Sa - 8 Hy Joy NOBBY CLOTHES Fall and Winter Patterns Jus All the Best Qualities, From the Largest Furnishing House in the Country. SHOES! SHOES! “WALKOVER'"—Best Made and ILatest HATS! HATS! Call and See. First Quality and Newest Fall Styles. I. D. Benem:r PRICES KING OF LOW East Main Street, Markets ! Following are Lancaster City’s markets of this morning : Wheat per bushel... $ 1.03 Bran per ton.......................... 27.00 Shorts per ton 8 27.00 Middlings per ton............. 30.00 MOUNT JOY'S 2 Potatoes per bushel... _. 95, os 5 Corn per bushel 78 Oats per bushel .................... 60 Today H. E. Ebersole pays: Butter per pound... Lard per pound .......... ... Tallow per pound... Eggs per dozen... Potatoes per bushel. A repair in time saves nine, What is the use of putting it off from one day to another; your Clocks, Watches or any it done now and here because the worse it gets the harder it is to re- pair and the more you’ll have to pay. Have it done here because I have the most practical experience and the latest and most up-to-date tools to work with. Prices reasonable. R. V. FECLEY TEWEILER YOU ARE PROUD OF i: . Main St., Mount Joy, Pa, YOUR WIFE AND CHILD- . REN. WHY DON'T YOU BRING THEM TO US TO Shapes. | Mount Joy, Pa. Thursday, | HOSSE80800000500000800000 | m neat asssseevsaervemmprmen other jewelry which needs repairing have SALE REGISTER Please remember if we print you bills we will insert a notice of you sal n our register the day of sale, FREE. lation will thoroughly ou ale, so send us your or insertion in this list » OF m Thurelay, September 30-—0n the| m in East Donegal townshij ile west of May wl limestone land town, a tract « containing 18 eres with improvements by Jaco Hostette Zeller, auct, Friday, October 8 On the on New Haven street, | ! pren ot of ground with 23 Ouse HN house and outbuilc ings Also a large lot of househol roods by BE, K. and C. K. Bennett, Saturday, October 9—At Hotel Me Mount Joy, a lot of groun th a 2} story frame house, sum- se, frame stable, wagon shed d Also a pool roor 01 1 wo tables with complet Frat W. Conrac Minnich, auct . Chursday, October 14-—0n the pre in Mount Joy borough, a lot of ground with 1% story frame house, ible and outbuildings Also a lot of household goods by George Siller, Zeller, auct.; W. M\ October 14 tand’s Mill, Joy township, a farm of of land with 23 story On the pr in Mount 97 acre ouse, summnier house, ban arn, tobacco shed, hog pen, chick-| and place 1st posts, chestnut rails, and tobac- yy Daniel G. Brandt and Aa- G. Brandt, John K Brandt , deceased. Peirce, lauct.; W. M. Hollowbush, atty. Friday, October 15—0n the prem-| ises of Clinton H. Eby, near Siegrist i Mill, in West Hettipfie Id tow uship, a [large lot of lumber [saw- -du ete., 1 Son. a ar, auct. Saturday, October lide nce of the [Mar ket street, Mount Joy, various sizes by H. Morton, auct. Thursday, October 21—O0n the pr mises in Rapho ast of Mount Joy, a 135 acres with improvements b [Fer Erisman, and | executors of John Erisman, dec’d. Or : At Elizabethtown Saturday goodly number of our citizen | witnesse d the F Fitki lve ua think of using : three umpires in VOLO LHS HOEDIPLHAOLLOOER 8 I going some, eh. { When we played up there some sore- ja game That's YOU NEED NOT WAIT FOR A CLEAR DAY. WE P CAN TAKE JUST AS GOOD PHOTOS ON A CLOUDY DAY. and the JUST AS GOOD ED eriments BE PHOTOGRAPHED ? Ems ESA Sm | heads threw bouquets at Schock, call- WE WILL GIVE YOU A oma Ems Zo BEES in. g him a has-been, but may be ‘Phil PICTURE THAT WILL | lip” didn’t show those fellows where MAKE YOU PROUDER Stop Buying [to get off on Saturday. He made STILL. la “noise” around first like Harry Da- Beamy | there, | emt A Big Party AUTOMOBILES| or o 02 225 a | gatherings held in this section for a Ricker Photo Gallery W. Main St., Mt. Joy. The best don’t cost any more, and in the end they are the a cheapest. You know the un- Photographs Finished for disputed