| 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Holding |i A Ten Days’ Reduction Sale = ! Trumps | Clothing, Shoes; Hats, Caps, Underwear, Gloves By W. F. BRYAN. | Copyrighted, 1808, by Assoolated lle Sweaters for Men and Boys . Literary Press. ke * i | Coats for Ladies, Misses and Children Bitter Creek cared little for the pres Ny. : . ore Skirts, Furs, Waists — ; idential race, It was too remote from the center of things to care which of and several other articles to be sold at a Great Reduction \ Tani the two Williams occupied the WMte House, It was the tall of the ticket that interested Bitter Creek, and inter Sale Begins Wednesday, December 16, 1908 and will last ten days only. All come and save dollars. Our stock is the newest in town, All come in time to get first choice. This will be a money-saving ops ested it mightily ¢ ; 1 . . - oie The camp had reached a stage in its ke, development where a local sheriff was of greater importance than a national ruler. The fight was to be made strict portunity for you, Here are a few of our Special Reduction Prices: Men's Corduroy Pants, former prices $2.50 and $2.75 at $1,985 and $2,256 Men's 50 cent Underwear, now ly on party lines, but the parties were the Colcordites and the Myllusites, ® { 4 ‘ i “mn v 3 i It was agreed that either man would admirably perform the onerous duties one of the office, but Ben Colcord and Tom Mylius both wanted the place, and the contest would be none the less excit ing because the two men were close \ friends. “This sure is going to be a fight,” | Men's Felt Boots, former price $3.25 and $3.50, now... Men’s Rubber Boots, the Best Grade, former price $3.75, now [. D. Beneman Reliable Merchant a laugh, “I think I see myself wear- » id » . N o : The goods are here and hundreds of people are taking advantage of it, | [ [2 suet “I think [see mys East Main St., Mount Joy, Pa. “Do Likewise.” Articles vou do not w int to miss, i “Not if 1 can help it,” denied Col- | +000000000000006060000000000000000000000000000000000¢ : Eos cord. “I've a few ideas as to how to | run a campaign myself, and I'm going Now 1s the time for you to ay ail yourse ff of the opportunity of the over | announced Colcord when he met his chum after the nomination, ‘No hard producti ion of a ¢ hothing manufactur rand shoe house. L | feeling if I beat you, Tom?" “If you can,” confirmed Mylius, with PEVPIVINV09000009000000000000000000000000000 0090000000000 00000009000000000000 Gem ey Tablet Does Noe. Contain Any Heid » tha 3AV1 bor two eable to try ti = k B o A ‘Anything short of shooting,” Overcoats Men’s Arctics, $1.74 + AL eR bd tter Creek did not have long Suits \ Men’s Shoes, $1.58 MI oh on fe Suits | Men's Rubbers, 74c ctvcen rele bo nde a 1€8S ut rot or In ost of whi te bt a single ( ntimeed Overcoats || Fleece Underwear, 38c |] ||“ ie ine © i Children’s “ 18¢ & |i Sata I run thr Men's Shirts, 44c | ines at the far a ar had it not been that at the « NN ment the harmless cl known tom 5 Points of Merit i lo vashing clean + 4 r and better t @ | | 1 os or interfere with the houses ( on of each performance he \ : : . Simply it on and boil. the audien TOSS v street 2 : 1x, 4 : makes the laundry a pure snowy wigte wntheut Hunglreds of articles included in this sal¢ that space will not permit mention. § | | te vain I ing, so come and see for yourself. You will be well paid for the time. | and the : general opinion that Co dition Positively no stained, stre aky or rotted clothes. cord had set a pace too swift for It is a germicide and deoderant killing all germs to follow, but Mylius pleasant It will whiten your bed-spreads, linens, laces and garment is smile grew broader the follow that have been vellowed by / ing week’ when Mpylius played and fr \ A took the second trick. Bitter C1 SS i 9 nhl sadly lacked the feminine elem (AU7108: Save for Mrs, Mulligan, who ran the Golden West hotel, the census of 4 West King Street LANC ASTER® A. J | ter Creek was entered in the male PRICE FIVIS CENTS. column of the records. Alway sfask cer for Gem Laundry Tablets. Manufactured only by The arrival of Edna Mylius created nothing ss than a