- gp FEAR rr——— ny Fr hsv ~~ . ( > Your Attention Please! My Great Underselling Sale on my entire stock of Up-To-Date Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Ladies’, Ms. ses’ and Children’s! Coats, Ladies’ Skirts, Waists, Furs Wrappers, Underwear, Gloves, Hosiery and lots of other articles not, mentioned here, will be gold at a Great Sacri- fice as we cxpectisome of our Spring Goods to arrive here and honest in March.” Now is your chance to get gcod goods at allower price than youn cian get elsewhere. Kvery dollar’s worth of our goods is worth two to you 1. D. Beneman Reliable Merchant East Main St., Mount Joy, Pa. 1000890090000 0000000000000000000000000600000000000000 Sheaffer's Restaurant and Confectionery © poco or I Dine at Sheaffer’s OYSTERS IN EVERY STYLE. ALL KINDS PIES, SANDWICHES, BAKED BEANS OYSTERS 45¢c QI. CONFECTIONERY AND TOBACCO, CIGARS. BEST ICE CREAM IN ANY QUANTITY Mount Joy RE MANHEIM STREET AEE TET TOP PO OOOO PTO IIL2 Last Opportunity TO SECURE Greatest Bargains Ever Offered —IN— Men’s, Young Men’s, Boys’ and Children’s Clothing, Under— wear, Corduroy and Knockabout Pants, Caps, Rain and S Oyercoats, Ete, ¢ As was previously annonnced I must vacate the store room mn Mount Joy Hall building on April 1st, 1909 and will therefore sacrifice everything in the store. stock of clothing is suitable for Spring and Summer wear and will be sold until April 1st, regardless of cost, My entire Such bargains have never before been heard of and to appreciate the vaiues they must be scen. I still lave 250 Men’s Suits and Overcoats, 150 Boys’ Suits, 350 Childref’s Suits, Etc., Etc., Etc. first-class, well made, well tailored, superior All quality, and 1st. remember the store room must be c¢learcd April All 1 can say is come, 3.0 Sf Wolf Yoife West Main Street MOUNT JOY SOUMMAAAAAAAUIAAAALAAAAULAMAAMAAAAIMAAAAMIAAAAAdbbAbbdbdeddbdile WE INVITE YOUR ATTENTION Secause we believe we can serve ‘you best; because we know that we fer more furniture, style and quantity than any other store in this sinity, It’s not by accident or mere happening that we are doing such interesting business. & I I OOS = i 3 3 = 2 ~~ 3 = 3 = 3 3 3 3 S i i 3 3 3 = 3 a 3 3 = I h\{ phe reynote is that Low Prices and High-Grade Furniture centre vd Ain the selecting and buying that opuns up so many advantages {Tana —advantazes in Style and Prices. You'll wonder at the ttached to the goods. Youll realize the advantages of wfit here. cier Bros., aa St. hancaster, Pa. HATS rriving Daily [' $1.50. $2.00 AND $2.50 INTER CAPS AND ) AND BOYS. Haas 3 » J CASTER, PENNA. SALIMREGISTER Persons having sale ‘this Spring. would do well to send us their dates, eo will advertise same until day of sale FREE if , we print your bills Thursday, March 18—On the road leading from the Marietta pike to Columbia; a large lot of ve stock, farming implements and household goods by Jacob Habecker, Zeller, suet, Tuesday, march 23— Near mcunt Joy on the Manheim road, near the Elmdale cream | ery, two steers, farming implements, ete, | by H, W. Grosh, Zeller, anct, Thursday, March 25-Near Raymond's | now Welfly's smith-shop, !