a / If in need of any kind of a light wagon such as Jennylinds, J Buggies, Runabouts, Spring Wagons, in fact any shape or style / you desire. These wagons are all well built and mechanically The their durability. constructed, many I have already sold is good evidence of See me before you buy your next wagon, made to order and guaranteed for one Almost Rheems, All wagons are year, I am now taking orders for Spring delivery. any style wagon can be seen at Kraybill’s Warehouse at Geo. S. Enslow R. F. D. No. 1. Mount Joy, Pa. 1 3) 2 SEE THE Bed Room Completely Fasmidhed In Our South Window For - $54 You can get a running start towards furnishing another with what you saye by buying this suit, complete with the bed, bureau two chairs, a table, a woven iron spring, a two-plece cotton top mattress and a 9x12 reversible The hed and burean have heavy roll trimmings and genuine gnartered oak tops and fronts, These are not the lowest priced goods we can mention, price limit bed beginning $37.50 is unlimited. washstand, a rocker, rug, Our at Our prices for complete spring outfits are the 1t to you. for a room completely furnished p , lowest in the county. (vive us a chance to prove ———.... INITSH # CARPFPESTS Q v QA7-29 South uneen St Lancaster, Pa. .n ¥£0-0-0-0-0-00-0-0-0-0-0 0-0-0000 0-0-0000 0-0-0-0-0-0 000-000 000000000000 | 1 | | 3 | 3 #*0-0-0-0-0-0 0-0-0-0-0-0 0-0-0000 0-0-0000 0-00-0000 0-0 0-0-0000 0-VVVVV OVO a ———— F. H. Baker's COAL. AND IL.UMBER YARDS MOUNT JOY, PA. No. Doors, always on hand’ Lath, Sole agent for Congo Roofing. Cedar Shingles Also Siding, Flooring,, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings, Ete. Estimates Quickly and Cheerfully made on all kinds Building Material. Telej No. Opposite Old P. R. R. Depot. yhone S33. 8 8 —>kancaster’s tases Carpet Rouge JUST A MINUTE: Now is the time to make your purchases of EURNITURE and ( them later. We are laying back every day Furniture because the prices are way downnow. JARPETS if you will need tor Spring delivery, Quality im Anything Is a vital point (with tne right price, of course). We can show you the Quality and the Price. : : . If you give us a look, we know we will get your order, and you will be benefited, as well as we. a Don't forget we are in a position TO FURNISH YCUR HOME COMPLETE This is the largest Home Furnishing Store outside of Philadelphia. Third, Fourth and Fifth Floors, all Furniture. Main Floor, Carpets, Rugs nd Curtains. WESTENBERGER *MALEY & MyERs, 125 AND 127 EAST KING ST. LANCASTER, PA. DON’T OFTEN FIND TWICE-A-YEAR price; mostly YOU Such low prices on Shoes as we are offering at this SADE, 1 lot of Ladies’ and Children’s Shoes marked 1 arge and smail sizes, $2.50 Shoes now $1.25. $4.00 Shoes now $2.00. 81.75 $2 Shoes now $1. $1.50 Shoes now $3.00 Shoes now $1.50, re A SHAUB & CO. BOOTS, SHOES, RUBBERS and HOSIERY Open Monday Evering, close 5 P. M. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Friday at Noon. 18 North Queen Street, LANCASTER, PENEA, Engle’s Furniture Warerooms Mount Jov, Penna. ——D eG Pee Good Homemade Furniture a Specialty Upholstering Done to Order POPLAR LUMBER FOR SALE [N LOTS TO SUIT THE PURCHASERS. De Peer Undertaking and Embalming A Home Treatment 'VINOL CURES CHRONIC COUGHS, | All ine hay im who waits for Asthma If yon have suffe rod from asthma tried al. Lo as others have, and have most everything ander the son get cured and failed, you should trv this simple remedy, [t cured others, it will cure you, After yon have sat up all night, night after night and choked and | got thin ind imagined the next at. | tack would end in death, you'll ape | preciate the remedy as many others | did, If | ple remedy cut this formula out and will you want to try this sim= | take it to your druggist who [ fill it for Take aromatic spirits of ammonia I ounce, Kali Comp., 1 | Syrup of Wild Cherry, Dose—Take a teaspoonful you at a reasonable cost, 2 ounce and 2 ounces, after at one cach meal and if necessary bed time, the salaries, wages, and rules were adopted same