THE WEEKLY VOL. VIIL THE BULLET Hi orse Kicked by a Met Jacob Rutherford of I With a Very bad Accidfent on Christmas Morninle fig Jacob Rutherford of Florin ured in an accident ¢n Christ- mas morning that came near causing him his life, My [1 ily her- ford had arranged to take to his parents’ home at \ spend the day and had e employe r Jacob Hershe : vod t drives d: horse that he coal and feed wagon. the horse to hitch it. Mr. M. C. Bowman; Dr H. Newpher; f Ex., S. 5h, S. Longenecker; H. | Newpher; V. H., J. Prustee, Dr. John Rep., E. F. Heiner; JNO. Stoll; 1 Je Hall commit- tee. H. C. Schock, M. M. [Leib and J. H. Stoll. The following officers were elect- ed by Trinity Evangelical Luther- an Sunday school on Sunday, Dec. 27, 1908: Supt, Wm. Tyndall; As- sistant, L.. Percy Heilig; Asst. Sec, Chas. DeLong; Treas., M. M. Bru- baker: Organist, Geo. Drabenstadt; Asst. Organist, Alice Dillinger; Li- brarian, Jac. H. Zeller; Asst. brarian, Paul Dieter. The follow- Li- ing scholars have not missed a day during the year: Mary Dyer, Katie Shire, Jay Klugh, Alice Klugh, Mau Hinkle and Wilma SE Were Agreeably Surprised All the children of Mr. and H.S. Frank. Mrs. Eby of near the Union U. B. church, met at the home of their on Christmas where a parents bounteous They received a number dinner was served. of very handsome Those pres- Ir. and Mrs. Eby wife, ent as follows: — ) I. B. Breneman, I wife, Ira S. Hess Stern and wife, Mother Eby, Miss Hettie Eby, Eli S. Eby, Wall: Edgar Elsie, Henry, Lillie, John and Norman Breneman; Myra Hess and Maggie Stern. -— A Cat, A Canary, A Fire Just because a cat was intent making a meal on Mrs. Derr’s can- ary at her home on West Main street, thefe came very near being a fire on Sunday evening. Pussy tried to get the canary by pulling the cover off a table upon which was the cage and a lighted were lwin and ind Paris e Ezra and ed a small blaze but the flames were soon extinguished. During the excitement the cat succeeded 55 4 large supply of all kinds of spending some ti in making a meal on the canary. sa __—M— a. Married in the West Word was received here last week from George Craley, formerly hired with Eli Engle near town, nfany patrons with a cup of delici- brother Wesle but for the past few years a 1esi- qus cocoa at his place of business spending a we dent of Kans; h 2 had taken unto himself N’S CIRCULATION on lamp { was thrown on the floor and start- \ IS MORE THAN MOUNT JOY, PEN \ os VA, WEDNES | A Surprise on Christmas Mrs. P. R. Greiner of this and Mrs. J. G Good’s church, gave a surprise to their parents Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Wachstetter of near Elizabethtown The following were place LLeedom of near on Christmas present: Mr. and Mrs. P. R. Greiner Messrs. Walter, Harry Greiner all of Mt. Joy, Mr and Mrs: J. G. isses Myrtle, Kath- ryn, [esther Leedom all of near Good’s Church Mrs. Frank Miss A grand dinner and John Leedom Marion, and Verna Ira Shreiner, Mr. and 3rvan of Mt Joy, and Ida Brvan of Witmer. 1 was served and all enjoyed the oc- casion. A Local Prize Fight £1 Mo ght Ww pulied to the surprise ripant 3 | 0 local fs vere ion”’ (roun } f A000 Ut Mr. | a trained at The , > ee oes 1amily soon bpeca 1 na etor, backenstoe pur— [Lancas- Backen- me greatly member little animal es- The fi tached to the Ward rret son raising havoc among the nts, but yesterday it wandered on the old railroad siding adjoining yard. A neighbor | 1 ad ‘the Littl l 1 spl animal. the 1appened to pass an 1 He immediately with a | stone, thinking it . - dT Mild Winter Weather Many people are recalling mild | was ; ~~ Pd winters of years ago 1n comparison | the condi- | Just nineteen years ago, the | with present weather tions. day after Christmas Mrs. Wm H. Gantz of this place, then a resident of Warwick. plucked a fine cluster | | | of wild flowers in a woods near her | home. While our present winter | has been very mild thus far, it is | no comparison with the one of 1889. Each Won a Plg 7 In a guessing contest zs to the containdd | in a | seeds number of ‘large pumpkin raised by ‘George | two he | Florin, persons The pumpkin | hotel | count | Vogle at guessed alike, 400. was cut at Wm. H. on