PENNSYLVANIA DUTON y THE OLEOMARGAKINE LAW THE BULLETIN OLEOMARGAR LAW . | shwilkey Bumblesock Nas to i} § MOUNT JOY, PA. Numerous Violations Reported—The | wi , y > a ¥ | wt J. B. SOHROLL, Editor & Prop'r, Bureau Will Prosecute Violators | Say This Week | | A... The following statement from the ) ! SUBSCRIPTION ONLY 50c A YEAR |Palry and Food Commissioner, Mr. a { Foust, will be read with interest: ” PINS | A Six Months. . . .. 25 Cents Considerable agitation has recent-| Single Coples. . | 2 Cents lv been aroused owing to the report-| Sample Coples. . . FREER ed violations of the Oleomargarine | y a R— Law in a certain section of the State. Entered at the post office at Mount | A¢ dairy and Food Commissioner, 1 k " Joy as second-class mail matter, desire to say that whetiever GBAY «0 Ry CA WY GS ULI ITER PTET PT ETO R OPE OEE ITO TEETER PUUUOOPPRIUCPRURVETURUURTUCUTVUURUUUEPRUUTUUTUCERVERT VERTU RUE RE EU TI iin iin 95%% S%9%5%%%%% 5 All correspondents must have thefr | 98516 10 55 } R : communications reach this office not | Wherever violations of the Oleomar | | later than Monday. Telephone news | garine or other Pure Food Laws are | Q of importance between that time and | jigeovered by this bureau, or reported | | "locek Je 18 ‘ Chan- y 8 ae oe RE aa Pa to it, they are prosecuted to the full | 9 extent of the law. The Oleomarga- o hy] tively reach this office not later than Monday night. New advertisements inserted if copy reaches us Tuesday gimilar laws, is extremely difficult night. Advertising rates on appli- to enforce, and while violations oec- rine Law, like the Liquor and other Boxes Broken Sizes Missing Clothing Little i Li or rn 3) a zeitung ni du for [ 8 ch isa lussa des ich aw u Iq be) in 0 e mere mine sch Ky | Mussed 9 : och Nei Yorriek shlafa mit dem iy | 9 cha fersuffeny politi nung : o i waich un gocket-buch shtali® an é pi erleicht gar noch in sellyschlech- Fro The 8 p he r ni nemma Se setta sich t ] 1 9 homma n ower wos kom mer expec 8 fon so shlechty meeny, un dreck cation. cur now, and always have occurred, AYE it is the purpose of this bureau to EDITORIAL ur hose Basse reduce violations to a minimum and to punish to the maximum, every 2 violator of the provisions of the law. boys who pose as candy kids develop y! A 01 ttl n st : : : I'o this end I solicit information that later in life into lemon drops | : will enable this Bureau to locate any » - LJ - » Girle, beware! A lot of the young | violations of the Oleomargarine Law A good many of the early June; pat may occur in any part of the | bride-grooms have found out who|giate, has to get up and light the fire in the) This is particularly solicited from morning. dairymen, and especially from the Sanya public press, which has much to do A New York man offers a reward [With the formation of publie senti- of $10,000 for a sure cure for his | ment. While public sentiment is obesity. There's a weighty prob-|strong against wrong doing gener- 8 iehe loaters we de polatishuns wus 6) in dale nochbershoft hen We der ally, and properly so, it is unfortu- nate that public sentiment in some certain parts of the state is more or An observing Milton Grove bache- less opposed to the enforcement of lor writes to the Bulletin that women the Oleomargarine Law, and. for or newspapers should never be jud- this reason in its fight for observance ged by their wrappers. of the law this bureau invites (he "3% co-operation and support of every lem to solve. AN ( INPARAI J JE J D Fk VEN 1 9 Shwilkey hame is Kumma una gelt, 2 nn una watch, don hop ich eam grawt EE ER awt es yetz schreib ich en brief tzu de Bulletin un sawg eme dewaga oe . ‘ ead Carefu and Come Friday: th am Re Pe 8 shuldt on oll unserm druvel? Ei ne s [mont das de weeshty poiitishums un % ferflompty rawver wu de emter wela Still another ‘“‘Black-Hand outrage | newspaper, every organization and —a man has been apprehended with every individual in the common- Crowds Come From 20 Miles Around{ =.