PAGER FOUR THE BULLETIN | MOUNT JOY, PA. J. B. SOHROLL, Editor & Prop’. | TE TR | SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 50c A YEAR | Six Months. ...... 25 Cents Single Coples. . .... 2 Cents Sample Coples. ..... FREE | Entered at the post office at Mount Joy as second-class mail matter. All correspondents must have thelr communications reach this office not later than Monday. Telephone news of importance between that time and 12 o’'locck noon Wednesday. Chan- ges for advertisements must posi- tively reach this office not later than Monday night. New advertisements inserted If copy reaches us Tuesday | night. Advertising rates on appli- cation. EDITORIAL { How lucky it is that the moon is blind. REN the man in It is nice to be handsome but it is a good deal handsomer to be nice. % 9 @® We are of the opinion that the man | who could run a newspaper to suit everybody went to heaven long ago. "FF 0» When you see a banana peel rest- ing on a sidewalk and a fat man un- consciously approaching it, the indi- cations point to an early fall. * & % % = There are always a good many people who keep the balance of the community busy wondering how they live so well and others it keeps busy wondering how some live at all —without working. *« % % % % Smoking at one time was a penal offense in Turkey, and now Turkey is the chief cigarette consumer of the world. Men are shifty propositions no matter what their creed or color. ® % % ¥ % Learned men tell us that in Latin the word “editor” means something “to eat.” In Mount Joy its mean- ing is altogether different. Here it means to scratch around like blaz- es to get something to eat. * % % ® 0% 1.e effects of advertising lasts far beyond the week, month or even the year in which it appears. Many a business is a money-maker today on advertising done years ago---on ac- cumulated prestige. * & % % * The treasury department has set- tled the question of the legality of drawing bank checks below $1 by de- ciding that any man who has a bank account can draw on it for any size check he wishes without violating the law x ¥ Xx % % An advertisement is to a merch- ant very much what sowing seed is to the farmer. It may take a little time for the results to become ap- parent, but they are sure to come. The wise farmer is not niggardly with his seed, nor the wise merchant with his advertisement. * % * % % The way the yard sticks rattled, hardware jingled and our merchants and clerks moved around on Saturday indicated a lively day for our business men; and the people that thronged our thoroughfares were delighted in the bargains they had pocketed, and the general verdict is that this is the place to trade. intertained Ther Friends On Thursday evening Mr. and Mrs. William H. Gantz, of the Farmers’ Inn, in this place, entertained the fol- lowing guests at their home: Misses Ethel Reardon, Florence Reardon, Ada Hassler, Barbara Bernhart,Mary Troup, Kathryn Zug, Elsie Zimmer- man, Minerva Shindle, Mabel Welch- ans, Ruth Hertzler and Florence Zim merman and Messrs. Charles Fritsch, Harry J. Bernhart, W. G. Schwab, Charles Shindle and James B. Rear- don, all of Lancaster; Miss H. Marie Zeller, George B. Zeller, George H. Brown, Paul Getz, Mr and Mrs. Clayton Hollinger and Mr. and Mrs C. H. Brubaker of this place; Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Souders, of Donegal The young people from Lancaster came via trolley, having chartered a special ear for the evening. 'OL Broke His Back Mr. Eli Snyder of Elizabethtown, who for some time has been engaged in hauling milk from there to Her- shey, took suddenly ill last Friday afternoon on his return trip about a mile north of Elizabethtown. He fell from the wagon and broke his back. He is about fifty years old and the father of three children. He died on Tuesday afternoon from the effects. HH A Good Lecture “Stop Grumbling and Laugh a Lit- tle” was the subject of Rev. W. H. Egge’s lecture at Florin on Saturday evening, and the verdict of all pre- sent was that it was great. Quite a number of Mount Joy people attend ed and came home with many a hearty laugh. Mr. Egge will give a series of lectures in Wayne Coun- ty in the near future. Talk Is Cheap When you can get a telephone \ in your house for $12.00 a year. ~ Call up the Columbia Telephone Company and they will tell you all about it. or Indigestion. for ippetite and what 1 did me terribly. Burdock cured me.”