Christmas and a careful showed 406 seeds. As it was a tie. ! Henry Miller of Florin and Henry | Zeager of East Donegal were each Gantz’s given a pig. New Year at the Post Office On New Year’s Day the post of- fice will be closed from 8.30 a. m. to 5.30 p. m. and there will be no} The rural carriers will be given a holi- day. money orders on that day. The post office was closed part Day but the obliged to go of Christmas rural carrier were over thei: routes. i A New Bank Soon ! It is expected that within the | next few days the comptroller of the currency will authorize the Landisville bank to start business. A bank examiner has inspected the \new bank building and has report led favorably. | a New Meat Market ¥ | Jacob E. Loraw has opened a new meat market at his home on Donegal street where he always ‘meats on hand.. For prices see circulars. . ’ BE —— \ Served Free Drinks Vv | Dr. E. W. Garber served his’ ay evening. His liber- eatly appreciated. : | City, | sisters. Vad oes day act several days in t§n as Our Card Basket Persons That Were Visiting Since Our Lat Issue—Read Their Whereabout. Mrs. M. J. Bieber left vesterday for Canada. Mrs. John Adams of 8 siting in town R. Ebersole and fan ristmas in town hn Engle of York. s) th his parents. | ier spent sever burg last weel Keller spent ith his parents ssel spent Mor Brotherly Lo £4 otte w the guest spent amily Ozcar gennd] and f ‘Lancaster Spent friends. T.M Glen Rock . Brownppent Christmas at asgthe of guest mother. M spent several c Oxford, Pa. J. Willis Freed friends at Mr. and with Mrs. J. E. Scholl is the guest of Mrs. Milton O. Wttle at Elizabeth- town today. ! C. E. Reed of hiladelphia spent the guest { of his sister. Frank Hogendbler of Philadel- phia was the gug of B. S. Dilling- er on Saturda Samuel H 1 family of Pottst here w several days Geo York . friend: Prof. our sel home in Mr. and are spendin his parents 3 A. J. Penn Saturday in to Mr. and Mrs. Eli N. Hershée turned last several years’ stay in Mrs. Marian Weltme. is ing the holidays in Reding her sister Mrs. Wm. Ktzer. Charles B. Yeageriand lady friend of Lititz, spent hristmas with Alex. Kramer and |mily. Our able High scho teacher Miss Anna K. Miller spe Christ- mas at her homes bs ville. Mr. and Mrs. h Christmas at Glé of Mrs. Leibs’ m( Mr. and Mrs. Newville, Cumbe home spend- with spent guests ister. Derr of ty, are icinity a few est of hugh. P. J. Dieter is days at Harrisburg his daughter Mrs. § fi her are at Mrs. G. Samuel, y| Wal sk wit York. TRIPLE [Lancaster spent { Mrs, H ent Xmas vigiting his | | | Ch ist | 0] o THAT Marion spent several days in Pennell, Miss Kathryn Morton burg, was the guest of hel Gantz and wife o parents Wm, Chrisemas. Mrs, Jacob M. guest of Mrs. sel Harmon wa : » | Reich's meeting hou and Sunday. narry Shoo H, } granddaughter of Mounts { 4 | Christmas in town ¢ { Misses Shook iS here \1 VT. parents | 5 iler. Mr. and Mrs. and children of ¥ Aaron Seachrist East Berlin, Pa, spent here Mrs Seachrist’s parents Mr. and Mrs. A B. Cling Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Omer S 3 York, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. F. Bar- bour and son of ed Mr. and Mrs. John Wharvell on Christmas. Prof. E. R. Barclay, superinten- dent of the sehools at Huntingdon, | Pa, Christ. | mas here with Mrs. Barclay’s par- M. Trexler. Shelly, and wife and Cath- with his family, spent | ents Mr. and Mrs. E HC. arine Morton of Harrisburg, spent Mrs. Mr. A. C. Morton at Florin. with the family of [ras Jacob Shelly of this place and raffin left on Christmas hiladelphia where he spent several days, by Miss spend a week or more in t He was accompanied Ethel Yoffee, who will he city. ATL ry T 1 MIS, J. IL, I the hospital at Lancaster where she is undergoing treatment, re- ficiently so as to return Thursday covered = home and Xmas. Harry Haverstick, head coach of the Susquehanna University basket ball team, and near on spend several days in It again next spent with friends. that Harry will Shamokin uniform towr is quite likely wear Summer. a Settled Their Dispute On Thursday ““Pole-cat Bobby” and “Swift” had quite an argument as to which was the better shot and who had the best gun. ly