= GREATEST OF ALL CLOTHING REVELATIONS I 8 ha or» uy several obviously misplaced watches | wealth. in his pockets. Cuss it. The following extracts from the 2222s records of this office show the activ- ity of the Bureau from the date of the approval of the Oleomargarine Law, May 29, 1901, so far as those Everybody should learn that there ser eans frei rous kumpt derwaga. is a difference between appetite and Ich shtands enyhow nimamy, fer do hunger. The worst drunkard has an “appetite” and he is a slave to it counties in the section of the state mi ich derham i un hot shoff : : : : : : : 1 dern: es u 10 shoff: CRE are concerned in which violations : R un olly woch uf der marriek ga mit : (mina bona, un tomats, un grumbera, These high borough and school of the law most frequently occur and : : : : makes them After consultation with my manager 1 have decided to “wis . where public sentimen taxes are killing us said a borough p ) t most difficult to suppress: In the resident the other day as he wasted a : counties referred to, viz: Allegheny, un hooter, un oyer, un tzwivla, un AN OCCASION: sell out every article of Ladies’ and yard goods at prices unheard of—really htink-kase, un don gate mine Shwil- key olly ovet unnich denna political 80 cents on a slot machine. Oh, _ fudge. Beaver, Fayette, Lawrence, Mercer, ridi culous. WE WAN I NO I I IING LE | I loafers dot ons vatshouse un fer- SERA Washington and West Moreland— uft It Sell sawk ich i i ring oe vears 19 g 9092 0 ge Sell sawk ich is miner during the years 1901 and 1902, ale net recht un ich shtamdt es nim- ny ariek long. Des is about olles de THT TTT Miss Buzzard of a neighboring Commissioners Wells and Cope ter- town aged 23, changed her name] _ d 133 ses . 1 tur be i last week by marrying a young man To aC A De and. arne into named bird. We could say more but the State Treasury $5,273.59 in fines [wuch un ich sawgt grawt do, des won my olter sich net ferrennert aply ich fer en devors ep long Mrs. Bumblesock. This Store Must be Free of These Goods. CERTAIN, NO HOLDING BACK and costs; during the years 1903, Xo will allow the thoughts to take the y re ih x wings. 3 0% ) 95, i 1 908 Somumisions are 2 re erm a ed 302 cases, and H | E | d P ti F Bi B ° a a We have been asked the question, paid Jai the Sate Treasury $23,- Extra C ) mp 0oyc€ * = repara 1011S or a 1g UuSINness XS is L | “What is an optimist?” In Mount In on nm Anes i costs; during the — ™ ¥ is Yih the News | Joy we would think an optimist Is years 1907, 190s and 1909 to June I'he Philadelphia Record, now n= a man who takes whatever weather is Toh, Commissioner F ous terminnt- ; ter ing upon tne fortieth year of its gent and decide that it is just what 30 7 coven: By i ns the Stu Remember this Jasin hip ia ie Yori, { Paver: has es roitineg tne asury $00,429.29. addition o have won its great prestige the farmer has Deen: ¥ aiting for. there are 33 Injunciion cases pending determined attempt tuborn refusal to be dragged “ ays re y bible. A Mi in the courts of Allegheny county, irc the simplest principle of TES as to a ey in Fa 13 Contempt cases pending in the to sell $14,000 worth journalism. Strange as it may seem Perhaps some refrain, fearing their Niperor court for violating: the or of Clothing Shoes in these days of vari-colored emana- | Hearts are‘ too weak to stand shocks ders of the Court, and 50 First and ’ ’ tions {from the printing press the Ree like this. Well. we'll take a chance Second offense Cases for trial; with Hats and Furnish- ord has never been able to disabuse on ours any way. a large number of cases before Alder- If of the notion that the main duty Ee. men and many others in prepara- ings in a short time. of a newspaper is to print the news T Physicians in session in a neigh- tion. From its famous first page, which boring state say modern business ———l0 i patie red alter by newspapers thru life is driving men to drink. If we Weston Loses His Walk ne the land tothe rag line of its last keep on working for local option Edward Payson Weston has lost RUS H E= D AN D J RA \/ \ / \/ \ E D be : TreRooon re “noes full they'll have to drive quite a distance | his walk against time from New York I i te ys Smply oan in some sounties. to San Francisco. Thursday was the fa, : A BY Sous of He Ass [ »* * % ves : a J: i BS, n ‘rps more ! 