ag FOUR ' THE WERKLY BULLBTIN Wednesday, September 15, 1909 THE BULLETIN MOUNT JOY, PA. J. B. SOHROLL, Editor & Prop'r. SE I ST SUBSCRIPTION ONLY B0¢ A YEAR | Single Copies. ..... 2 Cents Sample Coples. ..... FREE eee Entered at the post office at Mount Joy as second-class mall matter. All correspondents must have their communications reach this office not later than Monday. Telephone news of importance between that time and 12 o'locck noon Wednesday. Chan- ges for advertisements must posi- tively reach this office not later than Monday night. New advertisements inserted if copy reaches us Tuesday | appli- EE he night. Advertising rates on cation. Er — EDITORIAL Summer resort proprietors seen their best days—in 1909 CO have and old sleep that Now we have to lose wonder who did discover pole any way. 0" Who renders honor to whom hon- por is due, musn’t forget the dogs and the Esquimaux. * % X B® The ‘also explored” are now re- ceiving some attention and in a way they did not anticipate. * & 5 "nw .- "0" Germany owns $250,000,000 worth of diamonds in South Africa, but she needs more than that. 4 % 8 There is now a suspicion that Mr. Wu is merely returning to Chian for the purpose of talking them into lett- ing him come back. & 4% % 39 An esteemed contemporary an- nounces that the silly season is about to end which is not so. The silly season is never over. * * 80 Prof. Richard Burton declares that this is the scrap-book age of Ameri- ca. The airship is also likely to make it the scrap-iron age. *« % % 0 The man who goes thru life with- out being able to say that he plant- ed a tree may be a good citizen, but he ds not a first-class citizen. ® % x ® There is now a rumor that the Chinese will make a mandarin of Col. Roosevelt when he visits China. This would indeed be a distinction. sk ® & ¥ They say that Carnegie is cutting down his benefactions. This is a re- minder that he has not handed out a library for more than a month. * k % % * A naval report on a midshipman says: ‘“His usefulness has been im- paired by matrimony.” (The same thing sometimes occurs on land. * ® * % * Some time in the future the old reliable citizen who never rode in a railawy train will have to give way to the citizen who never sailed in an airship. Ok ¥* BW There is a man in Stafford, Eng- land., who has sung in the same choir for seventy-four years. Patti herself cannot equal a record like that. Thirty-six mountain climbers have lost their lives in the Alps during the present summer. Evidently the saf- est way to ascend the in a balloon. Jf the chewing gum trust contin- ues its exactious, it appears the great American stenographer will have to confine her operations to chewing the—rag. 2 ¥ x» About sixteen per cent of the di- vorces in this country are granted after three or four years of marriage. We start out right but it seems we don’t keep it up. * % x Xx & We suppose naturally, that the most comfortable way in which to witness an airship race is to lie on the broad of your back, which, in- deed, is a very pleasant way. x % * %= @ Gambling in Havana is prohibited, but you are allowed to play poker. The Havana idea seems to be that poker is not gambling but simply an exercise in pure reason. * * 5 x The excitement to be cansed by the arrival of former President Roose velt with a cargo of wild animals can only be compared to that produced by a man driving into an inland town , with a wagon load of fresh fish. R ¥ * = » It is estimated that 84 per cent. § all the inhabitants of the United St drink coffee. Yet investi- gation might show that a good many of them drink stuff which .they er- roneously suppose to be coffee. ; * * 5 3% The only real philosopher among the very rich is Mr. Rockefeller, who attends Sabbath school regularly plays a quiet gamé of golf the now and then, and listens to the old fam- ily clock ticking it up at $40 a min- ute. EE A kiss is a peeuliar proposition. no nse to one, yet absolute bliss two. The small boy gets it for ing, the young man has to steal and the old man has to buy it. baby’s right, the lover's privi- , the hypoerite’s mask. To a girl, faith; to a married wom- I to an old maid, chari- | Three horse 5A Horse Blankets are famous. owners out of four make the 5A trade mark their sole guide in buying blankets. They know that it stands for every desirable quality a blanket should pos- sess—size, weight, warmth, strength and—withal— ability to outwear any two of any other name or make. There isn't a thread or shred in a 5A blanket that isn't first-class material. Every square inch is a sound inch. 5A blankets stay together because they're put together to stay. You never find straps, buckles or stays parting company with the blanket before it’s seen a month's service—as sometimes happens with others. 