The weekly bulletin. (Florin, Penn'a.) 1901-1912, November 18, 1908, Image 5

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aL . EN A a
ona . ’ p Hriwer th
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Si i Lad fo W oy f
: 2 id A " pb Mepw
~ ‘
ol - — — a, a — — — po ere are Tar TTT .— — i ———— Tr ————— ———
‘ a “| ever put him aside, %e Shea JOrAINTO! nt-
CB %% p I
& ly for her hand.
TN, LiL 0 y o Wh The { One day she told him if he would
8 y | put like inquiries for Nevius lu the pa- i
y 8 W | pers again and In slx months no tid :
AAAANAYIY : » she { Jd give hl in
AMAA a” 8 ere (ienerous ngs Cua she would give him an an ~ OPERATION | CV0000000900009004000000000000009
w & By M. MONROE JAMES. When the tlme was past and he fa |
R) : teringly reminded her of ft she |
OS on Copyright, 1908, by American Press “Mr. Burn you have been a tru | an
» Association friend to me when Ich wer 013 1
$ fow I respect you, honor you |
eX V rive rome . the love wl u deserve Is not n
hice that d ahi \ of 1 1 10 [I was Invited to make a | to give Living or dead, Fred Ney s ®
wh wa emprte {Ln Lm ailore ui
bh 1g prices tha | gto of Eastport When the «¢ “y ( if you w | |
iy " cises were ver I wandered an yes,” he urged
Pred { r of money the | nteboisio " ' " ' . y :
& ) tching the friends who And thus the compact wi I'wo hundred wome ind Missses’ high class tailored suits. on sale
. fragrant tokens of 1 N it was settled ‘
~ * ° Ice over the ashes of th god 1 early marriage, i this week, a closing out purchase from prominent manufacturers, in plain
bn, . abetted by Mrs. Dixon, Cora con ; fane fee 1 ap :
$ " ; tailored and fancy effects, remarkably low price
( W Auti § | | ] i ] | 1t o ling beside a grave which | ed Listlessly she did it as if it mat ] k 3 Oo prices,
$ | was Hu covered with choice | tered not to her, as indeed it did not ‘1 rik
% | flowers when my friend C. joine . . « attar Rirng noted the 2 1 $ A wroken sizes, from our sk
w., 48 1) d C. joined me So in the days after Burns noted th Specla at 8.90 en sizes, from our own stock,
We have seleéted a stock of high-class Coat Suits and clier @ “Those people are generous,” 1 | same apathetic agreement with every I Hi in br ; {nvske aida
: | ald. pointing 10 the flower SLowi J. car vaste IE i Fa ome 2 in brown, green, black and white in
to soll 1} : aren : 7 : " They are made of the & Id 1 ng ( strewn suggestion om © other o | . ng : a n Oo 0 "ral ai Tailored Suits a i :
11 the t exceptionally low figures. 10) « i » and indicating a gentleman and | self. It cu. him to the heart, for, If there is any one thing that a Elegant Plain ilored Suits, of neat striped Worsteds; value from
9 best materials and their style and quality are right up to the y lady who had just left it though counting It earth's choicest | Woman dreads more than another it fine, two -toned Worsted, in black, $200.00 to $25.0 hoice at $15
* “ “They have reason to be,” he an- | blessing to have her by his side on any | 18 @ surgical operation. Ca La . 9=00. v 9.00; choice at $15.00
standard, " swered. terms, he could not escape the convie- | We can state without fear of a | navy, smoke, green, wine and aprece,
: . 9 I'hat evening he told me the story: tion that he was requiring too great a | contradiction that there are hun. brown. Coat 36-inch. semi-fitted
FOR $10.00 We offer a pl vin tailored Broadcloth 36 inch, 0 For a time it was difficult to guess ' sacrifice of her. dreds, yes, thousands, of operations i ’ ’ ye. . a
double-breasted t. skirt plaited or plain gored, in green, & | which of the rivals for the hand of One day when she was more than | performed upon women in our hos: | single-breast, button through; guar- Silk Rain Coats
double~breaste YO! 8 { » al o y - 0 } _ : |
& ouble sled Goal, I I & | Cora Dixon would carry off the prize, | usually distrait he offered to release pitals which are entirely unneces- | sod satin li o: skirt full ecire
ay Wl tt ifn the Hie 4 J gary and many have beer Jed I anteed satin lining: skirt full ecircu- : x
brown, garnet, blue and black. This is a beautiful suit for the | for she seemed equally gracious to | her. She told him that, while sho | 84 ave been avoided by | taished wi : An attractive showing of Rub-
. . : 1 ; sy | Fred Nevius and Geoffrey Burns. { could not give him what his truth and ’ ar flare. finished with fold and but : yi : :
