ee ndry Tablet ontain Any Acid ues in one operation, thus saving labor two ie and deoderant destroying the disagreeable 1 imparting a freshness and whiteness un knowt the old way. Guaranteed not 10 rot or in jure th . and will save one-half the cost of white wear d of the wash-board. Without a doubt a single trial wil them a hearty endorsement and continued nse of the A sin and contin best and 1 jcient to give them a hearty endorsement It is not a soap but a combination of the 1sing agents known to modern chemistry, ts of Merit 5 g cleaner, quicker and better than is commo ec Nil Joes not interfere with the housework. Simply on anifgboil. 9—It makes the laundry a pure snowy white without the ad- dition of bluinz. 3—Positively no stained, streaky or rotted clothes, 4—1I¢t is a germicide and deoderant killing all germs and un- pleasant odors. 5—It will whiten your bed-spreads, linens, laces and garments that have been yellcwed by age. » 1—It will CAUTION ' Be sure and get the genuine GEM LAUNDRY TABLETS, Accept nosubstitute * as the market is rapidly being flooded with imitations—the sincerest flattery possible to an honest preparation. There is none *‘just as good*’ For Sale by PRICE FIVE CENTS. Cl thirds, odor 'd ® Always ask your grocer for Gem Laundry Tablets. Manufactured only by % Seibert Manufacturing Co. & Corner Mt. Ephraim Ave. and Mechanic St., Camden, N. J. ® If your grocer does not have them send two-cent stamp and we. will ® send FREE sample. 9005000000000 00000000000000000 0000000400000 00000 ©000000000000000000000000000000600000¢ 00D is the only kind I sell—Furniture that is Furniture. Hall Racks Picture Frames Ladies’ Desks Extension & Other Tables, Davenports China Closets, Kitchen Cabinets In fact anything in the Furniture Tine Rockers Mirrors Undertaking and Embalming H.C. BRUNNER MOUNT JOY, PENNA. FEHB HHBHSBADOBHGT Are Coing To Continue oal of me you will certainly have a good comfortable home and after all that’s where the real good times start from. F. H BEAKER Building Slate, Coal and Lumber Opposite Old P. R. R. Depot, MOUNT JOY, PENNA. $8 GEOG G BES OHGEHOS SEO HG \ 0 Kf You Are a Horse Owner We want to remind you that now is the time for you to get your horse ready for the cold weather. We have the largest stock of cold weather cloth- ing for the horse in Lancaster, and our prices are always uniform, Horse Blankets from $1.00 to $9.00 Stable Blankets, from $1.00 to $4.50. LAP ROBES—We have the most attractive robes in the city, made of the best materials. Our prices will surprise you, any pattern imaginable, From $3.00 to $22.00. fof foteteogotetetctototeieiotoled Edward XRreclzel Inancaster. Penna. [————————— The Purchase of a Piano Three cotsiderations only can influence the careful purchaser in his selection of a piaro. 1--Its Musical Qualities 11--Its Durability 111--Its Beauty That the HARDMAN PIANO is musically perfect is a fact which demonstrates itself to the trained musical ear. ® ; That the HARDMAN PIANO retains its sweetness and certainly of tone—that it is durable—is a fact which demonstrates itself 1n the scund of a long used HARDMAN, Kirk Johnson & Co. PIANO AND ORGAN HOUSE 2% W. Kjing St., LANCASTER, PA. HELPFUL You won't tell your family doctor the whole story about your private illness — you are too modest. You need not be afraid to tell Mrs. Pink- ham, at Lynn, Mass., the things you could not explain to the doctor. Your letter will be held in the strictest con- fidence. From her vast correspond- ence with sick women during the past thirty years she may have gained the very knowledge that will help your case. Such lettersas the fol: | lowing, from grateful women, es- | tablish beyond a doubt the power of LYDIA E.PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND | to conquer all female diseases. Mrs. Norman R. Barndt, of Allen- town, Pa., writes: “Ever since I was sixteen years of age I had suffered from an organic de- rangement and female weakness; in | consequence I had dreadful headaches | and was extremely nervous. My physi- cian said I must go through an opera- tion to get well. A friend told me about Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and I took it and wrote you for advice, following your