—J. H. Walk 20004 OCTOBER 4-8 1909 © YE GRAND OLD YORK FAIR 52nd Annual Exhibition Premiums, $9,000 Purses, = $5,200 LIVE STOCK—FARM MACHINERY—AG- RICULTURAL — LLORTICULTURAL — TRADE DISPLAYS AND DOMESTIC DEPARTMENTS— the largest and best ever on the grounds. 1909 The Managers, feeling sure that free at ractions of real merit will be appreciated, have spared no ex- pense in securing only those of high character, The Midway will be clean, no vulgar shows, gambling or gambling devices permitted. Wednesday, October 6th will be especially feat— ured as “MERCHANTS DAY”, in recognition of the action of the Merchants Association in closing their plac. s of business on that day. ADMISSION 25 CENTS Children Under I2 Years Free Excursion Rates on All Railroads For further information address, EDWARD CHAPIN, Sec’y., YORK, PENNA. 0000000000000 P00O0P0000000020800000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 P00 PI00009,0000000000000000¢ PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD Personally-Conducted Excursions October 6, 1909 Tickets good going on train leaving 10.39 a. m., connecting with SPECIAL TRAIN of Pull man Parlor Cars, Dining Car, and Day Coaches running via the Tickets good returning on regular trains with FIFTEEN DAYS, including date of excursion Stop-off within limit allowed at Buffalo returning. Lllustrated Booklet and full information may be obtained from Ticket Agents. J. KR. WOOD, GEO. W. BOYD, Passenger Traflic Manager. General Passenger Agent NIAGARA FALLS Round-Trip Rate $9.30 From Mt. Joy FPicturesgue Susquehanna Valley Route ra —— un sus SEY a A LITTLE RUBBER TIRE TALK Fi ? 2 Why send your wheelsaway and wait a week or Don’t you think we can save you time ana money? GGG more? We put A trial and we'll them on while readily convince 2 you wait, you. 2h Just a few words in reference to rubber tires for Spring. We are prepared oF to put on rubber tires on very short notice and at very reasonable prices. We oF buy our rubber direct from the manufacturer and can adjust a set while you oF wait. Let your wagon here while you go to the store, bank, or transact othe {6} minor business and when you return we will have a set of good rubber tires on oF your wheels. We use only the best rubber-—the famous Kelly-Springfield tire, one of the best on thd market. all times. We carry a big line of this ;rabber in stoek at Give us a chance or your next job. Remember we can save you £2 2 the middle man’s profit, and that is quite an item, 2 £ FLORIN 8 YOUNG BROS., pENNa J oleololeteolototetelolotetetetototetefetofotototototole fol J SHG J ASHES HGH ORF SHD OFS 8 HE 0 GHG SHG GHB SH GHG SBS BH OO SB GSB SH GE 2 October 12, 13, 14 and 15 $5000 ~ ~ - ~ = The hancaster Fair A Hundred Big Features $10,000 For Premiums and Purses For Races Wonderful Display of Horses, Ponies and Cattle, Swine, Machinery, Farm and Home Products. Big Vaudeville Attractions and Mid- way of Clean Shows. Pennsylvania railroad will run special trains to the grounds every twenty minutes. James A. Miller, General Manager, P. T. Watt, President. I. C. Arnold, Secretary. ’ SIGNALS OF DISTRESS Mount Joy People Should Know How to Read and Heed Them Sick kidneys give many signals of distress The secretions a sediment, Passages are frequent, scanty, pain ful, Backache is constant day and night Headaches and dizzy spells are fre- puent The weakened kidneys need quick ep. Don't delay. remedy. Doan's Kidney Pills cure sick kid- neys, backache and urinary disorders, Mount Joy evidence proves this statement. Mrs. Ella Smith, Mount Joy street Mount Joy, Pa., says: “Doan’s Kid ney Pills are by no means a new rem