as last year. Tyndull then appointed the [ Some people have suffered for | years and this simple remedy has practically cured them in a short [ time. - ‘ | Borough Council Continued from page 1 [ had complied with the law. He | was answered in the negative. All { | | for following standing committees the ensuing year: rasped for breath, lost strength and | | GOLDS AND BRONCHITIS | After Other Remedies Fail | “I have been troubled witha chronie oold and bronchitis for a long time and have tried many remedies without finding relief. Through the kind sug- gostion of a friend 1 tried Vinol, and | after taking four bottles, am entirely | oured.” A. H, Wilde, 733-8th Avenue, Minneapolis, Minn, | 8, McDonald, 147 W, Congress | 8t. Paul, Minn, writes: “I con- tracted a severe cold last winter and | thought I would never get rid of it. I tried Vinol as a last resort, and it has completely cured me.” Vinol combines two world-famed tonics, the healing, medicinal proper ties of cod liver oil and tonic iron, de- lciously palatable and agreeable to the dren, weak and run-down persons, afe ter sickness and for Chronic Coughs, Colds and Bronchitis, E. W. GARBER, Druggist MT. JOY. PA. Fox Hound Killed by Train. William Zeamer, of Kinderhook, the well known lost a accident fox hunter valuable fox hound in an near Mt. trailing a fox and in hurying across R.R. ine was struck by a passenger train Only a few Mr. $50 for the dog. Joy. The hound was the tracks of the P. the can- days be- Zeamer and killed. fore the accident re- fused $ Auxiliary Meeting The regular meeting of the Hos- held in the after- As all be pital Auxiliary will be Council Chamber Thursday March 4th, it is time for noon, at 3 o'clock. dues, to of payment members are requested present. Upon the water was ordered to repair same M. main was ordered Delta to Market tion it will be remembered was be- motion of L. Greider extended from | Street—J. G. Reist, C. N. Mum- | ma and Wm. Yoon | Water—DB. S. Dillinger, Geo. H., Brown and 0 Ti ireider. | Finance—Geo. H. Brown, J. G- Reist and C. N. Mumma. Ordinance—M. L. Greider, B. S. | Dillinger and Wm. Tyndall. { Property—B. S. Dillinger, M. L. Greider and C. N. Mumma, Light—C. N. Mumma, J. G. | Reist and Geo. H. Brown. | The minutes of the last regular | | meeting were then read and ap- | | proved. A resolution was passed | ¥ authorizing the burgess to collect | { all post office rents. Mr. Dillinger | of the water committee coporied | the steam engine at the water works disabled. The on) | | | street. This ques- fore council several times last year. This main is for the benefit of the Episcopal church, but the objection was that the main was extended on Market street when for by the Mr. Dillinger recom- mended the painting of the chamber asked church. wood and the Property committee to investigate work on the council same was left in the hands of and report. The treasurer’ balance of $333.58 in the account and $3,484.85 in the water s report showed a Borough account. The clerk stated that $1,000 worth of bonds had to be had tax paid out of that but that he between $700 and $800 water to collect yet. That leaves a bal- ance of $3.568.43 in the borough treasury when the new council takes charge. Mr. Reist made some remarks in reference to the present fire protec- tion of the borough and suggested that it great necessity that something be done to better the situation. President Tyndall ap- pointed the following committee to carefully investigate and report and recommendation at the meeting. The com- mitte consists Messrs. Reist, Dillinger and Brown. Ex-council- man B. W. Brown remarked that chemical engines are all right at the outbreak of a fire but not after flames have gained much headway, Also that there are only about half a dosen fire plugs in town that have steamer conncections. The High constable was ordered to keep up his ‘beats’ every Saturday night as heretofore, and upon motion council adjourned. is a make a next regular of er ———— eens. Prosperity is sure to come to