PAGE FOUR THE BULLETIN | MOUNT JOY, PA. SOHROLL, Editor & Prop'r. J. KR SUBSORIPTION ONLY 50c¢ A YEAR Six Months. ...... 25 Cents Single Coples. . . . .. 2 Cents Sample Coples. . .... FREE Entered at the post office at Mount Joy as second-class mail matter, All correspondents must have their | communications reach this office not | later than Monday. Telephone ne ws | of importance between that time and 12 o'locck noon Wednesday Chan- ges for advertisements must posi- tively reach this office not later than Monday night. New advertisements inserted if copy reaches us Tuesday night, Advertising rates on appli-| cation. EDITORIAL Nothing but a car shortage is need- ed to clineh the evidence of prosper- ity. . x . 0» Speaking of ingenuity, a bald-head- ed man up in Connecticut has had a spider painted on his head to scare | off the flies. EE EDN We can think of no one who is not now in shape to reap the benefits of prosperity except the merchant who does not advertise. EE EN If the flea is blind, scientists, how is it that he enough to jump just as you are about to put your finger on him? 2 ® % % @ as asserted by knows A German millionaire committed suicide because he was bored by his wealth. There's some consolation in being a newspaper publisher. TT "2 » We are not in favor of suicide as a rule but the reported effort at self- destruction of the baby Shah of Per- sia shows a singular perspicacity in one so young. * * Xx % =» The Summer girl can prevent the season from becoming monotonous by an interest in the various young men whose vacations do not all occur at the same time * EX EX The best yet regarding the three the new Lincoln the says: “it initial incident on penny comes from Vindicator which shows what a man will do for a cent.” XX Kk ¥ It is estimated by somebody or oth- er that the world’s supply of oil will be exhausted in twenty-seven There will still be time, melons. EE XR No, I don’t believe that every man fortune. Some are just plain carpenters, work- best is the architect of his own ing by the day, but doing the they can with a mighty mixed-up set of plans. * % % ¥ =» An epidemic of fraud resulting in the collection of large sums of money irres- on worthless checks signed by ponsible but well-dressed persons in- confidence dicates that the era of is at last with us again. * * % x % A paper in a neighboring town says it is needless to post speed lim- it signs in that town as long as that borough's council does not its streets. Thank goodness this is not the case in Mount ‘Joy and we teel proud in saying that our princi- pal streets are better than the ma- jority of boroughs streets in this county. Take a spin over this way and see for yourself, Columbian’s. * * x ¥ * The various post offices thruout the county, as well as those in the coun- ties and states generally, have been fairly flooded with postal cards this summer. While this immense out- put has been the source of a good deal of profit to the government, it has required a large force of clerks and carriers. Probably it has oc- curred to but few people how many postal cards are used annually in this country. The autherities at Washington are just now considering a contract for the selling of 3,600,- 000,000 postal cards, to be sold dur- ing the next four years. These are extraordinary figures, within the graspof but few people. They mean 900,000,000 a year. This will cost the government $800,000 while the people who will use them will pay $26,000,000 for the privilege. This includes the cost of delivering. Nor does this comprise the postal card out put. The United States is now buy- ing annually from Germany, alone 70,000,000 postal cards, and also sev- eral millions from France and other foreign nations. 