edv to me as I used them when suf fering from kidney trouble in a seri ous form many years ago. | suffered from backache and at times my ank- les were badly swollen, My kidneys disordered and the secretions irregularly, 1 finally heard Doan’s Kidney Pills and pro- They hefped me from and 1 continued their use until the swelling disappeared and the pain ceased. Since that time I have had but a few slight re- turns of the complaint.” For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn & Co., Buffalo New York, sole agents for the Unit- ed States. Remember the and take no other. a smanncecmllipeen—— are dark, contain Use a special kidney were passed about cured a box. the very first name-—Doan’s— A Little Straight Talk Whether it Cook or Peary that discovered the North Pole, the problem that confronts the business man that has been “grouchy” all Sum mer, is to discover the reason for the shortage in sales. Let us help you out Selling to the public but not letting it know of it, is like having an empty store. No one will come to see except your creditors. Advertise, tell the public what have to sell thru a medium that is read by them, and not through a journal that is continually lying a- bout its “big” (?) circulation and in only prints a few hundred copies. Try an ad in the “Bulletin” and see the difference. —- i ee Can You Beat This? From the Lancaster Morning News: A story is going the rounds of the Lancaster city and county papers about a man near Rohrerstown who 5,000 bask- was you you reality is alleged to have sold ets of peaches from a one-acre orch- ard received $6,000 for them. If he has his trees planted closer than they might crowd in 200 trees to the acre. hundred trees to the acre to produce 5,000 baskets must average 225 baskets to the tree. They were doubtless bud- ded on elm to get sufficient bearing surface for that kind of a crop, and then double hickory to give strength to carry that sized load. should be, he Two worked on mest ees Circulation Counts The wise advertiser spends his money where he is assured full re- turns. The paper that lies about how many subscribers it has, does not appeal to advertisers. It’s the pa- per that spends money by improving and bettering its publication and giving people the news, thereby gett- ing many new subscribers, that inter- ests the man who has money to spend for publicity. There is no fake or bluff about the paper that makes an honest effort and is not afraid to share its success with the public. Circulation counts. > Two Rumors It is said that the terminus of the Cornwall & Lebanon Railroad will be estaablished ai Elizabethtown by ex- tending a line from Cornwall to that borough. It is said that the McCall’s Ferry Power House will be finished ere long and that the dam on the Lancaster County side will soon be ready to furnish power for the five 10,000- horse-power generators to be then installed. eee bbe rari Oyster Supper and Social The ladies of Trinity. United Evan- gelical church will hold an oyster sup per and sociable in Mount Joy Hall on October 9th. Oysters in every style, ice cream and cake, coffee and sandwiches, ete. will be part of the menu: The Foresters Band has been engaged for the occasion. mn (J t— Feed will be high this Fall. All undigested food will be wasted. Save money and increase your horse’s health by the regular feeding of Fairfield’s Blood Tonic for Horses Only. It perfects digestion, so that all the nutriment is secured from the food. For sale by F. H. Baker, Mount Joy; H. C. Greider, Landisville, and D. B. Ebersole, Elizabethtown. ———————— Subscribe for the Bulletin; 50c yr. FRANKLIN AND MARSHALL ACADEMY Lancaster, Penna. Twelve year record. 