The Purpose of Advertising The purpose of store advertising is not merely to sell goods, but to sell more goods—to make friends, [ build up a patronage that will not only stick but Newspapers the greatest grow |r each number people in the immediate vicinity in | [ the most natural way, at the least expense, and they are therefore the In | a newspaper you follow the lines of least the stream | best of all mediums for stores resistance follow with you audi- the you talk to an assembled, to to right / | ence already read they | | people who want mental cosmos is are [ on your wire, and they | off if you hold their interest | all advertis- won't ring | traction is the basis of kind oft a light wagon such as Jeunylinds, Spring Wag i \ r—the store is the sun, customer { » te p lanehts that revolve | 1n bugaies, Ruabouts, ons, in fact shape or style around it any s are all well built and mechanically i vou desire, These wagon “They're laying for me’ becomes a familiar expression among po iltry rai [ ers who feed their hens Fairfield’s Ton and Egg Producer for try only. | Fairfield’s does the work every time be 111 the requirements of poultry [ , Lnslow For sale by F. H. Baker, Mount Joy H C. Greider, 1: disville D. B. Mount Joy, Pa. | reidaer 1Naisvi Ebersole, Elizabethtown | nstructed The many | have already sold ix good evidence of | 1e¢ r aurah Ly hat buy vour next wagon, Geo. R. F. D. No. » vou poul ause it isscientifically prepared to meet ind f Kreiner not Greiner | Last week we stated that “among | the estates adjudicated on Thurs- | day was that of Catharine Greiner | late of this borough for $492.27.” | [t should have been that line Kreiner, late of this Letters of administration were gran ted on the estate of Catharine H. Greiner to Philip R. Greiner. This | estate will be adjudicated later. ¥C-0-0-0-0-0 004-000 0-0-0000 0-0-0000 0 00000000 00000C 000000000000 FURNITURE To LIVE WITH difference in furni- it quicker in ou know that there's as much of Caro- re is in eggs—only yon discover borough. Plump ap yholstering and glossy finish often de ers of furniture, who only discover the mistake have lived with it The latest advices reaching the office inform us that the many severe tests made ofthe Fairfield’s Milk Producer tor Cattle only prove most conclusively that it is actually all that is claimed for it Besides increasing the flow of milk it enriches the quality and improves the condition of the animal. For sale by F. H. Baker, Mount Joy H. C. Greider, Landisville and D. B. Ebersole Elizabethtown ‘rom the store where both quality and reputation have the public tor thirty years, The larg and we are never andersold., n tested hefore assortment is always here, ItHEINITSH % FURNITURE CRRPGTS 29 South Queen St C. 8. Musser Successor to Wm._Scholing The Only Place to Get Good Bread, Cakes, Buns, &c. IS ATT Musser’ s West End Bakery Mount Joy Penna! .s Y.ancaster, P = =~ | | | | | | . > Clefeolelelotelotelototeletolototoletotelotetoftotototelate, % 2 & Photo Supplies 2 Cood Times Are Going To Continue 3 & If you buy Coal of me vou will certainly have 1 have Biss on hand the most sta— ple photo supplies that can be had such as Seeds’ D. Plates, Seeds’ Developers Developing Papers, Kodak Films, Brownie Films, Trays, Tripods, Ton- ing Solutions, Intensifiers, Velox Li- quid Developer, Emerald Acid, Clean- ing and Hardening Solution, Kodak Tank Developers, Passe-Partout Bind- ing, Flash Powders, Printing Frames, Stereographic Views, soc a Set; Tray Thermometers. W.B.BENDER Shaving Hair Cutting Shampooing E. Main St., Mount Joy Agency for Standard Steam Laundry a good comfortable home and after all that’s > where the real good times start from. F. H BAKER Building Slate, Coal and Lumber pposite Old P. R. R. Depot, MOUNT JOY, PENNA. cgaggetetagagegel fofototetototetotel togelogetotol ode) S>kancastor's Qargent Carpet House — | INEIW YEAR SALES The New Year is now here, and we are ready to supply all your wants in he