Sy PAGE THREE THE WEEKLY BULLETIN Wednesday, September PENNSYLVANIA DUTCH race uf’m single track, self-balrne- GIVING OUT Jr . . al ns Ey ing foorwaisa. The Straggle Discourages Many a a a What Shwilkey Bumblesock Has to leh un de Polly hen now agreed Citizen of Mount Joy Say This Week uns en patent wesh masheen greega Around all day with an aching onshtots en si-bickel un derno ken- | back; Can't rest at night; Enough to make any one give out; Doan's Kidney Pils will give re- newed life, Circulation Counts They The wise advertiser spends his . money where he is assured full re- turns. The paper that lies about how many subscribers it has, does not appeal to advertisers. It's the pa- per that spends money by improving and bettering its publication and giving people the news, thereby gett- ing many new subscribers, that inter- ests the man who has money to spend for publicity, There is no fake or bluff about the paper that makes an honest effort and is not afraid to share its success with the publie. . Der onner dawg is en karl on un- Circulation counts. taking Doan's Kidney Pills, 1 had ar 1N O. ser house kooma mit ma si-bickel -— never used u remedy that acted as ® e hut or acner. Serkawf ell 4 quickly as they did. I'he pain lost un hut mer aener lerkawia wella, Thousands of dollars worth of feed its severeness and I rapidly grew En si-bickel is en gadeer os usht|2re wasted yearly by the imperfect : tH R , mn digestion of food stuffs by our domes- [ Strong. I am now in better health The Offering—A s lendid lot of fifty Taffeta THE RATTLE OF THE CHINA IS HEARD ALL OVER. IT'S OUR |. 0.0 wadder hut—anner fonna un tic animals. Food that is not di-Jthan I have been in years and know 8 k y SEMI-ANNUAL SALE. wens hinna-un doh fordt mer druff, [gested is a total loss and is a menance |it is due to Doan's Kidney Pills.” Silk Sample Waists. : in health of the animal. —Thel por gale by all dealers. Price 50 : Advance styles for the coming fall season. i $ * * 3 * * * 3 * * BUCHANAN & YOUNG: WE INTEND TO CLEAN UP OUR STRAW HAT STOCK. YOU TAKE YOUR CHOICE AT FROM ONE- THIRD TO ONE-HALF FORMER PRICES. Wingert & Haas 144 North Queen Street, LANCASTER, PENNA. na mere aw afforda ols noach em shtettle tzu foos fora. en eettlli——— An Extraordinary will eure the headache; Cure every Kidney ill; Here is Mount Joy proof that this is so: Mrs, Jacob Childs, Mount Joy Street, Mount Joy, Pa., says: ‘It would be hard to describe the suff- ering I endured from kidney troub- le. 1 had all the symptoms which attend this malady. Backache was constant, I had chills and spells of dizziness and my condition was fast oecoming worse, My kidneys wem: also much disordered whein | began Special During The Dissolution Sale Days of Soutter Buchanan & Young Mer hucked sich uff de lungwake | pairtiela Blood Tonics perfect dizes / s . 8 perfect diges-fi.ants, Foster-Milburn & Co., Buffalo Hr y 1 Third Less Austrian China Dinner Ware 1-3 un draid mid da fees, feel we en [tion and purify the blood, thus sav-| i.e yar o le. agents for the Drite { r De a AQ { i Haviland Dinner Ware i draic x As op] e bir oi. | INE feed and fortifying the animal a-| No "ork: sole agents for the Unit Ninety per cent. of these Waists are in extra Less Than Usual Shpirrawd,. eisai der brndlgajust disease. A separate prepie] Cjaolies. the. ‘name—Doan's quality Black Taffeta Silks, made in attractive styles. an Usual tia a} Than ble fur mime single-track, self bal-|ration is compounded for each kind and take no other. : p . i apg. Kee . : of animal. 