0000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000¢ Ten Days’ Reduction Sale Clothing, Hats, Caps, Underwear, Gloves TO BE CALLED BY Chas. H. Zeller, Auct. February Tuesday, 2—In Rapho township, on the road leading from Mount Joy to Maderia’s mill, liye stock and farming implements by Amos R. Gerber. Wednesday 17—In Rapho township on the road leading from Mount Joy to Bakers bridge, on the farm formerly owned by Ohristian Hossler, horses, mules, bull and a large lot of farming imple ments | by John M. Brandt. Shoes, 4 = Wer ters for Mer 1 and Boys © List of Spring Sales ! aT * ® , Misses and Chile Skirts, Waists and several other articles to be sold at a Great Reduction ( Y¢ ats for Ladie OPPO A Sale of Furs, Happy New Year to All COWS, Ladies Tailored Broadcloth Suits in a com- Wednesday, December 16, 1908 All come and save dollars, Sale Begins and will last ten days only, 1s the All come in time to get first ¢ hoice. Thursday 18—in East Donegal township, near Graybills church, live stock, farming implements and household goods by Mrs. Ell M. Heisey. plete line of sizes and in all the best colors, newest in town, The first is a suit handsomely tailored in Black, Navy, This will be a money-saving. Jop A rtunity for you, are a few of our Special Reduction Prices: and $2.75 at $1.95 and $ Here & Men’s Corduroy Pants, former prices $2.50 }—In East Donegal township, Brown and Smake Tuesday 2 Lancaster County, Pa., on the A, H, Stauft er farm, large lot of live Stock and farm- jog implements by Clayton VY. Brardt, Green, nalitvy Engraving Dene rx SOUTTER, BUCHANAN & YOUNG Liancas ition to INsSwer & [ am now in all inquiries prowptiy dire a er ¢: Pirosh 4 Simm: ter o @ Jewelers & Opticians. | & 20 N. Queen St. Next Door to Shaub & Go. Sfoe Stoe. PPP POP6PL0¢9600 0009000000000 000 | : Se 90049259919923149940093399444434340000384 Rll Orders Pr omptiy Rt nde &» é & Amos EXoover | % Isancatter, Pa. ® MTTRIED ¢ hh} md & $ ® ¢ 115-117 N. Queen St., VHF Nar Ar er eos Or LA TE CTW ESPN TAN | ST A CE I nacker Hall | we | POOICOPPVCOISLDIPE60C000PPVV0PP 9900000006000 2000000¢ 11 J. B. MARTIN & ( New Rugs the Holiday Seaso y Mount Joy, P Xe 50 exe oxy gx guy oxo 's Lozgest Carpet Housed - 2S LO), — Ea ani er Christmas Presents always welcor 3 2 “cz ® A OLOTOLO] You are J erowded with thin ana tions: Many For Book Cases. Great Bargains in Swansdown and All-Woo nke and tl amou )t- | PROPRIETOR AND MANAGER ton Down Maish Comforts, er pecial price n these until Christmas, i | Yorra lt think i A tirana 65:1 5 v ral MOVING | — PICTURE THEATRE The best amusement place in Mount Joy. Complete change of pictures every evening. Always something new and no repeats. Come every evening, you will be delighted. Everything positively fire proof; good exits and steam heated. Pictures new and up- to-date. Show lasts nearly one hour. | AD miSSION, 5c. that room f you estimatg ngin I much. We will cheerfully give 1 of Carpets. 20060000000 000000200 2900000040600 remova RICLITES ALA NERE me mair® SEN me Te ELL TIC Prints. Small frames for res—in Rich Gold, Oaks and Blacks. Special size of framing pictures to order : i Evie Lh i SRLEENE orde pg articles &s patterns of mouldings to select from and prices much lower Expert framers to do the work. We would your orders carly. astels and We make a specialty suggest th : Good Times Are Coing To Continue | have ined Preserve Kettles Have you t ted Vitrophone—the new substitute fa sing Pan Easily, put on, and at a small cost you can shut out the t many other articles a 0 vou will certainly : + If you buy Coal of me A080 a good comfortable home and after all that’s Soe are COTE Se where the real good times start from. P= Hi BARER Lumber BERIT ERBEED A) * v Ae Ok Corner of West King & Pr 0000002000090 00009000000600000000000¢ 924 . i w 2054 and MOUNT JOY, Ha lding Slate, Coal OF “3 are OF “ > Spas Old P. R. R. Depot, Pay — -~ The Mount Joy io MARBLE and GRANITE : {Ook 4 3 We oh A Happy New is the Wish of 7 The Busy Furniturg That our efforts to carry a line of Medium and High-Grade Furniture, such as notusually | carried in stock in a city of this size, are fully appreciated was again made evident by our un | usually heavy Christmas Trade, which com- | pelled us to inerease the force in our shipping | department. and if by chance in the rush and | harry of the last few days any piece got out that is not entirely satisfactory we will consid- er it a special favor to report it ai once. If your purchase should arrive a ltttle late, we trust you will pardon us, or, notwithstanding our increased force, we have been taxed to the utmost. THIRTY YEARS. 