Stop Buying Experiments ancl tho JUST AS GOOD AUTOMOBILES The Best don’ tcost any more, the end the the un- and in they are cheapest. You know disputed worth of the BUICK PACKARD FRANKLIN OLDSMOBILE Sold strictly on their merits We have some excellent second- | hand cars that will be sold very reasonable, | Lancaster Automobile Co. AGENTS FOR BUICK, PACKARD, FRANKLIN, OLDSHOBLE 215 N. Prince St., Lancaster, Pa, | £1 | | | Did You Say Trees? | ‘Why yes, trees is at the Mt. Joy) Nurseries All Kinds of Trees California Privet That Nice Hedging Your Yard, Very Cheap. | W. S. Krady Bell Phone. MOUNT JOY, PA the best place to buy For Around NOTARY PUBLIC. WW. M. HOLIT.OWBUSH ATTORNEY-AL-LAW, 48 West Main Street, Mount Joy, Penna, Monday and Friday at No Duke Street Days at Lancaster, 52 North | of the church. {noon a re-organization of the differ- | Christian Riegel where he will carry | - | will be pleased to meet his service. Newtown Mrs. Ada Groff and children of Lancaster visited her parents Rufus Hipple's on Sunday. Frank Fletcher and i Maytown paid a visit to their par ' ¥ rum ents Mrs. Nemiah Hains on Sunday. | ¥ Land- i isville spent Sunday as the guests family of WEEKLY John Myers aud family of of their parents Mr. Samuel E. Myers. Florin The Brethren in Christ held a Herbert Keener spent last week | meeting on Sunday morning in the | at Harrisburg. I church in this place when Reuben | Mrs. Jacob G. Zeller spent Sun | Hostetter was installed as a deacon | day at Mount Gretna, Bishop Heisey and officiated on the Concrete walks are being laid a Re the U. B. church this week. occassion. | v. Enos Hess At a regular meeting of the U. B. Sunday School on Sunday after- | spent Monday here ew | o.. B friends. were | ent classes took place and for some The time for holding Sun=- teachers classes elected. day School was changed from 1 delobla o'clock p. m. to 9.30 a. m. It was | pala. [iso decided to celebrate Children’s y {a fine and up-to-date orangead day on Sunday, June 13, 2 : | fountain. John Miller, a former resident of | Silver Spring, has rented the black smith shop formerly operated by | | bay at Leman Place as the guest of friends. on the trade in its various ways and friends | and other customers who desire his | ental roof. He resides at present in| William Weidman sold his fas the dwelling formerly occupied by | pacing horse to Mr. Swarr east o Jacob Geltmacher deceased. | Mount Joy. | Mastersonville A young child of James Behney is seriously ill with pneumonia. guest of friends. CHOICE HAMS Let us furnish you with some Choice Ham for your dinner. It is finer than the ordinary and remember, no small picnic hams either. Must be good or I will return your money. One purchase will make you a regular customer, Don’t forget that I have rented the slaughter house recently used by Mumma & Detwiler where I will do all my own killing. Always have a big supply of Beef, Pork, Sausage ga Pressed and Prepared Ham, fy Bologna, Dried Beef, &c., &c. f Call and be convinced. H. H. KRALL East Main 8t., Opposite Post Office, MOUNT JOY, PA C. S. Musser Successor to Wm, Scholing ' Garber, Mrs. Young ing else, so he could talk about it. | Henry POLITICAL | at the County seat on Saturday. Sth, 190% | Miss Catharine Miller of Phila- | delphia, spent Friday and Satur- day here as the guest of Mrs. Hen- | ry Young. Primary Election June FOR RECORDER. MOSES M. WEBVER Of Mountville Borough. Formerly of East Earl Township. Subject to Republican Rules. Your vote and influence solicited. instructions with gang of painters. NOTICE: Notice is hereby given that an applica- tion will be made to the Governor of Penn- sylvania on Tuesday, June the first, 1909 | A. D. at 12 o'clock, noon, by Henry 8S. Michael A. Kollman and Elizabeth E, Rollman, under the Act of Assembly entitled “An Act to provide for the incor- Messrs, Wiser Young made a very west of town on Sunday. J. G. Beatty has just added a The Only Place to Get Good