ide-awake Big ==MWetropolitan=—— DRUG 4 Mevnee? A Complite W ke Big of the little old fashioned kind a lively, busy, big city | desirable for family use we shall not hesitate to so inform our customers. Furthermore, we will not recommend medicihe Nor is it ake it con This is not a little corner drug store. one drug store in which an attempt is made to n plete ir ways looking for the goods |The contents of which we do not know, because in doing we would be liable to induce some people to use a remetly which our customers are looking for. We carry a stock all t ti 1at s all other country drug stores for a town | which was not for their welfare. We have a line of our own preparations also Rexall remedies, every one of which we know to be safe, absolut We do We We guarantee every-one to be satisfactory or we refund the money. of this size and quite a few larger. If there is some other line goods which vou woul ly m us if we had it in all drugs which could do harn not hesitate about Rexall Remedies to 3 claim for them. stock, we would be only too happy to keep them in stock for dation. , and thoroughly effective for the purpose intended. ou because we know that they are good. know that they will g our Own, an that We have already made this store many ant and giv- If thi his During the ing what you ask for. is the kind of a drug store you like leased to herin doing vervthing we Please un business with you. past year our business has increase business, not only at derstanc In case of illness it is always best to see some good Doctor and have him prescribe the medicine for your No buy of need and bring the prescription to the drug store to be filled, but if you want to buy ready made medicine. then we are We in- f medicines that you know nothing about, and that we are not able to tell vou anvthing nedicines. what sheerfully do coods, toilet articles matter you our prescription counter but sick room us or where you live in the town, if you want us to deliver your goods we will so free of charge. sure that you cannot get any better family remedies than those put up by E. W. Garber, and Rexall .remedies. vite you to buy them in place A Little Inside Drug Store History about. ou a few inside facts regarding the drug business As and For fear that you do not know them already, we want to give } The Principle on Which we do Business you to read them carefully. you and inasmuch as they are facts, each one of importance to every family, we ask know a druggist’s shelves are loaded down with innumerable patent medicines. Some of these are very good some Qur aim is always to serve our customers in the way which will in the long run be most satisfactory to them, and oiten to do this, we must direct their attention away from the thing they wish to buv. do. We Among the manufacturers of patent medicines there are unscrupulous people, just as there are unscrupulous greatest welfare be very bad. people in all trades. These unscrupulous manufacturers put up remedies which never ought to used in the family knowing about them as well as we have built up a large business, and have a long list of customers who For example they have cocaine in catarrh powders, so that after a person has used them for a while he becomes addicted utmost confidence in us, because we do try to be thoroughly reliable family drugeist. We invite vour trade. to the cocaine habit and consequently continues to use that cocaine powder for the rest of his life. Sixteen Ounces to The Pound weight on all It is perfectly natural that reliable druggists should try to influence their customers not to buy injurious reme- dies of that kind, but should try to sell them remedies which the druggists knows to be safe and thoroughly reliable for We give 16 ounces to the pound, down goods sold over our counter, and they are not 16 ounces scant either like in some stores. family use. There seems to be a common error of belief that druggists give apothecary’s weight when they sell Cream of Tart- As soon as these unscrupulous manufacturers found out what the reliable druggists were doing they immediately J . . . ¢ . " pr ‘ 1 1 1 ~ 1 began £0 advertise that such druggists, were substitutes; “and that all substitutes were cheats,” frauds, rascals and think- ler. Borax, Sulphur