1E BULLETIN MT. JOY, PA, h Schroll, Editor and Proprietor Subscription, 50c¢c Yr. Six Months 25 Cents Single Copies 2 Cents Sample Copies FREE a Entered at the Post Office at Mt, Joy as second-class matter, MILTON GROVE. Christian Shumaker is making preparations to in the early spring. H. Green, of Chiq: in the the Iishelman the remodel his house is Hill, moved late John W. Ridge Road. the house of on Abraham Koser vacated Shearer farm U. Gantz's Horst’s mill. Phares Ginder is among the for- and moved on Ben limestone tunate and rejoicing mortals in the vicinity—its a boy of the avoirdu- pois variety. Frank Groff of this place, has rented Samuel B. Shearer’s proper- ty on Chiquis Hill now occupied by Monroe Hershey. Wittle, recently Cyrus H. who farm at | HER PHYSICIAN ADVISED ' Taking Lydia E. Pi E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound Columbus, Ohio. — “1 have taken Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com. pound during change of life. My doctor told me it was good, and since taking it I feel so much better that I can do all my work again. I think Lydia E, Pinkham’s Vegetable Com. pound a fine remedy for all woman's roubles, and I never forget to tell my friends what it has done for me.’ Mrs. E. HANSON, 804 East Long St., Columbus, Ohio. Another Woman Helped. Graniteville, Vt. — “1 was passing through the Change of Life and suffered from nervousness and other annoying symptoms. Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vege- table Compound restored myhealthand strength, and proved worth mountains of gold to me. For the sake of other suffering women I am willing you { should publish my letter.” — MRs. CHARLES BARCLAY, R.F.D., Granite- occupied Mrs Sue Eshelman’s house | household effects to Shenk’s home. removed his the late Bs, John S. Enterline, of Gainsburg, Dauphin County visited relatives in the community. Until about six years ago he carried on the black- Susan smithing trade successfully at Green Tree. Albert Gingrich who recently married Miss Ada Garman, of Green Tree has leased a part of A. S. Eshelman’s homestead, they will move in the near future and assume the management of the latter’s farm, Joseph G. Ginder has recently | ig date poultryman. installed a gasoline engine on his | science has provided a guaranteed vem- | father’s farm to supply motive power for pumping, threshing; corn shelling, and other miscellaneous work adaptable for power service. The Mount Joy township school | board met in the High School build ing last Saturday 6th, inst., for the purpose of paying the teachers for their sixth month’s service and other buginess relative to their offi- cial duties. David Ebersole, a former resi- | dent of Strickler’s Church with his family and household j moved phernalia to Samuel Meckley’s ten- | where he | ant house on Cherry Hill, isnow holding a position as man at Meckley’s lime kilns. re - RHEEMS’ STATION. Mrs. David Brubaker is ill. Mrs. Jacob Shank Heisey are also on the sick list fore- and Jacob Daniel Brinser successor to J. W Wolgemuth charge of Rheems warehouse. Amos C. Friday load of manure from Philadelphia for his farm in West Donegal town took received a car ship. W. L. Heisey delivererd 1200 bushels of lime in 4 days, regard- less of condition of the roads at the Schlegelmilch farm near Marietta. Gish and Garber, bacco dealers, received a car load of tobacco from York Co. They have a large force at work casing it for market. Dan’l Dupler a prominent concre or of West Donegal, varded the contract to concrete p cellar at the Mennonite Church Sraybill’'s. W. L. Heisey will ksh the stone. —— tp Often lose their vigor and be- poishaMaction because their Fith impure waste ma— dis daaic for Cattle will vigorous and the quantity milk from fount Joy ara= | the | wholesale to- | has been | | has been ville, Vt. Women who are passing through this critical period or who are suffering from any of those distressing