the far- mer who takes advantage of the various helps science provides from time to time assist nature on the farm. Fairfield’s Tonic and Egg Producer for Poultry only is nature’s first assistant in Poultry yard being a scientific preparation com- pounded to meet all the peculiar re- quirements of the fowl. For sale by F H. Baker Mount Joy H. C. Greider, Landisville and D. B. Ebersole, Elizabethtown. Sheaffer’s Restaurant Oysters in every style. Pies of all kinds Opyster and egg sand- wiches, tripe. Oysters at 45 cents a quart. Fresh confectionery and tobacco. Also baked beans. Best ice cream in any quantity. Chicken corn soup. - Hog raising bec omes extre¢ mely prof. itable when it is undertaken in a scien- tific manner, which means gi na ture every assistance keeping the an imal in a healthy mdition. To se cure the best results blood must be kept pure. Fairfield’s Tonic for Hogs only is a preparation scientifically com pounded for that especial purpose. For sale by F. H. Baker, Mount Joy H. C. Greider, Landisville and D. B. Eberso'e, Elizabethtown. - . Constipation causes headache, nausea, dizziness, languor, heart pal pitation. Drastic physics, gripe, sicken, weaken the bowels and don’t cure. Doan’s Regulets act gently and cure constipation; 25 cents. Ask your druggist, and clean shave or Hair cut go to the New Tonsorial Parlors Opposite First National Bank Mount Joy, neat For a West Main Street, Pa. IRVIN M. BAKER, Proprietor. Agen | for the Elkhorn Steam Laundey STOP AT THE Sorrel Horse Hotel WEST Kine St., JANCASTER The annex now complete with the SORREL HORSE, makes a frontage of 49, 52, 58 and 5 West King Street. Dinter 25 cents. Best accommodations in every respect. A share of your patronage solicited, A. B. ADAMS. Pro. HOTEL McGINNIS The undersigned having remodeled the old Mooney Hotel, adding a number of sleeping rooms, bath, etc., is now prepared to entertain transient and regular guests. Restaurant in connection with hotel where he will Serve in season. Oysters and Clams in every style, Turtle Soup, Deviled Crabs, Tongue and Tripe, Cheese and Sandwiches, Steaks and Chops to order. Private dining room for ladies. WW. McGinnis, PROPRIETOR. FRENCH FEMALE MADAME DEANS = VL T's: A Save, CERTAIN RELY for SUPPRESSED MENSTRUATION. NEVER KNOWN TO FAIL, Safe! Sure! Speedy | Satis- action Guaranteed or Money Refunded. Sent prepaid for $1.00 per box. Will send them on trial, to be paid for when relieved. Samples Free. If your druggist does net have them send your orders to the UNITED MEDICAL CO., nOX 74, LancasTen, Pa. weakest stomach. For this reason, Vinol is unexcelled as a strength- | builder for old people, delicate chile > a — ’ but it takes a lot !find the right place of hustling to to wait, Since election talk has been very | cheap but nevertheless both local | i telephone companies are rich handling it. getting If you could convince the people | { that the jority ol our cood die voune, politicians would be imitating the devil in an hour. The “Bulletin” 1zation of notes the new political parties in this section and seemingly an abun- dance of good true Republicanism in Mount Joy is a thingof the past. [ Recently political parties | been as thick us flees {and invariably the launching of a new party or gang with a sounding declaration of principles is always a noteworthy event. A new gang’s | preamble recites: ‘‘Realizing that [ we are at the mercy of an indus- "trial despotism, engineered by as ] | merciless a crew of pirates as ever | : [ ravaged a main or scuttled ete.” a ship, This sounds promising but then promises, oh forget them as break them, knives and A even the best We hear the the whir of men of daggers. whet creeping sensation comes o.erus at the very thought and we almost feel like hurling a brick at someone. Again, *‘A merciless band of pir- tes more absolute and cruel than the Russian autocracy, ete.” Well always remember when a new ship sets sail upon the political seas with a cargo of inflammable ma- terials we are almost sure that a big ma- | organ- | have | hereabouts | 1 reabouts | Dining Room Tables, #5, to $25. These fresh new SY Shirts well-made- excellent madras and Hardly a man but finds his shirt | the chance to save on half a dozen ne at 63¢,, or 2 for $1.25 Good Furniture at Lowest Cost Means Foster & Cochran Farni- ture, in which durable construc- tion is combined with pleasing appearance, Bedroom Suits, $20 to $79.50. 