Bread, Cakes, Buns, &e. | ~18 . AT = | | Musser’ S West End Bakery I is the ms mufacture of small hardware articles of merchandise | a similar or cognate character from wood, Mount Joy Penna 1 { { | | 60 YEARS’ } EXPERIENCE V3 TRADE MARKS Designs COPYRIGHTS &C. ng a sketch and description may ahs Coretamlon, & Saori HAN DBO0K on Patents test ency fi reruns pate nts. through Mu . recelve Fe without c EE od the tific American, mely illustrated weekly. Largest cir- n of any scientido journal. Terms, £3 a ar months, $l. Soid by all newsdeslers, I &C Co.2 38 Broad, New York 8t., Washington, D. C { iron, | said Act of hin WONDERFUL ST a os THE McCALL CO., 238 to 248 W, 37th St., pora ation and regulation of certain corpora- | ations,” approved the 29th day of April, A.D. 1874, and the several suppleme nts | thereto, for the charter of an intended cor- poration to be called “Universal Hardware Works’, the character and object of which and and Commerce of specially fine line of genuine Porto the thing for a are five cents lico cigars that are They good smoke. straight. steel and other metals and to enjoy Oscar Young has opened a biey- privileges enumerated in and supplements HrippPLE, Solicitqr the rights an} cle repair shop where he is prepar- Assembly JOHN A moderate prices. He also Calo 7,000 bicycles, tires; ete. Sale Profit-Pay- . Strout’s On Sunday Rev. Linebaugh ex-| changed pulpits with Rev. Rittgers| of the U. B. church at Mount Joy. Both preached excellent sermons Land Title Bide pile. Dealers, to large audiences. Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Eichel- berger former residents of this] place but now of Philabelphia, spent a few days here calling on| former acquaintances. MecCALL PATTERNS Wn. 8: av. Mr. vg Celebrated for style, perfect fit, simplicity and On; aturday Mr. and Mrs. John reliability nearly 40 years. Sold in nearly | [). Easton will leave for Kansas every city and town in the United States and Canada, or by mail direct, More sc any other make, Send for free catalogue, McCALL’S MAGAZINE rs than Kansas where they expect to City, spend a month as the guests of his brother. Mr. any other fashion Lat. plain etiquette, g year (worth Subscribe fc Irvin Fair will do the barbering while the Jacob Walters will be found behind , Or send fc smiling countenance of | to Agents. Postal brings pr and new cash prize offers, Addres the counter. NEW YORK BEST ICE and Confectionery OVSTERS IN EVERY STYLE. PIES, SANDWICHES, BAKED BEANS OVSTERS g5¢ QT. CONFECTIONERY AND ZOBACCO, CIGARS. CREAM IN A well conditioned draft horse is es— | ® timated to be worth 25 cents per pound L 3 ; ~ in the market. ‘The regular use of 1 Dice at Sheaffer Ss Restaurant { Fairfield’s Blood Tonic for Horses!ar Sheaffer's { Only will add many pounds of firm { flesh to your horse, free him of worms ! and keep him in the best of health | For sale by r. H. Baker, Mount Joy { H. C. Greider, Landisville and D. B. { Ebersole Elizabethtown. ALL KINDS Constipation causes headache, | nausea, dizziness, languor, heart pal | pitation. Drastic physics, gripe, | ANY QUANTITY | sicken, weaken the bowels and don’t NEWS OF THIS COMMUNITY AS CORRESPONDENTS IN LANCASTER FHA HANAHAN HAH HAAN HAHAHAHAHA IANA HAH HAHA HANAFI AACA HOH HANNA HH HHNN HNN Messrs. Walter Carson and Osca Young spent Saturday at Columbia, | Mrs. Fishel, of Red Lion, York Co. | man of Reading, occupied the pul Herman Ishler of Elizabethtown, 8T€ the guests of the former’s son|pit in the Evangelical church Sun- calling on ! Ed Souders, proprietor of the ho "tel here, spent a few days at Phila- J. D. Easton has just installed Mr. and Mrs. Lefever spent Sun- Victor Haldeman of Philadelphia spent Sunday here under the par- Miss Ida Ulrich of Richfield is spending a few days here as the Concrete walks are being laid at ~ | Catharine Miller called on friends Frank Schlegelmilch and | narrow | l escape from being struck by a train | ed to do all kinds of repair work at | sells | Easton’s place of | Disies will be open in his absence. | {CORRESPOND UPTETTVER RRO TORTOPTEPRTR TERROR RRR GATHERED Maytown Mrs. Chas, Welchans is at Scran ton attending the O. U. A. M. con .