11 ia . eo He il The decorations consist of Flor-| Individual Butters, 5c. ancing rigel-wake, usht os mer des| for sale by F. H. Baker, Mount meme em ti Their value is $5.00 me $6.00. The Dissolu ole PVHOH ADNTAVS ¢ la tints, Preserves, Sc. c \ c Joy; H. C. Greider, Landis ville, , 10n price 1s ‘ als, graceful sprays in naturla S ) fora kon oouy en track un used ken DUB. Ebersole: ors Endiavil e, and A Great Introductory Offer Pp $2.98 cach handles gold-tinted. Soup Plates, 10c. pole fors ding balanca. Ich wore The subscription news agency is scl 1 1 st : i a: Pp " : : : : — c . ¢ heavy thread stro ye 2. » Piece Bread and Butter Plates, 12c. Tea Plates, 10c. ga-interest drin grawd fum awfong making a great offer of $6.75 worth : ¥ Lireaq strc ng. yarc 2.50 Fine One Piece Lawn . ~~ +4 . > 2 : AQRAQ ‘hela « J pd Q Prosorves. 120 Dinner Plates, 13c. wile ich bahawbt hob os es en in- In the Cat's Language of magazines and newspapers for on- wide Unbleached Muslin, Dresses, Checks and Stripes. Tea Plates, 15¢ Tea Cups and Saucers, 19¢. fringement ware uff my patent The other day a dog came on ally $2.00. You get eleven up-to-date Sale price.. sere serene ene, Sale price.......... resrsserenS a { y 10. ’ 8 ry ” neighbor's premises and a lad of five magazines for three months with the ‘ali : 3 7a dickies shes. 19c¢. . : ] Agnzines f 8 ¢ Dark Figured Blue Cali- $2.50 ’ Breakfast Plates, 13c¢. Pickle Dishes, 19c¢ recht, Der agent is druff SAETON- | summers, who witnessed a scrimmage | Philadelphia Press, the great home 7 Sal g ye S y White and Cadet Soup Plates, 15c¢. Salad Dishes, 39c. dled un is fot g’fora so glot 0s en | between it and a cat, van to his moth. paper, six days a week ,six months, coes. Sale price............. Be. || Blue Wash Suits. Pickle Dishes, 29c¢. Sauce Boats, 49c. ole. Are is der wake nunner un|er with the astounding exclamation: |all for the small sum of $2.00. How 25¢ Ginghams and s50c Sale price.....................08¢, Salad Dishes, 49°. Soup Tureens, 98c. uit By sell tzeit war de Polly fun Sou Naw, Jus Soe Joney cat can we do i Well, it is to intro- Linen Suitings a fair assort- $5 oo and $6.00 Wash Suits swear 3 8 wns dog! @ y 2 i { ac as sale ice : : eram wesh tzuoover aweck un un- BUom Re “ m 3 fat a i A vy ment. Sale price..........| 8. || in plain colors and checks : y ——C—— ade a special arrangeme ‘hic : : 3 : er de r'sht a un de : ; . : » Fine White ¢ Sale price Y t (Glass Dinner Sets ich der deer g’shtonna un den mon EGGS WANTED makes it possible for us. Stop and roc Fine W hite India Lin Sale price... wresnsnreserenid fy Sg ul ALAS fun wooner aw gagookt. Derno DeLong pays more for eggs the consider how every member of the ens, Sale Price...........THe, 50c Oil Window Shades— You never found cut glass being ALL REDUCED bv! hut der agent g’sawdt ich set amo- year round than any one else, family can enjoy and be profitably 15¢ Fine White India Lin- Spring Rollers. And a remarkable showing at prices hl druff graddla uns broveera. ich entertained by taking advantage of 8 . 4 . : teas we have inarkedi dE g ~CT 8. ——— » 5 ens. Sale price..........|0% Sale price............ sold at the prices we have marked away below the regular—$4.50 to hob eme g’sawd ich daid de scien- - this wonderful offer in the better P 107%¢. : I — 290 on every piece, $125 ages, tific For Sale class of current literature. Subsc- brinciples fun der machee 0 iat ; : rieip EL een Three varieties of choice graded |riptions should be sent at once, ad- shunt lung farshtae un wist os ich |seed wheat. Inquire of J. M. Brandt, dressed to the Subscription News A- 0s i ¢ 115-117 N. Queen St, Lancaster. . . fora kent os es shmoka daid wile| Mount Joy, Pa. 7-21-10t | gency, Box 1275, or the Philadelphia Corner of West King & Prince Streets. my rigel-wake der same wake shoffa (Press. 