The weekly bulletin. (Florin, Penn'a.) 1901-1912, August 18, 1909, Image 2

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Certainly we must take into ac
count the Little Man’’ in our talk on
Nothing=8uits here from 6 years up
to 17 years, wd every one
THE S, 8,
Its easy enough to make a suit of
elothes, but to make it right is an
other story, 8. 8B. 8. Clothes are
made right are all of this
make and
AL A raving

in sizes WEEKL V
besides can be
50 are now $6.00
Suits that were $8.80 are now 86.75
of from 20

1 : -
advantage vou get when you buy something for less than its actual
od “ & v ”

had charg:
BOOTS, SHOES, RUBBERS and HOSIERY eh of Christiana,
18 North Queen Street, LANCASTER, PENNA, en Kacy, the
: — — ia Railroad ticket agent a
this |

0 to the Seattle
All Kinds iim
Exposition at
Ladies’ Solid Gold, 14-K. Hunting Case, Elgin oi Waltham; worth
$22.50; for $15.00. Miss Hettie Hicks is visiting at At
£ oo Gents’ Watches, 14-K., 12-size; worth $25.00: for $18.00. lantic City.
ae : oh R. K. Gaugler amily of Har
> yold-Filld Watches, Ladies and Gents, guaranteed for 20 years, fitted B. K. Gaugler and fami y 0
risburg, are visiting the family of Dr.
with Elgin or Waltham Movements; worth $14.00; for $9.00. G. A. Harter.
Mrs. C. C.
are spending a week with relatives a
Paris R. Hoffman,
visiting his parents in this place, re
turned to Greenville, Ohio,

who has beer
~ Pirosh & Simmons
20 N.

Next Door to Shaub & Co’s.Shoe Store QUEEN ST., LANCASTER
bacco Company.
will leave on Friday, September 3r¢
1 { 1 ~ for the ticket agents’ conventiqn a
A Big Drive In Watches of Denver, Colorado JFrem there he
Hicks and son Charles,
where he
is manager for the Hoffman Leaf To-|ler
$7.00 are now 35.50 . "kn
4 86,50 are now 85.00 1 hai \ 1 3¢ l¢
y 3 foward Barnba: was circulating Mrs, Alice Morton spent Saturda
Spring and Summer 86.00 are now $4.75 :
Suit in our stock is re mg ri Is here on Sunday ind Sunday at the county seat
£5.00 are now §4,00 |
Alister ‘ guest of "ete leman of Phil: hit
duced and many ar 84.00 are now $3.25 Vi M ist wa th Ue ( Victor Haldemat f Philadelph
suitable for Fall Wear ‘ ]0 TR 1 Herman Drager on Saturday is home on a two weeks' vacation
83.50 are now 32.75
ither Trostle and wife spent Sun- Milton Schwanger is about agai
Ss 'KUNKS and BAGS : :
" SHOE. t PKUNKE And BAGS | ith the latter's mother Mrs. |after being on the indisposed list fi
Fhree Fina Shoe Every traveler surely
specials of which vou wants to go away with Hoffman (ay eek
should take advantage. the Fight ¥ind I bag- Elmer E. Ruhl atended Ruhl's pic- Miss Ella Easton of Lancaste
gage. WAVY CANVAS : ; WW
All Ladies' Oxfords Scr Potd len. = nie at Union Square on Saturday af-|called on relatives in the village o
that were 82.50 to $3.50 . r )
Mr. and Mrs
Howard Shickley an
. | farew sermon at Eby’s church on|daughter, Mrs. W. L. Campbell on |
| Sunday to a large congregation. | Tuesday.
| J

ou’ pe ej at feeling when you buy a par of the ! ; : ek
worth. You'll experience just that Bt ay oe hy 2opat ab Electric lights are being placed in|eon of Philadelphia, are visiting ir
Oxfords we're selling at 85¢, $1.15, $1 31.55, $1.85, $2.00 $235 or 8 ;
285. > pride i 1 feel i 1 the Landisville croquet grounds {the family of C. 8. Wachstetter
$2.85. You'll take pride in your shoes —the pride we feel in selling | Dr. John Trout Herr is spending| I Mrs. Phares Hiestand of
I 1 i ig 5 | iy rT r. John “Aro Herr 1s spending Mr. and Mrs. Phares estand o
’ y s big sale. You'll be glad to tell your friends : : : :
Jie to you during this big i rice—no other store [several weeks with friends at Balti-| | apeaster, spent Sunday in’ town as
there are no other such shoes in town at the price—no other store | y hve 8
y i i 7 k | mor | guests of his parents, Amos Hiestand. | ve
rice satisfaction to you mean so much, { Srou die: a |
where service and sa fa ) y { M1 Dr. S. G. Gray is entertaining Master John Stoll returned home |
5 »> 8 [her mother, Mrs. Sarah Speese, of | ifter spending some time at Philadel- |
pe isburg. | phai as the st of his grandparents |
Dr. D. C. Martin spent several days| Leo Kobb, wife and daughter
t Fairmount, his former home Dar. bethtown, spent Sunday here]
8 thsence his father Dr. J. R [as guests in the family of G. A. Ge
The United Brethren Sunday schoo

