0000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000 00000090000000000000000000000000000000000000%°0000N0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 | | f | | AND A ANS WORK VV A BAN bx : A INT AS ll LYDIA E. PINKHAM Nature and a woman’s work eom- bined have produced the grandest remedy for woman's ills that the world has ever known. In the good old-fashioned days of our grandmothers they relied upon the roots and herbs of the flel 1d to cure disease and mitigate suffering. [he Indians on our Western Plains to-day can produce roots and herbs for every ailment, and cure diseases that baffle the most skilled physicians who have spent years in the study of drugs. From the roots and herbs of the field Ly {. Pinkham more than thirty years ago gave to the women of the world a remedy for their pe- culiar ills, more potent and effica- cious thanany combination of drugs, Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound is now recognized as the standard remedy for woman’s ills. Mrs. Bertha Muff, of 515 N.C. St., Louisiana, Mo., writes: ‘“ Complete restoration to health means so much to me that for the sake of other suffering women I am willing to make my troubles public. “For twelve years 1 had been suffer. ing with the worst forms of female ills. During that time I had eleven different physicians without help. No tongue can tell what I suffered, and at times I | could hardly walk. About two years | ago I wrote Mrs, Pinkham for advice. I followed it, and ean truly say thas Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com- | pound and Mrs. Pinkham's advice re- stored health and strength, It is worth mountains of gold to suffering women.” What Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vege- table Compound did for Mrs. Muff, it will do for other suffering women. 04000000000 Spa 11 not allow us to go inte nanese [ave ISTMAS almost here ! Fine Li Inens h 1 oii 1 ; b l ) 80 1h ’ Japanese Ware detail. For the baby in white and Another direc DOI black. roc to 2zc. ‘or Mis [¢ new shapes { HI s the world. . this sea it soc a yd. None i oii) 1 from 2zc . Full line of Ladies olf | 1TOH 25C , iN The spirit of good will Fancy merceriz erybody wants lke some rish Linen, the ne jor service! .. , iv } ™ “£4 loves and Mitts 11e joy a Christn not measured Make take time to fi rift, and bea : from parcel, is a a pai Shs Wraps, Sh7istmas slo _Comfortab les 7 res Fatcinayors y the finest 11 D5.00, Sy wealer Coats Dress Stuffs i) Stel se EADY 1 K re siden Handkarehiats Whi TG Is Tor the babv in white at soc. Fits Patterns are simply beautiful, ite Goods OF The Dany In Wave MI S'8 mncy embroidered corners, . pl LE Ee Ft © | white and dimity stripe plain at : or 2 for 3oc and 35¢ a yard. | : ME : : 3 to 85c. at 12 1-2¢, 15¢ and 25c ras a -2¢ and zc a vd a z . Madras at 2C and 15C a yd. plain hems h. Al SO a yd. Fancy Waistings, merceri dots, stripes and floral designs, look a Linene at 25c a yard. India Linen, 8c to 25¢ a yd. Yours for iy H IL, EBERSOLE W. Main Sve MOUNT JOY 9000000000 S0499009090004499999 099980040 N later 3 0000009090080 TS 00N999999490009900099306090099 94999 9699990944999444994900009% 200000900090 000006w 9090 — - - = Shooting Match CAPS and GLOVES LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF LIGHT, MEDIUM AND HEAVY-WEIGHT CAPS AND GLOVES IN THE CITY. he 0000990000002 000¢60040940000000060000000 9200000000999 800000900000000000000000000 1 Trolley Schedule On Thursday afternoon, Dec. 1 Lancaster, Rohrerstown, Landisville, Salun- | a grand shooting match will be held Mount Joy and Elizabethtown at Wm. H. Gantz’s Farmers’ Inn Street Railway C ompany WESTW SRD * . or 1 Leave Li ancaster—u m, 4 kevs and geese Distance, 35 vards R 9 15,10 15 195; Pm 1215, 115 5 2 ; ; ) 5 15, 5 45, 6 16, 7 1D, 8 1, 9 15, 11 15. and nothing smaller than No. ¢ Te ot He rlerle veo stestedofolefofolofoloetelofolofoetofoloisfooiolelodotoofefolooloieieioofoieloieioftooiolol fofofoleleleioofoootototoloegaetoelol go fede 3e { in this place, for a large lot of tur Sesto rte st este sferte Get a Fancy The Outlet Clothing Co. VEST ior VEST for ) Le oe WL Lm, : >. a 75 | shot may be used. Don’t fail iV: 35. 