5A blankets are the best blanket value on the horse-goods market to-day. We sell them to your dealer direct and so save you the jobber’s profit. Ask him to show you his line of 5A blankets and robes. For street wear, use 5A Square Blanket. In the stable, 5A Bias Girth is best. Be sure fo see the 5A Stay under Strap. WM. AYRES & SONS, Philadelphia, Pa. Subscribe For The Bulletin PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD Personally-Conducted Kxcursions NIAGARA FALLS September 8, 22, & October 6, 1909 Round-Trip Rate $9.30 From Mt. Joy Tickets good going on train leaving 10.39 a. m., connecting with SPECIAL TRAIN of Pull man Parlor Cars, Dining Car, and Day Coaches running via the FPicturesgue Susquehanna Valley Route Tickets good returning on regular trains with FIFTEEN DAYS, including date of excursion. Stop-off within limit allowed at Buffalo returning. Nlustrated Booklet and full information may he obtained from Ticket Agents. J. R. WOOD, GEO. W. BOYD, Passenger Trafic Manager. @eneral Passenger Agent, I Dine at Sheaffer's Sheaffer's Restaurant and Confectionery mo pon ALL KINDS PIES AND SANDWICHES, BAKED BEANS, CORNBEEPF, CONFECTIONERY, TOBACCO & CIGARS, KEYSTONE DAISIES. BEST ICE CREAM IN ANY QUANTITY Mount Joy MANHEIM STREET PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD Bulletin. HUDSON-FULTON CELEBRATION NEW YORK CITY. Three hundred years ago, Henry Hudson,{an Englishman in command of a Dutch expedition, with eighteen men, explored the Hudson River from Sandy Hook to Troy in his small craft, the “Half Moon.” One hundred and ninety-eight years later, Robert Fulton es- tablished, with his steamboat, the “Clermont,” a regular water service between New York and the towns along the Hudson river to the North. This year, New York City, with sister cities and towns along the Hudson, will celebrate these two achievements by a series of imposing observances, religious, historical, military, naval, mus- ical and literary, extending from September 25 to October 9. Replicas of the “Half Moon” and the “Clermont” have been built and will play a large part in the celebration. They will be the center of attraction in the great naval pageant on Saturday, September 25. The United States Government will have fifty— two war ships anchored in the Hudson, and Great Britain, France, the Netherlands, Italy, Germany, Argentine, Guatemala, Mexico, and Cuba will be represented by war vessels. Two great parades of water craft will escort the “Half Moon” and the “Clermont’’ in triumphal procession past the war leviathans, first in the morning and again in the evening, when all the vessels will be illuminated. On September 28 there will be a grand historical pageant, and on September 30 a big military parade in New York City. On October 1, the ‘Half Moon” and “Clermont” will pro- ceed up the Hudson to Troy escorted by hundreds of river craft, including torpedo boats. A magnificent carnival parade will be held in New York on Saturday evening, October 2, which promises to eclipse all prev- ious attempts. The Pennsylvania Railroad, the direct line to New York, with its unsurpassed service of fast express trains, will sell exeur- sion tickets to New York for this period at reduced rates of fare. Full details concerning specific fares, dates of sale, return How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Re- ward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure, I. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.