THE BULLETIN MT. JOY, PA. J. E. Schroll, Editor and Proprietor Subscription, 50c¢c Yr. Six Months 25 Cents Single Copies 2 Cents Sample Copies FREE — a ——— Entered at the Post Office at Mt. Joy as second-class matter, Continued from Page Threo then so vou'll announced defiantly. "1 saved on purpose for you, PPhilip have to take them. Now, you mustn’t detain me a minute I've loads of other places to you at the bazaar.” “But I can’t call before” Philip, abruptly tearing in fy eral small ue cardhbe “No, you can’t,” laughing. “I'm too busy any more tickets, Philip, let 1 Goodby.” The bazaar opened blaze of social glory and continued its trium phant career for one entire week. The center of attraction was “Shir Jey Burnett's little portable Louse,’ it came to be called before fe was half over. There it end of the long hall, immaculate and dainty in its coat of white and yel low, defying any one to find fault with it and inviting every one to come In— for the small price of 5 cents. Every one wanted to go in and re main to exclaim over its coziness. Not was left unexplored, living room with artistic wicker furnishings to the minutive kitchen with miniature cook stove and shining rows of brand new pans and kettles. longer. got pieces of b ard interrupted Shirlem, If you need + know with a stood a corner of it from the little its bazaar at one | its | dai- | Bad Taste in the Mouth, | J Appetite Bad, : Head Heavy, : Stomach Sour, A general feeling of being tired and worn out—unfit for business or the duties or pleasures of life, Is that the Way You Feel ? If it is, vou should know that the famous tonic laxative, ¢ Lane’s Family | Medicine t internal clean. wi ro- e's Tea) 1 I go 3 1 \11 l An he AC ages Telephone y job printing to ] job at a moder Best paper ir | the size of it, tl} | | Mount Joy, Pa. And nearly every one lingered long | enough to have tea, which gracious hospitality as if she weren't charging the exorbitant cents a cup for it. house proved a most tion. paying proposi- bazaar it was put up at auction there were spirited bidding and much citement. “Four hundred and ninety dollars— | ninety dollars,” impressively, hundred and the auctioneeer four called “for this beautiful little house with all | gen- | its furnishings complete. Come, tlemen. Some one make it five hun- dred. I hear? Thank you, sir. on my right. ward and give his name?” Shirley, who had been watching the scene from a window of the living room, suddenly disappeared as the crowd parted to give the right of way. A few minutes later Philip Evans found her sitting on the kitchen table making pathetic little dabs at sus- piciously red eyes. “Why, Shirley Burnett!” he exclaim. ed. “What's the matter? You ought to be the proudest girl in the world.” “Well, I'm not,” Shirley answered disconsolately. “I'm the most miser- able. else having this little house. it myself. I just love it. think the porch is the cutest thing you ever saw, Philip? Can't you just imagine sitting out on it away off somewhere in the moonlight?” Philip nodded. Somehow he couldn't trust himself to speak. “And the dear little living room— isn’t it the budgiest little room you ever saw, Philip?” Philip wasn’t quite sure what “budg- fest” meant, but he nodded again. “And as for this little toy kitchen,” Shirley ended dramatically, patting a nearby saucepan affectionately, “I adore everything in it! Don’t you, Philip?” “Everything,” answered Philip sol- emnly, “and you, sweetheart, most of | can’t you say the | all. Oh, Shirley, same?’ For a moment Shirley looked at him as if dozed. Then, her eyes sparkling with happiness and her cheeks grow- ing rosier and rosier, she said softly and slowly, “I adore everything in this little kitchen, and you, sweetheart, most of all.” “You're quite sure, dearest,” Philip questioned a few minutes later as, at Shirley’s request, he held up the little kitchen her much rumpled hair, “that you love me just as much as you love the little house?” “It's your deadliest rival, Philip,” she answered playfully, “but just to prove to you that it won't count any more I—T'll congratulate whoever bought it. There, I couldn’t say more. Who