10: Circulation Counts The wise advertiser spends his money where he is assured full re- turns. The paper that lies about how many subscribers it has, does not appeal to advertisers. It’s the pa- per that spends money by improving and bettering its publication and giving people the news, thereby gett- ing many new subscribers, that inter- ests the man who has money to spend for publicity. There is no fake or bluff about the paper that makes an honest effort and is not afraid to share its success with the public. Circulation counts. i Don’t let the baby suffer from ec- zema, sores or any itching of the skin. Doan’s Ointment gives instant relief, cures quickly. Perfectly safe for children. All druggists sell it. — > 2 For Sale Three varieties of choice graded i wheat. Inquire of J. M. Brandt, 7-21-10t Youngstown simply years. however, for the Standard to slice a large pile of improve H | | | | | Here is shown a 5A B Like every other 5A b ping or turning. hole in a long-wearing 5A Your dealer buys blankets for street wear, di For street wear, use a WM. AYRES & SON This blanket really protects the horse. Girths” (instantly clasped together) keep it from slip- thus avoids tribute to the jobber. benefit in reduced prices on 5A blankets. ORSE BLANKETS ias Girth blanket for stable wear, which is the dest of its kind. lanket, it’s planned, woven and put together to give twice the actual service you'd get in any similar blanket of another make. The “Bias It takes a lot of rubbing and pulling to tear a Bias Girth Stable Blanket. this, and a full line of 5A rect from our factory and You get the 5A Square Blanket. Be sure to see the 5A Stay under Strap. S, Philadelphia, Pa. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD September 8, 22, Tickets good going on train leaving 10.39 a. m. man Parlor Cars, Dining Car, Tickets good returning on regular trains with Hlustrated Booklet and fall informatio J. R. WOOD, Passenger Traflic Manager Personally-Conducted Hxcursions NIAGARA FALLS Round-Trip Rate $9.30 From Mt. joy and Day Coaches running ya the FPicturesgue Susguehanna Valley Route Stop-off within limit allowed at Buffalo returning. & October 6, 1909 , connecting with SPECIAL TRAIN of Pull- FIFTEEN DAYS, including date of excursion. n may he obtained (rom Ticket Agents! GEO. W. BOYD, teneral Passenger Agent, I Dine at Sheaffer’s BAKED KE} BEST ICE MANHEIM STREET Sheaffer's Restaurant and Confectionery ALL KINDS PIES AND CONFECTIONERY, STONE DAISIES CREAM IN eo Soe SANDWICHES BEANS, CORNBEEF, TOBACCO & CIGARS, ANY QUANTITY Mount Joy Trolley Schedule Lancaster, Rohrerstown, Landisville, Salun- | ga, Mount Joy and Elizabethtown Street Railway Company | 5 | WESTWARD Leave Lancaster—a m, 4 30,515, 6 15,7 15, 8 915,1015, 1115; P. m.12 15, 115, 215, 315, 4 on 515, 5 45, 6 15, 7 15, 8 15, 9 15, 11 15. Leave Rohrerstown—a m, 4 50, 535, 635, 75% 835, 935,1035, 1135. Pm, : 4 35, 5 35, 6 05, 6 35,7 35, 8 35, 11 35. Leave Landisville—A m, 512, 5 857, 957,1057, 1157. Pm, 12 57, 157, 2 : 4 57, b 57,6 27, 6 57, 7 57, 8 57, 9 57, 11 57. boil Leave Salunga—A m, 5 15, 6 00, 700, 800, 900 | 10 00, 11 00,12 00. Pm, 100, 200, 360, 400, 5 00 600, 6 30,7 00, 5 00, 9 00, 10 00, 1200. | Leave Mount Joy—A m, 530, 615, 715, 315 | Pm, 1215 115, 215, 315 415 12 1 SEE So n ra bd] i) I] 915, 10 15, 11 15. 515, 6 15, 6 45, 7 15,8 15,9 16, 1015 A m, 12 15, Arrive at Elizabethtown—A m, 645, 745, 845 945,1045, 1145. Pm, 1245, 143, 245, 345, 445 545,6 45,745,858 45,945,1045. Am, 12° 30, {EASTWARD Leave Elizabethtown—A m, 6 45, 7 45, 8 45, 9 4 1045,11 45. Pm, 1245, 1 45, 2 45, 3 43, 4 45 6 45, 7 45, 8 45, 9 45, 10 45. 3 Leave Mount Joy—A m, 530x, 715, 81 1015, 11 156. P m, 12 15, 115, 2 I5, 34, 415, 515 615, 8 45,7 15, 8 15, 9 15, 1015, 11 15 12 45. Am, 12 30. Jsave Salunga— A m, 5 45x, 730, 8 30, 9 30 1030, 11 30. Pm, 12 30, 1 30, 2 30, 3 30, 430 3 80, 830, 7 30, 739, 8 30, 930, 10 30, 1130 Am,10 Leave : andisville— Am, 5 48x, 733, 8 33, 9 33 1083, 133. Pm, 12 33,133, 2 33 333, 433, 533 6 33, 700 733,83, 933,10 33, 1133. Am, 1 03 Leave Rohrerstown—A m, 610x, 755, 855, 9 55,10 55,11 55. Pm, 12 55, 155, 255, 3 4 55, 5 5656, 655, 725, 755. 