The weekly bulletin. (Florin, Penn'a.) 1901-1912, October 27, 1909, Image 1

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NO. 2
OCT. 27, 1909






















store: JE
hol 7 | —— -
n the {8 - : six Ld, Loh “I. Ol L AND SEE 1
little #8 i Women's Society of Lancaster Confers 1 uary otes : pe Florin Affai Is 0 C
g this / SOME USEFUL INFORMATION FOR | ence Holds Aunual Outing Minor Mppenings Heponey by | Will be Held From November 8 to 12 ur a
4] — | Several hundred persons attended | TRAVEL SOONER OR LATER Guaranteed kid gloves at I. D. Be AGE WEST OF HERE M— |THE WHEREA!
5 The Time of the Year to Set Out Har the annual convention in this place | — cas Kid gloves at I. D. Ben- 5 The fifty-eighth meeting of the FRIENDS TH
dy Plants of All Kinds—The Pro last Thursday of the Woman's Home | Some Well Known People From Our hs Monier ths: ans : Mr. E. S. Weaver Gets a Carload of Teachers’ Institute of this ppd -
Re blem of Arid Farming—-The Care and Foreign Missionary Society of | Neighborhood Have Passed to the aE Lim 3 1¢ rabbit hunitng Mules—Shirt Factory Installs a will be held from November 8 to 12 | Who and Where
-t of the Orchard—Weeds in Seeds. the Lancaster Conference of the Ev an | Great Beyond Since Our Last Issue Baker's i Thea iquarters for Number of New MachinesOther | in Martin Auditorium, re Many Strangers)
_ = | gelical Lutheran Ministerinm of | — candies and I ER ore Yor. Rodda News of the Week. | The instruggors will be: Music, W. D.! day—Were You
Don't try to make a cow give down state, the sessions being held in Trin- Mrs. Rosanna Gerz died at Colum- Miss ALLS a ay late: | al Keeney; arithmetic, W. N. Ferris: |
her milk with a shovel or club. | ity Lutheran church, Rev. Richard ( | bia. aged 76 years. aliONt QERin aft AIVager Je alle Yo be Mr. H. S. Musselman spent Mon- history, Charles C. Miller; temper | Misses Kathryn
el Ee etve [ Reger, pastor. Rev. Rengier wom | Mr. Abfam Leotiard died at Coluni- ) again or ’ ex K's Hiness. day at Lancaster. ance, Marie C., Brehm: Literature, | rich spent Friday af
them milk which has been separated ducted the devotional services at the | Hin ou Monday ¢ ged 76 years. Mrs Iorel Mimi Ln ® ye. ane Dennis Barnhart, who was quite 0. L. Warren. Mr. Elmer Bard,
as soon as possible after milking and | °P€Ring of the convention, and also | Elizabeth, wife of Levi Kreider, of} Donaver ved " one ny; i sick, is slightly improved. Miss Marie Brehm of Chicago, is| “Pei Sunday in to
before bacteria have had time to mul- | €Xtended the welcome to the dete- | Manheim, died on Monday aged 83 in the. federal RP JUFOT { My. and Mrs. Ammon Fry of pal. | Special lecturer on Scientific Temper. | Mr. Harry Brown
tiply. The cleaner the milk and | gates. Miss Anna M. Swartzwelder | ygaus. last week. Si iadelphia myra, spent Sunday in town. of the permanent committee on Tem. | *PeBt Sunday in to
drinking vessels the less chances for | ©! Lancaster City, responded. T wen- | A Sanghter of Mr, and Mrs, Bratz Mr. Simon R. Snyder, wl k in | Mr. Joseph McGarvey sr. slaughter- | Peranee of the Presbyterian church | o's
trouble. | ty-three societies were represented. § of Baltimore, died. The remains very suddenly on Frida Y 0 oe ed a large porker on Friday. of this country. She will a tress | Mrs. Rufus Ressld
Let the skim milk calf take nourish | The Woman's Missionary Society were brought here and interment improved. at Mu Ly is greatly Messrs. Frank Klugh and Joseph the institute on Tuesday and Wed- | Spent Sunday in tow
ment from the cow for two or three | of St. James Church, at Lebanon, wi as | was made at Elizabethtown today. Mr. J. BE. Lonzensekt oa west: of McGarvey spent Monday at Lancaster | MSV. | lends.