money and well worth examining before purchasing elsewhere, 81 There Ww ’ . devoli hit ‘ ae . LYDIA E.PINKHAM S . berized Silk and Moire Rain Coats
) 4 ! "I here was one intensely Interested evotion deserved, she would be true tons to match coat; a remarkably :
q FOR $15.00—We offer an invisible striped Panama with 36-in; ¢ | spectator, who, had the question been | to him if such was his desire. VEGETABLE COMPOUND : Y [mn all the desirable shades, Sce the
8 ! . 2 |.left for her decision, would have set- | “It is my heart's dearest wish,” he For proof of this statement read stylish suit, at $18.50 ial Silk C 210 95 1
double-breasted coat, finely tailored; skirt plaited and gored, in & | tled it easily. To Cora’s mother mon- | answered fervently. “And love like | the following letters. special Silk Coat at $10.95, and our
® brown. and green ey was the key to all things desirable, | mine must have its reward by and by. | Mrs. Barbara Base, of Kingman, A $29 {special Moire Coat at $16.60. Ex-
g yrown, and green. and as Burns had an abundance of | I will be patient.” | Kansas, writes to Mrs. Pinkham: t 00 | ti {val
a. Ftha a r “whila Naw oi of ouchp a ra : “OR . ceptional values.
FOR $18.00—We offer a ragular £20.80 Suit, in brown th commodity, while Nevius was but Deeply touched, even more by hi For eight years 1 suffered from Jue % : I
$18. g " indifferently provided, she wondered | tone than the words, she answered | most severe formo emale troubles anc Five styles, all exceptionally |
London Smoke and Black, The coats are plain tailored, full satin at her daughter's Indecision. | gently, “Geoffrey, I wish I might do Tas wld Yuu an operation Was sy vsly good values: two are of extra fine Wi N *
: : ia : ol 1 © But Cora was unlike her mother, | more, but all that I can give shall be | ;OP€ 9 Facoye yO ria | 5 f ? ; Th : Mite & Cr eam Silk
lined. the long, hipless, semi-fitted models. Skirts plaited, also % je " for advice, and took Lydia E. Pinkham’s . ; : : {
lined, long, Mpless, ¢) | and when the supreme test came to | yours. ! Vewetable Mannish Worsteds, in all the good hs . :
: . ¢ : ] : : : egetable Jompound, and it has saved ¢ A beautiful, sheer quality: to line
with folds and flare, This is an unusual opportunity to secure go | her she did not let the superior finan After this for his sake she strove to | my life and made me a well woman.” shades; plain. man-tallored. effects; A bei , sheer quality; to line
9 | celal ¢ antages of lover vier) ring back some of her time cheer She 8; é an-u ects; y ahs
whet valli & | cial advantages of one lover outwei bring back some of her old time ch Mrs. Arthur R. House, of Church : , [the popular Lace Waist; 27 inches
unmatched value. the fact that her heart had gone into | fulness. And when she succeeded, as Road, Moorestown. N. J., writes: other models are trimmed with sat- » a i
% the keeping of the other. in part she sometimes did, his hap) “I feel it is my duty to let people | : braid. io the lar Dives wilde; only ode. a yark.
pon Scarcely had the story of Fred's good | face paid her for the struggle. DB know what Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vege- In or vraid, 1n the popular irect-
fortune become known when the town | when alone in her room, where she | table Compound has done for me. I | oir les: S at ar or N .
, > . oire styles; Suits that are worth r
§ % was startled by strange news. The | could be herself, her sore heart cried! | suffered from female troubles, and last gies; f Black Satin Luxor
lover had forged his employer's name | out against the fate which forced this | March my physician decided that an | $27.56 to $35.00; now $22.5 >: i , a3
| and had fled. | hollow life upon her operation was necessary. My husband Rich, double faced Silk; both
Ye: a : 2 a : . | objected, and urged me to try Lydia : : . . .
BLOGG While the matter was being discuss- On the evening of the day before E> Pitham’s re Tlinte CORD n Ne . + » |Sides alike, bright ldstre, soft —nish
SSS ed elsewhere Cora was reading with | that set for her wedding she was sit- | ang to-day I am well and strong.” Sample Suits at S15 akes a verv hand pow 38
| tear wet eyes and agony of soul a let- | ting in a rustic chair on the lawn. FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN makes a very lanasome gown; Joa
ter from her aceused lover; | Wrapped in the contemplation of her . Choice lot of Manufacturers’|inshes wide; worth $1.50; a big