855, 955, 10 1155. Am 125 Arrive at Laucaster—A m, 630x, 815, 915 10 15, 11 15. P12 15, 115 2 15,3 15, 415 515,815,715, 745, 815, 915, 1015, 11 i: Am, 1215, 1 45. On Saturdays a car will leave Lancaster at 10 15 p m; Leave Elizabethtown 11 45 p. m. | On Saturdays and special occasions cars will | be ran between Lancaster and Mount Joy every | half hour from 6 15 a m to 8 15 p m. Sundays, first car leaves Lancaster at ¢ 15a m Leave Elizabethtown at 7 45 ar Car marked (x) connects with News Express at Lancaster. wend TRIUMPH In choke coil construction. Our coil is the most remarkable money sa- ver ever constructed. By a new process in winding we save you at least ten per cent. more than other makes. We sell only direct to user, thus saving you all unnecessary pro- fits. One price to all. Don’t buy a choke coil or economizer for your arc light until you write for our de- scriptive coil circular. We guaran- tee to save you dollars. Our low price will surprise you. Price com- plete, $20.00. Gi ™ ZELLER Real Estate and Insurance Office |E. MAIN STREET, MOUNT JOY Calling and Crerking of Pubic Sates Settlement ofestates, collection of rents, surveyingand couveyancing, STOP AT THE Sorrel Horse Hotel WEST Kina ST. JANCASTER The annex now complete with the SORRELL HORSE, makes afrontage of 49, 52, 58 and 5 West King Street. Dinner 25 cents. Best accommodations in every respect. A share of your patronage solicited, A. B. ADAMS. Pro. NOTARY PUBLIC. W. M. HO LLOWEBUSH ATTORNEY-AL-LAW, 48 West Main Street, Mount Joy, Peuna, Days at Lancaster, Monday and Friday at No 52 North Duke Street Photo Supplies I have always on hand the most staple Photo Supplies that can be had such as Seeds’ D. Plates, Seeds’ De- velopers, Developing Papers, Kodak Films, Brownie Films, Trays, Tripods, Toning Solutions, Intensifiers, Velox Liguid Developer, Emerald Acid, Cleaning and HardeningSolution, Ko- dak Tank Developers, Passe-Partout Binding, Flash Powders, Printing Frames, Stereographic Views, 50c¢ a Set ; Tray Thermometers. W.B.BENDER Shaving Hair Cutting Shampooing E. Main St., Mount Joy PEOPLES’ ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO. 7-12-4t Mount Joy, Pa. i Land | lands of | Herr, “tament of David I. Miller, Deceased. | C. H. ZELLER, Auct ' THE WERKLY BULLETIN How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Re- ward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure, I. J. CHENEY & CO. Toledo, O We, the undersigned, have known 1. J. Cheney for the last 15 years and believe him perfectly honorable and finan- obliga- in all business transactions cially able to carry out any tions made by his firm. Walding, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0 taken in Hall's Catarrh Cure is ternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the stem, Testimonials sent free Price, 70 cents per bottle Sold by all druggists Take Hall's Family pation Pills for consti- cavemen (mene Talk Is Cheap When you can get a telephone in your house for $12.00 a year. Call up the Columbia Telephone Company and they will tell you all about it. a—a——— Constipation causes headache, nau- gen, dizziness, languor, heart palpi- tation. Drastic physics, gripe, sick- en, weakens the bowels and don’t Doan’s Regulets act gently and cure constipation; 25 cents. Ask your druggist. cure, EXECUTORS SALE OF REAL ES- TATE Monday, September Pursuant to the order tions of the last will and testament of David L Miller, deceased, the un- dersigned will expose to public sale on the premises on the road leading from Mount Joy to Madeira’s mill, (formerly Geyer’s Mill) about three miles northeast of the former and 1 mile west of the latter place, the fol- lowing real estate to wit: All That Certain Tract of Gravel Containing 9 Acres, adjoining Henry M. Shelly, Hiram P. [rvin Bricker, and others. The buildings thereon erected con- 22. 