days vo. thai it may get 4 good start] pn to membership Mrs. J. | Detgased is a Sranddunghiter of Mr. | town. has gain seccred the AZeiiy Mr. and Mrs. Eli Smeltzer of Mt » Prof. Warren resides in Elmira, N. | Rev. J. A. Lyter, a
in life. The first milk from the cow. W. R tichards, in her annual address and Mrs. Henry Wittle of this place]. tho wear Ever aluminum care. Joy, spent Sunday in town calling on Y. He is a teacher of many years’ jo the v. B. church here,
warm ‘and sweet from the udder. is stated tht the society had AE : - C. K. Bennett is erecting a fas friends. experience and his method of teach- last Friday.
; Just ihe tifeg for the. Huestive or | to ras $10,000 for hospital work, ! a John Gochuauer porch around the property’ which he Mr. and ars. H. B. Lutz of Harris- | 18 i8 forceful and attractive. Mrs Walter Brown s
gans of the infant animal. Sad $5000 of this has been contrib. | f mo Somer! 0" John M. Gochnaud I | recently purchased on New Haven burg, spent Sunday in town with pr Miller resides in Ohio and ig | days calling on friends
When calves acquire looseness of is J She i ed that efforts be | = mes y Y tender of Landisville, | ot eet. friends. distinguished educator and orator, | Phia and Darby.
the bowels reduce the amount of milk Te ome ie TA Ror Bs Trek eek te ra a 1 he County Fair, which was to be i Sn ond ol Eijzanethi a if i deen : History, geography ne Jemush Holes he
or even skip a feed, Whe the > a a : Ricky Is Gl ke Latter a. biter. Hines. 1 his covertv: held in the hall here on Friday and ! ( on friends in the village last oF Bo g Hox s In the science and art! ele H i” 5 ending six v
calves begin to mend the feed may be | | Ne. nporiance of Supporting the | ett saan yo ri ! Y- | Saturday evenings of this wek, has | unday. of teaching ids 2 Harrisburg.
gradually increased. Clean and well tine Pan. cAltreh, in Porto Rico. joe dha a, i suryived bY @ S18- | hoon postponed. Mr. Emery Inners left on Sunday Prof. Ferris, of Big Rapids, Mich., Miss Kathryn C. Rhoads
lighted stalls will reduce the chan s | He ATE ere FeDosrad on hel a Fn aan : : John Ze rpRy will move irom the Tal Harshure yliereihie has uc Soted as 8 gone, : Pras Syd Instrest Miss — o~ Save 2
for infection of the young animals. Miss Alta Diller gave # rood Ra East Petersbnrg. Railroad property on West Donegal | pos hs s Bi : SC rool Sexi reat on aritiunetic,| ; our old Fon oar
Dairy cows should be kept clean, | the organization omulitios i) td Fu €, Into the Benngit property on of Eliz a : ighop Sug lag frend mt ‘als Ha hagomen. 2 ne Clayt N din £1 formes
va riionladrls iH . ; ) ' | New Haven street ilizabethtown, spent Sunday at] Moral | Clayton Myers of Baltimore, ¢
fat ularly the udders: Before milk | er reports were presented by Mrs. | Mrs. Barbara Hall AR adiu fication Hiithe et . | Harrisburg. The following evening ente rtain-| this office last Wednesday.
