The weekly bulletin. (Florin, Penn'a.) 1901-1912, July 14, 1909, Image 8

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Have You Been In Yet! To The

20 YEARS —


2 8-2

On Thursday the
will journey to Columbia where they |
In Our Churches
ee Re 3 TT ee rpm yee " at wn AR
ak oa ge ~ Gs ior) - » Ko EE

evening locals
i Inndavs Schoo at 9 A. M. und | will play the big team of that place, |
preaching by she minister, Rev, W.| The frost of the season was the |
H, Egge at 10 A M, and 7.30 P, M. | "farce comedy” game on Thursday
he evening theme will be: The | evening with the P, B, C. team of 3
Old Bible Good Enough for Me. | Lancaster On a previous visit the YX. A. be O | i NN
Everybody is heartily invited to at- | Saam did exceptionally well against
| tend ese § 8 the locals, hence its se appears
t 1d the service | ‘ ocals Hence { econd ppear IS0O09 MODEL
[ ance, he game turned out to be a
Church of God i fluke on the part of the visitors and |
Sunday School at 9 a. m Preach- | big Lefty Sherer was thoroughly con- |


other shades of neckwear, 25 and
AG |
50c. at Getz Bros. ACHYTS FOR ;
to Clayton Garman,
of Elizabethtown, for $5,000. Mr.
Hoffman made many improvements
on Wednesday, /alue in style, in quality, in workmanship, in everything that makes
Good Shoes—The things you pay money for. And values in things not




sonally-Conducted Excursions
ugust 11, 25, September 8, 22, & October 6, 1909
ip Rate $9.30 From Mt. Joy
train leaving 10.39 a. m., connecting with SPECIAL TRAIN of Pull
or Cars, Dining Car, and Day Coaches running via the
© Susquehanna Valley Frtoute
pn regular trains with FIFTEEN DAYS, including date of excursion.
bp-off.- within limit allowed at Buffalo returning.
bt and full information may be obtained from Ticket Agents.
General Passenger Agent

~ Boys’ suits and hats at Getz Bros.,
Mount Joy, Pa.

Please remember if we print your
bills we will insert a notice of your
sale in our register from now until
the day of sale, FREE. Our large
circulation will thoroughly advertise
your sale, so send us your date at
once for insertion in this list.
Monday, July 19—At the hotel in
Florin, a carload of Franklin County
cows, bulls and hogs. This is cer-
tainly a fine lot of stock by E. M. Sou-
ders. Vogle, auct.
Saturday, July 24-—At the resi-
dence of the undersigned on Henry
street, Mount Joy, Pa., an exception-
ally large lot of household goods by
Mrs. James L. Pell. Zeller, auct.
Saturday, July 24—At theFarmers
Inn, in Mount Joy, a lot of horses,
cows, shoats, new and second-hand
wagons, harness, lot of rabbits, whips
watches, etc., by William H. Gantz.
Vogle, auct.

The undersigned offers for rent or
at private sale, a lot of ground situ-
ate in Florin, Pa., fronting on the
Harrisburg and Lancaster turnpike,
The improvements are a handsome
Three-Story Brick House with Sum-
mer House attached, frame stable,
hog sty and other outbuildings.
There is a good garden and an abun-
dance of fruit. The property js in
excellent repair and has a good lo-
cation, being a corner dwelling and is
directly opposite J. S. Carmany’s
store. Any person desirous of view-
ing same will call on the undersigned
Medical College in 1907.
will give another free dance at Chick-
during his ownership and has been
raising excellent crops. He will re-
main on the farm until the first of
April, 1910, when Garman will take
possession. Mr. Hoffman has not
vet decided where he will make his
future home.

Broke His Leg
Cyrus N. Reed of Lawn, while step-
ping off a train at that place recent-
ly, had the misfortune of falling and
breaking his right ankle. Dr. P. N.
Becker, of Mastersonville, reduced the
Bought the Supplies
The regular monthly
Dr. Arthur J. Thome, of Milton
Grove, has registered as a physician
at the Prothonotarys office. Dr.
Thome graduated at the Maryland
ee eee ese
Another Free Dance
The Conestoga Traction Company

Terms and price reasonable.