way of home furnishin a We Can Furnish Your Home Complete Did you visit our large new, Furniture Department last year? Since last April, when we moved toour new lrcationat125and 127 EAST KING STREET, we have furnished hundreds of nev hous teepers. Itis not too early to call now and look over our liues of FURNITURE, RUGS, CARrETS, CHINAWARE, ETC. If you find anything you would like later on, we will hold it for you. We bave already laid back Tots of articles for spring delivery; and why? Because the prices are somuch more interesting now. It pays to make early selections H. Clay Miller Electrical... Contracting & Supplies. Repair Worl a specialty WESTENBERGER ‘MALEY & MYERS, ND 127 EAST KING ST LANCASTER, PA. DU DON'T OFTEN FIND offering at this TWICE-A-YEAR | marked 14 price; mostly | | 242 East Walnut Street | Bell Phone 146X Lancaster Prof. G. F. THEEL, 535 North Sixihy Sf, [riludeipiin, Fs. “in Deutscher 8 Art.” Only German Specialist. HAVE the only guaranteed on others can’t eure. . Weaknesses, Nervous rices on Shoes as we are 1 I and Children’s Shoes lot of Ladies’ smail sizes. hoes now 31.75. $2 3.00 NS 50 Shoes now $1.25. $2 ‘ Shoes now $2.00. 31. $4.00 ns, L "% & Bladder, Small "Shrunken Organs. years Pension) &6 hospital experience In Germany. Bend for Book, tells all, exposing City & Country advertisiag Mail treatment, Call or write 82 Shoes now | hoes now $1.5¢ Secrecy zuaranceed. | —ER © ~~ ——— AUB & CO. BOOTS, REOES, RUBBERS and IIOSIERY 2000000000000 bid oN M. Tuesday, Friday at Noon. $ We are Always Prepared to serve Pure Spring Water ICE: IN ANY guANTITY at Moderate Charges. Don’t fail to see us before plac- ing your order this year. J. N. Stauffer & Bro. Mount Joy, 0S ring, cluse 5 DP. Wednesday and nday Thursday, ueen Street, 5 Very LANCASTER, PENNA. | EET TET \ ST SRS a Warerooms Mount Jov, Penna. r p ) p b ) p p p p p p p p p p > y p p » p p p p p y ) ) p p p p 4 4 4 4 4 4 < < 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 < 4 4 4 4 < 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 Manager. in connection with serve in season. Oysters and Clams in every style, Turtle Soup, Deviled Crabs, Tongue and Tripe, Cheese and Sandwiches, Steaks and Chops to order Private dining room for ladies. FE. BRINSER, “)STEOPATH! | Fe. WW. McGinnis, PROPRIETOR. TAL Tr ZELLER | ing directly upon the blood ai.d muecuos surfaces In buying Halls Catarrah Cure | Real Estate and Insurance Office E. MAIN STREET, MOUNT JOY Calling and Crerking of Pubic Saces ouveyancing, NOTARY PUBLIC |W. M. HOLTOWBUSH ATTORNEY-AL-LAW, $3 West Main Street, Mount Joy, Penna. aster, Monday and Friday. at No North Duke Street any A Sarg, Cerrary Rene for § KE R KNOWN 7 FAIL, 8 Days nt Lance FRENCH FEMALE | PILLS. be ies Free. if yo our druggist does not have er mn sen ur orders to the UNITED MEDICAL CO., sox 74, LancasTen, Pa. Sold in M1. Jov by E. W. Garber &J. C. Groff Lishle- | | | | tails to give satisfaction we will re- | | | { | |i | | | | Elmer | | | | | | Settlemen tofestates, collection of rents,surveyingand | | articles should never be used ( Way | Thus afte | after { taken place. [ Mr. I The NEWTOWN ‘John Myers and family of"La disville, spent Sunday at the hom? of their parents. The River Brethren held their | regular meeting last Sunday in the | church in this place. Messrs. Singer and Brickerville, Bowder of Manheim, | Shirk of Mount Joy [in town as guests of and Miss friend of spent P will BB. Gibble, services Last Linebaugh of the interesting to Obtain far, Revival [next week Thursday Rev, N. L pied ‘lorin, pulpit and “The Life.” have very sermon on Eternal four conversions The spelling bee held here Gibble on Saturday the most successful in this was ever held in place. audience Pearl | Sunday | | | Becker and | Miss | continue | occu delivered a by evening, | every | was large and attent- | ive and the program was elaborate | and well executed recitations, and The Becker dialogues vocal music. recitations given