450 boys in to 25 different institutions. Work done in finest boy’s prepara- tory school building in Pennsylvania. $125,000 added inbuilding,grounds and equipment during the past three years. Training thorough. Work and conduct carefully supervised. Libraries 55,000 volumes. nasium, Athletic Field. Honor men in best colleges and universities in the country. Unusual opportunities to students from Lancaster county. Regular four year course with one vear intermediate work. Students enter any year’s work for which they are fitted. Profitable opportunities for boys not taking a college course. Fall term opens Sept. 15. illustrated catalogue. Thaddeus G. Helm, A. M., Edwin M. Hartman, A. M., Gym- Send for 7-21-8t Principals THE WERBKLY BULLRBTIN SALE REGISTER Please remember if we print your bills we will Insert a notice of your gale in our register from now until the day of sale, FREE, Our large circulation will thoroughly advertise vour sale, so send us your date at once for insertion in this list. Friday, October 8-—-0n the prem- jses on New Haven street, Mount Joy a lot of ground with 2} story frame and outbuild- household summer house ings Also a large lot ol goods by E. K. and C. K. Bennett, I'riday, October 8-—At the Bx- change Hotel, Mount Joy, at 7 o'clock a lot of ground on Kast Main street, frame house, Mount Joy, with a 2} Story dwelling and outbuildings, etc. by 2. ¥. Baker, Zeller, auct saturday, October 9--On the pre mises in Mount Joy borough, a lot of ground with 1} frame house, gtable and outbuildings. Also a lot of household goods by George Siller, executor of Sophia Kramer, deceased. Zeller, auct.; W. M. Hollowbush, atty Tuesday, October 12 At Hotel Me Ginnis, Mount Joy, a lot of ground with a 23 story frame house, sum- mer house, frame stable, wagon shed and outbuildings. Also a pool room containing two tables with complete got of fixtures by Frank W. Conrad. Minnich, auct. Thursday, October 14—O0n the pre mises near Hiestand’s Mill, in Mount Jovy township, a farm of 97 and 14 perches of land with 23% story frame house, summer house, bank parn, tobacco shed, hog pen, chick- en heuse and outbuildings. Also at the same time and place a lot of lo- cust posts, chestnut rails, and tobac- co lath by Daniel G. Brandt and Aa- ron G. Brandt, administrators of John K. Brandt, deceased. Peirce, auct.: W. M. Hollowbush, atty. Friday, October 15—O0n the prem- ises of Clinton H. Eby, near Siegrists Mill, in West Hempfield township, a large lot of lumber and cord wood, saw-d ust, ete., by John G. Stauffer & Son. Zeller, auct. Saturday, October 16—At the res- idence of the undersigned on South Market street, Mount Joy, Pa., a big lot of shade and ornamental trees of various sizes by Amos B. Root. H. H. Morton, auct. Thursday, October 21—O0n the pre mises in Rapho township, 3 miles east of Mount Joy, a valuable farm of 135 acres with improvements by Fanny Erisman, and John Strickler, executors of John Erisman, dec’d. Saturday, Oct. 23—At the Wash- ington House, Mount Joy, Pa., a lot of ground on West Donegal street, with a 23 frame dwelling,and outbuildings by Mary A. Miller, ad- ministrator d. b. n. c¢. t. a. of George WW. Way, deceased. Zeller, auct. story acres story The Assignment of Ministers The following appointments of the Bast Pennsylvania Conference of the United Brethren church were made at Harrisburg: Colambia—S. C. Enck. Denver—W. W. Fridinger. Elizabethtown—S. 8. Dougherty. Ephrata—-C. E. Boughter. Clarence Mease. Harrisburg—First, I. E. Derry street, J. A. Highspire—H. F. Hillsdale--To be Supplied. Florin Runk; Lyter. Rhoads. Hummelstown—A. A. Long. Lititz—J. E. Keene. Manheim—H. H. Behney. Manor--J]. O. 1. Macht. Middletown—O. S. G. Renn. Mount Joy—-J. B. Rittgers. Mountville—R. R. Butterwick. 303; On Equal Footing According to the new game laws, a hunter caught with a ferret dur- ing hunting season, must pay a fine of §25 for the first offense and un- dergo one day's imprisonment for ev- ery dollar fine for the second offense. This puts the poor man on an equal basis with the rich man as no amount of money will pay his fine for the second offense. arent {een eet A Shooting Accident was a distressing shooting near Columbia on Sunday evening, in which Albert Kraft, aged thirteen years, was fatally wounded with a bullet by his cousin, Alfred room, aged seventeen years. Indi- rectly, a wild man scare in the vicin- ity of Columbia was responsible for the sad affair. There accident ce tre (eee ene Make large profits now. The price of eggs is rising. Fairfield’s Egg Producer is guaranteed to increa se the egg output by perfecting the hen's digestion, keeping her in health thus hastening the development of her eggs. (Ask for Fairfield’'s Free Book.) For sale by F. H. Baker, Mount Joy; H. C. Greider, Landisville, and D. B. Ebersole, Elizabethtown. 