The weekly bulletin. (Florin, Penn'a.) 1901-1912, December 02, 1908, Image 2

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Coco oR RRR Coc RRRRR Roel ooalolloooocRRRRRccRRlRR
Failure! |
$25.000 Worth of Clothing & Shoes to be Clos-
ed Out Regardless of Price
The failure of a large Clothing Manufacturer and Shoe House enables me to purchase these stocks at a very low figure.
sale Saturday, November 28th, 1908, for 15 Days. : Not in the history of the city has there been such inducements offered to the public.
ers are the winners. The reliability of the house is a guarantee to the quality of the merchandise.
I will place them on
Early buy

22.00 Overcoats ac. 15.84 6.00 Overcoats at.......... . 394 Boys’ Suits, 15 to 19 vesrs.
14 84
12 84
7 84
6 84
29.00 Suits at ......
18.00 Suits at ......
15.00 Suits at .
12.00 Suits at ..
20.00 Overcoats at.
Men's Suits
$35.00 Suits at ....................... 522.84
30.00 Suits at . 19 84
16.00 Overcoats at...
12.00 Overcoats at..............
10.00 Overcoats at................
9.00 Overcoats at 6.94
Children’s Overcoats
$2.44, $3.94 and $4.74; Were
. 14.84
. 10.84
3.50 a Suit,
Children’s Reefers
$1.00 to $4 00
Men's Shoes
$2 25 Sale Price
50 Sale Price .......
00 Sale Price ........
- 1.54
28.00 Suits at. ....................... 18.84 10.00 Suits at
25.00 Suits at a 17.84
29.00 Suits at ....................... 10.84
20:00 Suitsat ...................... 14.84
18.00 Suits at. ..................... 12.84
1500 Suits at ...........cecn..... 19:34
12.00 Suits at ........cccnnin. =o ov.84
10.00 Suits at
Young Men's Suits
$25.00 Suits at ......................-. 317.84
22.00 Suits at
at... .
Bb ..raenis
5.00 Suits
3.50 Suits
12.00 Suits
10.00 Suits
$30 00 Overcoats at...
25,00 Overcoats at.

Boys’ Suits
Men's Overcoats
28.00 Overcoats at........... ...
8.00 Overcoats at
S 84
6 84
$1500, $1
$19 84
17.84 $4.00 Overcoats at

Rain Coats
Boys’ Overcoats
5.84 $3.50, $5.50
800, $20.00
$15.00 and
Boys’ Suits, 1

Lot No. I.
Joys’ Suits, 15 to 19 years,
$2 60° a Suit.
Lot No. 2.
$3.50 a Suit.
Lot No. 3.
and $6.50
5 to 19 years,

Children’s Suits
$1.50, $2.00 and $4.00
Plain Suits
Plain Suits that
$12.00 and $15.00,
Several Lots of Men’s Suits
$4.00, $5.00 and $6.00
sold at
and $10 00

3.50 Sale
4.00 Sale
1.50 Sale
5.00 Sale Price ........ Ah
Gun Metal, Patent Colt and
Gents’ Furnishings
Joy’s Pants 50c. to
50c., were 75¢
A 2.34
Price ....... 2.94
Price oie... 3 34
. 3.94
at Greatly
Reduced Prices.
Pants 50c¢. to $3.00
85¢ and 90c.

Yoife’s is the Place

. » o > » © .
Obeying Instructions.
A milkman who lives a town of
New England and collects milk from
the neighboring farmers had in his em
| ploy a boy whom he sent about with
{a wagon every morning picking up his
immense stock, you;
With two big stores, both of which carry an
S low
-an’t help but get just what you want at prices that
c get J )
lowest. Shelves are heavily laden with stock, not shelf worn, but the
kind that is up-to=the-hour,
Clothing Store General Store
There is a rather dangerous
the road, and
railroad crossing on
| when the boy began work for him the
“| milkman said,
| coming just stop and sit still in your
“When there's a train
wagon till it gets by.”
The boy went about his task, but in-
| stead of collecting the milk in about
| an
| been done, he took at least two hours
hour and a half, as should have
and sometimes more.
The milkman grumbled a little, but
| the boy said nothing, and as he seem-
or service
only $1.50.
in blucher
| ance for
| in all sizes
: o >
dies at $2 and $2.25.
er splendid value for Ila-
If you care for neither of these
possibly vou would like a Mayfair
| or American Lady shoe at $3 and
| $3.50?
Also Children and Infants’ shoes
| at prices to suit.