1 y 1der s . 4 ‘ N I Ne . Fa : agi « > estate { ot
he ma hom vel gh 3 Teor Dan 5 Mrs. Sarah Hal- oe > nn Hall, gue 4 Hay Charlotte R. Herr, of ‘Bast ng Ory Ed Steigerwald and two child- erty he given: Monday Eberle | : Mr. Heo, Rhoads, of York,
will p nt any dirt from falling ne} : Mrs. J H Bin : Wellner : | nome of her so ; i sible i ohn ih was filed a few days which a Fe! of Paoli, spent Sunday visiting | 9" I Company; Tuesday, Montana Busst of his brother Edwin Rod
’ : 3 ; 1 ¢ g [| Mrs. J. H Harpster, a returned | ) son, LWis jall, last mounts o 215.47 | friends here, Flewers, reader: Wednesday, Father | Henry street, on Sunday.
to the niilk. | missionar, gave an interesting ad- | 'uvesday morning, of chronic bron- Steatian. us et tl { Mi Arndt of Milion Giove. is John Daly, lecturer: Thursday. The | Mr. E. A. Robinson, of Norris
The first milk after the cow fresh- | dre: al out India, where hospital | : highs, aged eighty-seven years, seven ball whith wie Wy To ny > out applying a coat Qf paint to Jacob, Dunbars sical ! Penna. was circulating among
ens comtains much more protein and | Work is bei carried on in connec- | MONS and twenty-four days. The ly. ueh jast Saturd: Jann : | Brown's barn i a | friends in town yesterday.
ash than afterwards. Nature pro- tic n with religious training tis fune ral took place on Thursday fore- the inclement Weathos } account of Mr. Albert Haines is repairing his Will Succeed His Fy Harry Brown of Philadelphia, §
vides these to loosen and clean out |2t Rajahmundry, India, that Dr. Amy | 1°00 with interment in the East Don- i , a ey Gobir: property. Mr. Reabén Swords Vi Sevars & Bi is ] ather : | Sunday in town the guest of ‘his
the digestive system and to give the | B. Rohrer Lancastrian, located. | “8 cemetery. will move trom te rt doing the work. {te P A Ric or NE the | ents Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brown
calf a good start in growth. Miss Rohrer left for the fic : ———— onage. into the TONG be oo Misses Maud Hinkle and Gertrude | tice of the pe c has Hi ae jus Mrs. Bozarth, wife of the late
Most of our worst weeds are intro. | 2'0ut two years ago. Edna Geltmacher coor ‘of Wes Doras] oo hl 2 Good spent Sunday in town as guests | tition w i" i fy te ote sent @ PE Bozarth, a former Methodist pas
i duced in unclean seed grain. it | The election of officers resulted as Edna, the four-year-old daughter | coprort alles Wega Street andor Miss Bishop. | ward iashini re mmners trom his | phere, is calling on friends in town
is more difficult to produce clean | follows: President, Mrs. John w. | ¢l Dagie! Geltmacher, of Newtown, Mrs EiCaoth Hidkescko: : | Mr. Joseph Doutrich of Rheeris, [Win oe SE Govt rnor to appoint | Miss Atkins, of Asbury Park
seod thin i is uhclony. and tor. thet. Richards; First Vice President. Mrs. | ied at the General Hospital at Lan- i, Pie oh Skee Ke ster | spent Sunday in town as the guest of | el To er SUCCessor. It 1. or Me te B
reason many seed growers are tempt- John H. Stren Second Vice Pres-| faster form asphyxiation, due to old aud Sout ot a P jer Fiend Joseph McGarvey. | ih a Wid os Rel sayes he Will | are guests of Miss Rebecca: Sharp
ed tn sell seed which contained many | 106M Mrs. W. P. Rex; Third Vice|' vallowing a grain of corn on Mon: | 4av evenine Si » me on Mon-1 Mr. John Weidman has received | less to. 4a ik ors : i Is need-| Mr. and Mrs. §. N. Eby, who spon
of the injurious weeds. "| President, . F. P. Myser; Record-| 92Y, Which lodged in the lungs. It}. gay, of hor birth F fae To AMO | the contract for painting the Gas will nik % 20 SDBoj ited Seward | their summers a Mount Gretna re