is he?” “You don’t know?’ gasped Philip, unable to believe his ears. “] don’t want to see the monster,” explained Shirley. “Just as soon as I heard that fatal word “Gone!” I ran out here, where you found me. Phil- ip,” she broke off excitedly, “I have the grandest inspiration! Let you and me get another house just like this and spend our honeymoon in it. I think I could get one quite cheap for you.” “But, meekly, one.” “Why, Philip Evans!” exclaimed Shirley, hugziug him hard. “I don’t believe it. Aren't you a love?” Philip this confided bought you see,” “I've already An English Opinion. “London is full of foreigners,” writes a correspondent of the London Chron. icle, “and you may detect them in many infallible ways. But nothing perhaps displays a man’s nationality more surely than the way he eats. You may tell an Englishman, meet him where you may, by the fact that he grasps his fork firmly in his left hand and keeps it there instead of transferring it to his right band as soon as his food is cut up. You can tell a Frenchman by his wise disre- gard ofl fish knives and sait spoons. As for A cans—well, it is amusing to - read fon njamin Frapklin's visit to P! the horror of the when he fell upon hands and teeth and ing disdain when Mon in the sar ith a ky ~ Shirley | served out on the porch with just as | sum of 15 | The little portable | And when the very last night of the | ex- i Going, going—five hundred, do | Gone at five | hundred to the gentleman over there | Will he please step for- | purchaser mirror while she rearranged | C. M. TSHUDY PROPRIETOR AND MANAGER anes MOVING | PICTURE THEATRE The best amusement place in Mcunt Joy. Complete change of pictures every evening. Always something new and no repeats, Come every evening, you will be delighted. | Everything positively fire proof; good exits | and steam heated. Pictures new and up- to-date. Show lasts nearly one hour. | | I can’t bear to think of any one | I want | Don’t you | | ADMISSION, 5c. ‘Mr. Horse Owner We, having over fifty vears’ ex- perience in the harness business— and being the oldest establishment of its kind in the county,—are pre- pared to show you the neatest line of harness for all around use that it has ever been our good fortune to possess. If you are in need of a set of har- mediom or light ness for heavy, work, Stop in this store, give us an idea of what yon want, and we will show you a line, and quote you prices that will be revelations, All this harness has been made in our own shop—so we know what it is. this county There are people in { We { doubtful. who bought barness here thirty years ago, and; are still using it can mention names if you're Rreclzel Harness Maker 30 Penn Square, Lancaster, Pa. APMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Estate of Silas U. Stoner late of Mount Joy Bor=- ough, Deceased. : J Letters of administration on said estate having { been granted to the undersigned, all persons in- debted thereto are requested to make immedi- ate payment and those having claims or demands against the same will present them witb-out de- lay for settlement to the undersigned, residing in Mount Joy, Penna. SILAS STONER, Jr. COYLE & KELLER, Attys. Adminstrator. nov- 18-6¢ 2 : €Has. BF ZELLER Real Estate and Insurance Office E. MAIN STREET, MOUNT JOY Calling and Crerking of Pubic Sates Settlement ofestates, collection of rents, surveyingand couveyancing, rice SUPpOSILOTY D. Matt. Thompson, Sup't Graded Schools, Statesville, N. C., writes: * I can say they do all Fy claim for them.” Dr. 8. M. Devore, Raven Rock, W. Va., writes; * They give universal satis- faction.” Dr. H. D. McGill, Clarksburg, Tenn., writes: “In a practice of 38 years, I have found no remedy to equal yours.’ 