1909 and direc- sist of a 1} Story Log House, Frame Stable, Hog Pen, Chick en House and other outbuildings. A good well of water and a ciste rm Al so a choice variety of fruit. This property is pleasantly located, close to churches, schools, ete, and has running water thru the farm. It is well adapted for the raising of poultry of all kinds This property will positively be sold. The land is in a high state of cultivation. Per- sons wishing to view the premises prior to day of sale will please call on the undersigned residing nearby Williams residing thereon. Sale to commence on Wednesday, September 22, 1909, at two o’clock p. m., when terms will be made known by er Harry JOHN G. MILLER, MILTON N. MILLER, Executors of the Last Will and Tes- SALE OF A FINE TOWN PROPERTY Wednesday, September 15, 1909 The undersigned will sell at public sale on the premises on Marietta st., Mount Joy, Pa., the following real es- tate to wit: A Lot of PUBLIC Ground fronting 15 feet on the south side of Marietta street, and extending in depth 180 feet to an alley, adjoining property of M. B. Hiestand on the west and E. W. Gar- ber on the east. The buildings there- 2 on erected are a 2% Story Frame Double Dwelling House 1 with Kitchen and Summer House attached, Frame Stable and other outbuildings. Both the houses conveniences. range. There fruit on the have baths and other Also a large stationery is a fine lot of choice premises. The property is pleas- antly located in a fine part of the town and will be sold. Persons wishing to view the premises prior to day of sale will please call on the un- dersigned residing thereon, or Charles H. Zeller, real estate and Insurance Agent, 35 East Main Street, Mount JOY; Pa. Sale to commence at 2 o'clock p. Wednesday, September 15, '09 be made known by KRAYBILL nm. on when terms will FRANCES C. H. Zeller, auct. A FINE EAST DONEGAL FARM AT PRIVATE SALE The undersigned offers at private farm of 183% Acres of Good Limestone Land, situated in East Donegal township, one-half mile west of Maytown, along the Elizabethtown turnpike. The improvements there- on erected are 23% Story Frame Sum- mer House, Bank Barn and outbuild- ings There is an abundance of fruit good water and a cistern in the house All the buildings are in good repair. Here is an opportunity for looking for a nice home. ticulars call on or address, JACOB HOSTETTER, 8-1 8-tf Florin, Penna. sale, a some one For par- COURT PROCLAMATION Whereas, the Hon. Charles I. Lan- dis, President and Hon. Aaron B. Has- sler, Associate, Judges of the Court of Common Pleas in and for the Coun ty of Lancaster, and Assistant Justi- ces of the Courts of Oyer and Termi- ner, and General Jail Delivery and Quarter Sessions of the Peace in and for the County of Lancaster, have is- sued their precept, to me directed, requiring me, among other things, to make public proclamation thru- out my bailiwick, that a Court of Oy- er and Terminer and a General Jail Delivery, also a Court of the General Quarter Sessions of the Peace and Jail Delivery, will commence in the Court House in the City of Lancas- ter, in the Commonwealth of Penn- sylvania, On the Second Monday in September and Constables of said City and Coun- ty of Lancaster, that they be then and there in their own proper per- sons with their rolls, records and ex- aminations, and inquisitions, and their other rememberances, to do those things which to their offices appertain in their behalf to be done, and also those who will prosecute against the prisoners who are or then shall be, in ‘the jail of the said county of Lancaster, are to be then and there to prosecute against