After the harvest is over there will ne Sacaatay Miss Hannah Ludwig; | Yas Jappos: 2 tha) the corn had lod At the eightieth annual convention | Works at Mount: Joy, BR pallens ial | turned home for the Winter monthe
be time to go over the orchard and OO Prospa: ding Secretary, Mrs. B. G.] hi) ie Sindipe andan Operation fue the Lancaster County Sunder) Mr. Herbert Keener will leave to- Apples, Cabbage and P Mr. Jacob Keller, of York, is vise
cut out any suckers which have grown i ron Mist Bua Bates; | and be Pon Se Drs. P. L. Richards School Association at Columbia fd day for Perry county where he will I will re uate 1 iting his son Z. W. Keller, on Mari=
from any part of the tree excepting | wi ot F ¢ ommittee: Mrs. BE. J. i g bi ] + ¥Ryderof this place. The Thursday, Mr. H. 8. Newcomer of | spend a week gunning. New York Stata Yell 4 ) : chores | etta street. The former is 92 years:
the head. If done now there vill chernagle; Mrs. Minnie Jreneman, Jon ” Wag uiterwards removed to the this place was elected a member of | P roprietor 8. 8. Stacks has just in- tomorrow | will to fo 3 and fed,
be more growth on them this season. | Miss Ann M. Swatzwelder, Miss Min- | hospital, where death ensued. ine Bxecutive commitide | stalled a number of additional mach- tote Inia . roosive R cariond of James "ow of Germantown, i;
Mulch any young trees to protect [us Poti, Miss LizzieHeibeck, Miss | er ¥ to! : Ines in his shirt factory. house Stony ne of Smoke { Philadelphic isi his pare
the roots from dying out and watch Ale Diller and Mrs. Richard D. Me- | Mrs i Bhat Lanais I My, and Mrs. Nehemiah Gantz and | ete Also 2 tot ok 3 Rambos, | Mr. and Mi lker Brown, on Hast
for any blight or scab and if found | Ry 1 | 1 ig Benen Landis, wife of the A Real Estate Sales | his mothdk, Mrs. B. U. Gantz spent | hag a of <i ol he sah Min Siresh
: Mrs. Charles Frev. af Cat: ate Moses Li 5, died ¢ 3 > “g arvonks 2S av: ; ‘ t 3 whicl se JOTy reas Tics 3 3
spray it and as often as may be ne- | qua Yi rss a Catasau- | wom BJ leq at the Bony 7 wy : Darrenkamp bought the E. | Brntey at Mount Gretna. onable. CS PR i iss Gen rude Greenawalt, a stud-
cessary | worker, abe d lh ing on Mission foventss. mia signi Rages Cony Drove: lately ‘Sconping byl Mie. P. Breneman oft Elizabeth- 5 aT en [2% ot Miilersville State Normal
The great problem of arid farming tion, urging re ee Publier 14 resident. of Ettehethitown or private Sam bens it Tce a Pi a JOWD 28 the Early Seed N y i i oeroek Diem Sunday in town wily
is the securing of the moisture, which | A letter was read fr pe Toh | number of years "One brother : Last Friday eveni i | I M : Y 2 i h nes F i es a ot Germinaying 3 o Jareuts 4
must first be gotten into the soil and! mer, of Ie i from Rey. A, Ra- | ioe ie i : ox bee ter, ong " a Hie ay evening auctioneer C.| i L J. Y. Kline and his force are ; ariel in the vicinity of Mariet- Misses Dora and Mary Ball and |
then ont there HTL the slant woes Tae 9 : A Stowp, appealing for as- jo : ’ : : : HA rol, tw nty-one grand- > ‘eller sold the Mrs. William Pp. | €recting a large concrete yard fence fa are complaining that the early- mother of Elizabethtown, spent Sun- :
it. TV Tad sBonld bo Viewed te. i 5 : i for the Slovak missions in | A sr a Ighteen great grand-| W agner property, on West Main St. | for a party near Mechanicsburg. sown Se ed does not germinate even | day in town as the guests of Miss Em
ly in the Fall to make an edec el oe onl Beids. Mrs. E. M. Cassidy, : fren vy The funeral was at publi sale. It was purchased by | Mr. E S. Weaver received a car-| “it! the recent rains. The seed ma Shookers.