decided the matter by going to of 25 cents each. At a distance of 35 yards “Swift” put one shot in his block but “Bobby” couldn’t even do that good and of course ost. ! Rl The United Brethren Choir will render the cantatta entitled King Mrs. A. J./Pennell and df \ \ Dec. 31, at 7.30 o’clock. town as the guests of Mr. and Mrs, John f Harris- grand- the near n Sat urda and Bucke of Harrisburg, visit- Jeacon. who has been | They final- pULLETIN CMBER 30, 1908 5( ——— ) CENTS A YEAR 1ER LOCAL PAPER. COME AND SEE IT PRINTED Doings at Florin Happenings of Our Hustling n Little Village. I. B. Gise and wife spent Xma at Lebanon. y John Hambright is spending few days here with his mother. Mrs. Milton Wittle visited friend here and at Mount Joy David Reading spent Xmas here with hi Young and family parents Mr. Cox le Horace Cox 1 ew 1 ana Stee lton, with friends. ‘atharine Wa left : fs k riday for Steelton n on che is I i where spending some time with friends. I'he entertainment in the United Brethren church w egrand suec- as a and Mr. and Mrs. J. Y. tained cess was very well attended. Kline enter- quite a large number of guests at their home on Christmas. Tiliman Barnhart and Miss Em- ma Tressler spent Friday at New Germantown as guests of friends. and two Miller, wife of near Christmas Samuel Elizabethtown, with children spent in town friends. { Mmm, Fanny Hambright and son ‘John Nft yesterday for a few days’ (trip to friends through Lebanon county. Ida | Reedmiller guests of Mrs. Mame were Misses aston and Lancaster, JD of Easton on Sunday. | The Mrs. Shellenberger and two sons of York were very pleasantly entertained by Mr and Mrs. Henry Young on Christmas. ' Mr and M children rs. Daniel Stark two of Elizabethtown spent Sunday in town as guests of tJ. D. Easton and wife. Mrs. I Wagner of Harrisburg, were Xmas guests of H. Wittle and family. Elizabethtown and Emma of Wm. Dietrich, wife and son Palmyra, arrived in town Thursday for the Xmas holidays t as guests of Frank Fair and family. Mr. Wallace of Asbury Park, a | brother of Elisha Wallace of this place is spending a town. | 26 years. | Mr. and Mrs. McCurdy of May- | town and Mrs. Shaub and daugh- i ter of Philadelphia, were guests of | Mr, and Mrs. Elmer Schlegelmilch on Christmas. i George Dierolf and wife of Phila- the old Eshleman stone quarry and d€lphia and William Dierolf of | ip, pip pulling off the match for a side bet | Elizabethtown, were very pleasant- | house, with interment in the ceme- "ly entertained by Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Carmany on Sunday. | Rev. Quigley of Harrisburg, who preached the sermon when the | , mortgage of the U. B. church was ‘recently burned, died and was buried in that city on Sunday. ! «Rev. N. L. Linebaugh made the of Kings, on Thursday evening, opening address in the Donegal s¢-eral of his Go Presbyterial church on Saturday Those That Come and Go—The | yesterday, | of was the guest of his un=- "a Mr. and and | Roy Baker wife and daughter of | last | few days in | This is his first visit here in rendition o by { evening prior to the | the Christmas | Sunday School. { Mr. and Mrs. Harry stoll enter { tained these guest at a grand sup | per on Monday evening: Mr. anc { Mrs. J. H. Stoll, Mr. and Mrs. s | G. Stoll and son, of Mount Joy anc program Mrs. Mary Lindsay. a the United s | ehurch on Thursday served in evening unti Com- some time after midnight munion will also be observed and g | that of re- fame evening a series vival meetings will begin welcome Mrs. Jacob Hostetter entertained ber ests at ot irry Shue- ster Karl Myers » Morton J id Alphe Shuem: OBITUARY NOTES Mrs. Annie S. Hernley, wife of Alvin Hernley, Hernley died at her home near Elizabethtown, yester- day morning, from The de- A. hom aged thirty-four years. ceased was a daughter of Longenecker, who made his with her. She is survived by her her father and one broth- held Elizabeth= husband er. The funeral will be Friday at 9:30 at the town Mennonite Church. Stauffer—Miss Edna Pearl Stauff- er, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clay- tou Stauffer, of Rowenna, died St. Hospital Monday morning, of appendicitis. She had been removed to the hospitial one