ills pe- culiar to their sex should not lose sight of the fact that for thirty years Lydia | E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound, which is made from roots and herbs, the standard remedy for female ills. In almost every commu- nity you will find women who have been restored to health by Lydia E. | Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. wherein | 0 000000000000000 9009000000000 0000900009000000000000000000¢ ES GLE LL NL LLNS LSNLLNSS ASL SSSSSLS SS 5555905 % (3 EGGS WANTED REACHING THE SProT It Can Be Done, So Scores of Mt, Joy Citizens Say To cure an aching back, The pains of rheumatism, The tired-out feelings, You must reach the spot—get at the cause In most cases ’tis the kidneys, Doan’s Kidney Pills are for the kidneys, M. Webb, Says: 3 Barbara St., Mt, Joy, Pa., “1 had been afflicted with rheumatism and kidney disease for some time, I suffered from | pains in my right shoulder, which greatly hindred me in. doing my work. My gencral health was fast I procured a 1 had when running down when box of Doan’s Kidney Pills. vsed them but a short time the pain entirely disappeared and I am glad to say I have not suffered symptoms of kidney My strength better in from any trouble since. has re- turned and 1 am every way.” For sale by all dealers, Foster-Milburn Co., Buffa- for the Price 50 cents lo, New York, sole agents United States, Remember and take no other, the name—Doan’s > Veterinaries now agree that many horse ailments are caused by worms. Remove the worms, purify the blood and the horse will be well. Fairfield’s ! Tonic for Horses only ‘'s an acknowl- DeLong pays more for eggs the year round than any one else. Paying 17¢ dozen today. <— Roup, once the scourge of the poul- ¢ | edged worm exterminator, blood puri- fier and regulator. For sale by F. H. Baker, Mount Joy H. C. Greider, Landisville and D. B Ebersole Elizabethtown. Srimis— ms —— Talk Is Cheap When you can get a telephone {in your house for $12.00 a year. Call up the Columbia Telephone try yard. is no longer feared by the up- | | Company and they will tell you all He knows that | edy in Fairfield’s Rep Remedy ror sale by ¥ H. Baker, Mount Joy, H. C. Greider, Landisville and D. Ebersole. Elizabethtown. PO006000006000006066660000600¢ 000000000000000000000600 J. B. MARTIN & 0. We expect an enthusiastic response to our advertisement of as last year it was our largest sale month of housekeeper mean a reduction of from 10 to 50 per cent on the general line. China and Glass the March Sale, year and the thrifty March Sale of Open-Stock Dinner Sets at one-third off regular prices, chance to purchase the China at a best quality of strong reduction, Table dozen. A sale of Tumblers, 15¢. to $15 a at a special price. ~ Lvery one Haviland & Co. Dinner Sets At $28, usually $40—127- piece Dinner Sets, in the spray design, gold stippled handles: and cannot be matched in this for less than $40. Charles Field Hav- usually sold at $25. city At $17 iland Sets; § 9 : : § 8 8 © 6 ed BENET RBLLILLLNS EYER & co. 35-37 N. Quesn about it. an Spring line of town | Don’t fail to see the new materials and the finest jdress materials ever seen in lat S. B. Berneart & Co’s. | | the knows that our March Sales At $40 $50, § we give you Haviland 75, $100, $125 & Co. Dinner Sets, with a saving of from $15 to $35 a set, At $3 a Set we give you Dinner Sets that sold at $10. the Rich SparKlisg Cut Glass Bowls, S8-inch $2, $2.75, $3.50 and $5 each; $2.25 usu=- ally $5 to $7 each. sel 87: 1 PR[O] Sugars and Creams, $2, $3.50 and $3.75; usually $3 to $5. , $4, $7 and $8 0 $13 50. Claret Jugs usually $7 t Corner of West King & Prince Sts. § 2990090000000 099000000090000000000060000000000200000004 BRBBIULRBISIIES LANCASTER § erent styles to select from. will save beautiful lustre, and which and very serviceable. width and silver bleached. full width and silver bleached. wear: Special, at 37c. Special lot of Table for 