The weekly bulletin. (Florin, Penn'a.) 1901-1912, May 19, 1909, Image 7

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——————————— — a ————— S——————————
= _————————-—————————— | The Now E—— a ep
| 500 Ladies’ Waists At Average Near ALF GREEN GROCERY |! EY IYINESIUPII 909
| Savings of a The Outlet Clothing Co.



‘ ) r of S . s ) + planning to buy the pretty waists you . .
HAT LUCK! atthe opening of Summer, when you are planning to bu 1e pretty $s ll Kinds Fruit R
need, to be able to save an average of nearly half on a plentiful supply! d \ $ $
A special purchase from one of New York's leading Shirt Waist | > 53
manufacturers—an unusually fortunate one, brings an opportunity you'll

be anxious to take advantage of, Many are genuine French hand em 82 LADIES’ & MISSES SPRING & SUM- |
broidered waists (the ticket guarantees this) of the finest quality, You MER SUITS WORTH $15.00 10
will find also, lace trimmed and plain tailored waists, open front or back,
with long or short sleeves and high or Dutch neck. as you prefer. Sizes $25.00, FOR $10.00.
A 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, conveniently arranged for your selection, :
Choose one of these suits, of what
Ladies’ hand embroidered and lace trimmed waists, :
° ever shade or material you prefer—(or
$2.50 to $4.50 values, for, ,.,
Second Week of the
Big May Sale in Outlet Clothes ;
Vegetables In season
Always in Stock.

Ladies’ Summer Waists, beautifully made and em 3 48 all desirable kinds are included. All
broidered, £5.00 to £7.50 values, for,..... ai » this season’s styles. Select those you Delivered anywhere upon request oe ]
Ladies’ finest hand embroidered Lingerie Waists, $4 98 please of the special waists and the 1
values $8.75 to $15.00, for, ...... Cast anes sn iory . saving will make a special trip well 1 1: |
75 Se R ! ! | Also Fresh Fish e utie ore 1
You'll come expecting to select one or two, aud will probably and worth taking. | i ’ ; ah ]
by selecting half a dozen, On sale Friday morning. | Is the fastest growing ( lothing Store in i 7
: | Lancaster, because they arc the store that Ky 2 PA .
oives the greatest values - i
Men’s Clothing of the Better Kind | at
| 8
Suits of full Spring weight, pure worsted, in stone

| You will not wonder that care-
| fully dressed men, young and old, tein i : : bie ;
SPECIALS | prefer , 17¢s Chiffon Reige, 12}¢, for Fine McCalls Ferry Shad this week . Hh : !
| BY . Ohve, Greer, BDluerand Black shades, new stripe de
Sixty dozen Ladies’ fast black Foster & Cochran Clothing Plaiu Dresses I solicit a share of your patronage. signs, and of Ligh grade Velours, Cassimeres and Chevi
hose, all sizes, 19¢ quality, at not when you see the CHARAC- : > ) ts, in new shades of Melt i ich luck Thibet
Ba | 2S 1 TER and QUALITY of the Spring Desirable effects in gray mix | a Ra ym ed Black « Thibes,
thant re, el Slisd Le ! wpring Pid and natural finisl ed Serges,
Suits at tures and gray broken plaids,
Charles H. Dillinger
East Main Street, Mount Joy.

May Sale Prices are
as Follows:
Children’s Elastic ribbed hoses J
black white and colors, all 812€8, $12, $14, $15, $16, Sig 17¢ Mohair Lustre 12l¢.
: When you look at them, you'll find
R “ig 1 : ‘ ark ‘ si he ag 11]-
special, at.......... 12):c. yon can’t get intoa new suit quick Dark aud medium shades in