Tihs Sats Sats
All of our Summer Stock must be closed out to make room for our large
line of Fall and Winter Clothing.
Our reductions our honest and there are no Suits kept out of this sale.
Our reductions may not seem as large as other stores, but our stook is not
marked up $2.00 or $3.00 and then cut to half price.
Following are the Prices for
This Clearance Sale
$14.75 For Suits Worth $18.50 & Up
13.25 (t cs ol

12.00 © “ “ 15.00
11.28 *« “ fe 13.50
978% * & 12.50 |
828 « “ 10.00
6.75 “ 1 i“
6.25 « 143 “
550 «
Now is the time for you to take advantage
of this sale as we must close out this stock to
make preparations for our heavy fall and Win-
ter Stock. All clothing guaranteed.
All Suits Bought Here Cleaned and Pressed Free. Merchant Tailoring a
JOY HALL BUILDING. Mount Joy, Penna.

in the family of J. G. Beatty.
Messrs. Reuben Swords and Abram
Butzer have just completed the large
lumber sheds for Elam S. Moore, our
local coal and lumber merchant.
Addison Brenneman and family
were very pleasantly entertained in
the family of his brother near the
Rock Point school house on Sunday.
Newpher Smeltzer and family and
Amaziah Good and family of Mount
Joy and John Flowers and family of
Elizabethtown, spent Sunday in the
family of Jefferson Bishop.
Jacob N. Hershey of Florin, has
been chosen treasurer of the Hershey
Creamery Company, a chartered con-
cern with offices in Harrisburg. Mr.
Hershey is an experienced creamery
and produce man.
Mrs. Harry Musselman of Harris-
burg, spent Sunday in town as the
guest of Mrs. Harry Musselman. She
was accompanied home by her son
Harry, who had been spending two
weeks here with his grandparents.
Harry Sherk of Mount Joy, spent
Sunday with relatives in th#s place.
William Witmer of Harrisburg,
spent Sunday visiting relatives in this
Victor Hipple of Riverton, N. J.,
is spending his vacation here with
his parents, Mr. Rufus Hipple.
Rufus Hipple and Henry Weaver
will commence cutting their crop of
tobacco this week, weather permitt-
The new building erected by Eman
uel E. Myers and intended for a gener
al merchandise store, has been finish-
ed and will be ready for business in
a short time.
Suit was entered last Saturday by
Samuel E. Myers against John G. Mil-
ler before Justice of the Peace Lutz,
in Columbia, for disorderly conduct
and pointing a gun. The case was
settled, the defendant paying all the

a —
“Had dyspepsia or indigestion for
years. No appetite and what I did
eat distressed me terribly. Burdock
Blood Bitters cured me.”—J. H. Walk

Milton Royer, rota engineer, wa
was taken ill on Thursday eveni
| ving wandered a from the sta
| tion He was picked up along the,
rack by the crew of the trolley and
V-{conveved to h home in Moun Joy
lin a serious condition.
1] Rev. Simon B. Landis, teacher of | §

Wednesday, August 18th, 1909


} Harvey Wert a former resident
called on friends in the village n
i, N11! lay CC
My, and Mrs. Levi . Sheetz of Flor »
ng ited among friends in town on
"Wi Sunday
The first cirens to visit Rheems
r, Wednesday and attract We desire to inform our
mall audience,
exhibited on
Nied only a

added a complete line of McCall
many patrons that we have
style, fit and

1! Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Greider on Sun- | §
1lday entertained the following guests | §
|at dinner: Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Charles

eider and
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Greider of Sil
lof Manor; Mrs. Abr:
Ir Springs