| We, the undersigned, have known i, J. Cheney for the last 156 years | and believe him perfectly honorable | in all business transactions and finan-| cially able to carry out any obliga- | tions made by his firm. | wWalding, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. | Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in-| ternally, acting directly upon the| blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. | Price, 75 cents per bottle. Sold by | all druggists, | Take Hall's Family pation Pills for consti- | ee Talk Is Cheap When you can get a telephone in your house for $12.00 a year. Call up the Columbia Telephone Company and they will tell you all about it. Constipation causes headache, nau- sea, dizziness, languor, heart palpi- tation. Drastic physics, gripe, sick- en, weakens the bowels and don’t cure. Doan’s Regulets act gently and cure constipation; 25 cents. Ask your druggist. li e— “Dr. Thomas’ Electric Oil is the pest remedy for that often fatal dis- ease—croup. Has been used with success in our family for 8 years.” Mrs. L. Whiteacre, Buffalo, N. Y. vee dA TRIUMPH...... In choke coil construction. Our coil is the most remarkable money sa- ver ever constructed. By a _new process in winding we save you at least ten per cent, more than other makes. We sell only direct to user, thus saving you all unnecessary pro- fits. One price to all. Don’t buy a choke coil or economizer for your arc light until you write for our de- seriptive coil circular. We guaran- tee to save you dollars. Our low price will surprise you. Price com- plete, $20.00. PEOPLES’ ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO. 7-12-4t Mount Joy, Pa. EXECUTORS' SALE OF REAL ES- TATE Monday, September 22, 1909 Pursuant to the order and direc- tions of the last will and testament of David IL Miller, deceased, the un- dersigned will expose to public sale on the premises on the road leading from Mount Joy to Madeira’s mill, (formerly Geyer’s Mill) about three miles northeast of the former and 1 mile west of the latter place, the fol- lowing real estate to wit: All That Certain Tract of Gravel Land Containing 9 Acres, adjoining lands of Henry M. Shelly, Hiram P. Herr, Irvin Bricker, and others. The pet buildings thereon erected con- sist of a 13 Story Log House, Frame Stable, Hog Pen, Chick en House and other outbuildings. A zood well of water and a cistern. = Al- so a choice variety of fruit. This property is pleasantly located, close to churches, schools, ete., and has running water thru the farm. It the raising of This property is well adapted for poultry of all kinds. will positively be sold. The land is in a high state of cultivation. Per- sons wishing to view the premises prior to day of sale will please call on the undersigned residing nearby or Harry Williams residing thereon. Sale to commence on Wednesday, September 22, 1909, at two o'clock p. m., when terms will be made known by JOHN G. MILLER, MILTON N. MILLER, Executors of the Last Will and Tes- tament of David L. Miller, Deceased. C. H. ZELLER, Auct. SALE OF A FINE TOWN PROPERTY Wednesday, September 15, 1909 The undersigned will sell at public sale on the premises on Marietta st., Mount Joy, Pa., the following real es- tate to wit: A Lot of Ground fronting 45 feet on the south side of Marietta street, and extending in depth 180 feet to an alley, adjoining property of M. B. Hiestand on the west and E. W. Gar- ber on the east. The buildings there- (Sate on erected are a 23 Story Frame Double Dwelling House with Kitchen and Summer House attached, Frame Stable and other outbuildings. Both the houses have baths and other conveniences. Also a large stationery range. There is a fine lot of choice fruit on the premises. The property is pleas- antly located in a fine part of the town and will be sold. Persons wishing to view the premises prior to day of sale will please call on the un- dersigned residing thereon, or Charles H. Zeller, real estate and Insurance Agent, 35 East Main Street, Mount Joy, Pa. Sale to commence at 2 o'clock p. m. on Wednesday, September 15, '09 when terms will be made known by FRANCES KRAYBILL C. H. Zeller, auct. PUBLIC PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE Thursday, October 21st, 1909 By virtue of an order of the Or- phans’ Court of Lancaster County, the undersigned will sell at public sale: That valuable farm in Rapho town ship, which was owned by the late John Erisman. The farm is located along the Manheim and Mount Joy road just north of Erisman’s meet- ing house and west of a public road leading from the Manheim road