1¢ you desire further nor. $000000000000000000000000000000 dat, Ich bin druft ga. groddled. Krall’s Meat Market mation, Vijte Yor Mastrated circular, . . w—— Are hut g’sawt are wet mich bal- anca. Ich hob eme g’sawt ich When Your Horse is Stolen O00 °00000000 Broil id t Warmers ought to know that when- Ble ) Ss are set 3 : . ; reich’ ene net, gos are et mere ever a horse is stolen from their sta- usht seller rigel lunga dot fun der bles, the best thing to do is to report SOL ROSENTHAL’S Marbl x a fense un ich wet eme wisa we mer the theft at once to the State police in od ¥ so en macheen balanca daid. Fon-| always have on hand anything |'"c'" Office in the State Capitol build- PUBLIC od SALE 5 aa Lani: fi ing, at Harrisburg, Without any JOHN H. KEENER, Owner and Proprietor. na on unseram house is en hocher|in the line of Smoked Meats, Ham, | re ’ : . i : charge whatever to the farmer the hivvel un we ich druff war hove|Bologna, Dried Beef, Lard, Etc. © «© OF wo o best ice employe ; » state Maytown, Penna. & Elizabethtown, Pa. ich eme g’'sawt are set mere en| Also Fresh Beef, Veal, Pork and | Polide embloved. by Hie, sak Mutt Priccs ak root will at once be put upon the cage. HEARD FINE ices ‘ays right, ; CLARENCE THOMAS, Mer. CHAS. W. COBLE, Mgr. push gevva so os we mer rooech-|VuHON- Drices always rig Don’t wait a day and give the thief ind: Phone 723 B. Ind. Phone 610 D board ford. Is ding is ob g’shtart a chance to get a start, but report HOLSTEI N 0S we en fuggel. 1ch hob fargessa H. H. KRALL your loss at once. The state is in- a y oS res ain Stree terested in running down horse thie- 2 vdiav- Ste 108, Best Work at Lowest Prices | (, ls sho: .t | West Main Street, Opp. Bank, g Saturday sure day home at both places 3 i tzu dreda un hob de shparr net MOUNT JOY, PA.|ves and a farmer need not: fight his SATISFACTION GUARANTEED farshtonna. Ivver awennich is es| per Telephone, loss alone, shunt shtariger gonga os ich g’used 3 : 3 Se —y—— . . y aE Taft's 13,300 Mile Trip - dlich is es g’shproonga we en dri r ) ¢ President Taft's coming “swing a- a = = varich fill ony tzaum—ivver shtae y \ 0] dl | [ round the west” will come within al ¥ un felsa up grawva un ob-weiser-ae ¢/ |about 700 miles of equaling the rec- 7 Li 1 ises Everything Known to the Trade : : Mv Line Comprises Everything bin farso hivvel nunner gae un en- HEIFERS ai and BULLS © oo AT © 2 Gantz’s Farmers’ Inn MOUNT JOY, PENNA. Saturday, Sept. 11, ’09 mohl uff aim side em wake un de ord-breaking trip taken by President i Roosevelt in the Spring of 1903. Mr. naeksht minnutte uff der onera-ga- Mount Joy, Pa. Roosevelt in the Spring of 19 I i y Roosevelt's trip covered 13,955 miles boompt un ga-blntzed un g’shnart while Taft's trip, as now planned, Mount Jov, Penna. 2 | os es fire g’flooga is. Ich hob g’sh will cover 13,300. It is barely pos- rE 4 | peered os es my ledshtes is un hob Two Collections & Two |sible that a few short trips will be / tzurick ga-gooked noach der Polly added to the itinerary as now arrang Good Homemade Furniture a Specialty hyrar ni. Se wore uff'm hivvel Deliveries a Week. de for no other reason than to bring This is undoubtedly one of the finest lots of Young . nl the total above the Roosevelt mark. Upholstering Done to Order 4 | g’shtonna mit da tzwae hend in If IN NOV My Boose wr — mR 4 der hae un ga-grisha os we en nar- P ry ICES POPLAR LUMBER FOR SALE IN LOTS T0 SUIT THE PURCHASERS, tishe. Derno is es mer ei kooma os ich farleicht des fardihenkert sipend Bo eer w #8 | ding shtuppa kent won ich my re- Buster Brown Collars... Heifers ever offered at a public sale in this section. Shirts, plain, plaited with cuffs _{@g| Congressman Griest has scored a These Cattle are all of the Celebrated Holstein Breed and 3c notable personal victory thru an or- : Range in Age From 1 1-2 to 3 Years. Dl Congressman Griest Credited der just issued by the Postoffice De- U d t kin and Embalmin . gel aeck shmisa daid. Ich hob, un Collars... ives iecsenn 30 | partment, authorizing the issue of a naerta 1 g 2 2 de naiksht minnutt hut’s fedder Cufls, perpair........coiid 4g | eV Postage stamp to commemorate rowd kartz rum ga-draid un derno Er : Griest is the Congressional represen- ’g S vv i hut’s ebbes gevva. Ieh bin about tative