Samuel Cover is building an addi-
tion to his house.
The Reformed Mennonites held ser
vices on Sunday morning in the Union
church here.
Mrs. H. H. Rohrer and two daugh-
ters spent Wednesday and Thursday
at Manheim
Mrs. A. S. Martin and three daugh-
ters of Rh spent a few days
here with relatives.
Wayne Stauffer and family spent
Sunday with Aaron Hurst and family
at East Petersburg.
Squire and Mrs. J. E. Stauffer
spent from Saturday to Monday with
reltaives at Kissel Hill.
Mrs. Samuel Martin, two sons and
daughter, of West Philadelphia, spent
a week with Mrs. Levi Fissel.
Misses Maggie and Fannie Dissing-
er are spending about ten days with
relatives in Lebanon county.
Mrs. Harriet Brubaker of Lancaster
spent last Tuesday and Wednesday
here as the guest of relatives.
Harvey Nissely and family of Chi-
cago, Ill.,, are visiting his parents,
J. W. Nissley and other relatives.
Rev. Michael Horst of Kansas, oc-
cupied the pulpit in Erisman’s church
on Sunday morning and will long be
Mr. and Mrs.
are throwing money away.
You will put your money in bank
are satisfied.

and make 333
per cent.
if you will need them later. We are
Spring delivery, because the prices are
Is a vital point (with tne
Quality and the Price.
If you give us a look, we know we
benefited, as well as we.
Preston Strauss a : ies
0 irauss and Don’t forget we are in a position
daughter Helen of Lancaster, spent
Saturday and Sunday with the lat-
ter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel
aa, Third, Fourth and Fifth Floors, all
Ne nd Curtains.
H. W. Metzler, of this place, one
of Rapho’s most progressive farmers
and poultrymen, has just completed
the thirteenth hatch in a two hund-
red and incubator.
He was quite successful and the ag-
gregate number of peeps hatched was
twenty-three hundred and nine, and
the several customers for whom they
were incubated claim they are hale
and hearty.
twenty egg size
Received a Carload of Melons |
H. A. Darrenkanmp, the green gro- |
cer three doors east of the post office,
received a carload of choice water- |
melons this week which he is selling
Honest Reductions at frem 15 to 25 cents each or spe-|
gDon’t fail to notice: the reductions | cial prices in large lots. Here is |
anf basa
on Getz Bros.’ clothing. See ad on | your chance if you want melons.
another page. $9.75 for $12.50

suits; $13.25 for $16.50 suits, ete. |
Look for ad. : New Holland has cancelled its |
game here for Saturday on account|
of a series of games with Terre Hill.

BE ——
Advertise in the Bulletin.

er, Sunbury, Ohio.

It pays !

Why not invest some of your
a GO-CART at 25 PER OC
interest on
; 81.50. bound in hard fiber, ternoot Sunday Christiab G. Sherk. ‘who has beei
E good locks and the best hb M ima is erecting a new to Adam Rineer and family of Eliza- ined to his house ‘on account of
All Ladies’ Oxfords f hardware, the wood jacob Mumma 1s ex Bi ‘ dam Kk * : “ confined to h § ac 1
that were $2 and $1.50 is well seasoned and bacco shed on his farm tenanted by |hethtown, spent Sunday in town as|{)jness. is able to be around 11 00 Di ff + D
are now £1.10, straight grained Jherman Smith. | guests of relatives Mr. and Mrs, Hiram Shonk of Mt. 4 1 eren esi ns
A straw party from Bainbridge was Mr, and Mrs. G. A. Geyer have gone| joy, visited the families of
20 YEARS — the guest of D. Bamliart and wily to Hillsdale where: they will remain [Grow and Jobs BE. Kessel McCall patterns lead all others in
on Thursday evening during camp there { Sunday p
WE Messrs. Christ Stultz and Benton Eli Hostetter of the West, spent John C. Smith on Friday visited simplicity.
0 Hipple of Marietta, were circulating | Sunday here as the guest of his broth | jis place of business in Columbia
among friends here on Sunday fer, Elam Hostetter lafter being detained at home for a You get the very latest styles—the most nearly perfect
— WT WwW AM Jacob Mumma's entertained quite Jacob Watson of Steelton, was the | ,nonth by illness > s y
™ nu SONS number of their friends from Lan-|guest of his mother Mrs. Catharine! Apthur B. Heisey and Simon H. patterns money and brains can produce, and you pay but
i 1st Philadelphia last week Watson on Sunda) Landis enjoved an automobile ride o ; . = % 2
" UBANCASTER. PA, Suster and Phusemia 1 : : 10 and 15 Cents; no higher. Yours for business
2e-S0F. Ring Street, N R, Miss Sue Barclay, a prominent| Mrs. Emma Weidman of Philadel-|to Tea Hill where they took a num- o C ’ S
young lady of Donegal, visited friends | phia, is spending some time herve as ber cf photographs.
at Mount J on Saturday afternoon. | the guest of her parents { John C. Smith, having engaged in
XU. a A Tr | Lewis Troup, Mr. Smith and Wm.| Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fair spent Sun the wheelwright trade in Columbia,
Troup of Yorl n their large auto-|day Palmyra visiting their daugh-| wij dispose of his property at pub- » °
e g Feeling It Produces k tO | Troup of York, in th |
at n Brees 8 mobile, called on the family of 8. H.|ter, Mrs. William Dietrich | lic sale and move awa
Rr. Tre { Mr. and Mrs. Henry Young were Mrs. Mary A. Wisegarver of Master ;
: K hat You've Got Cood Big [3 | he 2. Mah 4 an
ROW 1 at OU ve ot 00 8 Miss Amanda Boyer, a traine H zu sts in the family of Tillman Gantz [sonville, and her son William J. Wise WW . ain Street, NV OUNT 0Y ’
M d | nm of the Jefferson Hospital at|at Elizabethtown on Sunday garver, commercial telegrapher of o
Value For the oncy You Spen | Philadelphia, spent Friday with the| Rev. N. L. Linebaugh preached his | philadelphia, visited the former's ss
| |
It’s a natural pleasure to most of us. It’s that sort of a sense of | Misses Emma and Florence Tressler. | farewell