directions carefully, and thanks to you I am to- day a well woman, and I am telling all my friends of my experience.” FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. For thirty years Lydia E. Pink- ham’s Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herbs, has been the standard remedy for female ills and has positively cured thousands of women who have been troubled with displacements, inflammation, ulcera- tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, that bear- ing-down feeling, flatulency, indiges- tion,dizziness,ornervous prostration. These Merchants Are Awake for good And are being amply repaid their “owlishness” by a patronage, though the dull times. J. N. Olweiler, the extensive merchant of Elizabethtown, has an eye to business and is already of- fering to pay Florin people's fare to that town if they buy goods to the amount of $3 at his store. He carries a big line of clothing, hats, shoes, ete. Heinitsh, one of Lancaster city’s foremost furniture dealers, is a new He wants | | advertiser in this issue whatever business fromm our town that goes to Lancaster and acts wisely by using the columns of the paper that actually has the circu- Mortgage Burning Day WHEN HER BACK ACHES | Services appropriate to the oc casion will be held in the U. B.| A Women Kinds All Her Koergy | church at Florin, on Sunday, Sept. and Ambition Slipping Away | 27, when the remaining indebted- | | ness will be paid and the mortgage, Mount Joy women know how the | burned. The following program aches and pains that come when the | will be rendered in charge of the kidpeys fail make life a burden, | pastor Rev. N. L. Linebaugh: Backache, hip pains, headaches, | Sunday School at 9 a. m.; Harry | dizzy Preaching at 10 a. | troubles, all tell sick kidueys and spells, distressing urinary | S. Stoll, Supt. m. ; Rev. J. X Quigley. of Mortgage by the Juniors. Preach | ing, Communion, at 2 p. m.; Rev. | disease. S.C. Enck. ¥. P. CU. Jr. at 0 manently cure all these disorders, 5.45 p. m.; Miss Ada Nissley, Pres.) Here's proof of it in a Mount Joy Y. P.C U. Sr. at 6.30 p. m.; Clar- ence Musselman, Pres. Preaching, .30 p. m.; Rev. Burning | warn you of the stealthy approach of diabetes, dropsy and Bright's Doan’s Kidney Pills per- woman's words: Mrs. L. P’. Heilig, living on Main was Praise Meeting at 7 P. A. Bowman, St., Mount Joy Pa, says: ‘I | troubled with kidney complaint for EE la long time and in spite of the many WEST HEMPFELD Christian Hostetter is at his home. | remedies I used was unable th find relief, I otten suffered so severely from a weak back that I was unable’ quite ill The Mennonites held services at to get around, Added to this Chestnut Hill church on Sunday | trouble were headaches and dizzy forenoon. spells when spots would float before Mr. and Mrs. Martin H. Musser my eyes. 1 bad nearly all the were guests of Henry S. Musser’s ¥ymptoms which accompany kiduey on Sunday evening. miserable, Pills W. Garber’s drug trouble and was feeling cleaning I finally saw Doan’s Kidney agid advertised at E. residence of Benjamin Bricker was seed wheat at the Amos H. Musser near Rohrerstown on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Michael H. of Silver Spring and Mr. and Mrs. store and procured a box, They helped me from the first, the pains were less severe and I was better in Musser every way. [I think Doan’s Kidney Yolin G. Mudser were Lhe puests of Pills a reliable remedy and am glad ! to recommend them to others. For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents, Foster-Milburn Co., Buffa- lo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember Benjamin Bricker’s on Sunday. ce Deeds Recorded The following deeds have been received: Rosalie P. Coleman to the Penn- the name—Doan’s— and take no other. —— — NEWTOWN sylvania Railroad Company, a tract of land in East Donegal, $6.837.50 > Peter Resh and family of Balti- OUR MARKETS 3 : i i ae Wi $ 90 more, visited relativesin these parts LES “3c 1eat @» JUC : BES erin ; : 8 ver Sunday. Butter , . 29¢ Corn . 90¢ 9 ° un i Sn Lard “1l¢ Oats. . . .55¢ Frank Fletcher and femily of Tallow. . . 9c Rye. . 