5 35, 6 35, 8 39, 9 45, 11 35. hb. as vor all know s Kind of 46-48 West King St. Lancaster, Pa. Christmas : a7. 35g | COME, a8 ¥ | know the kind G:t a Fancy 0 esleslerte A ’ a —A m, 512, y y bm. 257, 357 [ matches that “Billy” is accustom” Jeol Christmas +e ‘ + LD 15, 600, 700, 800, 900 ed to holding. Pm, 1 00, "200, 3G), 400, 500 = ), § 00, 9 00, Jove. 1200. - a Leave Mount Joy m, 530, > . 815 {9 15, 10 15, 1 15. Pm, Li 115, 215, 3 15, 5 : » sO | 515, 6 15, 6 45, 7 15, 8 15, 9 15, 1015 A m, 12 15, SALE REGISTER Arrive at Elizabethtown—A m, 645, 7 5, 845 = 1945,1045,11 45. Pm, 1245, 145, 245, 3 45 H : : 1545, 645,745,545, 945,10 45. Am, 12 30, Tuesday, March 2—On the Abram Stau ft ! EASTWARD er farm near Rheems, trolley passes the d 5 lane, 10 head of extra tine horses, 15 cows Leave Elizabethtown— A m, 6 45, 7 45, 8 45, 945 1 10 45, 11 oe P m. 1245, 1 45, 245, 3 45, 4 45, 545 | and some Holstein heifers, also some Hol- FREE Harnish’s Old Stand. FREE 16 4D, 7 45, 9 45, 1045. A m, 12 30. stein cows fresh by day of sale, lot of hogs Leave Son Joy—A m, and a large lot of good farming implements For Ten Da S Onl 11015, 11 15. Pm, 12 15, 115, 2 Ib, 515, 4 15 | by Abraham Stauffer, Zeller, auc. | 6.15, 645, 7 15,'8 15,9 15, 10 15, 1115. Am|™ ys Only Clad Double: ih PALL THE NEW SHAPES AND SHADES IN Soft And Stiff Hats dered = So teste oti felofefetesfeofe] + Wingert & Haas £44 North Queen Street, LANCASTER, PENNA, Bove sence Am, 5 45X, > 30, 11 30. Pm, 12 do, 23 4 $ hainty Ca i WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED FROM OUR FACTORY A LARGE fem 3 30, 75, $50, 930, 1630, 1130 Bony ae that piles on he 3 I 14m. 10 3 : 2 Leured. honsands of obstinate SHIPMENT OF FANCY VESTS, AS A SPECIAL INDUCEMENT, WE Age andisniies, b asx, 745, 833, 983 | tages haye been cured by Doan’s Am 103 | Ointment. 50 cents at any drug WILL GIVE ONE FANCY VEST FREE FOR THE NEXT TEN DAYS. G ar ntee {6 3, 733, 8 1133. » R arstown—A m, 10x, 55, 855, WITH EVERY SUIT WE WILL GIVE ONE FANCY VEST FREE OF u ad 9 55.10 55, 11 55 ne 5 13% 5% | store, 5 55, 65), 72), 55.805, 955, 0 CHARGE. v y 35.053 25. - E TT - m—p— rive at L ancaster—A m, 630x, 815, 915 SHOULD ANY PURCHASE FAIL TO #|10 15 1115. Pum. i215 115.2185 15 413) T ist of Spring Sales ! Am, 12 15, 1 45. TO BE CALLED BY $20.00 Suits at $12.75 PLEASE, THE MONEY IS CHEER- On Saturdays a car will leave Lancaster at 10 15 p m; Leave Elizabethtown 11 45 pm. Chas. H. Zeller, Auct. n 1 Satu an 1 special occasions cars 1 FULLY REFUNDED OR THE GOODS # [1c iin between Lancicter and Mourt Joy every $18.00 Suits at $10.75 } Liou ons am to ds pm ~x7 J EXCHANGED. Leave Elizabethtown at 7 vm. Car marked . x) connects with News Express at Lancaster. $15.00 Suits at $9.75 ALL CLOTHING BOUGHT HERE ae J ~ - TO IS PRESSED AND REPAIRED FOI CHOICE HAMS THESE SUITS ARE ALL HAND-TAILORED, FULL VENETIAN * | tiv atsh. voi wit] rie Choiee LTom N , F OF Me | TR o Let us ia sh you with some oice { LINED, IN ALL THE NEW SHADES—TAN, TAN BARK, BROWN, ONE: YPAR FRPP OF CHARGE % | for your dinner. It is finer than the yrdinary and remembe 10 small picnic SMOKE, SKY, ELEPHANT GRAY, BLUE AND BLACK. grdinary and. Temenos oo ml Dupe your »y. Ome purchase will make you regular customer. Don’t forget that 1 { have rented the slanghter house Tecen{ly used by Mumma & Detwil hate: * 1 do all my own 1 killin g. Al : A Vest Free Get a Vest Free A Vest Free | ig unniyor beet, bork, Susan I~ 288 Pressed and ay Ho SIN Bologna, Dried Beef, &e., &c. B Call and be convinced. 