1-3 dozen up. Toweling for Dish at 434 ¢ a yard. Special, at 4 3/c a yard. look them over wearing out your best cloths, Mercerized Table Damask, of superfine quality; is also Special, at 47 Pure Linen German Table Damask, mn two styles only; Napkins in all sizes terns and some come in cne-half Cloths and for Roller Blankess ard Comfortables are being sold at surprisingly low Blankets and Comforts at Special Sale § prices rather than carry them over to next season, avings for You In bel Linen Department | : : Mercerized Table Damask, of fine quality; full width; 6 diff- This is a good hardy Damask and Special, at 2214¢c. a yard. possessing a permanent, Elegant styles c¢ a yard. full A good Damask, in two styles only; A good Damask for everyday Some are odd pat- dozen lots. Priced from 55¢ g Towels, Special, Unbleached Muslin, 36-inch; an extra heavy quality; in mill- ends of lengths varying from 5 yards to 20 yards; worth 7¢, § Cail and jhe Reliable Boston Store PENNSYLVANIA DUTCH. WHAT SHWILKEY BUMBLESOCK HAS T0 SAY THIS WEEK, Wann ich on der circus un show denk, donn g’'mawnts on der gross Ellifont wu ich g’sea hob im show doh fergonga. Husht an Ellifont gea by leawa shun g’seana? Wann all means un sea eaner wann wid- der shteddle De Ellifouta sin about de der du di net, don der amohl show ins kummt. g’shphssichshta welt. Seller wu se im show g’hot hen der letsht ufs wennichsht sivvatsay so long das ’em Clint Eby si welsh- korn house. We der Ellifont shtill g’shtonna is dort im show, is er kredoora in summer, War foos hoch un mer net yusht so koryose fore kum. ma, un awer we er amohl awfonge hut tsu moofa, hob ich by chinks lacha missa bis ich bauch wea krickt hob, un awer we des gross kreddoor dort im ring rum gemar- ch’d is, unso in de direction kum- ma is wu ich war, don is mere lacha fergonga, un ich hob mich aw so a wennich ous em weg g’shafft. Ufs wennichst a halb dutzend mohl hen se ean dort in sellam ring rum ge- march’d, un gewockelt hut er yusht we a load hoy wanns om um- folla ware. Si bea sin so rund un dick, un hen mich yusht g’'mawnd on drei bushel seck foll welshkorn. un fees hut er gor kenny-yusht so dicky bea, un selly wahra grawd shquare ob das wann se unna ob g’seagt waera g’west. Was mich awer om aerricksht ferwunnert hut, war das er de gons tseit hinnersht feddersht geluffa is mit seim grossa schwontz ferna nous, un de buwa hen eam als kucha un grundniss un allerlea so sacha gevva, un de krenk will ich kreeya wann er se net als gegrab’d hut mit seim schwontz, un uf seller weg hut er sich g’feed- ert, for de Ellifonda meiler sin aw om grawd unnich eara schwentz. wonn widder mind, eara end Aw- amohl hinnersh? er, we g’'sawt, der show in de shtadt kummt, donn gook for dich selver, dahler kosht, lew- gea yusht un wanns aw a holwer for'sell is es anyhow waert an endicher Ellifont tsu sea, CUT THIS OUT—IT IS WORTH $10, TO YOU Cat out this advertisement and bring or mail it to our Store, 1t will be accepted as $10, on the purchase of any Piano in our Store. We have twenty different makes of Pianos to select from, fully one; at prices $1000, hundred different styles, ranging from $140 up to We guarantee the lowest in price as well as the most expensive. and we arrange easy monthly payments to suit the convenience of every customer, With each piano we in- clude a stool, scarf, instruction book and ore year free tuning. All you need dois cut out the advertisement, come to our store and select the piano‘you like best or write us what make you prefer, presert this advertisement as first payment of $10. and the piaro is sent to your home at once, the bal- ance to be paid on small sums monthly. This extraordinary offer is made simply to test the advertising value of this paper, and will be good only until March 15th. J. H. Troup Music House 15 South Market Square, Harrisburg, Pa, That veterinary science is progress- ive is evidenced by the Fairfield Ani- mal Tonics. The