| vention. | Edward Henderson t | home after visiting his sister, Sarah Schlegelmileh at Florin r| Mr. George Yagle and daughte Mr. Harry Yagle. Mrs. Ella M. Irish and Mrs. An Foreign Missionary Society. ° The Y. L. B. C. class of the Luth ern church of party in honor of the Y. M. ® near Maytown on Friday On account of the inclement weath- | returned | Mrs. ‘nie Weiser have gone to Harrisburg | the where they will attend the Con-|morning at 10 o'clock by Rev. A. vention of the Woman’s Home and | Adams, pastor. Maytown gave a|point on the Colebrook road at the B. C.!Hill Church is agitated. at the home of I'rank K. Johnston, | evening. |dec rorative artist of Sunnyside fres- | Greater Values in—— Men’s Clothes BY THE BEST COUNTY SEE ( CORPS OF | we Milton Grove =| Prayer meeting was held at D., | Sunnyside [It isn’t what you pay that makes value— : It’s what vou get and the kind of Sun- | . . ™ ec . : . service and satisfaction it gives W The tramp bivouace on the Ridge -| Moyer’s residence, day evening, and Green Mills are swarming with { hobos of different nationalities. Weider, rl Rev. S. a retired clergy- day evening. services were held in Church =| Preaching Evangelical Sunday (The opening of a new road from | “| the northeast school house to a Harvey Kolp, the well known -|/coed and papered a number of Rec a y Designed er the attendance was not very|rooms for Dr. J. H. Thome. SOHLOSS 8R0S. & CO. ecipe Fine Clothes Makers y re Photogr large but ine event was a grand | Tye temperance movement now Saltimors and New York id 2 : Te ; pi? Be ae) [sweeping over our country, says played, after which a grand dinner | [5,40 8, Geib is an emotional spasm f was served. d ] : > {and a sentimental wave in politi- All Clothing Bought Here Pressed 00664 | John H. Keener, the People’s works here and at Elizabethtown, | has just erected In the evening another service of |a special character was conduct- | ed. The evening was spent | with some of the great hymns of | the church, the pastor prefacing | the singing of them by the narrat- {lon of their origin or striking inci- Milton Arndt quit his job with, ents and events associated with John Weidman and is now under their history. Albert Fike’s | East Donegal George C. Mayer sold to Bunyan Shaffer his property for $1,300. | J. A. Buettner has two tracts of land from Elizabeth | ! | proprietor of | cal circles that is marble and granite | overthrow the saloon system of the an exceptionally fine nine ton dark Barry monument |day of the Milton Grove Cemetery purchased | conspiring So and Cleaned Free of Charge J. » | present age. Ar an annual meeting held Mon- When you buy a suit of clothes a large ol | The baptism on Sunday was very | the residence of Albert Walters for E. L. Nissley in the Union | Association the following directors » ton . . . a» Vv ™ “ | . . ‘ fv A ‘ r » ] . ® largely attended, Six were im- | and Gust Shetter. SEREORY In i. place. Yesterday | ere dlected for the ensuing year: part of the price you pay for 1t 1s for fit { mersed. | E.L. Nisley is putting down he erected a five-ton monument lor! ig Grosh, Henry G. Flory, S. C. an QV 1 . > ( h S » . 3 y ? Mrs. Weaver, of Lancaster, is | | concrete w alks at his house ong. the state of Samy 2 Ammertian | Moyer, David Moyer, John G. Moy- and t at ubtle called sty le. This you will $ staying at the Exchange hotel for | pied by Mr. Neidig. re tie ocuy AS [TC ler, Geo. Gantz, A. F. Diffenderfer | admit is true, In this connection here's a ? a week. | Jonas Smith and family spent I ene Be Src By a band Leander Gantz. The Board 3 ed thi imonument on the lot of the Davi . . . . is yorie S re we o | sev avs as gues " {elected Henry G. Flory President, Y 3 » ? arv r » H gis age Shelley x home ‘ eT dane of her par | Witmer estate. These are three] | Frank B. Grosh ts “SC point to consider. In the ordinar y sult sty le : H and visited her many friends over | ading. : tne inks ont ; : ; . ‘specially fine jobs of which Mr.