from th.s district in which Ful- ue 2 . ’ y fooftzae foos fonna nows g’flooga HL 80480566004 ton was born and last March he con- dorich en fense un hob en folder We areAlways Propured to serve ‘ son Fulton stamp issued and the or- pushta un dri rigel ob gabrucha. THE BOSTON THE BOSTON De masheen is fry ivver de fense Pure der has now heen made. STORE | STORE nows gajoomped un is holb wakes Spring ABI The majority of these Heifers will be fresh in the Winter and early Spring. About half of them are registered and to show they are not counterfeit they the Hudson-Fulton celebration. Mr. : : : 5 have their register numbers in their ears. Also Six Head of Fine Young HOLSTEIN BULLS A Credit of Six Months wlli be given. Here isa grand opportunity to purchase young cattle and should not be overlooked. Sale to commence at 1 p. m. sharp when terms will be made known by ferred with the hope of having a Hud- noach em shtettle g’shproonga eb Water No Wonder She's Cross : , The womz / as i ” C. H, ZELLER, Auct. se ous wind kooma is. Ich denk ICE: The woman who lias a thousand RELL Ch SOL ROSENTHAL ° se hut oll der wind" mit a’p petty cares and annoyances while she pe : Great Sale of SilKs [iim um mom @ pay apse ver @luin wi ims hi 2 ¢h hob anyhow kenner mae ko. 5 must not be blamed if she cannot al . Don’t fail to see us before plac- 8 > £ : ! al X Der agent un de Polly sin runner ing your order this year. ways_be angelically amicable. What 50990090994944400 di V 1 g’sPproonga kooma un hen mich & B she needs is thoughtfulness from her | =— — — ion TT TT TT Extraor inary a ues uff kova. Se hen g’mained ich war J. N. Stauffer 10. family and such a simple and natural a as Jen gi remedy as Lane's Family Medicine Artistic Monum nt A special purchase of a little more than 2,000 yards of Taffettas, Lou- dote. Endlich bin ich tzu kooma Mount Joy, Penna. pomeay. ov : Bis : : may a fens r 1S 1C Oo e S ALE ¥ : a 3 : 7 The i he Tr 2d at makes e weak No DMI AN I 3 isines, Tuscan, Foulards, Argentine, Brazil Palais Royal, Shantungs A un hob der agent g’frogt eb sell ga POOHLOLOHOLH omen Trane ead van Sola by COST NO MORE THAN PLAIN ONES IN : ; rely Silks, in every conceiv shade Not a lot ; strong ¢ a aggregation of most lovely Silks, a, a Tags Fat os o {deer uft lose gingt un eb net my druggists and dealers, 25c. WHITE BRONZE sire » patterns and out-of-fashion shades, but every piece ¢ it Sa ri mene . at Hidesh able pattern bae farbrucha wara. Are hut g’sa- - Marble is entirely out of date, Granite Sco. gela: mosgm eanuty. s 5s : 7 bs y ick 0 / Pe y is Foo rown, discolored, requires constant expense and care, an REMEMBER, when we promise you a bargain, it is a bargain you can [Wt my bae wara orick frum awver| ~~ For a Neat ioe ot ans eat With His Poof Eentually crumblos back to Mother Karts. Bustdes 18 ve Ay are daid net denka os se farbrucha Shave, Hair Cut or Shampoo, go to There was considerable excitement expensive. WHITE BRONZE is strictly everlasting, It of justly heipron : i x rn e ' Elizabe , hot cr » wi e ac [ frost. Moss growth isani Prices are 19¢, 25¢, 39¢, 49¢, 39¢. a yard. wara, un are daid aw net feel droom Joseph Hershey ii 0ihetn Sul of Jtizabatinows, a hast i Ei] why Hob N : . mm ‘hen on «¢ Jager, a y o a AP y- 18 i St 5 1 gevva won se wara, wile so en oldt formed a gr big +3 Young man bers vestigate it? It has been adopted ior over one hundred pub | i Fine Tonserial Parlor ormed a great feat with his feet, for monuments, and by thousands of delight nstomers in al 3 A kolb we ich der hols farbrecha set 7 ’ he carried a fifty pound watermelon paris op the comnts. c has heen on the Shai! gver 25 Years Nes ie We i Fast Main Street, Mount Joy, Pa. i Fine 3 . ia us : and is an established success my granite dealers have 20-inch Black Silk Taffetta at 69¢ a yard. We se mich recht examined hen ast without touching it with his