1} A Complimentary Dinner A complimentary dinner will be given Dr. T. B. Appel, on Friday eve- ning in the Breneman building at I.ancaster, in honor of his election to the presidency of the Medical Socie- ty of Penna. The local physicians, members of the society, will attend. i sin ma ern Constipation causes headache, nau- sea, dizziness, languor, heart palpi- tation, Drastic physics, gripe, sick- en, wegkens the bowels and don’t cure. Doan’s Regulets act gently and cure constipation; 25 cents. Ask your druggist. rn LO For Sale—A fine team; horse a bay pacer with speed, eight years old; wa- gon, a good rubber tire buggy. Ap- ply at this office. HH “Dr. Thomas’ Electric Oil is the best remedy for that often fatal dis- ease—croup. Has been used with success in our family for 8 years.” SHEEEHOBNITHEOIEINIIIRNERIN0I0S Mrs. L. Whiteacre, Buffalo, N. Y. a & 8 b fo £ 2 SOB S GS OHO CSS OS GOGO H HOLT Wednesday, October 6th, 1909 READ TIIIS! SAHA HANAHAN HANH 3 According to the reports of the United States Govern- ment experts on pure food, we make a perfect baking pow- @ der. We guarantee that it does not contain any particle of tartaric acid, alum or any other impurities and we challenge any other baking powder firm to prove that their powder 3 contains as much cream of tartar as the White Mountain. @ ote AA ENE ste ome o2. ang SEs ste LOE, Ze te ot TORT “re be 2 oy CRIT POSS A = 25% a BAKING POWDER =e SSS S OOH GHRET rar urirg ih We give you a full pound for 50c and then give you your choice of any of the following articles as a premium. 5-Quart Dresden White Lined Preserve Kettles 14-Quart Titan Grey Rinsing Pan Motteled Enamelware and many other articles which will be in a little later. ® ToT oTetotetoteloTototeletofotetetotototototaipiatotototelol | — - _— —— . Read the Bulletin SATIN WALNUT OR GUM WOOD One of the Newest Things For The Dining and Bed Room We have complete suits in this beautiful! and highly desirable finish Buffets, China Closets, Extension Tables, Side Tables and Chairs all made to mateh. There is refinement and good taste in every piece and the cost is no greater than the ordinary oak goods. SEE SUIT IN WINDOW offmeier Bros., 40-42 East King St. hancaster, Pa. BE CAREFUL That it does not go with vou like this fellow, by taking your Watch, Clock or Jewelry .Repairing to inexperienced workmen and have it ruined as it is harder to repair a job after it is almost ruined than if it was brought here first. S. EF. MILLER Up-t6-Date and Reliable Jeweler and Optician EAST MAIN STREET, MOUNT JOY, PA. — SC —— You Ought to Look Into This BIG SHOE SALE WERE HAVING You really can’t afford to pass up this chance to buy enough good shoes to last you for a long tiem to come. A Never 30- far as we know, has such a sale takeu place in this city. Our windows re. laze with bargains, you can see the values in the shoes. 18 North Queen Street, It’s built in toem. SHAUB & CO. BOOTS, SHOES, RUBBERS and HOSIERY LANCASTER, PENNA, DI AMONDS CLEANED AND EXAMINED FREE OF CHARGE. IT TARES LITTLE MONEY TO OWN A WATCE NOWADAYS y : : 5 Watches of guaranteed quality such as we offer this week, are almost given away. em Mons Open-Face Watches in 20-year cases and fitted with Elgin mov- ents, are,offered for...) i. cu nL Tea eA $ 9.60 Men’s Elgin Watches; worth $6.50; for................... $ 4.00 Ladies’ Hunting-Case Watches,in 20-year cases; worth $15.00; nuw Rea Ce ae ee a ee a ey EE a ee Ee ae re he $ 10.75 Pirosh & Simmons Next Door to Shaub & Co’s. Shoe Store JEWELER AND OPTICIANS 20 N. QUEEN ST., LANCASTER 5 3 A pos in