H. 8S. STOLL, Florin, Pa.
ies Park on Saturday evening.
ic by a brass orchestra.
meeting of a
the School Board was held on Mon- RACE YOUR ORDER
day evening. All the supplies for the \
ensuing term were purchased. The oF EARLY ®
board also purchased a fine large flag | OEE
for the school building.
A Physician Registers ered
counted in the price—in courtesy, accommodation, a spirit of real service,
in satisfacticn assured.

215 N. Prince St.,
Lancaster, Ps, We giye all this in every sale—whether you buy a pair of our high-
est quality Shoes at $5 or $6; a pair of our standard specials at $3.00 o
$4.00 or a pair of our $2.00, $2.50 or $3.00. You get—beyond doubt—
The best Shoes and the biggest values ever sold in this city—at the price.

EE —
Estate of John K. Brandt, late of Rapho town-
ship, Deceased. : 7
Letters of administration on said estate having
veen granted to the undersigned, all persons in-
debted thereto are requested to make immedi- =
ate payment and those having claims or demands
against the same will present them with-out, de-
lay for settlement to the undersigned,
Aaron G. Brandt,
Daniel Gs Brandt, Mount Joy, R. F. D
W. M. Hollowbush, Atty. Administrators
Z r\/
} x =
. :
ing at 10.30 a. m. and 7.30 p. m.|vinced that he isn't a pitcher by a EW tan ar Cry oner
Junior Endeavor at 6.00 p. m, Sen-|Jjug full All present, however, had |
) | jor Endeavor at 6.30 pom. In the |a dime’s worth of amusement in see- |
morning Rev, Charles G. Sprout, a|ing the locals hammer the horsehide | .
amd | ministerial student at Findlay Col- [and “Silk O'Loughlin” (?) getting |
S A Lx { lege, will occupy the puilpit, In the |off his “trike tah.” The score: { + SEED
ae Nl eo evening Rev, H. 8S. Hershey, of Landis | hej * TROUGH
| ville will preach { Mount Joy 00H) 10—20 18 1
! . { f HP. BC Sennen 0000 0—0 2 9|
' The sale has been running a full week now and the buying has i Litharda { The Lanaster Intelligencer says |
been quite heavy—those who come early get the best selections, | . . 4 Re . Zak [ “Next week the Mount Joy team will
| Regular servicesand Sundayschool | {
: you know. { yn Sunday at the usual hout {be greatly strengthened by the addi-|
| on § ay i @ usu ur. . . 4 .
Remember this one thing in lookine over this space=our res { At a meeting of the church coun- | ton of Brown, of the Susquehanna
ductions are positively real and straightforward—the goods are | oil last week, the pastor, Rev. R. c. | League.” After Saturday's game | ;
not marked up so that the reduction can be made big—we do not | Renzier. ‘was granted a tionth’s ‘voi it looked as though we need a good |
sell reductions, we sell honest values We do not want to do cation during August. There will, | twirl r : . . 3 i
: business any other way. If you believe as we do you will try us | however. be services on. the second | _ Fresh from a 20 to 0 game in five
i and prove our claim, and right now when you can save several [a third Sundays of the month by | Innings, the locals went at the Mon-
dollars, is a good time to do it, Rev, Schanz, of Philadelphia, fermer- archs of Lancaster on Saturday and
| Iv of Millersville. | hammered out sixteen runs. I'he WH £ PAT
| ‘ A ; y visitors, however, were there too and | ij Sa IT
00009006 080600090006000C 000000000200 0600000000000 At a congregational meeting on Sun tallied fifte to titelr credit ahd & : LE J Tr