worth of the Amateurs. L | BUICK PEERLESS LOCOMOBILE OLDSMOBILE Sold strictly on their merits Gol lar lo ity Cents Hundred see sn I am now manufacturing $ have some excellent second- | [long time | the Misses was that at the last Thursday evening. ally large number of young | tertained. The { entertainment, usual | ments, were indulged in. The com- | mittee that so ably gave this party | were the Misses Anna clay and Miss Tillie and Gussie Bar Weidman. | en § () § rere Unclaimed Letters { Following is a list of the uneclaim- {ed letters in the Mt. Joy post { Wednesday, September 29. Mrs. George Haley, f Miss Rose M. Guss, | Miss Lottie M. Nagle, 1909: Miss K. Becker, from now until Our large | advertise | date at | story frame 1 Kramer, deceased. | Hollowbush, atts ind outbuildings. Also at a lot of lo- | administrators of 16—At the res- undersigned on South Pa., a big lot of shade and ornamental trees of Amos B. Root. H. township, 3 miles valuable farm John Strickler, ball game and parade at Elizabethtown on Saturday. The was a hummer and what do also delivered the goods | out Cover—well ask those who were ¢ home of & Barclay in East Donegal $ An exception & folks $& | Were present and all were roy ally en- $ method of games and refresh- office | THE WEEKLY BULLETIN meena r r i | of | y | ® "eo roe cece WHICH 1S $300 Kimball d| | ‘® | ® ———— — m————————— - - rr | ol 1 | | 000000000000000000000000008000000600000000006000000000000004 The J. H. TROUP MUSIC HOUSE} | ANNOUNCES THE OPENING OF A Wednesday, September 29, 19 Ea {Grand Limerick Contest A BEAUTIFUL Upright Piano e i. cs Be vl | el ® ® '® 4 ¢ ® & ® ® ® ® \ “| @ y Fair and interesting. one else to win. Ss catch. Rules and Conditions The Limerick, shown on coupon below needs one more line Fill it out. This last line must rhyme with the first two. Not more than one answer will be received from the same party or family. No employe of this firm nor anyone engaged in the piano business may enter this contest. It is conditional upon entering the contest that all contestants agree to abide by the judges, who will be disinterested parties, The awarding of prizes will e ¢ é 4 (® '® @ é & i Ts er + § CON TEST CLOSES OCTOBER 4th, at9P. M. é é @ 4 & $ ¢ : and whose decisions will be final ® be left entirely to them. ® Tor convenience sake use coupon printed below, or exact writ- ® (en copy, in sending in your answer. ® All answers must be in our office before 9 P. M., October 4th. ® In the event of a tie, for first, second or third prize, the first 3 answer received will be awarded preference by the judges. ¢ ® ® y : Here is a partial list of words that rhyme for the verse below: My, sigh, cry, why, shy, die, reply, thy, sky, nigh, fortify, ete. COUPON Fill out the last line of verse below, also answer questions and sign Name and Address. For a Piano on which to rely, Go to Troup’s when you're ready to buy; 4 ® & ® ¢ : Their quality’s true, ® 1 ® ® ® ¢ ¢ P The price is right, too, Write your linehere ......... : I submit Berewith my Limerick and | agree 10 , abide by the decision of the Judges. R 1 Name.» 0 = 3 Will Be Given Away Absolutely Free AS FIRST PRIZE u SECOND PRIZE Kimball Piano Player Valued at $250 THIRD PRIZE —One $100 Discount Purchasing Check, which will be accepted as first payment on any new piano on our floor. OTHER VALUABLE PRIZES vill be issued to each of the remaining contest | ants, as a reward for their efforts in this contest. Everybody Should Try For It Open to all. Read the simple rules and conditions. A LINE”—You may think of one in a few minutes. Everything fair and open. ¢ ® : Have Youan Organ?................... : ¢ ® ® 999909939999209900490994499 3000000809096999099 $939922900090994¢ Nothing to enter. You have the same opportunity as any A VALUABLE REWARD FOR «JUST It is worth trying for. This is no chance or What Is A Limerick A Lim srs is a jingle, a short piece of poetry generally con- sisting of