50 Cxxrs, Samples Free. by Drugsista,- gaRTIN RUDY, LANCASTER, PA ; » 0000000000000000000000006 reamland MOUNT JOY HALL StarCourse Thursday, Dec. 17, 1908 Rice Family Concert Company Monday, Feb. 1, 1909 | Chicago Glee Club Feb. 25, Thursday 1909 Lon]. Beauchamp March 25, 1909 Th V e Plerces | Resery [ Greider's Hall ||’ W.B. BENDER Shaving Hair Cutting Sham pooing E. Muin St. for Standard Steam Laundry Mount Joy TCency neat and clean shave or Hair For a cut go to the New Tonseorial Parlors Opposite First National Bank | West Main Street, Mount Joy, Pa. IRVIN M. BAKER, Proprietor. Agent for the Elkhorn Steam Laundry Candies for Xmas. At my confectionery you will always find sortment of Candies, and I have a y fine line for Christmas. Also fruit such as Oranges,. Bananas, Etc. Tobacco & Cigars by the box that would make a fine present for a friend. For Sunday Schools, Churches, Etc. As I am handling very large amounts of candy it would be of interest to all parties buying wholesale to see me before making their purchases, as I have quite an assort- ment of loose and boxed goods at prices that are right. Pell’s Confectionery t Mount Joy, Pa. The Mou nt Joy I MARBLE and GRANITE SE AT, Londh If You Want the Best I Have It! Granite from Scotland, Sweden and Norway always in stock for your in- spection. I have erected 333 tomb- stones and monuments the last 11 years in the Mt. Joy, Henry Eberle and Florin cemeteries alone, not in- cluding Landisville, Salunga, Silver Spring, Kraybill’s, Cross Roads, Newtown and many other places. o> A NOTARY PUBLIC. M. HOLLOWIEBUSH ATTORNEY-AL-LAW, Mount Joy, Penna. WwW. 48 West Main Street, Days at Lancaster, Monday and Friday. at No. North Duke Street PRIVATE SALE The undersigned offers at private sale, a lot of ground situated in Florin, Pa, fronting on the Harrisburg and Lancaster turnpike. The im- provements are a handsome THREE STORY BRICK HOUSE with Summer House attached, frame stable, hog sty and ; other outbuildings. There isa gid ! garden and an abundance of fruit. | The property is in excellent repair and has a good location, being a corner dwelling and is directly oprosite J. S. Carmany’s Store. Any person desirous of viewing same will call on the undersigned. Terms and price reasonable 4 5 HS. STOLE, FMORIN, Pa. | | | | The Hager Store Lancaster, Penna. Hager’s is Lancaster's Best Gift Store Adda dddtdddaadaadadaaatiibaddaataatandiadadtaddadbbd bia Lb A LEA Shoppers always look to us for the newest, largest and best assortments in every line, for We greet the holi lay season this year better prepared than ever, particularly attractive, Christmas cards and calendars 1 en clever and original; we have a splendid line of pictures The tionally interesting; the new hooks ar ire attractive everywhere, ovelty stocks are Practical Presents For Men that find what the y want who n1 : ' is well known this 1s a favorite store with the men act that th here at the right price, i8 1 good gu de for women the right gifts, want to buy 20¢, plain shades, Newest Ideas in Neckwear practical Reppo New colorings and designs, the novel striped and self-figured effects and fine four:in-hands in olid colored reversible silk. Fancy Hosiery 25e, Pair triped styles and in solid colors, rs plain col with ked and fferent colored embroidery; plain black and black Every Man Wants a Sweater ters in several different color combina- SL) le swe 33.50, $3 and 1p to SO t sweaters in different colors, $1 to $2.50. Give Him a Pair of Gloves Dress Gloves in unlined Adler's many colors, 25c. Mocha, Woolen gloves silk-lined Jace pair, ind loves $1.50 pair, <1d ind Fownes’ fine dress ¢ ind 50e. pair, Special Prices on Wool Dress and Skirt Patterns, Boxed We have cut into dress and skirt lengths some very desirable patterns I them very special. You can make a handsome and practi- in wool stuffs, boxed in our Christmas stvle. and have price oift, and save about thirty per cent on the regulnr cost. cal 0 for regular dress length of 50¢. goods, and skirt $1.95 instead of $2. colorings effects, patterns Ity worsteds in dressy ye) : $4.30 irstead of $5.25 for dress lengths of 75¢, and $1 novelty worsteds in navy, garnet, peacock, black, Copenhagen, brown and oray : skirt lengths $3.06 $5 instead patterns of fine black in several different weave effects; skirt patterns $3.55 of $i for dress goods, Priestley’s; $7.19 instead of $10.50 for extra fine quality Priestley black goods; skirt patterns of same at $4.85. Wash Dress and Waist Patterns Fancy Percales and White goods, Madras, Lawns, Nainsook, Swiss, dimity