{ day cvening the following officers |‘'®'1€d litteen to their credit and ac-| ¥ =
| : nn. | cording to the reports in some of the —— i
were elected for the ensuing term: | oh i =
H A S S cials From Elder, J, S. Carmany for three years; jeity dailies, they won, hit that is not ¥ li Sd
| Hale sds S. armany I years; ob The al : ing 5 |
ere re ome pe 1 | Deacon, M. M. Brubaker, for two | th rase: The Fame Bs 8 Whole, wa \
| vears Trustee. L. Percy Heilig. for |? comedy of hits, misplays and errors |
| er NE > . vr lof both sides. |
| two years I'he latter succeeds H. Ni
All Over The Store LC Sehoe. rere obecrs WHE fo in tegen t NO RUBBERS NO SPRINGS
stalled at Sunday morning's servi- | EERE eee ; TE mE
= ‘ All our Men's $25 Suits are Children’s $1.25 Oxfords 85¢ wi Boys Gathering Worms l
vA rhe ab... $19.50 While other communities are be- o . . i : .
<i B marked a ’ RA [wailing the. fact that their serdens | PReDS This New Machine was designed for the purp se of giving
A ——— SRB J Se . et A rita Ean | ¢ 5 < ile 5¢ Sr | oY Nes = :
diol of y es x Children’s $1.00 Oxfords 69¢ Oiled the Turnpike [trees, fields, and frequently their | $va every member of the family from the youngest to the oldest—a chance at
Ladies’ $3.00 and $3.50 Ox- : ; abby P > g
ords nuked at... ... $2.39 ———— —— In order to solve the dust probl itt [homes have heen invaded With wortis! ¥ seeding cherries. It will seed any size—any kind—without mashing the
All our Men's $16.00 Suits Sheriff Landis has resorted to the use|the thrifty youthful residents of this| 2 . . . ee .
: . — a. marked ....8$13.00 of oil on the Marietta turnpike in|place have found in the crawlers a fruit, and without the loss of juice. No rubbers, no broken springs, no
Shildtens 5.00 Suits 21.00 front of his residence at Rohrers-|souree of revenue. Not only has the| pounding, no sore hands or tired feeling. Will seed with ease 20 to 30
2 town. For quite a distance on each |gathering of worms become a regu- | :
hi '« K/2 50 Sui Qo == Men's 50 ce y Shirts . ve : { tq . nr.
Children’s 83.50 Suits $2.75 Ye 30 cent Wool hires side of his property the dust was|lar occupation among many boys of | quarts per ho Ir . g : J 5 .
mare EC first scraped from the highway and (this community, but the rivalry has | This machine is tinned, 1S very simple and strong 1n construction,
Men's 350¢ Underwear, all et Ww : he oil, first heated, ig applied hecase SO kon Gigi literally the | and does most effective work:
Kindle... ... oii 373c Girls’ $1.00 Canvas Oxfords t performed its function perfectly, |early boy that gets the worm. | i >
Phelan geile s5c and it is quite surprising, in view of| Five thousand crawlers were ship Designed and patented by M. A. Rollman Mount Joy, Pa., formerly
All our Young Men's $15.00 the comparatively slight expense, ped out of here yesterday. They of Rollman Mfg. Co.
Rin . 21% ‘ re rural residents are not fol- (were consigned to Superintendent
Suits marked ........ $12.00 ht a pag that more rura g Suy ende
. Child's $1,00 Canvas Oxfords lowing the custom, which everywhere | Ratchford, of Forest Park, St. Louis |
Men's $1.00 Shirts He ER 79¢ seems to be successful. who wants to feed them to his caged | .
A ms Si " ES oa. : €
— a birds. The five thousand were a | e niversa lar ware \X/ orks Inc.
M 1.50 Shirt 9 Infants’ 85 cent Canvas Ox- Another Paper mixed lot including wooly ones,
en's $1.50 Shirts ..... 9c ; : - 3 !