A Perfect
Player Piano
For $375.00
The “Boudoir
and have us demonstrate this

Kirk Johnson & Company
Mr. H. B. Manby is in charge of our Tuning Department

Don’t Throw Your
Money Away
When you can buy Porch Furniture Refrigerators and
{ vill hold rally day services on Sunday | the Rheems school. fi r the past two
{ ugust 29, when everybody is in it- | terms, who has been occupying the
lied to attend | position of lesmz the Winters
t Mr. and Mrs. William Winters and |store at Elizabethtown, has been se- {
daughter of Pittsburg, are here on a|jected to teach the school here anoth- |]
visit to his parents Mr. and Mrs. A.|er term, and he has decided to ac- |
B. Winters cept the position | all at the store
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Winters of Winfield I. Heisey is the father of | instrument or send fordllustrated c: atalogue.
Manheim, spent part of Thursday in|remarkable twin boys They ave five |
-{town with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.|vears old and in appearance are so
A. B. Winters. near alike that the neighbors who
- Howard Keeler and sister Fannie, |sce them frequently cannot disting-
spent Sunday visiting friends at| uish them apart, except by asking
Millway, The latter will remain {their names One is Jacob, named
there several weeks. for his grandfather, Jacob W. Hei-
t Mrs. Ed. Stoll, son Roy and daugh-| sey, postmaster of this place, and the
ter Ruth, of East Pittsburg, are vis-|other is Winfield, named after his
) {iting Mrs. Stoll’'s parents, Mr. and] father. These boys almost daily
». | Mrs. A. B. Winters. exhibit their familiarity with horse-
Messrs. Jacob Boyer and Emlin Bul manship by riding horse-back and
were fishing on Saturday night driving the many horses on their fath 24 West King Street,
and were rewarded with twenty fine|er’s farms. Both are regular attend-
eels for their trouble. ants at the Donegal Presbyterian
tev. N. L. Linebaugh will preach [Sunday School, to which they usually
his farewell sermon in the United |drive together and alone, a distance
Jrethren church on the last Sunday |of about four miles. The boys are
avening of this month. small in stature and in tying the hor- / lS
Frank Burkholder of Maytown,|ses are obliged to’ crawl out on the | s——— comms
moved his family and household effe- [shafts of the vehicle in . order to
ects to this place last week, occu-|reach the hitching rein.
pying the Weldman’property. = {0 «5 ae LL em
Mrs. Amos B. Eicherly and two SPORTING HILL
daughters, Grace and Mary of Lancas D. B. Ginder is slating Levi Fis-
ter, spent Sunday in town as guests sel’s house.
Go-Carts at 25
take advantage of it, you certainly
and get 3 and 4 per cent. interest and
money in PORCH FURNI-
your money.

Hoffmeier Bros.,
40-42 East King St. Lancaster, Pa.

—>kancaster's Largest Carpet Rouge

Now is the time to make your purchases of FURNITURE and CARPETS
laying back every day Furniture for
way down now,
Quality in Anything
right price, of
course). We can show Jyou the
will get your order, and you will be
This is the largest Home F aruisoig Store outside of Philadelphia.
Furniture. Main Floor, Carpets, Rugs

An exchange reports the probabil-
ity of an egg famine. Eggs are in
| greater demand than ever and prices
are at the top notch. Increase the
productiveness of your fowl by the
[regular use of Fairfield’s Blood Ton-
ic and Egg Producer for Poultry Only
For sale by F. H. Baker, Mount
Joy: H. C. Greider, lanldisyille, and
| D. B. Ebersole, Elizabethtown
This is ladies’ day with the College
of Physicians and Surgeons of Colum-
bia and they are feasting at the
| Springs Hotel, at Lititz.


