THE BULLETI dah MT. JOY, PA. J. E. Schrall, Editor and Proprietor Subscription, 50c Yr. Six Months 25 Cents Single Copies 2 Cents Sample Copies FREE SERRE RE Entered at the Post Office at Mt. Joy as second-class matter, All correspondents must have their com- munications reach this office not later than Monday. Telephone news of importance between that time and 12 noon Wednesday which time forms close, Changes for ad- vertisewuents must positively reach this of- fice not later than Monday night. New advertisements inserted if copy reaches us Tuesday night. FHROTTLING NIACARA FALLS @igantic Community of Financial Ine tevests Wiping Out World's Wonder, In World's Work, French Strothes describes the influences that bear on Niagara falls and threaten their de struction. From this article, “Shall Niagara Be Saved?’ the following quo tation 1s taken: “Thus we swing the eomplete circle of interests that are eentered around the incident of Niag ara falls. The same interests control the railroads, the electrical supplies companies, and the power companies. munity of financial interests, whose operations are already of momentum sufficient ultimately to tax the power producing capacity of Niagara, stand the falls—not as a magnificent monu- meant to the pride of the United States fa 8 glory of nature, but as the 168- foot drop @ 224,000 cubic feet of water por second, transmutable into 5,000, 800 electrical horsepower for the used of an Industrial monopoly. That we, a8 a people, have given our share of dhe necessary permission is to our shame. But there is another side to the question which strikes home at eur pocketbooks, if we meed such a spur to our pride. This is: What -— have we, directly or indirectly, received $a return for the franchises we hawe given? So far as the United States government or the state of New York is eoncerned, the answer is brief—not one cent. The franchises were granted without price, and the companies op erate without even the meager retusn, exacted on the Canadian side, of $1.50 a year for each horse-power developed up to 10,000, and a sliding scale grow fog less with additional develop ments. £8 @RECT POSE CHEATS TIME Ohicago Physician Urges People ts Stand Straight and Retain Their Youthfulness. *Don’t imagine you must becomd stoop-shouldered because you are grow: ing old,” said a Chicago Physician to a friend recently. “Old people do nol stoop because they are old, but they get old because they stoop. The stiffen: fag of the tissues, which is the sign and sccompaniment of age, is warded ofl by exercise. Self-indulgence in eating and in drinking is the sure road te senility. “] have often been surprised and gratified to find that regulated moves ments of the neck and upper truncal muscles, employed for the purpose of soceomplishing something else, resulted fn a comspicuous improvement in hear Ing, In vision, in cerebration and, as a consequence, in betterment in cerebral eirculation, also in sleep. Persons whe habitually maintain an erect powsitiom in standing or sitting are stronger thas those who slouch. A person who stoops and allows the shoulders to sag down and forward and the ribs to fall bagi toward the spins shortens the ante- posterior diameter of the thorax any where from two to five inches. The lungs, heart, great vessels and other fmportant structures in the thorax cane not live, move and have their proper being under such circumstances.” ‘Wherefore, the proper thing for pete sons who are not so young as ones they were Is to brace up, dress young and feel young. Sitting “hunched up” ver a fire won't da. Marine Hoopital Representatives Urge ing Southern Counties tc De- stroy Fever Districts. Havana and Sawin- eft Mexico the That country, W, is never fred “ugh the indica- ult of the severe a different story fh Mexico out of p expected that will carry oul made to rep fed States maav destroy tr» lp sanitary reg Kd South Amerl to deal with e said within § slean their ports cannot be relied that the sanitary ted States will be " the camal strip pficial resslts tham © district a healthy EY The influence of that v fn Central and South nd it unquestionably wid negligent governments to de ‘share In preventing epidemics. This phase of the canal question has attracted little attention, but