them as shall be just. Dated at Lancaster the fifth day of August, 1909. NEWTOWN Morris Frysinger and family spent Sunday in the village as guests of Daniel Moore, ClayvtonSpahr and family of Lan- disville, visited thelr parents in this place over Sunday, Jacob Kemmerly and family of Co visited his brother Frederick Kemmerly on Sunday. Folin Myers and family of spent Sunday here with his par- lumbia, Landis- ville, ents, Samuel Myers and wife, Henry P. Frank and family of May town, Frank Clinton and family of Marietta, and Miss Katie Beecher of York, paid a visit to Lewis Resh on Sunday JohnMummaand family, H. 8. Hays of York, Margaret Groutch of St, Lounig, Mo., and Miss Freida Boett- cher of Albany, N. Y., were guests of Abram Mumma on Sunday. evening another out-of- was held by the Evan- who deliverde instructive congregation, meeting of the last was held in the place on Saturday Presiding Elder Rev. presiding On Friday meeting from Columbia, practical and large The business door gelist a very ser- mon to a quarterly conference church in this with Harrisburg, potato crop is afternoon Lowry of The late and in some being raised instances proves to be a fair crop. while some are a failure, Price quotations hereabouts are »0c¢ per bushel ———— oe ————— HERE AND THERE How many people there are who never enjoy their work. They are dead but unburied. The descendants of John Henry Kemper will meet at Lititz Springs on September 11th. The first two-story dwellings erect- Lancaster county, were built by Cassimere Brecknock in 1748. F. Smith and Arthur Seachrist, fishing in the river at Bain- Wednesday and landed of them weighing were bridge last seventeen bass, one four pounds. WANTED-—-Good reliable party to establish a tea and route in Mount Joy and vicinity. For par- ticulars address CASTOR BROS, 142 N. Second St., Philadelphia, Pa. 2t coffee 10: Two Boys Missing made by friends for anxious Frank being their and Elizabethtown, Search is parents and R. Brinser James K. Nauman, who left home un- the son of both of afternoon for Young Brinser, Bringer, is 14 fair skin, and a blue serge suit, hat. James K. Saturday parts known John G. blue eyes, vears old, has light hair. He wore knee pants and a green soft His companion Nauman, is 13 years old, the son of Consta- ble James R. Nauman. The Nau- man boy has light hair, and carries a birthmark on the back of his head in the shape of a partridge. He wore a blue serge coat, with belt, and knee pants, of mixed goods. He is small for his age and his face is fair. — Outlook is Not Promising With few exceptions the corn and tobacco fields north and west of town give very little promise of more than half a crop, owing to the dry weather. fields the burned brown in others there are in some corn stalks are and show no ears while small ear nubbins. Acres of tobacco is going to seed, while on an adjoining farm one may field with plants not larger than a man’s hand. Some far- will plow down their claiming that with the most ble weather conditions their crop will not yield enough marketable tobacco to pay for the handling. sg i Q. 0. Reitzel Injured The many friends of Q. O. commanding Company K, Regiment, N. G. P. learn that he met with a serious acci- dent on Saturday afternoon at his home in Salunga. In attempting to split a stick of wood the latter ped a little, and the axe-blade struck his left thumb, nearly severing it at the second joint, a thread of skin and the sinews alone holding the severed Martin of Landisville, was summoned and he has hopes of being able to save the member. see a covered mers tobacco, favora- Reitzel Fourth will regret to slip- portion. Dr. Thrown Off a Horse Harry Fry, a lad of twelve years, who has been living with George Bar- clay, a tenant on one of ex-Senator Cameron’s farms in East Donegal, returned from a visit to Perry