{ mile ; from | the Mt, Joy ard Elizabethtown pke, a | large lot of fine cows, stock bulls, and a | large lot of shoats by O. K, Bennett, Zel- | ler, auct. ! . MOUNT JOY HALL Thursday, March 25, 1909 The Pierces General Admission, Reseryed Seats, ...... .30 +244405 Tickets for sale at Garber’s Drug Store. Aerial Tobacco Cloth We wish to inform tobacco rais- ers that we bave the agency for the well known Aerial Tobacco Cloth ¢o covers. It has been proven that tobacco plants thrive more rapidly which is specially woven for tobac- BUY YoU Seed Potatoes Herel Strictly true to name. Sold under a full guarantee COBBLERS, ROSE, DEW DROPS. GREEN MOUNTAINS, STATE OF MAINE, and Fifty other Varieties, Wo oan always Sell lower than our Competitors, SEED POTATOES STRICTLY CASH F. 0. B. CARS HERE. WRITE FOR PRICE LIST JOHN KIENZLE, N. W. Cor 2nd & Dock Sts. Both Phones: BELL, LOMBARD 18-45. KEYSTONE, MAIN 17-93, Philadelphia. Storehouse, 216 South 2nd., Street. SOUTTER, BUCHANAN & YOUNG Forethoughtful Shoppers Are Already Choosing Spring # Fabrics. # A SPECIAL TO-DAY t0 and 45¢ fine Novelty Wool Dress Goods in an exten sive variety and every price a High Class Novelties Single Dress Patterns, The finest French, German and English All-Wool Novelty Patters with a high lustre finish, no two alike-exclusive. bargain, Worth 75¢ at §0¢ a yard. [For childrens Dress Lengths You must view the color- ings, Cawtaba, Westeria, Pea- cock, Taupe, Canard, Blue, counter, il visit our remnant Many choice short pieces under this cover than any other. It can be supplied from 100 to 144 | inches wide and persons in need are it ! requested to place their orders early { then there will be no delay when | same is needed, { 'M. L. Greider & Co. MOUNT JOY, PENNA. Bargains Automobiles Model G. Buick cylinders, 22-H. P., lamps. Will sell cheap. Type XII Pope Toledo, 4-cylin- der Touring Car, 35-H. PP. Very good condition, 1908 Lambert Roadster, 2 cylin- ders, 20-H. P., Single Rumble Seat. Very good condition Jackson Touring Car, 2 cylinders, 22-H, P., top and full set of lights. Model R. Oldsmobile Roadster, | 4 cylinders, 35-H. P., full set of { lamps, magneto, 3 speed selective transmission, This car is in very good condition 1907 Buick Touring Car, 2 ¢ylin- | ders, 22-H. P,, top and full set of { lamps. Runabout, 2 full set of 9 Very good condition, Bargains in other cars also. | Lancaster Automobile Co. | | | | | | AGENTS FOR | BUICK, PACKARD, FRANKLIN, OLDSMOBILE N. Prince St., Lancaster, Pa. : (| 215 2 i HERA FOES ISIE | ¥ PLACE YOUR ORDER + EARLY * LS 7 I have about QO Tombstones, Monuments and Markers in stock from which to select at low prices for good ma- terial. Mount Jovy Did You Say Trees? Why yes, the best place to buy trees is at the Mt. Joy Nurseries All Kinds of Trees California Privet That Nice Hedging For Arousd Your Yard, Very Cheap. W. S. Krady Bell Phone. MOUNT JOY, PA. : : ; FAFMK { ) f TREES TRE I have taken the agency for the FAIr- VIEW NURSERIES and can supply any- thing you desire in nursery sfock such as Fruit and Ornamental Treey, Flowers, Plants of all kinds, etc. Prifes are as low as the lowest. John K. Kover, Mou RIA, | ». oy , 1 Las 4 1 4 % % : & ¢ 4 $ ® *» ¢ $ $ ® $ % @ @ @ @ ® ® $ 4 ¢ | & Raspberry, Resida and other [| way down price 3 ¢® 4 $ ® 4 ® ® ® © $ ® ® ¢ © $ $ 1 4 $ $ $ ® $ ¢ ® $ $ ® ¢ ® staple colors. $1, $1.25 2nd §1,50 a yd. Henrietta Cloth best-all - wool. American mak es in styles and high colors Extre value §g a yard 44-inch Wool, Ger- Henrietta Cloth, Blue, Gray, Browns, Greens westeria Cawtaba and Canard Blues, Splendid at THe a yard. All-Wool and Wor- Blue, and | 38-inches | sted Panama Cloth | Brown, {Green Modes, Spe cial 50¢ ay ard, t4-inch Wool Crepe Cloths in dark colors and light even- . 