five lines, the last line rhyming with the flrst two. Here is a sample Limerick completed. Her Sweetheart at Christmas did bring A necklace, a brooch and a ring; In return at New Year Miss Molly said, “Here Is your chance to win back everything.” A The Reason For It The giving away of this large amount in prizes is made pos= sible only through the assistance and co-opration of the large and wealthy factories we have so long represented in this section. The advertising received for our store and pianos repays us in a great measure for the large expenditure in prizes, and the people are directly benefited. Our last contest was so very satisfactory our friends have asked us to have this one. A Few of Factories Represented In This Section By Us Chickering, Kimball, Hardman, Sterling, Poole, Everett, Scha- effer, Lockhart, Huntington, Merrill, Horrington and many others. Address Hll Answers to J. H. TROUP, MUSIC HOUSE RETAIL DEPARTMENT 15 S. Market Square HARRISBURG, PH. 9640000000 Euchre and whist playing for paint ed china prizes is gambling, in the | opinion of the village board of Wil- | mette, a Chicago suburb, and the | board night closed a hall lin which 125 women were about to | | | Playing for Prizes Gambling | | | | Thursday Men Who Spend $ 15 For a Suit Will Enjoy Choosing From the Half a Hundred Different LADIES’ & MISSES’ yo FALL ! ic c . i! Mr. D 8 Frunz, I nlav otichie good, clear, crystal ice on an Lancaster Automobile Co. | Tou | play euchre. extensive scale and am sailing SCENTS bow J Me Pe Be 2 | ——— AGENTS FOR [| Mr Bdw S568 (2 it ten cents a hundred cbeap- Mr. Dave Zug. | Protect the greatest Americen in- er than other local dealers. Buick, Peerless, Locomobile, Oldsmobile. | This is worthlyour considera- i J. FRED FENSTERMACHER, | dustry by the regular use of Fair- | field’s Blood Tonic and Egg Producer Postmaster. | top Poultry only. It increases the ———— Styles Shown at Foster and Cochran’s, FIFTEEN DOLLARS is the amount such a great many men always allow themselves for their Fall Suit, that unusually care- ful preparations are made at Foster & Cochran’sto meet their demand with suits that ate AN EXCEPTIONAL IN VALUE AS WIDE IN VARIETY OF PATTERNS. You'll sce pattern after pattern, at $15. OO, model after model, shown exclusively at Foster & Coch- SUITS, WORTH $12.50 $7.98 § tion as it will save you dollars 215 N. Prince St., in a season. Lancaster, Pa, a 4 Sk ity oeiir aemlby Delivery wagon through town daily. Call or phone and your order will receive prompt at- Shire’s Vieat Market | Rear of Nissley's Tobacco Warehouse tention. FPLORIN. . W. Ww. SuIaE. Pacer Joseph H. Detwiler Mount Joy, Penna. prasssssesmeerts PLACE YOUR ORDER + EARLY Pr, 6. F. THEEL. 535 North hiladelphia, Pa. “Fin Deutscher zt.” Only German Specialist. ATHE c Hsals, Tallow, Lard, &e. Yi St. he only guaranteed son others ean’t care. Weaknesses, Nervous Lo arieoeele & Stricture, mall Shrunken Organs. 48 rs hospital experience in Germany. exposing City & Country advertisisg frauds. Secrecy guaranceed. Mail treatment. Call or write | | | | years Hin Hiner ¥ | Send for Book, tells all, ceusmnys I have about SO Tombstones, Monuments and i Markers in stock from which to : | i | A cure guaranteed if you use | uoy's PILES v:sinsion D. Matt. Thomps oh, Supt Graded Schools, Statesville, N. C., , Writes: “I can say | select at low prices for good ma- terial. J GLATFELTER Mount Joy they do all Fou claim for them.’ Dr. 8. M. Devore, Raven Rock, W. Va., writes; They give universal satis ’ hy H D. McGill, Ciarksburg, Tenn. » Writes : ‘In a practice of 23 years, I have found po rem to equal yours.” Pricz, 50 Cars, Samples Free. a by Droggists.