3 and § piece Parlor Suits, $15, . . 'Y to $75. $7 Tobacco Muslin Many consider our 5c. tobac- It is strong 2 or co muslin cheapest. and heavy and good for more reasons, 5c yard, or 4}{¢ yard, by the piece. 4c 4c grade at 33{c by the piece. grade at 4c by the piece. Take a peep at these new Spring looking Worsteds appeal as strongly Of medium weight in lovely shades of blue, gray, green and black, they are plenty warm for wear now and until June brings it’s summer days, there is to be trouble, While we are at it we may as well say one thing; When this kind of going | | stuff goes off and works its destruc- | tive fury to the full, the thing to | suffer is usually the ship that car | ies the cargo. Go easy, please. | BRADFORD, CARTOONIST WRITES FAIRY VERSE Combines With Artist Neill to Pro- duce Children’s Feature : | | | | The comic section of the North American tor March 7 will contain something altogether new in the we ay of an entertainment feature for gidren, It 1s really surprising | that "alter R. Bralford, The | North a an’s prize humorous | cartoonist, should develop into a writer of fairy story verse, How- | ever, he has done so. and 1t is said that he has made a remarkable suc- To illustrate version “The Little Journe ys of Nip and Tuck, The North American has secured John R. Neil, who probably the best-known illustrator of children’s in America. Together they have made the pret- Liest feature ever printed in a comic Bradford’s iit and entertaining and Neill’s pictures beautiful and attractive, The North American’s object is to give to its patrons something de. cidedly different from the averave comic feature. The man- agement of the paper believes that it has suceceded, cess of it, Bradford’s is books section of a newspaper, are lig amusing, verses are coarse THIS OUT—IT IS WORTH $10, TO YOU Cat out this advertisement, bring or mail it to our Store, 1t will CUT and be accepted as $10, on the purchase of any Piano in our Store. We have twenty different makes of Pianos to select from, fully one hundred different styles, at prices ranging from $140 up to $1000. We guarantee the lowest in price as well as the most expensive, and we arrange easy monthly payments to suit the convenience of every customer, With each piano we in- clude a stool, scarf, instruction book and ore year free tuning., the store All you need dois cut out advertisement, come to our and select the piano you like best you prefer, presert this advertisement as fist payment of $10. and the is sent to your home at once, the bal- or write us what make piaro Splendid Values in These Because a great many women allow themselves about this amount for their Spring Suit, we have deter- mined to give better value at this moderate price than yon can obtain anywhere. Exceptionally well tailored, 34in jackets single breasted, in the long hipless lines highly favored Skirts are plain gored flair, button trimmed. Theirunusual value and unusual style will impress itself fully wnen yon examine them. SO $20.00 Values, TER) 4 Suceessors 32 to 38 E. King St., at $13 gS. & Shirt makers had after filling his Spring orders, Sizes 14 to 17 are here, cuffs are detached. On Sale Saturday, March 6th. Charming Spring Suits ['or Women and Misses--$13.98 For $20 Suits to every women and Miss who loves distinction to are the surplus that — of our Every one is out ful nd the new patterns for spring ercal in supply running low ~and will welcome wones forgpring. 