80¢ Maytown, spent Sunday with their Potatoes $0.75 parents in this place Photo Supplies Mrs. Fianna Nissley, David My- ers and Milton Shirk and wife, all of Middletown, were the guests of I have always on hand the most sta— : : Samuel Shenk on Sunday. ple photo supplies that can be had such as Seeds’ D. Plates, Seeds’ Developers Developing Papers, Kodak Films, Brownie Films, Trays, Tripods, Ton ing Solutions, Intensifiers, Velox Li- quid Developer, Emerald Acid, Clean- ing and Hardening Solution, Kodak Tank Developers, Passe-Partout Bind- ing, Flash Powders, Printing Frames, Stereographic Views, soc a Set; Tray Thermometers. W.B.BENDER Shaving Hair Cutting Shampooing E. Main St., Mount Joy Agency for Standard Steam Laundry Misses Susan and Mary Mowrer of Ironville and Harry Seachrist, of West Hempfield, were the guests of A. C. Geltmacher on Sunday. Miss Katie Geltmacher, daughter of the late Jacob Geltmacher de- ceased, left last week for Zanes-| ville, Ohio, where she was married | to William Richardson, a former resident of Middletown. Mr. Rich- ardson is at present employed at the Pipe Mill at Zanesville, where the hippy couple will reside in the future. | —i Special Services at Salunga There will be special services in | the Brethren’s church at Salunga | on Sunday afternoon and evening, | lation it claims. He knows our advertising columns don’t lie On another page of this issue ment of Hager & Bro.. the known dry goods merchants of the county’s metropolis. The ad speaks for itself. is doing around their resorts. If you want more business { Business Man, tell the people what you have thru our columns, then have clerks enough tc date the trade. Sunday School Convention Everything is in readiness for the Mount Joy District Sunday School convention which will be held in the Methodist church in this place, | tomorrow afterncon and evening. | An excellent program has been | prepared. The executive commit- { tee is as follows: H. S. Newcomer, Pres.; H. E. | Ebersole, Vice Pres.;;S. B. Bern- | hart, Sec.; Wm. Tyndall, Treas.; { T. B. Himes, Abraham N. Stauffer, { Thomas J. Brown, Rev. N. L. Lein | bach, Amos F. Eby, W. L. Heisey. | i mien | | Accidents will happen, but, the { best-regulated families keep Dr. i Thomas’ Electric Oil for such emer- ergenies, [t subdues the pain and heals the hurts. For a Neat and Clean Shave, Hair Cut or Shampoo, go to Joseph Hershey Successor to W. W. Strasbach. Fine Tonserial Parler Fast Main Street. Mount Jovy, Pa. A cure guaranteed if you use RS. Suppository D. Matt. Thompson, Sup't writes: I can say Dr. 8S. M. Devore, 4; *‘ They give universal satis. Sold in MY ALL may be found the large advertise- | i widely | Mr. | accommon- | Sept. 27. p. m. and preaching at 7:15 in the | ev. H. B. Hollinger of | the FARA FRAK a. 2. Wiles § 00 * Annville, will be 3 speaker. | . ¥ Lverybody invited. Justice of the Peace i DOL, y Gonzi é I Now will You be Good? and Scrivener % Two young men from our town | to the i were at Columbia Saturday even- i Collection of ¥ ing where they participated in a | ¥ Your Patronage Sol % pugilistic encounter and were ¥ % | pinched. They were later dis- 3 Main Street, rin, Penna. i charged upon payment of costs. ! 3 HAHA HAHA a | Seek HAHAHA | : Seed Wheat . 1 ~ | Choice clean graded Fulecaswer | MADAME JEAN FEY only 'seed wheat for sale, $1.15 per bu. | A Sarr, Cxrraiy ReLike for SUPPRESSED M JATY . Bt. J $ M. Brandt. - NEY facti for $1.00 per b when relieved. ER KNOWN TO FAIL, | f | Will send them on trial, t or | Samples Free. If your drugs \ | Telephone your next order for | | job printing to 860B and get a good | [job at a moderate price. have them send your orders to the UNITED MEDICAL CO., sox 74, LancaSTER, PA. Sold in Mt. Joy by E. W. Garber & J. C. Groff Pennsylvania Railroad Bulletin. FOUNDERS’ WEEK PHILADELPHIA From October 4 to 10 Philadelphia will celebrate the 225th Anniversary of the City’s founding by a series of remarkable | events. : : : On Monday afternoon 25,000 soldiers, sailors, and marines The Police and Fire Departments will parade on will parade. pment from the early Tuesday afternoon, depicting their develo r times. Wednesday afternoon will witness one of the greatest in- dustrial parades ever seen in this country. Over 100 floats will illustrate the evolution of the City’s