reservoir for thestoring of the I appealed fop the I | 4) 8 Jissors Mennonite. church, | Mr. W ; B. Detwiler for $1,625. [ load of mules on Monday which he Was own m the dust and the pr: ci- | Mr. and Mrs. William Scholing
| ter moistore. he 10d. should a ssion work in South Phila- | Mount Joy township, on Monday n 00 Saturday svening auctioneer C. 18 jos thruout this community. Plate was not sufficient to moisten : and Mrs. John H. Kramer attended
A fallowed during alternate years so | \t tie aft : | Mrs. Abr: re Wet er sold the Way property on | Oi Bs and Mrs. Leo Kobb, residents | !1€¢ 8round deep enough. jae Daveler-Gibble wedding in West
® that the moisture of two years will | Hatoster. si : ii San Rev | Mrs py pa Hloststor y iy Donegal Sireel, at public Sale at | of Elizabethtowr, spent Sunday in re—— { Donegal yesterday.
| be available to the crops. The 1 jahmundry nu Roost of the By Abram N. ta x Mr H io ars Sy nmon fone | oo Se Of Ler parents Paul: Yon, Foresters | Pt Yr 22 Me Chester Jones. of
— low land should be kept enltivated|on “Our Work In Indic ”» an Be died on Wednesday even: ee Sone a PUringer itil alnuge, Wag the) ton at oo Amd has taken 4 post- Our popular musical organization, | iiladelphia, are visiting Mrs. Jones’
and free from weeds to prevent the | 1aia stress he 1 ; 2 oo iin he | o'clock after 5 7 : ng at Soven ete Y al i 0. : 3 : at palniing with Mr. A. H. Shick the Foresters Band, was out serenad- | barents, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Schoek,
] evaporation of water from the sur-| forelia Athi : e enedein} results of the thi ty a "agermg Anes, . 9 Thursday auctioneer Summy |'*¥: He will go on duty on Monday. | ing last evening and among the pla-| °" Hast Main street.
face, Deep-rooted crops should be | ber of er et fins oY Pn | is gi ee a — or poeta a Wii al on a mar Senlesemieh has, pur. Rs Yisited was the Bulletin office. and Mrs. J. J. Thompson, ac-
selected so that they can reach far | it is of far more importa i ro survives. She Wie a doch o of of 132 Atres and Tun, po a a private a Stigler ne at | We Vera Ironmen fo two goog mum 7 panied by Dr. and Mrs. C. G, Gas
and wide for moisture. | home mission we Mia ane thon Mr. and Mrs. Tos ia o ne 5 of : he ¢ dion 147 perelies of land !! ate ale and moved into it on {bers which were appreciated. le, of Lancaster, made an auto trip
| 3 work. In some in- $ Mrs. Joseph Charles of this {in that township. It was purchased | Monday. — DS | to this place on Sunday
r All hardy plants that continence | StodiCes the natives are superstitious place. The following brothers and | PY John E. Becker, for $199 per acre. Mr. E. M. Souder left on Sunday : ri 4 Dr. Lehman of Mountville pai
io growth as soon as the frost is out of and injure their children, believing sisters survive: Henry Charles of Also at the same time for the same | 10F Maryland where he is buying es J. B. Keller's Cattle Sale | us a brief visit last Wodiesds ot ra d
ground, should be kept out in the) them to be affected by the evil one | 22st Donegal; Esther, wife of Harry €state, seven acres of woodland, sit- | tle for his big sale in this lice oh | p AM Gangz's stock yards, Mount Joy, | ing while on his way to pid ven
Fall. The best time is from October | When it is only a slight ailment. In ! Rohrer, of Sporting Hill: Joseph and | uate in Rapho township, to Eli N | next Monday K Hany, Noy mber + > Wi ea a = E17 AUT
1 to November 20th. If set out la- | 8S€s ol this sort physicians treat the | Christian and Mary at home. The | 1e¥, for $135 per acre Mr. Freymeyer, the local baker and Se £9 head o fresh o Irs. A. B. Cling and Mrs Dr.