10 38-inch Grays, Pure man : ; : ing shades one of the best off- eringys, At 75g a yard. 45¢ inch Kaschnnye Cloth a new satin face fabric for Spring in the season’s best colors. At T5¢ a yard, in a complete 38-inch French Serges fine pure Wool, line of colors, Only 50g a yard. McCall Patterns 10c and 15c. New Spring Dress Patterns 115-117 N. Queen St., hancaster 0000000009000 000003600060000060€6 ~~ DO YOU KNOW The line of Dress Goods, Linens in white and plain colors and fancy { checks, all the new White Waistings and Dress Materials? Large showing of New Colored Madras, Ginghams, Percales, and Prints. OUR NEW LACES Ruches, All Come and see our new goods. Embroidery, colored band and edges as well as our Collars, Belts, Ties and Hair Barretts will surprise you. we ask of you is to visit our store. We en- joy showing our new materials. For the next Ten Days we will have opening days when we will be much pleased to meet you here. ptt § Pe — Muslin Underwear Special for Saturday, March 20th We will sell our 25¢ Wonder Ladies’ Extra Quality Muslin Drawers at 19c¢ a pair. Also the 50 cent Drawers at 39¢ a pair as well as the offer of 1 Corset Cover, 1 Pair of Drawers and 1 All-Linen Handker- chief FREE with every Muslin Skirt over $1. We will also have on sale Ladie’s Night Gowns at 39c. Watch Windows for New Goods ——o SEP 0 S. B. Bernhart & Co., Mount Jov, Pa. Saturday March 20, regular 50c, Next Door To Union National Bank, SREEHEIEIEIEIEEISBEMEISIETRBYD ; Ts # How About That New Wagon ? Remember this is the time to think and talk it over; Don’t wait until next Spring and then get a ‘hurry up” job. During the winter is the time that you should have your new work constructed. Come in and let’s talk it over. We can give you as neat and nobby a job as anybody and our prices are right. Y OUNG BROS, FLORIN PENNA VHSB BBBIBHHO BOOB SUBLBOGSHIHOBIRE HHO ROS 9000900900900 0900600900000900900004y | 2000000009 BOBOSECH HELL VBOLLB LOO I F you desire everything in Clothes that money can buy, here is the place to come. Picture to yourself the finest all wool suit it is possible to procure, and you see precisely what you obtain by ordering the famous International made-to-measure Clothes. The prices are popular and your chance for selection is the largest in the country. So A A 5 L555 RS SEN. AE A SAAMI H. E. EBERSOLE, MOUNT JOY —_—_ ram THIS! According to the reports of the United States Govern- ment experts on pure food, we make - a perfect baking pow- der. We guarantee that it dees not contain any particle of tartaric acid, alum or any other impurities and we challenge to prove that any other baking powder firm their powder contains as much cream of tartar as the White Mountain. 9090900090000 004000000000 0009000900909 00000000000¢ Faney | We give you a iui your choice of any of -Quart Dresden White Lined Preserve Kettles 14~Quart Titan Grey Rinsing Pan Motteled Enamelware and ma other articles ny which will be in a little later. PX 05 AOR ACR ACR ABR IOH CH 26 pop OF OR ACH AOR AON OR AOE OL OT 3 Ae Te 9Xs oXe gxy gn Ae LG Se Ok $28 FE © s P03 OH 20% 25! Ls Leh Hiv 0% ub ut S NOW IT’S CHOICE FRUIT st I have given For some time pa the public the benefit of cheap fruit I of as I was over stocked. While still have fruit it is not the If something nice I have it. such as Trout, Catfish, Steak-fish ev- galore, ‘““penny-apiece’’ kind. you want Don’t forget have Fresh ery week. Telephone your order and you will be served promptly. C Darrenkamp’s Green Grocery Hast Main St.. GOOD is the Mount Joy. FURNITURE | { ro | | re ul only kind I sell—Furniture that is Furniture. Rockers Hall Racks Picture Frames Ladies’ Desks Extension & Other Tables, Davenports China Closets, Kitchen Cabinets In fact anything 1n the Furniture Line Undertaking and Embalming H.C. BRUNNER MOUNT JOY, PENNA. Mirrors