Shortsperton................ .. 27.00 Middlings per ton.................... 30.00 Potatoes per bushel... .95 Corn per bushel... 75 Oats per bushel . .60 Todav H. E. Ebersole pays: Butter per pound... Lard per pound Tallow per pound... Eggs per dozen... Potatoes per bushel Save Your RUIT TREES By Spraying Them With Scalecide We have scalecide for sale in any quantity or we will fruit trees spray all your with our new Sprayer at a Will v.Ty reasonable price. guarantee good results. M. I. Greider & Co. MOUNT JOY, PENNA. Shire’s Vieat NMVarket Rear of Niseley's Tobacco Warehouse PLORIN- .. PENNA. W. W. SHIRE, Propr. Dealer in Fresh & Smoked Meats, Tallow, Lard, &e. Cured in a Short Time | red a red | t and easiest thing in the | Vg 1 TT > ni TR smn ET Wednegiay, October 27, 1900, rT Do you know that we have Shoes and Hats in Mount Joy? cheaper than others? Do you know Do you know about In a word do EAST MAIN STREET, SOME QUESTIONS Have you ever been in our Store? Do you know that we carry all the styles shown by other stores, besides many novel designs controlled exclusively by us? Do you know that we are selling our Suits and Overcoats about our price guarantee? our service guarantee? vou know any est Clothing and Shoes and Ladies’ and Gents’ furnishing store? Why not stop in today and look at our goods, note our prices and inquire into our methods? t I. D. BENEMAN Reliable Merchant Mount Joy, Penna. 79.3 the largest stock of Clothing, > thing about Mount Joy’s great- Underwear and Sweaters a line of Me- Men . We have now secured ht Underwear for and Just dium Weig Women. what you have been asking for so long. Men's Gray Ladies’ White and Echrue Misses’ and Youths’, from 121 to 30 cents to size. and C and Gray, 25 to 75¢ ‘ool for Infants White Would like vou to inspec cial Underwear for Men. Medium Weight, Ribbed, fine fin- and Echrue 25 and 50¢ 25 & S50c¢ ished scams; per garment, 50c. all the and no are Sweaters are rage wonder; they comfortable and new coats and the save you buying many We The show largest as- wraps. sortment. prices the lowest. fail to see line at 50¢ Men, Do not our Girls and Women. demand is large so buy now ater the assortment will not be complete. Specials for Saturday, October 2: Canvas Gloves, per pair......5 Norway Mackerel, each aaa —_— S. B. BERNHART & CO. Our Store is the People’s Store E. Main Street, MOUNT JOY, PA. = House cleaning brings the need Do not delay in taking advant age of this saving on the carpets you want at Foster & Cochran's, About 3 including parlor, dining room, bed room and S 15 patterns, hall patterns. Sewing, lining and laying in- cluded at 39c., instead of 6gc and 79¢. a yard. Nearly 150 Ladies’ that have sold who has her Fall Suit to buy. $25.00 Suits now $19,50. $23.50 Suits now $17.98. TES or Wa WE Ea d0k oe GOH H % . Why send your wheelsaway and wait a week or mord We put them on while yon wait. SEHR LA peieiereteloteteloteteotototole or wait. your wheels. ope of the best on thd market. all times. C. S. MUSSER, THE BAKER Bread and Cakes Delivered through town daily Fresh Doughnuts, Crullers and Dewey Buns every Wednesday & Thursday. Funerals, Weddings and Suppers given prompt attention Store & Bakery, West Main Street Mount Joy, Pa. Branch Store at E. Ream’s. Fresh [69¢c and 79c Brussels Car- pets For 59c. Save $5 to $5.75 on the One You Buy. We've crowded two racks with these reduced suits—fresh new styles down to one or two of a kind. They will go rapidly at the savings each one brings the woman or Miss Worth making a special trip on Saturday. sit oy 3s 5. King st., FR BGGRGL HGH OROBGE OE ITTLE RUBBER TIRE TALK Just a few words in reference to rubber tires for Spring. to put on rubber tires on very short notice and at very reasonable prices. buy our rubber direct from the manufacturer and can adjust a set while you Let your_wagon_ here while you go to the store, bank, or transact othe minor business and when you retarn we will have a set of good rubber tires on We use only the best rubber-—the famous Kelly-Springfield tire, We carry a big line of this ;rubber in stoek at Give us a chance on your next job. Remember we can save you the middle man’s profit, and that is quite an item. Y OUNG BROS, SHB BHBOHH HVE CIVGSGHBHTIBOHON A of new Carpets in many homes. Furniture Savings To close out odd lots, these re- ductions are made: — #14..90 Chiffoniers now $II.90 $16 go Morris Chairs, now 13.50 $ 890 Morris Chairs, now 7.50 $12.50 Morris Chairs, now 10.00 $16.50 Morris Chairs, now 12.50 $18.90 Dressers at 14.90 Also sonie Oak and Mahogany Rockers and parlor tables. Fall Suits Reduced $20.00 Suits now $15, 00. $16.50 Suits now $10.75. OLIN Pa | » =A -~ Don’t you think we can save you time anda money? A trial and we’ll readily convince you. We are prepared We FLORIN PENNA SREP OVVVRGBHRFCTO TERR STOP AT THE Sorrel Horse Hotel West Kine ST. JANCASTER The annex now complete with the SORREL HORSE, makesa frontage of 49, 52, 58 and 5 West King Street. Dinner 25 cents. Best accommodations in every respect. A share of your patronage solicited. A. B. ADAMS, Pro