Fairfield method of putting up a separate preparation for each kind of animal is that appeals to the stock owner and poultry raiser as being a mark of true progress. For sale by F. H. Baker, Mount Joy H. C. Greider, Landisville and D. B. Ebersole Elizabethtown. Shire’s Vieat Viarket Rear of Nissley's Tobacco Warehouse FLORIIN «i PINT IA. W. W. SHIRE, Propr. | allow, Lard, &c. der | Fresh & Smoked’ { years practieal & 6 years hospital experience In Germany. mich | | i | | | | | | | | 1 Headache, Backache, Sideache, A Worn-out Feeling. These are especially women’s afflic- tions. They are caused by irregular work. ing of some of the functions of the body. It is of the utmost importance to every woman to know that there is no medicine so valuable for her, go helpful, so strengthening, as Lane’s Family Medicine (called also Lane’s Tea) This tonic-laxative is a great blood medicine and is the favorite regulat. ing medicine of old and young, hl All druggists sell it in 50c. Be. packages, OUR MARKETS Eggs. . . 17¢ Wheat . 8 90¢ | Butter. . . 34¢ Corn . 90¢ | Jard .. . 10c Oats... 55 | Tallow rk Di Rve . SOc | Pot at (es 80 85 Don’t let the baby suffer from ec zeman, sores or any itching of she | skin. Doan’s Ointment gives in- stant relief, cures quickly. Perfect- ly safe for children. All druggists | | sell it, | Wanted —Experienced dressm: k- | ers to work in our alteration de- partment. Apply by letter. Bair & Witmer. Lancaster, Pa. SALE REGISTER Persons having sale this Spring would do well to send us their dates, We will advertise same until day of sale FREE if we print your bills Thursday. March 11—On the premises in East Donegal, two miles south of Mount Joy, on the road leading from the Mount Joy and Marietta pike to Marietta, 3 horses 3 cows, bulls, hogs, farming implements and household goods by Stephen H. Linde- muth. Zeller, auct. Thursday, March 18—On the road leading from the Marietta pike to Columbia, a large lot of live stock, farming implements and household goods by Jacob Habecker, Zeller, auct. Tuesday, march 23— Near Mcunt Joy on the manheim road, near the Elmdale cream two steers, farming implements, etc. ery, by H. W. Grosh. Zeller, auct. Thursday, March 25—Near Raymond's now Welfly’s smith-shop, !{ mile j from the Mt. Joy ard Elizabethtown DP ke, a large lot of fine cows, stock bulls, and a large lot of shoats by C. K. Bennett, Zel- ler, auct. PLACE YOUR ORDER | i * | £ I have about SO # Tombstones, Monuments and z Markers in stock from which to | Z select at low prices tor good ma- | % terial. { x J. GLATFELTER | 5 Mount Joy | Hx Pure Spring Water ICE IN ANY QUANTITY at Very Moderate Charges. Don’t fail to see us before plac- ing your order this year. J. N. Stauffer & Bro. Mount Joy, Penna. C. S. Musser Successor to Wm. Scholing The Only Place to Get Good Bread, Cakes, Buns, &ec. tr IS ADT Musser’s West End Bakery Mount Joy Penna A cure guaranteed if you use ’ uoy's S it PILES res. Suppository D. Matt. Thompson, Supt ji Graded Schools, Statesville, ¥. C. “ writes : Dre can ps Dr. 8. M. Devore, Raven Rock, W. Va., writes; *‘ They give universal satis- gi faction.’ . D. Moll, Claes, Tenn. , writes: “Ina practice of 23 years, I have found no remedy to equal yours.” Price, 50 Cents, Samples Free. Scld by Druzgisis.- MARTIN RUDY, LANCASTER, Pa. they do all you claim for them.’ Sold in Mt. Joy by E. W. Garber CALL FOR FREE SAMPIE @. NA. Willen Justice of the Peace Conveyancer and Scrivener i i i : i Special Attention Given to the Collection of Rents Your Patronage Solicitea Office: Main Street, Florin, Penna. Po 6, F. THEEL. 535 North ixt Philadelphia, Pa. “Ein Deutscher 8 Arzt.,” Only German Speelalist. The GERMAN TREATMENT the only guaranteed cure for Specifie Blood Poison others ean’t eure. All Private Diseases, Exeesses, Abuses. Weaknesses, Nervous Debility, Lost Manhood, D rains, Losses, Varicocele & Stricture, (no eutting) Kidney & Bladder, Small Shrunken Organs. 