is the only kind I sell—Furniture that is Furniture.
Rockers Mirrors Hall Racks
Picture Frames Ladies’ Desks
Extension & Other Tables, Davenports
China Closets, Kitchen Cabinets |
In fact anything 1n the Furniture Line
Undertaking and Embalming

Cood Times Are Coing To Continue
If you buy Coal of me vou will certainlv have
and all that’s
good comfortable home after
where the real good times start from.
Building Slate,
R. R. Depot,


Opposite Old P.
& ® to oT OX«

25%, 358 aie 43s x, g%y
5 5k 0% 2% 2
OL WN Nr Sk)

Soft And Stiff Hats =
Wingert & Haas
144 Nozih Queen LANGA
Sheet Musi


Per Copy. at

Kirk Johnson & Co.

24 W. King St., LANCASTER, PA.
| Wt

Dear Cora—When you get this I shall be
far away, where I do not know. Fate is
against me; but, as there is a God in
heaven, I did not do the thing they charge
against me. I shall love you always, but |
of course you are free from any promise
to me Unless I can clear my name 1
shall never return. I trust you will be-
lieve me, though I suspect the world will
not. God bless you. Goodby! Your un-
happy FRED.
The story was this: A check presum-
ably drawn by Samuel Blake, his un-
cle and employer, was presented by
the young man at the bank and cash-
ed. Mr. Blake declared the check a
forgery. Fred sald it was received
in a letter which stated it was a gift.
Unfortunately the letter could not be
produced. With an indignant denial
he paid back the money and demand-
ed know If his uncle intended to
prosecute. Receiving a negative reply,
he left the store and, packing his be-
longings, left town without notifying
any one of his destination.
As Cora faced the situation she saw |
that, as he had said, his explanation
would not be accepted. She was
worldly wise enough to know that,
notwithstanding the maxim of the


strange position, she did not know that
a man was approaching her until he
had called her name. As she turned
the face of Fred Nevius, full of. a hun
gry longing, met hers,
With a little cry
sprang up, and the
arms were about her. How long the;
remained thus they could not have
told, when they saw the grave eyes of
Geoffrey Burns, not in anger, but full
of gladness she
next moment his
of unutterable sadness, resting on
Tearing herself from Nevius’ clasp
Cora went to Burns and put her hand
upon his arm.
“Forgive me, Geoffrey,” she said
humbly. “Forgive me. I forgot.” Then,
turning to Fred, she added, ‘“Tomor-
row night I am to be his wife.”
Nevius recoiled as if she had struck
him and, like one dazed, stood, with a
dumb misery on his ashen face, look-
ing from one to the other. At last he
broke the painful silence.
“Great God,” he cried passionately,
“did ever a man have such bitter fate?
On a scrap of paper a few days ago 1
saw an account of the cruel jest which