it is of far-reaching importance. The build~ ing of such a waterway as the isthe ~ mian canal will be a great attainment, of hardly less value to mankind be the clcensing of the foul citier 40 the porth and south of the isthmus ? fps ~The Dairyman’s profits depend upon Full Milk Pail and the i of butter fat the Milk contains. Both se important items are assured by p use of Fairfield’s Blood and Milk Producer for Cattle It purifies the blood, increases ‘the m‘lk and removes all 7 ¥. H. Baker, Mount Joy 1 ville and D. B. % And in the midst of this gigaatic com- |* ~ The Oldest Trunk and Bag House In the State OFFERS woo 500 to $16.00 Suit Cases.............$1,00 to. $18.00 Trunks from.......... $2.00 to $25.00 Bags from........ “WE ARE LEATHER WORKERS" Large Stock Harness! Lowest Prices, FR————— Rreclkel Harness Maker 30 Penn Square, Lancaster, Pa. Prof, 6. F. THEEL. 535 North Si th St Philadelphia, Pa. “Ein Deutscher X ® Arzt.” Only German Speelalist. The GERMAN TREATMENT the only guaranteed eure for Specific Blood Polson others ean’t cure. All Vrivate Diseases, Excesses, Abuses. Weaknesses, Nervous Debility, Lost Manhood, Drains, Losses, Varicocele & Stricture, (no cutting) Kidney & Bladder, all Shrunken Organs. 48 years practical & 6 years hospital experience In Germany, Rend for Book, tells all, exposing City & Country advertising frauds. Secrecy guaranceed. Mail trentment. Call or write STOP AT THE Sorrel Horse Hotel WEST Kina St. Jo ANCASTER The annex now complete with the SORREL HORSE, makes a frontage of 49, 62, 53 and 5 West King Street, Dinner 25 cents. Best accommodations in every respect. A share of your patronage solicited, A. B. ADAMS. Pro. La Pierre House Mount Joy, Pa. G+ F. GROVE, Proprietor, Formerly of the County House, Lancaster, Pa. Choice Wines and Liquors at the Bar. Best Hotel Accommodations. Good Stabling. APM INISTRATOR'S NOTICE Estate of Margaret Hershey late of Lancaster City. Pennsylvania, dec:zased. J Letters of administration on said estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons n= debted thereto are requested to make immediate payment, and those )aving claims or demands against the same will present them without delay for settlemement to the undersigned, residing at Waynesboro, Pa., or to W. U. Hensel, Lancas- ter, Penna. FRANK B. HERSHEY, WAYNESBCRO, W. U. HENSEL, Attorney. Administrato Ip &uxs. BH. ZELLER Real Estate and Insurance Office E. MAIN STREET, MOUNT JOY Calling and Cierking of Pubic Sates Settlemen t ofestates, collection of rents, surveying and couveyaucing, H. S. Musselman FLORIN, PENNA. en I wish to inform the public that I am prepared to do all kinds of Upholstering Sofas, chairs, rockers, lounges, &c Good Work. Prices Moderate For a Neat and Clean Shave, Hair Cut or Shampoo, go to Joseph EE ershey Fine Tonseorial Parler East Main Street, Mount Joy, Pa. 2090000000000 We are Always Prepared to serve Pure Spring Water ICE: IN ANY QUANTITY at Very Moderate Charges. Don’t fail to see us before plac- ing your order this year. J. N. Stauffer & Bro. Mount Joy, Penna. For a neat and clean shave or Hair cut go to the New Tonsorial Parlers Opposite First National Bank West Main Street, Mount Joy, Pa. IRVIN M. BAKER, Proprietor. Agent for the Elkhorn Steam Laundry PILES #e:: Suppository Matt. Thompson, Sup't hools, Statesville, N. C., writes: “I can say they do all oe claim for them.” Dr. 8. M. Devore, Raven Rock, + Va, writes; *‘ They give universal satis faction.” Dr. H. D. McGill, Clarksburg, Tens., writes: “Iu a practice of 23 years, I have found no to yours.” Pmics, 60 Crs, Samples Free. by Drugsista.- manTiN RUDY, LANCASTER, PA. Sold in Mt. Joy by E. W. Garber CALL FOR FREE SAMPLE PENNSYLVANIA DUTCH. WHAT SHUWILKEY BUMBLESOCK HAS TO SAY THIS WEEK, De ledsht load hoy! Now, boys, hurray! Fort in de shire un lust se shtae Bis Moondawg free. Worehoft! Den owet wardt ken schtrache mae g’shoft! ’Sis Somshdawg,. morge Wesh de fees im wasser-droke; Black de shtiffel-farflompte bloke! My grey-awyg doot mer widder wae— De shtiffel sin mer gans tsue glae. QO’ aelend! Well, shtiffel odder net—ich muss Ins shtettle tsu der shaena "Suss; De ledsht wuch hen mer ous mocht Ich set se seena Somshdawg nocht Den owet. De onera maid un era beaus Shpotzeera uff un ob de shtrose