and hundreds of other things, sold by the pound. ing by this means to-compel the druggist to sell their nefurious remedies when-ever innocent people should come in the This is a mistake, we give you avoirdupois weight sixteen ounces to the pound, the apothecary ounce is heavier but the avoirdupois pound is heavier by 240 grains, because it contains 16 avoirdupois ounces You get a 7000 grain drug store and ask for them. nound here of the finest quality drugs that money Their libelous black Mail does not frighten us at all. and skill can buy. If we have good reason for thinking that any remedy is not BH Cr ROMO 00 0 0H HI BE HO HB BB HS DHS BH BD 0, READ THIS! u EE ES Brushes STAR COURSE | Garber’s Ice Cream We are showing a case of Brush- | ; . that for quality for bristles, Mount Jov Hall Don’t fail to come to Garb- eX | er’s Drug Store on ThanKs elegancy, finest, variety and beauty of workmanship have never been Nov. 26—Dr. A. Willits | giving day if you want Ice | Cream. Either by the qt. surpassed in this town. They in- 1% —Rice FF: lv Concer 0 Dee. 17—Rice Family Concert Co. or the gallon. If you tele- oF Eo 1% {oF oF 5 >t {oF fo] 1 X {oF €8 LH Lr #3 cluded Military Brushes latest and sy : 3 sek most desirable styles, as well as a most complete line of handle brush- Prices range from 50¢ to $1.00, . 5% Feb. 1—Chicago Glee Club Feb. 20—Lou J. Mar. 25—The Pierces | phone we will deliver it. xy Oo SS & According to the reports of the United States Govern- DL 3 » C x Cold Cream { There are countless “Skin Foods,” | “Flesh Foods,” “Hygenic Creams,” | «Cold Creams,” and other similar ok : . pes preparations well known to the . “xy . 3 , toils feminine worl But we ws rou | our dearest friends. We invite | Dn ne orld. ut we want yc - you to let us fill your prescriptions ! fo RNOW: our cold urea; 4 ands :s ar a 1 It is a most delightful perfumed : i ii hol | ant supply all your sick room goods . 1 t1 1 fk! : rmed regarding: their uses a : Du srfoetlv: = gy kv. at informed regar Ing thelr uses and Household remedies, toilet articles perfectly smooth and quickly ap sorbed cream, A ia We do thi and general dry store goods. : that we may It has both a fattening and a commendable Headache Medicine tonic action the skin, - ¢leaning, Yn softening and beautifying A headach ’ mach or bowel Beauchamp ment experts on pure food, we make a perfect baking pow- Fine Soap We try to keep in stock every good toilet soap that has any de- mand at all. We keep watching for new soap, and keep hold of the very best of the established soap, in order that we may thoroughly der. We guarantee that it dees not contain any particle of $e 474 LG a Sd A tartaric acid, alum or any other impurities and we challenge oi = Tickets are on sale at Garber’s Drug Store a 3 any other baking powder firm to prove that their powder 274 guy {ok = 2 % Es 25, wo contains as much cream of tartar as the White Mountain. a be )] {ok points of excellency. specially in order know what are the toilet soaps for the complexion, the the bath, the the room, or for general household use. pointe Tr: 1y kind to us for it and if 3d EOE), COT on Sp AT 4x gn, XOX PN n 8 { is so st | your mo if it does Becauze it ¢ Our { ualities indicate wilment, klood, or Your mcney will be 1s a tumor or some : fant : yerirectly may some ld hair, nursery, sick t or. some . Sold in bulk or at 25¢ 1 When- di , di toilet ) . aerange ( a function, or result of | condition of the some [Let us give you a ever yon want orowth, tf ol savistaclon Deca . oy Pilocarpin, 1 ymbination, I I 5 1 nic VICES " combination, Phe Sons pow ’ will be the softer ng, ar I stimulat ble and nec household of scalp and hair tzoubles. a ed inste: Patent Medi Jf used according toc onsiorar Janie RAGE is 1 aimed th length of time, we are ab y positive u y but bel will thoroughly imtation, erac ¢ follicles and 1 , TE > and oi, = he call special attention to tl roots, stop prevent baldness, promote i i hair growth an ~You must realize that we w We claims with such: a liberal offer unless we were positive that and just how it can substantiate our statements in every parti , and the most / terials . act ne trv Rexall "93" 3 : skeptical person should at least be willing to try Rexall "9 the best quality that can