For thirty years Lydia E. Pink-
ham’s Vegetable Compound, made
from roots and herbs, has been the
standard remedy for female ills
and has positively cured thousands of
women who have been troubled with
displacements, inflammation, ulcera-
tion, fibroid tumors, irre ularities,
periodic pains, and bo oy
Mrs. Pinkham invites all sick
women to write her for advice.
She has guided thousands to
health. Address, Lynn, Mass.
The Brinzer denomination held
services in the village church on
Hiram Richard and family, of
Manheim, were guests in the family
of his father-in-law, Abram Cooper.
Mrs. Jonas Berto and
Berto were guests of the
brother, William Pleger,
at Quarryville
and wife
Clayton Nissley attended the
wedding reception held on Tuesday
at the home of H. Reist Landis,
in honor of the marriage of his
datighter, Emma Landis, and
Phares Newcomer.
Trolley Schedule
Lancaster, Rohrerstown, Landisville, Salun-
ga, Mount Joy and El town
Street Railway Company


i 4
) 45
) 1
. D1
15, Aim
12 45.
Leave Salunga
10 30, 11 30 Pm
530,630, 730, 7:
Am. 100.



I Arrive at Lancaster
10 15. 11 15. Pm.
515,615 15, 743 8
On Saturday
10 15 p my;
On sat I
be ran betw 3
half hour from 6 15 a nu
Sundays, firs
Leave I
X) conn
sen mM >
8 3 #
i « )
& 7
law to the contrary, public opinion is : : :
: : Yr I L : ruined my life. I hurried home, hop
apt to adjudge an accused man guilty : eR : : > .
I . ing to find what evil fortune had
unless he can show his innocence, Her .
snatched from me. 1 thought I had,
cheeks tingled as she thought of the ' Nay :
: but, oh, my God His words ended
covert sneers about that gift. Oh, if : 5 : : :
eT . with a wail of despair, and, turning,
he had only kept that letter! he sta t away like ote "who had
. > . a staggered away like one who hac
But what did it all matter? She | a :
r : . lost all hope.
knew he was innocent. Whatever the | > hi
5 ois : | Burns, watching them, saw that
might say, that was her verdict. Viti X mn
while Cora still kept her hand upon
verdict she announced with te i RE TY as 3 ‘ :
2 J Yottoces the uate his arm her eyes followed the retreat
( Hl} S whene +] atter : 1 +
24 : a. : ing form, and all her heart went with
ci her attention, but she sadly |
. : 3 | them.
sav few stood with her; hence it |
1 1 : | * *«
did her a world of good to receive a | ’ : *
eoffrey Burns announcing | iz
ier friend.
re on Cora, bearing th
f i
y hi x
$ r took 1 - All ‘e
me 1 the door saw Geoffrey Bui
I 7
hi f the asse
1 1 |
© 1 | Sm
t: § si
ell Fred of it 1} » | saw Burns wa
( it at tl ank. When he | 1 a mighty
to him into trou n: “Friends, ]
larmed and held his | ding tonight. 1 had
I | hour would crown my life 1
1is disclosure Jurns | fulfillment of its fondest hope, nu
! Cora and congratulated her | Gad wills otherwise. My love for
lover's name. { Cora Dixon has not abated or j
\ r your | and she stands ready to o
‘red fully | her promise to be wife But
nw ny he an- | whom God hath joined to her is 1
sw 1 returned, and, though it leaves my life
Then 1d of having sent Nel- | a barren waste, I have released I
fon ( to the papers of the | from her vow.”
1 the hope that the ip- | Shortly after Fred
t see it. | quietly married. 1 §}
¢ this it seemed the | they had of the noble man wh
tur thir f Burns to call | rifice had made their union po
t S another year. | was that he had been killed
1 ime to East- | and In his will he ha« ; propert
ttl vas dead. A to Cora.
ed Cora questioned | a ——— :
Pittsb s $1,000,000 Ball Field.
of vivid $1,000,000 wa
rd it,” he answered bn ’ had
| consummated in I 1x rently b
hat foundation | Barney pl di f tl
Pittsburg 1 t
3 4 uch | club secures ¢ en es (
| ground at the to Schenley
1 park to be used a etic field. It
har | is planned to have stands with a seat
ner ;
| ing cap: of 25.000, making it the
0 4 5 :
i largest stand park in the
ith i true she | country. will not be com-
i pleted at the openi of the baseball
I at lagi \ | season next year, but Mr. Dreyfuss ex-
@ 3 a 3 i | pects to have the National league |
¢ VIO n i :
| games played there after the middle of
western state in which a young man | June.
answering Fred's description had been _-
killed. On his linen they found the Remedy For Hog Cholera. {
word Nevius. He told her also that! The following treatment for hog
he and Mr. Blake had put personals | cholera has been used with success:
in the city papers all over the country, | Take equal parts ot 4 per cent solution
making inquiry for the missing
but months had gone by and dey he wd
heard nothing.
“My heart says no,’
when. he had finished.
’ she replied only
Love cannot remain hidden. When
Cora chose Fred Nevi 8, Burns had
put his love away. But now, believ-
ing his rival dead, it had come back in
greater volume. And so, though she