De same tzeit karraseera ich My maidel hina in der kich, Gadictich.. De Suss hut olles ei-garicht, De uhr shtate shtill, mer hen ken licht; De oldta sin in ehrem nesht— Sis uns net bong—se shlofa fesht, Un schnaricksa. De uhr shtate shtill—awver net de tzeit; Is es now morga odder heit? Es maucht nix ous—so gons arlae Leeblich um armt. Och! Muss ich gae? ’Sis Soondawg! Finger and Thumb of the Famous As- tronomer to Be Bought by Italia Government, What is the finger of a dead scientist worth? This question has been stire ring all Florence, the thumb and ins dex finger of the right hand of Galileo having recently been offered for sale in that city by an old woman, Laura Joni. Being im straitened circume gtances, relates the New York Post, ghe tried to obtain the highest offer for her strange property. The government, getting wind of the affair, caused an investigation to be made, and ascertained that these relica of the great astronomer were genuine, having been cut off in 1737 by a fanate fecal admirer, Marquis Capponi, when the body was reinterred in the splen- did mausoleum in the Santa Croce church. Thereupon the government decided to acquire them and to replace them in the mausoleum. The only question still to be dis- cussed is the matter of price. Upon this point experts will undoubtedly be called in. But one person, we are sure, would not be welcome—the American tourist, who, as reported ro- cently in the Atlantic Monthly, re- marked on being told that of Gali- leo’s tomb in the Santa Croce: “Gali« leo? Oh, yes; Galileo? Why, of course! Pygmalion and Galileo; you always hear of them together; mow, who was Pygmalion?” In some respects one of the most re- markable war photpographs ever made was secured by a man named Meyer, a sorrespondent for a German illustrated newspaper during the war in South Africa, says Everybody’s Magazine Meyer was with the Boers, and one day furing one of Buller’s attacks along the Tugela he took a postition on the firing line. The fire from the British batteries across the river was very heavy during the preliminary period of the assault, and shells literally rained on the low= lying kopjes occupied by Botha's army. Meyer thought he saw a good oppor- tunity to secure a fine picture, and he jumped out, of his “schanze” to snap it. Just then a big lyddite shell exploded within a few feet of him, killing him ine stantly. I afterward secured his came era, which was comparatively uninjured. When the film it contained was devel= sped I discovered that Meyer had made a beautiful photograph of the huge shell which sauffed out his life. I sent a copy of the picturs to bis relatives in Geer =manv The Magic Powder that turns a Chicken into Gold is Fairfield’s Blood Tonic and Egg Producer for Poultry Only. It increases egg production, keeps all fowl in the pink of Condition anh fattens them for market rapidly. For sale by F. H. Baker, Mount Joy H. C. Greider, Landisville and D. B. Ebersole, Elizabethtown. DOES THIS MEAN YOU Indigestion, sour stomach, constipation— then headache backache and a general mis- erable feeling. Do you know that the pleasant herb tea, Lane’s Family Medicine will remove all these troubles almost im- mediately ? If you do not know it, get a package to-day at any druggist’s or dealer’s (25¢) and you will be glad we told you. ps EGGS WANTED DeLong pays more for eggs the year round than any one else. REACHING THE SPOT It Can be Done, So Scores of Mt, Joy Citizens Say. To cure an aching back, The pains of rheumatism, The tired-out-feelings, You must reach the spot-get at the cause, In most cases tis the kidneys. Doan’s kidney Pills are for the kidneys, C. M, Webb, 3 Barbara St, Mount Joy, Pa. says: “‘I had been afflicted with rheumatism and kid- ney disease for some time, [I suff- ered from pains in my right should- er, which greatly hindered me in doing my work. My general health was fast running down when I pro- cured a box of Doan‘s Kidney Pills, I bad used them but a short time when the pain entirely disappeared and I am glad to say I have not suffered from any symptom of kid- ney trouble since, My strength has returned and I am better in every way For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents Foster—Milburn Co., Buffa- lo, New York, sole agents for the