Mfisses” Bleached ribbed. vests. 2 enough! cluding grays for plain dresses,
ry BT a. pe aps . | re dd 3 fd ro Ax » 1 She . To
to 14 vear sizes, 10C value 5c. Nearly Two Score Patterns 15 Alone 25 n awns ! ( n $4049030900099992099999090¢ 80, i J for Suits W orth us 00
=~JC LAWNS For 1I( s 9
: | 0 r twice e variety : g Hy ~ » . .
Ladies’ ribbed vests, lace trim "it oh bly twice tie ancy Fu Corded Check effects with em i ¢ ® ~7 95 for suits Ww orth $10.00
med, taped, 19¢ value, at..12 %c. a os a ry broidered dots, floral designs. * 1ano GO ~~ § Sh : 16) ’
| 3 59.75 for Suits worth $2.75,

$10 50 for Suits worth $14.50
$2.50 for Suits worth $16 to S18.
clothes themselves, | $
BOF 32 to 38 E. King 8t.,

Lancaster, Pa.

We Sell

Of all the latest design: and colors: recular 15¢
kind; while they last 3 Pairs for 25¢.

rif § Poe
Is here in full blast, and we have all the necessities in

: You will not find a more
j= stock in Philadel-

Following are Lancaster City’s markets |
of this morning : | Men’s Pongee Cuting Shirts
SOFT COLLAR Attached—We have a tine line of
| Men's Ponvee Shirts, with ceollars attached, in all the
| newest shades; Tan Blue, White, Cream and Fancy
Stipes. T8¢c kind 50c¢.
May Sale of Children’s Suits
The newest shades, in straight and Blomer Pants.
Children’s Suits, sizes 3 to 17, at ${,95, $2.25,
$2.65, $3.25, $3.75.
3% 15%
or a
Wheat per bushel... $ 1.30
Bran perton. .............- 2850]
Shorts perton............: .. 28.50
Middlings per ton ..__......._.. 30.00
Potatoes per bushel... 95
Cornper-bushel........__...._ .80i
Oats per bushel ........ ..... .60
phia or New York than in
or tat ae 1%
our warerooms.
3 Ts aXy on.
4 as
0k 30k
Today H. E. Ebersole pays:
Butter perpound....... ........ $ 31
Lard.perpound ....... ...... .10/
Tallowperpound.. ........ 05
iBgosperdozen............. 29]
Potatoes per bushel .............. 90]

S% ok
Henry F. Miller,
Irvin & Pond,
Men’s Dress Shirts
250 Men’s Dress Shirts, fancy stripes and checks
with and without pleats; values up to $1.50; at 79¢.
the way of cool wearing apparel for the Men, Women
and Children, Our stock was never so complete, as
% XO 10H
you will find it now, of course prices the very lowest.
aXe 4X

out Sar oN
Our store is brimfull of all that is new and up-to- 4
It will pay you to call and see our line of Stiaw
Hats, All cf the latest styles are among them,
date in Men’s and Boys’ Clothing, Shoes and furnish- ¢000000000060000086009060¢
os $%4 5p o
ings, and Ladies’ rurnistings. It is known to the
people of Mount Joy and vicinity that we carry only
Pure, Crystal

one grade of merchandise, and that is the very best
Our line of Men’s Trousers 18 the hest to be seen
in town Prices range as fcllow~—§§,49 to $3.75,
Spring Water Haines Bro,
that the market can produce,
Men's Suits in All the Latest Designs
$6.00 to $20.00
Young Men's Suits in All Latest Designs
$5.00 to $16.00
Boys’ Suits--3 to 16 yrs.--Nobby Styles
"$1.50 to $1.00
Men’s, Boys’ and Women’s Shoes ard Oxfords at very low
prices. Just received a full line of the popular Khi-Ki Pants
and Shirts, just the thing for summer weather.