43 Send for Book, tells all, exposing City & Country advertising | uds, Secreer zuaraneeed. Mall treatment. Call or write | | & ® ® ® ® @ ® ® $ | ® @ ® ® 4 ® ® o ® ® » 00000000000000000000000006000000000000000000000000000 COME With a (Great Proposition Having Bought Weaver 0 ano Company Y. M. C. A. Building, and bein » $ ® ® $ ® ® : > on or before Apri o I °® ® * ® ® ¥ & ® ® To Close Out This Magnificent Stock of $20,000 Worth : Pianos » \d ® i Sheet Music ® : At Prices That will be a Revelation. Reasonable Terms to 3 those not in a position to pay cash. Remember the | $ Stock Consists of E13 o ° |s High Grade Pianos and Organs ® ¢13 MADE BY THE and other reliable makers. I'ul tection. ‘A History Making Epc Will find this the Opportunity Don’t Wait a Minut &. Day, Weaver Organ 15-17 West O TO T 3 : : : : : ; ¢ Kirk Johnson & Co. i : i] 1st, Weaver Organ and Piano Co. QUICK BUYERS HE FRONT 0000000000000 00000000000000000000000000060000006 00009 Money Saving the Stock of the regan & Pi- g compelled to vacate the rooms we are going Organs ly Guaranteed, Absolute Pro- ch in Organ and Piano Selling. of a Lifetime. Don’t Wait a e, Don’t Forget the Place and Piano Co. range Street $ ° ¢ ® ° ® ® * ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ° ® ® $ ® © $ ® ® ® ® $ : 500000000000000000000000000000 The Oldest Trunk and Bag House In the State OFFERS a] 50¢c to $15.00 RR $1.00 to $18.00 Trunks from $2.00 to $25.00 ““ WE ARE LEATHER WORKERS” Large Steck Harness! Lowest Prices, rene em Rreclzel Harness Maker 30 Penn Square, Lancaster; Pa For a Neat and Clean Shave, Hair Cut or Shampoo, go to Josep hE ershey Fine Tenserial Parler Fast Main Street, Mount Joy, Pa. KIRK JOHNSON ¢& CO. SUCCESSORS 24 West King Street, Lancaster, Pa. 200000000 TRIAS G00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000006000000000000000000000 000 C0000 ADMINISTRATOR S NOTICE Estate of Margaret Hershey late of Lancaster City, Pennsylvania, decease Letters of administration on said e state having been granted to the undersigned, all persons in- debted thereto are requeste :d to make imme; diate payment, and those having claims or demands against the same will present them without delay for settlemement to the undersigned, residing at Waynesboro, Pa., orto W. U. Hensel, Lancas- ter, Penna. FRANK B. HERSHEY, WAYNESBCRO, W. U. HENSEL, Attorney. Administrator EXECUTX JRS’ NOTICE Miller, late of Mount Joy .. Deceased. Estate of David L. Borough, Lancaster County, Letters testamentary on said estate he wing been granted to the undersigned, all persons in- debted thereto are requestod to make immediate yment. and those having claims or demands against the same will present them without de. lay for settlement to the undersigned, TOHN G. MILLER, P. 0, Mount Joy, Pa., MILTON N. MILIER, R. F. D. No. 2 Mt Joy W. U. HE) y Atty. Executors. or C. H. ZELLER, 53 E, Main St. Mt, Joy., EXE SUTOR’S NOTICE Estate of Henry N. Eby, late of West field Twp , Lancaster, County Pa., Deceased. Letters testamentary on said estate haying been granted to the undersigned, all persons in- debted thereto are requested to make immedi- ate men, and those having claims or de- mands against the same will present them with= out delay for settlement to the undersigned. AMOS F. EBY, Mt. Joy,R. F: D. No. 1, LEV1 F. EBY, Manheim, R. F. D, No. 3, W. U. HENSEL, Atty. Executors . Hemp- CHOICE HAMS ® Let us furnish you with some Choice Ham for your dinner. It is finer than the ordinary and remember, no small picnic hams either. Must be good or I will return your money. One purchase will make you a regular customer. Don’t forget that I have rented the slaughter house recently used by Mumma & Detwiler where I will do all my own killing. Always have a big 3 supply of Beef, Pork, Sausage RB Pressed and Prepared Ham, Bologna, Dried Beef, &c., &c. Call and be convinced. H. H. KRALL East Main 8t., Opposite Post Office, OUNT JOY, PA I a —_— , Sg i - |