ter than this period, they should He | illness, and in that manner encourage funeral was held on Saturday fore- Tore { groceryman, purchased a new piano i Cows coming | Garber spe nt ow er a E
covered with a little long stable mia- them to visit the missions. {noon at the Cross Roads meeting : y | j | from Kirk Johnson & Co., the Lan Fepraory Aso bulls, stock steers, | guests of the for: ta mi 25 the
nure or leaves to prevent injury from | ALter encouraging reports had house, west of town. High Schoo Feam Organized | caster dealers. T heifers and cattle for beeve 2t. | Sj Cat Toast Berli aug ter, Mrs,
deep freezing. Rhubarb and aspar- | "€6D received, from the various con- | m— - re Aig School foot ball team or- Miss Grace Flowers has returned Se rE | Mr. and Mrs ad > Smok
00 4 agus plants, whether young or old. ! grogational societies, Mrs. Charles | Michael Maurer ld Season on last even- to her home in Elizabethtown ior Half Cent 100 Years Old | and two. sons oF Coli Smoker
: or begin to @evelup buds which form the | FTeY. gave an adgress on the “Fed Michael Maurer, a retired farmer] 18 by electing James Newpher, man- , spending a few weeks here as the While Mrs. H. G. Hoffman, south ( f®W hours in town calling Spent a
00 | stalks just as soon as the weather | ration Movement,’ In the ‘evening of near Kinderhook, died last Tues- 28s ; Join Bowman, captain and Mr. | guest of friends. : of town, was working in her "de n | many friends and —- or eit
i turns mild in the Spring. As soon | R¢V- Frey spoke entertainingly on | d2Y, aged 81 years. Death result- Charles Cagsel, head vouch; There | Mr. Peter McGarvey is driving a|°% Monday, she found an old copper | Mr. Walter Eby of Auaih tances:
00 4 as the buds develop there is a dosres | THe “Western Transformation.” led from infirmities incident to old are a number of aspirants who are!new horse which he Just purchased half cent dated 1809. Mrs. Hoffman | employed at the wih Lemoyae, now :
} sponding growth of rootlets. or Nearly all the guests that attended 88€ after an illness of over a year. bracifeing nightly trying to make from Ed Ream, the pave also has a half cent which Bo found ne House a Har arigelical Publish!