coun- ty with his left arm in a piaster cast, the result of a fall on Sunday. Har- ry was astride of a young horse that another boy was leading. Seeing that the animal was getting beyond the control of his companion Harry took a leap from it and fell, break- ing his arm below the elbow. rr There's a gold mine in your poul- try yard and the regular use of Fair- field’s Blood Tonic and Egg Produe- erfor Poultry Only will develop it for The 12th, 1909. . ry acting » digestiv - In pursuance of which precept Pub- Fon. a Aon the Jigestive or lic Notice is hereby given to the May-| sia1q's Egg Producer makes fowls] or and Alderman of the City of Lan- healthy and productive | caster, in the said county, and all the Yor sole 2 F. H. Baker, Mount | Justices of the Peace, the Coroner! joc. i. C. Greider, Landisville, ini D. B. Ebersole, Elizabethtown. State Veterinarians Meet The semi-annual meeting of the Penna. State Veterinary Medical Avi sociation met at Rocky Springs yes-| Next Door to Shaub & Co's. Shoe Store terday. Dr. E. W. Newcomer of this place, was a member of the com- mittee of arrangements and he is al- so secretary of this county. HH Agency for Standard Steam Laundry 22) AARON B. LANDIS, Shevin Read the Bulletin | ¢ ot September 1, 1909 utd id Ad bud dd : READ THIS i SAN HA EAN HEHEHE HAAN orerorey SLFOOOS00G & According to the reports of the United States Govern- we make a perfect baking pow= Re be] - Ci g Ment experts on pure food, & der. We guarantee that it does not contain any particle of tartaric acid, alum or any other impurities and we Se gs any other baking powder firm to prove that their powder contains as much cream of tartar as the White Mountain. { SO; SOF OLFSFHGSGS SOT OJIOJOISSLSLSLSD 3 BN Re LAN 3 7A FR ——mrarirg We give you a full pound for 50c¢c and then give you your choice of any of the following articles as a premium, 5-Quart Dresden White Lined Preserve Kettles {4-Quart Titan Grey Rinsing Pan Motteled Enamelware and many other articles which will be in a little later. & SOOO HHGBSPHIPGVSVSSSVOOORFOVVLIVSST 1 Tol -Tolololotoloteletelototetotelatetelotioledblotolotod eo] EN ———— Don’t Throw Your Money Away When you can buy Porch Furniture Refrigerators and Go-Carts at 25 PER CENT DISCOUNT and don’t take advantage of it, you certainly are throwing money away You will put your money in bank and get 3 and 4 per cent. interest and are satisfied. Why not invest some of your money in PORCH FURNI- TURE, \ REFRIGERATOR, or a GO-CAR'T at 25 PER CENT DISCOUNT and make 33% per cent. interest on your money. offmeier Bros.. 40-42 East King St. hancaster, Pa. Save Monoy and Time SS. FH. MILIL.ER Up-to-Date and Reliable Jeweler and Optician EAST MAIN STREET, MOUNT JOY, PA. —————————————— You Ought to Look Into This BIG SHOE SALE WERE HAVING You really ean’t afford to pass up this chance to buy enough good shoes to last you for a long tiem to come. Never so far as we know, has such a sale takeu place in this city. Our windows are ablaze with bargains, you can see the values in the shoes." It’s built in toem. et) et ———— SHAUB & CO. BOOTS, SHOES, RUBBERS and HOSIERY 18 North Queen Street, LANCASTER, PENNA Unredeemed Single and Double Barreled BREECH LOADING CUNS Prices As Low As $3.50 We have on hand the best known makes, such as Remington's, Winchester Re. | peaters. L. C. Smith’s, Baker's, Grinner’s, M oore’s, etc.: Hammer and Hammer- less. You can buy these Guns for half their regular price, Every Gun you pur- | chase here is guaranteed to give satisfaction or a new gun in place of it. Pirosh & Simmons AND OPTICIANS 20 N. QUEEN ST., LANCASTER JEWELER Try a Bulletin Ad a Be eS SBDBVBHARBVLVBVCOVBBVVLBOVLHAS SLBLRSODODSDVLUVBLGTJAFRBRBOOBISFGB LBBB SEVLBOBHBBSBOLOVONSLL BOSS ELSOODORLALLABLB LBBB LRBBLNGHS l oO & . SODBBGLEE o ot FREE 0 -~ 0 egeon: or or HB ae th Cts © ab AS