sensation, and that evening the pict show deserted, while the voters of Bi Creek slowly filled past the Golder West in the hope of obtaining a sight of the new arrival. Edna Mylius was well worth tl! trouble. She was a slip of a girl wit a coronet of silky hair the «olor of Clits na virgin gold. She dressed with’ an art ful simplicity far more fetching than | the latest fashion, and her smile wa i simply irresistible. She was just out DIAMOND Bings, Studs, Scarf Pins, | Sterling Silver Combs, Brushes, Mirrors 1 . i t+ an. | Harrings and Bi hes and Silver Novelties of every conceivable of “college, in love with the west an: | kind, delighted to be one of the factors i _WATCHES—Gents’, Dadies’, Boys in | CLOCKS. Every ships. every desien. in an election contest. Silver, Gold and Gold Filled | Gold-Plated fol ye Ya an Tom fitted up a store near the pic SILVERWARE Tea Sets, Cake Bask- | Bed-room or Kitchen. ’ ’ ture show, and waflles, with real hon | ets, Butter Dishes, Soup Touresns, Tea and | All Engraving ey, vied with the pictures as an at | Table Spoons, Knives and Forks, ete. | Deno roo traction. Waffles were Edna's special | SVT ER G1 ty LR ty, and with sleeves rolled above he: | POTLE'E SuTs—-In Silver and Epony, Of Charge dimpled elbows, with dainty apro: and a coquetish cooking cap, her faci 2 2 flushed from the heat of the fire, she | { more effective than the product of lan- | tern and film across the street. Bitter | = x Creek decided that of the two Tom Jewelers & Opticians. Mylius was better fitted to be sheriff. | n i. racked his brains for some 20 N. Queen St. Next Door to Shaub & vo. Shoe Stoe. thing to ccunteract the effect of the waffles and brought down to the Creek | | 1 0000000000600 00000660000000000000000006000000060000000 half a dozen minor pugilists, who bat- | tled for the benefit of a mere handful Many New Rugs and Carpets Scibert NVianuafactar a Co, Corn Mt, Iphraim Ave. and Mechanic St., Camden, N If your grocer does notfhave them send tw -cent stamp and we will send FREE sample 20000000000000000000000000000000 *244544445749943040433 084530000004 SII te irrrrst roses ores ove 29 Can be easily settled if you stop long enough to think what an 4 ceptable and almost everlasting gift al piece © well made furniture makes. There are here hundreds of the most flesirable 09000600004 ¢ LE La . : : as Gifts—Just run in land loo} dh Fo i : i a Christmas Gif J < eet GF Hp gre YOT host the gift problems more perplexing than any task which around— You’ll find something here orts hem during the year. for {: »r. mother, brother or sister {mili Mi 1 Thos ; for father, q | Am + 0%€ who seek our aid can say, Be-gone to gtftiproblems. or the other fellow’s sister. |The se- 1] AL rei ois : ! ; ; : = ASE : WE Hfn't tax your purse to gratify your taste, appropriate gifts here lection is now more complete than it : will be later on. So an early selec— Ladies and | 35¢., 50¢C., up to!$2.00. Kid Gloves the best makes $1.50 to $3.00 a pair. tion will be to your advantage. Handkerchiefs from the modest Hoffmeier Bros. 40-42 East King St. Lancaster, Pa. i | embroidered linen 5c. to £2.00 each. of spectators, while the rest of the camp watched Edna make fudge. Colcord left the fight and went over | to see what success the fudge maker | was having. The room was packed with men solemnly masticating the toothsome compound, while Mylius | made a speech. They listened, as in duty bound, but all eyes were upon the trim little fig- ure hovering over the stove at the end of the hall. She had impressed Mulfigan as assistant, and the ponder- ous figure of the elder woman made an excellent foil for the girl. Edna looked up, with a smile, as ( cord entered and made his way to the stove. It was by no means his first visit, and she had come to like the frank, breezy man who at once was her brother's friend and rival. | “I’m perfectly happy,” she whispered | as she offered Colcord a plate of th sweets. “When we made fudge in = chafing dish I used to say that I hoped some day to be able to make all I wanted to. I've got my wish sooner than I expected.” “I wish I might have mine, Colcord. “You can’t,” was the prompt reply. | “I'm going to elect Tom as sheriif. | Perhaps if you are real good I'll elect es and Gents | 2900000000 Nir nbrellas 39¢. 