Push & Lane,
Outlet Clothing Co,
46-28 West King St.
Harnish’s Old Stand. = LANCASTER, PA.
1600 060 S06 SOOBC HOL YOGI

I wish to inform the public that I
Story and-Clark,
have housed 350 tons of pure Spring
ye 106 « - > TAC 2 , s
water ice and am now ready fo serve Ha rrington )
same to my many customers in Mt. >
JoyZand Florin. Wagons will run
in both piaces daily. Remember I Archer,
am better prepared than ever. as my
Marshall and
Keller Bros,
equipment is modern in every re-

spect. Your patronage solicited.
Bell Telephone connections. 3

Oh 3328
Charles Frank,
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sip . | ® | Tr
Call to see us before purchasing elsewhere, satisfaction 3 MEST Sov pa Y ork, QO@ IVE HE RPPIPPP RHP ODPROPOOPPPOPIOP HHI HOOLDD $¢ 900 $0O
gusraniecd. 23 | 2 THE HAGER STORE | LANCASTER, PA.
5 | 06000000000000600000000000 | Hensel, : A ‘ ese ————
> | i
| & ;

Striking Anniversary Attractions at Hager’s

® ® Sy Estate of John K. Brandt, late of Rapho town-

Crowds'of Shoppers are finding our Anniversary Sale a very profitilile event, Timely bargains
7 | ship, Deceased.