ete. Waist Patterns 50c¢, to $5.50 dress patterns $1.20 to $15. Warm Gloves For Women and Children For immediate: needs or for practical, thoughtful gift giving Silk Lined Mocha Gloves 1.00 Pair Women’s; linea to the finger tips; half pique, in brown and gray shades. Women’s Cashmere Gloves 50¢. Pair Fine quality black cashmere, silk lined. Finer quality at $1.00 a pair, Children’s Cashmere Gloves 50¢. Pair Fine wool cashmere, with double fingers, full regular made, in red and gray, sizes 1 to 5. Another quality at 25¢. pair. Infants’ Mittens Mercerized knit mittens with wrist; finished with cord and tasse!, mercerized crochet double Handkerchiefs are Most Acceptable Gifts Hager’s is famous for large, complete, and handsome handker- chief stocks. You can get eyery dependable grade here, and at good-value prices. things for will service and good value, nly large and complete throughout. rood Stocks are u less array; jewelry novelties are exveln at the very and valjes popular prices Po} { } ® of " Na J Beautiful Variety 25¢. Each nen initial handkerchiefs, with bea iifally ts in dainty Swiss with bright Hang wid Ap Wor embroidi Women’s Cross Bar effec some with embroidered scalloped edge, some touched styles, Ardennes colored iiferent broidered women n hi in vielr penz ns handkerchiefs, ' ) 3 itterns and styles, hed her me rrow hemstit Choice Selections at 50¢. 1al 1n yery hin sheer [1nenj women s } without embro dery. ferent showy styles. lkerchiefs of exquisite gt Men’s Handkerchiefs kerchiefs, full size, h ftir 2¢., eag narrow hemstitche . 1 Sic, l Holly Ribbons For Gift-Tying idths styles, ind colors, rightly priced, Ribbon-va tlways exceptional ¢. per yard Marrow, plan lored tying ribbon red, green cr white, 10 yard spool for } with dainty Spl 1 Claus head; x er at 4 and 6e, yard. [Holly Color Ribbon 3¢ vard—Red with narrow green edge, pretty effect 5) PH hveindeer bhoun He, Rihl "| \ . x ninoovon zZ¢ yara NATTOW r and Sant when tied. Claus’ reindeer t and Sc. per yard. Ribbon -No. 2 vard. yanta irs, two widths, de width, in pl Fine Quality Satin lors, 10 yard spool 20¢; Our 15¢ Ribbon is 18e¢. taffeta ribbon full line of colors. Beautiful New Neck Wear Collars and ties m them in many qualities handsome ches w ide; in Variety is almost infinate in neckwear. Yon can get very pretty Christmas gifts. exceptionally maxe up to very elaborate styles that presents. Collars at 25¢. Up The high Directoire effects. and many others, some elaborate ly trimmed with lace some have the dainty Directoire ties attacked fine white lace collars and other effects in cvery color and shade; 1.50 and higher. prices range from 35¢. to Boxed Writing Papers man, shild. Always very acceptable as gifs, woman or We carry a particularly large and complete stock and in addition to the splendid regular values, we have secured by special parch- ase several lots of good grade pipers at very special figures, A 25¢c. Box of Paper For 15¢.—Fine cloth regular correspondence size; put up in tablet form for convenience sake; envelopes to match in very pretty box. 35¢. Box For 25¢c.—Elegant quality heavy, rough finished paper; tied with holly ribbon and put up in handsome gift box. Pure Sugar Candy af 28c¢. a Pound Every body is in love with this new candy. Made in Lancas ter by the Rodda Candy Co. in their factory. Made in many different shapes, sizes and dainty flavors. Very attractive in ap pearance and very delicious Makes an ideal Christmas candy toothsome for big people, and attractive to the eye for little folks. Sample it frec at counter. ror finished per, , HAGER ¢& BRO. 25-31 West Hing Street, LANCASTER, PENNA. Play them on your inachine COLUMBIA DOUB RECORDS will make a better instrument out of any disc talking machine. Their tone is clearer, their surface is finer, their life is far longer than any other records. We are offering you actually a better record on EACH side of the Columbia Double- Disc than you have ever bought at nearly couble the price on single-faced records, under any name. Hearing is believing! Call in and prove it! Get a catalog. Harry _ West Donegal Street, { Ls Peoples Mount Joy, Pa, Ld i 4 hy 4