hands| % Wor bought White Bronze for their own burial plots. We have wi : » silk, at 79¢ a yard kot hen se ous g’maucht ich war i VITO. Engle’s’ store to Rheems with-§ hundreds seautiful designs of all grades of work, and want to have you see them if 36-inch Messaline, pure s . : T out letting it down His compensa- | you are interested in a monument, headstone, marker or grave cover. On receipt of a 36-inch Peau de Soie, at 79¢ a yard. net feel wae gadoo un der agent tion was the watermelon "| postal card will be pleased to call with designs and samples of White Bronze, 19-inch Black Taffetta Silk, at 39c a yard. hut g’sawt won mere de fense fixa as the >lon. . : : : Yee daida don daid are mich nix charga A Trio of Items From Our Busy far de ride. De Polly hut grawd Windsor Hotel T. BRUBAKER, Manager. S ; Wm. DD. Easton, Summer work and summer weath- er deplete the vitality of your horses. | David St.,, MOUNT JOY, PA. Agent for The Monumental Bronze Co., Bridgeport, Conn Gin ham Counter agreed, awver hut ene farshprech Midway between Broad Street Sta- Tos regulal use of Faiifield's Blood Atta —————————e——————————— yes ng macht si lieva nimmy tauriok |} tion and Reading Terminal on rit. J Tonic for Horses only restores lost 29-inch wide Ginghams in all the prettiest plaids of blue, lavender, and kooma, Are is unnner ins feld un bert Streer. by removing impurities from. the mixed colors, patterned after the real Scotch Zephrys, at only 15¢ a yard. Printed Madras Stripes and checks; 15c¢ quality; now 9c. New line of best Percales in blue, black and gray, regular : 5 aia ; blood and toning up the digestion. si masheen examined. Ich hob European, $1.00 per day and up. For sale by F. H. De Mount 123c quality; | Det g’wist ebs era ebbes ga-doo hut, American, $2.50 per day and up. Joy; H. C. Greider, Landisville, and I. H. Baker's awver are hat se anyhow uff der|§ .. moderate priced Rotel of reputation B|- B- Ebersole, Elizabethtown. COAL for 9¢ a yard. 3 I'he only mederate priced hotel I rire rie ! oxel hame gadrawga. Der Billy and consequence in MooniFoll a § od The AND . . - . Moon vu a Second me Underwear Priced for Quick Selling Bisler hut ene ons Hullerkecka : PHILADELPHIA. { The month of August was in one | IL.UMBEIR Children’s Drawers and Vests, vests with wing sleeves, drawers lace |g Sacna un are hut g’sawd der agent respect a peculiar one. It had two YARDS trimmed: regular 15¢ quality, for 10¢ each. het g’flooched we olles” wile si ma- full moons, the first on the first day Ladies’ 123c Vests with straplets, at 8 cents. sheen oll in huddla ni farrissa war. of the month and the second on the MOUNT JOY. PA. 4d * ; . . p : . 8 - Ng iin fog , lain, 12% cents. ake .w 31st of the month. It is seldom 15¢ Gauze Vests, trimmed and p : ; De lungwake war farboga, der aned : ; . : Ladies’ Hose, double heel and toe, black and tan, 9c¢ a pair; 3 pairs shamel ob gabrucha, de bocka fun MADAME DEAN" FRENH Emu that Suen an amen] event is} gale agent for Congo Roofing. No. 1 Cedar Shingles always on hand. =a res in. > » . recorder in one month. Pine - . : = for 25c. A Great Barga der deixel wora hinnershich g’shto- y Also Siding Flooring, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, Lath, Ete. A Sarg, CrTary RELixp for SUPPRESSED MENSTRUATION, 10: nna uns hinner rawd war fon my. a pie Also Roofing Slate. na, A Wilk stud scm On tral, bs be Base for Wanted—A married or single man Agent for Alpha Portland Cement, 8 ! | R & GC 35 and 37 De Foby hut Jaish eff nie i} Ea ee rin a to take charge of team and do gener- {| Estimates Quickly and Cheerfully made on all kinds Building ; \ rabadeen un fet, un der nakesht UNITED MEDICAL €O., BOX NCASTER, al farm work. Apply immediately : ib : i WJ uy North Queen Street dawg war ich reddy far widder on | SESSEG—_—_=— ME 0 5. B. Soydor, Means sos. Telephone No. 833. Opposite Old P. R. R. Bots