'H. H. KRALL Cravanette | Overcoats Ii Tear SRAlBES §eemrtnima, Men's and Boys’ Sweater Fruit that is Fruit The Finest Fruit in town. Call at my place of business and you wil] say so yourself. Ihave the best of everything. Apples Oranges Bananas Candies Oysters Grapes All Kinds of Nuts, Etc., Etc. sie ose sfesjefeofodefeofolodod fob de fofofololofolol «vr oa A RSS Darrenkamp’s Green Grocery Kast Main St., Mount Joy. od —>kancaster's Largest Carpet House — Christmas Presents You are always welcome to our store and especially so now, for we are just crowded with things suitable for Xmas presents. We have here a few sugges- tions: February 5 YY oats fr ( > OF r ond Raincoats 1 0 l 5 om Meron STOP AT THE Tuesday , 2—In Rapho township, on the : i % road le sading from Mount Joy to Maderia’s : . 4 C | Sorrel H orsc H otel mill, live stock and farming implements by CE A RAT. Amos R. Gerber. 1-wool Kersey, Melt ; dill di JArcasrEn Wednesday 17—In Rapho township on ® All-wool hersey, Me “on, Heavy fleece-lined. in The annex now complete with the SORREL | the road leading from Mount Joy to Bakers Freize, Cassimere and Wor- y ? HORSE, makes a frontage of 49, 52, 53 and | bridge, on the farm formerly owned by i 3 Best | Christi sle horses, mules, cows, sits Cabinets * > a rakennte Tone. | Brown anc e mixed and 5 West King Street. Dinner 25 cents. Christian Hossler, lh up to Bana, sted Overcoats, full Vene I Bino sized accommodations in every respect. A share of | bull and a large lot of farming inpiomens Turkish Rockers from $13.00 up to $40.00. vour patronage solicited, by John M. Brandt. Rocking Chairs from $2 75 up to $25.00. Toilet Tables, Princess Dressers, Parlor Tables, Etc. Don’t forget that we are agents for the famous Globe-Wernicke Sectional Book Cases. Great Bargains in Swansdown and All-Wool Blankets and the famous Cot- ‘ton Down Maish Coinforts. Very special prices on these until Christmas. ANl-w driestlev Crava- . . All-w ool I rie stley Crava- tian lined, in all colors, | heavy Derby ribbed in nette Rain Coats, made of Brown. Blue. Gray and J J All stelos of Gloves for b i y ’ <<) ¢ £ S S ¥ 2S a J A. B. ADAMS. Pro. Thursday 18—in Bast Donega towaship, all-wool Worsted, in all the Black: regular $15.00 val- brown and ecru Underwear; Mon oid Bobs. gt wlickile near Graybills church, live stock, farming 3 ¥ os F implements and household goods’ by Mrs. new shades; regular $15.00 me ? a ues, at a regular 75¢ value, at : values, at ? 2 ’ prices. — —— — | Ell M. Heisey. * Men’s 10e Canvas Gloves March " ’ . at EDEN Tuesday 2—In East Donegal Sownship, ® ® p Laneasigs Conny, Pa, on Wile A i Sau 1 ai er farm, large lot of live Stow’k ard farm- 3 Coma Pair ing implements by Clayton “¥. Brandt. Wednesday 3—In Rapho township, on the Jac. M. Hostetter farm near Stricklei’s School House, a large lot of horses, mules, cows, shoats and farming in plements by The Outlet Clothing Company ole TE WESTENBERGER MALEY & MyERs, 125 AND 1.7 BAST KING ST. LANCASTER, PA. Sefeielefolelolofololololofelofofolofofefeloiooiog Aedelolodololodolodolololofodool oo food JB Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an Samuel Fasnacht. THE BEST MEDIUM . J Hors tciouy Eon denstal RANDBDOK on Patents | vw eqnosday 10—Near Coli EB 46 and 48 West King Street, Lancaster, Pa. ET ST fore vive | rw and taraing. imple paper with other local journals, you will readi- "Scientific Hmerican, Thursder;, 111g cor.paring thid 5 at it is the leafling advertising medium in this section. Look Harnish’s Old Stand. | Aor Reid Yed large love any prosperouf bufiness men that advertise. Why? Because | \ OE at eeus fone en laces. : MUNN £ Co. 81roen. THE circulatign aly they know it. ) Branch Office, 625 ¥' St., . ll TOR