1 : | | i | With the close of this year’s HEINITSH FUR NITURE AND CARPET STORE business the closes its thirtieth vear of continuous progressive business, The | ‘growth of this business can be attributed largely t ir constant effort to give Bananas Grapes Etc., Etc. If You Want the Best | Have It! SATISFACTION Granite from Scotland, Sweden and Norway always in stock for yourin- spection. I have erected 333 tomb- stones and monuments the last 11 years in the Mt. Joy, Henry Eberle and Florin cemeteries alone; not in- cluding Landisville, Salunga, Silver Spring, Kraybill’s, ©ross Roads, Newtown and many other places. SRA AHH RHR HR Kl Far- have want, Satisfa tion in Satisfaction in getting what you nitare is mostly quality and appearar given during the past thirty years has mad tion synonymous with reliable home furnishings, > | thank our many friends and patrons for the i S$ 1 ice, The satisfaction we Thanking you for your liberal patronage in the year just closing, and trusting our contin- ued ‘efforts to please you will warrant a con- We heartil in . 3 tinuance of the same, we beg to remain, liberal patronage, and beg to remain xreen Mount Yours for the best in Furniture and Rags G I'O ce I'v =m wm ww Ew & PRIVATE SALE The nndersigr ed offers at private sale, a lot of ground situated in Florin Ya, fronting on the Harrisburg and Lancaster turnpike. "The im- provements are a handsome THREE 3TORY BRICK HOUSE with Summer House attached, frame stable. hog sty and other outbuildings. There is a god arden aud wun abundance of fruit. he property is in excellent repair and has a good location, being a corner dwelling and is directly oprosite J. 8 Carmany’s Store Any person Foctraus of viewing same will ¢ all on the undersigned. Termsand price reasonable (: | Respectfully, | { J C VV. Hotfmeier B 40-42 East King St. hanes FHEINITSH # FURNITURE CERPESTS LY-29 South Queen St., , Pa, #0-0-0-0-0-0 0-0-0-0-0-0 0-0-0-0-0-0 0-0-0-0-0-0 0-0-0000 0-0-0 0-0-0000 0-0-0000 0-0-0000: This is All About Coffee urniture, Hall Racks rniture that is F CAPS and GL( 3 Lancaster H. S.STOL.L.. FLORIN, Pa. CHOICE HAMS Let us furnish you with some Choice Ham for your dinner. [It is finer than the ordinary and remember, no small picnic hams either. Must be good or I will return your money. One purchase will make you a regular customer. Don’t forget that I have rented the slaughter house recently used by Mumma & Detwiler where I will do all my own Xilling. Always have a big supply of Beef, Pork, Sausage Pressed and Prepared Ham, Bologna, Dried Beef, &c., &c. Call and be convinced. H, KRALL Our claim 1s a big one. As coffee sel- lers we are the first—First in Quality, First in Quantity and First m Down Right Value. You're after the goods be cause yon want quality. We are after the money because quality brings it. FIRST IN QUALITY—Every woman or man who has used oar 18 cent coffee knows its value and that it is unequaled. at anything near this price. We want you to know we are in earnest about this Our faith in our ‘coffee is fixed; So is the faith of those who use it. So will your faith becorie when ygu begin to use | our coffee. ( Superior coffee at 25¢ has smoothness. It is soothing, delicate, rich and can be used in any seasonable quantity without the slightest ill effects. Special A. is also a mild class of pure coffee. It is a very mellow coffee. The flavor suggests every thing that coffee is, and tor flavor and color we recommend this grade; joc. per 1b. Red Seal is what the Bostons' call the aristocrats’ cup. Being 38c. a pound you naturally expect something vely unusual and yon get it. A true after dinner drink, periect in quality, perfect in age, in aroma, in roasting, in everything. Semple given of any grade. - B. | Bernhart & Co., ext Mount Jov, Pa. Ll). ASSORTMENT OF CAPS LARGEST AND HEAVY-WEIGHT ALL THE NEW SHAPES AND SHA Soft And Wingert '144 Nerth Queen Street, k { + LIGH AND ( THE CITY. DES Ladies’ Desks Tables, Davenports itchen Cabinets the Furniture Line d Embaiming RUNNER | "EIN INA.