the plants are set out in the Fal] the | (1€ Convention here were entertained | His widow and the following child- good. 5 The management has such | dealer at Mount Jov. d $ recently dated 1829. ; Aone iiss Zarrshuss, circulated 3
earth is settled about the plants and in a royal manner in Mount Joy Hall | ren survive: Peter, of Columbia; toning in iow as Millersville second, | Mr. and Mrs. Abram Eshleman of UAE Mrs. Sar: ; own over Sundas, oe
A root and top growth starts early in| by the members of the local society | Michael, of Reading; Samuel, of Pet- Cotupibia, Marietta, and Elizabeth- | Milton Grove, and Mrs. Fretz of ,- | dent = heh Roland, a former resis
1a the Spring, frequently as early. v8 the? who had tables spread to serve sev. | erSburg; Joseph, of Centerville; Wm. tows High and other strong proposi- ' Rheems, were guests of Mr. and Mrs Attended the Banquet. sen 2% nox ‘enjoying a trip to her
last week in March. Fall-planted eral hundred guests. Two meals) OF Cordelia; Adam, at home: Marga- tions. You can rest assured that, A. B. Winters on Sundas. Mrs. Mr. Jacob H. Zeller, the local rep- 4 a i Bansas. She is accompanied]
y > roots not only make an early growth | "ore served. Special cars were run | ret, wife of H. A. Resh, of Kinder- snder the guidance of Coach Cassel, | Messrs. J. D. Easton Addiso resentative of the Prudential Life In-{ ~ ~on J. Harry, of Philadelphit
but they become so firmly established | from Lancaster and all in all the | 100k: Martha, wife of Curtis Gelt- oly the best of results can be looked | Breneman, William Wéidmun ir at surance Company, last Friday even- Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Gingrich an
in their new home as to better able | ©VERt Was a grand success. | macher of Newtown; Gertrude, wife forward to. { Joseph McGarvey jr. will Kove = ing attended a banquet of the super- daughters Kathryn, Emily, and Mr,
to resist the dry, hot day of the fol- | ——— i | of John Bard, and Elizabeth, wife of Ae 3 | Sunday for Indiantown Gap where intendents and agents of the compa- 3. H. Gingrich attended the Gibbl
lowing summer. Hardy shrubs, Revived & Car Edward Swarr, of Cordelia; Kate, Diphtheria in Town | they will spend a week gunning: ny at the Aldine Hotel, at Lancaster Daveler wedding at Bi
deciduous trees, also apple, pear and ry a Jarioad of Apples | wife of Harry Miller, of Washington | . A case of diphtheria has developed | ee e—0i—— yesterday.
plum trees, blackberry, raspberry zud | this piece. A r Amos Bender of | boro; Mary, wife of Harry Siegrist, in this place, and here’s hoping the | ERE The Older the Better Mrs. B. Wright and little
currant bushes should always be set | tra choice Joostved a serlond of ex-|of Moores mill; Anna, wife of Smauel dread disease does not spread. Zel- Nisslay-Erb The Elizabethtown ore icle’” HarHshure, are spending a fe
out in the Fall if it is possible to ob. il i re New York State | Bard, of Ironville. He was z mem 112 the seven-year-old daughter of | Last Wednesday morning a pretty | like old cha Barleveory rol le oy here as the guests of her pa
tain the trees and bushes. If plant dpples cams : elect varieties. The | ber of the Catholic church. The fun Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Coolidge, on South | wedding took place at the home of | with age Last Friday DT yes Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Detwiler, on Wd
; ed in the early Spring they should be | ang are iin iis from the orchards | eral was held on Friday. Market street, is the victim. The | Mr: and Mrs. Benjamin Nissley, in fafer's journal. was rots y or | Main street. a
Ee o out Just 28 So0H as the frost 1c Re 2 ER Sl 10: plane Was quarantined by the Board | A henpaen township, when their | and the fine of that i ek a Mrs. Kate Weidman, Misses
ou > gr ’ i sfbud ar £ o ealth. 3 i is ine | daughter, Miss / : linslov. - w : s ho Fi ie Flory :
Su Toman Bae round is Mr. Bender invites you to call and | BE Autos Fined $10. very wall, The patient is doing] Std iB, Nien as picture of health and prosperity. Nn abet] Greenawalt
should not be commeticed oil Hy see them whether you buy or not. ™ % J. Nissley, west of town, was Sm | of Rapho township Gar S Tne ? ——— ag s - spent Sunday with
as : ; > OE {heard by Alderman Doebler, at Lan- ; : | Hill Ye aon Sporting . 0 - Charles Eberle, of Ney Provi
fesves fall that is, not before the 10th Conmetery Ateovintion Chistorad easter, last Friday Morning a The Lancaster Examiner Says: 2 b fhe ceremony was performed Filed an Opinion dence, Pa 7 :
OL SICLober: The Tosser M ie. {charge against him was taili In a short time the Lancaster Gen- | yy °° J2¢0b N. Brubaker, of near Judge Hassler filed the following Miss Mary W.