industries. A great river pageant will be given on Thursday afternoon, in which 500 vessels including United States and foreign warships will partici pate. Fifteen thousand uniformed Red Men with historical floats will parade in the evening. On Friday the first great historical pageant ever given in America, illustrating by 40 floats and 5000 costumed characters the history of Philadelphia, will be the grand climax of the celebration. The P. O. 8. of A. will parade in the evening. Saturday will be devoted to athletics motor races, and Knights Templar parades. The city will be specially illuminated every night and a musical-historical drama “Philadelphia” will be given every evening on Franklin Field. Special tickets to Philadelphia will be sold October 2 to 10, good to return until October 12, at reduced rates; minimum rate $1.00. See Ticket Agents. Children’s meeting at 2 | 3 wi ——> eG Pe Dre 1m yH | —-— | Ww AL LAA N 0000000000000 000000000000000000 Attractive Offerings in Rutumnand Winter Garments latest The stock is brimful of the models in smart Tailored Suits, You cannot fail to find just the Suit you are looking for in such now an aggregation of styles, shapes and materials, gathered from the work- shops of the most expert modelers of the leading cities. Prices are low- er than are usuallv quoted on garments of equal worth, At 12.50 |At$3.95, $4.50 $4.95, and $5.50 in Taffeta The Mousquetaire Sleeve is one of the Stylish Suit, of fine, pin stripe Worsted, in Black, Navy or Brown Coat length, 33 inches. semi-fitting A dozen new models ind satin, on sale this week. double-breast, yelvet collar, slashed back, finished with large buttons. Shirt full circulor flare, with deep "¢W features, Some have fine, hand fold, finished with buttons to match | worked yokes, others are in tailored coat; a man-tailored Suit at $12.50; effects, finished with large buttons, worth all of $17.50. At 15.00 All- Wool Broadcloth, in Navy, Black Brown and Grern; slashed r-¢i (6 nrches long, bound wiih Skinuer’s satin, fold, satin to match coat; : : : choice selection of Waists, Imported | .ace Waists Special attention is invited to a Handsome Suit, of skirt full circular flare, with finished with special price, $15.00, hand-made Lace of our own importation, latest effects from showing the Paris, Prices are obout what you might expect—$5 00 to $10.00 each, 000000000006 000000000000000004 New York Store Corner Square and E. King St., Lancaster ARG ERE CTea £ : The - ia & Rubber = i 1 . 2 -~ i Tire 2 # Season SNS pe ia T 8 > NP wo is about at hand and by all appearances the vehicle without them oN will be a back number this season. SRGOBHHRGHD We put on all sizes on any ve- hicle and do all the work right here in our own shop. We buy our 0, 1 - d1 ~ a z ac : { 1 i ’ 2 rubber direct from the manufacturer, thus saving a middle man’s oF profit and the severest tests have proven that we buy only the best. bo Let us quote riccs before you place your order elsewhere. 0, ~~ 2 YOUNG BROS. Bony tofotetotetototototot: SSH SGOOBBHRRG 250, 25s 4a oe ofelofe] EA = = -1-fetetotoletoteloter PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD 5 3 : I ersonally-Conducted Hxcursions NIAGARA FALLS September 23, & Oct. 7, 1903 Round Trip Rate $9.30 From Mt. Lickets good going on traf leaving 10.39 A. M., connnect Jo z Wit \ I Pull - man Parlor Cars, Dining Car, and Day Coaches running via the FPicturesgue Suscguechanna Valley Froute Tickets good returning on regular trains within FIFTEEN DAYS, including date of excursion Stop-off within limit allowed at Buffalo returning, Illustrated Booklet and full information may be obtained from Ticket Age J. R. WOOD GEO. W Passenger Traffic Manager General 30YD Passenger A Hunting Season Has Opened ! We carry the largest line of Guns in Lancaster. Single and double-barrel. Breech Loaders and all kinds of cuaranteed makes. COME IN AND GET A BOOK OF GAME LAWS Pirosh ¢ Simmons Jewelers & Opticians 20 N. Queen St. Next Door to Shaub & Co. Shoe Store Engle’'s Furmture Warerooms B Mount Jov, Penna. Good Homemade Furniture a Specialty Upholstering Done to Order i Re POPLAR LUMBER FOR SALE IN LOTS TO SUIT THE PURCHASERS. ——e$ ae - Undertaking and Embalming 4 \ ahs -—