to Union Square, and contains one-hund red and thirty-five acres, more or less The improvements consist of a large two-story brick house, with ten or more large rooms; large porch ex- tending the length of the house, a large brick bank barn, corn barn, pig pen and other improvements. There is running water at both house and barn. On the farm is an orchard of fine fruit trees in bearing condi- tion. The farm is beautifully locat- ed, is in a high state of cultivation, and all the buildings are in good re- pair. Sale to be held on Thursday, October 21st, 1909, at 1.30 o'clock p. m., on the premises, when terms of sale will be made known by the un- dersigned. FANNY ERISMAN, JOHN STRICKLER, Executors of John Erisman, dec’d. S. G. Summy, Auect. limits, and train service may be obtained of Ticket Agents. J. W. Brown, Atty. MISSIONARY CONFERENCE Will be Held in the Church of God Here Next Thursday On Thursday, September 16th, an all day Missionary Conference will be held in the Church of God, In this under the auspices of the Wom of the Rast place, an’'s Missionary pennsylvania Eldership The Elizabethtown, Maytown, Columbia, Washington Landisvitle, Rohrerstown, will be represented will be made by visiting brethren and sisters In the evening Miss Forney of Har- risburg, will deliver an illustrated lecture on Child Life in India. She will have children dressed in India costume, and will illustrate an India and other customs among The public are in- Society societies of Bainbridge, Borough, and Lancaster Addresses marriage India’s children, vited. I'he following program will be ren- dered next Thursday: At 9.30 A.M, Devotional, President Mount Joy Society; Music; Address of Welcome, Miss Edith Myers; Music; Address, What Our Women are Doing, Miss Lillie Hershey; Music; Address, In- reorge ad- stilling Missionary Zeal, Rev. Hoverter; General Conference journment At 2.00 I’. M. Devotional, Rev. J. W. Deshong; Address, India’s Needs, Rev. H. 8S. Hershey; Music; Address, The Church's Present Duty, Rev, C. 8. Rice: Music; Address, Missionary Fruits, Rev. Howard Cover; Ques- tion Drawer; Adjournment. At 730 P. M. Devotional Rev. Howard Cover; Recitation, Miss Cora Leib; Solo, Mr. Charles Cassell; Address, Child Life in India, Miss L. A. Forney; Offering; Benediction. re ——— Circulation Counts The wise advertiser spends his money where he is assured full re- turns. The paper that lies about how many subscribers it has, does not appeal to advertisers. It’s the pa- per that spends money by improving and bettering its publication and giving people the news, thereby gett- ing many new subscribers, that inter- ests the man who has money to spend for publicity. There is no fake or bluff about the paper that makes an honest effort and is not afraid to share its success with the public. Circulation counts. > - —_— Is Building an Airship E. B. Gingrich, residing at Ging- rich’s mill, near Petersburg, is quite an ingenius young man. For some time has been .depply interested in the flights of the Wright Brothers and and he has been working on the construction of his own Kast past he others an aeroplane according to models. He is well versed in aero- nautics and expects shortly to do some flying around his home vicinity (0: Will Not Take Reward Henry H. Koser, of Landisville, who found Donald Smith, the Wilkes Barre boy, near Philadelphia, has re- fused to accept the $200 reward by the hoy’s father for the boy's recov- The persons in the party who found the boy were Mr. and Mrs. Koser and Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Min- nich of Landisville, and now each one will receive a picture of the boy. ery. 10: Don’t be Misled Many a life has been eut short by a cough that was not believed to be serious. Many a backache and side- ache follows a coughing spell. Ma- ny a night is passed in restlessness caused by coughing. Many a cough cure that never cures is tried. Do not be misled. If you cough, take the old reliable Kemp's Balsam, the hest cough cure. At druggists and dealers 25 cents. 