75¢ and $1 oo Shirts Carpet Items Early buyers have the advan- tage of several special values, Brussels carpet, worth 65¢., at 49c¢. Brussels at joc. Capets, worth goc,, Velvet Carpets worth #1 ro, at goc. Axminster worth g 2 $1.20, at g8c, Carpets, Double BlanKet Shawls Reduced Ten per cent reduction made on all our fine double blanket shawls. $2 Shawls, $1.80; $4 Shawls, $3.60 $250 * $2.25; 85 “$450 $3 “$2.70; Sr0- “$9.00 Suits—the trim, graceful lines in her styles, to you as the elegant style, s appeal The rich- s : Suitsat $150f Plain Prunella Cloth Among onr new Spring Suits, we are showing others ma le of the same high grade cloth at £25 oo. Somewhat bette iil d, to be sure, but these bit as stylish, Fabrics of the same rous finish are used in t} iced spring Suits—mu} ex- ceptionally desirab) The 34 inch single bre wke ets semi-fitting, in the fa mable hipless effect, satin li i out, with the new envelop The plain flare skirt t tached. These are the earl cusromers can choos Taupe Mode, Canard, Nax ht Blue, Tan and Black, # 5 A WP Hy FX ae . € >] Williamson's Lancaster, Pa 0000000000000 0000009000060000000 Carpets {Carpet a Rugs o We are making a splendid showing of the best styles of the in beautiful color combinations, rooms. Our spacious show rooms are li ook or the color effects as they will 1 We offer a number of special ¢ closed out, and patterns that the manufacturers will not make aoain. cellent styles and colorings. Savonerie Carpet Griental and conventional pat- terns, for parlor, dining-room and library; $1.75 quality; at $1.25 yard, a Axminsters In florat and Oriental effects: ’ some have borders to match: $1 35 quality now 98c¢. a yard. Wilton Velvets Suitable patterns for rooms, hall and stairs; $1.25 and $1.35 qualities and $1.10 at 98c¢, ance to be paid on small sums monthly. This extraordinary offer is made simply to test the advertising value of this paper, and will be good only until March 15th, J. ‘-H. Troup Music House 15 South Market Square, Harrisburg, Pa. —————— ree. There is more Catarrh in this section of the country than all ether diseases put togethger sand until the last few years was supposed to ba in} curable. Fora great many years doctors pro- nounced it a local disease aud prescribed local remedies, and by constant failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it incurable Science has proven catarrah to be a constitution- a! disease and therefore requires constitutional treatment, Hall’s Catarrah Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co,, Toledo, Ohio. is the only constitutional cure on the market. It is taken internally in doses from 10 drops to a teaspoon~ ful. It acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, Tbey offer one hundred dellars for any case it fails to cure. Send for cir- culars and t gimonials Address: F, J. ( Sold by Dru Take Hall's ' & Co., Toledo, Ohio. SEN 750. amily Pills for constipation. That veterinary science is progress- ive is evidenced by the Fairfield Ani- mal Tonics. The Fairfield method of putting up a separate preparation for each kind of animal is that appeals to the stock owner and poultry raiser as being a mark of true progress. For sale by r. H. Baker, Mount Joy H. C. Greider, Landisville and D. B. Ebersole Elizabethtown. Sold in Mt. Jov by E. W. Garber & J. C. Groff Tapestry Brussels 0000009000000 000000909004 Nexr ox Corner Square and s92 LIE Marble and JOHN H. KEENE Maytown, Penng CLARENCE THOMAS, Mer. Saturday sure day home at b SATISFA(Q Mv Line Comprises: patterns vhted on season, snitable for all the different three sides , 80 that you see 1 the floor. arpet bargains small lots that must be Ex Note that the prices mean sewed, lined, laid, Styles for bea-rooms, hall or stairs, $1.10 quality, now at 89¢. 69¢. and 79¢. for qualities worth 85¢. and 90¢. Ingrain Carpets In ¢xcellent designs an solo ¢ cllent d 1gns and colorings; copied from high priced Carpets; on the floor they look worth double the price; 75¢. and 90c¢. Rag Carpets Made from clean materials sn }b¢., 65¢. and Carpets worth 65¢.. S0¢, surface and straight teed, Cotton stripes i ’ edges: i ZaC . 10 4 Wool stripes, 49¢. to 69¢ Carpet R In the regular 9x1 many odd sizes.