| Moyer Treasurerand Jacob Fry |s 3 Qe ar sity sy Brat are $ H Sunday. 4 Jobn Frymeser entertained Ws Feoner son wel fool proud, RY v|and fit disappear with the first shower. The Pel The lovefeast at Stern’s meeting- ' brother-in-law and family Irom : : | . : : : ; 3 | Sunday morning, “Mothers’ | et a ISS » IQ ¢ y les 7 fiouse was held on Wednesday and | Millersville on Sunday. pos naey hes) dampness shrinks and wrinkles and warps $ 1 Thursday, : | Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Dissinger of Lothoran Church with special servi | : Rheems : the garments all out of shape The money s 7 The death angel was in our midst | Reading were guests of Ed Booth oc Tye Choir rendered special | Elmer E. Acker spent Wednes- 3 $25.00 and spirited off Miss Susie Blecher | | and wife on Saturday. | musical numbers appropriate to|93Y Visiting among friends at spent to secure style and fit has been wasted $ tions. | to her great reward. David Hossler and wife of Har- the occasion, and the pastor, Rev. | Campbellstown, Lebanon county. PRL.» J : ® y H. R. Eby’s only rooster was |risburg, spent Sunday here as G, Arthur Fry, delivered a dis-| The new rotary station which This 1s true in most clothes but when : Instead stolen over Sunday. Idon’t think guests of Wm, Saylors. l course to the mothers. The flower | contains a waiting room has been : . Tsul : the fellow who took it was at the | Mrs. Gainor and gandson visited committee made arrangements opened to the public and is a great purchasing the U nique Brand, style and fit : A baptismal services. | the family of her son John Gainor to have the altar adorned with | convenience. , 3 1 . . . 3 Je The party who took Aaron Grei- | near Maytown on Sunday. | white carnations, which were dis-| John C. Smith has erected a new are per manent because Unique Clothing 18 3 « Kl ner’s fat cattle out of the stable on | Operator Ed. Booth purchased a tributed among the mothers at the! barn on the lot in the rear of his » $ $2500, . : ¢ i o 7 S Ad Z » r ape ‘ Sunday night and drove them to | fine new piano from Kirk Johnson | ‘close of the service. A section on | dwelling house. He has placed a all thor oughly shrunk before they are made : the hills had better done someth-| & Co. at Lancaster last week. pews was specially reserved for| cupola on the top, which has at- un p4 C and Miss | mothers. tracted much attention in the vil- I . 1 or lage 209000 Arthur B. Martin, of East Done- gal, and Katie Floid, of Conoy, were united in marriage on Thurs- day morning by Rev. S. S. Shearer at his residence, in Rheems. The young couple were attended by Eli Frey and Fanny Daveler. Rev. D. M. Eshleman has been chosen as delegate to the annual meeting of the Church of the Breth- ren by the congregation of the Rheems district. Rev. Hiram E. Kaylor is the alternate. The an- {nual meeting will be held at Harri- Young Men's Suits, $6 to $18.50 Men's Suits $7.50 to $22.50 GETZ BROS. Mt. Joy, Hall Bldg. Maytc CLARI Mount Joy, Penna. In Saturday Heimes’ excutor, for $1,800. |sonburg, Va., commencing June 2. . : ™ 1 em : 2 Merchant Tailoring a Specialty. J Herman E. Geib has purchased | The Rheems Water company 1 12934 acres of land from the estate| | has completed the laying of pipes | mem a of Isaac K. Brandt, for $6,640 64. [to the village and contemplates { upplying sidents of West XL Ie PH AY eS aes edhe sh wa Mrs. Clayton Farmer was taken | Bi ying the residents of West | gpm md ap SBOE H HO LHS OS LRB BORE aY LGBGG5% to St. Joseph’s Hospital, on Wed-| onegal township with water. 