4 tow tapoTenot “sockets 1s 56 ote Juniredin day, and he will not STU DY THIS LIST And Come Expecting More [fully than any other Te i ¢ ast until today, four For Your Money Than Ever Before [paper theRecord is recognized by correspondents all over Pennsylvania organization that could fill an appar-|days behind his schedule. The sev- ent vacancy. It should be a body in|enty-one year old pedestrian is near- which all young people could find [ing the end of one of the most re- (New Jersey, Delaware, and Maryland |as the best buyer of special news An occasion over-shadowing any previous attempt | dispatches in the state of Pensylvania ways and ‘means to utilize to the |markable journeys ever undertaken. fullest their surplus energy. Delay by heat and cold, by rain and | Without t hi & 2*s2x wind, and by the very bad road SS reanang Jao a fel of , and by the very be s of oSsI — [small nei i Two Mormons are reported to be|some sections thru which he has P TIVE ORDERS NO GOODS SOLD TO DEALERS [Tall neighborhood newspapers, it : S0TEs then Repho fownshiv Wye ml oo as cob on S carries a fuller service of country } 3 as , as ed a record INS V "OUNG INN'S IN'S "OUNG IN'S FINE [side news j , to make converts and distributing] for endurance which probably will SUI RD UNG aS 3 Uh oy AND ONG NS HY pide ne ws than any other journal ’ religious literature. "We would sug-|never be equaled. Weston declares OF. $7.50, NOW. ............5 m NOW iia ie = : SEES nLL A % . i ‘ u id the fold, And iy Ssountry Side | gost they ity thir IO RD its DIANE JEHAL 0 win Tin a as | > ny vel Rs its dispatches from { among some of our married men—re- | railroad through Utah, and here 1 [7 ae Thea: ms rea I so ost INIRQ on rv y r ~ nl INQ r , IN IN Na sults are sure to follow judging from [his 4,300-mile race. iY Y Onn SHops: : MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S DRES -0 events here, at Rohrerstown, Lan- A an NOW ... sin Es u 4 ey ny 9 C. | Beware of Ointment for Catarrah that C et ! Darl latl% Te gE INOW Ln aa S130, N0W ...... o. i canes Sware intment for Catarrah that Con- caster or Rocky Springs. ’Nuff said. Can Sting at Both Ends . 4 tain Mercury ! -- A specimen of what is believed to IN'S EX |: reury wi a : 3 g ) MEN'S EXTRA FINE DRESS INQ . g NE INS YER} | as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell Haldeman-Schock be a new species of snake was cap- SHOES — INSTEAD OF $2.50, $ | hi SORT 1 TS ENS ; {aud completely Jeriize the Whoa Sy stem when , . ’ $ ATS—IN} 4 $2. ! onng ous, ¢muceus surfaces Suc At seven o'clock last Wednesday [tured near Portland, Oregon. The NOW: oc a vidi. snide, " ROW con me. 0 ly C. | should never he usc except on rosorip Pregtng = the home > the bride's | reptile apparently is doubly equipped i iif fT RT icinns i hii. ; r. and Mrs. Vietor M. Hal- | for repelling its enemies. In addition I ‘QTY T , | possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure ; : i 2 : ADIES' EXTRA QUALITY OX- 28 EXCELLENT SHOE | macufuctured by F. J. Cheney & Co. Toled deman, Philadelphia, Miss Mary |to being provided with fangs in its FORDS, BLACK AND TAN — IN- J 19 A ES LT oh as | contain mo ne eney at i len irl ot Hough Haldeman was united in mar-| head, there is consealed on its tail a STEAD OF $1.50, NOW.......... . NOW oo fi . d a 2 Taro ht Hood fou mis sities raze with okniR. «Schock, = well |fanglike appendage stout halt an inch] = 3) ——————— |] ——————— fre von os hosing. iT elon inter- known young man of Marietta Miss] in length, resemblin % Co. nil made 1m Toledo, Ohio, by ¥. J. Cheney . SS . se g a mosquito’s BOYS’ SERVICE! E AN 2S oN Side ; : d oo Testimonials tree, Adelaide Green of West Philadelphia, | bill, which shoots out from its hiding QUALITY ran x yn hs ; 47 : LA re) ar To lh Dppastet, The perietle, was maid of honor. Miss Mary Green | Place whenever the reptile is dis- $2.50, NOW ..............onnnnn u wo. es a n of West, Philadelphia, and Miss Mary | turbed. EL. lL CE Sas Schock, a sister of the groom of | . Yo: Le RPE shies ! ANAS : t Pays Others, It'll P, v Marietta, were bridesmaids. Lewis » PAN > ponan y oO RK INS JADIES NEW WRAPPERS... | T ) a i - You L. Schoek, of Montgomery, a b Conductor Fell Dead ow Th oP rel C INSTEAD OF $1.50, THEY'LL GO he Bulletin is giving weekly gomery, a brother A NOW. ..... 