United States Remember and take no other, the name—Doan’s— Greatest Show On Earth The Barnum & Bailey greatest show on earth is to visit Lancaster on Wednesday, June 2. since the beginning of time has an amusement enterprise So tremen— dous in size been organized as this one. Its magnitude 1s almost be- yond belief. All America, together with every foreign country, has been scoured frcmend to end by agents of this big show in search of novelties and the result is a perfor- mance brim full of sensational acts new to the circus world. In the big Barnum & Bailey show are nearly 400 arenic stars, most of whom are seen now for the first time. A new sensation will be seen at every performance in “J UPITER, the balloon horse,” This remarkg- ‘ble animal with its fearless rider ascends to the dome of the circus tent in a balloon and descends to the ground in a shower of fire works. Nearly 1000 animal won- ders are to be found in the big 108 cage menagerie. 8 herds of ele- phants, including one herd that actually plays upon musical instru- ments in time and tune. A group of giant giraffes, monster trained hippopotamus, only living bi-horn- ed rhinoceros and hundreds of oth- er strange beaste. Barnum & Bailey’s big, new street parade is the most gorgeous processional display ever attempted in the histry of crcus business. Its tremendous size and wonderful length can only be be- lieved in the actual seeing. It 1s natural to expect this biz circus to lead all others in quality and quan- ity of street spectacle as well as in other departments of the big show, yet never in its splendid history of nearly half a century has it dis- played such extravagance as is shown this year. never The Purpose of Advertising The purpose of store advertising is not merely to sell goods, but to sell more goods—to make friends, build up a patronage that will not only stick but grow. Newspapers reach the greatest number of people in the immediate vicinity in the most natural way, at the least expense, and they are therefore the best of all mediums for stores. In a newspaper you follow the lines of least resistance—you follow with the stream—you talk to an audi- ence already assembled, to the people who want to read—thei mental cosmos is right—they are on your wire, and they won’t ring off if you hold their interest. At- traction is the basis of all advertis- ing—the store is the sun, customer the planets that revolve around it. eee eens Success with foul of any kind is assured when Fairfield’s Blood Tonic and Egg Producer for Poultry Only is used reg- ularly. It prevents and cures Roup, Cholera and all contagious poultry dis- eases and makes hens lay. For sale by F. H. Baker, Mount Joy H. C. Greider, Landisville and D. B. Ebersole, Elizabethtown. Talk Is Cheap When you can get a telephone in your house for $1200 a year. Call up the Columbia Telephone Company and they will tell you all about it. > — Don’t let the baby suffer from ec- zema, sores or any itching of the skin. Doan’s Ointment gives in- stant relief, cures quickly. Perfect- ly safe for children. All druggists sell it, -~ ummer 1S Herel: TE Corn is being planted and will soon need cultivating ? ® We have on hand the New Horse Lift Riding Cultivator “Pivot Gang” With a Hoeing Attachment We Also Have the Horse Cultivator with Hill- ing Shovels This is decidedly the strongest cultivator of its kind sold today. If in need of Fertilizer we have Armours “Blood, Bone and Potash on hand. Once tried you will use it again M. L. Greider & Co. Mount Joy, Penna. Tell the public whit you have to sell thru the columns of the Bulletin ma Pay Less [or Carpet & (Matting Here are four special lots of Carpets—in full rolls, not rem- nants—the season’s best designs—surplus stocks which we pur- chased from the makers at less than regular prices, 60c. Ingrain Carpet. Special at §0g, a yard. Scroll effects. 50¢. Special at 35g, a yard. Bright, Snappy Patterns. Ingrain Carpet. 