2% £ nesday. She has been in failing Their reservoir and pumping stat- | g TF BE} health for sore time. {ion are located near Pleasant Hill, Y 2 bi . y |at a hich point and there is suffi- | 3% 3 | The double-headed calf, born on| . : be f ous tod lt cient pressure ral ges. | 72 ho | the Cameron farm some time ago, | Thi pr . a il Be es 2k Oh iS company has bee JOIr'K r + hid lis on exhibition at Marietta, hav-| t1 li pany oa 20 2h weir lines at intervals 8 past | $6 3 ing been mounted by a taxidermist. ® MB for tne pose 1 5 : - a iF year. oF According to the reports of the United States Govern— # | Wiss Florence Tressler spent.yes./ + -—— %¥ ment experts on pure food, we make : fect baki i) i Whicl erdny Pian : be OC % = XT 8 I 3 a, & a periec aking pow-—- y AC jterday afternoon at the County iF : : . A ih i loll | seat,” ‘wheres ste called on hep Salunga gs der. We guarantee that it dees not contain any particle of oh i dollar Fors : . 1 te acid. in anv i YriE) y hand] friends at the Penna. Business| A fine big boy arrived at the | 2 tartaric acid, alum or any other impurities and we challenge 8 ( { College. home of Baldwin Wilson last week. | $&% 30¥Y other baking powder firm to prove that their powder x On Sunday morning Mother's] Mrs. C. W. Newcomer, of Wil-|%¥ contains as much cream of tartar as the White Mountain. & bs, au Day was celebrated in St. John’s mington, Del., was in town last | % Po a feel, a Lutheran church with special musi-| week. 51 Eo: 1 . youses 2 ok ] 5 umber 2 : - . , Ar ! Qk 4 each « cal number ep ropriate to the oe Daniel Derr has returned from | #3 € 2 B+ eof casion and the pastor Rev. G.|cumberland county, where he vis— 3 oF Re . » Frv deli TP . . 2B Arthur Fry delivered a discourse to|ited his brother. 5 ® the mothers. : . : = ok i A number of Mennonites from | 43% & . . : ox xt | $100 REWARD $100 this section where in Lancaster on | ick Fo] The read this paper will be pl to| Sunday evening, attended the sess- OF OF } e jearn that t r 3 [. ¢ tl GEG oh = | vice t scien {ion of the mission. - ¢ : | th hat 13 Ca 's Catarrh Cur | jo © & | 8 yoseh {onl H08itiv to t T ro IS ) 36 3s os . 3 +x £ only sosiavdiense now Frown bo fie fledion There is a lake near Salunga that | 2% oh / { requires a constitutional treatment. Hails|js over 100 feet deep and full of | %¥ x i a | Cagarrah is taken internally.acting directly upor ! 0% tt f thie blood and mucous surfaces of the syste mn, | we Wter. Residents are becoming ick ok pa oT { thereby destroying the foundation of the disease | “ TT py oS 5 wr } color ¢ and giving the patient h by bnilding ov | alarmed and fear a flood, should | 5 2% i its work. ‘Lhe proprietc e so much faith | another wet spell come soon pei od { in its curative powers tha y otler One Hun A hia ho ri Lk RIS G wring ites fred Dorn; oi te ANY ase th 3; 35 alls to. sure: ee LF - 0k ] ohn mn ress F, J. CHENEY & CO., Toleao. O. St. Marv’s Guild of the. Epi oF 5 ; Jou byalD: i ee ipation. St. Mary's Lila o; fhe SpIScop=| oy We give you a full pound for 50c and then give you ; Take Hall's Fami sgipation | Churel il sive ial at th = J 1k al Church will give a social at the .d : ris ; 3 : - ~~ 3 ; © your choice of any of'the following articles as a premium. ok pris For a nice lot of oa bbait pepper, | tome of Mrs. Sarah Battye on | & 2% choice T Q 7 re 1 Q « a tomato and flower plants go to| Thursday evenings, May 13. & ore & Zerphey’s greenhouses, Mount Joy Bvery person is cordially invited 2 5-Quart Dresden White Lined Preserve Kettles ok | i . vob { er street, Mount Joy. tf. | to be present. & 14-Quart Titan Grey Rinsing Pan 2 i very i Ts : ™ En res & Motteled Enamelware and many other articles ke ig Think of a paper like this for 50| ‘Dr. Tnomas’ Electric Oil is the | £F 5 cents a year best remedy for that often fatal di- | & which. will be in a Bittle Jater. Br : > sease—croup. Has been used with | i & / Underwear in all styles 25c and |guccess in our family for 8 years.” | oF 50c piece at Getz Bros. —Mrs. L. Whiteacre, Buffalo, N. Y. SRLS SOTFSVOLPLVLTDLGVV SSIES ; . care.” Doan’s Regulets act gently Mount Joy and cure constipation; 25 cents. 7 Ask your druggist, A /