Blankets from soc to $7.50 and
Comforts dt frcm $1 to $5. Holi-
day Dress Goods from the cheap-
| est to the best,
full line of Fresh
| Always have a
| Greceries at way down prices
$5.50 Yearly Subscriptions fr $3.50
The three magazines offered in combina-
Well there’s no use enumerating |
| tlon by us at this greatly reduced price are
because you will find here just |
what you want in the clothing line | so well known as to make description al-
y > : I
. ie TQ : en | MOSt UNDECESSALY.
Remember this IS a clothing store EVERYBODY'S, the great general maga
and an up-to-date one at that. zines of America. Regular price : $1.50
Pp . Se WORLD'S WORK, interpreting all cur-
Our Dress and Working Shirts, | rent events, and just now running the story |
ber AS s ) : vat far the | Of John D. Rockefeller, told by himself.
Hats, Caps can’t be beat for the Regular price a year $3.00.
money. { THE DELINEATOR, The
. , | thority of the World, and
A very fine line of young men’s | Magazine. Regular price a year $
suits. received especially for the | The regular subscription price for all of |
= Need | these is $5.50 {
holiday trade. Drop in and look | By subscribing here to-morrow they will |
#1 | cost you only $3 50.
Cil€m over.

Fasion Au- |
olf Yoffe
Opposite the Post Office Mount Joy, Penn.

Our Aim Perfection:
‘To make our store your srore,
‘seasonable merchandise so vot
"Tq serve-vou quickly to improve all departments of our store,
shopping a pleasure and a profit tor you to
ment, never to over estimate a like,
In short to improve just 2 little each day.
: To make this store worthy of
your patronage.
/ 0
For fuil particulars sce large circular.
B. Bernhart & Co.

Mount Jov, Pa.
ed honest nothing was done.
One evening the milkman went over
his route to see some of his customers.
“What ails that boy of yours?” asked
one of the farmers.
“Why, nothing, only that he's rather
slow,” was the reply.
“Slow! Well, I guess you'd think he
was slow if you saw him resting for
half an hour in his wagon down there
by the railroad track every morning.”
“Is it true that you stop half an hour
every morning down at the raflroad
track ?”’ the boy was asked.
“Yes, sir; I have to,” said the boy.
“Have to! What do you mean?”
“Well, sir, you told me to stop when
there was a train coming and to wait
till it got by. There's a crook in the
track there, so ’'t I never can see
whether there’s a train coming down
the track or not. 8o I just stop an’
wait till there’s one goes by anyway,
an’ then I just skip over lively!”"—Har-
per’s Weekly.
How Johnny Managed It.
“You and that little Wattles boy
seem to play very nicely together,”
said Johnny’s mother. “I am glad
there is one boy in the neighborhood
that you can get along with.”
“Yes,” replied Johnny. “I lick him
every morning, and then he’s nice to
me all day.”—Chicago Record-Herald.

Humor ano Philosophy

What's the difference if I win
Or am distanced in the race,
As a leader coming in
Or can hardly show for placef
Nothing to the world at large,
To admit it I am free,
If I merit a discharge,
But it means a heap to me.
Others may dissect my case
In calm, cold blooded tone.
Be it honor or disgrace,
They praise or cast a stone,
Or their shoulders they may shrug
And dismiss it with a sneer
Or a smile serene and smug
If 1 happen to be near.
If 1 suffer and am sad,
If 1 get the double cross,
If my schemes are to the bad,
Every deal a total loss,
Still the old world wags along
Quite contented on its way,
Seeing nothing very wrong,
Finding life serene and gay.
Clearly 1 must do my own
Weeping if it’s done at all,
In my secret chambers groan.
Useless ’tis to hire a hall.
And perhaps ’'tis better thus.
Sorrow at each private fuss,
When would it find time to go?
The Marble Heart.