0.0 call. oe] a nN NOW ® ! : : of the! groom, was best man. Guy| PetVeen Marietta and Schock’s NOW ..........oooiinn, eee demonstrations that advertising in K. Haldempn, the bride's brother | MIS about nine o'clock on Thursday . = : | its eolumns pays so if you want to of © Con : ii morning, Benjamin F. Otstott, eri adies’ Fine Dress Goods, extra 7 1S’ FINE VINGS : increase v SE 7 Eo We hiladelphia, a n d RETIRE re stott, a Pen fine broad cloth, Hzht’ Weighie=ln. LADIES’ FINE LININGS, GOOD { [Increase your Spring trade’ you Y Clan 8 this place, acted | "*Y!Vania railroad conductor, dropped Ne ara dot, Highs weig a QUALITY—INSTEAD OF 7 CENTS C | know what | Thi ie is the grand. |9°8d in the cabin of train No. 2920 ; Yard Do uaa AVARD ROW, ovo... os 20s | "nox What to do. This pancish or. S. S. Halde- While on its way from Harrisburg to 2 ; : 7 sigadily growing paying subigap- | Wolley will be at Philadelphia. Deceased was’ a- Tas STYLISH SHUEY (HOME. LADIES’ NIGHT GOWNS, GOOD | tion list—a list that is not in{Wited 1 a y a @rictia aficr bout sixty fears old and had been in Nay 4) —— IN 0% $1.2 C. MUSLIN—INSTEAD OF 85 CENTS 48¢c | by circulating papers promiscuous- : rie 8 the einploy of the company for about. 8) NOW rman NOW... B ly for which no pay is received. qty years. His family lives in Har MEN | { ; risburg. MEN'S WORKING SHIRTS WITH Men's and Young Men's Peg Top : . 2 A Free Scholarship el COLLARS ATTACHED — INSTEAD 39¢ Trousers, all styles—Instead of $2.00 ! 2 P] | Talk Is Cheap 4 foung man or woman who is py OF 50 CENTS, NOW.............. ¥ OW el ee, 2 X When vy e patron of this paper, may Carl Speh Married i iy us er : , may Word was received here Jhsi. week ; 6 in your house for $12.00 a year. 5 ere last week @ iC oe struction in Music oriof the marriage of Frederic Carl CONDEMNED TO GO-FOR INSTANT OUTPUT 3 | Call up- the Columbia Telephone : Speh, a former resident % : o | Company and they will tell you all : Conservatory of Music : ent of this place, ¢ | it. : Fe to stimu ‘| who is in partnership with Clinton DESPERAT FFORTS xS2S¢oMrLagm tain | hess stimulate the study | Roland. WONDE 3 ofter two scholarships and, another Mount Joyan, in the REFUL PURPOSE & | = from the state of Penn. leather business at Wichita, Kansas. 8 A d isi 1 pd at $100 cnah or | Mrs. Speh was Miss Olive Boschel, of MOST EXTRAORDINARY INDUCEMENTS EVER PRINTED | BL A advertising wmedigm. thy ’ St. Louis, Mo. | : LLETIN” i is secti nn cap, Sad Mo 5 Main Street M ; L ETIN leads im this section the opening of the Tor 1 D BENEMA fin Sree | yy nase it lise the Simul le ember 9, 1909, in In the Orphans’ Court Mount Joy é # Mount Joy ‘ jon. That counts svery. time, ee Somartuents: | 3i0disstions heve besu fled in OPEN EVENINGS KING OF CLOTHIERS-OPEN E | I Aino and Elocution, | the following estates: — La, VENINGS —— bine’ dtc * awards Samuel E. Miller, Mount Joy bor ” | Don’t {et the baby suffer from ec- ’ - NTT EEE EE CETTE 2 by J : Which 1s open to|Ough, $10,816.88; Samuel ig SRLS II Hii S Se ee ea as an ss arene [221 sores or any itching of the musical or liter-| East Hempfield, $4,347.31; Eliz skin. Doan’s Ointment gives in- nyone wishing to abeth Henne, East Hempfield [stant relief, cures quickly. Perfect- ion should write $1,850.18. [YY safe for children. All druggists sell it, > Williams, General $0? y : ca Conservatory EGGS WANTED 3 Y., before Sept.| DeLong pays more for eggs the I am Sleplione your next order for ob printing to 860B and get a good year round than any one else. job at a moderate price /