- saantin AuUDY, LANCASTER, Pa, Sold in Mt. Joy by E. W. Garber lletin; 50c yr. ‘Subscribe for the Bu yr CALL FOR FREE SAMPLE PENA. | Dealer in Frosh & Smoked | | Marriage Licenses The following marriage ' licenses | have been granted since our last is- | sue: Menno CG. Wolgemuth and . Eshleman, both of [tow nship. Mount Joy — 0 It takes strength and vitality to {digest food. The harder your hor- | se’s food is to digest, the less strength jand vitality he will have for other { work. Make his food easy to di- | gest by the regular use of Fairfield’s {Blood Tonic for Horses Only. | For sale by F. H. Baker, Mount | {Joy; H. C. ID. B. Greider, Landisville, and Ebersole, Biizgbothtown, Just: Opened | EMANUEL MYERS, Proprietor, NEWTOWN, PENNA. I have just opened my new store | | to the general public with a New and Complete Line of GROCERIES, DRY GOODS NOTIONS, SHOES ETC., ETC. You will find my prices are right. All I ask of you is to call and see my stock. Yours for business, ———p—- EMANUEL H. MNYERS, NEWTOWN, PENNA. Annie| The Mew General Store| COLUMBIA, PA. value and productiveness by purifying the blood and protecting them from | diseases to common fowls. For sale by F. H. Baker, Mount Joy; H. C. Greider, Landisville, and D. B. Ebersole, Elizabethtown. ran’s—rich browns, subdued olives, ran Clothes. and staple blacks—AN ARRAY THAT EXCELLS IN QUANTITY as it does in QUALITY any that you will find. Try on one of the Coats, note it’s good points—examine the Suit critically throughout—it wili add to the reputation of Foster & Coch— handsome two tone blue serges The most remarkable suit value we hay e ever offered, right at the startof the season, Made of all wool broadcloth, soft and delightful to the touch. The single breasted coat extends 36 inches long, sat- in lined, button and braid trimmed, and If you prefer, at $14, $16 and $I8 you will find nearly three times as many more pat- terns to select from. Most Men will want to choose their Suit when the showing is at it’s height— NOW, HA MAN TO HANDLE THE FAMOUS Columbia Steam er ———" Lt i i Cocoanut Bon Bons, Regular 15¢ grade BREAD ‘The Right Man Will Find This a Pure Chocolate finely tailored to fall in the fashionable slender lines. The plain gored skirt hangs perfectly. Choose whichever color you prefer— these Black and White, Blue and Old Rose, Navy. Garnet or Black Jdadies’ White, Brown and White mixed sizes 34 to 44, Misses’ 14, 16 and 18 year Tailored Suitings. especially de- sizes. sirable for Tail Yored Suits” and You will find it the most persuasive Skirts. suit value in Lancasler—Ask to see it—a $12.50 value for $7.98. 49c FOR 75c SUITING You'll like the fine quality of 54 inches wide—a splendid 75¢ value, but at 49¢, a third. 3 Candy Specials for Saturday @ Monday ||| cl. 10c¢c 1b. Cream Ai 15¢ g 10¢ 1b. coneanuierscenae 10e 1b. FALL CARPETS IN OVER 300 PATTERNS One pleasing advantage in selecting the needed carpets at Foster & Cochran’s—almost without exception the patterns you see here are ex- clusive.” You'll find designs you'll like that you will nst see anywhere When you consider that they are in every way up to the high standard of Foster & Cochran Carpets, you’ll conte here first. OVER 100 PATTERNS BRUSSELS VELVET CARPETS SHOWN IN 3 CARPET, 69, 79, 89c ji. DIFFERENT PATTERNS Rich floral patterns you’ll like at Exclusive designs, ©O¢ and | Cood Proposition served in all styles. Low Columbia Baking popular. (BASEMENT) TAKE LUNCH IN OUR RESTAURANT Try the delicious OYSTERS prices, quick service makes the restaurant once. Axminster Carpets, about 45 patterns, $1.15 and $1.25 yard. 1.10 a yard Body Brussels Carpets, 35 pat- Axminster terns, $1.35 and $1.65 yard. Rugs, worth Roy al Wilton Carpet, $2.25 yd, $25.00 at Ingrain Carpets in 45 patterns, 19¢, 25¢ to 65¢ yard. 20 Patterns in Rag Carpets, at 25e, 35¢ to 70e yard. 9 Sewing, Lining and Laying al- ways included. An attractive showing of 8 pat- terns, ata saving of $8.50 over a third. You'll appreciate their rich ness better when you come to see them at Foster & Cochran’s. (FOURTH FLOOR) & Mig. Co. FOSTER) a» GOCHRAN “© 32 ie 38 E. King 8t., Lancaster, Pa How rapidlygsis they will go at the s saving of $4. 52, Ege oan