cn in Joseph’s week ago, and an operation was performed almost immediately af- She seventeen years old, a member of ter she was admitted. was this year’s graduating class of the High School, and one of the honor pupils. Central Maytown, Fun meeting house Thursday morning at made in the Interment will [ast 10 o’clock. Donegal tery. Stauffer— Peter H. East died Stauffer, of Donegal, yesterday morning at the residence of his son | { Amos N. Stauffer on the G. Moyer farm near the borough, aged eighty- old in two years. Death was due to age. The deceasad was born West Donegal township, and when | Donegal | and engaged in the milling business | at the mill | mill, married moved into East Stauffer’s | along Chickies | Creek. His was Miss | Anna Newcomer, died in 1886, and | in 1888 he quit the milling business | and retired. He survived by Levi H-, of this place land Amos, of East Donegal; also, four brothers, Jacob H., of town; i Abram H., of Rheems; Henry H, of Lititz; Samuel H., of Dayton Ohio. The fuperal will, bg held { Friday morning at nine o’clock at | the house, and at ten o’clock at Mennonite Meeting- known the Little wife, who as | { is i two sons, tery adjoining. The deceased was | a life-long member the of Menno- ! nite denomination. ea, A Lad’s Close Call V Elmer Brown jr. was skating on Snyder’s dam when the ice broke and the lad went iol over head. | After a desper; ggle and the Watch-night services will be ob- All are ano | peritonitis, | eral services will be held in Reich’s | be | ceme- f : Local Doings - Items of Local and General Intgr- -| est That Occurred Since Our 1 Last Week's Issue. H. 1 A Happy New Year to all. Last Monday was the shortest day of the year. Brethren & Co. See what S. B. Bernhart have to say about coffee. A ball will be held in the hadk here on New Year's eve, The davs of appeal for 1909 are [ advertised elsewhere in this issne, . Good Cooking’s, Eggs on sale at tf A. Ricker is able to be 13 eggs for 25 cts. Squire 1 about again after a spell f sieck- Ness mer of L will er's tonsorial parlor on anca ter, west end I or of the ecovering from | Merchant will of rmy rifles. Ebersole soon receive another shinment { A handkerchief surprise was ten- last Thurs- costly Weidman received many The Fulton band of [ enlivened the Foresters’ Lancaster, fair The fa'r is band on Saturday evening, still in progress Constable Eli Willian? TO. REV - } 44] ) } eral “Jags” a chance to_ sober up over Christmas by lodging\then e borough lockup. »- + Che shooting match at the Flo¥in 1 ‘1 14ST | | [hursday afternoon was a L.g success and the “store shell’? proposition proved very interest- ing. John H. Buohl started to to parsonage with He equip the Evangelical heating is also installing a the addition a vapor system. bath. Electrician Harry Peoples has secured the contract to wire. th new house of C. H. Herr on Poplfr street. week Mr. wired Hotel McGinnis. Last Peop Margaret Ruth, daughter of and Mrs. H. iamsport, was christened Trinity Wiil- the Lutheran M. Geistweit of in Evangelical church here on Sunday. Martin B. Hiestand made a bus- | iness trip to Washington borough | yesterday where he disposed of an | engine and sawing outfit. Wanted—A middle aged woman to take care by an no children; good Ad- { dress Household, care this office. of househeld | aged gentleman; , gant { home for the ri person, Rather than disappoint the people with unsatisfactory films, manager Chas. Dillinger did not show in Mt, Joy hall Christmas eve. The pic- tures on Saturday night were ex- cellent. Charles Cassel of this place has accepted a position as a member.of &” the choir of the First Baptist church at Lapcaster. The choir is one of the best in the city. He is the bass soloist and sings at both morning and evening services, — -— Our Predictions Came True Dr. E. W. Garber, who exhibited his fine poultry at the Lititz Poul- try Show last week, came home g = winner. On White Plymouth Rocks Mr. Garber’s birds took fourth and fifth on pullets. On Columbian Wyandottes he took i on cock, second and third on chen. Next week Mr. Garber exhibits his poultry at the first show yiaghe Poultry, Pigeon ‘and Pet a ot Colm bi: sistance, he landed safely Vv