A ’ fords i. aan nun 69¢ The latest journal to be added to|smooth ones, and many legged ones. NMount Joy Pa
3 E ’ -
Lancaster county’s already large list|Fish worms were not included. The
n's $2: Suits $ «3 i “03 3 7 ate”? s f . > 27h “ is y SeC- 2 1 “ - a1 ~
Mews $23.00 Suits . .$18.50 Gris’ $1.75 Tan Shoes, $1.29 [|S the “Good Roads Advocate,” allot brought $3.75, and is the sec Ye=For sale at all local dealers. Don’t fail to ask for the New Standard
: monthly publication which is gotten |ond consignment shipped out of here
Men's $22.00 Suits. . $17.50 SE RE ; a out in the interest of its title. [the past few weeks. . A
Girls’ $1.50 Tan Shoes. ..97¢ Walter R. Markley is the editor. Its : wo 0 po Sen A 3 ? mr Gr
Men's $2.00 and $1.50 Straw first issue has just reached our desk hs EERE AR SESS 3 : Ra si ois
: Hats marked at........ $1.29 All our Children’s $7.50 and it looks good to us. It is printed We're In It, All Right
Suits marked .......... $6.00 at the Herald office, in Elizabethtown. | Edward K. Hibshman Field Assis- | — TTT — ” - — — ee
" $14.00 Suit ——— [tant in the Experimental Agricul- | Constipation SA nes headache, i
All our Men's $14, Suits , bo : Rate Pramas aot | S€a, dizziness, languor, heart palpi-
marked. ............. $10.50 Ladies’ $2.50 Oxfords mark- Back to Marietta { Lure, of the State Be partment, Jast | tation. Drastic physics, gripe, sick- PENNSYIL VANIA RA I [LROAD
oA Ta $1.89 In place of the late W. H. Buller, | week visited the Glen Manor Seed fon, weakens the bowels and don’t
RR who taught in Marietta for many|Farm, near Kinzer Station, this|cure. Doan’s Regulets act gently and @ eo TO oo 2
Mew's $15.00 Niue as vears, Charles J. Palmer will be prin-| county, conducted by John S. Wea, jure Sonsnauon; 25 cents. Ask .
Suits marked ........ $12.00 Young Men's $7.50 Suits are [cipal of that town’s grammar school. |ver, a scientific plant breeder, who” " Bink
marked .........000 00 $6.00 Mr. Palmer was a Marietta teacher |makes a specialty of breeding and im | al 1 IC I
Men's 13¢ Hose........ 10¢ about eight years ago, but since then | proving local and foreign varieties | Jm=i=4, o: BCE Ese
. - > : x : ? a : | be { \ L ret
Men’s 25¢ Ties .......... 17¢ Men's 25¢ Underwear mark- has been holding forth in East Done-|of tobacco. Mr. Hibshman reports | (@)== & p=" «2 O==0) Pp
ed olen 19¢ gal township. the following as being some of the | CA E MAY
Ladies’ $1.50 House Juli- stiri il sere most extensive tobacco growers in| Stop Buying : i
ots marked LSI Si. our Younz Meus $12.00 Swell Line of Patterns te county: Mr. Miwger, New Helf,. " t Anglesea, Wildwoéd, Holly Beach,
Suits vk = AHN H. E. Ebersole, the hustling up|land, 32 acres; Amos Cooper, Salun-|{ Xperirmen = = . = 1 s
Suits marked ......... $9.50 : ; oe 4 ea Ocean City, Sea Isle City, Hvalon
All our Children’s $6 Suits town merchant, has just added a com-|ga, 62 acres; J. Weiss, Salunga, 20 | and the
suarked at : $4.75 Men's Siz Bi . plete line (1,400 patterns) of the|acres; M. L. Greider of this place, | JUST AS GOOD NEW IERSEY
| ; Bras ' a en's 2 2.00 ne ig well known MeCall patterns, to his|20 acres; J. M. Brandt of this place, | Thursdays 1909 Sundays
S 3 LH Suits marked ......... $10.00 already large stock. For full details|20 acres and John Herr of Millers-
| Youn Men's $6.00 bp consult his ad on another page. ville, 25 acres. AUTOMO B | LE Ny July 22, August 5, 19 July 25, August 8, 22