of carbolic acid and 2 per cent solu-
tion of morphine sulphate and give
once daily hypodermically twenty to
forty drops, according to the size of
the hog. Inject on inside of hind or
fore leg above the knee or hock joint,
using proper precaution as to cleanli-
ness. Separate well hogs from sick,
treating them the same as the sick.—
Farmers Advocate.

Anyone sending a aketch and description may
quickly ay Four opinion free whether a: an
invention is probably patentai ar
tions strictly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patents
sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents.
Rs taken through Munn a Co. receive
ial notice, without charge, in t!
"Scientific American,
A handsomely illustrated weekly. Jerson eir-
jioe ournal. Terms, $3 a
eunlation of any LE a enon:
New York

year ; four months, $
MUNN & Coz a018ut,

Sample Suits,
and a gathering of | money’s worth at $1.15 a yard.
New York Store
Corner Square and E. King Sf., Lancaster

i =
[ You Can Have a Sewing Machine for
It is the lowest priced good machine you will find the peer of
maby a higher priced mact ine. Selling so many of them brings
you this splendid machine at a price so low that no family can
afford to be without one any longer, : :
We have sold these in every corner of the county and they |||/
give full satisfaction. Drop head, all attachments, and guaran.
teed. One would make a splendid Christmas gift.
Wheeler & Wilson Rotary “Standard” Rotary
Sewing Manhines $24 Sewing Machine, $25.00

$1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2, $2.50
Do You Know How Servi
able a Coat Sweater Wil
Be This Wintet?
Gray is the
you can have it
red blue
plain blue
Warm Winter Underwear
Such a wide choice is here, in
every kind of which you are
assured of quality, so that
your selection is easy. Nearly
four score kinds, all told-
surely your kind—is here,
Fleeced Garments,
Ribbed Wool
All-Wool or
ments; ribbed,
+ . rw 13 4
Wool Garments; dicated
favorite color;
pl: or with
trimmings; or
white or
.00, $4 00

38¢ and
d ’ black,
Garments (5¢ @3



Gray Coat Sweaters 1.89


1! color: ribbed or flat 01 nmed in od or Bitie.
A $13.75 Value at $10.00
In either Oxford Gray, Tan or Olive, Made of Cravenett
or naturi

1 makes them usd ful on
cloth, cu
clear doy

white and net Waists: or
You'll in any you cheose,
and ecru; lace one
find a bargain
All sizes; in
two of kind one
at $2.98.

Warm Cashmere Gloves, 25 and 59¢c.—>ilk and Fleece-Lined
Gloves: for Fall and Winter; black and colors: 25¢ and 50c¢,
Imported Kid Gloves at $1.00—You may expect a b
Glove than usual at tuis price; fine imported kid; two
black, mode, gray, tan, pearl and brown, $1.00
Cape Kid Gloves, $1.00 and 3 50—O0f )f uxcellen
and in great demand for street wear.
$1.75 French Kid Gloves at $1.50
—The ney. F
this two-clasp Glove; regularly $1.75; at $1.50.
portunity many avail themselves of,

Successors to Williamson’
32 to 38 E. King St.,

Siarhle and Gran
Maytown, Penna. & El
Saturday sure day home at both place
My Line Comprises Ei