0 Deeds Recorded The following deeds have been re- corded since our last issue: Elias W. Brandt to H. E. Gruber, property in Mount Joy township, for $1,800. Isaac Rutt to Benjamin S. Halde- man, 14 acres and 110 perches of land in West Domegal, $1,300. rr — or. There's a gold mine in your poul- try vard and the regular use of Fair- field's Blood Tonic and Egg Produe- erfor Poultry Only will develop it for you. By acting on the digestive or- gans and purifying the blood, Fair- field's Egg Producer makes fowls healthy and productive. For sale by F. H. Baker, Mount Joy: H. C. Greider, Landisville, and D. B. Ebersole, Elizabethtown. A Lecture at Florin Rev. W. H. Egge, pastor of the Evangelical church in this place, will deliver a lecture in the M. E. church at Florin, Pa., on Saturday evening, October 2nd, for the benefit of Florin Castle, No. 13, A. O. K. of M. C. Admission, only ten cents to all. ———— ——— Bequest to a Church David Bowman, of Maytown, has bequeathed $500 to the church in that place. This congregation has now a fund of $10,000, the income of which is used’ for ministerial support 30! Services at Landisville Rev. A. E. Cooper, pastor of Zion Lutheran church, Manheim, conduct- ed services in the band hall at Lan- disville on Sunday afternoon. ee ———————— WANTED—Fifty feather best prices. Renovating Co., 92, Mount Joy, Pa. beds: Box $BOOPIRSLLTIRRSEIREFO IER EFIEIRAY on oH READ THIS! HAAN HAHA AANA AHN OF 0D ves 0 According to the reports of the United States Govern- 3} ment experts on pure food, we make a perfect baking pow- 2 der. . tartaric acid, alum or any other impurities and we challenge We guarantee that it does not contain any particle of any other baking powder firm to prove that their powder contains as much cream of tartar as the White Mountain. WHITE MOUNTAIN’, BHVBLHHBOHBOHOT % toTod “7 HHH RR el NSN BIE.MAINST, MounNnTJOY PA, USA —-ypouipg ih, We give you a full pound for 50c and then give you your choice of any of the following articles as a premium. 5-Quart Dresden White Lined Preserve Kettles {4-Quart Titan Grey Rinsing Pan Mottled Enamelware and many other articles which will be in a little later. C © SHG USFGORSSOSSVTJVOIVH STFS STTTLTTOVVRTSBLLOTITD Lofeletototetotototetetotote tote; CYC ToTotoXetel oTototototetetetatoteiotototadbiogotogetod oF Read the Bulletin Toilet Table Sale IF YOU HAVE ANY INTENTION OF BUYING A TOILET TABLE YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO OVERLOOK THIS SPECIAL SALE IT IS NOT A SALE OF CHEAP TABLES LOW PRICES, BUT EVERYONE IS A HIGH-GRADE BOUGHT TO SELL AT PIECE-—BUT CAN- NOT BE MATCHED UP WITH DRESSERS AND CHEFFIONIERS, SO THEY ARE YOURS AT FROM 25 TO 40 PER CENT OFF ORIGINAL ¢ PRICES. MAKING THEM AS LOW IN CED TOILET TABLES. PRICE AS THE ORDINARY LOW PRI- DON'T MISS THIS CHANCE. SEE THE TABLES AND PRICE IN OUR WINDOW, Hoffmeier Bros., 40-42 East King St. hancaster, Pa. BE CABEFUL That it does not go with you like this fellow, by taking your Watch, Clock or Jewelry . Repairing to inexperienced workmen and have it ruined as it is harder to repair a job after it is almost ruined than if it was brought here first. S. EH. MMIL.LIL.LER Up-to-Date and Reliable Jeweler and Optician EAST MAIN STREET, MOUNT JOY, PA. You Ought to hook Into This BIG SHOE SALE WERE HAVING shoes to last you for a long tiem to come. Never so far as we know has such a sale takeu place in this city. Our windows are ablaze with bargains, you can see the values in the shoes. It’s built in toem. rr ——— ————— SHAUB & CO. BOOTS, SHOES, RUBBERS and HOSIERY 18 North Queen Street, Unredeemed Single and Double Barreled BREECH LOADING CUNS Prices As Low As $3.50 We have on hand the best known makes, such as Remington's, Winchester Re. peaters, L. C. Smit s, Baker's, Grinner’s, Moore’s, etc.: Hammer and Hammer— less. You can buy these Guns for half their regular price. Every Gun you pur- chase here is guaranteed to give satisfaction or a new gun in place of it. J Pirosh & Simmons JEWELER AND OPTICIANS Next Door to Shaub & Co's. Shoe Store 20 N. QUEEN ST., LANCASTER LANCASTER, PENNA, You really can’t afford to pass up this chance to buy enough good { Its I \ \ wis Will To rela makes th and the c time. Fo you shou reset and ing its ca anyfanan Stone 11 = Parties should ge where. A nga Spex Es. 1] nL FRAN) Twelve to 25 dif Work « tory scho $125,0 and equi] years. Trainin conduct « Librari nasiam, / Honor universiti Unusua from Lan Regula year inter Student which the Profital not taking Fall ter illastrated Thad Edwi 7-21-8t