“Is he matrimonially inclined?”
“Well, not so much as he was, I be-
| lieve.”
“How is that?”
“He has been matrimonially declined
too often.”
Remembered the Taste.
| “They didn't have perfumed soap
{ when 1 was young.”
| “There must have been some.”
| “Well, if there was my mother didn’t
use it to wash out my mouth when she
| heard me swearing.”
“I certainly admire that pianist who
gave the recital last night.” 1
“For his compositions or for his per- |
in charging
I admire him for his nerve
$2 a seat”’—New York
Speed. |
“How fast does a motor car take
“It depends on what you mean,” an-|
swered Mr. Chuggins. “Over the |
roads it goes at the same pace as most |
of them, but when it comes to running |
into debt it's got ’em all beat.” — |
Washington Star.
The borough schools were closed | /
last week from Wednesday on, ob-|
serving Thanksgiving.
In Demand.
“Making my own living now.”
“That so? How?”
“Inventing white
lies for society
The Reason.
“The writer of this anonymous letter |
says it is not prompted by malice, but
is written for your own good.”
“Sure. That's why he was ashamed
to sign it.”— Kansas City Times.
Between the Acts.
Robbie (at the opera)—Mamma, what
| dloes papa keep going out between the |
acts for?
He goes out for opera
College Education.
Knicker—What are the three r's?
Bocker—Rah, rah, rah!—New York
i /
| Best paper in town. Look at
the size of it, then the po
If the world should pause to show !
No Money. We De-
Piano You Free.
30 Our Ex-
days at
pense. if You Con-
sider It the ILiqual of Pianos
Selling Elsewhere for Consid-
erable More Money. You
May Pay for It on Small
Monthly Payments.
Our Pianos Range
Select From.
Catalogue, Free. This
Address, Department ‘D.”
We Have Twenty-five Different Well-Known

Stool, Scarf, Duster and In-
struction Book Included.
in Price According to Their Grade.
Every Instrument Guaranteed to Give Satisfaction or Money Refunded.
We Guarantee to Save You From $50 to $100 on Any Piano You Select.
Write ard Tell Us What Amount of Money You Will Invest in a Piano—$147, $155, $180, $200,
$225, $250, $275, $300, $350, $400 Up to $1,500—and We Will Mail You Our Beautiful Illustrated
under No Obligation.
No Less
Remember the date, Saturday, Nov. 28. Place, No. 4 West King street. The sale will be conducted by Mr, James Pennington, of New York City
GEORGE A. COX, No; west King street Luancaster, Penna.
S0 Days [ree
Offer Allows You to Test
Merits of t
Without One Cent
We All
If you keep
he Instrument for
of Expense; Pay
Freight Charges.
the Piano after 30 days We
Require No First
Simply the Regular Monthly
Payment, $5, $8 or $10, What
ever the Amount Might Be.
Than Two Hundred To
for Catalogu To-day.

J. H TRBROUP Music House
15 S. MarKet Square, Harrisbur g a.
9000000000900 000000009000000000000000000000000000
0000000090000 00000000000 999959590098459009944500999409044

Candies for Xmas.
At my coufectionery you will always find
a fine assortment of Candies, and I have a
specially fine line for Christmas. Also fruit
such as

Oranges, Bananas, Etc.
| Tobacco & Cigars
by the box that would make a fine present
for a friend.
For Sunday Schools,
| Churches, Etc.
As I am handling very large amounts of
candy it would be of interest to all parties
buying wholesale to see me before making
their purchases, as I have quite an assort-
ment of loose and boxed goods at prices
that are right.
Pell's Confectionery
Mount Joy, Pa. |

For a Neat and Clean
Shave, Hair Cut or Shampoo, qo
’ poo, 4
Josep hE ershey
Successor to W, W. Strashach
Tine Tensorial Parler
Fast Main Street. Mount Joy, Pa.

3 hag
If You Want the Best I Have It!
Granite from Scotland, Sweden and
Norway always in stock for yourin-
spection. I have erected 333 tomb-
stones and monuments the last 11
years in the Mt. Joy, Henry Eberie
and Florin cemeteries alone, not in-
cluding Landisville, Salunga, Silver
Spring, Kraybill’s, Cross Roads,
Newtown and many other places.
mew. 3
% Musser’s West
H. Clay Miller
& Supplies.
Repair Worls
t Street”
Wm. Scholing
Cakes, B
End Bakery \
Mounf Joy Penna
A :
Good Bread, uns, &e.
Geltmacher, late of Rapho
) aving claims or demands
Il present them without delay
the undersigned, residing on
HER, Administrator.
. oct 21-6¢
. F.D. No. 1, Cc