IARRER «ows reir sh vrans Pr Ladies’ $2.00 Oxfords mark o | .
— nn, | .
od iui $1.49 and $1.39 $4.10 Round Trip $3.85 Round Trip
3 : = cE Boy Breaks an Arm \ ie aware River Br /ia Market Street Wharf
Children's $1.25 Sandals at . toriec Wi Mis - » ’ . Via Delaware River Bridge Via Market Street Whart
et ren’s $1.25 De Em ee Charles, youngest son of Hector| : Series With Hlinpedeomn " The best don’tcost any more, FRO COUNT TOY
RE Rte rrr neve Men's $20.00 Suits. .$16.50 Henry, fell off a tree yesterday and aan Eloring he oh ow € and in ‘the ‘end they are the Cae EY a \ lao
’ broke his right arm at two places, |#'0 contained the folk 5 chezpest. | Vou leiow the aire FHURSDAY PORE! DUR FIL ST OUING NoNldY INCLUSIVE
i Children’s $1.00 Sandals at Men's $10.00 Suits. . . .$8.00 The lad is about eight years old and A series of three games to decide ae td SUNDAY TICKETS GOOD UNTIL THE FOLLOWING THURSDAY, INCLUSIVE
; ST Ye JES i Oa att the championship of Mount Joy and disputed worth of the STOP-OVER HLLOWED AT PHILADELPHIA
Ee Rc ‘ the accident was very painful. > > Sr
All our Men's $18.00 Suits s— Elizabethtown, will be played within CK For full information concerning leaving time of tiains, consult small hand bills or near-
a an : ’ : : es the next few weeks. They will be Ul est Ticket Agent.
Men's $6.00 Pants. ...8$5.00 marked 5. Er I SIAS50 ie ad ” : ya sg .
S fo Dean Busors iff twilight games ane the Arst Will he PR itr or oat
On Saturday, July 24, Sheriff Lan-| ujled off on Tuesday evening, July PACKARD RISeNgOr Are BgeT. al tassenger Agent.
Men's $3.00 Pants... .$4.00 Men's $4.00 Oxfords ..$3.39 dis, Judge Landis, and Jury Commis-| 90 on the local grounds Tavior
Fe , ) 20, > al gr SS a
h sloners Hess and Gertizen will draw and Ludlow, both of Harrisburg, will FRANK LIN — —
Men's $4.00 Pants... . $3.25 Men's $3.50 Oxfords. . . $2.69 rors for the September and Octo- be the battery for the focals, while OLDSMOBILE ’ .
her courts, pars ic ram, will D h | k lik
o Peters of the Columbia team w i oesn t t 1S paper 00 1ke a
Men's $1.00 Work Pants 79¢ ya : ; he cover first base. The series promises . .
Men's $3.00 Oxfords. . .$2.35 Unclaimed Letters to be a hot one and all should avail| Sold strictly on their merits. ! ® ®
y |
Ye x Poke ante 40 Following is a list of letters at the |themselves of seeing the exciting !
Men's 50¢ Work Pants 42¢ g emselves g g 2 a 3 =
Men's $3.00 Pants. . . .$2.35 Mount Joy post office that have not|games. We have some excellent second — ——
been called for July 14, 1909: mn hand cars that will be sold very - s ‘“ so
Men's $1.50 Plaited Hoot "a $250 Fant 250 Penna. Milk Product Co. Sold His Conewgo Farm reasonable. ~ Value-Giving, That S The Basis of our
$1.1¢ Men's $2.50 Pants... . $2, red Fenstormachor : A r —
Shirts ................ $ J. Fred Fenstermacher, Postmaster. Clayton Hoffman, of Mount Ver- 5 :
Ll is ad ;
non, sold his fine farm, consisting of . { C S Sh S 11
Children’s $1.50 Oxfords 97c Men's $2.00 Pants... ... $1.65 Aandkerchief ties, the latest, ally 200 © Lote Hr tl re pike,| Lancaster Automobile Co. reat Success 1n Dhoe Selling
18 North Queen Street,

Engle’s Furmture Warerooms
Mount Jov, Penna.
— eG Pee
Good Homemade Furniture a Specialty
‘ Upholstering Done to Order

—— get
Markers in stock from which to
select at low prices tor good ma- Ee
Mount Jov

Undertaking and Embalming

eaeieeieieleelioieliel oko



ah 2 hl al