by Messrs. and Singer very interesting and well applaud- was also recital by Blocher local by teachers ed as a poem , one of the pupils. Several quartettes was Iol- winners: very fine lowing is the list of prize It consisted of | were | delivered | Spelling class open to pupils of 14 | vears and under, Miss Catharine Charles teacher, 1st. 2nd. Minnie Greider, 3rd. tle, 4th Raymond Greider. ing class open to all, Isaac teacher, 1st. Elmer Blocher, 2nd. Emory Mumma, 3rd. John Hofi- man, 4th. Bertha Erb. Geographi cal class open to all, Prof. Andrew Martin teacher, 1st Iiddie Divet, 2nd. Samuel Simons, 3rd. William Brubaker, 4th. Norman Garber. General information open to all, Prof. Samuel Simons teacher. 1st. Norman Garber, 2nd. Elmer Blocher, 3rd. LeRoy Mumma, 4th. Amos Brubaker The judges were Charles Greider, Emanuel Myers and Daniel Shenk. James Shatz, Lee Wit- Spell- Singer class - Communicated Editor “Bulletin” —I1 would like to suggest a Tag Day for the bene- fit of the earthquake sufferers, and would name Lincoln’s birthday as the time. There could be no more fitting way of celebrating the birth day of the great emancipator. Cannot the different churches and Sunday Schools, next Sunday take up the matter by appropriating one or two as a part of an execu- tive committee to meet at once at some central place to complete ar- rangements. The work of such a committee will not be very arduous I can be an auxiliary to the Red Cross. 1 hope the matter will be taken up and pushed along and let our community again share its helpfulness in a good cause. A Subscriber, A hen infested with the lice will, in one day, waste vitally sufficient for the production of several eggs. This is why the egg season is so often cut short. Your hens need not be in this condition Fairfield’s Lice Killer will rid your fowl of the pest. For sale by F. H. Baker, Mount Joy H. C. Greider, Landisville and D. B. Ebersole, Elizabethtown. Marriage Licenses Samuel M. Heisey, Mount Joy, and Mamie K. Wenger, of Rapho. Dallas P. Weidman of Salunga, and Anna M. Swnith of this place. Emery R Miller and Katie IL. Ebersole both of Mount Joy town- ship Howard D. Ruhl, Mount Joy township, and Myrtle R. Fourman, of Lebanon County. Beware of Ointment for Catarrah that Con- tain Mercury as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell | and completely derange the whole system When | eutering it through the mucecus surfaces Such xcept on preserip tions from reputavle phy sicians, as the damage they will do is ten fold to the good you can possibly derive from them. Hall's Cate irrh Cure, maeufiactured by F.J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O, contain no me cuvy, and is taken inte rnally, act- of the system. be sure you get the genuine. nally and mad= in To & Co. Testin_unials { Sold by all Drugetsts, 7c. per bottle, Take Hall's Family Pills. for constipation. It is taken inter- rn A tn Anniversary Sale do, Ohio, by ¥. J. Cheney | New TYorlx | JOIN AT ONCE, AND HAVE THE The 40th anniversary sale is now | going on. The greatest in clothing ever heard of bargains | at Bach- | enheimer’s Old Reliable Eagle Hall | Corner Third and Locust Streets Columbia. See window display. rai ¢*Root hog or die,” ular expression. n’t say that nowadays He says the hog Fairfield’s Zonic for Hogs only and he will get well, stay well and become a profitable investment. The farmer knows a good thing when he sees it That's why he uses Fairfield’s. For sale by F. H. Baker, Mount Joy H. C. Greider, Landisville and D. PB. Ebersole Elizabethtowd. : was once a pop- | The hog raiser does | feed | ‘Maytown, Penna. 