O14 Horses or others. wit: pose) Avseciation. was foupontie Gemstery { Stop Tit automobile Wide inn i hospital will receive a legacy of ! Hognt Joy fn the presence of a large opinion or Saturday: making her home — phd -
teeth should always have ground |ceurt on Friday morning, The in. | Were leaving a trolley car. The Al- Hs 35 from the estate of Aaron G. | Hho conti guests and relatives of 3 8 Forney vs. Mrs, Amelia Stoli | cle, Mr. William Sterrett, at Marit
grain. It is impossible for them to | COrporators are: Jacob O. Tissor. | derman imposed a fine of $10 and AA late of Mount Joy, and the e. Ee I Judges for want of a suffi | ta, spent Monday afternoon and e
make use of the whole grain. Dur. | Peter M. Stern, Amos R. Herr, Jacob | costs. Sager was authorized to sign al —_—i0: ole nt affidavit of defense; rule dis- { ning in town.
ing the Spring months or at any sea- | H. Risser and Peter S. Risser. This was not exactly Mr. Nissley’s Féiease When the money is received, Wolgemuth-Sharp Charged: Mr: and Mrs. Beni a
son of the year when they are shedds — fault as he is a caremul chaffeur, but Bi ——— Rev. Harvey Hoffer of Manheim PRE LE in Miss Gertrude en eer
ing, teeth colts should have ground Appointed Inspector Lancaster City recently passed an A Japa »se Wedding united in marriage John Wolgemuth There's Money in Tobacco Edith Bentzel enjoyed oS antonio
grein nore So Prevent uy wsne us Brubaker has been appoint- ORiinaike rishiviting automobilists 4 Japanese wedding will be held SE1d Lane Rapho township, and Mr. John Beamesderfer, one of our ride to Lancaster, Mountville, Co
r) : g such | © nspector of elections of the Spring Fo! g at street crossings | by the young people of Faith Reform- |. >° Gertrude Sharp - of Manheim. | local tobacco packers, has sold his bia, and Marietta. :
A penta ued 2y seve that tion Iya ot Seung Joy | ee receives or discharges |ed church, of Lancaster, in Mount Joy | They Were attended by Miss Daisy entire packing, 402 cases, to Sloat & Drs. J. J. Newpher and A. F.
; . s Samuel C. Hall, on the evening of November arp of Old Line, and Walter Hass- | C0.» of Lancaster, at 17 cents a pound | 4er attended the
propianle io grind feed for horses | Shenk, removed from the district. ‘0: 13th, 1909. Fuller particulars next ler of Elstonville. After a tour of | The lot netted Mr. Beamesderfe: | Meeting of the Colles of PA
rE By have getart. Execution Neood: Th Hospital Auxiliary week. cities they will reside near] $23,460.00. and Surgeons at Elizabethtor n
ed to grind hiv. own. grain Litgsclf B..F. Kready ua 3 ie e Tegular monthly meeting of ————— ga. ~ Wednesday evening. ,
theiwork. éab be dene =. oda Bra E. Dincoice, yar ey 20 ohn sl AnSiay will be held A A Bit of Advice —i i Ney in the Moou.-Hells Bill, is Mrs. Samuel Daily has
and the expense of grinding rood) 10r $400 against Abram M. Sworgarilon ale Of Mis a jamming. 4 Beton Burchalies your Fall suit Just received 100 pounds of Rodda he srs But it ain’ : hue after spending two
hardly enter into the question. of Conoy township. o'clock. ; Bee er G San dom forge! lo look ov-| candies at Baker’s. All goods guar-|1I a ve IY NOW BE Bex grandparents:
etz Bros. guaranteed line. anteed fresh. m wearing Hart, Schaffner & Marx! fers on West Donegal sti
al Yoo! clothes from. Getz Bros. sin at Mechaniesby