3 @
: 3 :
® o 4
$ &
5 OF i Letters of administration on said estate having 2 é . 3 : 5 2 : 7 \
King of Clothiers $B SCbton theres aT Oster Lp. TKD. mses 3 @ are offered in many lines and it will certainly pay you to yisit the store this week to make purchases 3
SF Bi Paymens and Rhrse Laying Siaims of Genands 3 $ for future needs. These are only a few of the special offerings: ®
te lay for settlement to the undersigned, @ 3 © i
~ Aaron G. Brandt, & a
i St M t J P 2 Daniel Ge Brandt, Mount Joy, R. F. D & $ ME.N’S FURNISHINGS PRETTY SUMMER DRESSES $ 1
oy oun oy, a. W. M. Hollowbush, Atty. Administrators KI RK : & i y . é
2 a Sees te Stylish Negligee Shirts For 48¢. 1-3 to 1-2 Under Price 9
5 a 2 = - g
sfoteetetotototototetoteotototototolols Tote] io HEA FINI IHIN FE JOHNSON 4% Made from short ends of the same materials A remarkable opportunity. Latest style sum- : c
: © that dollar shirts were cut from. Just because mer dresses of Linen, French Lin. r, and Lincerie i
we PLACE YOUR ORDER e @ these have no cuffs you get them for less than stolossin alt W ir ad Mises a ill ot $ i
; ® @ half value. Neat black and colored stripes and ||’ #6 an a Sien’s and . Misses. smies; Newest 4) 3 1
2k EARLY J&= » € ficares on white grounds. All sizes. trimmings; extra well made and tinished; just ¢ r h
TET, Z ® ? . . . || purchased from a leading manufacturer, The ® »
YM i en 24 West King Street ® $ 25¢ Braces 17c a pair—Police and Fircmen’s styles, colors and effeets will captivate you and ®
Br 2Y a Yi. > @ © Draces; regulation style; in six different colors. ih prices make them alm irrostotibl : =
rad 3 Fe Xx @® ? s v yn [1G aKe Lhe é Ost 1rresistiole. rr
ancaster ah a J
: : Lanea ler, Pa, : : 10c. Hose, 4 pairs for 25¢—Serviceable cotton ® ( Je
¥ - * socks i al ac rt $3.89 for Dresses Worth 85 50 to $8.50 “YX \
with WILLIAMSONS - : DION OI IONIO PIPPI 3 socks in plain black or tan. > ; r Dre 0s 1 85 50 to = 50, 3 y y
Brn z _ 50¢. Underwear 29¢ a Garment—W hite silk- $5.89 for Dresses Worth $8.50 to $12.50, $ v
s ; % finished gauze shirts and drawers; secured under $7.98 for Dresses Worth $12 to $15.
! Summer : i I have about SO : : : price because there are no short-sleeved shirts’in 2 st
For Tombstones, Monuments and 2 'S & the lot, all long sleeves; and some of the drawers 8 . & b,
Markers in stock from which to § } @ are very slightly imperfect. Draperies at Half Price ® ol
j select at low prices for good ma- ¥ Lo0D TBM 3: y shightl) ‘iO fh % 5 3 2
A rial. 3 Uy J . . No ! ‘hauce to F ur Siig S 1
AR 5 @ YOUNG MEN, | terial 3 PTA SEPARATE PREPARATION. Lower Prices ou Dinuer Seis hance to Fit Your Single Doors ¢ b
» SLIM BOYS OR 3 J GLATFELTER . FOR HORSE. COW. HOG AND POULTRY. Snecial ralianc of Sitio strines i: N (
il sy * 3 . * ¢ Notable saving opportunities at many prices; Speeial purchase of single strips; up to-date in th
CHILDREN t Mount Jovy : 3 affording an especially timely chance to secure || style; best colors and patterns, 3 sa
; : RA FR HEHE TE SEES gets for June wedding gifts. TNE TE eg a .s be
season’s handsomest colorings, the crispest styles, dashing stripes ® 2 $2.48 [for Strips Worth $5 00—Full length In
ids, iu blues, grays, browns or grecns, are shown inthe 8, 8.8. |——— SE A eg 3 $7 50 sets for $5.90. $45 sets for $33.50 mercerized door drapes in weight suitable for year 3 pC
THING STORE. Sosy i $12.75 sets for $9.90. $120 sets for $78. round use; fringed and corded, ele
i i lntely NEW i ’ Shire’s Weat Market 4 . $25 sets for $16.90, $250 sets for $185. ? = 4 lig
: Everything hore Is aimoluiely 2 , made in the season’s newest Rear of Nissley>s Tobacco Warehouse @& $3.48 For Strips Worth $7,00—Silk Strips; % !
i ¢ e Ccessilies, D a . ¢ W . . > : - .
models, P FLORIN . PENNA. g ® 3x6ft. Matting Rugs 12¢. Instead of 60c. ileal for Surpiner; choice patterns and colorings, $
: oR SULTS : : a & 5 Ils ; I & @
Dur showing of BLAC Std I's for Men is gxirsondingry. consider- W. W. SHIRE, Propr. GREATEST KNOWN BLOOD PURIFIERS For porches, wocd floors and to brighten up All-Linen Couch Covers. $1.10->-Regulir 81.50 © Eli
the fact of some stores dropping them out of their lines almost oa a @ rooms already covered with matting. Very at— LE fo ach Co 51. eguli 50.3
plely. 3 = et a foc iif - Ji @ tractive, cool, sanitary and servieeable. Made of quali*y natural color linea with green border in & me
: > ti ing FA LD! s CC A Stel a OPV alLFEetIv ion.
e offer a good, honest, All-Wool and guaranteed color Suit at $12 BLOOD le in on cc € fine Japanese Mattings. - very attracuve design & bo
16, $18 and $20 in Thibet, and at $16, $18 and $20 in Undressed minates worms, builds up the health and saves feed. $ : ® an
8 i The farmer that sowed wheat all over his farm 4 ® A
and expected to reap a crop of wheat, oats and corn $ $ tar
from the same, would be no more foolish than the man & 9% 31 Ww Ki ~ * th
(rr ns who feeds his horse, cow, hog and poultry from the same é a 3= est ng Street, ® wit
EE RE A as F package of Condition Powder and expects to get results. ‘8 \ 4
The intelligent farmer feeds FAIRFIELD'S, because : a ( ; O : LANCASTER, PENNA. ® sa)
Dealer in Fresh & Smoked there isa separate preparation for each kihd of animal. 4 $ pr 1
The Fairfield Preparations are sold under no
Heats, Tallow, Lard, &c. ts prawns ar + y

0000000000000 0000000¢