60c. Rag Carpet. Special at 50g, 2 yard. All Wool Stripe, All New Rags. 55¢c Rag Carpet. Special at 45g, a yard Cotton Stripe. Our stock of Mattings while we have been selling quantities during the last week yet there remains a splendid assortment to geleet from. Both China and Japan—bright snappy patterns, Special price by the roll. Yours for business H. E. EBERSOLE, W. Main St., Mount Joy, Pa. Trolley Schedule Lancaster, Rohrerstown, Landisville, Salun~ ga, Mount Joy and Elizabethtown Street Railway Company WESTWARD Leave Lancaster--u my, & 30, 65106, 6 15,7 156, 8 15 ) 16, 10156, 11 P.m A215, 110, 215, 315, 415, B16, HAS, 61 5, 8 15, 9 15, 11 15, Leave Rohrerstown=u m, 450, H35, G3Y, 786 8 85, 0 85, 10 35, 11 85, Pm, 123% 185, 235, 335 $35,685,600, 6 35,7 85, 835, 9 35, 11 85, Leave Landisville—A wm, 512, 657, 607, 7567 7, 007,10 067, 1167. Pm, 12 BT, 107, 207, 357 37, 0 27, 0.07, 707, 807, 807, 11 57 Leave Salunga=A m, 5 15, 6 00, 700, 800, 900 10 00, 11 00, 1200, Pm, 100, 200, 365, 400, b 00 600, 6 50, 7 00, ¥00, 9 00, 10 00, 12 00 Leave Mount Joy—=A m, 530, 6156, 715 916, 1015, i116. Pm, 1216, 115, 2 1b 5 15, 6 15, 6 45, 5,810,016, 1016 Am Arrive at Elizabethtown-—A m, 645, 74 04h, 1045, 11 45. Pm, 1245, 14D, 245, 34 HAD, 645, TAD,» 40, 15,1045. Am, 123%, EASTWARD Leave Elizabethtown = A m, 6 46, 7 4b, 8 4b, 945 1045, 11 45, Pm, 1245, 1 45, 2 15, 345, 445, H 4D GAD, 745,845, 0 45, 104D, Am, 12 Jo, Leave Mount Joy=A m, 5 30x, 715, 81%, 915 1016, 11156, PP my i216, 115, 2 156, 3156, 415, H 16 615 645, 7 15,815,015, 1015, 11156, Am 12 45, Leave Salunga- Am, 5 45x, 730, 8 30, 9 30 10 30, 11 80, Pm, 12 30, 1 30, 2 30, 3 30, 430 5 30, 6 30, 730, 739, 830, 930, 10 30, 1130 Am, 100, andisville Pw, 1233, 138 A m, we Ronrerstown 10 55, 11 55. Pm, 12 55, 1 65, 3 4556 555 665, 726, 756. 855 065 10 nak 1155. Am 125, § Arvive at Lancaster—A m, 630x, 815, 017 1015, 11 15. Pm, 1215, 1 15,2 15,3 15, 415 515,615, 715, 745, 815, 9 15, 1015, 1115 Am, 1215, 1 45. On Saturdays a car will leave Lancaster at 10 15 p m; Leave Elizabethtown 11 45 p, m. On Saturdays an 1 special oceasions cars will be run between Lancaster and Mount Joy every half hour from 6 16am to 8 15 pm, . Sundays, first ear leaves Lancaster at ¢ 15am Leave Elizabethtown at 7 45 am. Car marked (x) connects with News Express at Lancaster, > h] 1 Photo Supplies 1 have always on hand the most sta— ple photo supplies that can be had such as Seeds’ D. Plates, Seeds’ Developers Developing Papers, Kodak Films, Brownie Films, Trays, Tripods, Ton ing Solutions, Intensifiers, Velox Li- I quid Developer, Emerald Acid, Clean- ing and Hardening Solution, Kodak Tank Developers, Passe-Partout Bind- ing, Flash Powders, Printing Frames, Stereographic Views, soc a Set; Tray Thermometers. W.B.BENDER Shaving Hair Cutting Shampooing E. Main St.,, Mount Joy Agency for Standard Steam Laundry The undersigned having remodeled the old Mooney Hotel, adding a number of sleeping rooms, bath, etc., is now prepared to entertain transient and regular guests. Restaurant in connection with hotel where he will serve in season. Oysters and Clams in every style, ZLurtle Soup, Etc Private dining room for ladies. J. W. McGinnis, PROPRIETOR. [Windsor Hotel | /. 'T. BRUBAKER, Manager. Midway between Broad Street Sta- i tion and Reading Terminal on Fil- bert Streer. European, $1.00 per day and up. American, $2.50 per day and up. The only mederate priced hotel of reputation and consequence in PHILADELPHIA. fa | OLA. Willen FAH * 3 Justice of the Peace Conveyancer and Scrivener Specral Attention Given to the Collection of Rents atronage Solicitea Office: Florin, Penna. Your Main Street, SH HNN SL FAA HIN HHH HHH HHH HHH IIH HIN H. Clay Miller Electrical... & Supplies: Repair Worls a specialty 242 East Walnut Street Bell Phone 146X Lancaster EXECUTORS NOTICE Estate of Dr. John M, McCanna late of Mount Joy Borough, Lancaster County, Pa. Deceased. Letters testamentary on said estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons in- debted thereto are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the same will present them without de- lay for settlement to the undersigned, residing in the Borough of Columbia. HENRY F. MCCANNA, Executor, CLEOS N. BERNTHEIZEL, Atty. { & ED F7 LADIES! Ask your Druggtst for CHLCHES-TER’'S DIAMOND BRAND PILLS in Rep and GoLp metallic boxes, sealed with Blue Ribbon, TAKE NO OTHER. Buy of your Druggist and ask for CHI-CHES.TERS DIAMOND BRAND PILLS, for twenty-five years regarded as Best, Safest, Always Reliable. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS foo EVERYWHERE isi Contracting I ETE