be obtain- Hair Tonic at our risk. TWO SIZES, 50c. and $1.00 ed in the market, and is of such a character as to produce a general toric of marked effect. We advise you first to see a doctor but if you want to buy a patent medicine which you have seen advertised as a Stomach Bitters and Tonic then we would urge you to this remedy a trial. soap, come right ) , } 1 1ave it in stock w ) N A we should not have it in stock we 3 Fountain Pens N 1 t lad cenk ay orief, loss of s 100 giaa tO 9o¢ 1t or you. | i 1: > . ’ L12( Aadles’, A beautiful constantly useful, always or indulgence. Gentlemen’s Gzarber’s Stomach Bitters & dy 18 offer Tonie t ever the cause may be, 1t 3 1 1 : . offer. S best to have your acceptable present, does away with rem stor take the This . 1 Yom IQ and coi ar + bottles to upsct, ana soil carpets Do you know companion a handle the Price $1.00 ise in hand to treat rather ink j | table spreads. delightful there is fountain pen We 1 loj Parker Lucky Carve. ranteed, ban just try to reli temporarily, at least 1 wise to what 1 learn f 1s. 1 lable Stomach rom your doctor if for 50¢ and SON Bib Aa aa PE 1 found market. any serious We give you pound on the Lo be t t, 1f he gives vou a pre 10n to »20.0U gui your choice of any of the following articles as a pr rene to the 1Se we Know 1t liable. Spices! Spices! will cheerfully fill ly what is in 1, _ We prepare formula of a prominent a headache in p that great favorite among some of our customers. We call this remedy Garber’s Headache cure, and is put up in packages con- taining 4 powders which we sell for (10¢) 3 packs (12 powders) 25c Spices! irnaturally soft ana « 1d n a-Quart Dresden White Lined Preserve Kettles {4-Quart Titan Grey Rinsing Pan . Motteled Enamelware and many other articles accordin to the ot dare b know exact v 3 . KOOW exa We carry the finest and best line of Spices to be had any where and the price is very reasonable com- paring the goods to others. > is made, 1 physician from which it is made are of refiel ywder form has become a eretek ok Cinnamon Saigon, ............ which will be in a little later. Cloves Ginger, Mac anywhere by mail on receipt of the Margoram, price. We guarantee these powders Mustard Ground, . satisfactory or money refunded Mustard Whole, Lr ¥ vy Imig, Nutmeg Pepper Cayene, Pepper, Black. Pepper, White, . Sage, Thyme,. .. Tumeric, Mixed Whole Spice..... Celery Seed 3C. OZ, 3 ®) 5C, 0z; 10C. Oz, 5C. OZ. oz 5C. 2 OZ, > OZ, 5C. Oz. e+ 3b, sent | Bk R 1. Iolo leloleteleteoteleleletelototoloto] au) (STANDARDIZED) ForAllLive Stock EASY AND SAFE TO USE. KILLS LICE, TICKS, FLEAS, MITES. CURES MAN RINGWORM, SCRATCHES, ETC. DESTROYS D GERMS AND DRIVES AWAY FLIES. NON-IRRITATINC. EFFECTIVE. INEX THE IDEAL DIF ONE FOR EACH AILMENT. give Magnificent Stock of Perfumes Our list of handkerchief extracts and sachets comprise some of the | popular odors put up by leading American and Foreign Perfume Manufacturers. We take great pride in trying to have the best complete, and invite you to come Lere and find.your favorite odor or at least if we do not have it we will get it for you. When one is in danger nobody stops to count the pennies. We all | want the best doctor, the best med- | icine, the best food and the best | attention thatcan be obtained, and 1 challenge anybody to prove that they furnish purer and better drugs { for prescription work then I do. It | | has always been our aim to supply Vanilla, Lemon,.... : Orange,........ bee Tat | the best medicine and the best sick room necessities and comforts that | could be found anywhere. We giye | every prescription brought here the | same cure that we would if we knew | that the medicine was for one of You will observe that we never expose our perfumes to the sunlight as that weakens them, this is the reason our perfumes have the repu- tation of being so much stronger and more lasting than usual, Essences, Wintergreen, Spearment,............ Cream Tartar, . . Baking Soda........ sinsleieinnss «5c. 1b; Jia. 100 bE, Peppermint, vee... .5C. OZ. 4oc. 1b. | The above goods are all guaranteed | strictly pure. | . W. Garber’s Drug Store GOLD + | | | | MOUNT JOY, PENNA. J FOR SALE BY E. W. Carber ASK FOR FREE BOOKLETS. Just Received a Fine Lot of FISH Prices 5¢ to 50c Each ®