4 > a... wr reat Cled¥Pance Sale o«¢ en’s, «= Misses’ and Children’ s Coats, sll Suits, Waists,| Dresses and Furs SS ——— More vigorously even than your own Spring Housecleaning will be, have we gone through all these stocks? At Inventory taking ~just closed— not a single article 1s overlooked. Naturally many small lots and broken lines are brought to light that must be closed out at once, Read carefully all these items, sure to contain something~-probably several-—needed by §ourself or the family. SUITS STRONG- LY REDUCED COATS at HALF SAVE HALF This season's models in Broad- cloths, Cheviots, Worsted etc,, both black and colors, Size lines broken, but your size at each price. B10 and $12 Suits, now $7.98. $15 and $18 Suits now $9.95. $20 and $22.50 Suits now $12.98. $25 and $27.50 Suits now $15. Girls’ and Children’s Coats—Save a Third The chance so many Mothers have been waiting for. Ladies’ aud Misses’ sizes at each price, Coats in black or colored Broadcloths, Kersey or Cheviot, Were $10.00, at $5 oo. Were $12.98 at $6.49 Were $20 00 at $10.00, Were $2 .00 at $12.50 Girls’ $5.00 Coats, now $3.49. $7.50 $4.98 “we io i $6.49. In 8 to 14 year sizes. All colors in Chinchilla, Kersey, Fancy Mix- tures, etc., THIS GROUP NEAR HALF $3, p4 and $5, Coats now at $1.75, pr.98 and $2.49. Sizes 8 to 14. Chi.dren’s Coats Were $3 00 and $3.50, at $1.98. Were $5.00 now $3 49. Many other reduced prices not mentioned. In Bearskin, iu White, Brown, Blue, Red, Gray; of broadcloth etc. Children’s Plaid Flannelette Dresses Reduced Sizes 6 to 14 years, regularly 50, 59 and 75¢, all at 39c¢. remain—muffs, neck pieces, etc., | in Fox, Possum, Brcok Lynx, Nat- | ural aud Blended Squirrel, at a (fourth to a third off. Two hints. $5 00 Pieces now £3.49. | Black Dress Skirts $6 to $7.50 Values $4.98 All sizes in plain or trimmed effects in worsteds, panamas, cheviots, etc. Formerly $6.00, $6.50, $7.00 and $7.50, all now $4.98. 210.00 Pieces now $7.50. SAVE ON SHIRTWAISTS Values up to $1.00,*in flannelette madras and lawn, at 50¢ Black Mohair, black or white batiste waists, 98¢ instead of $1.50, $5 oc SILK WAISTS, $3.49 In black aud the wanted colors and patterns SAVE A FOURTH TO A THIRD All of these splendid furs that FURS ~ Throughout This Great Sale Inventory taking has revealed many small lots of things you’ll want to wear now-—Underwear, Hosiery, Shoes, Hats, etc. To you they are just as desirable as ever, but while they remain, they hamper us in our plans to have all onr stocks fresh and new and bright for Spring ; At the prices they have been marked, you can save a fourth, a third, on some a half, Look for the price cards when you come: FoSTERs a» GOCHRAN to Williamson’s Suceessors 32 to 38 E. King St., Lancaster, Pa, 4 9000000000000 00000 9000006000000 MEN'S AND BOY: CLORFIING Unequalle dR ues in Men’s & Youths’ SUITS and OVERCOATS We mnst close out every heayy-weight garment; and, to accomplish this speedily, every price has been cut to to the bottom notch. Remem- ber that every suit and Overcoat in this Sale is new, stylish, of good materials, properly shaped, handsomely tailored, add made to our special order. Suits and Overceats—Fcr Men and Young Men; $10, $12 and $15 values; sale prices, $7.45, $8.95 and $11.75 $18, $20 and $23 values; at $13.45, $14.95 and $17.45. 40 Men’s Suits AT ONE-HALF FORMER PRICES. All-Wool Fancy Cheviots and Cassimeres, that were priced at’ $15, $16.50 #18 and $20. We want to close this lot out in a hurry, If you cau use one, see to it at once. Prices have been cut in two. Our Co-operative Club. A helpful plan to g: Sewing Machine on easy-l >t an up-to-date tOLLER terms. BLARING 0-pa} $25.00 MACHINES AT $15.50. $30.00 MACHINES AT $19.50. $35.00 MACHINES AT $21.50. high-arm chine construction; four greatest and polished, five A ‘high-grade, roller and ball-bearing one of the country’s makes; oak case, carved swell front, antomat ers, drop head; tachments and our You pay $2.00 whi club, and $1.00 a week until paid. club fees, no interest charges; simp buying a Sewing Machine on the chy plan at the spot cash price. araw- set of at. * guarantee von join USE OF THE MACHINE, 0000000000000 000000990909000069¢ Corner Square and E. King 5f., La Peo JOHN H. KRENER, Og CLARENCE THOMAS, Mer. J Saturday sure day home at both pl SATISFAC My Line Cog 8s