50¢ 75¢ | . t $1.00 sack | Special showing at 12'c, 25¢ Fine Presents for Xmas. Men's Suspégers in boxes, 39¢. | an Sil Gal £ Be { 50€. 75C. $1.00 \a30h dios’ ; Cont’ 'Q and Sil. So Ladies’ and Gents’ Gold and Sil | Men’s fine neckties each tie in a For the Holiday Season. And more coming in every day. Nothing more acceptable for Christ mas than a Rug or Carpet. ver Watches, Clocks, All Kinds of Men's SuspeMers in boxes, 25c. | handsome box, 25c., s0c,, 75C.. soc. and $1.00 eis}, and $1.00. Jewelry, Rings. Chains, Fobs, Brooches, Lockets, Hat Pins, Cut Ladies beautif\| Neckwear in all | % Drawn linen Doylies and Cluny Glass. Stihe very beautiful things the new styles 2. soc 5c, $1 | lace pieces from the small six inch : Don’t you think it a good time to have that papering done: The new patterns are handsome, and at this season you get the advantage of the low rates tor hanging. Brighten up that room. for the holidays. Won’t oost much. We will cheerfully give you estimates Work done without removal of Carpets. : 4 ; up to $3 oo each. | sizes to large centre table price in Silverware. If you can’t se lect | from $8 oo to $12.00 each t Ladies white brons the gilt 2 1e gif 0 a nice present here youre hard . kinds, neat, roufy and are *in cushions antitul lace please. Prices Right, hE I and square | _Pin cushions beautiful lace and Sty:ec and rummy at yoc., 25cs | ribbon irimmed. Christmas Pictures are here—all the novelties. New framing. Engravings, Pastels and Prints. Small frames for photos and small pictures—in Rich Gold, Oaks and Blacks. Special sizes made to order. We make a specialty of framing pictures to order. Hundreds of patterns of mouldings to select from and prices much lower than elsewhere Expert framers to do the work. We would suggest that you hand in your orders early. S. H. Miller’s Jewelry Store Mount Joy, Penna. SOUT (ER, BUCHANAN retorted | Have you tized Vitrophone—the new substitute for stained glass. Easily, put on, and at a small cost you can shut out the unsightly views. 0090000000000 00000000090006000000000 600000000 Corner of West King & Prince Sts. 2000000000000 0900000000000909000000000000000000000000 0000000000600 RR Ve ronan ee MARAE Le *¢ : We invite you host comp. ehensive showihg of fashionable. Extension & Other| Tables, Davenports|tootwear it has ever I i i ier ey Continual ou Page ie ; : : 23 the Rew styles 38 and you will find the quality of the leather; .. sromendons buying and - and materials better : : 3 China Closets, Kitchen Cabinets = 33 materiale better Be Og many seasons. Prices forl ig possibilities of a small classified Look at them in the ¥ . dig eS her "| advertisement in a great newspaper are seldom appreciated. “THE PHILADELPHIA PRESS” goes Undertaking and Embalming into thousands ot homes and 18 read ; wi a muititude cf people, some of rg qa fwhom have what you want or want BOOTS, RUBBERS and HOSIERY wkat you have. The advertisement brings buyer and seller together. Open Monday Eve p P. M. Tuesday, Wednesday aud For io of a man in the Be TH riday 2 at Noon. { | wanted a certain rare book. North Que xg LANCASTER, a. Loe +k gfe leading hpokeeliy : ey 5: YOUNG - b you the next time.” is the only kind I sell—Furniture that is Furniture. 115 117 N. pueen St., Lancaster “It’s hard to fight fudge,” assented : Colcord, with a laugh, “but there is . still the home stretch to be run off. Rockers Mirrors Hall Racks| ®¢eeeeesoed 00000000000000000048 |Tu wiit mri sec” : Edna smiled as she shook her head Pi F 1 di ’ D k | in disapproval of the claim. it < S b “Th yt 's hearts is through jcture i ramest, Ladies; 2 esks New bs in Fall Footwear thelr stomach’ she reminded. | v GHBEHHHTHSBIHBVLHBHOHBIBOBBH “A lesson you have taught me,” he Cood Times Are Going To Continue If you buy Coal of me vou will certainly have a good comfortable home and after all that’s where the geal good times start from. ® & £2 od Ee oF & 8 In fact anything in {the Furniture Line hedged de ded gotototote aly